Palo Alto County Newspapers

Newspaper items to 1909-1910

Emmetsburg Democrat
Palo Alto Co, IA
2 June 1909

Richard BEEBE was an Estherville visitor Thursday.
Joe FLOOD arrived home from Montana yesterday.
Mrs. E.A. MORLING went to Kansas City Friday, Mr. MORLING is not improving
Miss FRAZIER went to Nevada, Iowa, Saturday.
J.H. GODDEN and son George and Mr. White have been at Okoboji since Monday.
They are fishing.
Teachers desiring boarding places while attending the institute next week
will please report to Supt. Lillie PATTON.
Mr. DRUMMY has added a couple of gables to his house, has raised it, and has
made it look at least 100 per cent better.
Miss Mayme O'CONNOR arrived home from Quincy, Illinois, Tuesday morning. She
will spend some time visiting her parents.
Mr. LEAHY from Hazelton, Pennsylvania has been visiting for some time with
his uncle, Patrick LEAHY, of Emmetsburg township.
H.A. DYER, of Mason City, is a candidate for commander of the Iowa G.A.R.
The encampment will be held at Ft. Dodge June 8.
Mr. BAUCK recently bought a dandy gasoline mixer for use in putting in
cement sidewalks. He has a big season's work before him.
The Missionary society of the Congregational Church will meet at the home of
Miss Eliza BRYCE, June 9. Everybody cordially invited.
There is a new boy at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel MURPHY of this city.
The proud father's smile is still broader than it ever was before. The
Democrat extends congratulations.
Dennis KIRBY left Monday for Deer Lodge, Montana. He will spend the summer
and perhaps longer in that state. His brother Thos. will look after his
business during his absence.
P.H. DONLON was a Ruthven visitor Sunday.
Dr. BALDWIN was over from Ruthven Sunday evening.
Miss Josie McEVOY was a visitor to Whittemore last week.
J.B. LAMBE, of Graettinger, was a business visitor to Emmetsburg Monday.
Mr. BEEBE, of Spirit Lake, a real estate dealer, was in Emmetsburg on
business Monday.
F.G. McMAHON was able to come up town Monday. He is improving some, but is
still rather weak.
Miss Katie MAGUIRE went to Rolfe Friday morning to attend the High School
graduation exercises at that place.
Mr. Richard KENNETZ and Miss Pauline GRONBACK are to be married at
Whittemore today. Mr. KENNETZ is a resident of this city.
George F. WOLFE, of Hampton, was recently willed a farm by his neighbor,
Mrs. OVERPACK. She was, to say the least, a kind and a most generous
Peter JONES was able to come down town Friday for the first time in many
weeks. He is looking quite hearty again. His many friends were glad to see
him out.
Abstracts of the fish and game laws of Iowa can be had at the clothing store
of DRYBREAD & JOYCE free of charge. Call and get a copy and post up. It is
neat and well worth preserving.
The Young Ladies' Aid society of St. Thomas church will hold a social at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. M.H. CROWLEY Tuesday evening, June 8. The usual
refreshments will be served. All are invited.
Miss Alice NOLAN returned from the state of Washington Saturday evening. She
had been teaching in that state for two years. Last year was dry in eastern
Washington and this season is also drouthy. Farmers are discouraged. Small
grain is grown in that section.
Leo Franklin McCUE, son of Mr. and Mrs. T.F. McCUE, formerly of Emmetsburg,
will graduate at Carrington, North Dakota, Friday evening. When his parents
left this city he was a small boy. The many local friends of the family will
be delighted to learn of his graduation.
Albbert LUKE was down from Graettinger Monday. He lives on the WOOD farm
east of that place and has found the past few wet years pretty discouraging.
He says that all the showers reach north Vernon. Sometimes they hesitate for
an hour or two but hey never pass by without stopping.
Miss Lottie WALSH, who has been attending the Colorado State Normal school
at Greeley, during the past two years, will graduate Thursday evening, June
10. The Democrat is in receipt of an invitation to attend the commencement
exercises. We congratulate Miss WALSH on her success.
George SAUNDERS, who has been attending the University of California, wil
leave for Manila, Luzon, next Sunday, on the transport Logan, in company
with several other students. He insists on taking the trip and working his
way just for the experience. He will visit China and other countries before
returning. His spirit of thrift and self-reliance is admirable. Most young
men who have the best of opportunities do not appreciate them.
J.J. WATSON went to Peoria, Illinois Wednesday.

