Appanoose County, Udell Township BLM-GLO Military Warrant Index

Transcribed by Renee Rimmert 

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Media Source: ======================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================== Accession # Patentee Warrantee Issue Date Warrant Warrantee Service Information Action Land Office Acres Twp./Range Aliquots Section Cancelled Transcriber Notes Number ======================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================== MW-0723-239 Bagley, David Wood, Benoni P. 11/9/1853 58864 Deceased Private, Captain Norris' company, Tippecanoe War Fairfield 40 070N - 016W NE¼SE¼ 26 No Wood, Priscilla Indiana Militia MW-0728-363 Bagley, David Marshall, Joshua 12/10/1853 19899 Private, Captain Leslie's company, War of 1812 Fairfield 40 070N - 016W NE¼NE¼ 35 No Maryland Militia MW-0649-016 Baker, William Baker, William 1/1/1853 40815 Private, Captain Gibson's company, Florida War Fairfield 40 069N - 016W NW¼NW¼ 10 No South Carolina Volunteers MW-1049-327 Barnhouse, David Hedgender, John 4/3/1851 65845 Drummer, United States Marines Fairfield 160 069N - 016W S½NW¼ 8 No 069N - 016W N½SW¼ 8 MW-1049-325 Bickford, Sumner M. McNair, James 4/3/1851 58611 Deceased Private, Capain Paul's company, Fairfield 160 069N - 016W W½SW¼ 4 No McNair, James, Sr. 1st Regiment, Massachusetts Volunteers 069N - 016W E½SE¼ 5 Noyes, George F. MW-1081-225 Blakesley, Obadiah Bass, George W. 8/1/1851 56266 Private, Captain Moses' company, 1st Regiment, Fairfield 160 069N - 016W SW¼ 5 No Illinois Volunteers MW-0691-092 Brazelton, William P. Bingamen, Henry 4/15/1853 8023 Private, Captain Davidson's company, 6th Regiment, War of 1812 Fairfield 40 070N - 016W NE¼SE¼ 28 No Kentucky Volunteers MW-0723-011 Brazelton, William P. Dole, Joseph 11/9/1853 31335 Private, Captain Kane's company, Ohio Volunteers War of 1812 Fairfield 40 070N - 016W NE¼SW¼ 27 No MW-0643-154 Brenton, Joseph Brenton, Joseph 12/10/1852 308 Private, Lieutenant Robertson's company, War of 1812 Fairfield 40 069N - 016W SE¼SW¼ 18 No 3rd Regiment, Kentucky Militia MW-0620-293 Brown, Barbara Brown, John 6/10/1852 38936 Deceased Private, Captain Lynn's company, War of 1812 Fairfield 40 070N - 016W SE¼NE¼ 36 No Virginia Militia MW-1081-222 Clancy, John W. Holder, William 8/1/1851 25417 Private, Captain Wofford's company, Fairfield 169.85 069N - 016W NW¼ 5 No Battalion Georgia Mounted Volunteers MW-1049-326 Crow, William Auson, Frederick 4/3/1851 29011 Late a Private, Captain Leefeldt's company, Fairfield 160 069N - 016W W½NE¼ 10 No 3rd Battalion, Louisiana Foot Volunteers 069N - 016W E½NW¼ 10 MW-0615-282 Crown, Andrew Crown, Andrew 4/1/1852 3444 Private, Captain Payton's company, 8th Regiment, Florida War Fairfield 160 069N - 016W E½NW¼ 13 No United States Infantry 069N - 016W SW¼NW¼ 13 069N - 016W NW¼SW¼ 13 MW-1095-200 