![]() Rural Residents of Worth County, 1963 RURAL RESIDENTS OF WORTH COUNTY, IOWA, 1963 Transcription by Gordon Felland -- March 2001 ====================================================================== NAME ADDRESS TOWNSHIP SECT. STATUS Aamadt, Carroll Northwood 3 Hartland 25 Owner Aamadt, Oscar Northwood 3 Hartland 25 Owner Aarback, Milton Kensett 1 Danville 10 Owner Aase, Mrs. Fred Northwood 3 Grove 31 Owner Aase, Merle Northwood 3 Grove 31 Renter Aasland, Ancel Joice 1 Bristol 22 Renter Abrams, Donald Northwood 3 Hartland 26 Owner Abrams, Donald Northwood 2 Deer Creek 7 Owner Adams, Corbet Lake Mills 1 Silver Lake 26 Owner Adams, Donald Lake Mills 1 Bristol 18 Owner Adams, Mrs. Henrietta St. Ansgar 1 Deer Creek 28 Renter Adams, James Lake Mills 1 Silver Lake 3 Adams, Robert St. Ansgar 1 Deer Creek 28 Renter Aldrich, Chester W. Northwood 3 Hartland 14 Owner Alitz, William Manly 1 Danville 35 Owner Allen, Earl Kensett 2 Kensett 33 Almelein, Edward Joice 1 Fertile 19 Owner Almelein, Reuben Joice 1 Fertile 5 Renter Ames, Burl Manly 1 Lincoln 14 Owner Amundson, Curtis Joice 1 Fertile 16 Renter Amundson, Leroy Kensett 1 Danville 16 Owner Amundson, Oliver Northwood 3 Grove 30 Renter Anderson, Adrain Emmons, MN 1 Silver Lake 19 Renter Anderson, Alvin Kensett 1 Brookfield 32 Anderson, Andrew Hanlontown 1 Fertile 31 Owner Anderson, Anna Joice 1 Fertile 20 Anderson, Arthur Carpenter 1 Barton 2 Owner Anderson, Arthur Lyle, MN 1 Deer Creek 10 Anderson, Mrs. B.J. Joice 1 Fertile 18 Owner Anderson, Bob Lake Mills 1 Silver Lake 31 Renter Anderson, Charles Northwood 2 Grove 16 Renter Anderson, Clayton Northwood 2 Grove 16 Renter Anderson, Dean Joice 1 Fertile 18 Owner Anderson, Donald Kensett 1 Brookfield 32 Renter Anderson, Dora Joice 1 Fertile 26 Anderson, Gilbert St. Ansgar 1 Barton 1 Renter Anderson, Glenn Northwood 2 Grove 22 Renter Anderson, James C. Kensett 1 Lincoln 4 Renter Anderson, James L. Kensett 1 Lincoln 4 Renter Anderson, John Danville 1 Danville 33 Anderson, Manley Manly 1 Danville 23 Renter Anderson, Melvin St. Ansgar 1 Barton 11 Renter Anderson, Morris Kensett 1 Brookfield 30 Owner Anderson, Mrs. Nels St. Ansgar 1 Deer Creek 36 Renter Anderson, Robert Kensett 1 Danville 6 Renter Anderson, Robert Fertile 1 Fertile 28 Renter Anderson, Roger Emmons, MN 1 Silver Lake 19 Renter Anderson, Russell Northwood 2 Grove 21 Renter Anderson, Stanley Joice 1 Fertile 8 Owner Anderson, Wallace Joice 1 Fertile 7 Renter Anderson, Wesley Joice 1 Fertile 18 Renter Anderson, Wilbur Northwood 3 Silver Lake 24 Anderson, William Northwood 3 Hartland 28 Owner Anderson, William A. St. Ansgar 1 Deer Creek 27 Owner Anonson, Kermit Joice 1 Bristol 31 Owner Appel, Reuben Northwood 1 Brookfield 16 Renter Armstrong, Richard Plymouth 1 Union 34 Owner Arneson, Arnold Joice 1 Bristol 34 Owner Arneson, Curtis Lake Mills 1 Silver Lake 4 Renter Arneson, Elmer Emmons, MN 1 Silver Lake 18 Renter Arnold, Le Roy Northwood 2 Deer Creek 29 Renter Arnold, Louis Lake Mills 1 Bristol 17 Arnold, Mickey Northwood 1 Barton 6 Renter Arrett, Lawrence Northwood 1 Kensett 12 Renter Arthur, Harold Joice 1 Bristol 15 Owner Arzberger, Chet Plymouth 1 Union 28 Owner Arzberger, Reuben Plymouth 1 Union 27 Renter Ashland, Dean Northwood 2 Brookfield 2 Renter Athen, Herman Manly 1 Lincoln 33 Owner Ausen, Irvin Lake Mills 1 Bristol 4 Owner Ausenhus, C.F. Kensett 1 Danville 21 Owner Backhaus, Alto Hanlontown 1 Danville 30 Owner Backhaus, Arno Manly 1 Danville 25 Owner Backhaus, Earl Grafton Union 10 Owner Backhaus, Ervin Grafton 1 Union 10 Owner Backhaus, Harry Manly 1 Danville 24 Owner Backhaus, Herb Manly 1 Lincoln 19 Renter Bailey, Gale Manly 1 Lincoln 3 Renter Bakken, Joseph Northwood 3 Hartland 20 Owner Bakken, Oscar Northwood 3 Hartland 17 Renter Ballandby, Lars Northwood 1 Bristol 12 Owner Bang, Hubert Joice 1 Bristol 27 Owner Banken, George Joice 1 Bristol 21 Owner Banken, Mr. Manly 1 Lincoln 16 Renter Barnett, T. Manly 1 Lincoln 25 Renter Barta, Donald Manly 1 Lincoln 8 Renter Bartlett, Maynard Manly 1 Lincoln 15 Owner Bartusek, Ruben Grafton 1 Union 15 Owner Bartz, Alvin Grafton 1 Barton 34 Owner Bartz, Alvin Grafton 1 Barton 26 Renter Bartz, Ervin Kensett 2 Barton 21 Owner Bartz, Gene Grafton 1 Barton 18 Renter Bartz, Harold Grafton 1 Barton 22 Owner Bartz, R. St. Ansgar 1 Barton 25 Renter Bartz, Richard Grafton 1 Barton 15 Bauman, Ernest Kensett 1 Danville 17 Renter Bednar, Anna Manly 1 Lincoln 14 Owner Bednar, Dell Manly 1 Lincoln 22 Belz, Carl St. Ansgar 1 Barton 13 Owner Belz, Lawrence St. Ansgar 1 Barton 13 Owner Bendickson, Andre Lake Mills 1 Silver Lake 27 Owner Bendickson, George Northwood 3 Grove 31 Renter Benjegerdes, Dick Manly 1 Lincoln 32 Renter Benjegerdes, Irvin Manly 1 Lincoln 20 Renter Benjegerdes, Kenneth Manly 1 Danville 23 Owner Benjegerdes, Kent Kensett Danville 13 Renter Benjegerdes, Leslie Manly 1 Lincoln 14 Owner Benjegerdes, Marvin Manly 1 Lincoln 32 Renter Benjegerdes, Peter Manly 1 Lincoln 32 Owner Benson, Stanton Joice 1 Fertile 30 Owner Berding, Alfred Manly 1 Lincoln 15 Renter Berg, Ben Kensett 2 Lincoln 1 Renter Berg, Ervin Kensett 1 Brookfield 25 Owner Berg, Milton Northwood 1 Brookfield 18 Renter Berg, Norma Kensett 1 Brookfield 32 Renter Bergan, Arden Hanlontown 1 Fertile 1 Bergan, Donald Lake Mills 1 Bristol 3 Bergan, Roy Lake Mills 1 Silver Lake 34 Renter Bergan, William Plymouth 1 Union 35 Owner Bergdale, Alfred Kensett 1 Danville 7 Owner Bergdale, Carsten Hanlontown 1 Fertile 14 Renter Berge, Alvin Northwood 2 Grove 35 Renter Berge, Glenn St. Ansgar 1 Barton 24 Berge, John Kensett 2 Kensett 25 Owner Bergo Bros. Kensett 1 Brookfield 21 Renter Bergo, Ernest Lake Mills 1 Bristol 3 Owner Bergo, Orvin Northwood 3 Hartland 20 Berhow, Robert Lake Mills 3 Silver Lake 35 Renter Berry, Clyde Grafton 1 Union 14 Owner Berry, John Kensett 1 Kensett 28 Renter Betels, Henry Fertile 1 Fertile 33 Renter Bidne, Iver Northwood 1 Brookfield 10 Renter Bjelland, Mrs. Ada Lake Mills 1 Bristol 4 Owner Bjelland, John Lake Mills 1 Silver Lake 29 Owner Black, William Northwood 1 Kensett 7 Renter Blanchard, William Manly 1 Danville 27 Renter Blegberg, Elmer Northwood 2 Brookfield 2 Owner Bliton, Leonard Northwood 2 Grove 9 Renter Bonder, Arthur J. Manly 1 Danville 26 Owner Bonker, Arthur J. Manly 1 Danville 23 Owner Bonker, Ernest Manly 1 Danville 25 Renter Borchardt, Dale Plymouth 1 Union 36 Renter Borchardt, Donald Plymouth 3 Union 35 Owner Borchardt, G.A. Grafton 1 Union 12 Borchardt, Kenneth Plymouth 1 Union 36 Owner Borchardt, Rueben Plymouth 1 Union 35 Renter Borchardt, Wilbert Plymouth 1 Union 26 Owner Borcherding, Raymond St. Ansgar 1 Deer Creek 24 Borcherding, Richard St. Ansgar 1 Deer Creek 28 Renter Borchert, Warren Plymouth 1 Union 23 Owner Borsett, Eugene Northwood 1 Kensett 10 Renter Bosch, Joseph Northwood 1 Brookfield 13 Owner Bottleman, Elmer Northwood 2 Grove 16 Renter Bottleman, John Northwood 2 Grove 25 Owner Boulting, Mrs. Ivan Manly 1 Lincoln 22 Owner Braattrud, Kannow Hanlontown 1 Danville 29 Owner Brackey, Ben Lake Mills 1 Bristol 8 Owner Brackey, Duane Lake Mills 1 Silver Lake 22 Renter Brandt, Albert Northwood 1 Bristol 1 Renter Brandt, James Northwood 3 Silver Lake 36 Renter Bratrud, Marvin Kensett Danville 4 Bratrud, O.M. Kensett 1 Danville 4 Bratrud, Orin Kensett 1 Brookfield 34 Renter Bratrud, Otis Hanlontown 1 Danville 20 Owner Bratrud, Tom Hanlontown 1 Danville 20 Owner Brattrud, Ed C. Hanlontown 1 Danville 29 Owner Braun, Armond Grafton 1 Barton 32 Renter Braun, Mrs. Everett Kensett 2 Union 5 Owner Braun, Harvey Kensett 2 Kensett 36 Owner Braun, Laurence St. Ansgar 1 Barton 16 Owner Brazel, Joe A. St. Ansgar 1 Deer Creek 33 Owner Brien, Clarence N. Northwood3 Silver Lake 25 Owner Breen, Elroy Northwood3 Silver Lake 25 Owner Brendon, Art Fertile 1 Fertile 32 Owner Brenno, Olaf Kensett 1 Danville 20 Owner Broderson, Ben Manly 1 Lincoln 34 Owner Broderson, Elmer Manly 1 Lincoln 34 Renter Broitzman, Leon Northwood2 Grove 10 Owner Brosdal, James Lake Mills 1 Bristol 3 Renter Brown, Calvin