Hungerford No. 4

Newspaper Articles in chronological date order


LeMars Sentinel, 18 Feb 1895

POTOSIA: (Special Correspondence)

Miss Rosa Tyler, of Morningside, Sioux City, will teach the spring term of
school in sub district No. 4. Miss Tyler is an experienced teacher and we
are glad to have her among us.

School No. 4 visited No. 5 Thursday afternoon.

LeMars Sentinel, Friday, June 7, 1912

UNION: (Special Correspondence)

The program given by the school in District No. 4 on Thursday night was well
attended. The play, “Mrs. Briggs of the Poultry Yard,” was very well
rendered. Much credit must be given Miss Carrie Pape and Claribel Bender in
training the children to their parts.



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