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KNIGHT Luella May (1885-1909).
. . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent)
Maria (1857- ). . . Group sheet (as
Mary Ellen (1860- ). . . Group sheet (as
Mary Ellen (1867-1924). . . Group sheet
(as child), Group sheet (as parent)
Nellie Mae (1877-1966). . . Group sheet
(as parent), Group sheet (as parent)
Sarah Ann (1804-1855). . . Group sheet
(as parent)
Sarah Ann (1838-1886). . . Group sheet
(as parent)
Solomon (1845- ). . . Group sheet
(as parent), Group sheet (as child)
Viola M. (1883-1897). . . Group sheet
(as child)
KNIPPCarl Frederick (1796-
). . . Group sheet (as parent)
Caroline (1834- ). . . Group sheet
(as child)
Elisa (1841- ). . . Group sheet (as
George Frederick (1832- ). . . Group
sheet (as child), Group sheet (as
John (1826- ). . . Group sheet (as
Mary (1823- ). . . Group sheet (as
parent), Group sheet (as child)
KNISELYMary ( - ).
. . Group sheet (as parent)
KNOBELChristine (1861-1947).
. . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child)
John ( - ). . . Group sheet (as
KNODELJohn (1857- ).
. . Group sheet (as parent)
Nellie Maria (1892- ). . . Group sheet
(as parent), Group sheet (as child)
KNODLEDavid (1831-1907).
. . Group sheet (as parent)
Elizabeth Ann (1832-1920). . . Group
sheet (as parent)
KNOLESDon Asa (1885-1979).
. . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as parent)
KNOLLAlfred (1863-1921).
. . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child)
Bertha ( - ). . . Group sheet (as
Valentine (1817-1889). . . Group sheet
(as parent)
KNOOPDaniel (1806-1872).
. . Group sheet (as parent)
Elizabeth Ann (1836-1902). . . Group sheet
(as parent), Group sheet (as child)
KNOPEClayton ( - ).
. . Group sheet (as parent)
KNORPPWilliam ( -
). . . Group sheet (as parent)
KNORRDoris ( - ). .
. Group sheet (as parent)
KNOSTMANClara Bell (1873-1952).
. . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child)
John H. (1846- ). . . Group sheet (as
KNOTTSLaura Alice (1880-
). . . Group sheet (as parent)
KNOUSECharles (1849-
). . . Group sheet (as child)
Daniel (1822-1859). . . Group sheet (as
George (1851- ). . . Group sheet (as
Jacob (1857- ). . . Group sheet (as
Julia (1855- ). . . Group sheet (as
Lilly M. (1854- ). . . Group sheet
(as child)
Tillie (1853- ). . . Group sheet (as
William Edward (1879-1959). . . Group
sheet (as parent)
KNOWLESAmanda F. (1835-1883).
. . Group sheet (as parent)
Lulu (1870- ). . . Group sheet (as
Nellie ( - ). . . Group sheet (as
KNOWLTONCharlotte A. (1811-1864).
. . Group sheet (as parent)
Frank (1874- ). . . Group sheet (as
Fred (1876-1943). . . Group sheet (as
Mary M. (1851- ). . . Group sheet
(as parent), Group sheet (as child),
Group sheet (as parent)
Minerva (1833-1866). . . Group sheet (as
Samuel ( - ). . . Group sheet (as
William R. ( - ). . . Group sheet
(as parent)
KNOXFrancis A. ( - ).
. . Group sheet (as parent)
Jane (1839-1928). . . Group sheet (as
John (1833-1885). . . Group sheet (as
John (1857-1917). . . Group sheet (as
parent), Group sheet (as child)
Mary Helen (1862-1935). . . Group sheet
(as parent)
Prudence (1810-1877). . . Group sheet
(as parent)
Samuel (1872- ). . . Group sheet (as
parent), Group sheet (as child),
Group sheet (as parent)
Unknown ( - ). . . Group sheet
(as parent)
Walter ( - ). . . Group sheet (as
(1833-1905). . . Group sheet (as parent)
KNUDSENSigurd (1885-
). . . Group sheet (as parent)
KNUDSONAnna ( - ).
. . Group sheet (as parent)
Anna (1831-1911). . . Group sheet (as
parent), Group sheet (as parent)
Anna C. (1877-1960). . . Group sheet
(as parent), Group sheet (as child)
Anna Olson (1831-1885). . . Group sheet
(as parent)
Anne ( - ). . . Group sheet (as
Annie ( - ). . . Group sheet (as
Barney Andew (1862-1945). . . Group sheet
(as parent), Group sheet (as child)
Bergit ( - ). . . Group sheet (as
Bernhard Gunnar (1882- ). . . Group
sheet (as child)
Britha ( - ). . . Group sheet (as
Carl O. (1871-1931). . . Group sheet
(as parent), Group sheet (as child)
Charles S. (1876-1958). . . Group sheet
(as child), Group sheet (as parent)
Christina (1857-1943). . . Group sheet
(as parent), Group sheet (as child)
Frances Lucille (1907-1992). . . Group
sheet (as child), Group sheet (as
Halver ( - ). . . Group sheet (as
Hans (1887- ). . . Group sheet (as
Hazel Verne (1898-1990). . . Group sheet
(as child), Group sheet (as parent)
Henry (1889- ). . . Group sheet (as
Henry Clyde (1893-1949). . . Group sheet
(as child)
Inger ( - ). . . Group sheet (as
Jacob (1865-1941). . . Group sheet (as
child), Group sheet (as parent)
John T. (1864-1903). . . Group sheet (as
parent), Group sheet (as child)
K. ( - ). . . Group sheet (as parent)
Kermit Stanley (1913-2006). . . Group
sheet (as child)
Knud ( - ). . . Group sheet (as
Knudt (1884- ). . . Group sheet (as
Knut (1824- ). . . Group sheet (as
Knute (1823-1900). . . Group sheet (as
parent), Group sheet (as parent),