St. Ansgar 1 Barton 10 Renter Brown, H.F. St. Ansgar 1 Deer Creek 16 Brua, Ardell Emmons, MN 1 Silver Lake 20 Renter Brua, Lawrence Emmons, MN 1 Silver Lake 12 Owner Brue, Ernest Joice 1 Fertile 9 Owner Bruesewitz, Eugene Kensett 2 Union 9 Owner Bruns, David Fertile Fertile 21 Renter Bruns, Theodore Hanlontown 1 Fertile 34 Owner Brunsvold, Albert Northwood 3 Hartland 36 Renter Brunsvold, Arnold Hanlontown 1 Fertile 2 Owner Brunsvold, Curtis Kensett 1 Danville 5 Owner Brunsvold, Eldryn Kensett 1 Kensett 32 Renter Brunsvold, Enis Joice 1 Bristol 36 Renter Brunsvold, Ernest Joice 1 Bristol 34 Brunsvold, Ernest Kensett 1 Danville 9 Owner Brunsvold, James Hanlontown 1 Fertile 23 Owner Brunsvold, Jorgen Joice 1 Bristol 36 Owner Brunsvold, Leonard Kensett 1 Brookfield 23 Renter Brunsvold, Marvel Lake Mills 1 Bristol 14 Renter Brunsvold, Mayland Kensett 1 Kensett 30 Owner Brunsvold, Norman Kensett 1 Danville 10 Renter Brunsvold, Selmer Kensett 1 Danville 15 Renter Brunsvold, Theodore E. Hanlontown l Fertile 2 Owner Brunsvold, Tieman Northwood 3 Hartland 35 Owner Brunsvold, Wallace Hanlontown 1 Danville 18 Owner Brunswold, Clarie Joice 1 Bristol 25 Owner Brunswold, Eldon Joice 1 Bristol 25 Owner Brunswold, Ralph Joice 1 Bristol 36 Bublitz, Arnold St. Ansgar 1 Barton 14 Owner Bublitz, Harley Grafton 1 Union 7 Renter Bublitz, Harvey Mitchell Union 1 Owner Bublitz, Wilmer Grafton 1 Barton 22 Owner Buhyer, Eldon Northwood 2 Grove 32 Burdick, Clarence A. Lake Mills 1 Bristol 8 Owner Burdick, Ronald Lake Mills 1 Bristol 8 Burtness, Melvin Kensett 1 Brookfield 30 Owner Butler, Allan Lake Mills l Bristol 5 Renter Butler, Arthur Northwood1 Kensett 5 Owner Butler, Georgina Northwood 1 Kensett 8 Owner Butler, Gilman Kensett l Kensett 20 Owner Butler, Mrs. Gladys Northwood 3 Silver Lake 36 Owner Butler, James Emmons, MN 1 Silver Lake 7 Renter Butler, Luane Northwood 1 Brookfield 12 Renter Butler, Melbourne Northwood 1 Kensett 8 Renter Butler, Ralph Kensett 1 Kensett 29 Renter Butler, W, D. Kensett 1 Kensett 29 Owner Byhre, Mrs. Ben Fertile 1 Fertile 30 Byington, Glen Plymouth 1 Union 35 Owner Caffrey, Guy Kensett 1 Brookfield 32 Renter Calgaard, Maynard Fertile 1 Fertile 32 Calgaard, Palmer Joice 1 Bristol 15 Renter Calgaard, Robert Joice 1 Bristol 22 Owner Calgaard, Roy Joice 1 Fertile 4 Renter Carlson, Axel Kensett 2 Barton 20 Owner Carlson, Arthur Kensett 2 Barton 19 Renter Carlson, Darrel Kensett 2 Barton 28 Renter Carlson, Everett Northwood Kensett 16 Renter Carlson, George St. Ansgar 1 Deer Creek 16 Owner Charlson, Herbert Kensett 2 Kensett 36 Renter Charlson, Oscar B. Lake Mills 1 Bristol 9 Owner Charlson, S. A. Joice 1 Bristol 26 Renter Charlson, Waldren Grafton Barton 27 Renter Chodur, Kenneth Kensett 1 Lincoln 5 Renter Chodur, Ralph Joice 1 Bristol 16 Renter Christensen, Broder Plymouth 1 Union 36 Owner Christianson, David Emmons, MN 1 Silver Lake 7 Renter Christianson, Klinard Northwood 3 Hartland 14 Owner Christianson, Owen Northwood 3 Hartland 16 Christianson, Tillman Northwood 3 Hartland 10 Renter Citrus, Roman, Jr. St. Ansgar 1 Deer Creek 21 Owner Citurs, Earl St. Ansgar 1 Deer Creek 28 Clagett, Roger Kensett 2 Barton 30 Renter Clagett, Roy Kensett 1 Lincoln 8 Renter Claggett, Doyle Kensett 2 Kensett 33 Clark, Harold Plymouth 1 Union 28 Renter Clark, Kenneth Joice 1 Fertile 5 Owner Clemenson, Gunder Kensett 1 Danville 4 Owner Cleveland, Charles Kensett 1 Brookfield 28 Renter Cobeen, Alvin Manly 1 Union 30 Owner Cobeen Bros. Manly 1 Union 19 Owner Cobeen, Floyd Manly 1 Union 19 Owner Coe, Dick Plymouth 1 Union 32 Owner Coe, Ray Kensett 1 Kensett 28 Owner Colbertson, Oscar Northwood 2 Grove 27 Owner Colbertson, William Northwood 2 Grove 27 Owner Colby, Charles Kensett 2 Barton 30 Owner Colby, Ralph Kensett 2 Kensett 28 Colby, Royden Joice 1 Fertile 8 Cole, Eugene Plymouth 1 Union 23 Renter Cole, Floyd Plymouth 1 Union 30 Owner Cooper, Clifford Manly 1 Lincoln 12 Renter Cooper, Earl Carpenter 1 Barton 12 Owner Cooper, Ernest Kensett 2 Kensett 25 Owner Cooper, Emery Manly 1 Lincoln 12 Renter Cooper, Glenn Manly 1 Lincoln 2 Renter Cooper, Harold Manly 1 Lincoln 27 Cooper, Lawrence Manly 1 Lincoln 2 Renter Cooper, Lawrence Manly 1 Lincoln 12 Renter Cooper, Warren Kensett 2 Kensett 25 Owner Coppack, Glenn Northwood 2 Deer Creek 13 Owner Cornellius, Reuben Kensett 1 Brookfield 19 Renter Corr, Philip Kensett 1 Danville 15 Renter Coyle, John Northwood 2 Grove 22 Renter Craig, Mrs. Anna Manly l Danville 25 Renter Craig, Donald Manly 1 Lincoln 13 Renter Crasper, Edgar St. Ansgar 1 Deer Creek 22 Owner Crimmings, Morris Kensett 2 Union 8 Owner Crom, Harry Northwood 1 Kensett 2 Owner Cromley, Mervin Joice 1 Fertile 8 Renter Cundiff, Robert Lake Mills 1 Silver Lake 29 Owner Curlfy, Herman St. Ansgar 1 Deer Creek 9 Dadisman, Glen Manly 1 Lincoln 29 Owner Dahl, Claire Joice 1 Bristol 34 Owner Dahl, Derwin Manly 1 Lincoln 8 Owner Dahl, Gary Lake Mills 1 Silver Lake 29 Renter Dahl, Gaylord Northwood 3 Silver Lake 25 Dahl, Glenn Lake Mills 1 Silver Lake 30 Renter Dahl, Palmer Manly 1 Lincoln 18 Dahl, Philip Manly 1 Danville 13 Dahl, Wallace Kensett 1 Danville 14 Renter Dahl, Walter Manly 1 Lincoln 17 Owner Dahlby, Aaron Emmons, MN 1 Silver Lake 16 Owner Dahlby, Aaron Emmons, MN 1 Silver Lake 21 Owner Dahlby, Daniel H. Kensett 1 Bristol 24 Renter Dahlby, Donovan Northwood 2 Grove 21 Owner Dahlby, Duayne Hanlontown 1 Fertile 2 Owner Dahle, R. Lake Mills 1 Silver Lake 34 Renter Daily, Bernard Kensett Union 8 Renter Dakin, Gordon Joice 1 Fertile 19 Renter Dakin, Lewis A. Joice 1 Fertile 19 Owner Dalluge, Wilbur Grafton, Union 2 Owner Daniel, Russel Plymouth l Union 28 Renter Danner, Harley Northwood 2 Grove 24 Renter Davey, Ivan Northwood 2 Grove 23 Renter Davidson, Fred St. Ansgar 1 Deer Creek 17 Davidson, O. St. Ansgar 1 Deer Creek 17 Davidson, Omer Northwood 2 Deer Creek 20 Owner Davidson, M. St. Ansgar 1 Deer Creek 17 Davis, George Plymouth 1 Union 4 Owner Davis, Jim Lyle, MN, 1 Deer Creek 13 Renter Deets, Merlin Hanlontown 1 Danville 31 Renter Deets, Walter Manly 1 Lincoln 26 Degn, Leroy Northwood 1 Bristol 1 Deihl, Chester Northwood 1 Kensett 4 Owner De Lawyer, Ross Joice 1 Bristol 33 Diedrick, Laverne Kensett 2 Kensett 23 Renter Diedrick, Otto Grafton 1 Barton 27 Diedrick, Reusen Grafton 1 Barton 33 Owner Diedrick, Mrs. Walter Grafton 1 Barton 33 Owner Dietrich, Leonard Manly 1 Danville 22 Owner Dietrich, Wayne Kensett 1 Lincoln 8 Dixon, Harold Kensett 1 Danville 12 Renter Dockum, Ernest M. St. Ansgar 1 Deer Creek 25 Doebal, Chester Manly 1 Lincoln 10 Owner Doebel, Arthur Manly 1 Lincoln 15 Owner Doebel, August Manly 1 Lincoln 11 Owner Doebel, Donald Manly 1 Lincoln 13 Owner Dokken, George Kensett 1 Brookfield 22 Owner Dolan, George Northwood 3 Hartland 18 Owner Douglas, C.F. Manly 1 Union 30 Owner Douglas, Charles Kensett 1 Danville 11 Owner Dralla, Lloyd Hanlontown 1 Fertile 10 Renter Dutcher, Lloyd Grafton 1 Union 13 Renter Dutte, Martin Grafton 1 Union 3 Renter Dybvad, Andrew Kensett 2 Kensett 24 Renter Ebert, Paul Northwood 1 Brookfield 5 Owner Edwardson, Carl Kensett 1 Brookfield 22 Owner Egan, William Hanlontown 1 Fertile 10 Renter Egland, Oscar O. Emmons, MN 1 Hartland 7 Owner Ellertson, Leslie Northwood 2 Deer Creek 18 Owner Ellertson, Leonard Northwood 3 Hartland 18 Renter Ellingson, Barbara Northwood 3 Hartland 27 Owner Ellingson, Bennie St. Ansgar 1 Barton 15 Ellingson, Leland St. Ansgar 1 Barton 11 Owner Ellingson, Lemoyne Northwood 3 Hartland 27 Ellingson, Seymour Hanlontown 1 Fertile 14 Owner Elthon, David Fertile 1 Fertile 13 Renter Elvesether, O.L. Hanlontown 1 Danville 19 Owner Enderson, Ernest Northwood 1 Kensett 17 Renter Enderson, Jennie Lake Mills 1 Bristol 7 Renter Eneeson, Albert Northwood 3 Hartland 30 Renter Enerson, Mrs. Eddie Northwood 3 Hartland 6 Owner Enerson, Ernest Northwood 3 Hartland 24 Owner Erickson, Carl Northwood 1 Kensett 18 Renter Erickson, Elmer Lake Mills 1 Silver Lake 30 Renter Erickson, Lauverne Kensett 1 Brookfield 21 Renter Erickson, Melvin Lake Mills 1 Bristol 