1848-1849 & 1852-53
Microfilm copy of original records located at the
second county courthouse in Avoca, Iowa. Marriage records were
kept by the Clerk of the Circuit Court until the late 1800's, when the
responsibility was changed to the Clerk of the District Court,
Pottawattamie County (Iowa).
(Press CTRL-F to search this page...)
Marriage records volume 1 and 2,
1848-1849 |
Microfilm copy can also be found on
FHL Film 227280 |
State of Iowa } Pottawattamie County } S.S.
This is to authorize and enpower and my person lawfully qualified so to do, to join in matrimony John Smith aged forty years, and Susannah Downs aged ninteen years, being a resident in said County, for which this is a license, the said Lucretia Thorn being a resident of said County, and the person so celebrating said marriage shall make due and legal return thereof to be recorded according to law.
In testimony whereof I have hereto put my hand and affixed a temporary Seal of my Seal of Office, no public Seal of Office having been yet obtained from me.
Dated and given at my Office at Kanesville in said County this fourth day of November 1848 [forty eight].
James Sloan, Clerk of the District Court in and for said County per E. M. Greene Deputy
State of Iowa } Pottawattamie County } S.S.
This is to authorize and enpower and my person lawfully qualified so to do, to join in matrimony James Matthews aged twenty four years, and Mary Johnson aged twenty one years, in Pottawattamie County, State of Iowa, for which this is a license, the said Mary Johnson being a resident of said County, and the person so celebrating said marriage shall make due and legal return thereof to be recorded according to law.
In testimony whereof I have hereto put my hand and affixed a temporary Seal of my Seal of Office, no public Seal of Office having been yet obtained from me.
Dated and given at my Office at Kanesville in said County this ? day of November 1848 forty eight. [Note: could be ninth day]
James Sloan, Clerk of the District Court in and for said County per E. M. Greene Deputy
State of Iowa } Pottawattamie County } S.S.
This is to authorize and enpower and my person lawfully qualified so to do, to join in matrimony David M. Perkins aged twenty five years, and Harriet Manda Benson aged twenty one years,in Pottawattamie County, State of Iowa, for which this is a license, the said Harriet Manda Benson being a resident of said County, and the person so celebrating said marriage shall make due and legal return thereof to be recorded according to law.
In testimony whereof I have hereto put my hand and affixed a temporary Seal of my Seal of Office, no public Seal of Office having been yet obtained from me.
Dated and given at my Office at Kanesville in said County this seventh day of November 1848 forty eight.
James Sloan, Clerk of the District Court in and for said County per E. M. Greene Deputy
State of Iowa } Pottawattamie County } S.S.
This is to authorize and enpower and my person lawfully qualified so to do, to join in matrimony Lorce Larson [?] aged twenty three years, and Mary D. Bellows aged sixteen years, in Pottawattamie County,State of Iowa for which this is a license, the said Mary D. Bellows being a resident of said County, and the person so celebrating said marriage shall make due and legal return thereof to be recorded according to law.
In testimony whereof I have hereto put my hand and affixed a temporary Seal of my Seal of Office, no public Seal of Office having been yet obtained from me.
Dated and given at my Office at Kanesville in said County this [?]day of November 1848 forty eight.
James Sloan, Clerk of the District Court in and for said County per E. M. Greene Deputy
State of Iowa } Pottawattamie County } S.S.
This is to authorize and enpower and my person lawfully qualified so to do, to join in matrimony Thomas Graham aged forty one years, and Sarah A. Lander aged thirty eight years, in said county, for which this is a license,the said Sarah A. Landers being a resident of said County, and the person so celebrating said marriage shall make due and legal return thereof to be recorded according to law.
In testimony whereof I have hereto put my hand and affixed a temporary Seal of my Seal of Office, no public Seal of Office having been yet obtained from me.
Dated and given at my Office at Kanesville in said County this 21st day of November 1848,forty eight.
James Sloan, Clerk of the District Court in and for said County per E. M. Greene Deputy
State of Iowa } Pottawattamie County } S.S.