Colonel CHANTLAND has finally decided to hold the annual encampment of the
Fifty-sixth regiment at West Okoboji August 18 to 27. The location will be
on Brownell Heights, east of the north end of the lake, near Hayward's Bay.
Storm Lake wanted the encampment, but failed to secure it. The decision will
please the members of Company K.

Emmetsburg, Palo Alto Co, Iowa
23 June 1909

Sarah LARSEN, of Algona, aged 37, was arrested Monday by a detective for
demanding $2,000 of a Mrs. STEWART, of that place, in a threatening letter
sent to her. She has no relatives in Kossuth county.

We understand that Martin J. BRENNAN has become one of the best all around
athletes in Omaha. He has been taking instructions in wrestling from farmer
BURNS. He is a splendid young man and we are glad to learn of his success.
He has been attending Creighton college but has secured a good position in a
large department store during vacation.

W.C. HRONEK and Henry DOYLE, of Pocahontas, Frank MARRIN and Harold
PRITCHETT of Omaha, and Roy COUNLEY, of Decatur, Illinois, have been camping
along the shore of Medium lake since Sunday with Clem McNALLY and Charles
McGUIRE, with whom they attended Creighton college at Omaha. Most of them
made the trip from Omaha to this city Friday and Saturday by auto. They
broke down near P. HANIHAN's and had to walk to town. Mr. McNALLY denies the
allegation that he ran short of cash while out with the boys and had to hoof
it home.

Willie MONCRIEF returned from Ft. Dodge last week.

Owen McNULTY is in Minneapolis visiting his son John.

Miss Hattie BLACK spent the last of the week at Cedar Rapids.

E.A. MORLING returned from Kansas City the last of the week.

Capt. and Mrs. SOPER arrived home from Mt. Vernon Saturday.

Hon. F.C. DAVIDSON was a professional visitor to Ruthven Tuesday.

Five conductors on the M. & St. L. have been laid off for knocking down.

Norman THOMPSON has gone to Boone to work for the Standard Oil company.

Will McNALLY, Philip KIRBY, and Wm. HUFF attended the races at Albert Lea
last week.

T.R. MARTIN went to Ayrshire yesterday. He will do some surviving in that

Willie MAGUIRE went to Ayrshire yesterday. He will remain there for a couple
of months.

E.J. WHITE returned from Nebraska Thursday. He had been out setting up

John ORRES was a passenger to Spencer Tuesday morning. He will go from there
to Hawarden.

John J. STEIL was at Rolfe Wednesday attending the Lind Shorthorn sale. He
did not make any purchase.

Misses Hiltrude McEVOY, Marie CONNELLY, and Helen MAHER, of Gilmore, have
been visiting Miss Josie McEVOY for several days.

Fathers MURTAH, of Estherville, and COSTELLO, of Livermore, attended the St.
Mary Academy commencement exercises in this city Friday evening.

John SULLIVAN returned from Chicago Monday. He was accompanied by his
cousin, Miss Mary ROWAN, who will spend the summer at Graettinger.

Elmer WELLS arrived from Whitewater, Wisconsin yesterday morning. He had
been attending an educational institution at that place.

Emmetsburg Democrat
Emmetsburg, Palo Alto Co, Iowa
7 July 1909

Friday M.F. BRENNAN fell from the top of a kiln in the brick and tile
factory and had two ribs broken. Dr. HENNESSY was summoned and adjusted the
injured bones. Mr. BRENNAN was confined to his bed for several days but
hopes to be about in a short time. The day was very warm and he was taken
with a dizzy spell. He fell a distance of ten feet. How fortunate that he
was not more seriously injured.

Is C.L. McFARLAND married? This seems to be the question of the hour among
the ladies of Emmetsburg. He went to Eagle Grove Friday and has not yet
returned. The general impression is that he was married at that place
Saturday or Sunday to a rich widow with whom he has been keeping company for
some time. We hope the report is true. At all events we feel safe in saying
that he had an enjoyable time the Fourth.

It rained six or seven hours yesterday. Our drouth has certainly been

Mrs. Ralph LAW went ot Highmore, South Dakota, Thursday to visit her father
and brother.

Mrs. and Mrs. W.J. BLACK, who had been visiting relatives in this city,
returned to Iowa Falls Friday.

Francis SWIFT, who had been visiting relatives in this vicinity for some
time, returned to Davenport Thursday.

Miss Alice MULRONEY arrived home from Davenport Monday. She was called by
the death of her brother Thomas.

