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With the advance of civihzation, the increase in membership in the three great fraternal orders, Ancient Free and Accepted Masons, Odd Fellows and Knights of Pythias, to say nothing of the hundred and one other societies, secret and semi-secret, with the beneficiary insurance feature connected with them, has been indeed phenomenal. These societies are not as numerous or as strong in Sac City as in some of the adjoining counties, but there are several, and of these three principal secret orders this chapter will treat brietly. FREEMASONRY. The oldest of the Masonic lodges in the county is Occidental Lodge No. 178, Ancient Free and Accepted Masons, at Sac City. It was chartered in June, 1866. by the following charter members: D. C. Early, J. Williams, W. V. Lagourge, G. H. Wright. J. W. Tiberghien and T. M. Cory. In the early eighties it had a membership of about seventy. Today it has a membership of one hundred and nineteen, with officers as follows : W. F. Weary, worshipful master; J. W. Neal, senior warden; O. C. Pfaff, junior warden; R. L. McCord. Jr., senior deacon; F. G. Smith, junior deacon; J. H. Stalford, treasurer; Edward Drewry, secretary; P. E. Prior, tyler. Their beautiful Masonic hall was erected in the eighties, and is now estimated to be worth fifteen thousand dollars. It stands on Main street on parts of lots 5 and 6, in block 13 of the original plat of Sac City. It is up-to-date and has an Eastern Star room, kitchen and dining room. Edward Drewry has been secretary and collector for all three branches - blue lodge, chapter and commandery - for the past seven years, and this insures correct methods and promptness. FebruaryDarius Chapter No. 58, Royal Arch Masons, was instituted at Sac City February 1, 1871, with the following charter members: William McKay, W. H. Hobbs, E. R. Duffie, E. R. Chase, S. S. Armstrong, J. Orr and Oliver Birt. In 1882 the membership had reached seventy. In January, 1914, the chapter had a membership of one hundred and fifty-nine, with officers as follows: j. Wilbur Neal, high priest; W. F. Weary, king; E. B. Long, scribe; W. H. Hart, treasurer; Edward Drewry, secretary; F. L. Goodell, captain of host; F. G. Smith, royal arch captain; W. R. Temple, master of first veil; C. E. Harding, master of second veil; P. H. Peterson, master of third veil; Malcolm Currie, principal sojourner; P. E. Prior, sentinel. Rose Croix Commandery No. 38, Knights Templar, at Sac City (under dispensation in 1880), was instituted in December, 1881, with the subjoined charter members: D. C. Early, P. H. FebruaryHankins, E. R. Duffie, W. H. Hobbs, M. Childs, B. W. Trout, R. T. Shearer, M. M. Gray, H. S. Briggs and Sidney Smith. In 1880 the order had a membership of thirty knights. Its membership in January, 1914, is one hundred and eighty-four. The present officers are as follows: George B. Perkins, eminent commander; W. A. Nutter. generalissimo; O. C. Pfaff, captain general; W. F. Weary, senior warden; W. H. Hart, prelate; Edward Drewry. recorder; F. W. Loring, treasurer; P. H. Peterson, warder: J. H. Stalford. standard bearer. The past eminent commanders have been D. Carr Early, Myron Childs, Phil Schaller, Carey Diehl, Charles L. Early, W. H. Hart, J. L. Criss, C. E. Lane, H. H. Allison, J. W. Wilson, W. L. Lee, F. W. Loring, J. H. Stalford, W. Jackson, F. E. Stouffer, J. J. Harter, M. W. Newby, F. L. Goodell, O. E. Rowe, D. D. Carlton, A. C. Shulte, C. F. Garrett, Malcolm Currie and George B. Perkins. At Schaller, Acme Lodge No. 457 was chartered in 1883, soon after the town had got fairly under headway, having being platted and settled with enterprising men. Those who appear on the charter are as follows: R. S. Robinson, J. H. Walker, James