submitted by: Julia Johnson -

Clarinda Herald (Clarinda, Iowa), Tuesday, December 3, 1901
In Memoriam. – "Little Rex," the infant son of Mr. and Mrs. C. [harles] E. [dward] Ledgerwood, died on Sunday evening, Nov. 24, at the home of his parents, aged 11 months and sixteen days. All that loving hearts and hands could do, was done for the joy and light of this home, but in vain, for at 9:20 the little spirit returned to God who gave and its earthly body, accompanied by parents and friends, was conveyed Monday, by rail, to its last resting place in Gravity. "Little Rex," as we familiarly called him, brought sunshine into all our hearts and we feel, with his parents and loved ones that—
The summer days have left us,
   Late autumn tide is here,
November has bereft us,
   Of much that gave us cheer;
The flowers sweet and tender,
   That we all loved so well,
By frost of cool November,
   From grace to ruin fell.
And like the summer flower,
   So gentle, frail and sweet,
Has passed from our loved bower,
   The one we fain would keep;
Yet with the flowers waning,
   Our blossom took its flight,
All calm and uncomplaining,
   In righteous garbs bedight.
O, Friends, bereaved and saddened,
   He is not lost for aye,
Your heart will yet be gladdened,
   You'll meet again some day;
Tho' his little form is turning
   To dust within the tomb,
His sole with bliss is shining,
   In Heaven, where is no gloom.
No pain for him, no sorrow,
   As comes in world like this,
No fear of coming morrow, --
   No naught but choicest bliss;
With heavenly robe of whiteness,
   His form is wrapped around,
With golden crown all brightness,
   His little head is crowned.
O, friends, with heart so lonely,
   Think this and dry your tears,
That he's in Heaven, where only
   The righteous soul appears, --
Think not of him as sleeping,
   In death beneath the sod,
But think of him as happy,
   Before the throne of God.   I. G.

Clarinda Journal (Clarinda, Iowa), Friday, November 29, 1901
YORKTOWN – Rex, thel ittle son of Charles and Edith Ledgerwood, died at their home Sunday evening of lung fever. The remains were taken to Gravity Monday for interment. The parents have the sympathy of friends.

Adams County Union-Republican (Corning, Iowa], Wednesday, March 2, 1921
Died in Creston.
Friends and relatives in this vicinity were deeply grieved when it was learned that Mrs. Guy Leonard had passed from this life at a hospital in Creston, at 2 o'clock in the morning, Monday, February 28, 1921. The body was brought to Corning on train No. 3 and taken to the home south of Corning. Funeral services will be held at Fairview Christian church Thursday afternoon, at 2 o'clock, and the body will be laid to rest in Prairie Rose cemetery.
Mrs. Leonard, formerly Miss Anna Ditto, was born in Illinois, being aged 63 years, 9 moths and 17 days at the time of her death. She was a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Ditto. For many years the home of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard has been south of Corning. She was taken to Creston Tuesday of last week, where she underwent a serious operation and passed away on Monday, February 28th, a few days after the operation. She leaves her husband and six daughters and one son, beside many other relatives and friends to mourn her departure. One daughter preceded the mother in death. The surviving children are: Mrs. Jennie Cramer, Mrs. Nettie Richards, of this vicinity; Mrs. Alta Hurd, and Mrs. Minnie Huber, in northern Iowa; Mrs. Ina Rimmer, Corning; Mrs. Sarah McGrew, near Cumberland, and Daniel Leonard, living on the home farm. Mrs. Leonard was a good woman, a kind friend and loving mother and will be greatly missed.

Bedford Free Press (Bedford, Iowa), Thursday, March 3, 1921
GRAVITY – Word was received here Monday morning of the death of Mrs. Guy Leonard, of Fairview, at a hospital in Creston. Mrs. Leonard has been in ill health for the past two years and was taken to Creston Monday, Feb. 21, where she submitted to an operation. Funeral services were held Wednesday, March 2.

Adams County Union-Republican (Corning, Iowa], Wednesday, March 9, 1921
Returned Home—Monday Mrs. Alta Hurd departed for her home in Rockwell and Mrs. Minnie Huber and baby went to their home in Lake City. Grandma Ditto and Mrs. Duvall left Sunday for Gladstone, Ill. The ladies are mother and daughters of Mrs. Guy Leonard. They had been here to attend the funeral of Mrs. Leonard. Grandma Ditto is 81 years of age.

Mount Ayr Record-News (Mount Ayr, Iowa), Wednesday, April 6, 1921
Death of Mrs. S. E. Manson
A message was received Monday evening bearing the sad news of the death of Mrs. S. E. Manson at her home in Mitchell, S. D. She had been enjoying her usual good health up to a short time before her death when she suffered a stroke of paralysis and the end came suddenly and without warning. For many years Mrs. Manson made her home in Mount Ayr, until about sixteen years ago, when she moved to Bedford, where she resided until a year ago last fall when with her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Dunning, she moved to Mitchell. Mrs. Manson had been a widow forty-three years, her husband having been killed by accident at Altoona, Pa., while on his way to New York. She is survived by her daughter, Mrs. Clyde Dunning of Mitchell, S. D., one brother, Frank W. Johnson, and one sister, Mrs. Fred Wilkinson, of this city.

Bedford Times-Republican (Bedford, Iowa), Thursday, April 7, 1921
Mrs. Mason Dead
A telegram was received by Frank Dunning Tuesday announcing the death of Mrs. Mason [Manson] at the home of her daughter Mrs. Clyde Dunning at Mitchell, South Dakota, Tuesday morning and stating that the body would be shipped to Mt. Ayr, Iowa, her former home for burial.
Mrs. Mason [Manson] was a resident of Bedford for several years and had many friends who will be grieved to hear of her death. The family have the sympathy of all who knew them in the loss of "Mother."

Bedford Free Press (Bedford, Iowa), Thursday, April 7, 1921
Mrs. S. E. Manson Dead.

Information has been received here telling of the death of Mrs. S. E. Manson, which occurred last Monday afternoon at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Dunning in Mitchell, South Dakota. Appoplexy was the ailment which caused her death. Funeral services will be held Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock from the Methodist church at Mt. Ayr, Iowa.

Mrs. Manson lived in Bedford for a number of years, moving to Mitchell a little over a year ago.


Mount Ayr Record-News (Mount Ayr, Iowa), Wednesday, April 13, 1921
Obituary – Mrs. S. E. Manson
Sarah Elizabeth Johnson was born March 10, 1844, in Knox county, Ohio. She passed away April 4, 1921, in Mitchell, S. D., after an illness of only a few hours, at the age of 77 years and 24 days.
She was the second of six children born to Henry V. and Nancy Johnson. Three of these preceded her in death—Mrs. Amanda Wheeler of Afton, Iowa, Imogene who died in infancy and B. [yram] L.[eonard] of Mount Ayr.
The deceased was united in marriage to William C. Manson of Mount Vernon, Ohio, on September 1, 1868. To them one child was born—Alice Gertrude, at Mount Gilead, Ohio, January 28, 1872.
Mrs. Manson was left a widow January 29, 1878. She moved to Mount Ayr, Iowa, in 1891. Her daughter was united in marriage to Clyde Dunning on November 9, 1892. The mother made her home with the daughter until the time of her death.
Mrs. Manson was converted when a young girl and united with the Methodist church, to which she remained a faithful member until her death. She lived a useful life, helpful and neighborly to all, and took her part, quietly and faithfully, in every worthy enterprise. She made a host of friends and all who knew her regarded her with the highest respect.
The funeral was held Friday afternoon at two o'clock from the Methodist church in Mount Ayr, conducted by the pastor Rev. Frank Bean and the interment was in Rose Hill cemetery.

Mount Ayr Record-News (Mount Ayr, Iowa), Wednesday, April 13, 1921
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dunning of Bedford attended the funeral of Mrs. S. E. Manson Friday afternoon.
Clyde Dunning, who with Mrs. Dunning came with the body of her mother, Mrs. S. E. Manson, to Mount Ayr Thursday evening, left Friday evening for his home in Mitchell, S. S. Mrs. Dunning remained for a visit at the homes of her uncle, Frank W. Johnson, and her aunt, Mrs. Fred Wilkinson.

