![]() Rural Residents of Worth County, 1988 INDEX TO RURAL RESIDENTS OF WORTH COUNTY IOWA 1 9 8 8 Approximately 1215 families =============================================================== NAME TOWNSHIP SECTION Aamodt, Carroll Hartland 25 Aanrud, Merle Bristol 34 Aase, Merle Grove 31 Aase, Steve Grove 31 Abrahams, Duane Barton 20 Abrams, Donald Hartland 26 Abrams, Kenneth J. Hartland 28 Ackerman, Joe Fertile 34 Adams, Albert Grove 36 Adams, Bruce Bristol 18 Adams, Frank E. Brookfield 13 Adams, James Silver Lake 30 Adams, Jerry Silver Lake 28 Adams, Richard Kensett 32 Akeman, Earl Grove 27 Aldrich, Chester W. Hartland 14 Alitz, Lois C. Danville 35 Almelien, Ronald Fertile 19 Alne, Larry Barton 19 Alne, Larry Fertile 22 Alne, Roger Kensett 35 Alne, Scott Bristol 34 Alton, Richard Fertile 32 Amundson, Curtis Fertile 16 Amundson, Leroy Danville 16 Andersen, Mervin Fertile 30 Anderson, Blanche Brookfield 30 Anderson, Clayton Grove 23 Anderson, Dean Fertile 18 Anderson, Duane Barton 19 Anderson, Eugene D. Barton 1 Anderson, Hugh Deer Creek 12 Anderson, James L. Lincoln 12 Anderson, Marvin G. Brookfield 16 Anderson, Paul Fertile 2 Anderson, Quentin W. Fertile 18 Anderson, Roger Fertile 8 Anderson, Steven M. Bristol 22 Anderson, Wesley Fertile 18 Anderson, Wm. A. Mrs. Deer Creek 27 Arneson, Curtis Bristol 34 Arneson, David Fertile 35 Arnold, Louis Bristol 17 Arnold, Mickey Deer Creek 24 Arnold, Steven Deer Creek 31 Arrett, Lawrence Kensett 12 Arrett, Robert Barton 6 Arthur, Harold Bristol 15 Arzberger, Margie Union 27 Arzberger, Steven Union 28 Ashleson, Rick Deer Creek 34 Asliken, Rick Brookfield 15 Atz, Bruce Silver Lake 12 Ausen, Irvin Bristol 4 Ausenhus, Clarence Danville 21 Austin, Marty Danville 6 Backhaus, Alto Danville 30 Backhaus, John Lincoln 30 Backhaus, Norman Lincoln 19 Backhaus, Roger Danville 24 Backhaus, Stanley Lincoln 17 Badker, Joyce Lincoln 23 Bailey, Gary Hartland 18 Balek, Ronald Union 19 Bang, Darrell Fertile 20 Bang, H.P. Bristol 27 Barkema, Alan Fertile 34 Barrick, Dennis Union 31 Bartlett, Maynard Lincoln 15 Bartness Silver Lake 7 Bartz, Curtis Barton 22 Bartz, Dennis Barton 36 Bartz, Ervin Barton 21 Bartz, Eugene A. Barton 28 Bartz, Merlin Barton 32 Bartz, Mike Brookfield 24 Bartz, Orland Barton 29 Bartz, Roger Barton 26 Baumann, Ernet Lincoln 21 Beal, Mark E. Lincoln 33 Beenken, Gordon Brookfield 21 Belville, Darrel Hartland 9 Bendickson, Endre O. Silver Lake 27 Benjegerdes, Denis J. Lincoln 14 Benjegerdes, Harlan Lincoln 20 Benjegerdes, Kenneth G Danville 23 Benjegerdes, Leon R. Lincoln 15 Benjegerdes, Marvin Lincoln 32 Benson, Dan Fertile 30 Benson, F. Fertile 30 Benson, Steven C Bristol 12 Berg, Milton J. Brookfield 18 Berg, Norma Brookfield 32 Bergan, Arden Fertile 1 Bergan, Donald Bristol 3 Bergdale, Alfred G. Danville 7 Berge, Glenn Kensett 23 Berge, Larry Kensett 10 Berge, Michael G. Kensett 24 Bergo, Alicia Mrs. Hartland 31 Bergo, Dennis Hartland 20 Bergo, Ernest Bristol 3 Bersagel, Ellen Brookfield 12 Beyer, John Kensett 16 Bidne, Bertrum Brookfield 10 Billings, Larry Union 7 Birum, James Union 30 Bistline, John Lincoln 13 Bjelland, Ada Bristol 4 Bjelland, Paul Silver Lake 30 Bjelland, Thayne Silver Lake 29 Black, Robert Lincoln 17 Black, William Brookfield 13 Blanchard, Bill Danville 27 Blanchard, Raymond Lincoln 8 Blaser, Wayne Silver Lake 30 Bloomingdale, Ronald Grove 20 Bohl, Rudolph Lincoln 10 Bohl, Tim Bristol 17 Book, Gustav Brookfield 3 Booth, Brad Lincoln 29 Borchardt, Donald Union 35 Borchardt, Kenneth Union 36 Borchardt, Mike Union 36 Borchardt, Reuben Union 35 Borchardt, Rose Barton 24 Borchardt, Wilbert Union 26 Borchardt, William Union 35 Borchert, Allen G. Union 12 Borchert, Larry Union 10 Borchert, Warren R. Union 23 Bork, John Union 3 Bosch, Joseph A. Jr. Brookfield 13 Bott, Edward L. Grove 15 Bottleman, Donald Deer Creek 22 Brackey, Duane Silver Lake 9 Brandt, Kenny Bristol 30 Bratrud, Daniel Danville 4 Bratrud, Marvin L. Danville 4 Brattrud, Kermeth Danville 20 Braun, Amy Kensett 36 Braun, Chris Barton 34 Braun, Everett A. Union 5 Braun, Shervin D. Kensett 25 Braun, Wayne Kensett 11 Brazel, J.A. Deer Creek 33 