Stanton Twp No. 4

Newspaper Articles in chronological date order


LeMars Sentinel, April 1, 1890

STANTON CENTER: (Special Correspondence)

The winter term of school in district No. 4 closed Friday. The number
enrolled for the term was 49.8; the average daily attendance 39.3. The A.B.
and C classes presented their teacher with a handsome plush toilet case and
a stereoscope with seven views. The summer term opens Monday, March 31.

LeMars Sentinel, March 8, 1896

CHURCHVILLE: (Special Correspondence)

A large crowd of people attended the entertainment of school district No. 4.
The weather, however, being somewhat disagreeable prevented a larger crowd.
The program was well carried out, a net sum amounting to about seven dollars
was obtained. The winter term will close Friday, March 13.

LeMars Sentinel, February 4, 1913

STANTON: (Special Correspondence)

Miss Madge Nicholson, of LeMars, is teaching in school district No. 4 since
the resignation of Miss Richardson and will continue to teach the coming
spring term.

LeMars Globe-Post, Thursday, Dec. 29, 1938

PLYMOUTH-STANTON: (By Special Correspondent)

Pupils of school districts Plymouth No. 4 and Stanton No. 4 invited their
parents and friends to attend their Christmas program held on Wednesday
evening. Very interesting Christmas were presented and Santa Claus managed
to make a short stop at both of the schools.

LeMars Globe-Post, April 19, 1956

(Merrill Record)

Mrs. Lucille Ruedy and Mrs. Marian Baker entertained the rural teacher's club at Stanton No. 4 Thursday, April 5. At the close of the evening, a dessert luncheon was served.




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