1880 History of Polk County

Biographies - Des Moines

Henry M. D. Cox

COX, HENRY, M. D. — Physician and surgeon. Prominent among the men of his profession is the one whose name heads this sketch. He was born in Butler county, Ohio, September 21, 1821, and when five years of age emigrated to Indiana, and shortly afterward his parents died. Then he returned to Ohio where he remained three years and then went again to Indiana. His early education was received in the schools of Ohio and the latter State. This he supplemented with a medical course as he had made choice of medicine as his profession, and after graduating from the Ohio Medical College at Cincinnati, in March, 1853, he began to practice in Indiana. This he continued until 1866 when, on account of his health, he came to this city, and engaged in the drug business, following the same until 1873. He then engaged in the practice of his chosen calling which he has since followed. In 1849 Dr. Cox made a trip overland, to California, and was five months on the way. He practiced in California, and after his return, in November, 1851, went to Cincinnati and graduated. He was married in Highland county, Ohio, October 15, 1846, to Miss Catharine H. Batie of Ohio. They have three sons and two daughters living: Mary L, Eliza, James E., Cassius C. and Elmer E.; lost one son, Frank E. As early as 1843 the Doctor engaged in the drug business, and continued the same until 1849.

Source: "The History of Polk County, Iowa" published by the Union Historical Company, Birdsall, Williams & Co. 1880, pp. 792-793.

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