Miss Lula OLIVER, of the Emmetsburg High School, and her sister, of Ruthven,
have gone to Seattle to see the exposition.

Miss Josie PATTON reports that there was a splendid teachers' institute at
Algona. The enrollment was 225. The week was very warm.

Frank STEINER, of Armstrong, visited his brother Will, of Emmetsburg, Monday
afternoon. He was on his way home from Algona.

No one seems to be anxious to step into F.G. KHRISTENSON's shoes as alderman
from the Second ward. Mr. KRISTENSON was a very faithful member of the

Miss Mary CONLON arrived home from Waterloo Sunday for a week's visit. She
was accompanied by her cousins, Misses Clara and Marguerite JACKMAN, who
will spend a short time with relatives in this vicinity.

Emmetsburg Democrat
Palo Alto Co, IA
1 Sep 1909

Rube DONALDSON, of Milford, claims to have purchased an auto that has a
speed of 100 miles per hour. What in the name of common sense does he need
of such a machine for traveling over ordinary country roads?

The people of Estherville are credited with trying to secure John L.
SULLIVAN as an attraction for their agricultural and live stock show. John
is considerable of a brute, but we doubt if he will go on exhibition with
all the other brutes.

Rev. G.B. MALONE, who was pastor of the M.E. church at Graettinger for some
time, has resigned his pastorate at Lu Verne, Kossuth county, and has bought
a $3500 residence at Algona. He is retiring because of declining health.

Frank BRADY arrived home from Wichita, Kansas, Wednesday. His sister is a
Sister of Charity at that place. Sister Benedicta, formerly of Emmetsburg,
is mother superior in the large cathedral school there. She was inquiring
about a large number of our people.

The Journal of West Bend says that A.S. BREKKE, of Graettinger, passed
through that place Monday evening of last week bound for Europe. Mr. BREKKE
received a letter from Spain several years ago to the effect that a rich
relative was dead and that his share would be $15,000. It will be worth his
while to get the goods.

Martin J. BRENNAN has decided to attend Notre Dame University at South Bend,
Indiana, during the coming year, having been given a substantial inducement
to do so by the president of that institution, Father CAVANAUGH. Martin has
quite a reputation as an athlete and the best institutions want him.
Besides, he is a diligent student and a most exemplary young man. He is
going to an excellent institution.

Charles DUHIGG informs us that considerable of the county tile near Swea
City was improperly laid and is being taken up and relaid. Engineers and
inspectors are often careless. They are in charge of very important work and
should give very close attention to duty.

The HART-PARR company of Charles City, which manufactures gasoline engines,
has a man out through the county looking up competent, responsible men. The
company prefers to secure men who are employed to those who are searching
for work because they are considered more reliable. The HART-PARR people pay
$10,000 per week to laborers. Two of the ANGEL young men, formerly of
Emmetsburg are in their employ.

Mrs. Sarah McDONNELL, who returned from Seattle a few days ago reports
having had one of the most delightful trips of her life. She saw three of
her brothers in the far west. It was 109 in the shade when she was in Idaho.
She says that A.H. KELLER is a very busy and influential man at Weiser. She
came home over the Canadian Pacific route and saw considerable of the
grandest mountain scenery in the world. Miss RYAN is also home.

Governor CARROLL passed through Emmetsburg Thursday on his way from Spirit
Lake to Iowa City. He saw Mr. MAYNE on the depot platform and asked him how
our citizens were getting along with the improvement of Medium Lake. He is
evidently interested in the subject.

Attend the wrestling match at the Armory tomorrow evening between Leo
VANICE, of Minneapolis, and Martin J. BRENNAN of Emmetsburg. Mr. VANICE says
he can throw Mr. BRENNAN twice in 40 minutes. Mr. BRENNAN says he can't. The
match will be well worth attending.

Mr. C.J. PETERSON and Miss Rose REKOW, both of Emmet county, came to
Emmetsburg Wednesday, consulted Deputy Clerk RUTLEDGE, and soon were united
in marriage. Rev. J.E. BRERETON officiating. A great many sensible people
from neighboring counties come to Emmetsburg to get married. They seem to
like our clerk, our clergymen and our Justices.

The Leader says that the Mallard creamery paid its patrons $5,632.09 during
the month of July. The average price paid for butter fat was 29 cents.
George BISHOP received a check for $102.86, Andrew YOCH, for $80.53, Geo.
MACKIE for $95.82, George EMRICH for $81.10, S.W. CLARK for 89.03, George
CHRISTOPHER for $80.47, and J. KINGDON for 78.01. A good creamery is a great
help to any town.