This is to authorize and enpower and my person lawfully qualified so to do, to join in matrimony John B. Dingman aged twenty one years, and Elizabeth Foy aged nineteen years, in said county, for which this is a license,the said Elizabeth Foy being a resident of said County, and the person so celebrating said marriage shall make due and legal return thereof to be recorded according to law.
In testimony whereof I have hereto put my hand and affixed a temporary Seal of my Seal of Office, no public Seal of Office having been yet obtained from me.
Dated and given at my Office at Kanesville in said County this 21st day of November 1848 forty eight.
James Sloan, Clerk of the District Court in and for said County per E. M. Greene Deputy
State of Iowa } Pottawattamie County } S.S.
This is to authorize and enpower and my person lawfully qualified so to do, to join in matrimony Merritt Rockwell aged twenty five years, and Martha Condit aged eighteen years, in said County, for which this is a license,the said Martha Condit being a resident of said County, and the person so celebrating said marriage shall make due and legal return thereof to be recorded according to law.
In testimony whereof I have hereto put my hand and affixed a temporary Seal of my Seal of Office, no public Seal of Office having been yet obtained from me.
Dated and given at my Office at Kanesville in said County this twenty-sixth day of November 1848 forty eight.
James Sloan, Clerk of the District Court in and for said County per E. M. Greene Deputy
State of Iowa } Pottawattamie County } S.S.
This is to authorize and enpower and my person lawfully qualified so to do, to join in matrimony Benjamin Gibson aged forty three years, and Arnath Jaines [?] aged forty three years, in said County, for which this is a license,the said Arnath Jaines[?] being a resident of said County, and the person so celebrating said marriage shall make due and legal return thereof to be recorded according to law.
In testimony whereof I have hereto put my hand and affixed a temporary Seal of my Seal of Office, no public Seal of Office having been yet obtained from me.
Dated and given at my Office at Kanesville in said County this twenty-eighth day of November 1848 forty eight.
James Sloan, Clerk of the District Court in and for said County per E. M. Greene Deputy
State of Iowa } Pottawattamie County } S.S.
This is to authorize and enpower and my person lawfully qualified so to do, to join in matrimony Mittium W. Raymond [?] aged twenty four years, and Alenira [?] Cutter aged nineteen years, in said County, for which this is a license, the said Alenira[?} Cutter being a resident of said County, and the person so celebrating said marriage shall make due and legal return thereof to be recorded according to law.
In testimony whereof I have hereto put my hand and affixed a temporary Seal of my Seal of Office, no public Seal of Office having been yet obtained from me.
Dated and given at my Office at Kanesville in said County this 5th day of December 1848.
James Sloan, Clerk of the District Court in and for said County per E. M. Greene Deputy
State of Iowa } Pottawattamie County } S.S.
This is to authorize and enpower and my person lawfully qualified so to do, to join in matrimony Calvin Bingham aged twenty two years, and Lucretia Thorn aged sixteen years, in said County, for which this is a license, the said Lucretia Thorn being a resident of said County, and the person so celebrating said marriage shall make due and legal return thereof to be recorded according to law.
In testimony whereof I have hereto put my hand and affixed a temporary Seal of my Seal of Office, no public Seal of Office having been yet obtained from me.
Dated and given at my Office at Kanesville in said County this 5th day of December 1848.
James Sloan, Clerk of the District Court in and for said County per E. M. Greene Deputy
State of Iowa } Pottawattamie County } S.S.
This is to authorize and enpower and my person lawfully qualified so to do, to join in matrimony James Benson aged twenty years, and Minerva Jordan aged twenty years, in said County, for which this is a license, the said Minerva Jordan being a resident of said County, and the person so celebrating said marriage shall make due and legal return thereof to be recorded according to law.
In testimony whereof I have hereto put my hand and affixed a temporary Seal of my Seal of Office, no public Seal of Office having been yet obtained from me.
Dated and given at my Office at Kanesville in said County this 18th day of December 1848.
James Sloan, Clerk of the District Court in and for said County per E. M. Greene Deputy
State of Iowa } Pottawattamie County } S.S.
