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Iowa State Gazetteer 1912 - 1913

Poweshiek County

Towns & Their Businesses

BrooklynCarnforthChester CenterDeep RiverEwart
Forest HomeGrinnellGuernseyHartwickJacobs

BROOKLYN. Population, 1,233. An incorporated town on the C., R. I. & P. Ry, and on Bear Creek, in Bear Creek township, Poweshiek county, 12 miles n. e. of Montezuma, the judicial seat, and 70 e. of Des Moines. Has 5 churches, excellent schools, water works, fire department, 2 banks, the railroad round house and repaid shops, and a weekly newspaper, the Chronicle. Tel., W. U. and Postal. Exp., U. S.; Elmer E. Rayburn, postmaster.

Anger A Edward, dentist.
Barclay & Brannian (Glenn Barclay, Herbert Brannian), grocers.
Barker Alfred H, physician.
Beck Mrs Lois, restaurant.
Breckenridge & Co (Robert J Breckenridge, Edward Grieve and O F Ecklund), hardware.
BROOKLYN AUTO GARAGE, B W Sloan, Proprietor, Automobiles and Automobile Supplies.
Brooklyn Chronicle, C E Stallcop publr.
Brooklyn Gas Co (city owner).
Brooklyn Lumber and Grain Co.
Brooklyn Mutual Telephone Co, J J Watkins manager.
Brooklyn Opera House, F H Howard manager.
Brooklyn Water Works (city owner).
Busby Charles D, physician.
Busby Isaac N, physician.
Butts & Wright (Wm E Butts, Charles W Wright), meats.
Carter Hillery E, horse breeder.
Coleman James, livery.
Coon George, carpenter.
Cummings Carl S, grocer.
Dayton Bert E, furn, undertkr and pianos
DEWEY FRANK, Propr Hotel Brooklyn.
Diehl Rev J I, general store. 
Dunton F P, grain and coal.
Fair Store The, F H Howard propr.
First National Bank (capital $50,000), B M Talbott pres, A B Talbott vice pres, N H Wright cashr.
Frizzell Wm, sheep breeder.
Height J M & Bro (J M and Major), cement sidewalks.
Hicks Bros (B F and J A), general store.
HOTEL BROOKLYN, Frank Dewey, Proprietor. First Class in Every Respect, near Depot.
Howard Frank H, propr Fair Store, mngr Brooklyn Opera House.
Halse Enos J, jeweler and news.
Independent Telephone Co, J J Watkins manager.
Iowa Telephone Co, J J Watkins mngr.
Johnson Bros (Frank E, Alvin B and James), horse breeders.
Karr Bros (Joseph and Ira), dry goods.
King George, mason.
Kraft Clothing Co (George Kraft, E C Odell), clothing.
Kraft Dennis, garage.
Kroukop & Happy, confectioners.
Landes Albert C, physician.
Latta Otto A, r r, tel and exp agt.
Lane Joseph F, restaurant.
Lorton Nellie, milliner.
McAra Kenneth, lawyer and real estate
McGahey & Co (O E McGahey, I Jones) hardware.
McPherson V, painter.
Majestic Theatre, Chris Reynes propr.
Mason Eugene H, real estate.
Morris Mrs M J, milliner.
Murphy Peter L, cleaner.
Mutual Telephone Co, J J Watkins mngr.
Net Frank L, baker and confr.
Newton Robert E, produce.
Niswander C H, dentist.
Ormiston C W & Co (Chas W Ormiston, R J Breckenridge), clothing.
Orr Robert, agricultural implements.
Pierson Johnson Agency (W L Johnson) Insurance.
Pinwell Robert, carpet weaver.
Powers Wm C, painter.
Poweshiek County Savings Bank (capital 30,000), Albert Davidson pres, Will G Pierson cashr.
Rainsburg & Dillsaver (Charles Rainsburg, James Dillsaver), drugs.
RAYBURN ELMER E, Postmaster.
Reed Uriah M, lawyer.
Reida Wesley J, meats.
Reyner Chris, propr Majestic Theatre.
Richmond Wm H, produce.
Ryan Reuben T, ice dealer.
Schmitz John, shoes.
Shattuck Bert, livery.
Shrader Frank P, drugs.
Silcott J Walter, watchmaker.
Simeral Fred E, physician.