W.W. FROST is moving his family to Iowa City this week in order that his son
Bert can have university advantages and at the same time be at home. Mr.
FROST retains his large property interests in this county and will be back
regularly to attend to them. He is prudent in the position he takes that
boys should be surrounded by the best of influences until they become
educated and fully developed. Mr. and Mrs. FROST and their two sons will be
missed by our many citizens, but they will doubtless return in due time. May
they find Iowa City a pleasant place to reside.

Emmetsburg Democrat, Sep. 29, 1909


Jerry Hoyer Reports Them Prospering at Waterloo

Mr. and Mrs.Jerry Hoyer came up from Waterloo the last of the week by auto and spent Sunday with old friends in this city. They started for Mitchell, South Dakota, Monday, to attend the corn palace. They will come back this way and will remain for a few days. Mr. Hoyer is conducting a bottling establishment at Waterloo. He has a partner. They employ five people and do a good business. They sell temperance drinks. He reports that Patrick and Michael Jackman have a $10,000 steam dredging plant at that place that is making them more money than a gold mine. They take out gravel from the river bed and grade it. There is condsiderable rock in the gravel and they crush it. They take out enough each day to keep 25 teams employed steadily in hauling it. They get 90 cents per load for the sand and gravel and $1.25 per load for the crushed rock. They cannot supply the local demand for their product. They pay the city $700 per year for the privilege of doing the dredging. Mr. Hoyer thinks they have the best paying business in Waterloo. They have been operating two months.


Emmetsburg Democrat
Palo Alto County, Iowa
1 Dec 1909

Mrs. Peter BOUGH and daughter Bernice were passengers to Emmetsburg
H. HULETT spent Sunday at the home of Ole LARSON.
Mrs. J.R. JACKSON spent Monday and Tuesday at the J.T. HOWLAND home.
Peter BOUGH and son John arrived home from their Montana trip Sunday
Mrs. F. FORDYCE and children spent Thanksgiving day at the J.C. SMITH home.
Mr. and Mrs. Albert BRILEY and family spent Thanksgiving day the the BREFFLE

Wm. MULLER came down from North Dakota Thanksgiving.
Ruth MITCHELL and Theresa MONTGOMERY came home from Cedar Falls Thursday.
Ole MELHUS has gone to Iowa City to take treatment.

Messrs. CULLEN and FISK shipped two car loads of stock Saturday.
Mrs. Melvin FISK is visiting at Dayton, Iowa.
G.P. McBRIDE was a south bound passenger Friday.
Mrs. J.M. FISK and son Earl returned from Gilbert Station Friday evening.
Clara MUTZEL came down from Spencer Saturday.
Prof. HENDRICKSON's brother from Buffalo Center spent Thanksgiving with him.
Mrs. T. ARMSTRONG and cousins, Margaret and Cyril ARMSTRONG and Mary YOUNG,
left for a week's visit at Chicago by way of Havelock Saturday.
O.B. FISK was a Chicago visitor the first of the week.
Mrs. Nels ANDERSON's aunt from Des Moines arrived last week to take care of
Mrs. A.A. WHITMER was an Ayrshire visitor Friday evening.
Mr. FINUF's cousin is here visiting him.
Miss Villa YATES spent Thanksgiving with her sister.
John CULLEN was a visitor at Perry last week.
Mr. STRAIT has moved his barber chair into Mr. OELKE's building.
Mr. BRECKLER's hogs, sold Saturday, netted him $825.
Melvin FISH and Chas. BRUMMIGAN were Emmetsburg visitors Tuesday.

Returns to Washington D.C.
J.H. REILY left Sunday evening for Chicago. From there he will go to
Washington, D.C. to become Congressman WOOD's private secretary during the
present session. His experience and tact make him a very desireable man for
this important position.

Should Not Be Too Good
The Ringsted Dispatch gives the following advice to one of our leading
citizens: "Emmetsburg has a business man by the name of TWOGOOD. He does not
want to be too darned good or he is liable to find himself out in the cold".

Proud of Our Emmetsburg Boys
Thanksgiving the Notre Dame football team played a 6 to 0 game with the
Marquette team of Milwaukee. Notre Dame recently defeated Michigan, which
won from all the other western university teams. It is an honor for
Emmetsburg to have a home young man, M.J. BRENNAN, a member of the Notre
Dame eleven. Our boys have made a great record on the gridiron this year.
Hurrah for Emmetsburg!