Brcka, Frank Union 30 Breen, Clarence Silver Lake 25 Brodersen, Elmer Danville 25 Brodersen, Ervin W. Lincoln 34 Brodersen, Mike Danville 25 Brodersen, Steven Danville 1 Brosdahl, James Danville 18 Brown, Calvin A. Barton 27 Brown, Jerry Barton 14 Brown, Larry Barton 11 Brua, Ardell Silver Lake 20 Bruce, Russell Hartland 26 Brue, Ernest Fertile 9 Brue, Gary D. Fertile 9 Bruesewitz, Kevin Union 9 Bruns, David Fertile 26 Bruns, Theo J. Mrs. Fertile 34 Brunsvold, Curtis Danville 5 Brunsvold, Dan Kensett 30 Brunsvold, Eldren K. Kensett 32 Brunsvold, Enis Bristol 36 Brunsvold, Ernest L. Danville 9 Brunsvold, Gary Lincoln 27 Brunsvold, Harold Danville 10 Brunsvold, James O. Fertile 23 Brunsvold, Leonard Brookfield 23 Brunsvold, Mayland Kensett 30 Brunsvold, Ralph Bristol 25 Brunsvold, Steven Brookfield 36 Brunsvold, Timen Hartland 35 Bublitz, Dale F. Barton 11 Bublitz, Dean Barton 23 Bublitz, Harley Union 1 Buechele, Jerry Union 6 Buehler, Craig Union 35 Bugbee, Leslie Bristol 17 Buntrock, Dean Barton 2 Burdick, Bruce Bristol 8 Burton, Paul Kensett 23 Butler, Carroll Brookfield 2 Butler, Glenn I. Kensett 20 Butler, Luane A. Kensett 5 Butler, Melbourne Kensett 8 Butler, Ralph D. Kensett 29 Butler, Steven Brookfield 24 Butler, Van R. Kensett 29 Calgaard, Maynard Fertile 32 Calgaard, Robert L. Fertile 15 Carter, Lois L. Brookfield 20 Case, M. Hartland 17 Chapin, Jim Danville 35 Chapin, Lynn D. Grove 20 Charlson, Daniel Brookfield 21 Charlson, Herbert Fertile 2 Charlson, S.A. Bristol 26 Charlson, Waldren H. Kensett 36 Chodur, Donald Lincoln 5 Chodur, Gary Silver Lake 34 Chodur, Kenneth Kensett 28 Chodur, Ralph Bristol 3 Chodur, Richard Bristol 16 Chodur, Steve R. Kensett 19 Christensen, Michael Hartland 18 Christiansen, B. Union 21 Christiansen, Klinerd Hartland 14 Christianson, Bennie Bristol 25 Christianson, Gary W. Hartland 31 Christianson, Ronald Hartland 24 Christianson, Tillman Hartland 10 Citurs, Earl Deer Creek 28 Citurs, Roman A. Deer Creek 21 Clagett, Doyle W. Kensett 33 Clagett, Roger Barton 30 Clagett, Steve Barton 30 Clark, Dan Fertile 34 Clark, Daniel Union 16 Clark, David Union 33 Clark, Harold J. Union 28 Clayton, Greg Lincoln 26 Clemenson, Gunder Danville 4 Cobeen, Leonard Union 19 Cobeen, Robert L. Mrs. Lincoln 13 Coe, Dick Union 32 Colbertson, Oscar Grove 27 Colbertson, William A. Grove 27 Colby, Charles Barton 30 Cole, Donald Hartland 27 Cole, Eugene Union 23 Cole, Gary Union 36 Cole, Kevin Union 14 Cook, Delos Deer Creek 23 Coonrod, George Brookfield 3 Cooper, Emery Lincoln 12 Cooper, Glennys P. Lincoln 2 Cooper, Harold Lincoln 27 Cooper, Lawrence L. Lincoln 2 Cooper, Michael Brookfield 36 Cooper, Ron Brookfield 22 Cooper, Warren Kensett 25 Cornelius, Reuben Brookfield 19 Cottrelle, Mark Kensett 13 Cowell, Dean Barton 19 Cox, Ralph Lincoln 15 Cox, Rocky Barton 16 Coyle, Tom Lincoln 23 Crawford, Jim Union 25 Crimmings, Morris Union 8 Curtis, Ray Union 31 Daggett, R. Fertile 3 Dahl, Dennis Lincoln 17 Dahl, Derwin Lincoln 18 Dahl, Palmer Lincoln 18 Dahl, Philip Danville 13 Dahl, Wallace H. Danville 14 Dahlby, Aaron Silver Lake 16 Dahlby, Dale Grove 21 Dahlby, Daniel Bristol 24 Dahlby, Donovan Grove 18 Dahlby, Phillip Silver Lake 29 Dahlby, Roger W. Kensett 8 Dakin, Don Fertile 19 Dakin, Gordon Fertile 19 Dannen, Vern Union 30 Davidson, Frederick H. Deer Creek 16 Davidson, Mark Deer Creek 18 Davidson, Marvid Deer Creek 17 Davidson, Omer Deer Creek 20 Davidson, Steve Deer Creek 16 Davies, Susan Lincoln 19 Davies, Walter Lincoln 19 Davis, James R. Deer Creek 13 Davis, Kevin Deer Creek 12 Davis, Norman Grove 10 Davis, Phillip Union 3 Day, Steven Danville 16 DeLawyer, Mark Bristol 33 Degn, Leroy Bristol 1 Demaris, Harold Barton 29 Despenas, Marge Kensett 34 Diedrich, Rueben Barton 33 Diedrich, V.E. Barton 33 Dierenfeld, Michael Hartland 36 Dietrich, Leonard Danville 22 Dobel, Donald Lincoln 12 Dobel, James Lincoln 13 Dokken, George M. Brookfield 22 Dokken, Leslie Brookfield 22 Dokken, Wannie Mrs. Brookfield 22 Dolan, George Hartland 18 Dolloff, Marvin Kensett 31 Dorsey, Marilyn Danville 6 Doubler, Bill Lincoln 10 Douglas, Charles H. Danville 11 Doyle, Larry Hartland 