This is to authorize and enpower and my person lawfully qualified so to do, to join in matrimony Ranford [?] Colby aged twenty eight years, and Margaret Tompson aged seventeen years, the said Margaret Tompson being a resident of said County, and the person so celebrating said marriage shall make due and legal return thereof to be recorded according to law.
In testimony whereof I have hereto put my hand and affixed a temporary Seal of my Seal of Office, no public Seal of Office having been yet obtained from me.
Dated and given at my Office at Kanesville in said County this 23rd day of December 1848.
James Sloan, Clerk of the District Court in and for said County per E. M. Greene Deputy
State of Iowa } Pottawattamie County } S.S.
This is to authorize and enpower and my person lawfully qualified so to do, to join in matrimony Isaiah [?] Hamblin aged fifty seven years, and Lydia Lore [?] aged fifty one years, the said Lydia being a resident of said County, and the person so celebrating said marriage shall make due and legal return thereof to be recorded according to law.
In testimony whereof I have hereto put my hand and affixed a temporary Seal of my Seal of Office, no public Seal of Office having been yet obtained from me.
Dated and given at my Office at Kanesville in said County this 25th day of Dec 1848.
James Sloan, Clerk of the District Court in and for said County per E. M. Greene Deputy
State of Iowa } Pottawattamie County } S.S.
This is to authorize and enpower and my person lawfully qualified so to do, to join in matrimony William E. Becksted, aged twenty years, and Mary Winn aged twenty years, the said Mary Winn being a resident of said County, and the person so celebrating said marriage shall make due and legal return thereof to be recorded according to law.
In testimony whereof I have hereto put my hand and affixed a temporary Seal of my Seal of Office, no public Seal of Office having been yet obtained from me.
Dated and given at my Office at Kanesville in said County this 4th day of January 1849.
James Sloan, Clerk of the District Court in and for said County per E. M. Greene Deputy
State of Iowa } Pottawattamie County } S.S.
This is to authorize and enpower and my person lawfully qualified so to do, to join in matrimony John Muir, aged twenty two years, and Grace Muir aged twenty two years, in said County, for which this is a license, the said Grace being a resident of said County, and the person so celebrating said marriage shall make due and legal return thereof to be recorded according to law.
In testimony whereof I have hereto put my hand and affixed a temporary Seal of my Seal of Office, no public Seal of Office having been yet obtained from me.
Dated and given at my Office at Kanesville in said County this 18th day of January 1849.
James Sloan, Clerk of the District Court in and for said County per E. M. Greene Deputy
State of Iowa } Pottawattamie County } S.S.
This is to authorize and enpower and my person lawfully qualified so to do, to join in matrimony Levi Murdock aged fifty one years, and Elizabeth Gibson aged forty six years, in said County, for which this is a license,the said Elizabeth Gibson being a resident of said County, and the person so celebrating said marriage shall make due and legal return thereof to be recorded according to law.
In testimony whereof I have hereto put my hand and affixed a temporary Seal of my Seal of Office, no public Seal of Office having been yet obtained from me.
Dated and given at my Office at Kanesville in said County this 25th day of January 1849.