J.F. BRENNAN in Luck
J.F. BRENNAN, son of M.F. BRENNAN, of this city, has been appointed
assistant prosecuting attorney of San Francisco. He was on the stump for the
Labor Union party for six months and we are glad to note that he is to be
well rewarded for his services. He will receive a salary of $4,000 per year.
The Democrat congratulates him on his success. He attended our local schools
a few years ago.

Opens a Bank at Marcus, Washington
The Ruthven Free Press says that word received from Marcus, Washington,
announces the opening of the First National Bank of that city, on November
10, with C.W. BARRINGER as president, and M.I. BARRINGER as cashier. Both
formerly resided at Ruthven.

Mrs. I.J. ORRIS, of Ashland, Oregon, visited several days during the past
week with Mr. and Mrs. John ORRIS of this place. She went to Thor Sunday to
see other relatives.

While at Mason City a few days ago attending the G.A. R. doings, Major SMITH
accepted an invitation to dine with Dr. and Mrs. Freeman STARR. He tells our
reporter that they have an elegant home and that they have hosts of friends
at that place. Dr. STARR has a good practice.

H.H. JACOBS arrived home from Lakota, North Dakota, the last of the week. He
had a mammarth crop, sold it for a big price, and has his pocket filled with
money. He is doubtless prepared to respond lavishly to all appeals for
churches, charitable organizations, and public improvements in general. He
is even anxious to meet the candidates in our popular voting contest.

Sim J. ROBINSON of West Bend spent Friday here.
Mrs. Geo HUGHES was an Emmetsburg visitor Friday.
Miss Mabel DENMOUTH came home from Mallard for Thanskgiving.
F.E. JONES returned Thursday from Annandale, Minnesota.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl JONES moved Wednesday into F.E. JONES farm two and
one-half miles north of here.
Miss Anna O'CONNOR spent Sunday at her home at Graettinger.
The Ladies' club met with Mrs. GUARD on Saturday afternoon.
Virgil REED returned Friday from a month's visit at West Bend, Webb, and
Alex CULLEN was over from Emmetsburg Saturday.
Mr. E.W. REED returned Sunday morning from a three weeks visit in Chicago.
Miss Constance BEYERS began her winter term of school on Monday, in the Wm.
Wright school.
Mr. and Mrs. Wesley DAVIDSON of Bartlett, North Dakota, arrived here Monday
evening for a visit with old time friends.

Emmetsburg Democrat
Emmetsburg, Palo Alto Co, IA
8 Dec 1909

Jack Conlon Gets Ninety Days in Jail. Cahill Case is Being Tried.
District court has been in session during the past week. The WRIGHT-CLINE
commission case taken up first. It lasted several days. Some sort of
settlement was reached but it seems it has not proven satisfactory and
further litigation is promised.

This week the case of the State against Leslie WILDEY of Graettinger was
begun. He was charged with selling oil that did not meet the requirements of
the Iowa pure food law. He made no defense in the justice court, but he
appealed. The Chicago house that furnished the oil defended in the district
court. Mr. WILLIAMS represented the state and Mr. MORLING the defense. The
arguments were presented at an adjourned session of court held last evening.
The judge will render a decision some time in January. The outcome of this
suit will be watched with much interest, as jobbers are as much concerned in
it as our local dealers.

The case of Mrs. P.J. NALLY vs. Peter DAILY and his bonding company was
commenced on Monday. Mr. NALLY became intoxicated one cold night last winter
and was unable to reach home. One of his hands was badly frozen. Mrs. NALLY
commenced suit against Peter DAILY for selling him liquor. She asks for
$3,000 damages. Thomas O'CONNOR is prosecuting and E.A. MORLING is
Later: Plaintiff has dismissed the case.

The case of JENSWOLD Bros. of Depew is similar to the one against Mr.
WILDEY. They were charged with violating the pure food law. They bought
their oil of an Omaha house. Like Mr. WILDEY, they allege that they sold oil
that they were told their house would stand the test. This case is yet to be

Jack CONLON has been indicted for robbing W.P. WHELPTON of Ft. Dodge some
time during the fall. He says he will stand trial.

James CAHILL has been indicted for assault with intent to commit murder.
This is the outcome of the cutting affair that took place at the restaurant
near Mr. PAULSON's harness shop some time ago.

Later: CONLON has since been tried and convicted. He gets 90 days in jail.
Defendant did not appear. CAHILL is having his trial.

Mr. STRATTON won his case.