Villisca Review (Villisca, Iowa), Thursday, October 6, 1966
Final Rites Here For Mrs. Mayhew
Funeral services for Mrs. Jessie Mayhew were held on Wednesday, September 28, 1966 at 1:00 p. m., from the Methodist church, with the Rev. George s. Snyder officiating. Pallbearers included David McAlpin, Verne Watts, Howard Cooney, Tom McAlpin, Paul Stafford and Malcolm Victor. Flower bearers were Ethel Gunderman and Wanda Gunderman.
The organ solo. "How Firm A Foundation," was by Anabelle White.
Concluding service and interment was at the Villisca cemetery with the Sutphen Funeral Home in charge.
Jessie Mae Mayhew, daughter of Jacob S.[ haffer] and Elizabeth Ray Neely, was born in Union County, south of Creston, Iowa, on November 22, 1877, and passed away at the Young Rest Home in Clarinda, Iowa, on Sunday, September 25, 1966, at the age of 88 years. She was the last of a family of ten children.
When she was a child her family moved to a farm in the Sciola community, where they resided for four years before moving to New Market, Iowa. On September 29, 1877 [1897] Jessie was united in marriage to Clay Mayhew, and they established their home on a farm one mile north of Sciola. To this union one daughter was born. Mr. and Mrs. Mayhew would have observed their 69th wedding anniversary on September 28, of this year.
In 1910, they moved to a farm just north of the city of limits of Villisca , where they lived until February, 1963, when they purchased their present home in Villisca.
Mrs. Mayhew was a 50 year member of the Order of the Eastern Star at Villisca and a member of the Villisca Methodist church and its Woman's Society of Christian Service.
She is survived by her husband, Clay, Villisca; her daughter, Mrs. Gladys Smith, Des Moines, Iowa; besides nieces, nephews and many friends and relatives.
[Note: Iowa Marriage Records, 1880-1947, give the marriage date as September 29, 1897 in Page County, Iowa.]

Nodaway Democrat (Maryville, Missouri), Thursday, February 15, 1883
--John M. McGregor, editor of the Lenox (Iowa), Time-Table, died Thursday of last week. He was but a month or two over thirty years of age. He had good newspaper ability and was highly esteemed as a man and as a citizen.

Bedford Times-Republican (Bedford, Iowa), Monday, November 14, 1921
Mrs. J. W. Taylor left Saturday afternoon for Osborn, Mo., to attend the funeral of her sister-in-law, Mrs. C. F. McMahill. Mrs. McMahill, who was a former resident of Bedford, passed away Friday after suffering for some time from cancer.

Cameron Sun (Cameron, Missouri), Thursday, November 17, 1921
Mrs. C. F. McMahill – Mrs. C. F. McMahill of Osborn, age 56 years, passed away shortly after noon Friday at the Noyes hospital, St. Joseph, following an operation for cancer from which she never regained consciousness.
Funeral services were held from the Osborn Baptist church Monday afternoon at 2 o'clock, conducted by Rev. W. B. McGraw of Sedalia, a former pastor at Osborn.
Burial was in the Osborn cemetery.

Cameron Sun (Cameron, Missouri), Thursday, November 17, 1921
OSBORN – Mrs. C. F. McMahill Dead
Mrs. C. F. McMahill, aged 57 years, passed away last Friday shortly after noon at the Noyes hospital in St. Joseph, following an operation on Thursday for a cancer, from which she never [re]gained consciousness. Her husband and three sons were at her bedside at the time of her death.
Funeral services of this good Osborn lady were held Monday afternoon at 2 o'clock at the Baptist church in our city. Rev. W. B. McGraw of Sedalia, former pastor here about ten years ago, conducted the services and Rev. G. A. Puckett offered a lovely prayer. Interment was made in our cemetery.
Deceased was an exceptionally good Christian lady and one who was loved by all and commanded the very highest esteem of all who knew her. A great worker in the Baptist church, a loving wife and mother.
Her husband, three sons, Charles, Wm., and Tom, are left to mourn the loss of this good woman, besides three brothers and two sisters who live away from here.
Very deepest sympathy is extended by all to the family in this, their sad hour of great sorrow and may God in his infinite wisdom be gracious to them.
The singing was splendid for the funeral services and the floral decorations were beyond description. All of which the family desire to express their sincere appreciation and thanks.
Messrs. Jim McMurtry of Lake Side, Nebr., Burt of North Platte, Nebr., Roy of Broken Bow, Nebr., all brothers of the deceased, Mrs. C. F. McMahill; Geo. M. McMahill of Platner, Colo., brother of C. F. McMahill, and Mr. and Mrs. John Taylor of Bedford, Ia., she being a sister of the deceased, were here to attend the funeral of Mrs. C. F. McMahill Monday afternoon.

Bedford Times-Republican (Bedford, Iowa), Monday & Thursday, November 21 & 24, 1921
Cynthia McMurtry Dead
Word was received in Bedford last week announcing the death at the hospital in St. Joseph, Mo., on Nov. 11th, of cancer of the stomach, of Mrs. Chas. F. McMahill (nee McMurtry).
Cynthia McMurtry was born August 14, 1864, near Galesburg, Ill., and came with her parents to Bedford, Iowa, In 1873. She was married to Chas. F. McMahill, in Bedford on Feb. 21, 1886. To this union were born 5 children: Susie B., Alma B., Thos. R., Chas. F. Jr., and Wm. F., the two daughters having preceded their mother in death. She united with the Baptist church at Bedford, Iowa, in 1889. When in 1904 they moved to Missouri she had her letter transferred to the Baptist church at Osborn, Mo.
The funeral took place from the home at Osborn, Monday, November 14, 1921.
The family, who have many friends in Bedford and Taylor county, have the sympathy of all in the loss of this good woman. The Times extends sympathy to the family.

Plattsburg Leader (Plattsburg, Missouri), Friday, November 25, 1921
Death of Mrs. McMahill – Mrs. C. F. McMahill of Osborn died in a St. Joseph hospital Nov. 11. Mrs. McMahill was 57 years of age and is survived by her husband and three sons, Thomas, William and Charles, Jr. The funeral and burial were at Osborn.

Bedford Free Press (Bedford, Iowa), Thursday, May 12, 1921
Paul McMasters Died.
Paul McMasters, son of Rev. McMasters, who at one time was pastor of the Baptist church here, died in the hospital at Casper, Wyoming, last Sunday after an illness of several weeks. The funeral will be held Friday at Tama, Iowa, the home of his parents. Paul died as the result of exposure in a blizzard last winter in Wyoming where he was homesteading.

Hopkins Journal (Hopkins, Missouri), Thursday, December 22, 1898
Mrs. K. T. Mendenhall, who lived northwest of Hopkins, died last Monday aged about 50 years. She had been sick for over a year.

Hopkins Journal (Hopkins, Missouri), Thursday, December 22, 1898
VALLEY – Died, at her home in Polk township, Monday morning, Mrs. K. T. Mendenhall. Was buried in the Willard cemetery Wednesday.

Bedford Times-Republican (Bedford, Iowa), Monday, August 29, 1921
Word was received here last week of the death of Mrs. Harry Meredith, who formerly lived at Cedar Rapids but lately living in Arizona. Mrs. Meredith was a daughter-in-law of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Meredith of this place.

Bedford Times-Republican (Bedford, Iowa), Thursday, April 21, 1921
Attend Father's Funeral.
Mr. and Mrs. John Waller were called to Mt. Ayr last Friday by a telegram announcing the death of Mrs. Waller's father at that place. The funeral services were held Monday. They returned home yesterday. We extend sympathy to the bereaved family.

Guide Rock Signal (Guide Rock, Nebraska), Thursday, November 3, 1921
O. Mitchell Dropped Dead Last Night
O. [lney] Mitchell, a traveling solicitor for the Home Comfort Stove Company, aged about 55 years, dropped dead at the farm home of John Malick nine miles northwest of Guide Rock last evening at about eight o'clock. Mr. Mitchell had asked to spend the night with the Malicks and was sitting at a table when death struck him. A brother, who has been working south of the river, is in town today. The body was brot to Guide Rock last evening and is in the Undertaking Parlors with Undertaker D. L. Burr in charge. Arrangements will be made for the funeral today which will probably be at Larned, Kansas, where the dead man has relatives. Dr. I. A. Pace was called when the man first was stricken but death had claimed its victim before the doctor had arrived on the scene.

