Doyle and Connie RICHARDS from Tingley, IA are the 2008 Ringgold County Hall of Fame Honorees.
Connie's ability to connect with youth and adults and to provide quality programs are a couple of traits that really
stand out. She is a willing volunteers for a wide variety of Extenison programming and events. Connie has served as a
4H Club Leader, a member of the 4-H and Youth Committee, served on Extension Council, started Pee Wee Wranglers for youth
to exhibit a calf at the Ringgold County Fair in Kindergarten through 3rd grade, and oversees the Bucket Calf and Bucket
Calf Plus 1 event. Connie has assisted with the 4-H Beef Weigh-in for numerous years as well as presented safety
information at the Farm Safety Day Camps.
Doyle has been with the Sheriff's reserves for numerous years providing security at the county year. He also assists
with the beef weigh-in providing his equipment, corral, and time.
Doyle and Connie have the enthusiasm, energy, and dedication that is so necessary when working with youth. They make
events and activities fun with education always being the end result, yet the kids look forward to doing things with
Transcription by Sharon R. Becker, October of 2015