Group sheet (as child)
Knute (1867-1929). . . Group sheet (as
child), Group sheet (as parent)
Lars L. (1854-1949). . . Group sheet
(as parent)
Leslie Theo (1900-1954). . . Group sheet
(as child), Group sheet (as parent)
Martha ( - ). . . Group sheet (as
Martha (1840- ). . . Group sheet (as
Martha (1845-1925). . . Group sheet (as
Martha Christine (1894-1978). . . Group
sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as
Martha Sarah (1856-1940). . . Group sheet
(as parent)
Minnie Bernice ( - ). . . Group
sheet (as parent)
Nellie (1895-1984). . . Group sheet (as
parent), Group sheet (as child)
Newt (1867- ). . . Group sheet (as
parent), Group sheet (as child)
Olaf (1877- ). . . Group sheet (as
Ole (1846-1912). . . Group sheet (as
Ole Andreas (1889-1943). . . Group sheet
(as child), Group sheet (as parent)
Osena (1877-1951). . . Group sheet (as
parent), Group sheet (as child)
Pauline (1903-1960). . . Group sheet
(as child), Group sheet (as parent)
Solomon J. (1870-1955). . . Group sheet
(as child), Group sheet (as parent)
Susan Alice (1888-1965). . . Group sheet
(as child), Group sheet (as parent)
Theodore (1873- ). . . Group sheet
(as child)
Thomas L. ( - ). . . Group sheet
(as parent)
KNUDTSONBenjamin Harris
(1893-1977). . . Group sheet (as parent),
Group sheet (as child)
Dan (1866- ). . . Group sheet (as
David (1817- ). . . Group sheet (as
Ellen (1837- ). . . Group sheet (as
Helen (1851-1935). . . Group sheet (as
parent), Group sheet (as child)
Herman (1865-1948). . . Group sheet (as
child), Group sheet (as parent)
Paul (1860-1936). . . Group sheet (as
parent), Group sheet (as child)
Sarah (1823-1916). . . Group sheet (as
KNUTSDATTERMadela (1795-1832).
. . Group sheet (as parent)
KNUTSONAmy ( - ).
. . Group sheet (as parent)
Andreas (1831-1886). . . Group sheet
(as parent)
Andreas (1870-1942). . . Group sheet
(as child)
Anna (1884- ). . . Group sheet (as
child), Group sheet (as parent)
Anna Serine Kristensdatter (1851-1937). . . Group
sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as
Arthur (1892-1973). . . Group sheet (as
parent), Group sheet (as child)
Bergette ( - ). . . Group sheet
(as parent)
Bertha K. ( - ). . . Group sheet
(as parent)
Bertha Marie (1866-1956). . . Group sheet
(as parent), Group sheet (as child)
C. ( - ). . . Group sheet (as parent)
Charles S. (1874-1910). . . Group sheet
(as child)
Charles T. (1872- ). . . Group sheet
(as parent)
Corinne Sophia (1915-2013). . . Group
sheet (as child), Group sheet (as
Elizabeth ( - ). . . Group sheet
(as parent)
Elizabeth C. (1878-1967). . . Group sheet
(as child)
Elizabeth Twedt (1834-1904). . . Group
sheet (as parent)
Emeline (1853-1882). . . Group sheet
(as parent)
Emma Marie (1881- ). . . Group sheet
(as child)
Eugene ( - ). . . Group sheet (as
Haege (1842-1888). . . Group sheet (as
Halvor (1865-1947). . . Group sheet (as
parent), Group sheet (as child)
Ingeborg ( - ). . . Group sheet
(as parent)
Jacob ( - ). . . Group sheet (as
John (1852- ). . . Group sheet (as
John Andrew (1870-1937). . . Group sheet
(as child), Group sheet (as parent)
Julia (1865-1959). . . Group sheet (as
parent), Group sheet (as child)
Julius (1885-1959). . . Group sheet (as
child), Group sheet (as parent)
Karen ( - ). . . Group sheet (as
Knudt D. (1859- ). . . Group sheet
(as child), Group sheet (as parent)
Knut ( - ). . . Group sheet (as
Knut ( - ). . . Group sheet (as
Knute (1871- ). . . Group sheet (as
parent), Group sheet (as child)
Lorenza (1859-1946). . . Group sheet
(as parent)
M. Bertha (1854-1886). . . Group sheet
(as child), Group sheet (as parent)
Mary (1874-1957). . . Group sheet (as
parent), Group sheet (as child)
Mattias N. ( - ). . . Group sheet
(as parent)
Nels (1879-1959). . . Group sheet (as
Ole ( - ). . . Group sheet (as
Ole (1877-1963). . . Group sheet (as
Ole P. (1871-1945). . . Group sheet (as
child), Group sheet (as parent)
Omund (1842-1919). . . Group sheet (as
parent), Group sheet (as child)
Peter John (1895-1970). . . Group sheet
(as parent), Group sheet (as child)
Samuel (1824- ). . . Group sheet (as
Sarah ( - ). . . Group sheet (as
Selmer B. (1900-1937). . . Group sheet
(as parent), Group sheet (as child)
Serina (1854-1941). . . Group sheet (as
Thomas L. (1877-1926). . . Group sheet
(as child), Group sheet (as parent)
Thor ( - ). . . Group sheet (as
Tosten (1875-1936). . . Group sheet (as
child), Group sheet (as parent)
William ( - ). . . Group sheet
(as parent)
). . . Group sheet (as parent)
KOAVEOle A. ( - ).
. . Group sheet (as parent)
KOCHChris ( - ). . .
Group sheet (as parent)
Emma (1849-1875). . . Group sheet (as
John Elijah (1848-1951). . . Group sheet
(as parent)
Julia (1858-1935). . . Group sheet (as
Mathilda (1848-1900). . . Group sheet
(as parent)
William H. F. (1871- ). . . Group sheet
(as parent), Group sheet (as child)
KOCHERElizabeth ( -
). . . Group sheet (as parent)
KOEBELINLillian E. (
- ). . . Group sheet (as parent)
KOEHLGeorge J. (1849-1891).