A.D. DICKINSON and wife of Mason City visited at the home of the former's
parents last week.
L.H. HANKEY was calling on old friends the past few days.
Mrs. A.E. CASE of Spencer was in Emmetsburg Saturday.
B.F. SCHROEDER was called to Garnavillo to attend the funeral of a relative.
W.E.G. SAUNDERS was at Parker, South Dakota, the last of the week.
Mrs. Monroe JOHNSON went to Spencer Saturday to see her mother.
Judge BALLIE adjourned court Friday evening and went to Algona Saturday
where he heard the arguments in an important case at that place.
Mrs. Frank ILLINGWORTH was an over Sunday visitor at Parker, South Dakota.
He sister, Mrs. KNAPP, resides at that place.
Rockers for men, women, misses and children (none for boys) . FOY & WILCOX.
East Main Street.
Parlor suits, tables, music cabinets, etc. at FOY & WILCOX's store. East
Main Street.

The case of Mrs. P.J. Nally vs. Peter Daily and his bonding company was commenced on Monday. Mr. Nally became intoxicated one cold night last winter and was unable to reach home. One of his hands was badly frozen. Mrs. Nally commenced suit against Peter Daily for selling him liquor. She asks for $3,000 damages. Thomas O'Connor is prosecuting and E.A. Morling is defending.

Later: Plaintiff has dismissed the case.


Emmetsburg Democrat 2 Feb 1910:


Mrs. W.C. Nolan and son Bernard arrived home Tuesday night from Sioux City after a month's visit with relatives.

Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Gadby of Dickens visited with relatives in this vicinity on Friday.

W. Moan departed Tuesday for Illinois for a visit with relatives.

C.J. Barringer arrived home Monday morning from Montana where he had been for a couple of weeks on business.

Miss Lizzie Fleming spent Friday visiting friends in Emmetsburg.

Ed Nort, a brakeman working on the Milwaukee had his foot badly crushed Sunday while switching at Spencer. He was taken to his home at Mason City.

Mrs. Shartle and Mrs Lenoard spent Tuesday visiting relatives at Dickens.

Mr. and Mrs. J.H. Nolan returned Sunday evening from Sanborn where they visited with their daughter, Miss Grace.

Farm horses and mares for sale. Some ar good, big ones and others are cheaper. all are used to hard work. Enquire of J.W. Crowley. Emmetsburg

COTTAGE FOR SALE. I will sell my well located six room cottage, with single lot, six blocks south of the Court House square. Has good cellar, cistern, city water. Will also sell two other good quarter blocks. Enquire of P.J.Murphy, Emmetsburg.

CHOICE HALF BLOCK FOR SALE. I havea well located half block for sale. Has large shade trees, fruit trees and a good cistern. Is tiled and has sewerage connections. Has no buildings. Enquire of W.Il Branagan, Emmetsburg.

FOR SALE. A registered Shorthorn bull. No. 3339. Enquire of E.B. McAllister.

BULLS FOR SALE. I have for sale 5 thoroughbred Shorthorn bulls that will be one year old February 1. L.P. Duhn.

FOR RENT. 155 acres of choice tiled land adjoining city. Good buildings.Geo. J. Consigney, Jr.

OAK HILL DAIRY. I have purchased R.C. Bright's dairying interests and I shall make the best effort I can to supply the needs of the people of Emmetsburg and vicinity with milk and cream. I solicit the patronage of the public. H.Collipriest. Owner of Oak Hill Dairy.

Notice of Proof of Will.


Palo Alto County.To All Whom It May Concern:Notice is Hereby Given that an instrument in writing purporting to be the Last Will and Testament of Theodosia Fitzgerald disceased was this day produced opened and read to the undersigned, and that I have fixed Monday the 21st day of March 1910 as the day for hearing proof in relation thereto.Witness my official signature, with the seal of and court hereto affixed,this 19th day of January, 1910.

E.M. Carney
Clerk District Court
By T.F. Rutledge, Deputy.


Emmetsburg Democrat, March 23, 1910

Had Quite an Experience

On Thursday afternoon William E. Jackman had quite an experience. While eating dead fish in an opening in the ice in the lake, two of his choice shoats tumbled in and could not get out. The dog barked and Mr. Jackman's attention was called to the situation. He stripped off and jumped in to save his porkers, which were valuable. He pitched both out but they were pretty badly chilled and had considerable water in their lungs. He stuck them and dressed them. He says he does not care to go in bathing again until the water becomes warmer. He did not catch cold.