18 Renter Erickson, Norris Emmons, MN 1 Silver Lake 13 Owner Eskildson, Glen Northwood 2 Deer Creek 6 Renter Estes, Mrs. A.W. Northwood 1 Kensett 1 Owner Estes, Drexall Northwood 1 Kensett 1 Owner Estes, Wayne Northwood 2 Grove 20 Renter Estes, William Northwood 1 Kensett 4 Renter Evans, G. Kensett 1 Danville 12 Renter Evans, Lloyd Joice 1 Fertile 10 Owner Evans, Thomas Joice 1 Bristol 32 Owner Evenson, Abner Hanlontown 1 Bristol 35 Renter Evenson, John Joice 1 Bristol 32 Owner Evenson, Julian Northwood 3 Hartland 23 Renter Everhart, Henry Northwood 1 Brookfield 11 Owner Everling, C.W. Lake Mills 1 Deer Creek 12 Renter Everson, Odean Northwood 3 Hartland 11 Owner Faber, Fred Hanlontown 1 Danville 20 Owner Fallmouth, Arnold Northwood 1 Barton 8 Renter Feldt, Don Grafton 1 Barton 26 Owner Felland, Anon Joice 1 Fertile 19 Owner Felland, Charles Northwood 1 Bristol 13 Renter Felland, Ernest Joice 1 Fertile 18 Owner Felland, Gunder S. Fertile 1 Fertile 33 Owner Felland, Kenton Hanlontown 1 Fertile 30 Owner Felland, Roger Hanlontown 1 Fertile 36 Renter Fenney, A.N. Northwood 1 Kensett 19 Renter Fenney, Ernest Northwood 1 Kensett 18 Owner Ferley, Gilbert Hanlontown 1 Danville 18 Renter Ferley, Gilbert Grafton 1 Barton 14 Ferley, Glen Northwood 3 Hartland 17 Renter Ferley. Morris Northwood 2 Grove 23 Renter Field, J.J. Manly 1 Lincoln 28 Owner Field, Louis Manly 1 Lincoln 10 Fisher, Renter Kensett 1 Kensett 28 Fitzl Bros. Plymouth 1 Union 29 Owner Fitzpatrick, Joe Plymouth 1 Lincoln 36 Fjeld, George N. Joice 1 Fertile 18 Owner Fjeld, Glen Joice 1 Fertile 17 Renter Fjeld, Marlin Joice 1 Fertile 20 Fjeld, Raymond Joice 1 Fertile 17 Renter Flaaten, Truman Kensett 1 Danville 2 Renter Flatnes, Alton Northwood 2 Grove 15 Owner Flatness, Alvin Glenville, MN Hartland 12 Owner Flatness, Eddie C. Northwood 2 Grove 14 Owner Flatness, Irving A. St. Ansgar 1 Deer Creek 35 Owner Flattum, Carl Emmons, MN 1 Silver Lake 23 Owner Foley, Clarence Northwood 1 Kensett 15 Owner Folkert, Harry Northwood 2 Grove 34 Renter Ford, Joe Manly 1 Union 7 Owner Ford, Richard Manly 1 Lincoln 12 Renter Forland, Dr. L.M. Kensett 1 Brookfield 19 Owner Foss, Andrew Kensett 1 Brookfield 22 Owner Foss, Eddin Kensett 1 Brookfield 36 Owner Fraizer, Leonard Northwood 2 Grove 9 Owner Fredlund, Mathew, Kensett 1 Lincoln 5 Fredrickson, Kenneth Northwood 2 Grove 23 Gaarder, Donald Kensett 1 Kensett 29 Renter Gaarder, Hilman Kensett 1 Kensett 32 Owner Gabriel, Hartwick Northwood 2 Grove 18 Owner Gabriel, Leslie, Northwood 2 Grove 18 Owner Gabrielson, Carl Northwood 3 Hartland 14 Renter Gander, Joe Manly 1 Lincoln 23 Renter Garnas, Glenn Northwood 2 Deer Creek 32 Renter Garnas, Leonard Northwood 1 Kensett 16 Owner Garnas, Robert Kensett 1 Danville 22 Renter Garr, Jess Northwood 3 Hartland 21 Renter Garver, W. Grafton 1 Union 11 Owner Gaskill, Donald Northwood 1 Brookfield 7 Owner Gaskill, Francis Joice 1 Fertile 16 Owner Gasteiger, Harold Plymouth 1 Union 29 Renter Gasteiger, Joe Plymouth 1 Union 35 Owner Gentz, Arthur Northwood 2 Grove 36 Gentz, Raymond Northwood 2 Deer Creek 31 Renter Gentz, Roy St. Ansgar 1 Deer Creek 27 Renter Gentz, William, Jr. Northwood 2 Deer Creek 31 Renter Gerk, Joe Kensett 2 Barton 20 Owner Gerken, Emil Manly 1 Lincoln 28 Gesme Bros. Hanlontown 1 Fertile 24 Renter Gesme, Earl Joice 1 Fertile 9 Gesme, Laurence Hanlontown 1 Danville 18 Owner Gilbertson, James Hanlontown 1 Fertile 13 Renter Gillihan, Bruce Northwood 1 Kensett 3 Owner Glassel, Clyde Grafton 1 Union 11 Renter Glassel, Harvey Kensett 1 Lincoln 6 Owner Godfrey, O. Northwood 3 Grove 16 Golding, Charles Northwood 1 Barton 16 Renter Goodmanson, Donald Hanlontown 1 Fertile 26 Renter Gorden, Raymond Kensett 1 Lincoln 4 Renter Gordon. Archie St. Ansgar 1 Deer Creek 27 Gordon, Dean Kensett 2 Lincoln 3 Owner Gordon, Ernie R. Manly 1 Lincoln 11 Owner Gordon, Gail Kensett 2 Kensett 34 Gordon, Gaylord Kensett 2 Lincoln 2 Owner Gordon, Lawrence Kensett 1 Kensett 21 Owner Gordon, M.L. St. Ansgar 1 Deer Creek 22 Owner Gordon, Minnie O. St. Ansgar 1 Deer Creek 27 Owner Gordon, Norman Kensett 2 Kensett 35 Owner Gordon, Richard Kensett 1 Kensett 32 Owner Gordon, Mrs. Rosamond Carpenter 1 Barton 1 Owner Gordon, Vernon St. Ansgar 1 Deer Creek 26 Renter Gould, Roland Plymouth 1 Union 32 Owner Graham, Gordon Hanlontown 1 Fertile 4 Owner Grandgnett, Harold Plymouth 1 Union 29 Renter Grosland, Oscar Northwood 3 Hartland 36 Gregory, James Plymouth 1 Union 27 Owner Grieman, Walter Lake Mills 1 Bristol 8 Renter Groe, Alfred Northwood 3 Silver Lake 35 Owner Groe, Comer Lake Mills 1 Silver Lake 34 Owner Groe, Noreen Joice 1 Bristol 35 Renter Groe, Norris Lake Mills 1 Silver Lake 35 Owner Groe, Raymond Lake Mills 1 Bristol 11 Owner Grosland, Adolph Grafton 1 St. Ansgar 33 Renter Grosland, Amos Northwood 1 Brookfield 6 Owner Grosland, Melvin Northwood 2 Grove 11 Owner Grosland, Ole Northwood 1 Brookfield 6 Owner Grosland, Oscar Northwood 3 Hartland 36 Owner Grosland, Virgil Northwood 3 Hartland 28 Renter Groven, Clarence Manly 1 Danville 33 Grund, Lewis Emmons, MN 1 Silver Lake 9 Owner Grundel, Louis Grafton 1 Barton 25 Owner Gudvangen, Melvin Northwood 3 Silver Lake 24 Owner Guernsey, Robert Joice 1 Bristol 22 Renter Gullickson, Donald Northwood 1 Kensett 8 Owner Gullickson, Lester Northwood 2 Grove 7 Renter Gunsallus, Keith Kensett 2 Barton 16 Renter Haas, Arthur Emmons, MN 1 Silver Lake 7 Owner Hackbart, Ferd Plymouth 1 Union 24 Owner Hackbart, Norbert Manly 1 Lincoln 25 Renter Hackbart, Roland Grafton 1 Union 11 Owner Hackbarth, Ervin Plymouth 1 Union 26 Owner Hackbarth. Robert Grafton 1 Lincoln 10 Renter Hackbert, Walt Grafton 1 Union 15 Owner Hagen, Alice Northwood 3 Hartland 31 Owner Hagen, Donald Northwood 1 Brookfield 6 Renter Hagen, Gilman Lake Mills Silver Lake 26 Owner Hagen, Gordon Lake Mills 1 Bristol 2 Hagen, Harold Joice 1 Bristol 35 Renter Hagen, Herbert Northwood 1 Brookfield 18 Hagen, Leo Northwood 3 Hartland 28 Owner Hagen, Marlin Hanlontown 1 Danville 7 Renter Hagen, Mrs. Myrtle Northwood 3 Hartland 18 Owner Hagen, Raymond Hanlontown 1 Brookfield 31 Renter Halverson, Joe Lake Mills 1 Bristol 13 Owner Hale, John Northwood 3 Hartland 26 Owner Halfman, Genes Manly 1 Lincoln 9 Hall, Floyd Kensett 1 Kensett 28 Renter Hall, Lea Hanlontown 1 Fertile 22 Hall, Leonard Kensett 1 Kensett 20 Renter Hall, Paul Kensett 1 Brookfield 20 Renter Halverson, Arnold Hanlontown 1 Fertile 12 Owner Halverson, Joe Lake Mills 1 Bristol 13 Owner Halvorson, Clarence Northwood 3 Brookfield 4 Owner Halvorson, Clark Hanlontown 1 Fertile 34 Owner Halvorson, Cora Kensett 1 Kensett 31 Owner Halvorson, Halvor Kensett 1 Kensett 31 Owner Halvorson, Harold Emmons, MN 1 Silver Lake 14 Renter Halvorson, Ronald Northwood 1 Brookfield 15 Renter Hawond, Leo Joice 1 Fertile 19 Renter Hangsdal, Raymond Emmons, MN 1 Silver Lake 18 Owner Hanna, Arthur Manly 1 Lincoln 30 Renter Hanna, Mrs. Gilman Lake Mills 1 Silver Lake 34 Owner Hanna, Jack Manly 1 Lincoln 30 Hanna, Richard Hanlontown 1 Fertile 3 Hanner, Richard Hanlontown 1 Danville 18 Renter Hansen, Carl Lyle, MN 1 Deer Creek 11 Renter Hansen, Myron St. Ansgar 1 Barton 11 Owner Hanson, Alfred Northwood 2 Grove 16 Hanson, Allan Northwood 1 Kensett 14 Hanson, Alvin Kensett 1 Brookfield 34 Owner Hanson, Arthur L. Northwood 2 Grove 12 Renter Hanson, Delbert, St. Ansgar 1 Deer Creek 34 Renter Hanson, Elmer St. Ansgar 1 Deer Creek 36 Renter Hanson, Ernest Northwood 1 Brookfield 7 Renter Hanson, Hannah St. Ansgar 1 Deer Creek 34 Owner Hanson, Harold Northwood 2 Grove 23 Owner Hanson, Hattie Hanlontown 1 Fertile 28 Renter Hanson, Reuben Northwood 1 Brookfield 6 Owner Hanson, Roy St. Ansgar 1 Deer Creek 34 Renter Hanson, Sven Lake Mills 1 Silver Lake 32 Renter Hanson, Thor Joice 1 Fertile 5 Renter Harang, Donald Northwood 2 Grove 35 Renter Harang, Mrs. John G. Lake Mills 1 Bristol 7 Owner Harang, Ole, E. Emmons, MN 1 Silver Lake 13 Owner Hardwick, Fred St. Ansgar 1 Barton 13 Renter Hardy, George Kensett 2 Lincoln 1 Owner Harmon, Alex Northwood 1 Brookfield 9 