2nd PAGE OF UNIDENTIFIED OLD PHOTOS from Vernon & Karen Harrington
The Harrington's explained -- The pictures were all in the 2nd story closet in the hallway when we moved here. We don't know of anyone in the Service (photo 1), although we found a newspaper clipping labeled John Fisher in a military uniform. We don't recognize the house in the background, likely a farm, with the chicken. All 22 pictures would be either from Eilt Siebens & Venika or Feuke aka Frances (spelled many ways) Saathoff marriage, decendents of Peter Reese & Mathilda Pecks decendents." |
[NO photo labeled #10]
The Harringtons shared their thoughts about #14 photo: "Pretty sure that Feuke aka Frances aka Venka Saathoff Siebens (wife of Eilt Siebens) is sitting down in the front row, probably the oldest lady. They had 9 children." |
Click for Last Page of Photos 16 - 23
IF you can IDENTIFY ONE PERSON, then perhaps the others can be found “lurking” in your Family Tree. As you “seek & then find” or maybe just “suspect,” please EMAIL the County Coordinator. ALL suspicions & identities are MUCH APPRECIATED! |
IAGenWeb 2021