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Story County, Huxley High School Graduates

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Complete Listing for Surnames beginning with N

(Click on Year to see all Graduates for that Year)
Name Year
Minnie NAGEL 1933
Elsie NASS 1927
Brenda Joyce NAZWORTHY 1968
Amber NELSON 1964
Anne Marie NELSON 1974
Caryl Jo NELSON 1973
Dan NELSON 1964
Debra Lynn NELSON 1968
Erick Warren NELSON 1978
Jim NELSON 1964
Joan Marie NELSON 1968
Kenneth NELSON 1961
Lois Jean NELSON 1967
Loren Douglas NELSON 1966
Lori Kay NELSON 1975
Mike NELSON 1965
Richard NELSON 1960
Scott Bradley NELSON 1976
Arlyss Jean NERNESS 1975
Beverly NERNESS 1961
Brenda Jean NERNESS 1973
David O. NERNESS 1966
Diane Lynn NERNESS 1971
Frank Allen NERNESS 1977
Marjorie Lou NERNESS 1978
Martha Kay NERNESS 1980
Rebecca Jane NERNESS 1973
Steven Ray NERNESS 1970
Tammy Lynn NERNESS 1978
Anders Morrill NERVIG 1974
Ann Marie NERVIG 1981
Brian Clark NERVIG 1975
Connie Lynn NERVIG 1969
Francis Hadley NERVIG 1971
Jane Rae NERVIG 1969
Lynn Darlene NERVIG 1980
Mary Frances NERVIG 1979
Susan Kimberly NERVIG 1975
Kevin James NESON 1971
Alan Wayne NESS 1978
Cheryl Jean NESS 1980
Donna Louise NESS 1978
Lawrene Dorothy NESS 1976
Leona NESS 1949
Nancy Kay NESS 1981
Paul David NESS 1974
Robyn Sheryl NESS 1981
Timothy John NESS 1978
Dean NEUBAUER 1964
Lois Ann NEUBAUER 1965
Robert Lee NEUBAUER 1968
Joseph Barry NEVILLE 1979
Steven Alan NEVILLE 1977
Eugene NEWGAARD 1948
Helen NEWGAARD 1945
Barbara Diane NEWMAN 1974
Charles Richard NEWMAN 1970
Peggy Lorraine NEWMAN 1968
Shari Lynn NEWMAN 1966
Kim Loan Thi NGUYEN 1979
Alan Dean NISS 1968
Bradley Thomas NISS 1969
Brad Robert NORD 1981
Dirk Oran NORD 1977
Don NORD 1956
Karen NORD 1955
Mark NORD 1958
Nels NORD 1959
Rene Elise NORD 1979
Rick NORD 1960
Rodney Ivan NORRIS 1981
Barbara Jane NOVAK 1976
Christopher Dean NOVAK 1978
Dominic Joseph NOVAK 1982
Jill Marie NOVAK 1980
Joy Ann NYGAARD 1969
Joyce Carol NYGAARD 1972

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