SLOAN BERT W, Propr Brooklyn Garage Automobiles and Automobile Supplies
Snyder J M, real estate.
Snyder Land Co, J A Snyder propr.
Stallcop C E, publr Brooklyn Chronicle.
Stober Jacob C, harnessmaker.
Talbott John F, lawyer.
Talbott & Thompson, lumber and coal.
Vanderwall & Co, clothing and furn.
Watkins J J, mngr Mutual Telephone Co.
Wertz George W, plasterer.

CARNFORTH. A discontinued post office on the C. & N. W. and C., R. I. & P. Rys., in Warren township, Poweshiek county, 18 miles n. e. of Montezuma, the judicial seat, and 3 from Victor, the nearest banking point. Send mail to Victor.

McLellan B F, general store.
Martin M E, general store.
CHESTER CENTER. A discontinued postoffice in Poweshiek county. Has rural delivery from Grinnell.
DEEP RIVER. Population, 467. An incorporated town on Deep river and on the C. & N. W. Ry., in Deep River township, Poweshiek county, 9 miles e. of Montezuma, the judicial seat, and 70 e. of Des Moines, Has Christian, Methodist Episcopal and Presbyterian churches, 2 banks and a weekly newspaper, the Record. Exp. Am. Tel., W. U. Telephone connection.

Axtell & Co, lumber and grain.
Barber M, contractor.
BURGETT & GRIER, Publrs The Record.
Cain Charles K, drugs.
Connell T H & Co, hardware.
Connell & Whitney, furn and undertkrs.
Cox CN & Co, general store.
Deep River Brick & Tile Co.
Gamble G W C, physician.
Grimes Frank S, physician.
Icenbice & Gilmore, hardware.
Jenkins Mrs Mary, hotel.
Cox W E & Son, seeds.
Crain Frank L, physician.
Crain Mattie McClure, physician.
Cutler C F, drugs.
Deep River Creamery Co.
Ehret Charles H, feed mill.
Emal C F, general store.
First National Bank (capital $25,000), J R Morris pres, H W Hatter cashr.
Forby W J, farm implts.
Kime M E, real estate.
Light C L, automobiles,
Marshall & Icenbice, restaurant.
Minehart A L, grain and coal.
Pierce C W, livery.
Pierce J C, restaurant.
Potter H C, grocer and dry goods.
RECORD THE, Burgett & Grier Publrs.
Rigina E J, physician.
State Bank (capital $25,000), J S Burgett pres, G E Grier cashr.
Swartz George W, meats.
Wilson & Wilson, live stock.
Wolf Orris, jeweler.
Zorn H E, telephone exchange.
EWART. Population, 80. On the Iowa Central Ry., in Pleasant township, Poweshiek county, 7 miles n. w. of Montezuma, the county seat and banking point. Has Methodist and Presbyterian churches and a graded public school. Exp., Adams. Telephone connection. Nina F. Morrison, postmaster.