Owner Harmon, Charles B. Northwood 2 Grove 20 Owner Harmon, Hadley Northwood 1 Brookfield 9 Renter Harmon, Orbert Kensett 1 Lincoln 5 Owner Harmon, Russell Kensett 1 Lincoln 5 Owner Harmon, Sidney Northwood 2 Grove 17 Renter Harris, Dave Manly 1 Lincoln 31 Harris, Lonnie Northwood 2 Grove 29 Harris, Vernon Kensett 2 Barton 21 Renter Hartman, Henry Kensett 2 Barton 28 Owner Hauge, Leonard Northwood 3 Hartland 34 Owner Hauge, Lewis Northwood Brookfield 11 Owner Haugen, Knut Northwood 1 Brookfield 23 Owner Haugen, Robert Hanlontown 1 Fertile 23 Renter Haugerud, Orian Emmons, MN 1 Silver Lake 11 Renter Haugo, Gene Lake Mills 1 Bristol 1 Haugo, Ted Lake Mills 1 Bristol 2 Owner Haugerud, Gene Kensett 1 Danville 4 Renter Havlik, John Northwood 1 Barton 5 Owner Heagel, Alex Kensett 2 Kensett 27 Owner Heagel, Emmanuel Kensett 1 Lincoln 4 Renter Heffington, Myrle Northwood 2 Grove 27 Owner Hegeland, William Emmons, MN 1 Silver Lake 9 Owner Heggestad, Emma Northwood 3 Hartland 26 Owner Heiken, George, Jr. Northwood 3 Hartland 22 Renter Heimdal, Art Joice 1 Fertile 7 Owner Heimdal, Orin Joice 1 Fertile 6 Heimdal, Paul Joice 1 Fertile 7 Heinselman, Lloyd Plymouth 1 Union 33 Renter Heiny, William Plymouth 1 Union 33 Renter Helgeland, Elmer A. St. Ansgar 1 Deer Creek 15 Owner Helgeson, H Northwood 3 Brookfield 4 Renter Helgeson, Leonard Joice 1 Bristol 30 Owner Helgeson, Mrs. Lulu Kensett 1 Brookfield 21 Owner Helling, Archie Kensett 1 Danville 1 Renter Hellingsworth, M.C. Plymouth 1 Union 31 Renter Heltne, Palmer Lake Mills 1 Silver Lake 29 Owner Heltne, Parnell Lake Mills 1 Silver Lake 29 Owner Hempen, Herman Northwood 1 Ken 9 Owner Henderson, Ardell Lake Mills 1 Silver Lake 30 Renter Henderson, Nels Emmons, MN 1 Silver Lake 13 Renter Henderson, Nels Northwood 3 Silver Lake 24 Renter Henderson, Robert Emmons, MN 1 Silver Lake 19 Renter Henderson, Thomas Lake Mills 1 Silver Lake 27 Renter Hendricksen, Earnest Northwood 2 Deer Creek 7 Owner Hendrickson Bros. Hanlontown 1 Fertile 36 Owner Hendrickson, Donald Kensett 1 Brookfield 29 Hendrickson, Gilma Northwood 2 Deer Creek 20 Owner Hendrickson, Joy St. Ansgar 1 Deer Creek 10 Henesteg, Truman Northwood 1 Brookfield 7 Owner Hengesteg, Eldor Northwood 3 Hartland 34 Hengesteg, Elmer Northwood 3 Hartland 23 Owner Hengesteg, Ernie Northwood 3 Silver Lake 24 Owner Hengesteg, Harve Northwood 3 Hartland 19 Owner Hengesteg, Lyle Northwood 3 Hartland 29 Renter Hengesteg, Robert Northwood 1 Brookfield 16 Renter Hennigar, Arthur Manly 1 Union 18 Renter Hermanson, Nels Kensett 1 Kensett 32 Owner Hermanson, Roger Emmons, MN 1 Silver Lake 20 Owner Herth, Lewis Manly 1 Lincoln 13 Owner Hickman, F. I. St. Ansgar 1 Deer Creek 16 Owner Hill, Byron, Manly 1 Lincoln 21 Owner Hill, Lester Hanlontown 1 Fertile 31 Renter Hill, Virgil, Manly 1 Lincoln 32 Owner Hinderaker, Charles Kensett 1 Brookfield 20 Renter Hinderaker, Clarence Lake Mills 1 Bristol 8 Hinds, Claude St. Ansgar 1 Deer Creek 26 Owner Hingel, Adam Kensett 1 Danville 3 Renter Hinsman, Clarence Mitchell Union 1 Owner Hoel, Clarence Hanlontown 1 Danville 6 Renter Hoffarth, Jake, Kensett 2 Union 4 Renter Hoffman, Loren Hanlontown 1 Fertile 32 Renter Hogan, Arnold Kensett 1 Lincoln 5 Renter Hogen, Obert Kensett 1 Kensett 31 Renter Hogen, Truman Kensett 1 Brookfield 2 Hogoin, Norbert Kensett 1 Brookfield 20 Renter Holden, O.K. Manly 1 Lincoln 29 Holden, Rodger Manly 1 Lincoln 23 Owner Holmes, Jack Plymouth 1 Union 3 Renter Holstad, Aldon St. Ansgar 1 Barton 33 Holstad, Carl Northwood 1 Brookfield 18 Renter Holstad, Dale Lake Mills 1 Bristol 14 Renter Holstad Duane Kensett 1 Brookfield 11 Renter Holstad, Gilbert Joice 1 Fertile 15 Renter Holstad, Gilmer Kensett 1 Danville 1 Renter Holstad, John L. Lake Mills 1 Silver Lake 28 Owner Holstad, Odis Northwood 1 Brookfield 6 Renter Holstad, Otto Hanlontown 1 Fertile 22 Owner Holstad, Otto Northwood 1 Brookfield 17 Owner Holstad, Richard Kensett 1 Brookfield 21 Holt, Reuben Lake Mills 3 Silver Lake 35 Renter Holtan, Arvid Joice 1 Fertile 21 Renter Holton, Wayne Lake Mills 1 Silver Lake 33 Honken, Andrew Manly 1 Lincoln 13 Owner Hopperstad, Kenneth Emmons, MN 1 Silver Lake 9 Hopperstad, Raymond Northwood 3 Hartland 9 Renter Horvei, Ingvold Lake Mills 1 Silver Lake 30 Owner Houghton, Larry Lake Mills 1 Silver Lake 32 Renter Hove, Oliver Northwood 3 Hartland 35 Owner Hovel, Leo Manly 1 Lincoln 28 Owner Hovell, Maurice Kensett 2 Lincoln 1 Renter Hovland, Leo M. Northwood 2 Grove 25 Renter Howard, Richard Emmons, MN 1 Silver Lake 17 Renter Hoydar, John Plymouth 1 Union 29 Renter Hoyt, John J. Manly 1 Lincoln 27 Owner Hrebetz, Dale Manly 1 Lincoln 15 Renter Hrubetz, Leland Kensett 1 Lincoln 5 Renter Huebner, Ervin Grafton 1 Union 12 Owner Huebner, Glenn, Plymouth 1 Union 36 Renter Hulburt, Glen. Northwood 2 Grove 11 Renter Hulhizer, Lawrence A. St. Ansgar 1 Deer Creek 26 Hulshizer, Fritz St. Ansgar 1 Deer Creek 26 Owner Hulshizer, James Lyle, MN Deer Creek 12 Owner Hulshizer, Warren St. Ansgar 1 Deer Creek 14 Owner Hunchis, Fred Manly 1 Union 20 Owner Hungerford, Ethel, Manly 1 Lincoln 16 Hungerford, Neil Manly 1 Lincoln 15 Owner Huso, Theodore Joice 1 Bristol 29 Owner Igou, Orin St. Ansgar 1 Deer Creek 25 Renter Imlau, William Kensett 1 Brookfield 19 Owner Ingersoll, William Plymouth 1 Union 31 Owner Iverson Bros. Emmons, MN 1 Silver Lake 8 Iverson, Jay Northwood 3 Hartland 9 Iverson, S. Northwood 3 Hartland 9 Iverson, Sophus Northwood 3 Hartland 9 Owner Jacobson, Maynard Northwood 2 Grove 7 Renter Janssen, Benjamin Northwood 2 Grove 26 Owner Jansson, Donald Northwood 1 Barton 8 Renter Jasper, Carl Jr. Kensett 1 Kensett 21 Renter Jaspers, Carl Kensett 1 Kensett 28 Owner Jaspers, Lee Northwood 2 Grove 20 Owner Jaspers, Low Carpenter 1 Barton 12 Renter Jennings, R. Manly 1 Danville 29 Renter Jennings, Raymond Hanlontown 1 Fertile 14 Owner Jennings, Roger Hanlontown 1 Fertile 33 Renter Jensen, Merle Kensett 1 Danville 13 Renter Jewett, Earl Manly 1 Lincoln 14 Owner Johannas, Joe Plymouth 1 Union 26 Owner Johannas, Richard Grafton 1 Union 14 Renter Johnson, Allen Kensett 2 Barton 29 Renter Johnson, Alton Hanlontown 1 Fertile 1 Owner Johnson, Alvin Kensett 1 Brookfield 29 Owner Johnson, Amil Manly 1 Danville 28 Renter Johnson, Arnold Northwood 3 Hartland 32 Renter Johnson, Art Fertile 1 Fertile 28 Renter Johnson, Arthur I. St. Ansgar 1 Deer Creek 22 Renter Johnson, Chris H. Northwood 3 Hartland 29 Owner Johnson, Clarence Kensett 1 Brookfield 34 Renter Johnson, Conrad Northwood 3 Hartland 3 Johnson, Donald Northwood 1 Kensett 3 Renter Johnson, Elmer Manly 1 Lincoln 35 Owner Johnson, George Northwood 1 Kensett 10 Renter Johnson, Gilman Northwood 3 Hartland 28 Owner Johnson, Helper Kensett 2 Barton 19 Renter Johnson, Jewell Kensett 1 Danville 12 Owner Johnson, John G. Northwood 3 Hartland 35 Owner Johnson, John J. Northwood 3 Hartland 32 Owner Johnson, Kenneth St. Ansgar 1 Deer Creek 21 Renter Johnson, Kenneth O. Northwood 3 Hartland 18 Owner Johnson, Komer Kensett 1 Bristol 13 Owner Johnson, Leo Plymouth 1 Union 33 Renter Johnson, Leonard Northwood 3 Hartland 32 Owner Johnson, Lloyd St. Ansgar 1 Deer Creek 22 Owner Johnson, Maynard J. St. Ansgar 1 Deer Creek 21 Owner Johnson, Omer Northwood 1 Kensett 7 Johnson, Roy, Emmons, MN 1 Silver Lake 13 Johnson, Royden Lake Mills 1 Bristol 4 Renter Johnson. Sophus Northwood 3 Hartland 8 Renter Johnson, Virgil Kensett 1 Danville 16 Renter Johnson, Walter Kensett 2 Barton 19 Renter Johnson Walter Kensett 1 Brookfield 24 Owner Johnson, Willie E. Northwood 3 Hartland 27 Renter Johnston, Bob Northwood 1 Brookfield 23 Owner Jones, Cecil Northwood 1 Barton 4 Renter Jorde, Arnold Kensett 1 Lincoln 4 Julseth, Alvin Kensett 1 Brookfield 35 Owner Julseth, Clifford Kensett 1 Brookfield 35 Owner Julseth, David Kensett 1 Brookfield 35 Renter Julseth, Orville Kensett 1 Brookfield 35 Owner Kaasa, Henry Joice 1 Bristol 28 Owner Kaasa, Merwyn Hanlontown 1 Fertile 25 Renter Kalgaarden, Carl Kensett 1 Danville 4 Renter Kalgaarden, George Kensett 1 Brookfield 27 Owner