Waddicor, J. H. Lester, C. A. Cantine, B. Mills, John Robinson, Thomas Hovendon, E. A. Bennett, ]. B. Harris and A. H. McLaughlin. The first officers were C. L. Early, worshipful master; J. P. Lester, senior warden; E.A. Bennett, junior warden. The present (1914) membership of this lodge is fifty-three. Its present officers include F. H. McCray, worshipful master; J. F. Ady, senior warden; L. L. Brannen, junior warden. The past masters are C. L. Early, J. P. Lester, B. Mills, James Harris, A. B. Searle, A. R. Gordon, F. B. Rowley, A. H. McLaughlin, J. A. Gray, George J. Speaker and F. H. McCray. A hall was erected in 1898 costing five thousand four hundred dollars; it is of brick, located on lot No. 6, block No. 4, town of Schaller. At Lake View, Laurel Lodge No. 517, Ancient Free and Accepted Masons, was instituted February 19, 1891, with the following charter members and officers: Charles Sifford, worshipful master; William Rowlev, senior warden; L. F. Davis, junior warden; John McClurg, treasurer; I. H. Adams, secretary; John Donahue, senior deacon; E. Cordeman, junior deacon; John Deacon, senior steward: Martin Steinman, junior steward; F. A. Denkin, tyler; J. A. Ressinger, John W. Provost, A. L. Clauser, Thomas Batie, O. W. Owen and W. McKendrick. The present membership is sixty-five. The present (January, 1914) officers are: John Erickson, worshipful master; F. Hamm, senior warden; O. S. Holiday, junior warden; N. Westerman, treasurer; Fred Wells, secretary; J. T. Sigman, senior deacon; C. P. Armstrong, junior deacon; A. Lee, senior steward; B. Remmert, junior steward; L. A. Cleaveland, tyler. The past masters of this lodge are Charles Sifford, E. F. Mahe, A. Armstrong, F. H. Clark, B. Braughton, William Dean, E. E. Speaker, H. Lindsey and A. Lillie. At Early, St. Elmo Lodge No. 462 was organized many years ago and now enjoys a membership of seventy- four. The present elective officers are: J. C. Hartsell, worshipful master; L. W. McCreery, senior warden; C. F. Jackson, junior warden ; D. D. Carlton, treasurer; W. W. Little, secretary. The past worshipful masters have been D. D. Carlton, T. A. Barnett, C. H. Jump, M. Bryan, E. C. Fuller, G. G. Parrett, _____ Denny, C. H. Allen, R. J. Jackson and J. N. Hartsell. This lodge owns its own brick building. Wheeler Lodge No. 398, at Odebolt, was organized October 9, 1879, with charter members as follows: John M. Zane, E. P. Messer, H. T. Martin, F. A. Cobb, W. W. Field, F. S. Douglass, E. Colvin, J. W. Fairbanks, W. A. Helsell and G. C. Bolt. The nieniljership in January, 1914, was one hundred and one. The elective officers when first instituted were as follows: John M. Zane, worshipful master; E. P. Messer, senior warden; H. T. Martin, junior warden; F. S. Douglass, treasurer; F. A. Cobb, secretary; W. A. Helsell, senior deacon; E. FebruaryColvin, junior deacon; J. W. Fairbanks, tyler. The order leases their hall at present. The elective officers at present ( 1914) are as follows: O. E. Huglin, worshipful master; M. H. Paul, senior warden; W. M. Sayre, junior warden; Ellis Kluckholm. senior deacon; J. S. Fisher, junior deacon' W. W. Reynolds, treasurer; J. R. Mattes, secretary: H. W. Stratton, tyler. At Wall Lake, Wall Lake Lodge No. 390 was allowed to work under the dispensation of June 4. 