Queries April 1997 through January 1998
Following are Ringgold County Queries from April of 1997 through January of 1998 that were made before Iowa GenWeb queries were archived.
Name: Sharon Shirk
Email: jtxv91b@prodigy.com
Location: usa
Date: Saturday, January 31, 1998 at 20:09:30
Looking for HARVEY family. Wiley Benjamin HARVEY married to Anna Bertha CHRISTIANSEN.
He was born 1873 and had at least 8 children born in the Tingley area. Wiley's father's name was Elijah Dixon HARVEY. Elijah's father's name was William Laumon HARVEY. Were all of them from Ringgold County also??? I'm not sure when the family migrated there. Thanks.
Name: marguerite Williams
Location: memphis, tn
Date: Thursday, January 29, 1998 at 22:36:31
seeking information SLAVIK family
Name: John Cole
Email: JohnGen@worldnet.att.net
Location: Bedias, TX, US
Date: Thursday, January 29, 1998 at 11:37:26
COLE; Robert Lawrence, b. 1897 in Diagonal Twp., Ringold Co., IA. Father Charles H. COLE b. 1871 in Greene Co., PA, moved to Union Co., IA and Ringold Co., IA. Was postmaster, farmer. Liked to chew and smoke "green" tobacco from WV. Robert worked on RR during depression.
Name: Pearl Saville James
Email: pejames@netins.net
Location: Bethany, Mo, USA
Date: Wednesday, January 28, 1998 at 12:06:22
I'm interested in SAVILLE, FULLERTON, JOHNSON, ROSS, SNYDER, MEKEMSON families in Ringgold Co.
Name: Lesli Bell
Email: Yszerbee@aol.com
Date: Wednesday, January 28, 1998 at 10:44:29
I am researching the WILEY family. They moved to Ringgold County in the 1850's. Abner T. Shannon WILEY moved with his sons Samuel and Alexander. I don't know if Abner's wife Jean WEATHERLY made it to Iowa. Samuel's first wife Nancy BRANDON died in Iowa and he remarried a Malenia BROWN. Alexander had one wife that I know of and that was Elizabeth Jane STEWART. They all died in Ringgold. Thank you for your help.
Name: Douglas G. Carnahan
Email: DGil1@aol.com
Location: Redondo, CA, USA
Date: Sunday, January 25, 1998 at 15:49:40
Am researching the Henry SINCO family of Ringgold County. Henry SINCO and his wife Jane BENNETT SINCO moved to Ringgold County from Decatur County probably in the 1860s. Henry died in Riley Township in 1873. Jane SINCO lived on until 1898. Any information about them or their descendants would be much appreciated.
Name: Doug Beck
Email: dbeck@echoweb.net
Location: Merlin, OR, USA
Date: Saturday, January 24, 1998 at 17:27:47
Looking for information on burial sites of members of the BECK family. My father was Keith L. Beck, Grandfather was Sherman Beck. I know where they are. Precedessors appreciated
Name: Kacy Croy
Email: kacycroy@aol.com
Location: Santa Ana, CA, USA
Date: Friday, January 9, 1998 at 14:48:07
Looking for informaton on Benjamin MILLER and family. They resided in Jefferson Township, Ringgold Co., Iowa. Benjamin married Sara Ellen RUBY about 1862 there in Ringold. Children: Elizabeth b. 1863, Ida b.186?, Sara 1868, Velia Melinda b. 24 Feb. 1870, Amos b. 1872, James b. 1874 and Laurana b. 1879. I am a descendant from Velia Melinda who married Francis Logan Smith and died at age 31. I am mainly concerned about finding a death record for Benjamin. I have been unable to find him in any census after 1880. His family can be found in that area and I am sure he remained there untill his death.
I also have information on the Damon/Rockwod family if anyone can help or needs help with that line. Anxious for a reply. Kacy
Name: Kimberly Beer
Email: kbeer@iland.net
Location: Adrian, MO, USA
Date: Friday, January 9, 1998 at 01:07:31
I am looking for information on an Mrs. A. W. REYNOLDS of Mount Ayr, IA. She was a sister to my Grandfather David R. Beer of IA. She was listed in his 1918 obit, but I have no idea of which sister she is (there were at least 3) or what happened to her. I am also seeking information on the BEER family in IA -- especially Simon P. Beer who m. Sarah J. BROWN in Appanoose County, IA (Both were from OH) in 1856 and any of their children (Sedwick, Charlotte, Mary E., Ann E., David R. Lena, or Frank R.). The latter three of the list all ended up in MO. Any info would be highly appreciated. Thanks, Kim.