Weekly Advertiser (Red Cloud, Nebraska), Friday, November 4, 1921
Stranger Dies Suddenly At John Malick Home
County Attorney Foe was called to the home of John Malick near Cowles last night by news that a stranger had died there very suddenly that evening. He found upon investigation that the man, who bore the name of O. Mitchell was a salesman for the Home Comfort Range Co. and had been canvassing the country. He had arranged to stay over night at Mr. Malick's. After supper, while doing some writing, he fell over and expired immediately. Dr. I. A. Pace of Guide Rock was called and after an examination expressed the opinion that death had been caused by heart failure. The man appeared to be 55 or 60 years of age and presented a favorable appearance. It was learned that a brother was working near Guide Rock for the same company, so the remains were sent there, where they were claimed by him. It appears that the man leaves some children but that he had no wife living. – Argus.

Bedford Free Press (Bedford, Iowa), Thursday, November 10, 1921
M. V. Mitchell left Thursday for Guide Rock, Neb., called there by the death of his father.

Guide Rock Signal (Guide Rock, Nebraska), Thursday, November 10, 1921
On the arrival Thursday of a son of O. Mitchell, the 72-year-old man who died suddenly Wednesday evening at the John Malick home, arrangements were made to ship the body on Friday to Osceola, Iowa, for burial.

Webster County Argus (Red Cloud, Nebraska), Thursday, November 10, 1921
GUIDE ROCK – the body of O. [lney] Mitchell, the aged man who died suddenly Wednesday evening of last week at the John Malick home, was shipped Friday to Osceola, Iowa, for burial.

Larned Chronoscope (Larned, Kansas), Thursday, November 10, 1921
Mrs. Anna Seibert left last Thursday for Osceola, Iowa, where she was called by the death of her brother, Olney Mitchell.

Bedford Free Press (Bedford, Iowa), Thursday, December 8, 1921
Killed When Bridge Falls.
While working with the county bridge gang in Adams county Saturday morning, Bob Moore, brother of J. J. Moore, southeast of Gravity, received fatal injuries from which he died Saturday evening.
The men were removing an old wooden bridge and replacing it with a new steel one. In cutting away the piling, the bridge fell contrary to the way expected, and Mr. Moore was caught by falling timbers.
He was picked up and taken to Corning where medical aid was given but he died Saturday evening. The deceased was a single man. The funeral was held at Corning Monday morning. – Gravity Independent.

Albany Democrat-Herald (Albany, Oregon), Thursday, January 21, 1954
Arthur Moreland, Millersburg, Dies
Arthur Wilson Moreland, 74, native of Iowa, but a resident of Linn county since 1906, died at a local hospital early today and will be buried in the Willamette Memorial Park cemetery Saturday, following services to be held at the United Presbyterian church with the Rev. J. Boyd Patterson officiating.
Mr. Moreland's home was in the Millersburg district, on Albany RFD 2, where he had been prominently identified with community activities.
Born Jan. 1, 1878, at Clarinda, Ia., Mr. Moreland spent his early life in that state and following his marriage with Pearl Burwell at Clarinda on March 6, 1902, moved to Idaho, whence the two came to Linn county in 1906, farming near Millersburg ever since.
Surviving are the widow, four children, Clarke Moreland, Tangent; Mrs. Floyd Fisher and Donald Moreland, Albany RFD 2 and Claude Moreland, Portland; by eight grandchildren, Mrs. Bob Shumaker, Crabtree; Mrs. Marvin Janzen, Eugene Fisher and Rita Ann and Gale Moreland, Albany; Sharon Moreland, Portland and Roger and Shirley Moreland, Tangent, and by five great grandchildren.
Mr. Moreland had been a member of the United Presbyterian church for 48 years.

Greater Oregon (Albany, Oregon), Friday, January 22, 1954
Arthur W. Moreland – Arthur Wilson Moreland, 76, Rt. 2, Albany, died Jan. 21 at a local hospital. He was a prominent farmer and was the last of a family of 11 children.
He was born Jan. 1, 1878, in Clarinda, Iowa, and spent his early life there. On March 6, 1902, he was married at Clarinda to Pearl Burwell and they moved to Boise, Idaho. In 1906 he came to the present farm near Millersburg. Mr. Moreland was a member for 48 years of the Albany United Presbyterian church.
Surviving besides his wife are four children, Claude, Portland; Clarke, Tangent; Donald Moreland and Mrs. Floyd Fisher, Rt. 2, Albany; eight grandchildren, Mrs. Bob Shumaker, Crabtree; Sharon Moreland, Portland; Roger and Sherry Moreland, Tangent; Mrs. Marvin Janzen, Eugene Fisher, Rita Ann and Gale Moreland, all of Albany; and five great grandchildren.
Services will be held Saturday, Jan. 23 at 2 p. m. at the United Presbyterian church in charge of the Fisher Funeral Home. Dr. J. Boyd Patterson will officiate and burial will be at Willamette Memorial park.

Albany Democrat-Herald (Albany, Oregon), Tuesday, January 26, 1954
MILLERSBURG – Mrs. Scowe Allen flew from San Bruno, Cal., Friday evening to attend the funeral of her uncle, Arthur Moreland Saturday and to visit with the Moreland family. She returned home Saturday evening.

Albany Democrat-Herald (Albany, Oregon), Wednesday, January 27, 1954

Moreland Rites Held
Funeral services were conducted at the United Presbyterian church Saturday afternoon for Arthur Wilson Moreland of RFD 2, Albany. Dr. J. Boyd Patterson, pastor of the church, officiated. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Peterson sang with Justin Miller as organist. Mrs. Carl Nygren, Mrs. Warren Isom and Mrs. Frank Kizer arranged the floral offerings. Serving as bearers were John Beight, Jed Looney, William Millhollen, Frank Ackerman, O. B. Stainaker, William Cook and Owen Allen. Burial took place at the Willamette Memorial Park. Services were under the direction of the Fisher Funeral Home.

Albany Democrat-Herald (Albany, Oregon), Tuesday, February 23, 1965
Illness Fatal to Pearl Moreland
Mrs. Pearl E. [stella] Moreland, 83, Rt. 1, Box 37, Halsey, died Monday at Albany General hospital following a short illness.
Born in Iowa March 12, 1881, in Clarinda, Iowa, Mrs. Moreland moved to a farm near Millersburg in 1906 and four years ago moved to Halsey. She was a member of the Whitespires United Presbyterian church for many years and was a member of the Brownsville United Presbyterian church at the time of her death. She was also a member of the Morning Star Grange and the Wednesday Embroidery club.
She was married March 6, 1902, in Iowa, to Arthur Wilson Moreland, who died in 1954.
Survivors include three sons, Clarke and Donald Moreland, both of Albany, and Claude S. Moreland, Portland; a daughter, Mrs. Floyd E. Fisher, Halsey; a brother, Vernon Burwell, Tacoma, Wash.; eight grandchildren; 13 great grandchildren and many nieces and nephews.
Services will be Thursday at 10:30 a. m. at the Whitespires United Presbyterian Church in Albany. Burial will be in the Willamette Memorial Park. Fisher Funeral Home is making arrangements.
A memorial fund has been established in Mrs. Moreland's name at the Brownsville United Presbyterian church.

Bedford Times-Republican (Bedford, Iowa), Thursday, June 16, 1921
Andrew Steward [Stewart] Morris was born at Mt. Morris, Penn., July 24th, 1846, and departed this life June 9th, 1921, at his home four miles north of New Market, age 74 years, 10 months and 16 days. He was a son of Mr. and Mrs. Jefferson Morris. He was united in matrimony to Miss Sarah Kathryn Stephens, July 1866. To this union was born one son, Frank Lindsay Morris. Mr. Morris and his faithful wife came from Pennsylvania to Iowa in 1869 and settled on their farm four miles north of New Market, where they have lived the past 48 years, but the fruitful tree has fallen. Mr. Morris was of a kind disposition, loved by all of his family and friends. His greatest desire was to do right at all times and under all circumstances. And in so doing he set an example that will never be forgotten by his many friends. This kind hearted man was never so happy as when doing some one a kindness.
He leaves to mourn their loss, his wife and son, Frank L., two grandchildren, Mrs. Harve [Wave] Madden of Gravity and Guy E. Morris of New Market; and four great grandchildren, also two brothers, Geo. D. Morris of Mt. Morris, Penn., and W. I. Morris of Indianola, Iowa, besides many other relatives and friends.
The funeral service was conducted by Rev. J. P. Rowland in the Glassgow Free Methodist church. Interment at Dallas Center cemetery.
[Note: The same obituary was published in the New Market Herald, June 16, 1921.]