Davis, Lewis B. Thomas, Jonathan 2/2/1852 61217 Late a Private, Company J, 2nd Regiment, Fairfield 160 069N - 016W S½NE¼ 14 No Thomas, William Ohio Volunteers 069N - 016W N½SE¼ 14 Thomas, Christiana Burhans, Sarah Thomas, Elizabeth Thomas, John M. Thomas, Rebecca E. Thomas, Permelia H. MW-1081-230 Dean, Levi Welsh, John 8/1/1851 53907 Private, Captain Jones' company, Battalion Fairfield 171.2 069N - 016W NW¼ 4 No Missouri Mounted Volunteers MW-1016-022 Dean, Levin Senour, Hiram 9/5/1850 34092 Late a Sergeant, Captain McCreery's company, Fairfield 160 070N - 016W W½NW¼ 33 No 4th Regiment, Kentucky Volunteers 070N - 016W W½SW¼ 33 MW-1013-020 Dougherty, William Batemen, James C. 9/5/1850 8679 Late a Private, Captain Hick's company, Fairfield 160 070N - 016W N½SE¼ 29 No Dougherty, James 3rd Regiment, Illinois Volunteers 070N - 016W N½SW¼ 29 MW-1069-340 Eaton, Elizabeth Henryhan, Timothy 6/10/1851 26107 Late a Private, Captain Porter's company, Fairfield 160 070N - 016W SW¼NE¼ 32 No 2nd Regiment, Pensylvania Volunteers 070N - 016W NW¼SE¼ 32 070N - 016W E½SE¼ 32 MW-0664-496 Eckert, David E. Merritt, Spencer 4/22/1853 13499 Private, Captain Vansant's company, War of 1812 Fairfield 44.91 069N - 016W NE¼NE¼ 6 No 33rd Regiment, Maryland Militia MW-1055-130 Ewing, James Green, William A. 3/10/1851 56258 Private, Captain Williams' company, 3rd Regiment, Fairfield 171.92 069N - 016W NE¼ 4 No Tennessee Volunteers MW-0723-425 Foster, Hamilton Hillman, Georg 11/9/1853 7219 Private, Captain Boulston's company, ? Militia War of 1812 Fairfield 40 070N - 016W SE¼SW¼ 26 No MW-1085-085 Good, Abraham Morgan, Micajah 9/1/1851 66466 Private, United States Marines Fairfield 160 069N - 016W NE¼SW¼ 6 No 069N - 016W W½SE¼ 6 069N - 016W NW¼NE¼ 7 MW-1088-118 Good, Abraham Preston, Leander 9/1/1851 46476 Deceased Private, Captain Allen's company, Fairfield 167.15 069N - 016W NW¼ 18 No Prestion, Reuben 3rd Regiment, Ohio Volunteers MW-1088-136 Good, Abraham Laurens, John B. 9/1/1851 51661 Late a Private, Captain Porter's company, Fairfield 171.07 069N - 016W W½SW¼ 6 No United States Mounted Riflemen 069N - 016W N½NW¼ 7 MW-1088-117 Hamilton, William L. Bretell, Augustus 9/1/1851 50053 Sergeant, Captain Fairchild's company, Fairfield 160 069N - 016W NE¼SE¼ 10 No 2nd Regiment, New York Volunteers 069N - 016W N½SW¼ 11 069N - 016W SW¼NW¼ 11 MW-0638-203 Hartsook, Peter Hartsook, Peter 11/1/1852 174 Private, Captain Kirk's company, 5th Regiment, War of 1812 Fairfield 40 069N - 016W NW¼NW¼ 13 No Virginia Volunteers MW-1016-321 Haynes, Peril C. Haynes, James R. 1/1/1851 10507 Deceased Sergeant, Captain Hayne's company, Fairfield 160 070N - 016W NW¼ 32 No Haynes, James S. 1st Regiment, Tennessee Cavalry MW-1027-304 Haynes, Peril C. Luker, Levi 1/6/1851 68109 Private, Captain Haynes' company, 1st Regiment, Fairfield 160 069N - 016W S½SW¼ 8 No Tennessee Cavalry 069N - 016W N½NW¼ 17 