Name: Millie Alexander
Email: ishkani@ibm.net
Location: Glendale, CA, U.S.A.
Date: Sunday, January 4, 1998 at 16:38:42
BAKER, Charles E. - listed in 1870 Census of Grant Twsp., Ringgold County, Iowa. He was married to Margaret or Mary E. SARGENT and was a brother-in-law to Amos SARGENT and other Sargent's who lived there - farmers. Others in Baker family were Mollie, Myrtle or Mabel?? Any information, please contact me.
Name: Lee Workman
Email: leibe@navix.net
Location: Humboldt,, NE, USA
Date: Sunday, January 4, 1998 at 11:01:19
Looking for date of death for David MALOY, probably around turn of the 19th century. Also would like his wife's name. Any information on Cynthia CRAIG, m. Perry MALOY. All lived in Ringgold County late 1800's to early 1900's. Thanks, Lee
Name: Carla Gruber
Email: horse@ptialaska.net
Location: Kellerton, IA, USA
Date: Friday, January 2, 1998 at 23:53:12
I would like to find any information about my 4 times great grandfather Frederick Avery (Fred) BROWN b. 29-Apr-1821, Genesee Co., NY, m. 25-Dec-1847, in Saybrook, Ashtabula Co., OH, Susan T. KNOWLES, b. 1824, d. 1-Jan-1895, buried: Maple Row Cem., Kellerton, IA. Frederick died 9-Dec-1910, Marshalltown, Marshall Co., IA, buried: Maple Row Cem., Kellerton, IA. Their children were Edward, Elizabeth, Mary A [who married Claude Palmer], William, Robert Louis [who married Roberta Blanch SCOTT and Hattie. Thank you!
Name: Doug Kalahar
Email: kalahar@luminet.net
Location: Winona, MN, USA
Date: Thursday, January 1, 1998 at 14:11:23
I have been searching for a Harry KING for a number of years and I think I may have found him in Ringgold County, Iowa. According to the SSDI he was born 3 March 1888 and died December 1974 in Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa. He was the son of James Albert KING and Ella Kalahar KING. I would really appreciate it if someone could tell me how I might have the local newspaper in Mount Ayr checked for an obituary. I would make this request via U. S. Mail if someone would advise me of an address; I am also willing to pay an appropriate fee for this service. Thanks very much.
Name: Kim Phillips Randolph
Email: grandolph@sun-spot.com
Location: London, KY, USA
Date: Tuesday, December 30, 1997 at 17:20:24
Searching for PHILLIPS family who lived in Mt. Ayre, Iowa around 1890's. My gGrandfather, William Henry PHILLIPS was born there August 13, 1890, son of James PHILLIPS who was born in Ohio and Minnie Anna FERBER who was born in Germany. James and Minnie's other children were, Bertha, Amanda, Sadie, Elmer, Charlie and Jake. William Henry married Mary GALLAGHER 1905 in Valley Springs, Arkansas. If anyone knows of this particular line, please contact me. My Phillips web site: http://www.angelfire.com/ky/travelingshowcase/page3.html
Name: Terry Beadle
Email: beadle@catalinas.net
Location: Avalon, CA., U.S.A.
Date: Thursday, December 25, 1997 at 17:37:48
Be interested in any information available on George BEADLE, Thomas Beadle. Thomas born Mt. Ayrs. I think there were other Beadle's in the area but not sure if they were related. Would appeciate any and all information out there.
contact me: cindy cool
Email: jgpatter@humboldt1.com
Location: blue lake, ca, usa
Date: Sunday, December 14, 1997 at 16:56:03
I am looking fo any info on my grandparents, Otto Carl FRY and Matilda Louise FERBER or any of their relatives. My Mother's name is Dayle Louise Fry, my Uncle's name was Merle Fry. Thank You, Cindy.
Name: Stephanie
Location: C.B., Iowa, Pott.