18 Dralla, Carl Grove 16 Duvall, John Union 12 Edington, Tom Deer Creek 36 Edmonds, Daniel Lincoln 24 Eggers, James Fertile 33 Eggerth, Larry Silver Lake 33 Ehlenfeldt, Ralph Grove 18 Ellertson, David Deer Creek 18 Ellingson, Lemoyne E. Hartland 28 Elvesether, Orville Ms. Danville 19 Enderson, E.H. Mrs. Hartland 24 Enderson, Elvin Bristol 7 Enderson, Tim Danville 22 Ensign, Craig Grove 20 Erickson, Elmer Mrs. Silver Lake 30 Erickson, Gerald M. Bristol 15 Erickson, Luverne Brookfield 21 Erickson, Manise Bristol 4 Erikkila, Jack Silver Lake 31 Estes, Kenneth Hartland 25 Estes, Wayne Barton 3 Estes, William G. Kensett 4 Evans, Cecil Bristol 35 Evans, Clara Bristol 32 Evans, Curtis Fertile 10 Evans, Eldon Brookfield 24 Evans, Kirk Fertile 20 Evenson, E. Leone Bristol 32 Ewen, John Union 31 Ewing, Kent Fertile 22 Eyberg, Martin Union 31 Faber, Fred Danville 3 Faber, Tom Danville 10 Fairchild, Jim Fertile 33 Faught, Audrey Danville 2 Faught, David Lincoln 36 Faught, Doug Danville 12 Faught, Roger Danville 2 Feldt, Olga Barton 26 Felland, Charles Bristol 13 Ferley, Glenn O. Hartland 17 Ferley, Jerry Brookfield 4 Fett, Joe Lincoln 33 Fiedler, James Grove 8 Fiedler, Ron Silver Lake 26 Fiedler, Russ Fertile 5 Field, Richard Brookfield 32 Fitze, Arnold Brookfield 32 Fitzl, Dennis Union 26 Fjeld, Glenn M. Fertile 18 Fjeld, Jerry Fertile 17 Flaaten, Truman Danville 2 Flatness, Irving A. Deer Creek 35 Flattum, Carl Silver Lake 23 Fleenor, Joel Barton 24 Flugge, Floyd Union 30 Foley, L.E. Kensett 15 Foley, Larry Kensett 15 Follmuth, Arnold Barton 8 Forland, Steven Silver Lake 15 Foss, Adrian E. Brookfield 22 Foss, Bernard Deer Creek 7 Fraizer, Leonard M. Grove 9 Fredericks, Ivan Deer Creek 32 Fredrickson, Harold Deer Creek 26 Fredrickson, Ken Barton 28 Froiland, Gary Silver Lake 7 Funk, Jacob Jr. Lincoln 16 Gaarder, Donald Kensett 32 Gallion, Edward R. Lincoln 31 Gardinier, Clintor Lincoln 29 Garnas, Eldean R. Danville 15 Garnass, Robert Danville 22 Garver, Grace Mrs. Union 11 Gaskill, Donald Brookfield 7 Gaskill, Francis Fertile 16 Gaskill, Mike Silver Lake 25 Gaskill, Ray Brookfield 7 Gasteiger, Harold Union 25 Gentz, Raymond Deer Creek 31 Gentz, Roger L. Kensett 8 Gentz, William Jr. Deer Creek 31 Gillihan, Bruce H. Mrs. Kensett 3 Glassel, Clyde A. Union 11 Godfrey, Orble J. Grove 29 Goetsh, Craig Lincoln 36 Gordon, Dan Kensett 26 Gordon, Dean Lincoln 3 Gordon, Donald D. Union 6 Gordon, Gail Kensett 34 Gordon, Gaylord T. Lincoln 2 Gordon, Joel Lincoln 11 Gordon, Laurel Deer Creek 22 Gordon, Lawrence Kensett 21 Gordon, Richard Kensett 32 Gordon, Richard Jr. Union 28 Gordon, Vernon Deer Creek 26 Gould, Dennis Danville 31 Grandgenett, Harold Union 29 Gregory, Lavonne Union 27 Groe, Alfred Silver Lake 35 Groe, Amos Silver Lake 23 Groe, Comer Silver Lake 34 Groe, Loren Silver Lake 35 Groe, Raymond Bristol 11 Groe, Royden Bristol 2 Grossnickle, Jim Fertile 34 Grubbs, John Silver Lake 14 Grund, Lewis Silver Lake 9 Guernsey, Allen J. Bristol 22 Guertin, Richard Brookfield 12 Gullickson, Lester Brookfield 7 Gunsallus, Keith Barton 16 Haas, Arthur G. Silver Lake 7 Hackbart, Lee Union 3 Hackbart, Neil Union 22 Hackbart, Paul Barton 33 Hackbart, Philip E. Union 3 Hackbart, Robert W. Union 7 Hackbart, Roland Union 10 Hackbart, Walter Union 15 Hageback, John Danville 22 Hagen, Donald L. Brookfield 6 Hagen, Gary Silver Lake 4 Hagen, Harold Bristol 35 Hagen, Herbert E. Brookfield 18 Hagen, John Hartland 28 Hagen, Leo Hartland 28 Hagen, Leon Fertile 26 Hagen, Marlin Danville 7 Hagen, Mike Fertile 13 Hagen, Rodney Silver Lake 26 Hagen, Ron Fertile 5 Hale, John Hartland 16 Halfman, Gene Lincoln 9 Hall, Robert E. Barton 7 Halvorsen, Allen Grove 34 Halvorsen, Cora Kensett 31 Halvorson, Arleigh Brookfield 4 Halvorson, Arnold Fertile 12 Halvorson, Harold Silver Lake 14 Halvorson, Ronald K. Silver Lake 35 Hanna, John Bristol 6 Hanna, Paul Bristol 21 Hanna, Richard D. Fertile 2 Hanna, Thomas R. Danville 13 Hanna, Tim Fertile 8 Hansen, Thor Mrs. Fertile 5 Hanson, Craig Grove 14 Hanson, Ernest Brookfield 7 Hanson, Gary Kensett 14 Hanson, James Grove 12 Hanson, Mary Brookfield 34 Hanson, Merle