MW-1049-347 Henn, Bernhart Haffron, Patrick 4/3/1851 36996 Late a Private, Captain Carr's company, Fairfield 160 069N - 016W E½SE¼ 8 No 11th Regiment, United States Infantry 069N - 016W E½NE¼ 17 MW-1070-184 Henn, Bernhart Cole, Robert 7/1/1851 6899 Late a Private, Captain Corders' company, Fairfield 166.17 069N - 016W E½NE¼ 3 No 2nd Regiment, Illinois Volunteers 070N - 016W SE¼SE¼ 34 070N - 016W SW¼SW¼ 35 MW-1081-120 Henn, Bernhart Mellon, Henry 8/1/1851 38425 Late a Private, Captain Brown's company, Fairfield 160 069N - 016W NE¼ 9 No 4th Regiment, United States Artillery MW-1049-402 Higinbotham, George M. Gray, William A. 4/3/1851 39824 Late a Private, Captain Blair's company, Fairfield 167.45* 069N - 016W NE¼SW¼ 18 *total acreage, remainder of acreage in Douglas twp. 1st Regiment, Unites States Voltigeurs 069N - 016W W½SW¼ 18 MW-1053-272 Hopkins, Adam Gibson, John M. 5/20/1851 24707 Private, Captain Mace's company, 1st Regiment, Fairfield 160 069N - 016W SW¼ 14 No Louisiana Volunteers MW-0894-402 Hubler, Solomon Elliott, Philip 1/15/1856 93857 Private, Captain Lawson's company, Virginia Militia War of 1812 Fairfield 40 070N - 016W SW¼SW¼ 28 No MW-0675-316 Lamson, Ward Harwood, Benjamin R. 5/7/1853 67733 Private, Captain Gilbert's company, War of 1812 Fairfield 40 070N - 016W NW¼NE¼ 32 No Massachusetts Militia MW-0723-248 Lamson, Ward Wright, Richard 11/9/1853 16986 Deceased Private, Captain Albun's company, War of 1812 Fairfield 80 070N - 016W E½SW¼ 36 No Wright, Mary 1st Regiment, Ohio Militia MW-0831-030 Lamson, Ward Lane, John J. 10/2/1854 66216 Private, Captain Shackford's company, War of 1812 Fairfield 40 070N - 016W SW¼NE¼ 35 No New Hampshire Militia MW-1053-201 Lamson, Ward Ohler, John F. 5/8/1851 62209 Late a Private, Captain Barnard's company, Fairfield 160 069N - 016W SE¼ 9 No Regiment United States Voltigeuers MW-1053-232 Lamson, Ward Beaty, Robert 5/20/1851 50995 Late a Private, Captain Vandletre's company, Fairfield 166.02 069N - 016W E½NW¼ 3 No 2nd Regiment, Ohio Volunteers 069N - 016W SW¼NW¼ 3 069N - 016W NW¼SW¼ 3 MW-1070-448 Lamson, Ward Ames, David 9/1/1851 42191 Private, Captain Fitzgibbons' company, 4th Regiment, Fairfield 160 069N - 016W E½SE¼ 2 No Indiana Foot Volunteers 069N - 016W NW¼SE¼ 2 069N - 016W NE¼SW¼ 2 MW-1078-367 Lamson, Ward McNeill, Standfield P. 9/1/1851 38968 Private, Captain Morgan's company, Fairfield 160 069N - 016W NE¼ 18 No Iowa Mounted Volunteers MW-1078-403 Lamson, Ward Richards, William 9/1/1851 24238 Late a Private, Captain Duggan's company, Fairfield 160 069N - 016W SW¼SE¼ 2 No 1st Regiment, North Carolina Volunteers 069N - 016W W½NE¼ 11 069N - 016W NE¼NE¼ 11 MW-1078-458 Lamson, Ward Fleming, John 9/1/1851 61565 Private, Captain Anthony's company, 12th Regiment, Fairfield 160 069N - 016W S½NE¼ 12 No United States Infantry 069N - 016W E½NW¼ 12 MW-1078-459 Lamson, Ward Rinehardt, Michael 