New Market Herald (New Market, Iowa), Thursday, April 28, 1932
Honored Mother Called to Rest
Passed Peacefully Away Last Friday Morning After Brief Illness.
New Market and vicinity was called upon last Friday morning to mourn the death of one of her aged and honored mothers, Mrs. Elizabeth Neely, who passed away at her home southwest of town about eight o'clock. She had been seriously ill only a few weeks and her advanced age of 92 years seemed unable to withstand the strain of disease. She had been a resident of this locality nearly fifty years and leaves a large circle of loving friends and relatives who sincerely mourn her passing.
Mrs. Elizabeth Ray Neely, daughter of George and Elizabeth Ray, was born in Butler county, Pennsylvania, December 6, 1839, and passed from this life at her home near New Market, Iowa, April 22, 1932, aged 92 years, 4 months and 16 days.
On December 3, 1857, she was united in marriage to J. [acob] S. [haffer] Neely near Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. To this union 13 children were born. Four of these died in infancy and one daughter, Mrs. Mary E. Rulo, departed this life last August at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Clyde Bodine, in Joplin, Missouri.
In 1870 she, with her husband, settled in Union county, Iowa, where they resided until 1887, when they moved to the farm southwest of New Market where she remained until called to her eternal home. She and her husband lived happily together for 65 years, he having preceded her in death April 9, 1922, at the age of 89 years.
There are eight living children: S. M. Neely of Gravity, Iowa; Dr. J. G. Neely of Winside, Neb.; Hester at home; H. E. Neely of Lyman, Neb.; Mrs. Jessie Mayhew of Villisca, Iowa; Mrs. Nora Ingram of Gravity, Iowa; Oran R. Neely and Mrs. Eldora Foster of New Market. There are 24 grandchildren, 23 great grandchildren and 6 great great grandchildren. She also has one aged brother, George Ray, in Pennsylvania.
She became a member of the Presbyterian church in early life. After moving to Iowa she became a member of the Christian church in New Market. Her religious faith was a source of great help in all problems in rearing her children as well as a great element of strength in the latter days of her weakness and infirmities.
Not only the family and relatives, but all who knew her, are grieved at her going.
It is sad that one we cherish
   Should be taken from the home
But the joys that do not perish
   Live in memory alone.

Clarinda Journal (Clarinda, Iowa), Thursday, April 28, 1932
Honored Mother Called to Rest
Passed Peacefully Away Last Friday Morning After Brief Illness.
New Market and vicinity was called upon last Friday morning to mourn the death of one of her aged and honored mothers, Mrs. Elizabeth Neely, who passed away at her home southwest of town about eight o'clock. She had been seriously ill only a few weeks and her advanced age of 92 years seemed unable to withstand the strain of disease. She had been a resident of this locality nearly fifty years and leaves a large circle of loving friends and relatives who sincerely mourn her passing.
Mrs. Elizabeth Ray Neely, daughter of George and Elizabeth Ray, was born in Butler county, Pennsylvania, December 6, 1839, and passed from this life at her home near New Market, Iowa, April 22, 1932, aged 92 years, 4 months and 16 days.
On December 3, 1857, she was united in marriage to J. [acob] S. [haffer] Neely near Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. To this union 13 children were born. Four of these died in infancy and one daughter, Mrs. Mary E. Rulo, departed this life last August at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Clyde Bodine, in Joplin, Missouri.
In 1870 she, with her husband, settled in Union county, Iowa, where they resided until 1887, when they moved to the farm southwest of New Market where she remained until called to her eternal home. She and her husband lived happily together for 65 years, he having preceded her in death April 9, 1922, at the age of 89 years.
There are eight living children: S. M. Neely of Gravity, Iowa; Dr. J. G. Neely of Winside, Neb.; Hester at home; H. E. Neely of Lyman, Neb.; Mrs. Jessie Mayhew of Villisca, Iowa; Mrs. Nora Ingram of Gravity, Iowa; Oran R. Neely and Mrs. Eldora Foster of New Market. There are 24 grandchildren, 23 great grandchildren and 6 great great grandchildren. She also has one aged brother, George Ray, in Pennsylvania.
She became a member of the Presbyterian church in early life. After moving to Iowa she became a member of the Christian church in New Market. Her religious faith was a source of great help in all problems in rearing her children as well as a great element of strength in the latter days of her weakness and infirmities.
Not only the family and relatives, but all who knew her, are grieved at her going.
It is sad that one we cherish
   Should be taken from the home
But the joys that do not perish
   Live in memory alone.
All the years were spent together,
   All the happy golden hours
Shall be cherished in remembrance,
   Fragrant sweets, from memory
Funeral service was held at the residence Monday, April 25, at 2 p. m., with Rev. B. F. Hall in charge. During the services, Rev. Hall read from Mrs. Neely's Bible, given her by her father on her wedding day, 75 years ago. Music was rendered by singers from New Market. Her eight grandsons served as pall bearers. Interment was made in Old Memory cemetery.

Clarinda Herald Journal (Clarinda, Iowa), Monday, March 11, 1940
Frank Neely – Frank Coolidge Neely was born October 25, 1856, in Oskaloosa, Ia, and passed away at the Municipal Hospital March 6, 1940, after a brief illness. He was 83 years old. He followed the occupation of farming most of his life with the exception of 15 years spent in Oklahoma. He was married to Christina Ruth Green on November 5, 1878, in Kansas. To this union were born three children: Otis and Frank of Clarinda and Clyde of Boone, Iowa. He is preceded in death by his wife who passed away in 1900, also two brothers and two sisters. Besides his three sons he leaves 11 grandchildren.
Funeral services were held at the Walker Funeral Home, March 8, at 2:00 p. m., conducted by Ellsworth L Woods, pastor of the Church of Christ. Interment was made in the Clarinda cemetery.

Clarinda Herald Journal (Clarinda, Iowa), Monday, September 24, 1956
Hester Neely – Hester Neely, daughter of J S and Elizabeth Ray Neely, was born in Union County, Iowa, Dec. 11, 1873, and died on August 11, 1956, at Municipal hospital at the age of 82 years and 4 months. At an early age she moved with her parents to Page County, Ia, where she spent the remainder of her life.
Her parents, eight brothers and a sister preceded her in death. She leaves to mourn her passing three sisters, Mrs C C (Jessie) Mayhew of Villisca, Mrs Hugh (Nora) Ingram and Mrs Sam ((Eldora) Foster of California.
Services were held Aug 13 from the Walker Funeral Home with Rev Clarence Butler in charge. Music was furnished by Aletha Hutchings at the organ. Casket bearers were Merritt Foster, Richard Neely, Wm Neely, Carroll Ingram, Lawrence Ingram and [?] Ingram. Burial was in Old Memory Cemetery.

Diller Record (Diller, Nebraska), Friday, July 9, 1937
Dr. J. G. Neeley – Scott Miller received a message early Thursday morning advising him of the death of his brother-in-law Dr. J. G. Neeley, which occurred Wednesday evening at 9 o'clock at his home in Winside, Nebraska, as a result of hemmorhage of the stomach.
Funeral services will be held at Winside Saturday afternoon, then the funeral cortege will proceed by automobile to Prairie Home cemetery where the body will be interred. The Masonic fraternity will have charge of the services at the grave. They expect to arrive between 4 and 5 o'clock Saturday afternoon.
Dr. Neely was a practicing physician in Diller for 10 years between the years 1902 and 1912. He also operated a drug store 1903-1909, having erected the brick building where Clark's store is now located for that purpose.