From the Emmetsburg Democrat, 30 Mar 1910:

Ben Cattell spent a couple of days at Clarion last week.

Clint Smith was down from Estherville over Sunday.

Michael Brennan was home from Des Moines for Easter.

Mike Cullen was a Sioux City visitor the last of the week.

Ray McCullum spent Sunday with friends at Laurens, Iowa.

Joe Steil was a business visitor to Chicago Friday and Saturday.

Mr. and Mrs. J.N. Phillips were up from West Bend over Sunday.

There was a nice display of northern lights Sunday evening.

W.M. Carpenter of West Bend was an Emmetsburg visitor Monday.

Mrs. M.M. Maher of Ruthven spent Sunday with her parents in this city.

A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. C.W. Reese Thursday. The Democrat extends congratulations.

Mrs. Parks went to Leland, Illinois, the first of last week to visit relatives and friends for a short time.

Mrs. Hornburg returned to Chicago Tuesday evening of last week. She had been visiting her parents in this city.

The dance in Berndorfner hall at Graettinger Monday evening was well attended. The Star orchestra of this place furnished the music.

C.S. Thompson was over from Ayrshire yesterday on business. It is always a pleasure to talk with an intelligent man like Mr. Thompson.

Glen Elson was an over Sunday visitor with numerous friends in this city. He was night operator at the Rock Island depot up until a couple fo months ago.

Marriage licenses have been issued to Perry O. Trumble and Loretta McClusky Garmon, Joseph Jacobson and Pearl Sophia Peterson, Frank Wright and Lillie Johnson.

Matt Donovan was home from Kimball, South Dakota, over Sunday.

Elmer Myhre was an over Sunday visitor at Graettinger.

T.P. Barringer was an Estherville caller Monday evening.

Mrs. W.J. McCarty went to Cedar Rapids Thursday evening.

Mrs. Roy Brown of Estherville spent Sunday in this city with her parents.

Michael Brennan returned to Des Moines Sunday evening. He came home to spend Easter with relatives.

J.A. Spies, J.K. Fleming and L.P.C. Larson were among the numerous callers from Graettinger Monday.

Lars Egesos and Herman Marks were Graettinger visitors Monday evening. They went to attend the dance.

Many farmers are busy seeding. Others are preparing their fields. The weather is warm and dry. Conditions are more favorable than they have been here for years.

Lars Johnson was down from Graettinger on business Monday.

Hon. E.P. Barringer of Ruthven was a business visitor to Emmetsburg Thursday.

Frank Duffy was at Mason City last week. He reports the Milwaukee road bed in very bad condition. It is dangerous for trains to attempt to make fast time.

Mrs. Anna Nolan and son Bernard of Ruthven were Emmetsburg visitors Wednesday. Mrs. Nolan intends going to South Dakota this week to file on a homestead.

It took Wednesday's way freight sixteen hours to come from Mason City to Emmetsburg, a distance of 75 miles. Care has to be taken in traveling over a rough road bed.

Wednesday afternoon Charles McCoy's home had a close call from fire which started in some straw about the premises. It took hard efforts to save his house and barns. The wind was exceptionally high at the time.

James Slater was a North Dakota visitor last week.

Postmaster Dickinson of Osgood went to Moline, Illinois Monday evening to visit his son, Harry.

Mr. and Mrs. T. Sullivan came down from Graettinger Tuesday to attend the funeral of Michael Dwyer.

Miss Maude daughter of John Montgomery, went to Casper, Wyoming on Monday.She has a brother there. She intends to remain.

Sisters Josephine and Invocentia of Chicago have been visiting their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Joynt, of this place for several days.

Misses Josie McEvoy and Gail Egan were at Wesley Thursday and Friday assisting in the Holy week musical exercises of Father Jungblut's church. He is a great worker and always takes special pains on occasions of this kind.

Miss Edna Merclin of Graettinger died last Friday. She had been ill for some time. She was 18 years of age. The funeral was held Sunday. There was a very large procession. Rev Winterstein officiated. The burial was in the local cemetery. Besides the father, there are four sisters and one brother.

Mr. James L. Rogers and Miss Anna C. Skow were married in this city Monday, Mayor Duffy officiating.

Emmetsburg Democrat
Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa
13 Apr 1910

We understand that Bro. JOHNSON of the Free Press is a candidate for
postmaster of Ruthven. He was a supporter of Mr. WOODS two years ago.