9/1/1851 40464 Private, Captain Richmond's company, 4th Regiment, Fairfield 160 069N - 016W W½SW¼ 12 No Ohio Volunteers 069N - 016W SE¼SE¼ 11 069N - 016W NE¼NE¼ 14 MW-1098-005 Lamson, Ward Bigelow, William H. 6/1/1852 50832 Private, Captain Corwinshield's company, Fairfield 161.06 069N - 015W NW¼NW¼ 18* No *in Davis County 1st Regiment, Massachusetts Volunteers 069N - 016W E½NE¼ 13 069N - 016W SW¼NE¼ 13 MW-0638-210 Lamson, Ward Daley, Asa 11/1/1852 13827 Private, Captain Moss' company, New York Militia War of 1812 Fairfield 80 069N - 016W W½SE¼ 7 No MW-0723-189 Lamson, Ward Randall, Jonathan G. 11/9/1853 9101 Second Sergeant, Captain Hollingsworth's company, Black Hawk War Fairfield 46.57 069N - 016W NW¼NE¼ 1 No 4th Regiment, Illinois Volunteers MW-1078-348 Locker, John Miller, Pearson 9/1/1851 27510 Late a Private, Captain Serven's company, Fairfield 160* 069N - 016W E½SW¼ 13 Yes *total acreage, remainder of acreage in Washington twp. 8th Regiment, United States Infantry MW-1027-439 Lose, Levi Hightower, Wiley W. 1/6/1851 58625 Private, Captain Williams' company, 3rd Regiment, Fairfield 172.42 069N - 016W NW¼ 2 No Tennessee Volunteers MW-1062-486 McNamee, Amzi Dant, William T. 5/1/1851 27544 Late a Private, Captain Thift's company, Fairfield 163.69 069N - 016W S½NW¼ 7 No Stewart, Williams 1st Regiment, Virginia Volunteers 069N - 016W E½SW¼ 7 MW-0597-436 McVey, William McVey, William 10/1/1851 8700 Private, Captain McCreary's company, Ohio Militia War of 1812 Fairfield 40 069N - 016W NW¼NE¼ 17 No MW-1029-109 Miller, Henry Robinson, Thornton A. 12/20/1850 23701 Private, Captain Conn's company, 4th Regiment, Fairfield 160 069N - 016W S½NE¼ 7 No Thomasson, William P. Kentucky Volunteers 069N - 016W E½SE¼ 7 MW-1023-212 Miller, John Abbott, William H. 1/6/1851 29309 Late a Private, Captain Keating's company, Fairfield 160 070N - 016W NW¼NE¼ 34 No Thomasson, William P. 4th Regiment, Kentucky Volunteers 070N - 016W NE¼NW¼ 34 070N - 016W W½NW¼ 34 MW-1025-180 Miller, John Hicks, Edwin 1/4/1851 22554 Late a Private, Captain Caldwell's company, Fairfield 160 070N - 016W SW¼NE¼ 34 No 3rd Regiment, Kentucky Foot Volunteers 070N - 016W SE¼NW¼ 34 070N - 016W E½SW¼ 34 MW-1088-134 Miller, John Follis, William R. 9/1/1851 53495 Sergeant, Captain Haynes' company, Fairfield 160 069N - 016W N½SE¼ 4 No Regiment Mounted Tennessee Volunteers 069N - 016W E½SW¼ 4 MW-1103-169 Morgan, Samuel Hutchings, John M. 1/10/1853 10014 Private, Captain Sanderson's company, Fairfield 160 070N - 016W SW¼ 25 No 2nd Regiment, Indiana Volunteers MW-1026-059 Morison, Andrew Greer, James P. 12/20/1850 46738 Late a Private, Captain Fowlke's company, Fairfield 160 070N - 016W S½SE¼ 33 No 3rd Regiment, Tennessee Volunteers 070N - 016W W½SW¼ 34 MW-0041-053 Murphy, John H. Blair, Irwin 1/15/1856 16013 Private, Captain Dennison's company, War of 1812 Fairfield 120 070N - 016W W½SW¼ 