. . Group sheet (as parent)
Laura Agnes (1875-1951). . . Group sheet
(as parent), Group sheet (as child),
Group sheet (as parent)
Minnie Orvilla (1888- ). . . Group
sheet (as child), Group sheet (as
Rowena (1882- ). . . Group sheet (as
child), Group sheet (as parent)
KOEHLERFred J. (1891-
). . . Group sheet (as parent)
KOEHNCharles Henry (1854-1930).
. . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child)
Charles John (1884-1978). . . Group sheet
(as parent), Group sheet (as child),
Group sheet (as parent)
Chris ( - ). . . Group sheet (as
Emma A. (1885- ). . . Group sheet
(as child)
Ida H. (1883-1969). . . Group sheet (as
child), Group sheet (as parent)
Leona (1907-1929). . . Group sheet (as
Martha Louise (1880-1946). . . Group
sheet (as child), Group sheet (as
). . . Group sheet (as parent)
Theodore ( - ). . . Group sheet
(as parent), Group sheet (as child)
KOENIGAnna E. (1870-1964).
. . Group sheet (as parent)
Eva Maria (1831-1920). . . Group sheet
(as parent)
KOEPPLEElizabeth (1842-1922).
. . Group sheet (as parent)
KOGLEJessie M. (1879-1965).
. . Group sheet (as parent)
KOHBRosanna (1834-1898). .
. Group sheet (as parent)
KOHLCatherine (1805-1880).
. . Group sheet (as parent)
Daniel W. (1857-1931). . . Group sheet
(as parent), Group sheet (as child)
Evelyn ( - ). . . Group sheet (as
John (1824-1889). . . Group sheet (as
Virgil Victor (1882-1971). . . Group sheet
(as parent), Group sheet (as child)
KOHLERAndrew (1878-1955).
. . Group sheet (as parent)
Elizabeth ( - ). . . Group sheet
(as parent)
KOHNLydia Margaret (1829-1893).
. . Group sheet (as parent)
KOINEJane (1841-1929). .
. Group sheet (as parent)
Jane (1841-1929). . . Group sheet (as
child), Group sheet (as parent)
Mary A. (1859-1879). . . Group sheet
(as child)
Patrick (1819-1881). . . Group sheet
(as parent)
Sarah (1858-1939). . . Group sheet (as
parent), Group sheet (as child),
Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as parent), Group
sheet (as parent)
Thomas H. (1853-1938). . . Group sheet
(as child), Group sheet (as parent)
Adolph (1826-1903). . . Group sheet (as
KOLBAndrew (1848-1903). .
. Group sheet (as parent)
KOLBUSGeorge Christian (1900-1997).
. . Group sheet (as parent)
KOLDAnna Karen (1866-1950).
. . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child)
Gustav ( - ). . . Group sheet (as
Marthea (1851-1932). . . Group sheet
(as child), Group sheet (as parent)
Tollef (1822- ). . . Group sheet (as
KOLLMANIda A. (1884-
). . . Group sheet (as child)
R. ( - ). . . Group sheet (as parent)
KOLMOSJesse J. (1866-1942).
. . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child)
Jessen ( - ). . . Group sheet (as
KOLPHenry ( - ). . .
Group sheet (as parent)
Margaret (1840-1863). . . Group sheet
(as parent), Group sheet (as child)
KOLSTADOlga Virginia (1898-1989).
. . Group sheet (as parent)
KOMBSTEADGyna Ellen (1877-
). . . Group sheet (as parent)
KONOFred (1854-1927). . .
Group sheet (as parent)
KOOKERElizabeth (1847-
). . . Group sheet (as parent),
Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child)
John (1804- ). . . Group sheet (as
KOONAndrew Lorenzo (1875-
). . . Group sheet (as parent)
Evelyn L. (1902- ). . . Group sheet
(as parent), Group sheet (as child)
Harris ( - ). . . Group sheet (as
Margaret (1894- ). . . Group sheet
(as parent), Group sheet (as child)
KOONSAline (1897- ). .
. Group sheet (as child)
Elmer E. (1866- ). . . Group sheet
(as child), Group sheet (as parent)
Frances Eldora (1861-1954). . . Group
sheet (as child), Group sheet (as
Harry F. (1869-1906). . . Group sheet
(as child), Group sheet (as parent)
Hazel (1889- ). . . Group sheet (as
Howard W. (1896- ). . . Group sheet
(as child)
Jantha F. (1862- ). . . Group sheet
(as child), Group sheet (as parent)
John (1840-1899). . . Group sheet (as parent),
Group sheet (as parent)
John Donald (1904- ). . . Group sheet
(as child)
Laura Isabelle (1870-1971). . . Group sheet
(as parent), Group sheet (as child)
Louis Glenn (1902- ). . . Group sheet
(as child)
Washington ( - ). . . Group sheet
(as parent)
KOONTZGeorge B. (1864-1949).
. . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent)
Leo James (1898- ). . . Group sheet
(as child)
Mildred (1900-1984). . . Group sheet (as
child), Group sheet (as parent)
Raymond Leonard (1898-1961). . . Group
sheet (as child), Group sheet (as
KOOPSSarah (1834- ). .
