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Jefferson Township near Diagonal

Mount Ayr Record-News
Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa
Thursday, February 26, 2015, Page 11

From "Snapshots of History" by Mike Avitt:

"When rural schoolhouses were first built in Ringgold County, they were built where the need was the greatest. But eventually districts were formed and education became organized. It was decided to place a rural school every two miles so a pupil would never have to walk more than a mile to school. My notes say [July 1890. . . ] is the time frame when the schools were placed about every two miles. . . ."

In the 1894 Jefferson Township plat book, this school was identified as Brush Center School No. 8. located approximately 3 miles northeast of Diagonal. In the 1915 plat book, the school was located north of the Diagonal-Tingley road at what was then the Jon GOODALE corner.

Last day of school picnics were often held in the timber near the remaining foundation of the first school site.

Cornith School, 1951

Left to Right: Margaret PETERSON, Helen PETERSON, Marilyn MILLER, teacher - Mrs. Bessie EGLY, Ronnie LANDIS, Jim RUBY, Richard LANDIS, Claire B. NEWTON.




 Cornith School was located near Diagonal, 1946 - 1947
"We had to walk 1 mile to and from School."

1st Row, left to right: Marilyn MILL, Donna TEPLEY, Joyce CALDWELL, Billy BOHN, Verlin AKERS
2nd Row, left to right: Dick TEPLEY, Loren MILLER, John BOHN, Jerry BLAKESLEY, Marilyn CALDWELL
3rd Row, left to right: Mrs. EGLEY, Kathryn DUFFIELD, Phyllis CALDWELL

 Contribution by Mrs. Andy (Joyce) Johnston, July of 2009


Cornith School was located near Diagonal, circa 1947

1st Row, left to right: Billy BOHN, Donna TEPLEY, Joyce CALDWELL, Marilyn MILLER, Patricia (?), Marilyn CALDWELL, Claire NEWTON, Evelyn HALL
2nd Row, left to right: Jerry BLAKESLEY, Dick TEPLEY, Miss IRVING, Kathryn DUFFIELD, Loren MILLER, John BOHN, Verlin AKERS

Contribution by Mrs. Andy (Joyce) Johnston, July of 2009

Mount Ayr Record-News
Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa
Thursday, February 26, 2015, Page 11

From "Snapshots of History" by Mike Avitt:

"As gravel roads and school buses made rural schools obsolete, they were sold. . . ."

The Cornith School closed after the 1951-52 school year with the students resuming their education at Diagonal.

Diagonal Progress
Diagonal, Ringgold County, Iowa
September 22, 1955

Five Rural Schoolhouses To Sell at Auction

The Jefferson Township School District will sell at public auction on Monday, September 26, [1949] five rural schoolhouses in the Diagonal area. The schools, names of which will be familiar to most readers of [The Mount Ayr] Reporter are Willow Grove, Mortimer, Hiawatha, Cottonwood and Cornith. Also to be sold are the schoolhouse sites, outbuildings, pumps, and any other equipment remaining after the schools were closed. The sale will be conducted by Mrs. Lola HAILEY, secretary, and Leland AHBURN, president, with Dennis OWEN of Tingley the auctioneer and Clark SIMPSON, clerk. An advertisment in this issue of The Reporter gives the time when each building will be sold, and other information of interest of prosepctive purchasers.

~ ~ ~ ~

Claire NEWTON purchased the Cornith School building and the land. The school was removed and the schoolyard is now farmed.

Diagonal Progress, Diagonal, Ringgold County, Iowa, Sept. 24, 1981

Diagonal, Iowa: Centennial History p. 227. 1988.

Transcription by Sharon R. Becker, April of 2010; updated September of 2015; updated September of 2017


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