Mount Ayr Record-News Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa Thursday, October 20, 2003
Pfc. Nathan NONNEMAN completed Charlie Battery basic training class 1st battalion, 22D field artillery regiment at Fort
Still, OK on Aug. 7, 2003. NONNEMAN is the son of Lori and Wayne WARD of Mount Ayr and Regan NONNEMAN of Mayville, MO.
Graduation ceremonies of the class of 516-03 were attended by Lori WARD and Nathan's brothers, Wesley and Lincoln.
Grandparents are Sue RICHARDS of Tingley and Leroy and Sandi WOOD of Kellerton. Great-grandparents are Donald and Pauline
WOOD of Mount Ayr. NONNEMAN is a 2003 graduate of Mayville high school and is currently stationed at Fort Still, OK.
Transcription by Sharon R. Becker, August of 2012
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