. Group sheet (as parent)
KOOSERAdeline (1851-
). . . Group sheet (as child)
Catherine (1832- ). . . Group sheet
(as child)
Charles F. (1873-1942). . . Group sheet
(as child), Group sheet (as parent)
Daniel (1792-). . . Group sheet (as child),
Group sheet (as parent)
David (1845- ). . . Group sheet (as
Edward T. (1876-1937). . . Group sheet
(as child), Group sheet (as parent)
Elizabeth (1790- ). . . Group sheet
(as child), Group sheet (as parent)
Eva (1834- ). . . Group sheet (as child)
Frank Elmer (1866-1936). . . Group sheet
(as child), Group sheet (as parent)
Galen (1891-1936). . . Group sheet (as
child), Group sheet (as parent)
George (1873- ). . . Group sheet (as
child), Group sheet (as parent)
George Briggs (1834-1896). . . Group sheet
(as child), Group sheet (as parent)
Hattie M. (1862-1929). . . Group sheet
(as child), Group sheet (as parent)
Jacob (1795-1836). . . Group sheet (as
child), Group sheet (as parent)
Jacob (1831-1874). . . Group sheet (as
parent), Group sheet (as child)
Jacob B. (1860-1940). . . Group sheet
(as child), Group sheet (as parent)
Jacob Stiers (1836- ). . . Group sheet
(as child)
John (22- ). . . Group sheet (as child)
John (1760-1827). . . Group sheet (as
John Jr. (1792-1857). . . Group sheet
(as child), Group sheet (as parent)
John (1837- ). . . Group sheet (as
John Burton (1869-1956). . . Group sheet
(as child), Group sheet (as parent)
John D. (1895-1935). . . Group sheet (as
child), Group sheet (as parent)
Lamadore (1842- ). . . Group sheet
(as child)
Lauretta (1864-1918). . . Group sheet (as
parent), Group sheet (as child)
Marcellus (1879-1947). . . Group sheet
(as child), Group sheet (as parent)
Margaret (1828- ). . . Group sheet
(as child), Group sheet (as parent)
Margaret (1836- ). . . Group sheet
(as child)
Margaret (1871-1952). . . Group sheet
(as child), Group sheet (as parent)
Maria (1826- ). . . Group sheet (as
Mary (1800- ). . . Group sheet (as
child), Group sheet (as parent)
Mary Jane (1858-1933). . . Group sheet
(as child), Group sheet (as parent)
Minerva Bell (1861- ). . . Group sheet
(as child), Group sheet (as parent)
Missouri (1840- ). . . Group sheet
(as child)
Peter (1794- ). . . Group sheet (as
child), Group sheet (as parent)
Rebecca (1804-1875). . . Group sheet (as
child), Group sheet (as parent)
Sadie (1881-1905). . . Group sheet (as
Samuel (1806-1855). . . Group sheet (as
parent), Group sheet (as child)
Samuel Sidney (1867-1919). . . Group sheet
(as child), Group sheet (as parent)
Sarah (1843- ). . . Group sheet (as
Walter D. (1864-1935). . . Group sheet
(as child), Group sheet (as parent)
William (1847- ). . . Group sheet (as
KOPELAlvin B. (1901-1973).
. . Group sheet (as parent)
KOPFAndrew Martin (1871-
). . . Group sheet (as child),
Group sheet (as parent)
Anna Barbara (1843-1875). . . Group sheet
(as child)
Anna Catharina (1841-1912). . . Group
sheet (as child)
Anna Maria (1835-1921). . . Group sheet
(as child), Group sheet (as parent)
Anna Mary (1867-1940). . . Group sheet
(as child), Group sheet (as parent)
Charles E. (1874- ). . . Group sheet
(as child)
Christina (1870-1957). . . Group sheet
(as child), Group sheet (as parent)
Jacob (1847-1851). . . Group sheet (as
Johann Georg (1803-1873). . . Group sheet
(as parent)
Johann Georg (1833-1912). . . Group sheet
(as child), Group sheet (as parent),
Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as parent)
Johannes (1837-1916). . . Group sheet
(as child), Group sheet (as parent)
John George (1868-1937). . . Group sheet
(as child), Group sheet (as parent)
John William (1874-1941). . . Group sheet
(as child), Group sheet (as parent)
Julia (1869-1934). . . Group sheet (as
child), Group sheet (as parent)
Ludwig (1845-1914). . . Group sheet (as
parent), Group sheet (as child),
Group sheet (as parent)
Ludwig Frederick (1880-1880). . . Group
sheet (as child)
Martin Jacob (1872-1932). . . Group sheet
(as child)
Mary (1879-1880). . . Group sheet (as
Nathan L. (1870- ). . . Group sheet
(as child)
Sarah Anna (1876-1928). . . Group sheet
(as parent), Group sheet (as child)
Ursula Julia (1839-1882). . . Group sheet
(as parent), Group sheet (as child)
- ). . . Group sheet (as parent)
KOPPEYLena H. (1872-1942).
. . Group sheet (as parent)
). . . Group sheet (as parent)
KORNHarriet (1837-1869). .
. Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as parent)
KORUMGunhild ( - ).
. . Group sheet (as parent)
KOSEREllen Rebecca (1848-1926).
. . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child)
Israel Jacob (1824-1898). . . Group sheet
(as parent)
KOYNAugust K. W. ( -
). . . Group sheet (as parent)
Edna Louise (1909- ). . . Group sheet
(as parent), Group sheet (as child)
(1823- ). . . Group sheet (as parent)
KRAFTLouis ( - ). .
. Group sheet (as parent)
Mary C. (1879-1975). . . Group sheet
(as parent)
William Charles (1891-1962). . . Group
sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as
KRAIGERJohn F. (1812-1873).
. . Group sheet (as parent)
Sara C. (1860-1895). . . Group sheet
(as parent), Group sheet (as child)
KRAKCarrie (1862- ). .
. Group sheet (as parent)
KRAKAULena Jessamine (1889-1972).
. . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child)
William (1859-1943). . . Group sheet (as
KRAMERAgnes ( - ).
. . Group sheet (as parent)
Barney ( - ). . . Group sheet (as
Frank S. (1881-1915). . . Group sheet
(as parent), Group sheet (as child)
KRAMMFrank ( - ). .
. Group sheet (as parent)
Pauline Margaret (1902-1977). . . Group
sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as
KRAMMEAnna Elizabeth (1876-1965).
. . Group sheet (as child)
Edward (1879- ). . . Group sheet (as
George (1882- ). . . Group sheet (as
Henry (1870- ). . . Group sheet (as
Henry H. (1835-1900). . . Group sheet
(as parent)
Mary Louise (1865- ). . . Group sheet
(as child)
Matilda (1870-1960). . . Group sheet
(as parent), Group sheet (as child)
Minnie (1868- ). . . Group sheet (as
Sciena (1873-1957). . . Group sheet (as
Walter Lacey (1883- ). . . Group sheet
(as parent), Group sheet (as child)
KRANTZUnknown ( -
). . . Group sheet (as parent)
). . . Group sheet (as parent)
KRATZERHenry (1801-1868).
