Worth County IAGenWeb

Postmasters of Worth County, Iowa

BOLAN – established as a post office February 19, 1886, discontinued July 29, 1935 and mail sent to Kensett
Postmasters & Appointment Dates:
John H. Wambeam, February 19, 1886
Peter G. Klinefelter, November 12, 1890
August D. Krusemark, May 5, 1892
William H. Whitcome, March 28, 1896
Frank L. Benish, October 30, 1902
John R. Benish, April 25, 1912
Minerva E. Jamison, April 7, 1922
Leonard W. Birdsall (Acting Postmaster), February 17, 1923
Leonard W. Birdsall, May 14, 1923

BRISTOL – established as a post office  October 30, 1857, discontinued December 31, 1902 and mail sent to Lake Mills
Postmasters & Appointment Dates:
James Keeler, October 30, 1857
Benjamin K. Walker, January 7, 1858
Theron E. Wright, October 15, 1869
Benjamin Bloker, June 12, 1874
O. D. Eno, March 29, 1875
Henry W. Keeler, December 17, 1875
George Platts, November 12, 1878
Roderick V. Greeley, June 22, 1888
J. W. Chapman, August 4, 1890
James H. Ketterman, August 20, 1891
Benjamin Sewill, December 14, 1892
Silas P. Platts, April 26, 1894
Zenas W. Chapman, October 10, 1894
William Pangburn, October 28, 1898
Zenas W. Chapman, November 16, 1899
S. H. Platts, January 20, 1902

DEER CREEK – established as a post office March 7, 1890, discontinued December 14, 1907 and mail sent to Northwood
Postmasters & Appointment Dates:
Iver Hendrickson, March 7, 1890
Nils Davidson, June 10, 1891
Christ W. Blessrud, May 3, 1895
Andrew Anderson, May 6, 1898
Mathias J. Rohne, September 1, 1899

ELK CREEK – established as a post office May 27, 1890, discontinued May 15, 1900 and mail sent to Tenold
Postmasters & Appointment Dates:
Andrew Henryson, May 27, 1890
Andrew O. Harmon, November 14, 1895

Fern was established as a post office February 18, 1889, but name changed to Polo Station June 28, 1889 and later changed to Glade November 22, 1900. It was discontinued as a post office March 21, 1904 and mail sent to Manly.
Postmasters & Appointment Dates:
Charles F. Jewett, February 18, 1889
Charles F. Jewett, June 28, 1889
Charles F. Jewett, November 22, 1890

FERTILE – established as a post office December 10, 1869. Converted to a remotely managed post office at Clear Lake on March 9, 2013.
Postmasters & Appointment Dates:
William Rhodes, December 10, 1869
Ole Ouverson, November 27, 1873
Andrew A. Grove, November 30, 1875
Ole Ouverson, December 24, 1883
Andrew A. Grove, July 13, 1885
Norman W. Phillips, February 2, 1892
Halvor Ouverson, February 7, 1894
William G. Winter, March 26, 1898
Peter A. Grove, March 25, 1902
James W. Kirk, March 27, 1903
Henry O. Rholl, December 24, 1906
Charles E. Eikenbary, September 9, 1914
Anna M. Eikenbary, September 30, 1944
Thelan A. Elthon, September 30, 1959
James R. Purcell, September 1, 1961
Juanita Maxine Scobee, May 1, 1979
Thomas O. Hagen, September 29, 1988
Bonnie E. Beck, January 28, 1989
Shari L. Hoffman, May 13, 1996
Sarah M. Morse, August 17, 1996
Shari L. Hoffman, February 26, 1999
Danny D. Miller, June 19, 1999
Shari L. Hoffman, October 11, 2012