H. Grove 16 Hanson, Myron O. Barton 11 Hanson, Reuben Brookfield 6 Hanson, Roy L. Deer Creek 34 Hanson, Roy S. Bristol 20 Harang, Clara T. Mrs. Bristol 7 Harang, Richard Bristol 7 Harang, Rickie Fertile 8 Hardy, George Lincoln 1 Harmon Brothers Lincoln 5 Harmon, Henretta Brookfield 9 Harmon, Keith H. Brookfield 10 Harringa, Raymond Danville 5 Harringa, Robert Danville 6 Harris, Lonnie Kensett 6 Harris, Vernon Barton 21 Harrison, Rick Brookfield 27 Hartman, Darrell Barton 28 Hartwig, Scott Barton 4 Hauge, Arnold Fertile 31 Hauge, Dennis Hartland 34 Haugebak, Clayton D. Grove 9 Haugebak, Marle Hartland 26 Haugen, David R. Fertile 23 Haugen, Kenneth Brookfield 23 Haugen, Neil Silver Lake 23 Haugerud, John Silver Lake 11 Haugo, Jon Bristol 1 Haugo, Ted Mrs. Bristol 2 Haugsdal, Bruce Silver Lake 19 Haugsdal, Craig Silver Lake 18 Hawbaker, David Hartland 18 Hawkins, Monte Lincoln 12 Heagel, Adam Brookfield 35 Heagel, Alex Kensett 27 Heagel, Brad Kensett 28 Heagel, Larry Bristol 36 Heagel, Steve Lincoln 1 Heiken, David Kensett 30 Heiken, George Hartland 25 Heimdal, Lowell D. Fertile 6 Heimdal, Paul Fertile 7 Heinselman, Lloyd Union 33 Heiny, William W. Union 33 Helgeson, David J. Danville 3 Helgeson, Paul S. Hartland 15 Helgeson, Roger Lincoln 7 Helgeson, Ronald D. Danville 2 Helgeson, Steve Danville 12 Helmer, Leroy D. Lincoln 34 Henderson, Robert D. Silver Lake 19 Hendricksen, Brian Hartland 21 Hendrickson, Horace Deer Creek 20 Hendrickson, Joy Jr. Deer Creek 10 Hengsteg, Clair Hartland 19 Hengsteg, Craig Kensett 6 Hengsteg, David Brookfield 6 Hengsteg, Eldor Mrs. Hartland 34 Hengsteg, Ernie Mrs. Silver Lake 24 Hengsteg, Gary Hartland 35 Hengsteg, Lyle Mrs. Hartland 29 Hengsteg, Robert A. Brookfield 16 Hengsteg, Steve Hartland 16 Hengsteg, Truman Hartland 26 Hengsteg, Truman Brookfield 7 Henley, Kirk Grove 23 Henning, Robert Fertile 28 Henninger, Tim Fertile 31 Hermanson, Eugene Silver Lake 32 Herth, James Mrs. Silver Lake 16 Hickle, Berry Lincoln 28 Hickman, Robert A. Hartland 26 Hill, Eric Lincoln 32 Hillman, Arlington Hartland 23 Hillman, Wayne Grove 20 Hinsman, Darrell Union 1 Hoffarth, Jake Union 24 Hogbin, E. R. Brookfield 20 Hogbin, Norbert Brookfield 20 Hogen, Arnold Lincoln 5 Hogen, Gary Lincoln 5 Holden, Arthur Lincoln 28 Holstad, Dale R. Bristol 14 Holstad, Dean E. Silver Lake 28 Holstad, Duane Brookfield 34 Holstad, Gilmer Kensett 32 Holstad, Odis Brookfield 6 Holstad, Richard S. Brookfield 5 Holt, Reuben Silver Lake 35 Holtan, Arvid M. Fertile 21 Holtan, Bruce Fertile 8 Homes, Douglas Grove 22 Honken, Andy Lincoln 13 Hopperstad, Jay Grove 14 Hopperstad, Jerry Grove 23 Horgan, Darwin Union 23 Horning, Donald Hartland 12 Horswell, Steve Bristol 5 Hovey, Larry Hartland 33 Hovey, Richard Hartland 30 Hoyt, Lucille Lincoln 27 Hrubetz, Dale Lincoln 11 Hrubetz, Richard Bristol 21 Hrubetz, Ron Bristol 22 Huebner, Glenn Union 36 Hull, Larry Lincoln 2 Hulshizer, James Deer Creek 26 Hulshizer, Russell Deer Creek 26 Hulshizer, Steve Grove 35 Hunchis, Dorothy Union 28 Hunchis, John Union 20 Hungerford, Grace Mrs. Lincoln 16 Hungerford, Michael Lincoln 15 Hungerford, William Lincoln 32 Hyde, James E. Grove 18 Imlau, William F. Brookfield 19 Imler, David Bristol 33 Ingersoll, William R. Union 31 Iverson, Jay S. Mrs. Hartland 9 Jackel, Harlan Lincoln 12 Jackson, Jacob Danville 19 Janssen, Donald W. Deer Creek 32 Janssen, John D. Grove 26 Janssen, Mike Barton 4 Jarvis, Julain Lincoln 33 Jaspers, Allen Grove 17 Jaspers, Carl Jr. Kensett 21 Jaspers, Doug Kensett 28 Jaspers, James Barton 1 Jaspers, Lee Grove 17 Jaspers, Lowell Barton 12 Jennings, R. B. Fertile 24 Jennings, Roger Fertile 33 Jennings, Steve Jr. Danville 29 Jensen, Lynn Brookfield 15 Johanns, Earnest Union 26 Johanns, Richard J. Union 14 Johnson, Amil Danville 28 Johnson, Bret Kensett 7 Johnson, Clarence F. Hartland 35 Johnson, Dale F. Grove 13 Johnson, Dennis Union 18 Johnson, Dennis Kensett 7 Johnson, Donald K. Kensett 2 Johnson, Elmer Lincoln 35 Johnson, George J. Kensett 10 Johnson, Gilman Hartland 29 Johnson, Gregory Kensett 17 Johnson, Kenneth B. Hartland 18 Johnson, Kenneth E. Deer Creek 22 Johnson, Larry