Kalgaarden, John Kensett 1 Brookfield 27 Owner Kalgaarden, Peter Kensett 1 Brookfield 28 Owner Kallheim, Arnold Joice 1 Bristol 24 Owner Karnatz, Gertrude Hanlontown 1 Danville 33 Owner Kell, Ernest Joice 1 Fertile 10 Renter Kelly, Oscar Northwood 1 Kensett 16 Renter Kenison, Lewis C. Kensett 2 Kensett 25 Owner Kenison, Roy Kensett 2 Barton 19 Owner Kerkhove, Frank Lyle, MN 1 Deer Creek 13 Renter Kingland, Art Manly 1 Lincoln 30 Owner Kingland, Don Fertile 1 Fertile 28 Renter Kirschbaum, Eugene Hanlontown 1 Fertile 31 Owner Kirchgatter, Harley St. Ansgar 1 Barton 24 Kisner, Bernard Manly 1 Danville 21 Renter Kisner, E.M. Manly 1 Danville 26 Owner Kisos, Sam Manly 1 Lincoln 21 Kittelson, E.E. St. Ansgar 1 Barton 10 Renter Kittleson, James Hanlontown 1 Fertile 3 Renter Kittleson, Orin Joice 1 Bristol 22 Renter Klein, Edward D. Manly 1 Danville 27 Owner Klein, Everett Northwood 3 Grove 19 Renter Klemp, Elmer Grafton 1 Union 11 Kline, James Manly 1 Lincoln 14 Owner Klix, Walter Manly 1 Danville 35 Renter Knowles, Arthur Manly 1 Lincoln 17 Renter Knowles, Robert Manly 1 Danville 24 Owner Knudson, Mrs. Alfred Manly 1 Lincoln 22 Owner Knudtson, Anna Fertile 1 Fertile 32 Owner Knudtson, Harlan Northwood 1 Brookfield 17 Owner Knutsen, Harvey Fertile 1 Fertile 33 Owner Knutson, Albert K Emmons, MN 1 Silver Lake 7 Owner Knutson, Cornell Northwood 3 Grove 30 Renter Knutson, Leslie Northwood 3 Grove 30 Owner Knutson, Oscar Hanlontown 1 Fertile 29 Renter Knutson, Sevor St. Ansgar 1 Barton 3 Owner Knutson, Stanley St. Ansgar 1 Barton 3 Owner Knutson, Victor Emmons, MN 1 Silver Lake 20 Renter Kobernusz, Earl Manly 1 Lincoln 30 Renter Kobernusz Elton Plymouth 1 Union 25 Owner Koci, John Manly 1 Lincoln 12 Owner Kolwinska, Ernest Jr. Manly 1 Lincoln 11 Owner Koopal, Jack Northwood 2 Grove 13 Renter Kraft, Lester Kensett 1 Brookfield 22 Owner Kravig, Arthur Northwood 3 Hartland 31 Owner Kromer, John Manly 1 Union 30 Owner Kronneman, Lloyd Plymouth 1 Union 27 Owner Krueger, Alfred Grafton 1 Barton 35 Owner Krueger, Alvin Grafton 1 Barton 33 Renter Krueger, Edward Plymouth 1 Union 33 Owner Kruger, Marena Grafton 1 Barton 29 Kruger, Walt Manly 1 Union 17 Owner Krull, John Northwood 2 Grove 26 Owner Krumm, August Kensett 2 Kensett 26 Renter Krumm, George Kensett 2 Kensett 24 Renter Krumm, Melvin St. Ansgar 1 Barton 3 Renter Kruse, Homer Northwood Brookfield 16 Owner Kruse, John Northwood 1 Barton 9 Renter Kruse, Kenneth Northwood 2 Grove 14 Renter Kruse, William Northwood 1 Brookfield 15 Kuennan, Arnold J. Northwood 1 Kensett 9 Owner Kuhlmann, Luverne Northwood 1 Barton 6 Renter Kunts, Kermit Kensett 2 Union 9 Owner Kuntz, Earl Grafton 1 Barton 36 Renter Kuntz, Fred Grafton 1 Barton 34 Owner Kunitz, R. Grafton 1 Barton 26 Kuntz, Vern Kensett 2 Union 4 Renter Kuper, Harry Northwood 1 Brookfield 14 Owner Kuykenda, Clyde Kensett 1 Lincoln 7 Renter Kvale, Robert Lake Mills 1 Bristol 3 Kvale, Vernell Emmons, MN 1 Silver Lake 18 Renter Kvam, Olaf Northwood 3 Hartland 10 Owner Kykendahl, Clyde Plymouth 1 Union 1 Renter Land, Clayton Northwood 3 Hartland 11 Owner Land, Oscar Northwood 3 Hartland 14 Owner Lande, Ardean Northwood 3 Hartland 23 Lande, Palmer Northwood 3 Hartland 23 Owner Larson, George Northwood 3 Hartland 15 Owner Larson, Harlan Joice 1 Bristol 27 Renter Larson, Jack Emmons, MN 1 Silver Lake 12 Owner Larson, Jack, Hanlontown 1 Fertile 12 Renter Larson, Jimmie A. Emmons, MN l Silver Lake 14 Owner Larson, Junior Emmons, MN 1 Silver Lake 14 Owner Larson, L.M. Joice 1 Bristol 35 Owner Larson, Marian Lake Mills 1 Bristol 12 Owner Larson, Marse Kensett 2 Barton 20 Owner Larson, Norman Joice 1 Bristol 30 Owner Larson, Royden Lake Mills 1 Bristol 12 Renter Lawyer, David Manly 1 Danville 14 Owner Lawyer, Mrs. Leona C. Manly 1 Danville 14 Lee, Bert B. Fertile 1 Fertile 33 Owner Lee, Gilman Joice 1 Bristol 28 Renter Leegaard, Ingvold Northwood 3 Hartland 19 Leegaard, James Emmons, MN 1 Silver Lake 1 Owner Lehman, Harley Northwood 1 Kensett 9 Leidal, Curtis Northwood 2 Grove 22 Renter Lein, Laurence Lake Mills 1 Bristol 4 Owner Lein, Selmar Lake Mills 1 Bristol 4 Owner Lenning, Dagney. Lake Mills 1 Bristol 15 Owner Lestrtud, Almer Kensett 1 Danville 9 Owner Lestrud, Selmer Kensett 1 Danville 17 Owner Leverson, Mervin Lake Mills 1 Silver Lake 32 Renter Leverson, Paul Lake Mills 1 Bristol 11 Renter Levorson, Albin J. Northwood 1 Bristol 1 Owner Levorson, Edwin Lake Mills 1 Bristol 11 Owner Levorson, Morris Lake Mills 1 Silver Lake 26 Owner Levorson, St. Ansgar Lake Mills 1 Bristol 11 Owner Le Wright, Walter Kensett 1 Danville 11 Owner Lien, Arnold H. Northwood 1 Kensett 23 Owner Lien, Hans Joice 1 Bristol 29 Owner Liljedahl, Arden Northwood 2 Grove 15 Renter Liljedahl, John Northwood 3 Hartland 33 Owner Lindflott, Alfred J. Joice 1 Bristol 34 Owner Lindflott, Dean Hanlontown 1 Bristol 34 Owner Lindflott, Melvin E. Joice 1 Bristol 32 Owner Lindley, Elmer Northwood 3 Hartland 9 Renter Linter, Albert L. Northwood 2 Grove 17 Owner Loberg, Bennie Emmons, MN 1 Silver Lake 14 Owner Loberg, Carl Emmons, MN 1 Silver Lake 14 Owner Loberg, Elmer Northwood 3 Hartland 21 Lockren, Virgil Hanlontown 1 Fertile 26 Renter Loftas, John Northwood 2 Deer Creek 7 Logeman, Fred Manly 1 Union 19 Renter Logeman, Fred St. Ansgar 1 Deer Creek 24 Owner Logeman, Henry St. Ansgar 1 Deer Creek 21 Renter Logemann, J.B. St. Ansgar 1 Deer Creek 16 Renter Logemann, Kenneth St. Ansgar 1 Deer Creek 16 Renter Logemann, Wesley Kensett 1 Kensett 31 Renter Loken, George Northwood 3 Hartland 46 Owner Loken, Melvin Northwood 3 Hartland 27 Owner Loken, Ronald Northwood 3 Hartland 13 Renter Loland, Soren L. Northwood 3 Hartland 28 Owner Loland, Ludvig Northwood 1 Brookfield 11 Renter Lossee, Mrs. Esther Northwood 2 Grove 36 Owner Lovick, James Fertile 1 Fertile 31 Owner Lovik, Virgil Joice 1 Fertile 17 Owner Low, Archie Northwood 3 Hartland 12 Renter Low, Russell Northwood 2 Grove 33 Renter Lowen, Marvin Manly 1 Lincoln 18 18 Owner Lucas, Stanley Kensett 1 Kensett 28 Renter Luckason, Lester Kensett 2 Kensett 40 Renter Lucken, Fred Kensett 2 Kensett 25 Owner Luker, Fred W. Joice 1 Fertile 20 Owner Lyford, Vernon H. Manly 1 Danville 24 Owner Mace, Raymond Kensett 2 Kensett 36 Renter Madson, Alvin Northwood 3 Hartland 31 Renter Madson, Irl Northwood 3 Hartland 27 Owner Madson, Malvin Lake Mills 1 Silver Lake 10 Owner Maher, John F. Lake Mills 1 Bristol 6 Maher, Robert Lake Mills 1 Silver Lake 27 Owner Malloy, M.P. Joice 1 Bristol 33 Renter Marken, Harold. Manly 1 Lincoln 32 Owner Marken, Henry Manly 1 Lincoln 33 Owner Marpe, Roger. Emmons, MN 1 Silver Lake 18 Martin, Arthur Kensett 2 Kensett 27 Owner Martin, Calvin Northwood 3 Hartland 27 Owner Martinson, Ingvald Emmons, MN 1 Silver Lake 19 Renter Martinson, Leroy Emmons, MN 1 Silver Lake 20 Martinson, Orville Emmons, MN 1 Silver Lake 17 Renter May, Clifford Kensett 2 Union 6 Owner Mc Cauley, Francis Hanlontown 1 Fertile 31 Mc Clain, Austin Joice 1 Fertile 16 Owner Mc Clain, John Joice 1 Fertile 16 Owner Mc Crady, Blair Northwood 1 Deer Creek 33 Owner Mc Cready, Darrell Kensett 2 Barton 20 Renter Mc Henry, Leslie Northwood 1 Brookfield 1 Mc Kercher, Claire Manly 1 Lincoln 19 Owner Mc Kercher, Russell Manly 1 Lincoln 11 Owner Medaus, Helen Grafton 1 Barton 35 Owner Medlang, James Kensett 1 Brookfield 25 Renter Medlang, Marvin Kensett 1 Brookfield 25 Renter Medlang, Melvin Kensett 1 Brookfield 25 Owner Medlang, Norris Kensett 1 Lincoln 7 Medlang, Palmer Joice 1 Bristol 20 Owner Meheffy, John M. Northwood 2 Grove 20 Owner Mehus, Andrew Northwood 3 Hartland 15 Owner Mehus, Dale Northwood 3 Hartland 15 Renter Mellem, Clair Northwood 3 Grove 31 Renter Methus, Gordon Hanlontown 1 Fertile 13 Renter Metzger, Francis Manly 1 Danville 34 Renter Metzger, Ralph Kensett 1 Lincoln 4 Renter Meyer, Albert Manly 1 Danville 35 Owner Meyer, Harvey Manly 1 Lincoln 31 Renter Meyer, Will Kensett 2 Kensett 24 Owner Michlek, Anton Manly 1 Union 20 Owner Michlek, Frank Manly 1 Union 20 Owner Midboe, Knut Joice 1 Bristol 33 Owner