1878, and a charter was granted them June 4, 1879. Charter members were C. N. Levy, H. B. Allen, D. M. Bingman, L. J. Sifford, F. W. Weed, A, D. Herrig, B. E. Allen, C. M. Smith, W. D. Forbes and William Throssell. In 1882 the lodge had a membership of thirty-two. It now has a memnership of seventy-eight, with officers as follows: C. W. Davis, worshipful master; J. A. Swanson, treasurer, since 1907; J. C. Ockerstrom, secretary; C. W. Shaw, senior deacon; F. G. Wicker, junior deacon. A hall is leased by the order at Wall Lake. The past worshipful masters include J. C. Ockerstrom, F. E. Johnston and L. T. Quirk. Jeptha Lodge No. 201, at Auburn, was instituted June 5, 1867, bv Deputy Grand Master D. Carr Early, of Sac City. The following were the first officers and members: G. W. Wright, worshipful master; William Chapin, senior warden; William Impson, junior warden; Joseph Williams, secretary; S. B. York, treasurer; David Hain, senior deacon; R. M. Williams, junior deacon; John W. Wilson, tyler; Thomas Basler, steward. The lodge now enjoys a membership of thirty-seven. The 1914 officers are: F. A. Meyer, worshipful master; G. M. Parker, senior warden; F. B. Layman, junior warden; A. Basler, treasurer; W. I. Toop, secretary. The past masters are G. W. Wright, William Chapman, Edwin Miller, William Impson, George Hicks, I. W. Deemer, C. D. Wilcox, A. Basler, W. S. Williams, A. M. Morrison, J. F. Rose, W. I. Toop. In 1901 the lodge purchased the former school house, a two-story frame building, and moved it to the present location and there remodeled it at a cost of eleven hundred dollars. This lodge, it should be understood, was originally formed at old Grant City and moved to Auburn in April, 1890. February INDEPENDENT ORDER OF ODD FELLOWS. This order is next in age to the Masonic bodies in the world and has many benefits connected therewith. Go where one may in all the civilized portions of the globe, and there can be found a brother of the "Three Link Order." Its growth has been a wonder to the masses. Founded on the precepts of the Bible, it has been the means of uplifting many a man and placing him in a position to command respect and admiration among his fellow men. When the member of this order is ill he is cared for and in death his eyes are tenderly closed from the light of the earth and his remains are buried in decency and order, while his family is cared for after his departure. Records show that the first lodge of this order, Sac City Lodge No. 323, was instituted in Sac county at Sac City, October 21, 1875, with a charter membership of about twenty. By January 1, 1914, it had grown to a membership of one hundred and ninety-three. Its elective officers at the date last given were as follows; Adolph Gustaveson, noble grand; W. W. Stokes, vice grand; C. E. Harding, secretary; Harry Wood, financial secretary; B. A. Yonng, treasurer. A spacious, well-planned brick hall, on the corner of Sixth and Main streets, was built by the order in 1911 at an expense of eight thousand dollars. Stock was subscribed by the members of the fraternity. All of the degrees of the order are here represented and excellent work has been done in the past and is still lieing done. Many of the best men in Sac City are connected with this lodge, and the Rebekah degree is made up of many of the brightest ladies of the place. A strong society of the encampment of this fraternity and the only one in the county is in existence at Sac City at this date. At Schaller, William Garrett Lodge No. 609 was instituted by the Odd Fellows April 3, 1893, with the following charter members: John Henry, George Schaller, W. J. Howard, W. R. Brooks, L. J. French, J. F. Burkhead, C. Mayer, W. H. Reese and J. W. Kanouse. This lodge now has a membership of seventy-eight and is officered as follows: John Woodke, noble Februarygrand; A. A. Resegee, vice grand; Charles E. Guernsey, recording secretary; Edward Stoelting, financial secretary; and C. Mayer, treasurer. This lodge meets in its hall over the opera house on Main street. The following have served as past noble grands: C. Mayer, Edward