Adams A L, agt Adams Exp Co.
Copeland J S, live stock.
Cox & Kline, agrl implts.
Ewart Creamery Co.
Ewart Lumber & Grain Co, W R Blackstock mngr.
Gray Robert, livery.
Kline Fred, carpenter.
Mercer W A, wagonmkr.
Morrison G W, general store.
MORRISON NINA F, Postmaster.
Wasson B N, general store.
FOREST HOME. A discontinued post office in Poweshiek county. Has rural delivery from Montezuma.
GRINNELL. Population, 5,036. An incorporated city located on the M. & St. L. and C., R. I. & P. Rys., in Poweshiek county, 17 miles n. w. of Montezuma, the judicial seat, 54 e. of Des Moines and 120 w. of Davenport. It is heated by steam and lighted by electricity and gas, has water works, a thoroughly equipped fire department, fine system of sewerage, paved streets, an excellent public school system, a Carnegie library, the Stewart library, a handsome theater, 4 banks, telephone facilities, 2 semi-weekly newspapers, the Herald and the Register, several college papers, and is the seat of Grinnell College. Grinnell is located in one of the richest farming communities in the State and is the most beautiful city of its size in Iowa. The business blocks are almost without exception, built of brick, the greater part of them pressed brick and plate glass fronts making a handsome appearance. There is a beautiful park donated to the public use in the heart of the city. Among the more prominent industrial establishments are flour and planing mills, brick and tile works, glove factory and tannery, creamery, carriage works, concrete block works and electric light plant. Tel., Postal and W. U. Exp., U. S. and Adams. A. C. Norris, postmaster.