Mielke, Russell Northwood 2 Grove 16 Renter Mikkelson, Christian Northwood 3 Hartland 15 Mikkelson, Clarence Northwood 1 Brookfield 13 Owner Mikkelson, Palmer Northwood 1 Brookfield 13 Owner Millard, Chester Northwood 2 Grove 10 Renter Millard, Ray Kensett 1 Danville 10 Millard, Robert Northwood 1 Kensett 5 Millard, Warren Northwood 2 Grove 33 Renter Miller, James R. St. Ansgar 1 Barton 15 Owner Miller, Ralph Grafton 1 Barton 21 Renter Miller, Verle Fertile 1 Fertile 35 Owner Miller, Wayne Manly 1 Lincoln 11 Owner Milton, Maurice Manly 1 Danville 25 Renter Miner, Parle Northwood 1 Brookfield 5 Owner Moen, Gene Emmons, MN 1 Silver Lake 17 Renter Moen, Ronald Lake Mills 1 Bristol 5 Renter Mogke, Maynard Northwood 1 Kensett 13 Molsberry, Art Kensett 2 Union 16 Owner Molsberry, Marcel Plymouth 1 Union 30 Owner Molsberry, Robert Kensett 2 Union 9 Renter Montgomery, Dean Manly 1 Lincoln 2 Mooney, George Northwood 1 Kensett 2 Owner Moretz, Arthur Northwood 2 Grove 24 Renter Moretz, Guy Northwood 2 Deer Creek 20 Owner Moretz, Russell Hanlontown 1 Fertile 1 Renter Moritz, H.C. Kensett 1 Danville 3 Owner Morris, Dean Northwood 1 Brookfield 9 Renter Moss, A.M. Joice 1 Bristol 27 Owner Moss, Dick St. Ansgar 1 Deer Creek 2 Renter Mostrom, David Kensett 1 Brookfield 32 Renter Motland, Ed Manly 1 Union 30 Owner Mowars, Aaron Northwood 1 Kensett 11 Owner Mowry, Frank Kensett 1 Danville 3 Mueller, Albert Manly 1 Lincoln 32 Renter Mueller, Gene Manly 1 Lincoln 20 Mueller, Harold Manly 1 Lincoln 29 Owner Mullen, Andrew Manly 1 Lincoln 33 Renter Murtagh, Frank Hanlontown 1 Fertile 31 Owner Myhre, Ben Fertile Fertile 28 Myhre, Mrs. Gus Joice 1 Fertile 20 Myli, Erling Kensett 1 Brookfield 28 Renter Myli, Phillip Kensett 1 Kensett 29 Owner Myli, Rudolph Kensett 1 Brookfield 33 Owner Myre, Carl H. Northwood 1 Brookfield 16 Owner Myre, Martin Northwood 1 Brookfield 14 Owner Naab, Reuben Joice 1 Fertile 4 Renter Nack, Richard Grafton 1 Union 3 Nack, Robert Grafton 1 Union 3 Nack, Robert Grafton 1 Barton 35 Owner Nagle, John T. Joice 1 Bristol 25 Renter Nape, Tollef Joice 1 Bristol 21 Renter Nannenga, Herman Kensett 1 Danville 5 Renter Narveson, Carl Kensett 1 Lincoln 8 Owner Naser, Cecil Lake Mills 1 Bristol 7 Renter Nash, Bernard Manly 1 Danville 36 Renter Nash, Jerry Manly 1 Danville 36 Renter Navratil, Fred Grafton Union 23 Navratil, L. Plymouth 1 Union 29 Owner Navratil, Richard Grafton 1 Union 7 Renter Neal, Herbert S. Kensett 1 Brookfield 26 Owner Nelson, Alice Joice 1 Bristol 23 Owner Nelson, Arthur Northwood 1 Brookfield 8 Owner Nelson, Carl Northwood 3 Hartland 16 Nelson, Mrs. Charlie Joice 1 Fertile 20 Owner Nelson, Clifford Northwood 3 Hartland 16 Nelson, Clifford N. Northwood 3 Hartland 33 Renter Nelson, Dennis Joice 1 Bristol 23 Renter Nelson, Glennes Northwood 2 Grove 13 Renter Nelson, James Joice 1 Bristol 29 Owner Nelson. Jamie Northwood 3 Hartland 18 Owner Nelson, Lawrence Kensett 2 Kensett 23 Owner Nelson, Lawrence Northwood 2 Grove 32 Owner Nelson, Norris Northwood 3 Silver Lake 25 Nelson, Otis Northwood 3 Grove 30 Owner Nelson, Paul Kensett 1 Brookfield 20 Renter Nelson, Robert C. Emmons, MN 1 Silver Lake 12 Renter Nelson, Selmer Northwood 3 Hartland 35 Owner Nemiela, Clifford St. Ansgar 1 Deer Creek 35 Owner Newbowers, Arnold Manly 1 Lincoln 36 Owner Newbowerse, Donald Manly 1 Lincoln 36 Nicholson, David Northwood 1 Brookfield 10 Owner Nicholson, Eugene Kensett 1 Brookfield 26 Owner Nieman, Velmar Northwood 2 Grove 25 Renter Norem, Bert Hanlontown 1 Fertile 35 Norland, Lowell Kensett 1 Kensett 30 Owner Norris, Earl L. Kensett 1 Lincoln 6 Owner Northway, Wayne Manly 1 Lincoln 31 Renter Northwood, Tenold Northwood 1 Brookfield 8 Owner Novak, Joseph Plymouth 1 Union 31 Owner Novak, L. Grafton 1 Union 1 Nydegger, Walter Manly 1 Lincoln 34 Owner Nystuen, R.K. Lake Mills 1 Silver Lake 27 Owner Nystuen, V.H. Kensett 1 Danville 3 Owner Oakland, George St. Ansgar 1 Deer Creek 11 Owner Oakland, Wallie St. Ansgar 1 Deer Creek 24 Renter Odden, Bruce Northwood Hartland 13 Renter Odeen, Leif Northwood 1 Grove 8 Owner Odegaard Bros Emmons, MN 1 Silver Lake 17 Owner Odegard, William Northwood 1 Kensett 14 Renter Odgaard, Oscar Emmons, MN 1 Silver Lake 7 Owner Oetken, Armond Northwood 2 Deer Creek 10 Renter OKeefe, Dennis Manly 1 Union 7 Renter OKeefe, Vince Manly 1 Union 7 Owner Oleson, Raymond Northwood 1 Brookfield 13 Owner Olsen, Clifford Northwood 1 Kensett 11 Owner Olson, A. Northwood 2 Grove 10 Olson, Carl Northwood 2 Deer Creek 17 Owner Olson, Christina Hanlontown 1 Fertile 3 Owner Olson, Clarence Northwood 1 Kensett 11 Owner Olson, Elmer St. Ansgar 1 Deer Creek 34 Renter Olson, Hartvig Joice 1 Bristol 26 Owner Olson, Ivan Northwood 3 Brookfield 3 Owner Olson, Iver Northwood 1 Kensett 6 Owner Olson, Melvin St. Ansgar 1 Deer Creek 15 Renter Olson, Olaf Northwood 1 Brookfield 4 Renter Olson, Oliver Northwood 1 Kensett 6 Renter Olson, Orlando Joice 1 Bristol 30 Owner Olson, Oscar S. Northwood 1 Kensett 2 Owner Opkis, Everett Lyle, MN 1 Deer Creek 13 Renter Orcutt, Lloyd Hanlontown 1 Fertile 35 Owner Orman, Earl Northwood 1 Deer Creek 33 Renter Orpen, Alvin Kensett 1 Brookfield 27 Renter Orpen, Otto Kensett 1 Brookfield 22 Owner Oraedal, John Kensett 1 Kensett 21 Renter Osmundson, Leonard Northwood 2 Grove 17 Owner Osness, Carol St. Ansgar 1 Deer Creek 36 Ostmo, Gilbert Kensett 1 Bristol 24 Owner Ostmo, Oscar Joice 1 Bristol 15 Owner Ostmo, Peter Kensett 1 Bristol 24 Owner Oswald, Clarence Hanlontown 1 Danville 18 Owner Oswald, Leo Hanlontown 1 Fertile 22 Owner Ott, Glen Emmons, MN 1 Silver Lake 6 Owner Otterstad, Conrad Joice 1 Bristol 25 Owner Otterstad, Norris Joice 1 Bristol 25 Owner Ouverson, J.A. Fertile 1 Fertile 35 Renter Ouverson, Jay Joice 1 Bristol 30 Renter Overdahl, John Northwood 1 Brookfield 2 Renter Overland, Mandell Kensett 1 Kensett 30 Owner Overson, Francis Hanlontown 1 Fertile 26 Owner Overson, Harold Hanlontown 1 Fertile 35 Renter Overson, Martin Hanlontown 1 Fertile 34 Owner Pacey, Howe Northwood 3 Hartland 25 Owner Pacey, Nora Northwood 3 Hartland 25 Owner Packard, Charles St. Ansgar 1 Deer Creek 10 Owner Pagel, August Grafton 1 Union 3 Owner Pagel, George Grafton 1 Union 7 Renter Pangburn, Milo P. Northwood 2 Grove 14 Renter Pangurn, Milo W. Northwood 2 Grove 17 Owner Pangburn, William Northwood 3 Brookfield 18 Parker, Squire W. Joice 1 Fertile 9 Owner Paulson, Karl Northwood 3 Hartland 18 Renter Paulson, Vernon Hanlontown 1 Fertile 12 Payne, Emerson Hanlontown 1 Danville 29 Renter Pearson, Carl Manly 1 Lincoln 34 Owner Pederson, H.A. Kensett 1 Brookfield 24 Pederson, Sam, Fertile 1 Fertile 29 Owner Perkins, Clinton St. Ansgar 1 Deer Creek 9 Perkins, John Grafton 1 Barton 22 Renter Perkins, Lloyd Northwood 2 Deer Creek 7 Renter Perkins, Milford Northwood 3 Hartland 8 Owner Perkins, Warren Northwood 1 Barton 7 Renter Petersburg, Floyd Hanlontown 1 Fertile 11 Petersburg, James Hanlontown 1 Fertile 22 Petersburg, Roy Joice 1 Fertile 9 Renter Peterson, Alfred Manly 1 Danville 25 Renter Peterson, Mrs. Alfred Kensett 1 Brookfield 28 Owner Peterson, Clifford Kensett 2 Barton 20 Renter Peterson, Dudley Kensett 1 Brookfield 28 Renter Peterson, Earl St. Ansgar 1 Barton 11 Renter Peterson, Elmer Kensett 1 Brookfield 36 Owner Peterson, Elton Northwood 1 Brookfield 8 Owner Peterson, Herbert Emmons, MN 1 Silver Lake 22 Renter Peterson, James Lake Mills 1 Bristol 11 Owner Peterson, Maurice Northwood 2 Deer Creek 32 Owner Peterson, Merlin Northwood 1 Deer Creek 32 Renter Peterson, Olaf St. Ansgar 1 Deer Creek 35 Renter Peterson, Roland Hanlontown 1 Fertile 1 Renter Peterson, Sonke Manly 1 Union 19 Renter Peterson, Thomas Lake Mills 1 Silver Lake 33 Renter Peterson, Truman Joice 1 Bristol 31 Renter Petesburg, Donald Joice 1 Fertile 9 Owner Petzneck, Carl Grafton Union 22 Owner Petznick, Arnold Plymouth 1 Lincoln 36 Owner Petznick, Fred Grafton 1 Barton 36 Owner Petznick, Karl Grafton 1 Union 23 Renter Phelps, Harry Plymouth 1 Union 31 Renter Picht, John Plymouth 1 Union 35 Renter Pierce, David