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Lyndon Davenports Leave for Missionary Service

The Rev. and Mrs. Lyndon DAVENPORT left Saturday for the west coast after a visit here in the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lee DAVENPORT and Melody, and with other relatives and friends here and in other parts of Iowa. During their stay they also took training in preparation for their work as missionaries under the China Inland Mission-Overseas Missionary Fellowship.

They were commissioned for that work early in the Creston Baptist church early in September and the following day, September 3, Mr. DAVENPORT was ordained as a minister of the Iowa Association of Regular Baptist Churches, the afternoon and evening services also being held in the Creston Church.

Both Mr. and Mrs. DAVENPORT attended missionary candidate school in Philadelphia, Penn. during May and June along with nine others from Canada and the United States.

Enroute to Los Angeles they were to stop off in Cozad and Lexington, Nebraska where Mr. DAVENPORT served as pastor, and in Los Angeles will visit his brother, Randall, before their departure.

Their sailing date has been set for September 26 with their destination Singapore, Malaysia where they will have language study before being assigned to a specific area.

Mrs. DAVENPORT is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ray NELSON of Sioux City, a graduate of Central High School there and a 1960 graduate of Nebraska State Teachers College at Wayne, Nebraska. She has taught for two years and has also attended Columbia Bible College at Columbia, South Carolina.

Mr. DAVENPORT is a graduate of the Diagonal Community High School, a graduate of Moody Bible Institute in Chicago, and of the State University of Iowa. Since completing his education he has served two pastorates.

He is the grandson of Mrs. Frank SIMPSON and Mr. and Mrs. Hugh DAVENPORT of this community.

Submission by Ann Wyer, July of 2012

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