36 No Williams, J. Wilson Pennsylvania Militia 070N - 016W SW¼NW¼ 36 MW-0041-054 Murphy, John H. Vaughan, John 1/15/1856 6487 Private, Captain Lumpkin's company, Georgia Militia Creek War Fairfield 80 070N - 016W N½SE¼ 36 No Williams, J. Wilson MW-1016-244 O'Neil, George W. Hill, Elijah 1/1/1851 28087 Private, Captain Davis' company, 1st Regiment, Fairfield 160* 070N - 016W NW¼SW¼ 27 *total acreage, remainder of acreage in Union twp. Massachusetts Volunteers MW-1029-431 Peck, Rufus A. Ellicott, James 12/20/1850 37638 Late a Private, Captain Steptoe's company, Fairfield 160 069N - 016W SE¼SE¼ 6 No 3rd Regiment, United States Artillery 069N - 016W NE¼NE¼ 7 069N - 016W N½NW¼ 8 MW-1029-408 Phelps, Epaphras H. Holley, Henry C. 12/20/1850 31072 Private, Captain Smith's company, 1st Regiment, Fairfield 160 069N - 016W SE¼ 18 No Illinois Volunteers MW-1029-417 Phelps, Epaphras H. Wise, Jacob 12/20/1850 34107 Late a Private, Captain Hatton's company, Fairfield 167.15* 069N - 016W W½SW¼ 7 No *total acreage, remainder of acreage in Douglas twp. 3rd Regiment, Tennessee Volunteers MW-1053-237 Phelps, Epaphras H. Lane, James H. 5/20/1851 24377 Late a Corporal, Captain Acker's company, Fairfield 173.14 069N - 016W NE¼ 2 No 2nd Regiment, Mississisppi Volunteers MW-0365-286 Pilkington, Richard Young, Joseph 8/15/1860 19522 Private, Captain Liken's company, Alabama Militia Cherokee War Chariton 80 070N - 016W N½SW¼ 35 No Lawson, Ward MW-0365-153 Richeson, Thomas Prince, Nicholas 8/15/1860 11053 Deceased Private Revolutionary War Chariton 160 070N - 016W W½SE¼ 25 No Prince, Nancy 070N - 016W SE¼SE¼ 25 Lamson, Ward 070N - 016W NE¼NE¼ 36 MW-1088-135 Riggs, Elizabeth Neal, James 9/1/1851 47436 Private, Captain Reese's company, 5th Regiment, Fairfield 160 069N - 016W SW¼SW¼ 2 No Tennessee Volunteers 069N - 016W E½SE¼ 3 069N - 016W SW¼SE¼ 3 MW-1016-319 Sawyers, Elisha Steele, William C. 1/1/1851 21096 Late a Private, Captain Haynes' company, Fairfield 160* 070N - 016W W½SE¼ 28 No *total acreage, remainder of acreage in Union twp. 1st Regiment, Tennessee Cavalry MW-1016-320 Sawyers, Elisha Park, Archable or Archibald 1/1/1851 47784 Late a Private, Captain Chamblis' company, Fairfield 160 070N - 016W E½NW¼ 33 No 3rd Regiment, Tennessee Volunteers 070N - 016W E½SW¼ 33 MW-1041-473 Shaffer, Peter J. Bradley, Robert W. 6/3/1851 25716 Late a Private, Captain Cox's company, Fairfield 160 069N - 016W SE¼SW¼ 2 No 3rd Regiment, Kentucky Volunteers 069N - 016W E½NW¼ 11 069N - 016W NW¼NW¼ 11 MW-1070-158 Shaffer, Peter J. Fisher, Henry B. 7/1/1851 61281 Deceased Private, Company M, 3rd Regiment, Fairfield 160 069N - 016W W½SE¼ 11 No Fisher, Joseph United States Artillery 069N - 016W S½SW¼ 11 MW-1027-302 Shuck, Martin J. Smith, James J. 1/6/1851 13532 Private, Captain Sanderson's company, Fairfield 160 069N - 016W SE¼NE¼ 11 No 2nd Regiment, Indiana Volunteers 069N - 016W