Abel F L & Co (Fred L, Burt A Abel and Keith W Blow), carriages.
Anderson Roy, painter.
Almy Frank F, acting dean of men Grinnell College.
Anderson Clara J, dean of women, Grinnell College.
Armstrong Harry C, restaurant.
Bartling & Nuckolls (F M Bartling, R F Nuckolls), jeweler and opticians.
Bates R E & Co (Roy E Bates), drugs.
Beyer C W H & Co (C W H and Harold L Beyer; capital $50,000), bankers.
Beyer Harold L, lawyer.
Blair Charles A, dry goods.
Bliss Edwin C, physician.
Bonasera & Ciucci (Gianni Bonasera, Willie Ciucci), confectioners.
Bowman John M, tailor.
Boyd & Bray (H E Boyd, T J Bray).
Brainard Daniel W, real estate and ins.
Bray Henry M, live stock.
Bray & Shiflett (Thomas J Bray, J G Shifflett), lawyers.
Brock A J, dentist.
Brock Bros (Albert J and Herbert B), dentists.
Brooks Wm B, art studio.
Brower Jacob M, clothing.
Brown & Harrington (George H Brown, Ira M Harrington), crockery.
Buchanan & Smith (T H Buchanan, C A Smith), real estate.
Buck Frederick F, dairyman.
Buck Samuel C, physician.
BURNS BROS (Sam Burns), Suits Made to Order $15.00, Cleaners and Dyers.
Cady Allison B, general store.
CAPPRON M GERTRUDE, Propr Monroe Hotel.
Card Shoe Co (Clayton J and Fred Card, Wm J Turk), shoes.
Central Garage Co (E E Harris, John Campbell).
Cessna & Goodrich (Newton W Cessna, Ira E Goodrich), meats.
Child Arthur L, photographer.
Citizens National Bank (cap $50,000), H W Spaulding pres, W F Vogt vice pres, Harry F Lamphere cashier.
City Hospital (city owners), Miss Anna Condon, nurse.
Clark Mrs Jennie, restaurant.
Clark Lumber Co, E W Clark propr.
Clarkson Tufoe K, tailor.
Clifton George, painter.
Clifton Oscar W, painter.
Cogswell John W, physician.
Colonial Theatre, Yeager & Stoaks mgrs.
Cooper F M, physician.
Cooper Nathan A, painter.
Corrough & Wynes (Wm L Corrough, Joseph W Wynes), real estate.
Coutts Robert G, contractor.
Critchett George B, real estate and ins.
Curtis Guy H, restaurant.
Danks Erwin, tailor.
Egger Besse, milliner.
Evans Evan S, physician.
Farmers Elevator Co, T S Mason pres, L L Woods sec, M O Hocum mngr.
FITCH ERNEST H, Attorney-at-Law.
Davis & Little (Harvey G Davis, Milton C Little), restaurant.
Dawley Charles N, grocer.
Derr Mrs J W, dentist.
Dodge Charles B. propr Grinnell Roller Mills.
Eastman George, harnessmaker.
Easy Fit Manufacturing Co, F M Card pres, CA Swisher sec and treas.
Elliott Amos A, painter.
Elliott Mrs A A, milliner. Systematic Collections, General Practice.
Friend James H, osteopath.
Gallagher Oscar H, dentist.
German & Lane (Philip German, Frank J Lane), farm implements.
GOODE MRS ANNA, Hair Dresser and Hair Goods.
Greene Mason, veterinary surgeon.
Grinnell Brick & Tile Co, R G Coutts pres, C A Smith sec.
Grinnell College, J H T  Main pres, H W Somers business mngr.
Grinnell College Library, L L Dickerson librarian.
Grinnell Commercial Club, Scott McEachron sec.
Grinnell Creamery, Ice and Cold Storage Plant, J W Fowler propr.
Grinnell Electric and Heating Co, J A Radford mngr.
Grinnell Fuel Co, S R Robinson propr.
Grinnell Garage Co, E H Spaulding mngr.
Grinnell Herald (semi-weekly), Ray & Frisbie publrs.
Grinnell Laundry The, John Sanders propr.
Grinnell Manufacturing Co, J C Goodrich mngr, power hammers.
Grinnell Planing Mill, J A Clark propr.
Grinnell Protective Credit Assn, C E Harris pres. Grant Ramsey sec-treas.
Grinnell Register The, Charles A Miller publr. Grinnell Review (monthly), Grinnell College publrs. Grinnell Roller Mills, C B Dodge propr.
Grinnell Savings Bank (cap $50,000), George L Miles pres, Samuel J Pooley cashr.
Grinnell Shoe Co (J A Wiggins, D M Arnold), shoes.
Grinnell Stone Mnfg Co (R C Ross, R G Coutts, G R Ross), cement stone.
Grinnell Vehicle Co (Charles G Hodgdon, Miles C Parish).
Grinnell Washing Machine Co, J P Lyman pres, J L Fellows sec and treas.
Halterman Charles D, painter.
Harpster James W, furn and undertkr.
Harrington Harley T, drayage.
Harris Bert W, panitorium.
Harris Edwin E, physician.
Harris & Hastings (Oscar D Harris, John T Hastings), contractors.
Heisel Nick, tailor.
Herter & Harding (Daniel J Herter, Frank Harding), monuments.
Hibbets Ulysses M, osteopath.
Hill Fred W, agt Adams Express Co.
Hockett Arthur J, 2d hd gds and bicycles.
Holson Alliene, dentist.
Hopkins D A & Co (David A Hopkins, George S Rugh), harness.
Howard Martin G, drayage.
Hunt Morris L, notions.
Interior Telephone Co, Harold L Beyer pres, H G Lyman sec, G L Saunders mngr.
Joy Enoch, poultry dealer.
Judkins Frank J,  housemover.
Kerr Janet M, osteopath.
Kibby & Benson (John C Kibby, Charles W Benson), furn and undertaker.
King Richard W, harnessmaker.