. . Group sheet (as parent)
Lemuel Elsworth (1868-1947). . . Group
sheet (as parent)
KRAUSEAugust F. (1852-1939).
. . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child)
Carl ( - ). . . Group sheet (as
Verne Been (1885-1963). . . Group sheet
(as parent)
KRAUSSKarolina (1842-1897).
. . Group sheet (as parent)
KREIBEILJohanna ( -
). . . Group sheet (as parent)
KREIDERBarbara (1793-1869).
. . Group sheet (as parent)
KREIGERMaria Magdalena
(1814-1899). . . Group sheet (as parent)
KREIGHLuther Hammer (1832-1914).
. . Group sheet (as parent)
Phillip Seth (1858- ). . . Group sheet
(as parent), Group sheet (as child)
KREISERCynthia (1894-
). . . Group sheet (as child)
Harry J. ( -1910). . . Group sheet
(as parent)
KRETZLERMary Elizabeth
(1836- ). . . Group sheet (as parent)
KRIBBSDavid (1833- ).
. . Group sheet (as parent)
KRINERAndrew F. (1864-1949).
. . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent)
Anna (1867-1966). . . Group sheet (as
child), Group sheet (as parent)
Daniel John (1833-1914). . . Group sheet
(as parent), Group sheet (as parent),
Group sheet (as child)
Emanuel M. (1872-1967). . . Group sheet
(as parent), Group sheet (as child)
Harvey V. (1859-1869). . . Group sheet
(as child)
Herbert C. (1895-1918). . . Group sheet
(as child)
John ( - ). . . Group sheet (as
Lawrence Garth (1899-1982). . . Group
sheet (as child)
Levi (1875- ). . . Group sheet (as
Mary (1871-1872). . . Group sheet (as
Mathias (1869-1869). . . Group sheet (as
KRINGElizabeth (1802-1845).
. . Group sheet (as parent)
KRINKEmera Alfred (1908-1985).
. . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child)
James L. (1900- ). . . Group sheet
(as child)
Jonas ( - ). . . Group sheet (as
Leola Juanita (1898-1969). . . Group
sheet (as child), Group sheet (as
Orval Lee (1896-1969). . . Group sheet
(as child), Group sheet (as parent),
Group sheet (as parent)
Samuel Lee (1867-1941). . . Group sheet
(as parent), Group sheet (as child)
(1817-1893). . . Group sheet (as parent)
( - ). . . Group sheet (as parent)
KROGNESSAnna (1883-1939).
. . Group sheet (as parent)
KROGSTADJohn Ludwig (1871-1952).
. . Group sheet (as parent)
KROHNGerhard H. (1873-
). . . Group sheet (as parent)
Hans Gjertson (1834-1921). . . Group
sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as
Hattie (1881-1958). . . Group sheet (as
parent), Group sheet (as child)
KROLLOlga Ida (1888-1956).
. . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child)
William Julius (1849-1909). . . Group
sheet (as parent)
KROPSAmelia Elizabeth (1855-
). . . Group sheet (as parent)
KRUGRosa (1843-1919). . .
Group sheet (as parent)
KRUGLERCarl (1896- ).
. . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent)
Clarence William (1889-1961). . . Group
sheet (as child), Group sheet (as
Edith Ellen (1890-1964). . . Group sheet
(as child), Group sheet (as parent)
Eva Alma (1882-1964). . . Group sheet (as
parent), Group sheet (as child),
Group sheet (as parent)
Florence M. (1892-1913). . . Group sheet
(as child)
George Wesley (1894-1958). . . Group sheet
(as child)
Harvey (1902- ). . . Group sheet (as
child), Group sheet (as parent)
Lewis (1852- ). . . Group sheet (as
Louis (1880- ). . . Group sheet (as
Miland (1878- ). . . Group sheet (as
Oran Calvin (1876-1960). . . Group sheet
(as child), Group sheet (as parent)
KRUGRNM. E. ( - ).
. . Group sheet (as parent)
KRUPPKarl (1846-1929). .
. Group sheet (as parent)
Otto Herman (1891-1936). . . Group sheet
(as parent), Group sheet (as child)
KRUSEFrank Barnes (1897-1962).
. . Group sheet (as parent)
Wilhelmina (1892-1972). . . Group sheet
(as parent)
KUAMETGunhild ( -
). . . Group sheet (as parent)
KUAMMENGuri ( - ).
. . Group sheet (as parent)
KUHLMANNElizabeth (
- ). . . Group sheet (as parent)
Elizabeth Elisa (1857-1916). . . Group
sheet (as parent)
Johanna (1866-1898). . . Group sheet
(as parent)
KUHNAlby (1879-1939). . .
Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent)
Alfred (1830- ). . . Group sheet (as
Alfred Franklin (1873-1964). . . Group
sheet (as child), Group sheet (as
parent), Group sheet (as parent)
Alvira Addie (1882- ). . . Group sheet
(as child)
Charles William (1832- ). . . Group
sheet (as child)
Cyrus Arthur (1859-1928). . . Group sheet
(as child), Group sheet (as parent)
Elma Etta (1871-1964). . . Group sheet
(as child), Group sheet (as parent)
Frances Marie (1909-1996). . . Group sheet
(as child), Group sheet (as parent)
George (-1841). . . Group sheet (as parent)
George Morton (1864-1945). . . Group sheet
(as child)
George Nelson (1835-1923). . . Group sheet
(as child), Group sheet (as parent)
Henry Edward (1837-1890). . . Group sheet
(as child), Group sheet (as parent)
Ina Elizabeth (1887-1970). . . Group sheet
(as parent), Group sheet (as child)
James Oscar (1870-1945). . . Group sheet
(as child), Group sheet (as parent)
Jesse Marion (1875-1965). . . Group sheet
(as child), Group sheet (as parent),
Group sheet (as parent)
Margaret Ellen (1833-1926). . . Group sheet
(as parent), Group sheet (as child)
Margaret Ellen (1877-1965). . . Group
sheet (as child), Group sheet (as
Martha E. (1828-1903). . . Group sheet
(as child)
Mary (1841- ). . . Group sheet (as
Mary Jane (1856-1941). . . Group sheet
(as child), Group sheet (as parent)
Mary Josephine (1853-1937). . . Group
sheet (as parent)
Milton (1838- ). . . Group sheet (as
Morris Andrew (1869-1947). . . Group sheet
(as child), Group sheet (as parent)
KUHNSAnna Maria ( -
). . . Group sheet (as parent)
Charles Walter ( - ). . . Group
sheet (as parent)
Daniel B. (1851-1913). . . Group sheet
(as child)
David (1819-1889). . . Group sheet (as
Elias (1836-1908). . . Group sheet (as
Elizabeth (1846-1933). . . Group sheet
(as parent), Group sheet (as child)
John B. (1841-1862). . . Group sheet (as
Margaret (1889- ). . . Group sheet
(as parent)
Mary Jane (1846-1919). . . Group sheet
(as parent), Group sheet (as child)
Reuben (1808-1888). . . Group sheet (as
Ruben W. (1848-1892). . . Group sheet
(as parent), Group sheet (as child)
Sarah Margaret (1849-1924). . . Group
sheet (as parent)
KULOWAdolph Frederick George
(1826-1890). . . Group sheet (as parent),
Group sheet (as parent)
Ava Esther (1900- ). . . Group sheet
(as child), Group sheet (as parent)
Charles William (1864-1943). . . Group
sheet (as child)
Eliza D. (1871-1960). . . Group sheet
(as child), Group sheet (as parent)
Ethel May (1895- ). . . Group sheet
(as child)
Frank W. (1902-1972). . . Group sheet
(as child), Group sheet (as parent)
Frederick Thomas (1893- ). . . Group
sheet (as child)
Geneva A. (1904- ). . . Group sheet
(as child)
George A. (1857-1930). . . Group sheet (as
child), Group sheet (as parent)
Lora M. (1879-1957). . . Group sheet (as
child), Group sheet (as parent)
Margaret Serepta (1855-1919). . . Group sheet
(as parent), Group sheet (as child)
Mary (1866- ). . . Group sheet (as child),
Group sheet (as parent)
Merle Adeline (1877-1957). . . Group sheet
(as child), Group sheet (as parent)
Mildred (1910- ). . . Group sheet (as
Nellie May (1875- ). . . Group sheet
(as child), Group sheet (as parent)
Pearl H. (1882-1900). . . Group sheet
(as child)
Sarah Louise (1861-1956). . . Group sheet
(as child), Group sheet (as parent)
Victor August (1873-1950). . . Group sheet
(as child)
KUMROWJohn C. (1881-1931).
. . Group sheet (as parent)
KUNKLERAlfred Benedict
(1877-1952). . . Group sheet (as parent)
KUNTZHenry (1838-1926). .
. Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as parent), Group
sheet (as child)
John Adam ( - ). . . Group sheet
(as parent)
KUNTZEHenry ( - ).
. . Group sheet (as parent)
Sophia (1845- ). . . Group sheet (as
parent), Group sheet (as child)
KUNZMary (1863- ). . .
Group sheet (as parent)
KURTZAndrew J. (1854-1930).
. . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child)
Caroline (1855-1922). . . Group sheet
(as parent)
Cory S. (1888-1970). . . Group sheet (as
child), Group sheet (as parent)
Jacob (1833-1918). . . Group sheet (as
Lucy Frederica (1849-1928). . . Group
sheet (as parent)
Martha Durilla (1862-1934). . . Group sheet
(as child), Group sheet (as parent),
Group sheet (as parent)
Martin Luther (1852- ). . . Group
sheet (as parent)
Mary A. (1851-1897). . . Group sheet
(as parent)
Mina Estella (1866-1931). . . Group sheet
(as child), Group sheet (as parent),
Group sheet (as parent)
Oscar Samuel (1860-1944). . . Group sheet
(as child), Group sheet (as parent)
Samuel W. (1871-1943). . . Group sheet
(as child), Group sheet (as parent)
Sarah (1847-1902). . . Group sheet (as
parent), Group sheet (as parent)
Stephen Jacob (1855-1935). . . Group sheet
(as child), Group sheet (as parent)
KUTTERAdam John (1899-1950).
. . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child), Group
sheet (as parent)
Bertha (1909-2006). . . Group sheet (as
child), Group sheet (as parent)
Fred (1903-1997). . . Group sheet (as
Fred William (1876-1966). . . Group sheet
(as child), Group sheet (as parent)
Gotlieb ( - ). . . Group sheet
(as parent)
Josephine (1906- ). . . Group sheet
(as child)
Mary Ellen (1908-1948). . . Group sheet
(as child), Group sheet (as parent)
Minnie (1913- ). . . Group sheet (as
Rose (1902- ). . . Group sheet (as
- ). . . Group sheet (as parent)
KVALEAnna (1860-1936). .
. Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child)
Darig ( - ). . . Group sheet (as
KVALEMHelga Marie (1892-
). . . Group sheet (as parent),
Group sheet (as child)
Helge (- ). . . Group sheet (as parent)
KVAMMENAnna (1869-1925).
. . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child), Group
sheet (as parent)
Guri (1836-1919). . . Group sheet (as
parent), Group sheet (as child),
Group sheet (as parent)
Hans ( - ). . . Group sheet (as
Johannes ( - ). . . Group sheet
(as parent)
KVANDALKristi Sjursdatter
( - ). . . Group sheet (as parent)
KVEDALANDElizabeth (
- ). . . Group sheet (as parent)
( - ). . . Group sheet (as parent)
KVITAVOLLMartha Elisabeth
(1829-1884). . . Group sheet (as parent)
KVITNOIngebjorg ( -
). . . Group sheet (as parent)
KWAMPeder Johannson ( -
). . . Group sheet (as parent)
KYLEArthur ( - ). .
