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Story County, 1950 Roland Directory

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Complete Listing for Surnames beginning with H

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Surname Given Name Listing Type Rural Address Page
Hagen John Residence 3
Hagen Orville Residence 3
Hall S M Farm R1 Radcliffe 3
Halterman John Farm R1 Roland 3
Halterman Wendell Farm R1 Story City 3
Halverson Lars, Mrs Residence 3
Halverson Lloyd Farm R1 Radcliffe 3
Hammersland Bros Business R2 Nevada 3
Handeland Kenneth Farm R1 Radcliffe 4
Hansen Ingvald Farm R2 Nevada 4
Hanson Anna, mrs Residence 4
Hanson David Farm R1 Roland 4
Hanson Donald Farm R1 Radcliffe 4
Hanson Obed Residence 4
Hanson Ole, Mrs Residence 4
Hanson Otto J Farm R1 Roland 4
Hanson Twedt Farm R1 Roland 4
Harkness D W, Dr Advertisement 6
Haugen Kermit Farm R1 Radcliffe 4
Haugland Arnold Farm R2 Story City 4
Hegland H T Residence 4
Hegland Produce Co Business 4
Helland Clarence Residence 4
Helvig C C Residence 4
Hess Homer Residence 4
Higgins Leroy Residence 4
Highland C O Residence 4
Highland K O, Mrs Residence 4
Hill Bertha K, Mrs Residence 4
Hill J J, Mrs Residence 4
Hill Jewell Farm R1 McCallsburg 4
Hill Joseph Farm R1 Radcliffe 4
Hill Reuben Farm R1 Roland 4
Hill Walter Farm R2 Nevada 4
Holen B D, Dr Residence 4
Holen Olaf, Rev Residence 4
Holland John Farm R1 Radcliffe 4
Holland Overt Residence 4
Holland Tollef Farm R1 Radcliffe 4
Hovde Clarence Farm R2 Story City 4
Hoversten Joseph, Mrs Residence 4
Hovick John Farm R1 Roland 4
Hovland Harvey Farm R1 Roland 4
Hughes Rexford Farm R2 Nevada 4
Hurd L G Farm R1 Radcliffe 4

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