Fertile 14 Johnson, Leo F. Union 33 Johnson, Maynard Deer Creek 21 Johnson, Norman Bristol 4 Johnson, Omer Kensett 7 Johnson, Richard H. Jr. Deer Creek 33 Johnson, Robert H. Silver Lake 13 Johnson, Terry Hartland 12 Johnsrud, Robert J. Grove 15 Jones, Cecil Grove 25 Jones, Dale L. Deer Creek 15 Jorde, Arnold Lincoln 4 Julseth, David Brookfield 35 Julseth, John A. Brookfield 35 Julseth, Truman Hartland 29 Kaasa, Merwyn Fertile 26 Kaduce, Royce Danville 20 Kalgaarden, Morris Brookfield 28 Kallheim, Florence Bristol 24 Kalvig, Carl J. Hartland 28 Kaufman, Les Kensett 20 Kavars, Kerry Danville 27 Kelly, Oscar R. Kensett 16 Kendall, Eugene Lincoln 9 Kenison, Brian Barton 18 Kenison, Larry Grove 20 Kennedy, Dan Union 31 Kennedy, Mike Bristol 35 Kent, Ronald Lincoln 1 Kittleson, Kermit L. Fertile 33 Kingland, Mark Bristol 1 Kingland, Mark Fertile 19 Kingston, Dan Fertile 16 Kinseth, Burdette Fertile 7 Kirschbaum, Dan Fertile 22 Kirschbaum, Eric Fertile 31 Kirschbaum, Eugene Fertile 31 Kirshbaum, Edward Fertile 31 Kisner, Kenneth Danville 21 Kleinschrodt, Dwight Silver Lake 17 Klenk, Lloyd Union 31 Kleveland, Charles Fertile 33 Kleveland, Leroy Fertile 6 Knowles, Robert Danville 24 Knudson, Harvey Fertile 33 Knudson, Lloyd Fertile 29 Knudtson, Gary Lincoln 6 Knudtson, Harlan Brookfield 17 Knudtson, Victor D Silver Lake 20 Knutson, Cornell Grove 30 Knutson, Donald Silver Lake 20 Knutson, Harold Hartland 7 Knutson, Leslie Grove 30 Knutson, Stanley Barton 3 Kobernusz, Alvin C. Lincoln 29 Kraft, Vivian Brookfield 22 Krambeer, Leo Union 29 Kratz, Marvin Lincoln 34 Krauth, Dennis Brookfield 9 Krebsbach, Paul Union 2 Kreuscher, Dennis Silver Lake 27 Kronemann, Lowell Union 27 Kruger, Dennis Lincoln 24 Kruger, Duane L. Grove 32 Kruger, Edward Union 26 Kruger, Elery Barton 35 Kruger, Keith Lincoln 35 Kruger, Neil Union 13 Kruger, Walter Union 17 Krull, James Grove 26 Krull, Paul Deer Creek 13 Krumm, Lyle Kensett 24 Kruse, Kenneth Grove 14 Kruse, William D. Brookfield 15 Kuam, Lee Hartland 7 Kuhl, Union 12 Kuntz, Brent Union 4 Kuntz, Corrie Barton 36 Kuntz, Dennis Brookfield 2 Kuntz, Kermit W Union 9 Kuntz, Rodney Barton 36 Kuntz, Vernon Union 4 Kunz, Alvin Grove 23 Kvam, David Silver Lake 7 Kvam, Olaf Hartland 10 Lamping, Glen Hartland 9 Land, Harry J.E. Hartland 11 Larson, Jimmie A. Silver Lake 14 Lau, L. Bristol 23 Lau, Willis Deer Creek 9 Lauen, Marvin A. Lincoln 18 Lawson, Joe Grove 27 Lawyer, David Danville 26 Lee, Lloyd Hartland 11 Legaard, Dale Hartland 18 Lehman, Charles Kensett 9 Lestrud, A.C. Danville 9 Lestrud, Gerald Danville 9 Leuwerke, Curtis Fertile 19 Levine, Brian Bristol 31 Levorson, Albin J. Jr. Bristol 1 Levorson, Morris Silver Lake 26 Levorson, Selmer Bristol 11 Lien, Anna Bristol 29 Lien, Kevin Fertile 36 Liljedahl, Marlin Hartland 33 Liljedahl, Orin Bristol 2 Linde, Jerry Danville 36 Lindflott, Dean Bristol 34 Lindflott, M.E. Bristol 32 Lindflott, Richard Bristol 35 Loberg, Enos Hartland 21 Loberg, William C. Silver Lake 14 Loftaas, James Kensett 34 Logemann, Kenneth Deer Creek 16 Logemann, Martha Deer Creek 16 Loken, Larry Hartland 27 Loken, Rod Hartland 27 Loken, Ronald M. Hartland 28 Lootz, Jamie Lincoln 36 Losee, Kevin Danville 31 Loverink, Bruce Deer Creek 35 Lovick, James Fertile 31 Lovik, Mark Fertile 17 Low, Allen G. Hartland 36 Low, Keith Hartland 36 Lucas, Stanley Kensett 28 Luckason, Arne Kensett 24 Lucken, Palmer Kensett 25 Lupkes, Myron Brookfield 29 Luther, Dennis Fertile 2 Lutz, Robert E. Lincoln 25 Lyford, Vernon V. Danville 24 Lyman, Edward E. Barton 23 Madsen, Irl P. Hartland 27 Madsen, Scott B. Hartland 27 Madson, Alvin Hartland 31 Madson, Dennis Silver Lake 29 Madson, Steve Bristol 10 Magnuson, Arden Union 31 Malloy, James M. Bristol 33 Marken, Harold Lincoln 32 Marpe, Roger Silver Lake 18 Marpe, Todd Silver Lake 18 Martin, Robert Lincoln 34 Martinson, Ingvald Silver Lake 19 Mary, Mark Fertile 28 Mathais, Lester Deer Creek 12 Matzen, Paul Brookfield 33 Matzen, Steve Brookfield 11 May, Dennis Union 6 McClain, John Fertile 16 McCready, Daryl Barton 30 McGrath, James Fertile 17 McLaughlin, Michael Brookfield 29 McNutt, David Brookfield 23 