Story County, Iowa 1940 Census

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Story County 1940 Census Records

The 1940 census images, created from microfilm, are available at the National Archives. This is the sixteenth federal census and represents the ninth federal census enumerated for Story County after its formation. The effective date of the census was 01 Apr 1940. Errors may have been introduced by the census taker or during transcription. The extensive instructions for enumerators are availabe in PDF format. Click here to download them from the United States Census Bureau site.

Search results contain an abstract of the data for the individuals found. Views of the census pages, seen when selecting an individual in search results or when browsing the census, contain all of the census data found on that page. A link to the National Archives page image is provided with each displayed page.

The 1940 Census data is comprised of:

  • Page Number. Shown at the top of each census page view, this is the double page number within the census book. For Story County the page numbers run from 1 througn 479.
  • Sheet Number Shown at the top of each census page view, this is the sheet number. The numbering convention is 01A, 01B, 02A, 02B, 03A, etc. Sheet number restart at 01A for each enumeration district.
  • Supervisor's District Number. Shown at the top of each census page view, the supervisor's district number is 6 for all of the Story County census.
  • Enumeration District Number. Shown at the top of each census page view and in surname search results, the enumeration district numbers change with each district within Story County. For Story County, they run from 1 through 45, some of which are further broken down with an alphbetic suffix, such as 4A and 4B.
  • Township, Town, Ward, Institution. This location information is shown at the top of each census page view and in summary name search results.
  • Enumerator's Name. Shown at the top of each census page view.
  • Date of Enumeration. When present this is the date the information was collected. Shown at the top of each census page view. Sometimes one page was enumerated across multiple days.
  • Line Number. Line number within the page. These run from 1-40 on "A" numbered sheets and from 41-80 on "B" numbered sheets. Under heading "Line."
  • Street. Within cities may show the street name. Under heading "Street."
  • House Number. Within cities may show the house number. If a farm, "Fm" is shown. Under heading "Number."
  • Dwelling Number or Farm Numbered within each census location. Under heading "Dwell'g."
  • Household Number. Numbered within each census location. Under heading "Family."
  • Residence Owned or Rented. When present, this information is listed under the title "Various" on the census page view.
  • Value. If owned the value of the home and if rented the rent amount. When present, this information is listed under the title "Various" on the census page view.
  • Farm. Shown if family lives on a farm. When present, this information is listed under the title "Various" on the census page view.
  • Name. The surname is separated from the given names so the surname can be used for searching. The surname is displayed capitalized.
  • Relationship to Head of Family. Head, wife, son, daughter, lodger, etc.
  • Sex.
  • Color.
  • Age. This is person's the age as of the last birthday as of April 1, 1940.
  • Marital Status. S=Single, M=Married, W=Widowed, D=Divorced. Under heading "S/M/W/D."
  • Highest Completed School Grade. 0=none, elementary 1-8, high school H-1 to H-4, College C-1 to C-5. Shown under the title "Grade" on the census page view.
  • Attended School. Whether person attended school since March 1, 1940 shown under the title "School" on the census page view.
  • Place of Birth. Place names have been standardized (such as spelling out full state name instead of copy abbreviations) unless the name is ambiguous. Shown under the title "Birth Place."
  • Foreign-born Citizenship Status. Na=naturalized, Pa=intent to naturalize with first papers taken out, Al=alien, Am-Cit=American citizen born abroad. When present, this information is listed under the title "Status" on the census page view.
  • Residence April 1, 1935. The place lived in 1935. May include "same house", "same place", town, county, state, country. For small towns and farm areas the entry may be "rural." Listed under "1935 Place."
  • Whether on Farm April 1, 1935. Listed under "On Farm 35?."
  • Whether Worked for Private Pay March 24-30, 1940 Listed under "Worked."
  • Whether did Public Emergency work March 24-30, 1940 Working for things like WPA, CCC. Listed under "Emer Wk."
  • Whether seeking work if not working March 24-30, 1940 Listed under "Seek Wk."
  • If not working or seeking work March 24-30, 1940 did person have a job, business, etc. Listed under "Job."
  • Status if not working, seeking work, or having job/business March 24-30, 1940. H=home housework, S=enrolled school, U=unable to work, Ot=other. Listed under "HSUOt."
  • Hours worked for pay March 24-30, 1940. Listed under "Hrs Worked."
  • Weeks Unemployed if Seeking Work or in Public Emergency Work up to March 30, 1940. Listed under "Wks No Job."
  • Occupation. Trade, kind of work, profession. If the person was not working but living on their own income, "Own Income" was entered. Listed under "Occupation (Industry)."
  • Industry. The kind of business or establishement, place where worked, or branch of industry. When present, this information is listed in parenthesis after the Trade in the census page view (not in surname search results).
  • Class of Worker. PW=private work, GW=government work, E=employer, OA=works on own account, NP=unpaid family worker. The kind of business or establishement, place where worked, or branch of industry. Listed under the title "class."
  • Weeks worked in 1939.Listed under the title "Wks Worked '39."
  • Wages received in 1939.Listed under the title "Wages 1939."
  • Whether Income >$50 other than Wages or Salary received in 1939.Listed under the title "Other."
  • Number of Farm Schedule. For farms, the entry number for the farm schedule. Listed under the title "Farm No."

The following information is included in the transcription but is not taken directly from the census:

  • AKA Surname. This is believed to the correct surname based upon the transcriber or proofer's analysis. The intent is to increase the opportunities of finding somebody in a surname search even though their name may have been recorded incorrectly in the census.
  • AKA Source. The source of the AKA Source. 1877 Dir (for 1877 Story County Directory); 1885 Cen (for 1885 census); 1895 Cen (for 1895 Story County census); 1905 Cen (for 1905 Story County Census); 1940 Cen (for 1940 Story County Census); Birth Rec (For Story County birth records); Cem Rec (for Story County cemetery or grave marker records); Death Cert (for Story County death certificates); Div Rec (for Story County divorce records); Ed Guess (for educated guess); Mar Rec (for Story County marriage records); Obit (for obituary).
  • Transcriber comments. When present, this information is listed under the title "Various" on the census page view (not on surname search results).
  • Transcriber name. Shown at the top of the census page view.
  • Proofer name. Shown at the top of the census page view.

Supplementary information is included randomly for two persons per census sheet (four per page). That data is not included here. It includes birthplace of mother and father, the mother tongue, whether a veteran, if child is veteran father dead, war or military service, whether has a social security number, whether deductions taken from wages for Federal Old-ge Insurance or Railroad Retirement and proportion< thereof, usual occupation, industry and worker class, for women whether married more than once, age at first marriage and number of children born.

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