Kingdon & Doran (Charles H Kingdon, Charles C Poran), flour.
Kirk James M, contractor.
Knight Joshua N & Son (Frank E), carriages.
Lagrange Rufus J,  harnessmaker.
Lamson Bros & Co, C W Tussing mngr, grain.
Laros D & Sons (David A Charles, John, Fred and David A jr), carriage mnfrs.
Lauder Clark H, physician.
Leins Wm, monuments.
Lemley Levi G,  dentist.
Lewis James R, physician.
Long Louis S. propr Lyric Theatre.
Longnecker Alvie R, clothing.
LYMAN HENRY G (Rayburn & Lyman), lawyer.
Lyman Hon Jacob P, Judge Superior Court City of Grinnell.
Lyric Theatre The, L S Long propr.
McBride Ernest E, dry goods.
McGivern John P, horse breeder,
McIntosh A & Co (Andrew McIntosh, C B Bryan, F A Parker), genl store.
McKarahan & Co (J M McKarahan), hardware.
McMurray J H & Co (James H jr and James H McMurray), dry goods.
McNally Charles L, meats.
Manatt & Co, Emily Manatt prop, dry goods.
Marsh Eli A, jeweler.
Mart Wm H, moving pictures.
Marvin Francis P, notary public.
Matteson F L, painter.
Mehlin J H & Co, (John H Mehlin, Frank F Clindinin), grocers.
MERCHANTS NATIONAL BANK (Capital $100,000), George Hamlin Pres, S A Cravath Vice-Pres, S A MacEachron Asst Cashr,  Hallie C Burd Asst Cashr.
Miles George L, hardware.
Miller Charles A, publr Grinnell Register.
Miller & Rich (J S Miller, C K Rich), ice.
MONROE HOTEL, M Gertrude Cappron, Propr.
Morrison-Ricker Mnfg Co (D S and Fred Morrison, B J Ricker), glove mnfrs.
MOUSLEY WM, Clerk Monroe Hotel.
Mowitt Thomas G, agt US Express Co.
Moyle Wm T, baker and grocer.
Mullin James J, real estate.
Mutual Home, Loan and Savings Assn, F P Marvin sec.
Neely J E & Son (James E and Earl M), coal.
Nelson & Son (Samuel and Wm J), general store.
NOLL THOMAS J, Lawyer, Notary Public. Real Estate and Insurance.
Norris John W, livery.
NORRIS & BURROUGHS (Paul G Norris, Alfred Burroughs), Law, Loans and Auction Sales.
Nusbaum Julius, cigars.
Paine Mrs Edward G, mngr Western Union Tel Co.
Parish & Harris (O F Parish, C E Harris), physicians.
Parker John H, housemover.
PATTON JOHN H. Lawyer and Mayor.
Peoples' Light & Fuel Co, Oscar B Mathews mngr.
Phelps Carl C, restaurant.
Philpott Edna, china decorator.
Plagakis Charles, confectioner.
Prall Isaac, real estate.
Preston Virgil G, clothing.
Ramsey Grant, grocer.
Ray & Frisbie Wm G Ray, Alfred L Frisbie jr), publrs Grinnell Herald.
RAYBURN & LYMAN (Will C Rayburn, Henry G Lyman, Lawyers.
Reiter Maxwell P, real estate.
Revitte Frank J, mngr Postal Tel and Cable Co.
Reynolds Frank, restaurant.
Rinefort Louis H, clothing.
RITTER HARRY R. Hardware, Plumbing. Heating and Sheet Metal Work.
Robinson J W & Son (James W and Arthur A), jewelers.
Ross Shoe Co (R B Work, L Kutish).
Ruggles Samuel D, cigars.
Rust Josephine W, physician.
Sampson George, contractor.
Sanders John, propr Grinnell Laundry.
Saunders George L, mngr Interior Telephone Co.
Scarlet and Black (semi-weekly), published by Grinnell College students.
Schweitert John B, plano tuner.
Sherman Arthur M, physician.
Simmon Henry P, plumber.
Simmons Grocery Co (George W Simmons, Clarence W Rose).
Somers Pearl E, physician.
Spaulding Mnfg Co (Henry W, Fred E and Ernest H Spaulding), carriage and auto mnfrs.
Spencer John, cement contr.
Stahl Augustus, plumber.
Sterrett Mayme B, public stenog. 
Stewart Library, Stella L Wiley librarian.
Storm Henry B, drugs.
Stowe Wm W, contractor.
Streck Philip, carpenter.
Swaney Austin F, real estate and ins.
Swisher Bros (Charles A and Milton W).
Talbott A D & Co (Arthur D Talbott), drugs.
Talbott Eugene F, physician.
Talbott Perry, vet surg.
Tarvestad Jacob C, pianos.
Tarvestad Marie, public stenog.
Viele Byron E, shooting gallery.
Wesell Charles W, carpenter.
Wiley Edward B,  physician.
Thackery Frank W, restaurant.
Unit The (monthly), published by students of Grinnell College.
Von Draska Frank, cigars.
Warburton David R, concrete and lbr.
Waring Elliott S, printer.
Watland Lumber Co, Gideon O Watland propr.
Wensco & Roby (Wm H Wensco, Willie S Roby), grocers.
Wiley James F. livery.
Willard Wm O, nurseryman.
Williams George T, grocer.
Willson Floyd C, grain.
Willson & Hastings (F C Willson, W C Hastings), coal.
Wilson & Marvin (Jarvis F Wilson, Francis P Marvin), insurance.
Wineman Glove Co (T P Wineman, C Vanderveer), glove mnfrs.
Yeager & Stoaks (Harry I Yeager, Warder H Stoaks), mngrs.
GUERNSEY. Population, 143. In Lincoln township, Poweshiek county, on the C. & N. W. Ry, 15 miles n. e. of Montezuma, the seat of justice. Has Methodist Episcopal and United Presbyterian churches and a bank. Exp., Am. Tel., W. U.. Telephone connection. A. N. Drummond, postmaster.