Date: Friday, December 12, 1997 at 16:22:51
Surnames of BOTT and STEVENS (STEPHENS). Trying to locate any information on Henry Edward Bott and Stella M. Stevens (Stephens). Will share what I have
Name:Rana Krussow
Email: ranawat@citilink.com
Location: Crystal, MN
Date: Tuesday, December 2, 1997 at 17:46:09
HESSENFLOW - Looking for any information on the Hessenflow family in Ringgold, IA. They lived here for a minimum of 4 years, in which 2 children were born: Dempsey & Netter Hessenflow
Name: Donna VanZandt
Email: donavan@netins.net
Location: Wilton, IA, USA
Date: Saturday, November 29, 1997 at 12:56:08
SISSEL: Would like information on John SISSEL with wife Jane and probable children Mary and Howard on the 1900 census of Ringgold co. Riley twp. John Sissel was born in NJ. Did this family exist or was it an error on the part of the census taker because I have been unable to find this family prior to this census or later. Any help to verify the existence of this family or link them to the James and Elizabeth Baker Sissel family would be greatly appreciated.
Name: kay
Email: sxks12a@prodigy.com
Location: mich
Date: Sunday, November 16, 1997 at 21:18:50
Could someone help me? I am looking for death cert. for Catherine PECKHAM who died in Ringgold, Tingley, Iowa on Feburary 22, 1929. If no one has acess to info, can they tell me where to write to get this information? Thanks kay
Name: Angie Miller
Email: samiller@flink.com
Location: canton, IL, USA
Date: Saturday, November 15, 1997 at 23:07:39
Some of the names I am researching are Sarah Emma LUGAR BENNETT; James LUGAR; Sarah Jane CARR; Andrew J. TINDLE; Norman Willis BENNETT; Jacob and Amanda (STRAIN) BENNETT. At one time or another each of these people were settled in Ringgold Co. IA.
Name: Lee Workman
Email: leibe@juno.com
Location: Table Rock, NE, USA
Date: Thursday, November 13, 1997 at 19:56:04
MALOY, George lived in Ringgold county. b. abt 1890. Worked on RR. Married Agnes KILL and moved to Conception Jct., Missouri where he died in 1953. Looking for any family members and ancesters. At one point, I had his father's name but that was lost in a cross country move. His mother's name may have been Cynthia.
Would appreciate anything.
Thank you - Lee
Name: Kathy Jackson Carter
Email: bcarter@kc-primary.net
Location: Kansas City, MO, USA
Date: Sunday, November 2, 1997 at 22:21:34
Searching for any information on my Great Grandparents, John Thomas COVERDELL and wife, Alice Marie WATTS. Married in Ringgold County 1899. Both died in Knowlton,IA.,1931 & 1944. Their children, Stella Marie (born 1900 in Washington Twp.,Ringgold County), Fay Ernest, Johnnie Thomas,and Leroy Coverdell. John Thomas Coverdell was born in Worth County, MO. in 1864, parents, George W. and Eliz. Miller Coverdell. Alice Marie Watts was born in Benton, Ringgold County, in 1881, parents George Wm. and Evelyn Reynolds Watts. Any info. appreciated.
Name: Shaw, James H.
Email: jshaw@pennet.com
Location: Brownsville, PA, USA
Date: Tuesday, October 28, 1997 at 23:45:48
Burials of surnames EVERLY, KELLER, WOODS Some Cemetaries. may be others:Bethel, Grant Twp.;. towns lived in: Diagonal, Grant Twp, Ringgold Co., IA
Name: Talma Klaassen
Location: Whitewater, KS, USA
Date: Sunday, October 19, 1997 at 14:13:23
Seeking descendants of Isaac NEWTON b. 1802 NJ d. 1872 Ringgold co. IA. Also seek descendants of Isaac Newton 1/2 brother William S. Dennis residents of Maloy IA and Platteville.
Name: Malcolm Swan
Location: Chana, , IL, USA
Date: Wednesday, October 1, 1997 at 18:04:56
I am seeking information about Oliver WOOLMAN and his wife Rebecca MILLS. He was born about 1853 and she was born about 1850. They owned land in Ringgold county in 1878 - selling it to move to Wyoming and later to Red Lodge, MT where they were buried. Does anyone know of their parents or where they might have come from. Anything about them - my G grandparents - would be greatly appreciated. Sincerely - M. Swan
Name: Jan Dunning-Fraher
Location: Gretna, LA, US
Date: Monday, August 18, 1997 at 06:28:00
I am looking for any and all information about Barton B. & Laura L. Stiles DUNNING, the founders of Mount Ayr. In 1975, the Centennial was dedicated to them. They came to Mount Ayr in 1855 from Michigan, both are buried at Rose Hill Cemetary. Does anyone know if Mount Ayr will be having another 'celebration' in 2000? Mount Ayr's 125 birthday?
