Migration Stories
Roads and Trails, 1780 - 1860 |
courtesy of Cathy Joynt Labath. |
Here is a collection of your own
migration stories. Do you have an interesting account of your
Pottawattamie County ancestor's migration? Please send your
migration stories to the Pottawattamie County
Coordinator. |
following article was printed in the
World-Herald when Stuart Buckingham was 12 and his sister Beverly was
9. The John Buckingham family lived in an old stagecoach house and the
article gives some of the history of the house.)
Mr. and Mrs. John Buckingham don't object
when their two children spend hours watching television. And they don't
mind when the youngsters whoop it up a bit during the westerns. But
when Beverly, 9, and Stuart, 12, get unduly excited in those scenes
where the stagecoach pulls up to the station
far out in the country - well that's a bit too much.
For the Buckinghams live in a former stagecoach house where a hundred
years ago drivers stopped to obtain fresh horses. The barn is now gone,
but the central portion of the Buckingham's home was built about 1864
as a stagecoach depot. The original house included two rooms down
stairs and a large room up. Mr. Buckingham reports that practically all
of the wood was native grown and the rough-hewn 2 by 4's still are in
good shape.
The area was homesteaded by Mr. Buckingham's grandmother, Mrs. Dorcas
Osler, in 1864 and she paid $4.50 and acre for more than eight hundred
acres. Her husband died en route from Indiana but she came on with her
seven sons.*
She operated the stagecoach stop many years, Mr. Buckingham reported,
adding that the area grew to include a blacksmith shop, several homes
and a church. The town was given the man of "Wheeler," which name now
remains only in the Wheeler Grove Church.
Mrs. Harriet Buckingham, a daughter-in-law of the homesteaders, reports
that the Mormon trail followed the old stagecoach route southwest from
Wheeler. She added rooms on the east and west sided of the house about
*Note by Scott Cary - Her husband, Basil Dorsey Osler, actually died
from heatstroke in Illinois after returning there from homesteading the
land in Iowa. His wife, Dorcas, pregnant and without a husband,
traveled to Iowa with her 4 sons: William, Samuel, Elwood & Gilbert
and 2 daughters: Sarah and Elnora, (my GG-grandmother). 1 daughter,
Martha, remained in Illinois. Her 2 oldest sons, James and John, were
off fighting for the Union in the Civil War. A 7th son, Sherman, was
born once they arrived in Iowa.
I've done a lot of research
on my HARDING and SARRATT ancestors who
settled in Pott. Co., the Hardings coming with the early migration of
the Mormon pioneers and settling near Crescent, Iowa. I thought readers
might find some of the descriptions of that time period, about 1845 to
1860, interesting and perhaps it mirrors the same stories of your
pioneer ancestors.
Most of my ancestors sold
everything in the east to come
west, and many joined up with the Mormon bands in Nauvoo and Carthage
when they were forced to flee the city, ill prepared for a winter and
wet spring crossing Iowa. Most followed what today is called the Mormon
trail, crossing the Mississippi River and settling at Sugar Creek and
others pressing on to Keosaqua, Iowa camp. They took whatever they
could carry in a wagon (if they had one) or walking and pulling a cart
along. In the very early days, most had wagons but some had nothing but
tents and blankets from which they fashioned a sleeping hut by laying
the blankets over bushes. They literally walked across Iowa.
By the time they reached the
western edge of Iowa, they
had faced near starvation, bugs, diseases, rattle snakes, loss of loved
ones, births of new babies, and back breaking work to get to
Pottawattamie County and the banks of the Missouri River. They traded
what little they had for flour or grain along the way from what few
farmers lived in Iowa then; or they traded their work, their singing,
or their cooking for other goods. By the time they arrived at the
Missouri River, many had black scurvey, were undernourished or
suffering from fevers, chills, unknown sores, and rheumatism. Living on
the banks of the Missouri River in cold wagons or tents didn't improve
their health, until the spring came and they began to build log huts or
houses. Even then, sanitation wasn't the best in the area as thousands
more Mormons poured into the areas on either side of the Missouri
One early history described
two sisters who were ill
with fevers and chills and "laid for weeks beside each other on the bed
tick, prostrate and very sick." Black scurvey was also described as
having "begun its work and cases proved fatal. It would commence with
dark streaks and pains in the ends of the fingers or toes, which
increased and spread till the limbs were inflamed and became almost
black, causing such intense agony that death would be welcomed as a
release from the suffering. It was caused by the want of vegetable food
and living so long on salt meat."