Bedford Times-Press (Bedford, Iowa), Thursday, July 15, 1937
NEW MARKET – Former Resident Dies
Dr. J. G. Neely Succumbs At Windside, Nebr., Hospital
Dr. J. [ohn] G. [ilmore] Neely, a former resident of New Market, died at the Wayne hospital in Winside, Nebr., Wednesday, July 7, 1937 at the age of 71 years, 9 months and 20 days.
The funeral services were held in Winside Saturday conducted by Rev. F. B. Dwiggans. Burial was at Diller, Nebr.
Dr. Neely was born near Pittsburg, Penn., in 1865.
He came to Iowa when quite young and later attended the University of Iowa. After graduation he was a practicing physician in Steel City, Nebr., New Market, Iowa, and Diller, Nebr., going in 1912 to Windside [Winside], Nebr., where he followed his profession for twenty-six years.
He was a member of the Masonic order.
He is survived by his wife, Ida Neely; one son, Harold Neely; and four daughters, Mrs. Gladys Gaebler, Mrs. Turla Kahl, Mrs. Yleen Rhudy and Rosemary Neely. Also three grandchildren, four sisters and three brothers. Among relatives attending the funeral services were Mrs. Nell Miller and Edwin Miller of Lincoln; Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Ingram and daughter, Lona, Mr. and Mrs. Carroll Ingram, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Bales, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Foster, all of Clarinda; Oren Neely of New Market; Mrs. C. C. Mayhew of Villisca; Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Ingram of Gravity.

Clarinda Herald Journal (Clarinda, Iowa), Thursday, July 15, 1937
Dr. J. G. Neely – Funeral services were held Saturday, July 10, at Gaebler and Neely funeral parlors in Winside, Nebr., for Dr. J. G. Neely, by Rev. F. B. Dwiggans of Orchard, Nebr. Jean Boyd sang "In the Garden" and "Lead Kindly Light," accompanied by Mrs. A. T. Chappin. Burial was made in Prairie Home cemetery at Diller, Nebraska.
Dr. J. [ohn] G. [ilmore] Neely was born on a farm in Butler county, Pennsylvania, in 1865, and passed away July 7, 1937, at Wayne hospital, Winside, Nebr., at the age of 71 years, 9 months and 20 days. He, with his parents, came to Iowa when quite young. He attended the University of Iowa. After graduation he was a practicing physician at Steel City, Nebr., New Market, Ia., and Diller, Nebr., going to Winside in 1912 and continuing in his profession there for 26 years. Dr. Neely was a member of the Masonic order.
He is survived by his wife Ida, one son Harold and four daughters, Mrs. Gladys Gaebler, Mrs. Turla Kahl, Mrs. Yleen Rhudy, and Rosemary at home, and three grandchildren. He also leaves four sisters and three brothers.
Relatives who attended the funeral were Mrs. Nell Miller, Edwin Miller of Lincoln, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Ingram and daughter Lona, Mr. and Mrs. Carroll Ingram, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Bales, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Foster of Clarinda, Oren Neely of New Market, Mrs. C. C. Mayhew of Villisca, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Ingram and son of Gravity, Mr. and Mrs. Scott Miller of Diller, Nebr.
Dr. Neely grew to manhood in this vicinity and had many friends and relatives here. He was a brother of Oren Neely of New Market and also of Mrs. Sam Foster and Mrs. Hugh Ingram of near Clarinda.

Diller Record (Diller, Nebraska), Friday, July 16, 1937
Several from a distance accompanied the remains of Dr. J. G. Neely to Diller last Saturday. The body was taken to Waggoner Bros. funeral home where the casket was opened. A short service was held at the home, after which interment was made in Prairie Home Cemetery. Among those present were: Mrs. Ida Neely and their daughters: Mr. and Mrs. (Twila) Louis Kahl, Mr. and Mrs. (Yleen) Harold Rhudy, and Rosemary; Mr. and Mrs. Harold Neely and son Jack; Mr. Irving Gaebler (Glady's husband); Mr. and Mrs. Sam Foster (Dode Neely) of Clarinda, Iowa; Mr. Orin Neely, a brother, and two sisters and nieces from Iowa. Mrs. J. G. Neely, Rosemary, and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Neely and son visited at the Scott Miller home until Monday.

Bedford Free Press (Bedford, Iowa), Thursday, December 1, 1904
NEW MARKET – Word has been received here that the wife of Dr. J. [ohn] G. [ilmore] Neely was dead at her home in Diller, Nebr. They were former residents of New Market and had numerous friends here who extend sympathy to the sorrowing relatives.

Page County Democrat (Clarinda, Iowa), Thursday, December 1, 1904
NEW MARKET – Word was received here a few days ago that Mrs. J. [ohn] G. [ilmore] Neely, wife of Dr. Neely, was dead. Dr. Neely and family were former residents of this place, living now at Diller, Nebraska.

Bedford Times-Press (Bedford, Iowa), Thursday, January 30, 1941
NEW MARKET –Oren Neely Dies
Spent Entire Life in The New Market Community
Funeral services for Oren R. Neely were held Tuesday afternoon at the Christian church, conducted by Rev. E. L. Wood of Clarinda. Burial was in the Memory cemetery.
Mr. Neely was 58 years old, had suffered from an illness of many weeks. He died Sunday evening, Jan. 26, at the Municipal Hospital in Clarinda, where he had been taken two weeks before.
His entire life has been spent in this community. He was married in 1910 to Miss Jessie Wininger of New Market.
He is survived by his wife, Mrs. Jessie Neely; and one son, Keith Neely of Cherokee; four sisters, Mrs. Eldora Foster, Mrs. Nora Ingram and Miss Hester Neely of New Market, and Mrs. Jessie Mayhew of Villisca; two brothers, Seymour Neely of Gravity and H. E. Neely of Sacramento, Calif.

Bedford Times-Press (Bedford, Iowa), Thursday, February 6, 1941
Obituary – Oren Neely
Oren Neely, son of Jacob and Elizabeth Neely, was born July 23, 1882, and died Jan. 26, 1941, at the Municipal Hospital in Clarinda, having spent his entire life in the vicinity of New Market.
He was married in 1910 to Miss Jessie Wineinger and one son, Keith, was born to them. In 1919 the family moved to New Market where Mr. Neely had engaged in the plumbing business and also for a time had a filling station.
He is survived by his wife, Jessie Neely; his son Keith and wife Lucille; four sisters, Hester Neely, Mrs. Nora Ingram and Mrs. Eldora Foster of Clarinda and Mrs. Jessie Mayhew of Villisca; two brothers, Seymour Neely of Gravity and H. E. Neely of Sacramento, Calif.
Funeral services were held Tuesday afternoon at the Christian church conducted by Rev. E. L. Wood of Clarinda.

Clarinda Herald Journal (Clarinda, Iowa), Thursday, February 6, 1941
Oren Neely – Death, the messenger who comes sooner or later for us all, has claimed another of his own. Oren Neely has finished his allotted task on the conflict of life and has passed beyond the reach of praise or touch of censure.
Oren, son of Jacob and Elizabeth Neely, was born July 23, 1882, and passed away January 26, 1941, at the age of 58 years, 6 months and 3 days. He spent his entire life in the vicinity of New Market. He was married to Jessie Wineinger Feb 16, 1910. To this union was born one son, Keith. In 1919 the family moved into town where Mr. Neely was engaged in plumbing business and later ran a filling station. He was patient and uncomplaining in his suffering.
He was taken to the Municipal hospital in Clarinda where all was done for him that medicine and loving hands could do but death was inevitable and claimed him about 9:20 Sunday evening.
He leaves to mourn his passing his wife Jessie, who was so faithful in caring for him through his illness, one son, Keith and his wife Lucille, four sisters, Hester Neely, Nora Ingram and Eldora Foster of Clarinda, Iowa, Jessie Mayhew of Villisca, Iowa, two sisters, Seymour Neely of Gravity and H E Neely of Sacramento, Calif., other relatives and a host of friends, one sister, Mrs. Mary Pickering of Joplin, Mo, and one brother, Dr J G Neely, who with his father and mother, preceded him in death. The beautiful flowers are but a dim reflection of the love and esteem which the community holds for the family. The cheery whistle of Oren will greatly missed.
Singers were Miss Opal Wallace, Walter Noble, Mrs. Bessie Godfrey and Doyle Hicks. Pallbearers were Carrol Ingram, Kenneth Farrell, Dale Ingram, Glade Farrell, Van Hambilton and Merrett Foster.
Out of town relatives attending the services were Frank Winienger of Omaha, Nebr, Harold Neely, Twila Rhudy, Mr and Mrs Don Kahl of Wineside [Winside], Nebr, Mr and Mrs V L Hambilton of Woodward, Iowa, Mr and Mrs Hubert Wise, Mr and Mrs Kenneth Farrell, Mr and Mrs Kenneth Bales of Clarinda, Mr and Mrs Mayhew of Villisca.