James Sloan, Clerk of the District Court in and for said County per E. M. Greene Deputy
Early marriage records - Marriage
licenses 1852 - 1853 |
Microfilm copy can also be found on
FHL Film 1476888, Item 1. |
Page 121
No. 60 The State of Iowa H. Standard Pottawattamie County & Marriage License issued May 28, 1852 to Jane Sillers Harvey Standard aged 24 years & Jane Sillers aged 20 years; on their oathe of their legal conditions. T. Burdick Co. Judge No. 61 The State of Iowa J. McMains Pottawattamie County & Marriage License issued May 28, 1852, M. Dewit John McMains aged 30 years & Mary Ann Dewit aged 18 years; Oathe on their legal conditions. T. Burdick Co. Judge No. 62 The State of Iowa H. Brisenbark Pottawattamie County & Marriage License issued May 29, 1852, Martha J. L. to Henry Brisenbark aged 20 years & Martha Eppersom J. L. Eppersom aged 20 years; On the application of both, their fathers. T. Burdick Co. Judge No. 63 The State of Iowa Wm. Calkins Pottawattamie County & Marriage License issued May 31, 1852 Martha to William Calkins aged 29 years, & Bennett Martha Bennett aged 24 years; on my knowledge of their legal conditions. T. Burdick Co. Judge Page 122
No. 64 The State of Iowa John Harper Pottawattamie County & Marriage License issued June 2, 1852, to I. Mitchell John N. Harper aged 29 years, & Issabella Mitchell aged 30 years, testimony of legal conditions Satisfactory. T. Burdick Co. Judge No. 65 The State of Iowa J. G. Willson Pottawattamie County & Marriage License issued June 3, 1852, to Kucy Benson John G.--Willson aged 23 years, & Lucy Benson aged 22years; On his oath of their legal conditions. T. Burdick Co. Judge No. 66 The State of Iowa E. A. Wyatt Pottawattamie County & Marriage License issued June 7, 1852, to Martha Boice Eliphalet A. Wyatt aged 22 years, & Marthanne Boice aged 17 years; On their written consent oath of her father John Boice that all was right & no legal impediment existing. T. Burdick Co. Judge No. 67 The State of Iowa N. Stokes Pottawattamie County & Marriage License issued June 8, 1852 to L. Knapp Nathan Stokes aged 52 years, & Lydia Knapp aged 47 years. T. Burdick Co. Judge No. 68 The State of Iowa S.P.Barkdell Pottawattamie County & Marriage License issued June 9, 1852, to Samuel Ellen Cotterell Peter Barkdell aged 22 years, & Ellen Cotterell aged 19 years; On his oath of their aged & legal conditions. T. Burdick Co. Judge Page 123 No. 69 The State of Iowa A. D. Keller Pottawattamie County & Marriage License issued June 14, 1852, C. S. Stephens Abraham D. Keller aged 21[27?] years, & Catherine S. Stephens aged 17 years; On his oath of their legal conditions & ages & that her father had cheerully given his consent. T. Burdick Co. Judge No. 70 The State of Iowa Joseph Pottawattamie County Bardsley Marriage License issued June 18, 1852, to & Joseph Bardsley aged 51 years, & Betty Betty Handbary Handbary aged 32 years; on his oath. T. Burdick Co. Judge No.71 The State of Iowa B. Wright Pottawattamie County & Marriage License issued June 19, 1852 E. Ann Cady Burgess Wright aged 27 years, & Esther Ann Cady aged about 18 years, On his oath to no legal impediments. T. Burdick Co. Judge No. 72 The State of Iowa Pottawattamie County Marriage License issued June 23, 1852, Perry Bingham to Perry Bingham aged 19 years, & & Elizabeth Lusk aged 18 years; on Elizabeth his oathe of their ages & conditions & Lusk his fathers written consent.
T, Burdick Co. Judge Page 124 No. 73 The State of Iowa Pottawattamie County J. Gibson Marriage License issued June 25, 1852, to & John Gibson, aged 26 years, & Ann Yatesonges [?] Ann Yates 18 years; On his oathe their ages and legal conditions
T. Burdick Co. Judge No. 74 The State of Iowa Pottawattamie County A.Monteirths[?] Marriage License issued July 27, 1852 to Alvin & Montierths aged 27 years, & Harriet M. Corpo [?] H. M. Corpo[?] aged 17 years; On his affidavit filed that he has no wife living & her father's written consent. T. Burdick Co. Judge No. 75 The State of Iowa Pottawattamie County Peter Gerrish Marriage License issued Aug 1, 1852 to & Peter Gerrish aged [no age] years, & Ann Ann Elizabeth Elizabeth Bell aged 18 years; On his oathe Bell as to their legal conditions, her fathers written consent being filed. T. Burdick Co. Judge No. 76 Marriage License issued Aug 18, 1852, to G. H. Garner Geo. H. Garner aged 23 years, & Eliza Long & aged 23 years; On his oathe as their ages & Eliza Long legal conditions.