An early description of the
area by Colonel Thomas Kane
described his arrival in the area in the summer: "On the east side of
the river were crowded with covered carts and wagons; and each one of
the Council Bluff hills opposite was crowned with its own great camp,
gay with bright white canvas, and alive with the busy stir of thousands
of swarming occupants. Herd boys were dozing upon the slopes and smoke
streamed up from more than a thousand cooking fires. Countless roads
and by-paths checkered all manner of geometric figures on the
hillsides. From a single point, I counted four thousand head of cattle
in view at one time."
My ancestors eventually left
the main body of the Church
and settled in the hills just about a mile north of Crescent, Iowa.
Benjamin Harding (son of Payne Harding) was an Elder in the RLDS church
there and owned a farm of about 120 acres. Much to our surprise, many
years after Benjamin's arrival and several generations later, about
1967 my parents bought an 80-acre farm in the hills north of Crescent.
When the title and abstract were reviewed, much to my Dad's amazement,
our 80 acres turned out to have belonged to his great-grandfather
Benjamin Harding! Growing up on this farm, I remember Bob Kirkwood, our
neighbor, telling us about his own ancestor's log home, which still
existed on the corner by his house and which Bob used then as a tool
shed. It was only 8 feet by 12 feet, with two windows, and Bob said his
ancestors had raised many children there. He later tore it down. He
also told the story that his ancestors took their first load of corn to
Omaha for sale and it took them 4 days to travel by wagon, around all
the sloughs and muddy bogs, from Crescent to the Missouri River. An
early Kirkwood biography says that Mr. Kirkwood had to often unload the
corn, carry it in bags across the muddy areas, drive the wagon around
or across, then re-load! North of Crescent, across the creek and up the
hillside, on the Williams farm was a very early Mormon cemetery, and an
area where a small RLDS church had once stood which my
Great-Great-Grandfather Harding had served in as Elder. Benjamin
Harding and his family are buried at the Crescent Cemetery, Crescent,
I grew up with many of the
later generations of the
early pioneers of that area, including McIntosh, Hatcher, Collins,
Terry, Oamek, Kirkwood, Williams, Moran, McMullen, Pratt, Price, and
many others. Even though I've lived away for almost 16 years, I still
miss it.
Signed, Mona Sarratt Knight
Basil Dorsey Osler,
the second son of John K. Osler, married
Dorcas Tabitha Norton (b. 1/9/1824 - d. 8/10/1907). Dorcas was born in
North Carolina. Dorcas' parents were James Norton (b. 1789 - d.
3/28/1868 in Lincoln, Logan County, IL) and Frances Usher (b.1798 in
North Carolina - d. 8/28/1891 in Lincoln, Logan County, IL). The
Nortons' moved from North Carolina to Wayne and Randolph Counties in
Indiana when Dorcas was a little girl. Basil is buried in Lincoln,
Logan County, Illinois.
Basil and Dorcas lived first in Winchester, Randolph County, Indiana.
They then moved to Illinois, near Lincoln, in Logan County where ten of
the eleven children were born. Basil went to Iowa and homesteaded a
farm in Wheelers Grove (Section 16, Grove Township) Pottawattamie
County. He returned to Illinois for his family but died of heat stroke.
Basil is buried by his daughter, Indiana, who died at the age of six in
Logan County, Illinois. Dorcas sold their Illinois farm and put the
money in an old churn. In 1864, pregnant and without a husband, Dorcas
took her six children in a covered wagon to Iowa. The money she had put
in the butter churn was saved during a robbery attempt enroute to Iowa.
Sherman Osler was born after their arrival in Iowa. Martha Osler, her
oldest daughter, married Peter Hitchell and remained in Illinois. Her
oldest sons, John ("Jack") and James were serving in the Civil War at
the time.
Dorcas operated the farm Basil had homesteaded, and a general store on
the land. The old stage barn on the Mormon Trail was located near her
store. She was a member of the Wheelers Grove Christian Church which
still stands on the edge of her original homesteaded farm.
The first two schools in the area were held in homes on the Mormon
Trail, one in the residence of Silas Wheeler for whom Wheelers Grove is
named. The first school erected on the Trail was in Section 20, three
miles from Dorcas' home. It was built of logs with a punction floor and
Grove Township was at one time included in the territory of Macedonia
Township, but in September 1858, it was organized as a township, and
thus an election precinct. The business district was located at
Eminence, later called Wheeler. Alex Osler was Justice of Peace.
Dorcas lived to see 64 grandchildren, 65 great-grandchildren and seven
great-great-grand-children. Dorcas Tabitha NORTON OSLER was a true