Some early history facts of Taylor County, Iowa
from Julia Johnson []

Some History
The city of Bedford was located in March, 1852.
The first house was built by C. W. Frenno and the second by Edwin Houck.
Dr. Luther Bent was the first physician in Taylor county. He located in Benton township in 1853.
In 1855, so Mr. L. Mohler says, all there was of Bedford were three log houses.
In 1852 Aaron Quinby built the first mill in Bedford. In 1863 L. Mohler purchased the mill and added new machinery. It was located just where the Bedford water works dam is now located. At that time the old Woolen Mill was located just across the street north of the Billy Lambert residence. The Hill Bros. were running it.
Another old manufacturing establishment of Bedford was the old flouring mill. Its proprietor, W.W. Clark, upon the promise of a bonus from the citizens of Conway, tore it down and removed it to that place in 1878.
The first sale of lots in Bedford took place on July 4, 1852.
The first school teacher was Darwin E. Jones. He taught in 1856-’57. Later he was county treasurer and recorder.
Judge Hall, who died in 1879, succeeded Mr. Jones as public instructor, afterward being a leading lawyer of Bedford and a son-in-law of the late Rev. Dr. Golliday.
J. L. Gates and W. S. Mossman erected the old brick livery barn on East Main street, now owned by James Salter, in 1879.
In 1864 a stone school house was erected, which was sufficient until 1877.
July 24, 1876, a proposition was submitted to a vote to issue bonds in the sum of $16,000 for a new school building. The proposition was carried. The bonds were sold and signed by Thomas McCracken, president, and James P. Flick, treasurer of the board. W. K. Ball of Creston prepared the plans and on February 24, 1877, the contract was let to J. W. Combs for the sum of $15,300. January 1st, 1878, the board accepted the building. The first Principal was Prof. J. C. Kerr, who continued until 1880-’81. Eugene Carey was then selected with assistants as follows: Eva McCloud, Irene McCloud, Miss L. J. Boyd, Miss Laura McCracken, Miss Alice Taylor, Miss Hattie Lewis and Miss Belle Osborne.
The Masonic lodge was organized in 1860. The membership was 85.
The Encampment, I. O. O. F., No. 73, was organized Oct. 21st, 1874. Bedford Lodge, No. 91, I. O. O. F., was organized Oct. 9, 1856, the charter bears that date.
The first Presbyterian church was organized at Old Lexington, on June 27, 1857, with 11 members and one ruling elder. The organization was then called the One Hundred and Two River church.
The first M. E. church was built in 1868. The first attempt to hold religious meetings was in 1849-’50, when there were less than 40 people living in the county.
The First Baptist church of Bedford was organized December 2, 1854, Elder J. M. Smith was Moderator. In January 1856, the members voted to erect a meeting house.
The Christian church was organized in 1856 with 18 members.
Bedford was incorporated May 28, 1866, with Joseph H. Turner mayor, with W. F. Walker clerk. First Monday in March, 1871, G. L. Finn was elected mayor. Hon. J. P. Flick and W. F. Walker were two of the councilmen.
In 1879, A. P. Rochan started a cigar factory, he employed 25 cigar makers and could not supply the demand.
In 1879, J. W. Combs & Son erected a furniture factory.
The Bedford Mills were erected by Bassett Bros. & Co., in 1875, with three run of Burrs. The old mill still stands near the creamery.
In 1873, fire destroyed almost every building on West Court street. On the morning of Feb. 14, 1877, the old Bedford House was destroyed by fire. In the fall of 1876, the Elevator of Shoemaker & John was consumed by fire.
The Taylor County Republican, now Times-Republican, was established on the 5th day of January 1878.
In January 1880, Mr. John V. Faith, who won considerable local fame as editor of the “Chariton Leader,” began the publication of the Taylor County Democrat. The Taylor County Tribune was issued during the war. The Iowa Southwest was established in 1857.
Taylor county’s vote in 1854, war: For Governor—Curtis Bates received 66 votes and James W. Grimes received 11.
The County Home was first talked of in 1863. The land was purchased in January 1869. No further action was taken until June 1878. In 1881, a house and barn was erected and a jail in Bedford.
January 25, 1839, the penitentiary was located at Ft. Madison.
The insane hospital was located at Mt. Pleasant January 24, 1855.
The county of Taylor was named in honor of General Zachary Taylor, the one so famous in the war with Mexico. – Bedford Times-Republican, Bedford, Iowa, May 29, 1923.