American Express Co, J W Dobbins agt.
Bonn Lumber Co.
C & N W Ry, J W Dobbins agt.
Cordes & Leska, general store.
Dobbins J W, r r, exp and tel agt and hotel.
Dolezal A, general store.
Dolezal Frank, grocer.
Dolezal John jr, implements.
DRUMMOND A N, Books, Stationery, Patent Medicines and Postmaster.
Groff C E, poultry and cream.
Guernsey Savings Bank (cap $11,000), W H Bonn pres, T H Miner cashier.
Intemann Hardware Co.
Newman John Co, creamery.
Sweeker J, grain.
Wanchura L, restaurant.
Western Union Tel Co.
HARTWICK. Population, 120. In Jefferson township, Poweshiek county, on the C. & N. W. Ry., 24 miles n. e. of Montezuma, the county seat. Has Church of Christ and Congregational churches and a bank. Exp., Am. Tel., W. U.; D. L Lanning, postmaster.

Bassett E J & Co, general store.
Cummings G W, r r, exp and tel agt.
Farmers Savings Bank (capital $12,500), Isaac Hakeman pres, B W Grier cashr.
Farmers' Telephone Co.
Korns & Foulke, furn and hardware.
LANNING D L, General Store and Postmaster.
McCarty James, grain.
Newman John & Co, creamery.
Nicholson G M, restr and hotel.
JACOBS. Population, 14. A postoffice on the M. & St. L. Ry., in Washington township, Poweshiek county, 10 miles n. w. of Montezuma, the county seat, and 7 from Grinnell, the nearest bank location. Telephone connection. L. A. Windhurst, postmaster.

Farmers' Co-operative Co, creamery.
WINDHURST L A, General Store, Coal Feed, Grain and Postmaster.
MALCOM. Population, 377. An incorporated town on the C., R. I. & P. Ry., and on Bear creek in Malcom township, Poweshiek county, 8 miles n. of Montezuma, the judicial seat, and 64 from Des Moines. Has German Lutheran, Methodist and Presbyterian churches, a graded public school, a bank and a weekly newspaper, the Leader. Exp., U. S. Tel., W. U.; Miss Elizabeth Winchell, post master.