Name: Trudy Holden
Email: Greatishe@webtv.net
Location: Bainbridge isl, Wa, USA
Date: Monday, August 18, 1997 at 00:16:16
I am looking for information on Harry POLEN sometimes called "Sag" or Doog"..he was the son of Jacob&Dovie Frances Polen in Diagonal, Iowa. He died around the end of the 30's or early 40's.he may have been in his 40's or 50's when he died.
Name: Trudy Holden
Email: Greatishe@webtv.net
Location: Bainbridge Isl, Wa, USA
Date: Monday, August 18, 1997 at 00:07:12
I am looking for any info about my great grandmother, Mary Eliza PRATT NICHOLS and her family the PRATTs. She was born in Johnson County, Iowa Jan 1, 1850, moved with her parents to Larence, Kansas in 1860 then the same year moved back to Washington, Iowa. She was married to John Nichols Oct. 1, 1866. They moved to Indiana until August 1867,then moved to Ringgold County, Iowa and settled near where the town of Clearfield now stands. They moved to Diagonal in 1902. So if anyone has any information on the PRATT family or the John NICHOLS parents, brothers or sisters, it would be appreciated.
Name: Ray H Shaw
Email: shawrhep@msn.com
Location: Renton, WA, USA
Date: Sunday, August 10, 1997 at 19:14:55
My Shaw grandparents, Alden E&Emma J (Bellamy) SHAW were married at MT Ayr, Ringgold County IA 27 Aug 1882. My Dad was born near Redding, Ringgold County IA 18 Jun 1884. My Shaw g-grandparents were Joseph&Mary (Hendricks) Shaw. He died at Redding 2 Jul 1896, she died there (I think) in 1904). My BELLAMY g-grandparents were John E&Martha V (Button) Bellamy. He died in Ringgold County IA 8 Jun 1915, she died Ringgold County Ia 25 Dec 1922 I would like to correspond with any descendant of these four g-grandparents.
Thanks, heaps -- Ray H Shaw
Name: Connie Mincy
Email: cmincy@bigfoot.com
Location: Maryville, Mo, Nodaway
Date: Monday, July 21, 1997 at 10:54:21
I am seeking any info on Jessie Ellis DECKER or his wife Lillie Ellen (ADAMS) DECKER. They lived around Diagonal and that is where they lived when Jessie passed away in 1949. They are my gr grandparents. Any info would be appreciated.
Name: Ken Kothe
Email: alexlib@fia.net
Location: Alexander, IA, USA
Date: Monday, July 7, 1997 at 14:47:32
Can anyone please tell me if Harry Gerald MESSINGER and Floyd Franklin MESSINGER are buried in the Mt. Ayr cemetery? Or some cemetery in that vicinity. Also would appreciate the name of the cemetery. Thanks a bunch. Ken
Name: Debra Saathoff
Email: shorty@gila.net
Date: Tuesday, May 13, 1997 at 14:08:38
SICKELS, I am searching for any information on that Surname. Please email me.
Name: Millie Alexander
Email: ishkani@ibm.net
Location: Glendale, CA, USADate: Tuesday, April 29, 1997 at 12:15:26
SARGENT, William&Emily - b. in VA, but lived and died in Mt. Ayr, IA, Ringgold Co. from abt. 1880-1900. Oldest son, Lafaette SARGENT lived close by at Diagonal and Clearfield. There were others in the family: Margaret, Maria, Jasper, John, Amos, William A. Any information, please contact me.
Name: Peggy Camp
Email: tpaz92a@prodigy.com
Location: ardmore, OK, usa
Date: Saturday, April 26, 1997 at 07:21:08
Moler------ looking for all information on the MOLER families that lived in Ringgold county, Iowa in abt 1880. Especially interested in Phillip Moler and who his parents are. Thanks in advance.....
Location: LOCKPORT, IL., USA
Date: Thursday, April 17, 1997 at 15:23:32
My Grandfather was Dr. Arthur Richard MULCAHY and he was a country Dr. in Beaconsfield, Iowa. He was married there to Margaret Hawley MILLER on april 26, 1903. He got the flu during the epidemic and he died in Beaconsfield, Iowa on Oct 25, 1918. Has anyone seen him mentioned in any books or anything? They had 2 son's, Arthur and Max. Max was my father and he was born oct 14, 1907 Beaconsfield, Iowa. Does anyone know of any books on Beaconsfield, Iowa. Any help appreciated!!! Peg:)