Medders, Ray Silver Lake 17 Medlang, Charles Brookfield 25 Medlang, James Brookfield 26 Medlang, Norris Brookfield 25 Mehus, Dale R. Hartland 15 Meyer, Dale Barton 18 Meyer, David Danville 35 Meyer, Dean Barton 16 Meyer, Dennis Barton 7 Meyer, Doug Barton 5 Meyer, Harvey Lincoln 31 Meyer, Merle Kensett 24 Meyerhofer, Mike Danville 30 Michalek, Mike Union 30 Michalek, Tony Union 30 Midlang, Norris Lincoln 7 Millard, Chester Jr. Grove 10 Millard, Dan Fertile 31 Millard, Raymond Danville 10 Millard, Robert Grove 10 Miller, Lucille Barton 15 Miller, Richard Lincoln 17 Mills, Robert Grove 21 Miner, Dean B. Lincoln 25 Moe, Harlan Bristol 4 Moen, Gene Silver Lake 17 Moen, Ronald Bristol 5 Mogk, Bruce Hartland 36 Mogk, Dennis Barton 8 Molsberry, Robert Union 16 Momberg, Mike Lincoln 11 Monstrom, Ellen Brookfield 13 Montgomery, James Lincoln 2 Moore, Jeff Lincoln 9 Moretz, Allen Kensett 19 Moretz, Art Brookfield 24 Moretz, Dean Fertile 1 Moretz, Donald Deer Creek 20 Moretz, Glen P. Fertile 9 Moretz, Russ Danville 15 Morris, Dean Brookfield 9 Morrse, Scott Brookfield 32 Mueller, Albert Lincoln 32 Mueller, Dean Hartland 30 Mueller, Eugene Lincoln 20 Mueller, Harold Lincoln 29 Myli, Erlang Brookfield 28 Myli, Harlan Brookfield 33 Myli, Philip Kensett 29 Naber, George Kensett 28 Nack, Brian Union 24 Nack, Gene Union 21 Nack, Richard Union 3 Nack, Robert E. Union 3 Nagle, Dennis Kensett 9 Nagle, John T. Brookfield 5 Navratil, Jerry Union 11 Navratil, Leroy Union 29 Navratil, Richard Union 2 Neale, Herb Brookfield 26 Neel, Jim Danville 36 Neel, John Mrs. Danville 36 Neilson, Alan Silver Lake 36 Nelson, Alyce C. Mrs. Bristol 23 Nelson, Brian Silver Lake 25 Nelson, Curtis A. Hartland 23 Nelson, Dennis Bristol 23 Nelson, Gary Lincoln 36 Nelson, Gene Bristol 9 Nelson, Jimmie Hartland 18 Nelson, Otis P. Grove 30 Nelson, Robert C. Silver Lake 24 Nelson, Wayne Hartland 17 Nerem, Claire Lincoln 31 Nesset, Arlyn Hartland 9 Newman, Jan Lincoln 7 Nieman, Vince C. Grove 25 Nodtvedt, Clarence Kensett 22 Norem, Irene Mrs. Fertile 35 Norland, Paul Brookfield 24 Northway, Gary W. Lincoln 3 Northway, Wayne Lincoln 31 Novak, Louis B. Union 1 Nydegger, Joe Barton 29 O'Donnell, Martin Fertile 32 O'Keefe, Dennis Union 7 Oakland, Gary Deer Creek 14 Oakland, George Deer Creek 11 Odden, Bruce Hartland 13 Odegaard, Oscar C. Silver Lake 7 Oetken, Terry Deer Creek 10 Okland, Richard Lincoln 4 Oleson, Raymond H. Brookfield 13 Olson, Clarence A. Kensett 11 Olson, Dennis Fertile 20 Olson, Edward Bristol 30 Olson, James Deer Creek 10 Olson, Keith Kensett 11 Olson, Ken Brookfield 32 Olson, Kenneth C. Brookfield 1 Olson, Roger Deer Creek 28 Olson, Russel Kensett 2 Opkis, Everett Deer Creek 13 Osheim, Merle Fertile 7 Oshiem, David Silver Lake 10 Oswald, Andy Bristol 20 Otten, Larry Lincoln 28 Ouverson, Francis Fertile 26 Ouverson, Harriet Mrs. Fertile 35 Ouverson, Lowell Fertile 20 Overland, Guy Silver Lake 7 Overland, Mandell J. Kensett 30 Page, John Union 32 Pagel, George Union 2 Pangburn, Don Grove 17 Pangburn, M.W. Sr. Mrs. Grove 18 Pangburn, Milo P. Jr. Grove 18 Patrick, Dwight Barton 36 Patten, Howard Fertile 21 Patterson, Dan Barton 9 Patterson, Harvey Grove 21 Patterson, Larry Deer Creek 24 Paulson, Gary Fertile 12 Paulson, Kary Hartland 36 Paulson, Vernon Fertile 12 Pearson, George Silver Lake 7 Pederson, Duane Fertile 32 Pederson, Olaf Deer Creek 35 Pederson, Paul Deer Creek 10 Pederson, Selmer Fertile 29 Perkins, Larry Deer Creek 7 Perkins, Lloyd Deer Creek 7 Perkins, Melford Hartland 8 Perry, Carl Lincoln 4 Petersburg, Brad Fertile 12 Petersburg, Douglas Fertile 9 Petersburg, Floyd Fertile 11 Petersburg, James Fertile 22 Petersen, Darrel Fertile 31 Petersen, Don Lincoln 14 Peterson, Burt Bristol 18 Peterson, David Deer Creek 32 Peterson, Dudley R. Brookfield 28 Peterson, Elton Brookfield 8 Peterson, Gene A. Silver Lake 7 Peterson, Gerald Danville 4 Peterson, Gilman M Silver Lake 9 Peterson, Helen Mrs. Brookfield 28 Peterson, Roger D. Hartland 35 Peterson, Ronald Danville 23 Petrzelka, Robert Union 22 Petznick, Jerald Hartland 24 Picht, John Union 35 Picht, Mark J. Union 34 Picht, Shawn Union 35 