Andrus G F, livery.
Bair W G Lumber Co, grain and lumber.
Bernard F S, farm implts.
Boyd & Boyd, attorneys.
Harmon E H, agt C RI & P Ry.
Hayes Elmer & Co, general mdse.
Hays George, general store.
Hoover Henry, carpenter.
Hubbert House, C Ross Wiley propr.
Kloss Joseph, general store.
McCoy Arden, publr Leader.
Malcom Garage Co, John Eichhorn pres.
Malcom Leader, Arden McCoy publr.
Malcom Mercantile Co. general store.
Malcom Produce Co, L F Whitehead prop.
Malcom Savings Bank (cap $25,000), J F Eisile pres, C O Bowers cashier.
Marvin J B, restaurant.
Maxwell John A, mayor.
Royce G L, carpenter.
Schultz Gust J, meats.
Scott Charles T, furniture.
Vanderwall & Co, clothing.
Vogel W F., hardware.
WOBA Auditorium.
Wilcox D, physician.
Wilcox Vinton S, physician.
Wiley C Ross, propr Hubbert House.
Wilson M A, carpenter.
Winchell J E, drugs.
MONTEZUMA. Population, 1,172. The judicial seat of Poweshiek county, is an incorporated town located on the C., R. I. & P. and Minneapolis & St. Louis Rys, (depots mile apart), 17 miles s. e. of Grinnell, 24 n. of Oskaloosa, and 72 e. of Des Moines. It is lighted by electricity, has an excellent system of water works, sewers, an efficient fire department, 3 churches, good schools, an opera house with a seating capacity of 600, 2 banks and 2 weekly newspapers, the Poweshiek County Palladium and the Republican. Ships grain, live stock, butter, eggs and produce. Tel., W. U. Exp., Adams and U.S.; G. W. Wiltse, postmaster.

Adams C G, painter.
Alexander & Co (Roy S Alexander), drugs.
Allely Jennie, stenographer.
Anderson Clothing Company (James E Anderson).
Babbitt Glen R, restaurant.
Binegar G Edward, automobiles.
BLAIN WM F, Propr Cottage Hotel.
Bryan Bros, carpet weavers.
Bryan John B, rr and exp agent.
Bryan J B & Co (John B and Chester S Bryan, Otho Grady), drugs.
Bryan Luther, jeweler.
CARR JOHN W, Lawyer and Abstract Examiner.
CLARK & CLARK (Charles) R and Charles W), Lawyers.
Cook Glen E, photographer.
COTTAGE HOTEL, W F Blain Prop. Reasonable Rates, Special Attention to Commercial Travelers.
Donaldson & Sheely (Arthur G Donaldson, Marion J Sheely), wagonmakers.
Duffus & Sons (Alexander, Ray and Archie), implements.
First National Bank (cap $50,000), A F Rayburn pres, E D Rayburn cashr.
Fultz J H, drayage.
Goodson J Marion, lawyer.
Graham Alva B, dentist.
Green James E, mngr Interior Telephone Co.
Griffin Charles J, insurance.
Gross J F, insurance.
Gunderson John A, rr, exp and tel agt.
Harden Joseph E, livery.
Harding James B, shoemaker.
Hawkins George W, mngr Opera House.
High Delbert B, dentist.
HOTEL WEBBER AND ANNEX, J C Webber Propr, Opposite C, R I & P Depot.
Houston Bush, physician.
HUNT CHARLES C (Successor to E J Lewis), Abstracter and County Treasurer.
Hunter S A, painter.
Hunting J H, carpenter.
Hutchinson John, plumber.
Ingraham Samuel G, meats.
Interior Telephone Co, J E Green mngr.
Irwin John, carpenter.
Jenks Lloyd T, clothing.
Johnson W P, real estate.
Johnston George F, grocer.
King A C Hardware Co (Arthur C and Arthur L King).
King Oren W, physician.
KING O C & CO (O Carl and Arthur L), Lumber, Grain and Coal.
LEWIS WM R, Lawyer. Practice in All Courts, State and Federal.
Light Frank D, real estate.
Light & Hutchinson (Tillie Light, S H Hutchinson), milliners.
Lorenzen J H & Son (Mrs John H and George H), furn and undertakers.
McDill James, plasterer.
McDonald James, carpenter.
Mentzer Albert, hardware.
Montezuma Creamery Co (John and Joseph Newman, J E Ducharme).
Montezuma Electric Light & Power Co, A F Rayburn sec.
Montezuma Lumber Co, E H Haigler mngr.
Montezuma Opera House, G W Hawkins mngr.
Montezuma Produce Co, J H Lambert, mngr.
Montezuma Republican (weekly), Chas K Needham Co publrs.
Montezuma Savings Bank (cap $30,000), J W Carr pres, A C McGill cashr.
Moore Samuel H, harnessmaker.
Moore & Roberts (Harlan G Moore, Reynold C Roberts), general store.
Morris Joseph, hog breeder.
Mortland Reuben L & Robert A, publrs
Poweshiek Co Palladium.
MORTON HAMILTON F, Lawyer and Justice.
Mullikin John V, clothes cleaner.
Mutual Telephone Exchange, Samuel J Zorn mngr.
Needham Charles K Co (Charles K, Sherman W, Wm H Needham jr and J R Williams), publrs Montezuma Republican.
Phippen James, moving pictures.
Platt John H, drugs and vet surgeon.
Powell Willard L, grocer.
Poweshiek County Abstract Co (E M Bryan, E V Harper).
Poweshiek County Palladium, R L & R A Mortland publrs.
Rodgers Eugene K, restaurant.
Rodgers James L, produce.
Sanders Harrison, carpenter.
Sanders H C & Son (H C and W H), poultry breeders.
Reuben E, poultry breeder.
Sharer C E, real estate.
Shearer Leonard A, jeweler.
Silverling Albert B, furn and undertaker.
Smith Grocery Co (Plinifred F and Cliff A D Smith), grocers.
Smith J D, poultry breeder. 
SMITH RALPH J, Lawyer; Has Set of Abstract Books in Office.
Stilson E R & Son (Elias R and Jesse), farm implements.
Stone Wm N, general store.
Taylor Cyrus H, grocer.
THORN LEWIS E, Real Estate and Insurance.
Trimble Guy C, osteopath.
Tucker Charles J, feed barn,
WEBBER JAMES C, Propr Hotel Webber and Annex.
Westphal & Stull (Paul F Westphal, Wm H Stull), meats.
Williams Arthur, auctioneer.
Williams Enos B, physician.
Williamson Robert, plasterer. 
Wiltse G W, postmaster.
Winget James G, grocer.
Zirbel August G, laundry.
SEARSBORO. Population, 226. An incorporated town on the Iowa Central Ry, in Sugar Creek township, Poweshiek county, 10 miles w. of Montezuma, the county seat. Has Catholic, Friends and Methodist churches, and a bank. Tel, W. U. Exp. Adams. Clara J. Evans, postmaster.