Hanlontown 1 Union 32 Owner Pike, Roy, S. St. Ansgar 1 Deer Creek 14 Renter Pixley, Gladys Northwood 2 Grove 8 Renter Placek, James Grafton 1 Union 8 Owner Plath, Cecil Grafton 1 Barton 13 Platts, Cecil Hanlontown 1 Danville 19 Owner Platts, Charles Lake Mills 1 Bristol 8 Prazer, Kenneth Plymouth 1 Union 31 Renter Prestholt, Alfred Hanlontown 1 Danville 30 Priem, Milburn St. Ansgar 1 Barton 1 Renter Purcell, Ed, Joice 1 Fertile 16 Renter Quam, Wilford Emmons, MN 1 Silver Lake 16 Quisley, Helmer Northwood 3 Hartland 25 Quisling, George Lake Mills 1 Bristol 6 Owner Rabe, William Northwood 1 Barton 18 Renter Rademaker, John Grafton 1 Barton 18 Owner Ralph, Albert St. Ansgar 1 Barton 24 Renter Ralph, Robert Kensett 2 Union 8 Renter Ramsey, Lynn Joice 2 Fertile 7 Owner Ramsey, Oscar Joice 1 Fertile 6 Owner Ramsey, Ted Joice 1 Fertile 7 Renter Randall, Mac Manly 1 Lincoln 28 Renter Ranum, Clarence Northwood 3 Hartland 35 Renter Rasmus, Clifford St. Ansgar 1 Barton 11 Owner Rasmussen, Anton Emmons, MN 1 Silver Lake 10 Owner Rasmussen, Arthur E. Northwood 1 Deer Creek 33 Renter Read, Weldom Northwood 1 Barton 4 Owner Reeder, Donald L. Northwood 3 Hartland 26 Owner Reick, Elmer Grafton 1 Union 1 Owner Reindl, Glen Manly 1 Lincoln 34 Reindl, Lawrence Manly 1 Lincoln 34 Owner Reindl, Louis Manly 1 Lincoln 27 Owner Reindl, Vance E. Manly 1 incoln 27 Owner Reinsmoen, Orland Joice 1 Bristol 7 Renter Rensmon, Abel Lake Mills 1 Bristol 11 Owner Reveland, Oscar Joice 1 Fertile 8 Owner Reyerson, A.G. Northwood 3 Hartland 16 Reyerson, Aurtis Northwood 3 Hartland 20 Owner Reyerson, Curtis Kensett 1 Danville 17 Renter Reyerson, Lawrence Lake Mills 1 Bristol 11 Owner Reyerson, Leonard Emmons, MN 1 Hartland 7 Owner Reyerson, Lewis Northwood 3 Hartland 17 Renter Reyerson, Maurice Northwood 3 Silver Lake 24 Reyerson, Roger Emmons, MN 1 Silver Lake 15 Renter Reyerson, Roy Northwood 3 Silver Lake 23 Owner Reyerson, William Emmons, MN 1 Silver Lake 15 Rice, Elwood Lake Mills 1 Bristol 9 Renter Rinden, Theodore Joice 1 Fertile 4 Renter Rinden, Thor Joice 1 Fertile 6 Owner Rinden, Oscar Joice 1 Fertile 6 Owner Ringham, Adrian Northwood 3 Hartland 28 Owner Ringham, Andrew Northwood 3 Hartland 28 Owner Roath, Ira Joice 1 Fertile 8 Owner Roberts, Donald Kensett 1 Danville 2 Renter Robb, Albert Northwood 2 Grove 26 Renter Roe, Richard St. Ansgar 1 Deer Creek 23 Renter Rognes, Jerome Emmons, MN 1 Silver Lake 16 Rognes, Judine Emmons, MN 1 Silver Lake 7 Renter Rogness, Henry Joice 1 Fertile 3 Owner Rogness, Lavern Joice 1 Fertile 8 Renter Roppe, Duane Northwood 3 Hartland 12 Owner Roppe, Earnie Northwood 3 Hartland 12 Owner Roppe, Elmer Northwood 1 Brookfield 10 Renter Roppe, Kenneth Northwood 3 Brookfield 2 Renter Roppe, Melvin Northwood 1 Brookfield 14 Owner Rosenberg, Elmer St. Ansgar 1 Barton 10 Owner Rosenberg, Elmer Grafton 1 Barton 33 Renter Rosenberg, Gene Grafton 1 Barton 25 Rosenserg, Glenn Grafton 1 Barton 33 Renter Rothove, Francis Kensett 1 Brookfield 33 Renter Rovang, John Joice 1 Fertile 19 Renter Rugland, Henry Northwood 3 Hartland 19 Renter Ruiter, Willie Hanlontown 1 Fertile 31 Renter Rusley, Julius Joice 1 Bristol 30 Renter Rustad, Harold Northwood 3 Grove 31 Renter Ryan, Edward Joice 1 Bristol 20 Owner Ryan, Thomas Manly 1 Lincoln 9 Ryan, William Manly 1 Lincoln 25 Rychlik, Joe Kensett 2 Union 7 Renter Rye Bros. Hanlontown 1 Fertile 24 Owner Rye, Clair Hanlontown 1 Fertile 11 Renter Ryerson, Ronald Hanlontown 1 Fertile 2 Renter Saathoff, George Plymouth 1 Union 25 Renter Saathoff, John B. Grafton 1 Union 14 Renter Sandberg, Dean Northwood 3 Hartland 36 Renter Sandberg, Dean Northwood 2 Grove 25 Renter Sanden, Arthur Joice 1 Bristol 16 Owner Sanden, Clarence Kensett 1 Bristol 13 Sanden, Clifford Joice 1 Briston 16 Owner Sanden, Helmer Lake Mills 1 Bristol 14 Owner Sanden, Julia Kensett 1 Bristol 13 Owner Sanderson, Delmar Northwood 3 Hartland 9 Renter Sanderson, Kenneth Northwood 3 Hartland 22 Owner Sawin, Neil Northwood 2 Deer Creek 32 Renter Sawin, Russell Kensett 1 Brookfield 29 Owner Sawin, Willis Northwood 2 Deer Creek 19 Renter Saxeide, Alfred Joice 1 Fertile 5 Owner Schaub, Earl Northwood 2 Deer Creek 31 Owner Schaub, Ellis Kensett 2 Kensett 6 Renter Schaub, Roy Grafton 1 Union 4 Owner Schauf, Ben Northwood 1 Barton 7 Owner Scheffel, Richard Lyle, MN 1 Deer Creek 1 Schimek, Francis Northwood 3 Hartland 7 Schmidt, Richard Joice 1 Bristol 9 Renter Schmidt, Robert Plymouth 1 Union 24 Schmidt, Walt Manly 1 Union 21 Owner Schmidthuber, Horace Emmons, MN 1 Silver Lake 7 Owner Schmidthuber, Leo Lake Mills 1 Silver Lake 7 Owner Schneider, Cletus Manly 1 Lincoln 26 Schnieder, Carl Kensett 1 Danville 22 Owner Schnieder, Louis Kensett 1 Danville 22 Owner Schott, Dewey Kensett 1 Danville 5 Owner Schulte, Donald Manly 1 Danville 26 Owner Schulte, Earl Manly 1 Danville 27 Renter Schulte, Marvin Hanlontown 1 Brookfield 31 Schulte, Oscar C. Manly 1 Danville 26 Owner Schulte, Virgil Manly 1 Danville 22 Owner Schulte, Willard Manly 1 Danville 35 Owner Schultz, Arthur Kensett 2 Barton 32 Owner Schultz, Mrs. Clarence Kensett 2 Barton 31 Owner Schultz, Mrs. Clarence Kensett 2 Union 5 Renter Schultz, Ervin Kensett 2 Union 6 Owner Schultz, John Kensett 2 Union 5 Owner Schupanitz, Leo Manly 1 Lincoln 29 Renter Schutz, Orville Northwood 2 Grove 23 Renter Seater, E.C. Northwood 1 Barton 8 Owner Seater, Donald Northwood 1 Barton 8 Renter Seater, Robert Northwood 1 Barton 5 Renter Seidel, Frank Kensett 1 Danville 8 Owner Senne, Art Northwood 3 Hartland 19 Owner Senne, Dick Northwood 3 Hartland 22 Senne, Eddin Northwood 3 Hartland 21 Renter Severson, Donald Joice 1 Fertile 22 Severson, Orvie St. Ansgar 1 Barton 14 Owner Severson, Leighton Northwood 1 Kensett 6 Renter Severson, Louis Joice 1 Fertile 22 Owner Severson, Maurice Northwood 1 Kensett 6 Renter Severson, Roy St. Ansgar 1 Barton 11 Skackleton, Clyde Northwood 2 Grove 34 Owner Shaffer, David Northwood 1 Barton 4 Renter Sheimbo, Frank Hanlontown 1 Fertile 28 Renter Sheimo, Henry Hanlontown 1 Fertile 28 Owner Sheka, Fred Grafton Union 22 Owner Sheka, Glen Grafton Union 22 Owner Sheka, Harley Grafton, Union 22 Shoars, Dean Kensett 2 Union 16 Renter Shuemaker, Harold St. Ansgar 1 Deer Creek 23 Renter Shulte, Truman Manly 1 Danville 6 Renter Shutz, Herbert Northwood 1 Kensett 22 Renter Sime, Arnold Northwood 1 Brookfield 6 Owner Sime, Clarence A. Northwood 3 Silver Lake 26 Owner Sime, Dale Northwood 3 Hartland 33 Renter Sime, Gilmore Northwood 3 Hartland 32 Owner Singelstad, Alfred Northwood 3 Silver Lake 24 Owner Slattum, Duane, Joice 1 Bristol 31 Owner Slattum, Richard Joice 1 Bristol 31 Renter Sluick, John Manly 1 Danville 34 Renter Smail, Mrs. Marion Plymouth 1 Union 34 Owner Smeby, John Kensett 1 Danville 7 Owner Smeby, Royden Joice 1 Bristol 14 Renter Smidt, Russell Emmons, MN 1 Silver Lake 8 Renter Smith, Bruce, Jr. Kensett 1 Brookfield 20 Smith, Darius Lake Mills 1 Bristol 4 Renter Smith, George Manly 1 Union 18 Owner Smith, Mrs. George Northwood 2 Grove 21 Owner Smith, Harley Plymouth 1 Union 32 Renter Smith, Raymond Joice 1 Bristol 2 Renter Smith, Robert Manly 1 Union 18 Renter Snopeck, John Manly 1 Lincoln 23 Owner Sorba, Selmer Northwood 3 Silver Lake 23 Owner Sorbo, Clarence G. Emmons, MN 1 Silver Lake 15 Owner Sorbo, Gilman Emmons, MN 1 Silver Lake 13 Owner Sorbo, Glen Emmons, MN 1 Silver Lake 10 Owner Sorbo, Selmer C. Emmons, MN 1 Silver Lake 23 Owner Sorbo, Walter Emmons, MN 1 Silver Lake 20 Renter Sorenson, Chrestian Northwood 3 Hartland 22 Owner Sorenson, Iver Emmons, MN 1 Silver Lake 17 Sorenson, Jens S. Emmons, MN 1 Silver Lake 9 Owner Sorenson, Kelmer S. Hanlontown 1 Danville 20 Owner Sorenson, S. Kensett 1 Danville 2 Sparby, Carl Kensett 1 Danville 14 Owner Sparby, Clarence Kensett 1 Danville 15 Renter Spencer, Ellsworth Manly 1 Lincoln 21 Renter Spilde, Elmer Northwood 1 Kensett 11 Owner Spilde, Martin Northwood 1 Kensett 11 Owner Squires, Roger Northwood 1 Kensett 7 Renter Staff, Jean Grafton 1 Barton 35 Owner Stalheim, Arnie Hanlontown 1 Fertile 