GRAFTON – established as a post office March 26, 1878. Converted to a remotely managed post office at Saint Ansgar January 12, 2013.
Postmasters & Appointment Dates:
James K. Sherman, March 26, 1878
Linus G. Thompson, March 30, 1892
Charles Christians, August 7, 1893
George Swallow, August 31, 1897
Christian Walk, September 13, 1900
Harman A. Walk, May 22, 1909
Charles F. Christians, August 17, 1914
Harry W. Christians, April 1, 1935
Pearl K. White, October 31, 1969
Mildred E. Staff, January 14, 1977
Randy W. Adams, September 29, 1988
Lisa Chisholm, October 14, 1988
Herbert L. Copley, December 27, 1988
Richard J. Aguilera, January 28, 1989
Mary Reyerson, September 5, 2006
Debra Steffen, November 16, 2006
Lois N. Meyer, July 7, 2007
Wendy S. Lunning, August 29, 2011

HANLONTOWN – established as a post office December 11, 1899. Converted to a remotely managed post office at Clear Lake, April 20, 2013.
Postmasters & Appointment Dates:
Arne O. Rye, December 11, 1899
Amy D. Phillips, February 27, 1906
Emma W. Masoner, October 18, 1907
Henry K. Anderson, August 2, 1915
Myrtle M. McNelly, May 2, 1919
Norma I. Carr, September 21, 1940
Mabel I. Olson, May 23, 1941
Mabel O. Quisling, March 3, 1944 (name changed March 3, 1944)
Gladys D. Field, October 11, 1974
David W. Kane, February 1, 1975
Gladys D. Field, July 16, 1976
Grace L. Tenold, August 2, 1976
Thomas A. Schmidt, March 26, 1977
Sherrill Engebretson, March 13, 1984
Robert E. Garnas, July 6, 1984
Joleene Moretz, January 31, 2008

HANSON – established as a post office February 16, 1900, discontinued April 30, 1900 and mail sent to Nordland
Postmasters & Appointment Dates:
Svenning S. Hanson, February 16, 1900

HARTLAND – established as a post office in 1860 and discontinued July 21, 1875
Postmasters & Appointment Dates:
William H. Russell, March 23, 1860
William H. Perkins, October 28, 1864
William H. Russell, March 19, 1869
Chester Wright, June 25, 1873

HIRONDELLE – established as a post office June 28, 1880, discontinued October 24, 1887 and mail sent to Nordland. Re-established May 22, 1888 and discontinued June 15, 1900 with mail sent to Hanlontown
Postmasters & Appointment Dates:
Julia M. Long, June 28, 1880
George F. Snell, January 29, 1886
Jennie M. Crowell, July 19, 1887
Oley Benson, May 22, 1888
Thomas J. Thompson, April 10, 1893
I. C. Benson, [no date given]
Ole Benson, July 1, 1897

JOICE – established as a post office March 6, 1900. Converted to a remotely managed post office at Lake Mills January 10, 2015.
Postmasters & Appointment Dates:
Alf. O. Bakken, March 6, 1900
Clarence G. Uren, July 26, 1900
Christian A. Ingwell, August 15, 1900
Albert T. Hess, July 6, 1908
Martin O. Evans (Acting Postmaster), July 5, 1916
Martin O. Evans, March 19, 1917
Walter G. Felland, January 17, 1934
John Field, November 25, 1940
Ernest H. Brunsvold, July 21, 1941
Ola G. Randall, October 27, 1942
Ernest H. Brunsvold, November 16, 1944
Ola G. Randall, August 7, 1952
James Emerson Evans, June 22, 1953
Dorothy A. Hagen, January 14, 1981
Mardene S. Lien, November 3, 1995

KENSETT – established as a post office January 12, 1875. Converted to a remotely managed post office at Northwood April 6, 2013.
Postmasters & Appointment Dates:
Cleophas Cleophas, January 12, 1875
Arne T. Gordon, September 8, 1888
Edwin Cleophas, October 24, 1889
Sarah Finch, October 14, 1893
Sara Haugen, February 2, 1895
George C. Poisal, May 14, 1898
Mary E. Poisal, July 29, 1899
Andrew H. Bjorgo, January 14, 1900
Bret finch, September 25, 1913
Harvey S. Bliss, June 27, 1918
Gertrude Bjorgo, September 30, 1931
Fritz H. Schulte, February 24, 1932
Otto O. Ostby, June 9, 1949
James R. Enright, September 29, 1978
Grace L. Tenold, April 7, 1979
Kathy A. Heatherton, October 30, 1987
Noreen Everding, February 17, 1988
Barbara A. Murphy, March 12, 1988
Kathy A. Johnson, June 26, 2002
Vicky L. Smith,    May 9, 2008
Bonnie L. Meinders, December 16, 2008
Shanna A. Rayburn, March 25, 2010
Virginia M. Thompson, November 22, 2011
Karl J. Nedved, September 10, 2012
Virginia Thompson, November 29, 2012