Pierce, Charles M. Deer Creek 25 Pixley, Bruce G. Brookfield 23 Plath, Cecil Barton 29 Pope, Russ Barton 5 Porter, Larry Deer Creek 36 Post, Ron Fertile 32 Prazak, Kenneth Union 31 Prazak, Mike Union 31 Prestholt, Alfred Danville 30 Prestholt, Ed Danville 6 Prestholt, Ellen Danville 30 Prine, Lowell Brookfield 34 Pullium, Mardel L. Union 26 Quam, Kenneth Kensett 7 Quisley, Harold Hartland 24 Ralph, Albert Union 8 Ramsey, Lynn Fertile 7 Ramsey, Oscar Mrs. Fertile 6 Rasmussen, Anton Silver Lake 10 Read, William Brookfield 2 Rebelein, Steve Brookfield 27 Reindl, Kay A Lincoln 34 Reindl, Lawrence F. Lincoln 34 Reinsmoen, Orland Bristol 27 Reyerson, Curtis Hartland 20 Reyerson, Dennis Hartland 16 Reyerson, Doris Hartland 17 Reyerson, Keith Silver Lake 20 Reyerson, Maurice Silver Lake 24 Reyerson, Roger Silver Lake 15 Rice, Elwood Bristol 9 Richeson, Doug Silver Lake 21 Rinden, Marvin Fertile 6 Rinden, Oscar Fertile 6 Rinden, Ted Fertile 4 Ringham, Adrian Hartland 28 Robb, Albert Grove 27 Roberts, Donald L. Danville 11 Roberts, Ronald Fertile 1 Rodberg, Terry Fertile 5 Roe, Richard Mrs. Deer Creek 23 Roe, Roger Fertile 8 Rognes, Dennis Silver Lake 7 Rognes, Jerald M. Silver Lake 22 Rogness, Harvey J. Silver Lake 17 Rogness, Merv Bristol 32 Rogness, Warren Silver Lake 23 Roppe, Dewayne Hartland 12 Rosch, Steven Grove 16 Rosenberg, Elmer Barton 10 Rosenberg, James K. Barton 14 Rosenberg, Jeffery Barton 23 Rosenberg, Marlin D. Barton 10 Rothove, Francis Danville 4 Rothove, Melvin Brookfield 33 Rovang, John G. Fertile 15 Rowe, Donny Bristol 13 Ruble, Jarred Danville 31 Rueder, Tom Fertile 9 Rugland, Alfred Hartland 19 Rugland, Arlow Hartland 9 Runia, Curtis Fertile 34 Rusley, Julius Bristol 30 Rustad, Harold Grove 31 Ryan, Izetta Lincoln 9 Rye, Claire Fertile 11 Rye, Clayton T. Fertile 24 Rye, Norman H. Fertile 24 Ryg, Arden Union 32 Ryg, Steven Union 32 Sabbann, Brad Danville 27 Samec, Jerome Lincoln 26 Sanden, Robert Bristol 16 Sanderson, Kenneth O. Hartland 22 Sanderson, M. Lincoln 3 Sawin, Neil V. Mrs. Deer Creek 32 Sawin, Robert Brookfield 29 Sawin, Willis A. Deer Creek 19 Schaub, Curtis Union 4 Schaub, Ellis L. Kensett 36 Schaub, Lynn Deer Creek 25 Schipull, Dennis Kensett 4 Schmidt, Richard Bristol 19 Schmidt, Robert E. Union 24 Schneider, Carl Danville 22 Schotanus, Gerald Barton 13 Schulte, Delores Danville 25 Schulte, Donald Danville 26 Schulte, Michael Danville 25 Schultz, Dale Union 5 Schultz, John H. Union 5 Schuttler, Dorothy Barton 27 Schuttler, Gary Barton 14 Schutz, Dennis Grove 8 Schutz, Steven Kensett 14 Seater, Donald Barton 8 Seater, E.C. Barton 8 Seemuth, Stephanie Hartland 13 Seidel, Frank Danville 8 Seidel, Lock Mrs. Lincoln 4 Sellers, Donald A. Fertile 26 Sellers, William Fertile 26 Senne, Arthur E. Hartland 19 Senne, Mark Hartland 22 Severson, Alan Fertile 32 Severson, Donald Fertile 32 Severson, Gene Kensett 6 Shahan, Michael Fertile 35 Sheka Brothers Union 22 Sheka, Glenn Union 22 Sheka, Glenn Jr. Union 22 Shepley, Marion Lincoln 26 Sherff, Joe Lincoln 11 Sherrard, Robert F. Jr. Barton 25 Sherwood, Boyd Danville 36 Shields, Jon Lincoln 1 Shoars, Smith J. Brookfield 24 Shroprhire, Larry Danville 18 Shupe, Ronald Gene Hartland 18 Sime, Dale Hartland 33 Sime, Gilmore Mrs. Hartland 32 Sime, Randall Hartland 32 Singelstad, Alfred Silver Lake 24 Skatter, Manford Danville 26 Skellenger, Neil Silver Lake 27 Slater, Dennis Union 14 Slattum, Duane Bristol 31 Slattum, Richard Bristol 31 Sluik, John Danville 34 Sluik, Lyle Danville 34 Smeby, John Jr. Danville 7 Smeby, Mark Bristol 13 Smeby, Royden Bristol 14 Smith, Bruce Jr. Hartland 27 Smith, G. Bernard Union 18 Smith, Kenneth Kensett 36 Smith, Kenneth D. Danville 32 Sola, Gary D. Deer Creek 8 Sorbo, Gaylord Silver Lake 15 Sorbo, Gilman N. Silver Lake 13 Sorensen, Iver M. Silver Lake 17 Sorenson, Irving Hartland 22 Sorenson, Kelmer Danville 20 Sorenson, Lynn Danville 29 Sparby, Clarence Danville 15 Spencer, Ellsworth E. Fertile 13 Spilde, Mark Kensett 11 Squier, Raymond J. Lincoln 32 Stadheim, Bryan Silver Lake 11 Stayner, Grayling Deer Creek 19 Stayner, Wilbur R. Deer Creek 19 Stehn, Delmar Barton 3 Stehn, James