LeMars Sentinel, May 25, 1888


On Sunday morning May 27th there will be union services at the opera house to commence promptly at half past ten o’clock.  The following will be the order of exercies:
Opening Hymn – America 
Scripture Lesson – Rev. A . Vaughan Colston
Invocation – Rev. I. N.  Pardee
Hymn – No. 135 Gospel Hymns
Announcement, collection and singing –
Sermon – Rev. J. E. Snowden
Hymn – No. 124 Gospel Hymns
Benediction – Rev. D. W. Fahs

Bring your Gospel Hymns and participate in the exercises.  A general invitation is extended to all. There will be ushers to show you seats and those societies having services at 9 o’clock on Sunday morning and intending to march in a body to the opera house will have sittings reserved for them by notifying Dr. Hilbert or J. M. Emery.  No children will be admitted unless accompanied by their parents or adult friends.

Wednesday, May 30th, is a National holiday and it is customary to observe a general suspension of business.  Mower Post, G.A.R. proposes to pay proper respect and tribute to the comrades whose last resting places are marked by meager mounds in our city cemeteries and to that end have invited the people to participate with them in these patriotic exercises. The ritualistic services of the order will be used.  Dr. Hilbert has been appointed Marshal of the day and we expect to be able to publish the order of formation and line of march in Tuesday’s paper.  The following organizations have signified their intention to participate.  Strikers Cornet Band and the Northwestern Drum Corps, Co. G, and the Fire department.  The, of course, there will be the Relief Corps, The W.C.T.U., the city official, the school children, citizens on foot, and doubtless a large number of carriages.

Since the above was put in type, the committee has handed the following.  The column will form at 1 o’clock in the afternoon on Main street, right resting on 6th as follows:
Strikers Cornet Band
Co. G, 6th Reg., I.N.G.
Mower Post, No. 91, G.A.R.
Fire Department
Knights of Labor
Citizens on foot
Womans Relief Corps.
Flower Girls
W.C.T. Union
Citizens in Carriages.

The procession will march to the city cemetery, where the usual decorating exercises by the G.A.R. will take place and then to the Catholic cemetery where the same ceremony will be observed and returning will halt on Main street right resting on 8th for final orders.

After the decoration exercises are over the ladies of the Relief Corps will have supper ready at Pew’s hall for all who desire to eat with them. They propose to get up a good substantial meal for 25 cents and the tables will be spread from 5 to 8 o’clock.

The committee on music have arranged for a short program, and after the supper is ended there will be some singing, reading, recitations, and a few short speeches, just enough to close Memorial day in an appropriate and suitable manner.

You are all invited to assist in making the exercises a success.

LeMars Sentinel, week of May 30th, 1888

Wednesday morning, Decoration Day, the weather was very inauspicious. The
exercises were held in the afternoon under the auspices of the G. A. R. and
W. R. C. A literary and musical program was given in the evening. Those who
took part in the program were: Dr. M. Hilbert, Miss Nellie Fairchild, C. A.
Wernli, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Emery, Mary Norris, Mrs. J. D. Jackson, Mr. and
Mrs. C. L. Trenery, Harry McDaniels, Mae Joerndt, Mrs. J. F. Vogt. Five
minute talks were given by A. A. Alline, F. Amos, I. T. Martin, H. C.

The members of Company G. made a fine showing in the Decoration Day parade.

~Submitted for posting by volunteer, Linda Ziemann