LANSRUD – established as a post office June 20, 1899, discontinued August 30, 1902 and mail sent to Lake Mills
Postmaster & Appointment Dates:
Endre A. Lansrud, June 20, 1899
Lalla Lansrud, April 5, 1901

LARK – established as a post office July 25, 1884 and discontinued March 5, 1887.  Re-established June 28, 1889 and discontinued February 28, 1903 with mail sent to Joice
Postmasters & Appointment Dates:
Simon Larson, July 25, 1884
Robert Johnson, November 15, 1886
Sena Larson, June 28, 1889
Telly J. Ramsy, December 20, 1894
Nils W. Egge, June 4, 1896

LENA – established as a post office June 19, 1858 and discontinued April 6, 1859
Darius Sardiner, June 19, 1858

LENI – established August 24, 1869 and discontinued September 20, 1869
Postmasters & Appointment Dates:
Darius Gardner, August 24, 1869

MANLY JUNCTION - MANLY – established as a post office September 6, 1877, name changed to Manly June 14, 1883. Converted to a remotely managed post office at Mason City on January 12, 2013.
Postmasters & Appointment Dates:
Arthur W. Harris, September 6, 1877
Henry W. Keeler, June 19, 1881
Henry W. Keeler, June 14, 1883
Donald A. Mitchell, February 27, 1886
Daniel D. Knowles, May 28, 1889
Royal G. Mitchell, July 26, 1893
Gilbert P. McKercher, June 14, 1897
William D. McKercher, June 21, 1906
Royal G. Mitchell, February 2, 1914
Edward D. Reindl, June 4, 1920
Elmer H. Walter, December 20, 1928
Rush A. Culver (Acting Postmaster), June 30, 1930
Rush A. Culver, January 22, 1931
DeEtta I. Reindl, May 15, 1935
DeEtta I. Peterson, August 21, 1935 (name changed to Peterson August 21, 1935)
Perry I. Webb, September 3, 1945
Arnold L. Garnass (Acting Postmaster), January 29, 1946
Arnold L. Garnass, July 28, 1947
Marlene A. Brown, August 13, 1977
Sue Golly, January 29, 2003
Twyla J. Quinn, May 17, 2003
LaDonna Holstad, October 26, 2005
Danny Miller, May 23, 2006
Richard J. Aguilera, September 2, 2006
LaDonna Holstad, April 27, 2009
Bradley, A. Gentz, December 1, 2009
Kathleen R. Bruggeman, December 21, 2010

MELTONVILLE – established as a post office May 28, 1886, discontinued January 17, 1945, rescinded February 1, 1945, discontinued June 15, 1953 and mail sent to Saint Ansgar
Postmasters & Appointment Dates:
Ransom H. Root, May 28, 1886
George A. Overholt, June 20, 1889
Nels P. Hansen, January 26, 1892
Charles H. Jochinsen, August 27, 1897
William F. Perkins, January 19, 1898
Bertha M. Hansen, May 19, 1900
Nels P. Hansen, June 21, 1900
Carl G. Gunderson, July 9, 1917
Eli A. Back, April 11, 1902
Walter C. Thomas, July 16, 1917
Jessie Sevensen, December 18, 1923
Almer B. Anderson, September 20, 1927
Anna Huber (Acting Postmaster), September 5, 1928
Anna Huber, October 23, 1928
Fred O. Hulshizer, February 15, 1945
Samuel H. Huber, April 30, 1947

