Sioux County, Iowa

Photos - People - BIOs
D surnames

The Greater Sioux County Genealogical Society is compiling photo scrap books for each town and would appreciate anyone that has old photos of Sioux County such as families, businesses, and town scenes, please have them copied in good quality and send them to the GSCGS, 102 S. Main Ave., Sioux Center, IA 51250. Be sure to label them completely and who had them.

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SURNAME (link to family history) PIC/s

Dale, John Wesley & Lois Talbot family

Damon Bros: Ammon & Myron families


Daniels, Harriet Bishop 1877-1965

Day, Edwin R. & Adelia Peebles family

Dealy, Wm.

Dearborn, Nelson & wife, Mary Alice


DeBey, Albert (Dr.) & his wife, Gertrude

DeBey, C.

DeBey, John (Dr.)

DeBoer, Tjeerd & Froukie VanderWeg family

DeBruin, John & wife, Marie


Degan, Hans & Mary Meyer family

DeGooyer, William & Jacoba DeBruin family

DeHaan, Wopke & Wives families


DeJager, Barend & two wives family

DeJager, Hessel & Gysje Vellinga family

DeJager, Peter & Nellie Swarts family

DeJager, William H. & Anna Langerack

DeJong, Gerrit & Jannetje VanPeursem family

DeJong, Peter D. & Gaske Hamersma family

DeJong, Peter G. & Wives families

DeKoster, John

DeKraay, Hermanus & Hendrika Dingemans family

DeKruif, P. J.

DeLespinasse, Dr. A.

DeLespinasse, Dr. A. F. Henri

DeLespinasse, Frederica

DeLespinasse, Dr. G. A. F.

DeMots, Gerrit & Evertje

DeMots, Gysbert 'Gilbert' & Tryntje Van de Pol


DenBeste, Fred & Kate Balkema

DenHerder, Gerrit & Janna "Hattie" TeGrotenhuis

DenHerder, Gerrit J. & Janetje Mol family

DenHerder, Jake & Fannie Schutt family

DeJong, Peter D. & Gaske Hammersma family

DePree, Albert G. & Anna

DePree, Rev. James & Johanna

DePree, Neal & Cynthia Boer family

DePree, Dr. S. B.

DeRaad, Albert & Minnie Van Meveren family

DeRaad, Arie & Gertrude Rysdam family

DeRoos, Andrew & Wilhelmina Vande Berg family

DeRoos, Jan Willem & (3) Akke Visser family

DeRoos, John & Gertrude Vande Berg

DeRuyter, Jacobus & Aaltje Kloek family

DeSmit, Domonic & Sidonie Lens family

DeStigter, Leendert 'Lane' & Barbara Visser family

Dethmers, B. P.

DeVries, Abe & Jacoba Brunsting family

DeVries, Gerben 1847-1935


DeVries, Gerrit S. & Alice (Hoogland)

DeVries, H.

DeVries, Herman & Bertha Duistermars

DeVries, J. S.

DeVries, Jelle & Gertrude VandeWeerd family

DeWeerd, Gerrit & Anna Draayer family

DeYoung, Roel & Grietje Nieuwenhof family

DeZeeuw, Jan & Driesje

DeZeeuw, Pluen & Elizabeth DeHaan family


DeZeeuw, Pleun J. & Lillian (Van Putten)

Dibble, Morgan & Flora Johnson family


Diederich, F. J.

Diekevers, Ed

Dijkstra, Jurjen Tjerks & Sjoukjen Sjieukes family

Dischler. S.

Dittmer, Henry & Ida Aulwes family

Dixon, Frank L. & Catherine Ann Norris

Doherty, Bernard "Barney"


Doherty, John Sr. & Catherine McMullen family


Dokter, Evert & Bertha (Wissink)

Doornink, Dirk Anthony & Jane

Doornink, William (MD) Mr. & Mrs.

Doornwaard, John & Alyda

Douma, J. F.

Draayer, Ben & Jane Nyhof family

Draayom, Gerrit 1851-1937


Drost, Dick & Mary Meylink family


Duits, Bartholomeus J.W.C. & Johanna family

Duven, Henry & Josie Holdenga family

Dyk, C. L.

Dyk, Libbe Wibbes & Geiske Wijnia family

Dykshorn, William & #2 Johanna family

Dykstra, Sam & Grace VanRoekel family



Copyright 2017-2025. These electronic pages are posted for the benefit of individuals only who are researching their family histories. These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization or persons. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material, must obtain the written consent of the contributor, or the legal representative of the submitter, and contact the Sioux County Coordinator with proof of this consent.