T. Burdick Co. Judge No. 77 The State of Iowa Cornelius Brown Pottawattamie County & Marriage License issued Aug 20, 1852 to Sarah Worsley Cornelius Brown aged 50 years, & Sarah Worsley aged 28 or 30 years. T. Burdick Co. Judge Page 125 No. 78 The State of Iowa Milton Pottawattamie County Linch & Marriage License issued Sept 11, 1852, Elizabeth Milton Linch aged 20 years, & Elizabeth McCord McCord aged 17 years; On his oath of their legal ages & conditions, accompiance with her father's written consent. T. Burdick Co. Judge
No. 79 The State of Iowa Robt. M. Rogers Pottawattamie County & Marriage License issued Sept 27, 1852 to Susan Allen Robert M. Rogers aged 32 years, and Susan Allen aged 18 years: On his Oath of their age & legal conditions. T. Burdick Co. Judge No. 80 The State of Iowa Thos. Davis & Pottawattamie County L. Marsh Marriage License issued Oct 2, 1852 to Thomas Davis aged 24 years, & Lucinda Marsh aged 18 years; On this oath of their age & legal conditions. T. Burdick Co. Judge
No. 81 The State of Iowa I.M. Atkins Pottawattamie County & Marriage License issued Oct.13, 1852 Hannah to Isaac M. Atkins aged 22years, & the Douglas Hannah Douglass aged 25 years; On his oath as to their legal conditions & Judge A S. Byrants written recommence. T. Burdick Co. Judge Page 126 No. 82 The State of Iowa Jas Rhodes Pottawattamie Co & Marriage License issued October 11, 1852 Polly Shadden James Rhodes 20 years next March, & Polly Shadden aged 25 or 26 years; On his application accompanied by the well written consent of his guardian Amos Wright. T. Burdick Co. Judge No. 83 The State of Iowa J A. Jackson Pottawattamie Co. & Marriage License issued October 14, 1852 Henrietta to J. A. Jackson aged 22years, & M. St. Aubin Henrietta M. St. Aubin aged 19 years; on my personal acquaintances with these legal conditions. T. Burdick Co. Judge No. 84 The State of Iowa Wm.Rofs Pottawattamie Co. & Marriage License issued Nov 16, 1852 to Selena Johnson William I Rofs 18 years, & Selena Johnson aged 17 years; On the application written consent of both their fathers. T. Burdick Co. Judge No. 85 The State of Iowa Wm Pents Pottawattamie Co. & Marriage License issued Nov 12, 1852, to Catherine Thomas Pents, aged 21 [next month] years; & Allen Catherine Allen aged 17 years; On application of himself and guardian, written consent of ? Guardian Thate Pents. [Note: His name listed as Wm on side and Thomas in text] T. Burdick Co. Judge Page 127 No. 86 The State of Iowa Martin Pottawattamie Co. Ford Marriage License issued Nov 12, 1852, to & Martin Ford aged 20 years, 16th last ?, & Elizabeth M. Stojer aged 20 years; On application of himself & his Guardian Harvey Kell?, written consent of said Guardian. [Note: Her name omitted on side] T. Burdick Co. Judge No. 87 The State of Iowa Solomon Pottawattamie County McMullen Marriage License issued Nov 29, 1852 to & Solomon McMullen aged 22 years next June, & Ellen Dunkle Ellen Dunkle aged 19 years come next March; On application of both their fathers. T. Burdick Co. Judge No. 88 The State of Iowa David Dunkle Pottawattamie Co. & Marriage License issued Dec 17, 1852, Margaret David Dunkle aged 21 years next March, & McMullen Margaret McMullen aged 18 years next January; On the written consent of both their fathers. T. Burdick Co. Judge No. 89 The State of Iowa H. C. Forbes Pottawattamie Co. & Marriage License issued this 25th day of Dec. Orfa Waldo A. D., 1852, to Henry C. Forbes, aged 19 years, & Orfa Ann Waldo aged 18 years; On application of himself, his father and written consent. T. Burdick Co. Judge Page 128 No. 90 The State of Iowa Jacob Minten Pottawattamie Co. & Marriage License granted Dec 29, 1852, to Phebe Ann Jacob Minten aged 24 years, & Phebe Ann Lamb Lamb aged 20 years; On his oath of their ages & legal conditions. T. Burdick Co. Judge END 1852 No. 91 The State of Iowa Saml. Pottawattamie County Allen & Marriage License issued Jan 8, 1853, Nancy Samuel Allen aged 22 years, & Stout Nancy Stout aged 20 years; On his oath to their ages & legal conditions. T. Burdick Co. Judge No. 92 The State of Iowa W. Dykes Pottawattamie County & Marriage