NE¼SE¼ 11 069N - 016W W½NW¼ 12 MW-0583-204 Staley, Joel Chadborn, John W. 3/1/1855 1995 Private, Captain Elden's company, Maine Militia War of 1812 Fairfield 45.95 069N - 016W NW¼NW¼ 3 No MW-1052-213 Staley, Joel Parr, Morgan 5/10/1851 20134 Deceased Private, Captain Crawford's company, Fairfield 160 070N - 016W SE¼ 27 No Parr, Enoch 1st Regiment, Indiana Volunteers MW-1049-458 Swank, William McDonnell, Isaac 4/3/1851 38403 Private, Captain Austine's company, 3rd Regiment, Fairfield 160 069N - 016W E½NE¼ 8 No United States Artillery 069N - 016W SW¼NE¼ 8 069N - 016W SW¼NW¼ 9 MW-1082-314 Swank, William Galloway, David R. S. C. 9/1/1851 43568 Private, Captain Fitzhugh's company, Texas Rangers Fairfield 160 070N - 016W SE¼SE¼ 26 No 070N - 016W W½SE¼ 26 070N - 016W NE¼SW¼ 26 MW-1029-429 Taylor, Ebenezer Vanzandt, George W. 12/20/1850 28659 Late a Private, Captain Wade's company, Fairfield 160 069N - 016W SE¼ 1 No 3rd Regiment, United States Artillery MW-1070-484 Taylor, William Ramsey, Josiah 9/1/1851 19644 Private, Captain Evans' company, 1st Regiment, Fairfield 160* 069N - 016W SW¼SE¼ 13 No *total acreage, remainder of acreage in Washington twp. Tennessee Cavalry MW-1074-150 Taylor, William J. Murray, William M. 7/10/1851 35065 Private, Captain Hall's company, 1st Regiment, Fairfield 160.63 *069N - 015W NW¼SW¼ 7 No *in Davis County New York Volunteers 069N - 016W N½SE¼ 12 069N - 016W NE¼SW¼ 12 MW-1078-378 White, Elias A. Moore, Robert W. 9/1/1851 40992 Private, Captain Howard's company, Fairfield 160* 069N - 016W E½SE¼ 13 No *total acreage, remainder of acreage in Washington twp. Regiment United States Voltigeurs 069N - 016W NW¼SE¼ 13 MW-0728-012 White, Miles Clark, Michael R. 12/10/1853 10147 Lieutenant, Captain Desausure's company, Mexican War Fairfield 160 069N - 016W NW¼ 14 No South Carolina Volunteers MW-0749-312 White, Miles Thompson, William 1/10/1854 37385 Deceased Private, Captain Swain's company, War of 1812 Fairfield 40 070N - 016W SW¼SW¼ 27 No Thompson, Rebecca New Jersey Militia MW-0749-313 White, Miles Brown, David 1/10/1854 45958 Private, Captain Simmons' company, 32nd Regiment, War of 1812 Fairfield 40 070N - 016W NW¼NW¼ 35 No Maryland Militia MW-1043-049 White, William Wallace Van Helm Romain, Paul 3/25/1851 44127 Deceased Sergeant, Company B, 2nd Regiment, Fairfield 160 069N - 016W NW¼ 15 No Van Helm Romain, Barbara New York Infantry MW-1043-058 White, William Wallace McNiel, James N. 3/25/1851 51228 Late a Private, Captain Campbell's company, Fairfield 160 069N - 016W W½SE¼ 10 No 11th Regiment, United States Infantry 069N - 016W W½NE¼ 15 MW-1043-061 White, William Wallace Gaska, Andrew J. 3/25/1851 19900 Private, Captain Lomax's company, 1st Battalion, Fairfield 160 069N - 016W SW¼ 9 No Alabama Volunteers MW-1063-200 White, William Wallace Williams, James 6/18/1851 66768 Private, Company A, 3rd Regiment, Fairfield 