Stoetling, F. M. McLaughlin, J. W. Kanouse, R. F. Barnes, H. H. Schaefer, J. B. Harris, J. E. Rogers, A. J. Harris, C. F. Ellis, C. H. Collins, G. A. Rogers, R. W. King, W. W. Allen, W. H. McKinney, Jens Jensen, J. D. Robinson, C. S. Wheeler, Jacob Weegar, H. J. Strahm and Charles E. Guernsey. The "three links" are very popular in and about Schaller and are made up of the best men in the vicinity. Boyer Lodge No. 475, at Early, was organized in 1884. In May, 1890, the lodge room was burned and all records of the early transactions of the order were destroyed, hence we are unable to give the charter members and first officers. It now has a membership of ninety-nine. The present (January, 1914) elective officers are as follows: J. R. Leighton. noble grand; J. W. Stocks, vice grand; W. H. Allen, recording secretary as well as financial secretary; J. W. Hartsell, treasurer. The Odd Fellows hall at Early was erected in 1891, a veneer-brick structure, costing one thousand five hundred dollars. The order owns the upper portion of this block, which stands on Main and Second strreets. With the passing years the list of past grands may be read with much interest and are here subjoined: W. W. Shaw, W. P. Hirons, Ned Madson, E. E. Cater, J. F. DeGarmo, I. W. Scothorn, William Luff. J. R. Kenney, A. H. Borsed. G. W. Patee, L. C. Holdridge, J. L. Dunham, John Scothorn, J. Grace, John Simpson, B. F. Hazen, J. C. Blair, F. W. Flanagen, G. W. Little, W. T. Scott, George Huston, Robert Scothorn, G. S. Wilson, W. F. Hay, Bert Kind, James Kenney, James Newell, J. W. Hartseil, C. R. Kenney and C. J. Allen. Odd Fellows Lodge No. 360, at Wali Lake, was organized in 1888, with at least the following members: W. M. Hamilton, Frank A. Rouse, J. F. Strohl, John A. Nelson, Frank Hawley and George W. Mcintosh. The present membership of the lodge is thirty-seven. The elective officers are at this date as follows: C. W. Davis, noble grand; H. Mclverson, vice grand; Chris Erickson, secretary; Samuel Robinson, treasurer. While not a large lodge in numbers, it is a lodge devoted to the best interests of Odd Fellowship in the section of country in which it is located. Lytton Lodge No. 336, at Lytton, was organized January 24, 1901, with the following charter members and officers: C. F. Brobeil, Gust Hohn, S. J. Griffith, C. C. Webb, V. D. Heston, Jacob Stevens. The officers first elected were as fullow s: V. D. Heston, noble grand; Gust Hohn, vice grand; C. F. Brobeil, secretary; C. C. Webb, treasurer. The present membership is ninety-five. The present elective officers are: G. E. Lamner, noble grand; Ray Bechler, vice grand; C. F. Brobeil, secretary; W. G. Brobeil. treasurer. A frame hall was built by the order in 1907 at a cost of three thousand dollars, and is counted one of the finest halls in Sac county. Auburn Lodge No. 540 was organized December 12, 1891, by Thomas Thurston, William F. Harvey, Charles F. Wagner, William C. Wagner, vice grand, Conrad Buehie, secretary, and W. F. Harvey, treasurer. The present membership is fifty-one. The present officers are C. H. Wilkey. noble grand; George W. Smith, vice grand; E. W. Bean, secretary; J. B. W'illiamson, treasurer. The past noble grands of this lodge have been O. C. Crandall, O. M. Brooks, Ed. Thompson, J. B. Williams, J. B. Standfield, J. W. Martin, L. T. Wiseman, S. Anderson, J. E. Thompson, A. C. Whittiker, H. Garnatz, A. Staton, J. Rettig, Joseph Wiseman, George Hungate, A. W. Walton, J. E. Keppleman, O. M. Ripley, E. W. Bean and J. H. Wiseman. The dispensation for Odd Fellows Lodge No. 447, at Odebolt, was granted by Grand Master Whipple February 9, 1882. The first officers installed were W. W. Stanfield, noble grand; J. W. Conklin, vice grand; L. D. Beardsley, treasurer; John R. Mattes, secretary; A. B. Cooley, warden; R. D. Stafford, conductor; George