Bedford Times-Press (Bedford, Iowa), Thursday, November 26, 1953
Seymour Neely Died In New Market
Within five weeks of his 90th birthday, Seymour M. [itchell] Neely of New Market died Saturday evening, Nov. 21, at his home. He had fallen three years ago, from which he had never recovered and was bedfast the past month.
Funeral services were held Tuesday at 2 o'clock at Walker Funeral home.
His wife and daughter, Mrs. Glade Farrell of New Market and son, Glenn Neely of of Lenoire City, Tenn., survive.
Mr. Neely spent his entire life in Page and Taylor counties. The home farm was east of New Market where he lived for over 40 years. Mr. and Mrs. Neely had been married about 59 years.

Bedford Times-Press (Bedford, Iowa), Thursday, November 26, 1953
Obituary, S. M. Neely
Seymour Mitchell Neely, son of Jacob S. [haffer] and Elizabeth Neely, was born Jan. 3, 1864 in Butler county, Penn., and died Saturday, Nov. 21, 1953 at his home in New Market at the age of 81 years, ten months and 28 days.
At the age of six he came with his parents to Union county, Iowa. They later moved to Page county near New Market where he spent his early life.
He was united in marriage to Lilly Mann, Sept. 26, 1894, and moved to Taylor county where he resided until his death.
To them were born two daughters, Delpha F. McKay who preceded him in death in 1931, Bernice C. Farrell of New Market, one son, Glenn L. Neely of Lenoir City, Tenn.
He leaves to mourn his passing his wife, one son, one daughter, a son-in-law, a daughter in law, three grandchildren, four great grandchildren, four sisters, Mrs. Jessie Mayhew of Villisca, Mrs. Nora Ingram of Clarinda, Mrs. Eldora Foster of New Market, Miss Hester Neely of Clarinda, other relatives and a host of friends.
He was preceded by his parents, three brothers, one sister and one daughter.
The past six months he had been confined to his bed under the care of his loving wife.

Bedford Times-Republican (Bedford, Iowa), Monday, January 10, 1921
With The Angels
Dorothy Leeman Nelson, daughter of Grace and Lee Nelson, was born at Bedford, Iowa, March 25th, 1919. Her brief life was spent in Bedford. Ill health has been her portion for several weeks but she was a patient little sufferer.
At 10 o'clock on the morning of Jan. 6, 1921 she quietly fell asleep, leaving to mourn her early passing her father, mother, little baby sister, grandparents and one great grandmother, other relatives and friends.
Funeral services were conducted from the home at 2:30 p. m. Jan. 7 by E. E. Lowe and the little form was laid to rest in Bedford cemetery.



Clarinda Herald Journal (Clarinda, Iowa), Thursday, June 11, 2015
Charles E Orme – Charles Edward Orme was born Sep 26, 1935, at Clarinda, the son of William Dell and Hettie J (Van Alstine) Orme. He passed away on Tuesday, June 2 in Lincoln, Neb, at the age of 79.
Charles grew up on the family farm three miles north of Hawleyville. He attended school at the Orme Schoolhouse until 8th grade and then finished his education in the Clarinda school district. He helped his dad on the farm. On Feb 4, 1964 he married Shirley Woods in Clarinda. Charles worked several jobs and last worked as a school bus driver in Clarinda. He loved to fish and take drives in the country. On his retirement he and Shirley made their home in Hepburn until later years when they moved to Clar Haven in Clarinda.
He is preceded in death by his parents, five sisters: Amy Buchannan, Mae Parson, Velma Lofgren, Arlene (Sis) Fulton, and Phyllis Miller; brothers Marvin Orme and Delford (Bus) Orme and two young brothers.
Survivors include his wife Shirley of Clarinda; brother-in-law Hal Fulton of Villisca and sister-in-law Norma Orme of Northboro; many nieces, nephews, friends and relatives.
Graveside services were held Friday, June 5 at Union Grove Cemetery, Northboro, with Rev. Andy Rubenking  officiating. Memorials are suggested to the family. Eickemeyer Funeral Chapel of Clarinda provided arrangements.

Clarinda Herald Journal (Clarinda, Iowa), Thursday, December 10, 1959
Young farm wife was ill a year
Mrs. Charles (Leah) Orme, 20, who had lived at Hepburn until six days ago when she and her husband moved to a farm near Corning, died this Thursday at 6:17 a. m. at the Clarinda Municipal Hospital.
Her services are to be Saturday at 2 p. m. at the Christian Church in New Market with Clarence Potter the preacher and the Walker Funeral Home in charge of arrangements. Burial will be in the Gravity cemetery.
Mrs. Orme, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Garland Pain [Payne] of New Market, had been ill for about a year. She was graduated from New Market schools in 1958 and was married to Charles Payne on June 20 of that year. Besides her husband and parents, she has a brother and sister at home.

Bedford Times-Press (Bedford, Iowa), Thursday, December 17, 1959
NEW MARKET – The funeral of Mrs. Charles Orme, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Garland Payne of New Market was held at the New Market Church of Christ last Saturday.

Bethany Republican-Clipper (Bethany, Missouri), Wednesday, January 6, 1960
Obituary – Orme
Leah B. [elle], oldest daughter of Garland and Esta (Miles) Payne, was born Aug. 24, 1939, in Harrison county, near Bethany, Mo., and departed this life on Dec. 10, 1959, in a Clarinda, Iowa, hospital at the age of 20 years, three months and 16 days.
She was united in marriage to Charles Orme, Hepburn, Iowa, on June 30, 1959 [1958].
Leah was a very pleasant person and always had a smile for everyone. She spent over half of her life in Taylor county, Iowa. A member of the Christian church in Gravity, Iowa, she faithfully attended church as long as she was able.
She leaves to mourn her passing her husband, Charles Orme, one brother, Wayne, one sister, Lila of the home, her parents, Mr. [&] Mrs. Garland Payne of New Market, Iowa, her grandfather, Lee Miles and many relatives and friends around Bethany, Mo.
Services were held at the Church of Christ in New Market, Iowa, on Saturday, Dec. 12, 1959, at 2:00 o'clock with Clergyman Clarence Potter officiating. The final resting place is in Gravity, Iowa.

Enid Morning News (Enid, Oklahoma), Tuesday, November 29, 1955
Services Today for Mrs. Nettie Patrick
Funeral services for Mrs. Nettie Patrick, 85, will be conducted at 2 p. m. today in the Henninger-Allen chapel with Dr. Ben Sturdivant officiating. Burial will be in Enid cemetery.
Pall bearers will be Roy Williams, Roy White, Jess Langford, Charles Parker, Elbe Russell and Kay Haddad.
Mrs. Patrick, who came to Enid immediately after the opening of the Cherokee Strip, died in an Enid hospital Saturday evening after an illness of two years. she entered the hospital ten weeks ago. She had lived in Enid since she came here. Mrs. Patrick was a native of Bedford, Iowa.
Her husband, the late S. D. Patrick, was in the job-printing business in Enid for many years. Mrs. Patrick was a charter member of the First Methodist church of Enid and was the oldest member in point of service, of the Women's Society of Christian Service of that church. Also, she was a member of the WCTU.
Survivors include a son, Joseph W. Patrick, Enid; one daughter, Mrs. Eulah Rounds, Sand Jose, Calif.; a brother, Frank Lyle, San Jose; two grandchildren, Bill and Rachael Ann Patrick, and several nieces and nephews.
[Note: The same obituary was published in the Enid Daily Eagle, November 28, 1955.]