License issued January 22, 1853, to Mary Hatch William Dykes aged 37 years last NOvember, & Mary Hatch aged about 32 or 33 years; On his oath of their ages & legal conditions. T. Burdick Co. Judge No. 93 The State of Iowa Isaac Loyd Pottawattamie Co. & Marriage License issued Jan 25, 1853, to Isaac Nancy M. Loid aged 28 years, & Nancy M. Alexander, aged 21 years; On his oath of their ages & legal conditions. [Note: Spelled Loyd on side and Loid in written text] Page 129 No. 94 The State of Iowa Martin D. Pottawattamie Co. Hardin & Marriage License issued Jan 26, 1853, Harriet E. to Martin D. Hardin, aged 26 years, & Harriet Joines E. Joines aged 16 years; On his application and the written consent of her parents; the parties being also known by me. T. Burdick Co. Judge No. 95 The State of Iowa Wm Ballard & Pottawattamie Co. Mary Adeline Marriage License issued February 4, 1853 to Pierce William Ballard aged 20 years 3 day of March next, & Mary Adeline Pierce aged 19 years 22 day of last January; On written consent of his father. T. Burdick Co. Judge No. 96 The State of Iowa Joel C.Stebbins Pottawattamie Co. & Marriage License issued Feb 18, 1853, Nancy Butler Joel C. Stebbins aged about 22 years & Nancy Butler aged about 23 years; On the application & oath of William Parrish as their ages & legal conditions. T. Burdick Co. Judge No. 97 The State of Iowa J. B. Dingman Pottawattamie Co. & Marriage License issued March Martha Ann 2, 1853, to John B. Dingman aged 25 years, Ritter & Martha Ann Ritter aged 15 years; On his oath to their ages & legal conditions, & her father's written consent below. T. Burdick Co. Judge I cheerfully give my consent to the marriage of my daughter the said Martha Ann Ritter to John B. Dingman aforesaid. Signed: Adam Ritter Page 130 No. 98 The State of Iowa Asahel Pottawattamie Co. Roundy & Marriage License issued March 17, 1853 to Asahel Sarah Roundy aged 24 years, & Sarah Ornausdoll [?] Ornausdoll [?] aged 21 years; On his oath to their legal conditions.
T. Burdick Co. Judge No. 99 The State of Iowa Edwin F. Pottawattamie County Howell & Marriage License issued March 22, 1853, Mary C. to Edwin F. Howell aged 22 years, & Mary C. Harris Harris aged 21 years; Oath to their ages & legal conditions. T. Burdick Co. Judge 100 The State of Iowa Newton Pottawattamie Co. Richards Marriage License issued March 25, 1853, to & Newton Richards aged 26 years, & Juliann Julieann Hudges aged 19 years; On his oath Hudges to their ages & legal conditions.
T. Burdick Co., Judge No. 101 The State of Iowa Harvey Kidny Pottawattamie Co. & Marriage License issued March 29, 1853, to Jane Stoker Harvy Kidny 37 years, & Jane Stoker aged 18 years; On his oath & her father's consent. T. Burdick Co. Judge Page 131 No. 102 The State of Iowa Wm. C. Johnson Pottawattamie Co. aged 23, & Marriage License issued April 13, 1853, to Maryett Root William C. Johnson aged 23 years, & aged 19 years Maryett Root aged 19 years; On his oath to their ages & legal conditions. T. Burdick Co. Judge No. 103 The State of Iowa Lorin A Goff Pottawattamie Co. 23 years old & Marriage License issued April 14, 1853, Lucretia A. Lorin A Goff aged 23 years, & Dibble aged Lucretia A Dibble [Iva T. Dibble widow]aged about 27 years 27 years. On his application & my knowledge of his legal conditions. T. Burdick Co. Judge
No. 104 The State of Iowa W, W, Walker Pottawattamie Co. aged 25 years Marriage License issued April 21, 1853, to & Wm. W. Walker aged 25 years, & Elizabeth Wright Elizabeth aged 20 years; On his oath to their ages & Wright legal conditions. aged 20 years
T. Burdick Co. Judge
No. 105 The State of Iowa W. A. Scott Pottawattamie Co. aged 21 years Marriage License issued April 20, 1853, & to Martha Cooper W. A. Scott aged 21 years, & Martha Cooper aged 20 years aged 20 years; On his oath & her father's written consent. T. Burdick Co. Judge Page 132 No. 106 The State of Iowa David A. Pottawattamie Co. Arnold 25 Marriage License issued April 29, 1853 years old & David A. Arnold aged 23 years old, Emeline & Emeline Middleton between 20 & 30 years 23 years old old; On his oath of their legal conditions.