BANK OF SEARSBORO (Capital $6,000), W McNiel Pres and Cashier.
Bowen Grain & Lumber Co.
Evans, Clara J, postmaster.
Ford John, live stock.
Herson Bros, grocers.
James & Co, general store.
Kiene George, r r, exp and tel agt.
McDonald A, harness.
McGarry S B, physician.
Murdy W C, hotel.
Myers John T, grocer and meats.
Orcutt & McDowell, hardware.
Powell J H, restaurant.
Saunders I S, general store.
Sheehy Timothy, drugs.
Warren, E T, physician.
SHERIDAN. A discontinued postoffice in Poweshiek county. Has rural delivery from Malcolm.

Shope J F, general store.
SONORA. A discontinued postoffice in Chester township, Poweshiek county, 25 miles n. w. of Montezuma, the county seat, and 10 n. of Grinnell, the nearest railroad station and banking point. Has rural delivery from Gilman.
STILWELL. Is a postoffice and flag station on the M. & St. L. Ry., in Sugar Creek township, Poweshiek county, 12 miles s. w. of Montezuma, the judicial seat, and 4 1/2 from New Sharon, the nearest bank location. The railroad name is Moore. Exp., Adams. George L. Hildebrand, postmaster.

HILDEBRAND GEORGE L, Postmaster and General Store.
TILTON. Population, 45. On the C. & N. W. Ry., in Deep River township, Poweshiek county, 14 miles s. e. of Montezuma, the judicial seat, and 5 from Deep River, the nearest banking point. Tel. W. C. Exp., Am.; Lewis Capehart postmaster.

Kruse F W, r r, exp and tel agent.
Messenger Clayton, live stock.
Miner W E, hardware.
Wolf H M, carpenter.