. Group sheet (as parent)
Edna J. (1876-1959). . . Group sheet
(as child), Group sheet (as parent)
Ellen Jane (1858-1919). . . Group sheet
(as child), Group sheet (as parent)
Faye (1898- ). . . Group sheet (as
parent), Group sheet (as child)
George William (1909-1992). . . Group
sheet (as child), Group sheet (as
Harvey John (1905-1980). . . Group sheet
(as child), Group sheet (as parent)
Jacob ( - ). . . Group sheet (as
Jeanette (1854-1883). . . Group sheet
(as child), Group sheet (as parent)
Margaret (1863- ). . . Group sheet
(as child), Group sheet (as parent)
Mary Elizabeth (1867-1946). . . Group
sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as
Nancy A. (1861-1948). . . Group sheet
(as child)
Thomas John (1870-1933). . . Group sheet
(as child), Group sheet (as parent)
William (1791-1855). . . Group sheet
(as parent)
William D. (1866-1885). . . Group sheet
(as child)
William Vance (1824-1900). . . Group sheet
(as parent), Group sheet (as child)
KYSERSamuel (1815-1866).
. . Group sheet (as parent)
Sarah F. (1850-1933). . . Group sheet
(as parent), Group sheet (as child)
(1829- ). . . Group sheet (as child),
Group sheet (as parent)
Addie (1862-1944). . . Group sheet (as
Adelbert Eugene (1859-1936). . . Group
sheet (as child), Group sheet (as
Amy (1852-1928). . . Group sheet (as child),
Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent)
Arthur (1873- ). . . Group sheet (as
Beeula Rosemond (1885-1962). . . Group
sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as
Byron A. (1866-1939). . . Group sheet
(as child)
Carrie (1873-1944). . . Group sheet (as
child), Group sheet (as parent)
Charles (1829-1912). . . Group sheet (as
parent), Group sheet (as parent),
Group sheet (as child)
Charles Lester (1864-1930). . . Group
sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as
Ellen Deborah (1846- ). . . Group sheet
(as child), Group sheet (as parent)
Eva B. (1866-1885). . . Group sheet (as
parent), Group sheet (as child)
Fannie I. (1864-1940). . . Group sheet
(as child), Group sheet (as parent)
Fanny L. (1834- ). . . Group sheet
(as child), Group sheet (as parent)
Flora A. (1867-1960). . . Group sheet
(as child), Group sheet (as parent)
Frank Ira (1860-1930). . . Group sheet
(as child), Group sheet (as parent),
Group sheet (as parent)
Henry Reed (1838-1929). . . Group sheet
(as child), Group sheet (as parent)
Ira Lyle (1898-1937). . . Group sheet
(as child), Group sheet (as parent)
Irving M. (1870-1945). . . Group sheet
(as child), Group sheet (as parent)
Jane (1851- ). . . Group sheet (as
Joseph (1804- ). . . Group sheet (as
parent), Group sheet (as child)
Louis (1831- ). . . Group sheet (as
Louisa (1841- ). . . Group sheet (as
Lyman Terry Wilcox ( - ). . . Group
sheet (as parent)
Mary (1846- ). . . Group sheet (as
Merle (1903- ). . . Group sheet (as
Viola B. (1904- ). . . Group sheet
(as child)
LACEYJoseph (1800-1887).
. . Group sheet (as parent)
Theodocia (1797-1862). . . Group sheet
(as parent)
). . . Group sheet (as parent)
LACKEYCharles H. (1867-1935).
. . Group sheet (as parent)
Faye (1904-1995). . . Group sheet (as
parent), Group sheet (as child)
Sarah Jane (1817-1907). . . Group sheet
(as parent)
Thelma (1900-1988). . . Group sheet (as
child), Group sheet (as parent)
LACKORECharles Henry (1862-1947).
. . Group sheet (as child)
Emily Hubbard (1879-1965). . . Group
sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as
Frank Robert (1881-1958). . . Group sheet
(as child)
George Howard (1864-1886). . . Group
sheet (as child)
George Wilmington (1837-1910). . . Group
sheet (as parent)
John Chester (1866-1943). . . Group sheet
(as child)
Mortimer Elvin (1873-1925). . . Group
sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as
Walter L. (1875-1896). . . Group sheet
(as child)
LACKOUSArthur (1883-
). . . Group sheet (as child)
Cecelia Olsdatter (1838-1890). . . Group
sheet (as child), Group sheet (as
Edward (1845- ). . . Group sheet (as
parent), Group sheet (as child)
Edward J. (1882- ). . . Group sheet
(as child)
Elias P. (1879-1944). . . Group sheet
(as child)
Kari (1857- ). . . Group sheet (as
child), Group sheet (as parent)
Lena (1877-1966). . . Group sheet (as
child), Group sheet (as parent)
Martha Kristina (1860-1901). . . Group
sheet (as child), Group sheet (as
Minnie (1873-1939). . . Group sheet (as
child), Group sheet (as parent)
Ole C. (1849-1933). . . Group sheet (as
child), Group sheet (as parent)
Peder (1856-1937). . . Group sheet (as
child), Group sheet (as parent)
Seward Oley (1875-1926). . . Group sheet
(as child), Group sheet (as parent)
Torre (1853-1912). . . Group sheet (as
child), Group sheet (as parent)
LACOSSIsidor (1834-1906).
. . Group sheet (as parent)
LACYClara (1919- ). . .
Group sheet (as child)
Clarence William (1905-1985). . . Group
sheet (as child)
Elsie Till (1886-1889). . . Group sheet
(as child)
Florance May (1895- ). . . Group sheet
(as child)
Frank Jennings (1897- ). . . Group
sheet (as child)
Goodson Moses (1874-1965). . . Group sheet
(as child), Group sheet (as parent)
Herbert Henry (1878-1952). . . Group sheet
(as child), Group sheet (as parent)
James Melvin (1894- ). . . Group sheet
(as child)
Jennie (1879- ). . . Group sheet (as
Jennie Dora (1900- ). . . Group sheet
(as child)
John H. (1867-1948). . . Group sheet (as
child), Group sheet (as parent)
Laura Ethel (1922- ). . . Group sheet
(as child)
Leget ( - ). . . Group sheet (as
Mary C. (1835-1913). . . Group sheet (as
Patrick Henry (1845-1918). . . Group sheet
(as parent), Group sheet (as parent)
Rosa Ellen (1902- ). . . Group sheet
(as child)
Sarah Jane ( - ). . . Group sheet
(as parent)
William H. (1846- ). . . Group sheet
(as parent)
William James (1869-1952). . . Group sheet
(as child), Group sheet (as parent),
Group sheet (as parent)
LADASSORLeonard (1843-
). . . Group sheet (as parent)
Mary Louise (1887-1955). . . Group sheet
(as parent), Group sheet (as parent),
Group sheet (as child)
LADDAnson (1830-1911). . .
