

LeMars Globe-Post, Thursday, May 18, 1944

The mothers and daughters tea which is an annual event at Western Union college was held on Saturday afternoon in the Union hall dorm.  The program opened with a musical prelude played by Dorothy Metzner.  The guests of the afternoon were cordially greeted and welcomed by Helen Spong, with Mrs. Eldon Danne responding for the mothers.  Flute solo (selected), Marjorie Ebhinger; musical reading, Audrey Wolford, reading with Eleanor Ducker playing the piano accompaniment.  The girls college sextette gave two numbers, Pavonne and Oh the Things You Are

Tea was served immediately after the formal program with informal visiting adding to the interest at this time.  A shower bouquet of tulips in yellow and white were used to decorate the tea table and Audrey Wolford and Letha Marks presided at the tea urns.  Corsage bouquets of spring flowers were given to the mothers and made attractive souvenirs for the pleasant occasion.
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Dr. and Mrs. B. F. Zuehl entertained the members of the graduating class of 1944 at dinner on Friday evening.  Miniature diplomas  bearing the seal of W. U. C. made attractive place favors. Social conversation featured the dinner hour.  Following the service of the dinner menu the host, Dr. Zuehl, gave an informal talk on the students and their work during their college days.  A very interesting class prophecy was given by Letha Marks and Roland Walkas, which was of interest to the students of the class of 1944.
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The members of the Phi Sigma Chi enjoyed a picnic outing Wednesday evening at the New Deal park.  This was the closing meeting of the year and a short business session was held previous to the program of games planned for the entertainment.  A picnic supper concluded the pleasant event.

Phi Sigma Chi to Picnic
The members of the Phi Sigma Chi, a teacher training group, will attend a picnic next Wednesday at the New Deal park.  A business meeting and games will be included with this final meeting of the school year.  The committee in charge includes Misses Yvonne Sherbino, Joy Rieckman, Arlys Ehlers, Mary Boom, Norma Buckley, Luretta Taylor and Dorothy Searls.
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Graduating class members of 1944 of Western Union college were guests Wednesday evening of President and Mrs. D. O. Klime in their home at 935 Fourth avenue SE.  At this time the students dropped their studious thoughts and turned to relaxation and interest of this special occasion planned for their social entertainment.  May flowers and miniature flags carried with pleasing effect a pretty color scheme, in the National colors, which was used in the table decorations and appointments.  Pretty little booklets tied with red, white and blue ribbons and decorated with blue shields made attractive place favors.  Following the service of the dinner menu, the interest centered in a plane flight with Dr. Kime as pilot.  Dr. B. F. Zuehl make the “take off” talk, with the Parkinson trio in flying formation.  Mrs. Kime made a solo flight and later the award wings was made.  Small planes fashioned like jig saw puzzles were taken apart and re-assembled, as a feature of special interest.  Dr. and Mrs. B. F. Zuehl joined the students and enjoyed with them the class entertainment.
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Senior Week To Be Observed.
Next week will be observed as Senior Week; the Class of ’44 will be guests at a senior dinner given by President and Mrs. D. O. Kime Wednesday evening. 
The Class will publish the senior number of “The Gleam” and will offer programs during assembly periods of the week.
Dr. and Mrs. Kime are the class sponsors and Paul Pfaltzgraff is the president of the graduates.

Mother’s Day Tea Enjoyed.
Under the sponsorship of the Young Women’s Christian association of Western Union College, a Mother’s Day tea was observed Saturday afternoon in the administration building.  From a distance visiting mothers were Mrs. H. B. Spong of Marshall, Minn., Mrs. E. Duecker from Waverly, Ia., Mrs. C. Pearson of Kansas City.  Miss Carolyn Mischer from Neola, Ia., acted as chairman of the social committee and supervised sub-committee on arrangements and program.


[Research & Transcription done by L. Ziemann 7/15/2020]