Brookfield 2 Stehn, Russell Brookfield 2 Steiger, Clarence Barton 28 Steiger, Glennis H. Kensett 25 Steinberg, Brian Barton 25 Steinhauer, Russell Silver Lake 7 Stevens, Alan L. Deer Creek 19 Stevens, David Barton 4 Stevens, June, Mrs. Lincoln 4 Stevens, Lowell W. Kensett 35 Stevens, Michael Grove 24 Stoa, Alan Hartland 18 Stoffregen, Charles Deer Creek 28 Stoffregen, E.H. Deer Creek 21 Stomo, Donavan Grove 15 Stricker, Nancy Union 20 Stricker, Ronald Kensett 18 Stromely, Orville Brookfield 21 Stromley, Ansley Fertile 17 Stromley, Reuben Brookfield 27 Stumo, Charles Brookfield 13 Stumo, Gene Brookfield 2 Stumo, Gerhardt J. Brookfield 13 Stumo, John Brookfield 14 Stumo, Lowell Union 15 Stumo, Peter Brookfield 15 Suby, Bradley Fertile 26 Suby, Michael Fertile 5 Suby, Robert D. Fertile 27 Sunde, Keith Fertile 30 Svoboda, Donna Hartland 23 Swain, Silver Lake 7 Swanson, Dan Silver Lake 13 Swensrud, Alfred Grove 13 Swisher, Roger L. Lincoln 19 Tantow, Charles Danville 28 Tantow, Maynard Danville 28 Taylor, Mark Kensett 1 Taylor, Rex Danville 30 Tenold, Arlyn Bristol 30 Tenold, Clifford Brookfield 19 Tenold, John Brookfield 18 Tenold, Lynn Lincoln 25 Tenold, Olger Brookfield 8 Tenold, Paul Bristol 29 Tenold, Reuben E. Brookfield 15 Tenold, Robert O. Brookfield 10 Tenold, Russell Brookfield 17 Thayer, Larry Brookfield 2 Thoe, Robert R. Kensett 28 Thoen, Vivian Brookfield 35 Thompson, Allan Danville 4 Thompson, Arnold L. Hartland 34 Thompson, James Lincoln 24 Thompson, Joseph M. Danville 25 Thompson, Lewis Grove 17 Thompson, Mike Silver Lake 22 Thompson, Siram M. Silver Lake 11 Thompto, Harry M Grove 8 Thompto, Steven Grove 8 Thorson, Arden Silver Lake 22 Thorson, Donald Bristol 26 Thorson, Duane Bristol 36 Thorson, Ilene Deer Creek 17 Thorson, Steve Grove 21 Tibbits, Robert G. Lincoln 25 Tietjens, Dale Lincoln 4 Tomlinson, Gary M. Lincoln 20 Tomlinson, Jesse Danville 25 Torgeson, Mark R. Lincoln 33 Torkelson, Clarence Jr. Fertile 29 Tostenson, Lavon, Mrs. Lincoln 9 Trainer, James Deer Creek 8 Trenhaile, Eric Barton 19 Trenhaile, Steve Union 20 Trenhaile, Wayne Kensett 16 Trettin, Dale Union 13 Trettin, Gladys Union 1 Trettin, Kermit Union 14 Tritch, Jay Bristol 25 Tritch, Merle Bristol 25 Trustem, Thelma, Mrs. Fertile 13 Tue, Roger Silver Lake 14 Turner, Ray Deer Creek 25 Tuttle, Richard Kensett 8 Tweed, Arthur Fertile 6 Tweed, Elvin Fertile 17 Tweeten, Brian Danville 2 Tweeten, Stanley B. Danville 10 Tyrrell, O'Brien Grove 8 Urbatch, Lavern Lincoln 11 Urbatsch, Forrest Union 21 Urbatsch, Mark Union 21 Urbatsch, Mike Union 19 Van Cleve, Tim Danville 18 Van Sabben, Jon Grove 24 Van Steenburg, Jeff Kensett 10 Van Veldhuizen, Bernon Grove 19 Van Veldhuizen, Gary Brookfield 3 Van Wyk, Rodney L. Danville 33 Veech, David Lincoln 15 Venechuk, Terry Deer Creek 29 Vernig, Adrian Barton 23 Virchow, Cheryl Deer Creek 11 Virchow, Russell H. Grove 8 Von Hagen, Oliver Brookfield 23 Waddington, Donald Fertile 26 Wahl, Claire Deer Creek 33 Walk, Clarence Barton 22 Walk, Dellis Barton 31 Walk, Donald Brookfield 3 Walk, Earl Barton 31 Walk, Frank Union 5 Walk, Harley Union 9 Walk, Paul Barton 20 Walk, Stanley R. Union 23 Walk, Tom Lincoln 1 Walker, Mark Lincoln 28 Wallin, Dale E. Hartland 15 Wallin, Douglas Hartland 11 Walser, Dennis E. Grove 34 Walser, Ernest Grove 34 Westfall, Stephen Fertile 26 Whelan, Tim Brookfield 11 White, Arthur L. Barton 32 White, Jay D. Union 12 Wilde, Brian Union 1 Wilkins, L.H. Lincoln 9 Willand, Carol, Mrs. Bristol 26 Willand, Clarence Bristol 10 Willand, Ellnora A. Kensett 5 Willand, Warren Kensett 5 Willand, Wayne B. Grove 7 Williams, Burton Kensett 19 Winter, John U. Hartland 8 Winter, Tim Lincoln 5 Wise, Leon Lincoln 36 Wisher, Lynn M Fertile 11 Wissler, Clyde Lincoln 23 Witham, Robert Bristol 5 Witte, Daryl Brookfield 20 Wonsmos, John Bristol 27 Woodiwiss, Arnold Lincoln 33 Wrick, Dennis Deer Creek 11 Wright, Larry Grove 32 Wubben L. Bristol 6 Wurtzel, Tim Fertile 14 Wyborny, Arlo Deer Creek 34 Yezek, Ronald A. Lincoln 34 Yocum, William Silver Lake 30 Young, David Fertile 7 END November 29, 2000 Submitted by: Kermit L. Kittleson, kermit-k@juno.com |