Enid Morning News (Enid, Oklahoma), Tuesday, April 23, 1940
Death Claims S. D. Patrick, 73
Pioneer Enid Printer Dies After Long Illness; Services Pending
Sylvan D. [exter] Patrick, 73 years old, one of Enid's pioneer printers, died late yesterday afternoon at his home at 1020 West Maine after an illness of three months.
Patrick came to Enid shortly after the opening of the Cherokee Strip from Bedford, Iowa. He was active in the news and job printing business until ill health forced his retirement in 1930.
Patrick was credited with starting the first job printing shop in Enid at the northwest corner of the intersection of Independence and Maine. He was secretary at one time of the Enid Typographical union.
Member of M. E. church
In 1932, he entered the Union Printers' home at Colorado Springs, Colo., for medical treatment, returning to Enid in 1937.
For many years he was secretary and later superintendent of the Enid Cemetery association, a position from which he also was forced to retire because of his health.
He was a member of the First Methodist Episcopal church and served as a member of the official board for several terms. He had been a member of the International Typographical union for 30 years.
Member War Board
During the war, he was a member of the county war board which checked enlistments, transfers and discharges of soldiers, and at the end of his work received a check for $1 from the government "for services rendered."
Funeral arrangements at the Henninger Funeral home last night were awaiting arrival of a brother, W. H. Patrick of Chicago.
Survivors include his wife of the home; one son, Joe Patrick of Enid; one daughter, Mrs. Ben May of Topeka, Kans.; his brother in Chicago, and three grandchildren, Miss Helen Hanks of Los Angeles, Calif., Mrs. Fenton Goble of Amarillo, Texas, formerly of Enid and Billy Patrick of Enid.

Enid Daily Eagle (Enid, Oklahoma), Tuesday, April 23, 1940
Patrick Rites Await Arrival Of His Brother
Pioneer Printer Died Monday After Lingering Illness
Funeral services for Sylvan D. [exter] Patrick, 73, pioneer Enid printer, had not been completed Tuesday. He died at his home, 1020 West Maine last Monday following an illness over the last three months.
Coming to Enid shortly after the opening of the Cherokee Strip from Bedford, Iowa, Patrick was active in the job printing business until his health became poor in 1930 and he retired.
He was generally credited with opening with the first printing shop in Enid and he had been a member of the International Typographical union for the last 30 years or more.
Mr. Patrick also was one of the founders of the "Coming Events" which later was purchased by the late Everett Purcell and changed to the name of Enid Events, Enid residents recalled.
Survivors include his wife of the home, a son, Joe Patrick of Enid, a daughter, Mrs. Ben May of Topeka and a brother H. W. Patrick of Chicago and three grandchildren.
Funeral plans will not be completed until his brother of Chicago arrives, it was announced at the Henninger funeral home where the body is being cared for.
Mr. Patrick was active in many of the early day governmental affairs and for years he served as secretary of the Enid Cemetery association. He was a member of the First Methodist church.

Enid Morning News (Enid, Oklahoma), Wednesday, April 24, 1940
S. D. Patrick – For a long period of years S. D. Patrick was a well-known figure in Enid and his death came as a surprise to his many friends, even though he had been in ailing health for some years. Mr. Patrick was an early settler here; he had been associated with the printing and newspaper business directly or indirectly for many years. He was a founder of one of Enid's pioneer weekly newspapers and was active for years in the typographical union as an officer. Besides, he was active in church and lodge affairs, and was widely known for his long connection with an Enid cemetery association.
He was a mild-mannered, kindly soul and an efficient worker both in private and public affairs. During the late World war, he served conscientiously for many months as a member of the Garfield county war board, for which service of night and day work, he received the nominal sum of $1. Later, he served as undersheriff of the county and was rated as one of the most efficient of such officers ever to serve the county.
During his association with The News and Eagle, Mr. Patrick was a friend of all those associated with these newspapers; and their staff members join with his other friends in this area in appreciation of his services to the community and in sympathy with the family.

Enid Daily Eagle (Enid, Oklahoma), Wednesday, April 24, 1940
Patrick Funeral Set For Thursday
The funeral for S. D. Patrick, 73, Enid pioneer printer, will be on Thursday afternoon at 3:30 o'clock in the Henninger funeral home chapel. Rev. Fletcher S. Crowe, minister of the First Methodist church and the associate minister, Rev. Roscoe A. Barnes, will conduct the service. Burial will be made in Enid cemetery. The Odd Fellows lodge will have a brief service at the cemetery.
Members of the Odd Fellows lodge who will be active pallbearers are C. E. Burch, J. H. Tate, J. C. Bullock, Ben Blansit, Everett Barker and R. W. Pryor. Honorary pallbearers will be members of the International Typographical union: J. E. Seeds, Clifford Dull, J. C. Trickey, H. H. Harrington, W. G. Baer and L. L. Beach.
Mr. Patrick who set up the first job printing office here soon after the opening of the Cherokee Strip, died Monday at his home, 1020 West Maine, following a three-month illness. He was a member of the Methodist church and was affiliated with the I. T. U. for 30 years.

Enid Morning News (Enid, Oklahoma), Thursday, April 25, 1940
Rites Today For S. D. Patrick, 73
Services for S. D. Patrick, 73 years old, who died Monday at his home at 1020 West Maine, will be this afternoon at 3:30 o'clock in the chapel of the Henninger Funeral home.
Rev. Fletcher S. Crowe, pastor of the First Methodist church of which Patrick was a member, will officiate assisted by Rev. Roscoe A. Barnes. Burial will be in Enid cemetery, with the Henninger Funeral home in charge.
The Odd Fellows will hold a brief service at the cemetery.
Patrick had been a resident of Enid since shortly after the opening of the Cherokee Strip. He was recognized as being the first man to operate a job printing shop in Enid.

Bethany Republican-Clipper (Bethany, Missouri), Wednesday, September 15, 2004
Esta M. Payne – Esta M. [ae] Payne, 92, Bethany, Mo., died Monday, Sept. 13, 2004, at a Bethany nursing home.
Mrs. Payne was born March 8, 1912, in Harrison County, Mo., the daughter of Lee and Hattie Leah (Robinson) Miles. On March 27, 1937, she married Garland Payne in Bethany. He preceded her in death on June 11, 1982. She was a homemaker.
Survivors include a daughter, Lila Scott and husband, Fred, Bethany; a son, Wayne Payne and wife, Mary, Bethany; five grandchildren, Allen and David Payne, Bethany; Ricki Scott, Waldo, Wis., Randy Scott, Coffey, Mo., and Julie Willis, Ash Fork, Ariz.; seven great grandchildren, Tharon and Alena Payne, Bethany, Marcia Payne and Kevin Adcock, Arizona, Luke and Tasha Scott, Wisconsin, and Jasmine Wallace, Bethany.
She was preceded in death by a daughter, Leah Payne Orme; three brothers, Dorris, Clyde and Forrest Miles and a grandson, Nathan Payne.
Graveside services will be at 2 p. m., Thursday, Sept. 16, at the Prairie Chapel Cemetery, Bethany; Friends may call after 1 p. m. Wednesday at the Roberson Funeral Home, where the family will receive friends from 12:30 to 1:30 p. m. Thursday.

St. Joseph Gazette (St. Joseph, Missouri), Monday, June 14, 1982
BETHANY, Mo. – Garland A. [rthur] Payne, 72, died Friday afternoon at a St. Joseph hospital.
He is survived by his wife, Esta Payne, Bethany; one daughter, Lila Scott, Bethany; one son, Wayne Payne, Bethany; one sister, Marie Stout, Ava, Mo.; and four grandchildren.
Services will be at 2 p. m. Tuesday at the Roberson-Polley Funeral Home, followed by burial in the Prairie Chapel Cemetery, east of here. The family will receive friends at the funeral home after 7 tonight.

Bethany Republican-Clipper (Bethany, Missouri), Wednesday, June 16, 1982
Garland Payne – Garland Arthur Payne, 72, died June 11 at the Methodist Medical Center.
Mr. Payne was born March 21, 1910, in Harrison County. He was a farmer.
He leaves his wife, Esta Payne, Bethany; a daughter, Lila Scott, Bethany; one son, Wayne Payne, Bethany; a sister, Marie Stout, Ava, Mo., and four grandchildren.
Funeral services were Tuesday afternoon, June 15, at the Roberson-Polley Funeral Home, Bethany, with the Rev. Paul Willard officiating. Burial was in the Prairie Chapel Cemetery.

Springfield News-Leader (Springfield, Missouri), Sunday, October 24, 1999
Eula Mae Pearce, 82
MONETT – Mrs. Eula Mae Pearce, Monett, a homemaker, died at 6 a. m. Friday in her home.
Graveside services will be at 10 a. m. Tuesday in Washington Cemetery, Gravity, Iowa, under direction of Bennett-Wormington Funeral Home.

Bedford Times-Republican (Bedford, Iowa), Thursday, March 3, 1921
R. T. Burrell went to Lenox Wednesday noon, called there by the death of his brother-in-law, Thomas Pegg, who died Tuesday night at 6:30. Mr. Pegg has lived in Taylor County for some time. He was a man of sixty-five years of age. His death was caused by a stroke of paralysis.