Brownell, guardian; K. W. Wheelock, right supporter noble grand; C. W. Stanfield, right supporter vice grand. The lodge is not a very strong one. but those who belong are true and faithful to the obligations of the fraternity. The officers elected for 1914 are as follows: John Williams, noble grand; Ed. Martin, vice grand; John A. Caine, secretary; John R. Mattes, treasurer; E. E. Stratton, financial secretary; Glenn Smith, warden; P. O. Olson, conductor; Hans Olson, inside guard; William Caine, outside guard; M. B. Wolf, John W. Yonnie and Erick Ericksson, trustees. Lake View Lodge No. 302, at Lake View, was organized October 18, 1888, by F. A. Lurk. The charter members and first elective otficers were: A. C. Clouse, W. N. McKendrick, V. R. Anson, J. P. Therkelson, C. K. Shumbaugh and William Elwanger. Officers: A. L. Clouse, noble grand; W. N. McKendrick, vice grand; J. P. Therkelson, secretary; V. R. Anson, treasurer. The present ( February, 1914) officers are as follows: A. C. Johnson, noble grand; William Belt, vice grand; V. R. Anson, secretary; C. K. Shumbaugh, treasurer. The past noble grands are A. L. Clouse, W. N. McKendrick, V. R. Anson, C. K. Shumbaugh, J. P. Therkelson, F. S. Frisbie, M. L. Kaw, H. C. Miller, Paul Miller, A. C. Johnson, O. P. Haskins. J. P. W'ells, D. C. Meek, H. Chambers and C. D. Lung. A frame building was erected in 1890 at a cost of one thousand five hundred dollars, and the upper story is used for the order. The lower story was built for opera house purposes and public hall uses. It was erected by the Democratic Hall Association. In 1910 the Odd Fellows bought the hall property, now having the whole structure, which is valued at three thousand dollars. The lodge is free of all debt and has five Iiundred dollars in the treasury. KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS. There have been several lodges of this fraternity in Sac county, but at present it is confined to only two points. Formerly there was a lodge at Odebolt and one at Auburn, but today the lodges at Sac City and Early are the only ones holding a charter. st At Sac City, Saxon Lodge No. 106 was organized October 24, 1883, by the Carroll Lodge. The following were charter members and officers: C. H. Reynolds, past chancellor; W. H. Hanchett, chancellor commander; J. E. Robbins, vice chancellor; A. D. Peck, prelate; F. B. Knight, keeper of records and seals; J. L. Watson, master of finance; J. M. Highland, master of exchequer; G. M. Parker, master at arms; C. P. Chapman, outer guard; W. Highland, inner guard; J. Shull, J. H. James, J. Y. Campfield, E. H. Parnell, J. Marks, W. F. Moyer, J. H. Fox, A. W. Hobbs, F. H. Knights, J. M. Broat, H. J. Baxter, James N. Miller, Albert Keyser, T. B. Alansfield, Phil Schaller, H. L. Wilson. J. T. Bushnell. The present membership of this lodge is fifty-five. The elective oflicers in March, 1914, were as follows: George I. Cory, past chancellor; Miles Hamilton, chancellor commander; Ed. Young, vice chancellor; C. L. Stocker, prelate; M. Currie. master of work; John H. Fox, master of exchequer; N. O. Gishwiller. master of finance; H. L. Arney, master at arms; S. L. Hawley, inner guard; George I. Cory, outer guard; trustees, M. Currie. N. O. Gishwiller, George I. Cory. The order had various lodge rooms until the building of the Allen block on East Main street, since which time it has had a hall home on the second floor of that building. At one time there was a Uniform Rank at Sac City, but several years ago it went down for lack of attention and interest. George M. Parker was the captain of the division during its existence here. The report of Early Lodge No. 165 is not at hand, but it is understood that, while it is not a large one. yet it is doing good work. |