


A Kilker family reunion was held in the country home of Mr. and Mrs. Raleigh Bruins, Sunday.

A picnic dinner and supper was served on the lawn, followed by an afternoon of visiting and outdoor sports.

Present for the day were: Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kilker and children, Donald, Betty and Lyle and Mr. and Mrs. Herman Kilker and children, Shirley, and Darrell, of Heron Lake, Minn.;

Mr. and Mrs. William Jungjohan and Karen, Judy and Dianne, of Round Lake, Minn.; Mr. and Mrs. John Wingert and Mrs. William Lorenger, of Sioux City; Mr. and Mrs. Robert Keating and children, Dean, Kathleen and Robert, Huron, S.D.;

Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Kilker, Alice, Marie and Janet; Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Kilker, Margaret, Mary and Carol, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Kilker, Deloras, Kathleen and Gaylan, Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Kilker and Sylvester and Paul, of Worthington, Minn.;

Mr. and Mrs. William Miller and Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Miller and son, Gaylin, of LeMars.

Source: LeMars Semi-Weekly Sentinel, 22 Aug 1952


Kilker Reunion:

A  family reunion was held on Thursday, August 30th, at the farm home of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Kilker, in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Don Kilker and family, of Long Beach, California, and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kiler, of Homestead, Iowa.

Those attending were:  Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Meis and family, Mr. and Mrs. James T. Wolf and family, Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Fiedler and family, Donna and Gary Fiedler, of Oyens; Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Rolling and family, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Kilker, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Steffen and family and the parents of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Kilker.

It was also the birthday of Geo. A. Kilker.

Source:  LeMars Globe-Post, September 10, 1956