Adams County Union-Republican (Corning, Iowa), Wednesday, June 30, 1920
A pair of twins, boy and girl, were born Tuesday to Mrs. Wilbur Perdew. It will be remembered that the father of the babies died last spring of pneumonia. —Gravity Independent.

Daily Nonpareil (Council Bluffs, Iowa), Monday, November 23, 1981
PERKINS, William W., 78 years, 2710 South 9th Street, passed away Monday, November 23, 1981.
Funeral arrangements are pending.  Cutler Funeral Home.

Daily Nonpareil (Council Bluffs, Iowa), Monday, November 23, 1981
William Perkins – William W. [alter] Perkins, 78, 2710 S. 9th St., died at his home today after a short illness.
He was born at Greenfield and moved to Council Bluffs 30 years ago from Omaha.
He retired in 1964 as a driver for Admiral Merchants Motor Freight after 20 years of service.
Mr. Perkins was a World War II Army veteran and a member of the American Legion.
Surviving are his wife Irma M.; three sons, William L. of Council Bluffs, Robert T. of Lorimor and Ben J. of Sacramento, Calif.; a stepdaughter, Mrs. John D. (Neva) Johnson of Valley, Neb.; seven grandchildren; five great grandchildren; a brother, Roy of Afton, and a sister, Alice Graham of Winterset.
Services are pending at Cutler Funeral Home.

Daily Nonpareil (Council Bluffs, Iowa), Tuesday, November 24, 1981
William Perkins – Funeral services for William W. [alter] Perkins, 78, 2710 S. 9th St., will be at 9 a. m. Wednesday at Cutler Funeral Home.
The Rev. Larry Fiscus, pastor of Southside Christian Church, will officiate. Graveside services will be at 1 p. m. Wednesday at the Gravity, Iowa, cemetery.
Mr. Perkins died Monday at his home after a short illness.
Memorials are suggested to the Rowley Memorial Masonic Home at Perry. Visitation with the family will be from 7 to 8 tonight at Cutler's.

Daily Nonpareil (Council Bluffs, Iowa), Wednesday, November 25, 1981
PERKINS, William W., 78 years, 2710 South 9th Street, passed away Monday, Nov. 23, 1981. Husband of Irma M. Perkins.
Funeral services, Wednesday, Nov. 25, 1981, 9:00 a. m., Cutler Chapel. Graveside services, Wednesday 1:00 p. m., Gravity, Iowa Cemetery. The casket will be closed at the beginning of the service. Memorials may be made to Rowley Memorial Masonic Home, Perry, Iowa. The family will receive friends from 7:00-8:00 p. m., Tuesday at the Cutler chapel.

Kansas City Times (Kansas City, Missouri), Thursday, October 27, 1949
PETERIE – Mrs. Stella Peterie, 67, of 308 Garfield, died Tuesday night at the General hospital She was employed by the Davidson Furniture company before she became ill of a heart ailment five years ago. She was born at Gravity, Ia., and had been a resident of Kansas City about twenty years. Her father, Thomas Preston, Gravity, survives. Services will be held at 3 o'clock Friday at the Morton chapel, North Kansas City. Burial will be in Gravity.

Bedford Free Press (Bedford, Iowa), Thursday, July 28, 1921
SHARPSBURG – Pat Phelan of Conway died last Wednesday evening. Funeral was held at Lenox Saturday. Several attended from here.
Ed McIntyre attended the funeral of Pat Phelan at Lenox Saturday.

Fremont Tribune (Fremont, Nebraska), Saturday, October 10, 1998
Sophie Pickrel – The funeral for Ann Sophie Pickrel, 91, of Wisner will be 1 p. m. Monday at the United Methodist Church of Christ in Wisner.
She died Thursday, Oct. 8, 1998, in Wisner Manor.
Ann Sophie Hottendorf was born Nov. 13, 1906, at Lowden, Iowa. In 1916, she moved to Wisner with her family. After completing sixth grade, she did domestic work in Wisner. She later moved to Sioux City, Iowa, and worked at several businesses, including a dress and furniture factory. On Aug. 2, 1929, she married James Pickrel in Sioux City, where they lived before moving to Kansas City, Kan. They later farmed near Merlin, Mo., before settling in Bedford, Iowa, and eventually retiring there. After the death of her husband in 1989, Pickrel moved to Wisner, where she lived until moving into Wisner Manor in July 1998.
She was a member of the United Methodist Church of Christ of Wisner.
She also was preceded in death by a brother and two sisters.
Survivors include several nieces and nephews.
The Rev. Scott Evans will officiate the Monday service. Visitation will be from 3-8 p. m. Sunday at the Kuzelka Funeral Home in Wisner and from 11 a. m. until the time of services Monday at the church. Burial will be in the Wisner Cemetery.

Bedford Times-Press (Bedford, Iowa), Thursday, June 28, 1934
Ed Pinney Dies
Ed Pinney, 58, of Sharpsburg, died in the Methodist hospital in St. Joseph Monday. The funeral services were held at the Presbyterian church in Saturday this afternoon conducted by Rev. C. Wayne Overholser. Burial was in the Gravity cemetery.

Bedford Times-Press (Bedford, Iowa), Thursday, July 5, 1934
Services For Ed Pinney Are Held
Funeral services for Edgar L. Pinney, 58, who died in a St. Joseph hospital last week, were held at the Presbyterian church in Sharpsburg Thursday afternoon, conducted by Rev. C. Wayne Overholser. Burial was in the Gravity cemetery.
He was born Dec. 12, 1875, in Johnson county, Iowa. When 12 years of age he came with his father and mother and two sisters to the Sharpsburg community and had lived here since that time. Feb. 9, 1898, he was married to Miss Carrie French. To them were born two daughters, Mrs. Wilma Nissen of Sioux City and Mrs. Helen Trost of Sharpsburg. At an early age he united with the Presbyterian church and since May 1915, he had served his church as a ruling elder. Besides his wife and two daughters, he leaves his mother, Mrs. G. [eorge] B. [arnard] Pinney of this city, his two sisters, Mrs. Georgia Dowlin of St. Louis, Mo., and Mrs. Mary Ledgerwood of Greenfield, Iowa, and two grandsons.

Bedford Times-Press (Bedford, Iowa), Thursday, July 5, 1934
SHARPSBURG – Mr. and Mrs. Tom Nissen of Sioux City are visiting a few days with her mother, Mrs. Ed Pinney. They had been called here by the death of Mrs. Nissen's father.

Bedford Free Press (Bedford, Iowa), Thursday, November 9, 1911
Mrs. Clarence Dowlin who was called to Sharps by the death of her father, Mr. Pinney, left Sunday via Bedford, for her home at St. Louis, Mo.

Des Moines Register (Des Moines, Iowa), Wednesday, January 27, 1971
POSTEN – Services for Mrs. Stella M. Posten, mother of Mrs. Leonard W. Gallagher of 5305 Shriver will be 10:30 AM Thursday at the Dahlstrom Funeral Home. Interment 3 PM Gravity, Iowa.
[Note: The same notice was published in the Des Moines Register, January 28, 1971.]

Des Moines Tribune (Des Moines, Iowa), Wednesday, January 27, 1971
Mrs. Stella M. Posten – Services for Mrs. Stella M. Posten, 79, of 4111 Ingersoll Ave., who died Tuesday of arteriosclerosis at the Iowa Lutheran Home for the Aged in Madrid, will be at 10:30 a. m. Thursday at the Dahlstrom Funeral Home, with burial in a cemetery at Gravity.
She had been ill a year.
Born in Gravity, Mrs. Posten had lived in Des Moines 20 years. she was a member of Eastern Star and the New Christian Church and a former member of the Des Moines Business and Professional Women's Club.
Mrs. Posten is survived by a daughter, Mrs. Leonard W. Gallagher of Des Moines; a sister, Mrs. C. R. Morgan of Gravity, two grandchildren and three great grandchildren.
The family suggests memorials to the Spare Wheel Auxillary of the Lutheran Home.

Hot Springs Weekly Star (Hot Springs, South Dakota), Thursday, May 30, 1911
Death came suddenly to two pioneer residents of South Dakota. One of them was Smith Prickett, who for some years had resided on a farm in Charles Mix county.