Group sheet (as parent)
Charles Lincoln ( - ). . . Group
sheet (as parent)
Claude (1895-1954). . . Group sheet (as
parent), Group sheet (as parent),
Group sheet (as child)
Frank (1869-1930). . . Group sheet (as
child), Group sheet (as parent)
Jay (1868- ). . . Group sheet (as
parent), Group sheet (as child)
Jennett (1871- ). . . Group sheet
(as child), Group sheet (as parent),
Group sheet (as parent)
William (1880- ). . . Group sheet
(as child)
LADNERMartha W. (1824-1891).
. . Group sheet (as parent)
LAFAVERJohn Wesley (1834-1923).
. . Group sheet (as parent)
Nancy Ellen (1868-1948). . . Group sheet
(as parent), Group sheet (as child)
LAFERRENancy A. (1841-1889).
. . Group sheet (as parent)
LAFFERTYJohn Hetrick (1879-1958).
. . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child)
Joseph (1850-1933). . . Group sheet (as
Mary E. ( - ). . . Group sheet
(as parent)
LAFORCEMartha ( -
). . . Group sheet (as parent)
LAFTESEllen ( - ).
. . Group sheet (as parent)
LAHMONElizabeth Ann (
- ). . . Group sheet (as parent)
LAIRDArminda (1856-1927).
. . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent)
Curtis Ellsworth (1866-1909). . . Group
sheet (as child)
James Alexander (1832-1910). . . Group sheet
(as parent), Group sheet (as child)
Janet (1893-1940). . . Group sheet (as
Lester (1869- ). . . Group sheet (as
Madison Reynolds (1862-1941). . . Group
sheet (as parent)
Martha Ellen (1853-1927). . . Group sheet
(as parent), Group sheet (as child)
Mary Matilda (1854-1927). . . Group sheet
(as child), Group sheet (as parent)
Mathew (1798- ). . . Group sheet (as
Nellie (1874-1880). . . Group sheet (as
Robert Goodson (1905- ). . . Group
sheet (as parent)
Susan Anna (1806- ). . . Group sheet
(as parent)
Willis Sylvester (1860- ). . . Group
sheet (as child)
LAKEAlbert (1860- ). .
. Group sheet (as child)
Alvira Mary (1840-1882). . . Group sheet
(as parent), Group sheet (as child)
Ansil (1811-1890). . . Group sheet (as
Clara Adella (1865-1935). . . Group sheet
(as parent), Group sheet (as child)
Delmer ( - ). . . Group sheet (as
Elijah (1831-1897). . . Group sheet (as
parent), Group sheet (as parent)
Jesse ( - ). . . Group sheet (as
Oren Marion (1869-1955). . . Group sheet
(as child), Group sheet (as parent)
Sarah E. (1839-1921). . . Group sheet
(as parent), Group sheet (as child)
LAKINEdward C. (1856-
). . . Group sheet (as parent)
Effie Alice (1878- ). . . Group sheet
(as parent), Group sheet (as parent),
Group sheet (as child)
Florington (1850- ). . . Group sheet
(as parent)
Frederick R. (1879- ). . . Group sheet
(as parent), Group sheet (as child)
Harriet (1826-1900). . . Group sheet
(as parent)
Margaret (1818-1847). . . Group sheet
(as parent)
LALLANCEHannah Sherwood
(1843-1919). . . Group sheet (as parent)
LAMBAlbert ( - ). .
. Group sheet (as parent)
Alfred Lincoln (1872-1945). . . Group
sheet (as child)
Bessie Florence (1880-1918). . . Group
sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as
Caleb (1822-1872). . . Group sheet (as
child), Group sheet (as parent)
Catherine (1774- ). . . Group sheet
(as child)
Christianna (1788- ). . . Group sheet
(as child)
Daniel (1824-1901). . . Group sheet (as
child), Group sheet (as parent),
Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as parent)
David R. (1848- ). . . Group sheet (as
Delphia (1852-1907). . . Group sheet (as
child), Group sheet (as parent)
Edgar (1880- ). . . Group sheet (as
Effie R. (1885-1969). . . Group sheet (as
Elizabeth (1825-1862). . . Group sheet
(as parent), Group sheet (as child)
Elsie (- ). . . Group sheet (as child)
Emma S. (1867-1949). . . Group sheet (as
child), Group sheet (as parent)
Ethel D. (1885-1969). . . Group sheet
(as child), Group sheet (as parent)
Geneva (1878-1958). . . Group sheet (as
child), Group sheet (as parent)
Huldah (1778-1864). . . Group sheet (as
parent), Group sheet (as child)
Huldah Josephine (1860-1910). . . Group
sheet (as child), Group sheet (as
Isaac (1780- ). . . Group sheet (as
Isabell Ann (1830-1908). . . Group sheet
(as parent), Group sheet (as child)
J. W. (- ). . . Group sheet (as child)
Jacob (1742-1800). . . Group sheet (as
Jacob Jr. (1773- ). . . Group sheet
(as child), Group sheet (as parent)
James ( - ). . . Group sheet (as
James (1864- ). . . Group sheet (as
parent), Group sheet (as child)
James W. (1855- ). . . Group sheet
(as child)
Jesse (1854- ). . . Group sheet (as
John (1765- ). . . Group sheet (as
child), Group sheet (as parent)
John Hutson (1841-1924). . . Group sheet
(as child), Group sheet (as parent)
Joseph (1771- ). . . Group sheet (as
Go to next index.