160 069N - 016W SE¼SE¼ 10 No United States Artillery 069N - 016W E½NE¼ 15 069N - 016W NE¼SE¼ 15 MW-1063-205 White, William Wallace Bean, Irwin 6/18/1851 41740 Sergeant, Captain Hill's company, 1st Regiment, Fairfield 160 069N - 016W SW¼ 10 No Pennsylvania Volunteers MW-1078-478 White, William Wallace Mansen, Henry 9/1/1851 20664 Private, Regiment of United States Voltiguers Fairfield 160 069N - 016W NW¼SE¼ 15 No 069N - 016W NE¼SW¼ 15 069N - 016W W½SW¼ 15 MW-0597-472 Willey, Elam Willey, Elam 10/1/1851 4480 Private, Captain Biggers' company, Indiana Militia War of 1812 Fairfield 160* 069N - 016W S½SE¼ 17 No *total acreage, remainder of acreage in Washington twp. MW-0645-495 Willey, Elam Ogden, Thomas 5/10/1853 17614 Drummer, Captain Cullum's company, Ohio Militia War of 1812 Fairfield 40 069N - 016W SE¼NW¼ 6 No MW-0693-082 Williams, Jesse Roberts, Elihu 4/15/1853 35962 Private, Captain Weble's company, 1st Regiment, War of 1812 Fairfield 40 069N - 016W SE¼SE¼ 15 No Connecticut Militia MW-0723-047 Williams, Jesse Zeigler, Philip 11/9/1853 62639 Private, Captain Shriver's company, War of 1812 Fairfield 40 070N - 016W NW¼SW¼ 32 No Pennsylvania Militia MW-0749-311 Williams, Jesse Williamson, Charles 1/10/1854 14166 Private, Captain Bameth's company, War of 1812 Fairfield 80* 069N - 016W SE¼SW¼ 15 No *total acreage, remainder of acreage in Union twp. 1st Regiment Virginia Militia MW-0894-382 Williams, Jesse Jones, Snow 1/15/1856 43667 Private, Captain Reddin's company, 7th Regiment, War of 1812 Fairfield 80* 070N - 016W NW¼SW¼ 28 No *total acreage, remainder of acreage in Washington twp. Delaware Militia MW-0888-249 Williams, Jesse Marshall, James 12/1/1855 96970 Deceased Captain, Georgia Militia War of 1812 Fairfield 40 069N - 016W NW¼NE¼ 13 No Marshall, Mary M. MW-1093-088 Williams, Jesse Mayberry, William B. 11/10/1851 43868 Late a Fifer, Battalion United States Marine Corps Fairfield 160.85 *069N - 015W S½SW¼ 7 No *in Davis county 069N - 016W S½SE¼ 12 MW-1102-227 Wood, James N. Burns, James A. 12/8/1852 7505 Private, Captain Gibson's company, 3rd Regiment, Fairfield 160* 069N - 016W SE¼SW¼ 17 No *total acreage, remainder of acreage in Washington twp. Indiana Volunteers MW-1049-354 Wood, John Wood, John 4/3/1851 8796 Private, Captain Gibson's company, 3rd Regiment, Fairfield 160 069N - 016W SW¼NE¼ 17 No Indiana Volunteers 069N - 016W SE¼NW¼ 17 069N - 016W N½SE¼ 17 MW-1049-377 Wood, John Wood, John 4/3/1851 38607 Late a Sergeant, Captain Green's company, Fairfield 160 069N - 016W SW¼NW¼ 17 No 5th Regiment, Indiana Volunteers 069N - 016W NE¼SW¼ 17 069N - 016W W½SW¼ 17 MW-1089-136 Woods, Samuel W. Bauder, Jerome 10/1/1851 23083 Late a Corporal, Captain Cady's company, Fairfield 160 070N - 016W SE¼SE¼ 28 No 6th Regiment, United States Infantry 070N - 016W N½NE¼ 33 070N - 016W SW¼NE¼ 33

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