NORTHLAND – NORDLAND – established as a post office April 4, 1879, name changed to Nordland April 21, 1879, discontinued January 15, 1901 and mail sent to Kensett
Postmasters & Appoinment Dates:
Simon Larson, April 4, 1879
Simon Larson, April 21, 1879
Lars Bilstad, November 17, 1879
Patrick Keveney, June 15, 1880
Asle K. Rank, July 16, 1880
Patrick Keveney, September 21, 1883
Ann Keveney, November 9, 1883
Ole W. Bilstad, December 22, 1884
Eilert Erickson, May 18, 1886
Knud J. Lockrem, March 1, 1888
Olai Myers, June 23, 1892
Erland Johnson, January 2, 1896

NORTHWOOD – established as a post office November 27, 1857. Continues today – 2025.
Postmasters & Appointment Dates:
Daniel D. Franklin, November 27, 1857
Benjamin H. Beckett, October 14, 1858
John U. Perry, June 15, 1864
Ralph C. Pike, July 20, 1866
Charles E. Watson, March 19, 1869
P. D. Swick, December 8, 1871
John P. Engleston, March 23, 1874
Andrew J. Cole, November 5, 1875
George F. Wattson, November 7, 1881
Ellen Stott, December 17, 1883
J. B. Adams, December 3, 1885
John J. Mark, December 6, 1888
Andrew C. Walker, January  14, 1893
George W. Owens, August 10, 1894
Guy C. Toye, February 7, 1899
Walter Gillrup, November 7, 1899
Frank Scammon, June 22, 1900
C. W. Remore, May 22, 1913
Iver Iverson, March 24, 1922
Edward K. Pitman, January 18, 1927
Wayland R. Christianson (Acting Postmaster), June 30, 1929
Wayland R. Christianson, November 12, 1929
Edward K. Pitman (Acting Postmaster), May 31, 1931
Hans C. Johnson, March 31, 1936
Doris E. Hudson, September 30, 1949
Ruth Carey, July 31, 1950
Elder O. Bottolfson, December 21, 1950
George D. Lindflott, December 29, 1965
Marlene A. Brown, December 30, 1988
Clarence Leroy Bruns, April 22, 1989
Richard Aguilera, March 25, 2002
Randy Buehrer, October 2, 2002
James R. Alvord, October 19, 2002
Patricia Rae Rustad, August 9, 2006
Debra R. Herweyer, August 28, 2010
Christina Dahlstrom, November 17, 2023

OAKVALE – established as a post office January 11, 1859. Moved to Freeborn County, Minnesota.
Nelson Boughton, January 11, 1859

SILVER LAKE – established as a post office September 9, 1867 and discontinued May 14, 1906 with mail sent to Northwood.
Postmasters & Appointment Dates:
John T. Nystuen, September 9, 1867
Nels E. Boe, July 10, 1890
Iver J. Dahl, June 6, 1896
Theodor E. Flaskrud, July 26, 1903

SOMBER – established as a post office February 18, 1889, discontinued August 30, 1902 and mail sent to Lake Mills
Postmasters & Appointment Dates:
Dina Torgerson, February 18, 1889

TENOLD – established as a post office May 2, 1881 and discontinued May 4, 1906 with mail sent of Northwood
Postmaster & Appointment Dates:
Ole A. Tenold, May 2, 1881
Emil E. Engelsrud, September 28, 1900
Syver O. Vold, November 12, 1903

WALES – established as a post office August 21, 1869 and discontinued March 11, 1873
Postmasters & Appointment Dates:
Sherman M. Cook, August 21, 1869

WESTFIELD – established as a post office February 17, 1870 and discontinued August 31, 1871
Postmasters & Appointment Dates:
Frank Parker, February 17, 1870

(1). Worth County Heritage 1853-1976, by Worth county Bicentennial Commission, 1976
(2). United States Postal Service – Postmaster Finder
(3). U.S., Appointments of U. S. Postmasters, 1832-1971, online on Ancestry (with paid subscription)