T. Burdick Co. Judge No. 107 The State of Iowa Orville Pottawattamie Co. Pomroy aged Marriage License issued April 30, 1853, to 24 years, & Orville Pomroy aged 24 years, & Melissa Coe Melissa aged 24 years; On the application & oath Coe, aged of his brother A. P. Pomroy. 24 years T. Burdick Co. Judge No. 108 The State of Iowa Geo. Williamson Pottawattamie Co. aged 23 years,& Marriage License issued May 4, 1853, to Electa Thompson George Williamson aged 23 years, & aged 22 years Electa Thompson aged 22 years; on application & oath of an intelligent appeasing man who so name I forgot to ask; came in afterwards & gave his name Charles McFlinnagan [?] [could be McHinnagin] T. Burdick Co. Judge No. 109 The State of Iowa Clark Hall Pottawattamie County aged 28 years,& Marriage License issued May [no day], 1853, to Mary Ann Clark Hall & Mary Ann Taylor; On his oath Taylor aged & application. 18 yrs.
T. Burdick Co. Judge Page 133 No. 110 The State of Iowa Geo. King Pottawattamie Co. aged 23 & Marriage License issued May 10, 1853, to Caroline George King aged 23 years & Caroline Stroup Stroup twenty years; On his oath of their ages & aged 20 yrs. legal conditions.
T. Burdick Co. Judge No. 111 The State of Iowa Cormick Pottawattamie County McNulty 25 Marriage License issued May 15th A.D. 1853, to years old & Cormick McNulty aged 25 years, & Catherine Catherine Oneil aged 23 years. Oneil 23 years old T. Burdick Co. Judge
No. 112 The State of Iowa Alfred H. Pottawattamie Co. Benson 27 Marriage License issued May 23rd A. D. 1853 years old to Alfred H. Benson 27 years old Catharine & Catharine Stoker 21 years old Stoker 21 years old G. A. Robinson Co. Judge No. 113 The State of Iowa N L.Honnce Marriage License issued May 23d A. D. 1853 39 years old to N. L. Honnce 39 years old & Jesusia [?] Anderson 23 years old. J[?] Anderson 23 years old
G. A. Robinson Co. Judge Page 134 No. 114 The State of Iowa J. E. Vailes Pottawattamie Co. aged 29 years Marriage License issued June 6th A. D. 1853 & Sarah Jane to J. E. Vailes aged 29 years old & Allen aged 19 Sarah Jane Allen aged 19 years old. years old
G. A. Robinson Co. Judge No. 115 State of Iowa F. Ellsworth Marriage License issued June 25th A. D. 1853 aged 32 years to Franklin Ellsworth aged 32 years old & L. A. Hoove Lyardia A. Hoove [?] aged 28 years old.
G. A. Robinson Co. Judge No. 116 State of Iowa The. Moses Pottawattamie Co. aged 25 yrs Marriage License issued Aug 6th A. D. 1853 Ellen J. Lidget to Theodore Moses aged 25 years old aged 16 years & Ellen Jane Lidget aged 16 years old.
G. A Robinson Co. Judge No. 117 State of Iowa Pottawattamie Co. Marriage License issued to [?] L. Griffey 26 years old and Mary Isabella Brown 22 years old. G. A. Robinson Co. Judge