36 Owner Staynor, Wilbur Northwood 2 Deer Creek 19 Owner Stehn, Delmar St. Ansgar 1 Barton 3 Renter Stehn, Fred Northwood 1 Barton 9 Renter Stehn, Mrs. Louise Northwood 1 Barton 3 Owner Stehn, Russell St. Ansgar 1 Barton 2 Renter Stehn, Walter Northwood 1 Barton 4? Owner Steeper, Glens Kensett 2 Kensett 25 Renter Steno, Butler Emmons, MN 1 Silver Lake 7 Owner Steno, Lawrence Northwood 1 Brookfield 6 Renter Stensrud, T. Joice 1 Bristol 19 Stevens, Allen Northwood 2 Deer Creek 19 Stevens, David Northwood 1 Barton 4 Renter Stevens, L.G. Northwood 1 Barton 4 Owner Stevens, Lowell Kensett 2 Kensett 35 Stevens, Mrs. Maurice Kensett l Lincoln 4 Renter Stieger, Clarence Kensett 2 Barton 28 Renter Stiehl, Vern Northwood 3 Hartland 18 Owner Stoffigan, E.H St. Ansgar 1 Deer Creek 21 Renter Stoker, Joel, Hanlontown 1 Danville 18 Owner Stordahl, Anna Joice 1 Bristol 22 Owner Storre, Herman Kensett 1 Brookfield 27 Owner Storre, Laurence Kensett 1 Danville 6 Owner Strand, Oswald Kensett 1 Lincoln 22 Strand, Mrs. Phillip M. Manly 1 Lincoln 24 Owner Stratton, Velva Manly 1 Danville 36 Owner Strich, Glen Manly 1 Lincoln 2 Owner Strich, Herb Manly 1 Lincoln 2 Owner Stricker, Ronald J. Northwood 1 Kensett 18 Owner Stromley, Ansley Joice 1 Fertile 17 Owner Stromley, Chester Northwood 3 Hartland 24 Stromley, Kenneth Joice 1 Fertile 17 Owner Stumo, Carrie Northwood 1 Brookfield 13 Owner Stumo, Gene Northwood 3 Hartland 33 Stumo, Gerhard J. Northwood 1 Brookfield 13 Renter Stumo, Pete Northwood 1 Brookfield 15 Renter Stuno, John Kensett l Brookfield 23 Renter Suby, Henry Hanlontown 1 Fertile 27 Owner Swalve, Otto Northwood 3 Brookfield 3 Renter Swanson, Alfred Northwood 1 Kensett 1 Owner Swanson, Ed Northwood 2 Grove 28 Renter Swanson, Vance Manly 1 Lincoln 17 Renter Swensrud, Alfred Northwood 2 Grove 13 Owner Swensrud, Bliss Northwood 2 Grove 14 Owner Swisher, Roger Manly 1 Lincoln 19 Symes, Walter Manly 1 Lincoln 16 Renter Tantow, Charles Manly l Danville 28 Renter Tantow, Leslie A. Manly 1 Danville 33 Owner Tantow, Maynard Manly 1 Danville 26 Owner Taylor, Howard Hanlontown 1 Danville 30 Owner Taylor, Leonard Northwood 1 Barton 9 Renter Tenold, Alfred O. Kensett 1 Brookfield 19 Owner Tenold, Alton Joice 1 Bristol 29 Owner Tenold, Arlyn Lake Mills l Bristol 17 Renter Tenold, Clifford Northwood 1 Brookfield 18 Owner Tenold, Olger Northwood 1 Brookfield 18 Owner Tenold, Reuben Northwood 1 Brookfield 15 Owner Terbeck, Herman Lake Mills 1 Bristol 14 Owner Tesdahl, Floyd Kensett 1 Danville 5 Renter Thayer, Oscar Northwood 2 Brookfield 2 Thoen, Raymond Kensett 1 Brookfield 35 Owner Thomason, Gerhart Northwood 1 Brookfield 24 Thompson, Alfred Northwood 1 Brookfield 13 Renter Thompson, Alvina Emmons, MN 1 Silver Lake 7 Renter Thompson, Arnold Northwood 3 Hartland 33 Owner Thompson, Arthur Lake Mills 1 Silver Lake 31 Owner Thompson, Arvid Emmons, MN 1 Silver Lake 23 Renter Thompson Bros. Northwood 1 Kensett 17 Renter Thompson, George A. Kensett 1 Danville 11 Renter Thompson, Hilliard Emmons, MN 1 Silver Lake 22 Thompson, Horace Joice 1 Bristol 33 Owner Thompson, Olaf Northwood 2 Deer Creek 31 Renter Thompson, Siram Emmons, MN 1 Silver Lake 11 Renter Thompto, Harry L. Northwood 2 Grove 8 Owner Thompto, Harry M. Northwood 2 Grove 8 Renter Thomsen, Leo B. Northwood 1 Brookfield 5 Owner Thovson, Harry Joice 1 Fertile 30 Thrond, Anders Northwood 2 Grove 18 Renter Throne, Toye Northwood 2 Deer Creek 32 Owner Tietz, C. Kensett 1 Lincoln 3 Renter Tietz, John Manly 1 1 Danville 13 Renter Tobiason, Bennett Northwood 1 Kensett 12 Renter Tomilson Jesse Manly 1 Lincoln 20 Renter Tomlinson, Joe P. Manly 1 Lincoln 26 Renter Tonga, Merlin Northwood 1 Brookfield 9 Owner Torkelson, Clarence, Jr. Hanlontown 1 Fertile 29 Tostenson, Lavon Kensett 1 Lincoln 9 Renter Trail, Mrs. Arlene Hanlontown 1 Fertile 11 Owner Trainer, Lowell Northwood 2 Deer Creek 8 Trappe, Elmer W. Manly 1 Lincoln 25 Owner Trebil, Leroy Joice 1 Bristol 33 Renter Trenhail, Clark Kensett 2 Barton 19 Owner Trenhaile, Earl Manly 1 Union 21 Owner Trettin, Dale Grafton Union 14 Renter Trettin, Ervin Grafton 1 Union 14 Owner Trettin, Floyd Grafton 1 Union 1 Owner Tretttin, Kermit Grafton 1 Union 14 Owner Trettin, Roy Mitchell Union 13 Renter Troe, Burnell Emmons, MN 1 Silver Lake 21 Owner Trustem, Edward Northwood 1 Brookfield 7 Owner Trustem, Evertt Hanlontown 1 Fertile 13 Renter Trustem, Peter Lake Mills 1 Bristol 2 Owner Tue, Roger Emmons, MN 1 Silver Lake 14 Owner Turvold, Emil Northwood 3 Brookfield 4 Owner Turvold, Gilman Northwood 1 Brookfield 3 Owner Turvold, Odean Northwood 1 Brookfield 4 Renter Tweed, Almer Joice 1 Fertile 20 Owner Tweed, Art Joice 1 Fertile 6 Owner Tweed, Le Roy Joice 1 Fertile 5 Renter Tweed, Melvin Joice l Fertile 17 Owner Tweeten, Stanley Kensett 1 Danville 10 Owner Ulsted, Le Roy Joice 1 Bristol 21 Owner Urbatch, Roy J. Kensett 2 Union 1 Owner Urbatsch, Forrest Manly 1 Union 21 Owner Urbatsch, Robert Manly 1 Union 21 Owner Utt, Will Hanlontown 1 Fertile 6 Owner Vaage, Carl Joice 1 Fertile 20 Owner Van Every, Lynn Manly 1 Danville 28 Renter Van Every, Marvin Manly 1 Lincoln 15 Renter Van Sabin, Pete Kensett l Bristol 23 Owner Van Steenburg, Barton Northwood 1 Kensett 10 Owner Van Steenburg, Victor Kensett 1 Kensett 30 Owner Virchow, Russell Northwood 2 Grove 8 Owner Voyhes Bros Kensett 2 Union 8 Wagstad, Carl J. Northwood 2 Deer Creek 10 Walk, Cecil Grafton 1 Barton 34 Renter Walk, Clarence Grafton 1 Barton 22 Renter Walk, Earl Grafton 1 Barton 34 Renter Walk, Edwin Kensett 2 Barton 34 Renter Walk, Mrs. Emil Kensett 2 Union 5 Owner Walk, Glen Grafton 1 Barton 32 Renter Walk, Harley Kensett 2 Union 9 Renter Walk, Paul Kensett 2 Barton 20 Renter Walk, Richard Kensett 2 Barton 30 Owner Walk, Vernon Kensett 2 Lincoln 1 Owner Wallin, Dale Northwood 3 Hartland 15 Owner Walser, Ernest Northwood 2 Grove 34 Renter Weidler, Elmer Northwood 1 Kensett 14 Weieneth, Leslie Kensett 2 Barton 30 Renter Weineth, A.E. St. Ansgar 1 Deer Creek 25 Owner Weineth, Doyle Kensett 2 Kensett 25 Renter Weineth, Mrs. Elizabeth Kensett 2 Kensett 25 Owner Wemken, George, Manly 1 Danville 36 Owner Westcott, Floyd. Manly 1 Lincoln 35 Westendorf, Fred Lake Mills 1 Bristol 18 Renter Westland, George Lake Mills 1 Bristol 6 Owner White, Arthur Grafton 1 Barton 29 Renter White, Frank Grafton 1 Union 13 Owner White, Jay Kensett 2 Union 16 Renter White, Vern Grafton 1 Barton 29 Renter Wilde, Robert Plymouth 1 Union 26 Renter Wilkens, Loren Kensett 1 Lincoln 9 Renter Willand, Clara Joice 1 Bristol 24 Owner Willand, Clarence Lake Mills 1 Bristol 10 Willand, Walter Northwood 1 Kensett 5 Owner Willand, Wayne Lake Mills 1 Bristol 2 Renter Willard, Stanley Joice 1 Bristol 26 Owner Willert, Johnny Kensett 1 Danville 6 Renter Williams, Art Northwood 3 Hartland 25 Williams, Burton Northwood 1 Kensett 19 Renter Williams, Osmen Northwood 1 Kensett 18 Owner Wilson, Dennis Manly 1 Lincoln 31 Renter Wilson, Dennis Manly 1 Danville 36 Winden, Adolph Lake Mills 1 Bristol 10 Owner Winden, Simon Lake Mills 1 Bristol 10 Owner Witham, Robert Lake Mills 1 Bristol 5 Owner Wolfe, Elmer Grafton 1 Barton 36 Owner Wolff, William Northwood 2 Grove 21 Renter Woodiwiss, Arnold Manly 1 Lincoln 33 Wreghitt, William Hanlontown 1 Danville 19 Wyborney, Arlo Plymouth 1 Union 28 Renter Wyborney, Otto Plymouth 1 Union 34 Renter Yezek, Albin Manly 1 Lincoln 34 Owner Yezek, Emil Manly 1 Lincoln 36 Renter Yezek, Joe Manly 1 Lincoln 25 Owner Yezek, Kenneth Manly 1 Lincoln 10 Yezek, Ronald Manly 1 Lincoln 34 Renter Yocum, Jasper Northwood 3 Hartland 36 Owner Youmans, Ed Kensett 2 Kensett 34 Owner Zipise, John Northwood 2 Grove 15 Renter Zobel, Leslie Joice 1 Fertile 5 Owner Zulke, Edward Emmons, MN 1 Silver Lake 22 Renter END NOTE: A reasonable effort has been made to assure the accuracy of this information; however, no guarantee is expressed or implied pertaining to either the completeness or accuracy of this index. March 2001 UPDATED: 7/7/2001 Submitter: Gordon felland Post transcription processing: Kermit Kittleson |