Sioux County, Iowa

Photos - People - BIOs
K surnames

The Greater Sioux County Genealogical Society is compiling photo scrap books for each town and would appreciate anyone that has old photos of Sioux County such as families, businesses, and town scenes, please have them copied in good quality and send them to the GSCGS, 102 S. Main Ave., Sioux Center, IA 51250. Be sure to label them completely and who had them.

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SURNAME (link to family history) PIC/s

Kading, Erlene


Kamerman, Henry & Johanna Family

Karr, Alexander Scott & Elmira McLaughlin Family

Karr, John Randall & Mary Johnston Family

Karstens, John Francis Henry & Marie Katherine

Kaschmitter, Joseph & Anna Filz Family

Kass, John & Anna Mary Weber Family


Kass, Peter & Mary Didier Family

Kaskie, Michael & Mary Churske Family

Kastein, Benhart & Fredrika

Kastein, Gerhard & Everdiena Family

Katje, Peter & Sadie Lanting family


Kearns, John & family

Keegan, James (Sr.) & Catherine Sheehan with/son, Michael

Keegan, James W. & Kathryn O'Meara family


Keizer families

Kellen, Nicholas & Catherine Kuntzinger Family

Kempers, Gerrit & Dena Renskers Family

Kettler, Bernard **Children Photos 

Kettler, Bernard & Christina Brehm Family

Kettler, Otto P.

Kinney, Michael & Margaret Allen family


Klay, Gerrit

Klay, T. E.

Klave, Rudolph & Theda Johnson family

Kleene, Willem & Elizabeth Boeyink

Klein, August & Lucretia Birum

Klein, B. J.

Klein, Charles & Maria Werner Family

Klein, Gerrit Family 1872-1944

Klein, Henry W.

Klein, Jacob & Mary Haupert Family

Klein, Jonas & Magdalena Family

Klein, Nicholas & Mary Didier Family

Kleinhesselink, Arend John 1832-1903


Kleinjan, P.

Kluter, Henry & Mathilda Twillman Family

Knowlton, G. C.

Koch, Joseph & Elizabeth Schneider Family

Kokenge, Henry & Kate Goebel Family

Kolthof, William 1829-1907


Kolyn, Andrew J.

Konz families

Konz, Mathais & 2 wives & Families

Kooi, Remko & Grada

Kooiman, K. W.

Koolbeek, Jacob & Flora Sipma Family

Kooreman, E. J.

Kooreman, Johannes & Johanna Kleinhesselink Family

Kooreman, Wm.

Koster, Jacob & Maartje DeMots

Kosters, Henrikus D. & Family

Kosters, John William & Johanna Family

Kots, John W. (Rev) & Mary Duven Family

Kramer, John & Anna Kelley Family

Krebs, Joseph 1832-1925 & Margaret Fuchs

Krieger, Rev. Henry & Hattie Knope Family

Kroon, John & Wilhelmina Scholten Family

Kruizenga, Derk & Dena Werkman Family

Kuhl, Frederick & Fredrika Bauer Family

Kuiken, Jake & Alida Vander Stoep Family

Kurtenacker, William & Magdelena Marx Family

Kuyper, A. C.

Kuyper, Gysbert & Ella DeJong



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