Market Reports- Hogs $9.25, oats 32 1/2, corn 38 to 42, spring chickens 11,
old hens 11, old roosters 6, turkeys 10, ducks 10, geese 7, butter 30, eggs
19, potatoes 50.

The interstate commerce commission has fixed the price of a Pullman sleeping
car berth at $2 for riding twelve hours. The charge is $1.50 for upper

Wm. COAKELY will build a large barn on his farm this year. He is living on
his farm but his nephews have it rented. He will imporve his premises in
other ways.

Dr. HENNESSY reports that a daughter was born to Mr.and Mrs. Ross FRIES
Saturday. Is it any wonder that Ross has been stepping about quickly for
several days?

Miss Mayme and Frank SULLIVAN of Graettinger went to Mason City Friday
morning to receive treatment from Dr. MURPHY. They were accompanied by their
mother, Mrs. T. SULLIVAN.

A few days ago John D. McCARTY sold his quarter section fram in South Dakota
for $7,200. He bought it eight years ago for $1,800. This is the way to make
money. Congratulations, John.

Miss Anna DONOVAN has been so ill during the past ten days that she has
decided to take a rest for a few weeks and recuperate. The Democrat hopes
she may soon be able to be about again.

Geo SAUNDERS, who has been home since Easter visiting his parents, will
return to Cornell college at Ithaca, New York, tomorrow. He likes the
institution. In athletics, rowing and track work are given special
attention. The total attendance is about 5,000.

In this issue T.F. RUTLEDGE announces himself as a candidate for clerk of
the district court. There is no man in the county who is better qualified
for his position than Mr. RUTLEDGE. He will prove an exceptional strong
candidate as developments during the campaign will clearly show.

Sisters M. Octavia and M. Prisca are guests at St. Mary's Academy. The
former is directress and visitor of all the schools maintained by the order
including those in California, Montana, and other western states. She visits
each of the missions every two years. She was busy in the Emmetsburg school
Monday and Tuesday by examining its pupils. She will leave for other points

James GOWANS reports that he wrapped up more goods Saturday than on any
other day since he has lived in Emmetsburg and he has been in business 25
years. His special sale began Saturday. It will continue for ten days.

R.E. JONES of Fargo, North Dakota is visiting his parents in this city. He
has resigned his position with the firm that he has represented for many
years. He will locate at Stanley where he has considerable property. He
reports the season far advanced in North Dakota.

Bro. HINCHON of the Courier has addressed several gatherings at Algona on
the Panama canal subject since coming home. He is an exceptionally
intelligent gentleman and understands the subject thoroughly. He really
ought to take the lecture platform, but he is entirely too modest to think
of doing so.

C.J. BERGER and Master Carl were called to Dyersville Thursday evening by
the death of Mr. BERGER's mother. She was quite advanced in years and had
been ill most of the winter. Her husband died during the past year. Our
esteemed fellow townsman has the sympathy of his many friends and patrons in
his sorrow.

Attorney W.A. O'DONNELL of Napoleon, North Dakota, formerly of Ruthven,
visited Emmetsburg friends yesterday. He has done well since going to North
Dakota eight years ago. He has the best law and abstracting business in the
county in which he lives and he owns several good farms. He is a splendid
fellow. We are pleased to learn of his good fortune.

John NOLAN returned from the southwest the first of last week. He had been
in a number of Texas and Oklahoma towns during the past three months. He
does not like that country. He saw all the Emmetsburgers at Waureka,
Oklahoma, and reports them doing well. He says that at Port Arthur, Texas, a
short time ago a large whale was captured. It is 92 feet long. It weighs 100
tons. It came in too close when the tide was high and when the water went
out the mammoth whale was captured. It is 92 feet long. It weighs 100 tons.
It came in too close when the tide was high and when the water went out the
mammoth whale was left stranded on the shore. A traction engine was used in
dragging it away from the water. Excursions were run for several hundred
miles to Port Arthur to allow people to get a glimpse of the captive. J.K.
MARTIN who is in that vicinity, went down to take a look at it. We can
assure our readers taht Mr. MARTIN will come home with a fish story that
will make our local fish boasters feel ashamed of themselves.

W.J. TYSON is suffering from a lame back. He injured it a few days ago while
shipping A. Scott ORMSBY's household goods to California.

Mrs. T.J. MILLER and Mrs. F.E. HAND were Whittemore visitors Monday. Their
sister, Mrs. Phil CULLEN underwent a difficult operation.

Capt. J.G. HUTCHINSON who spoke in Emmetsburg, when he ran against Horace
BOIES for governor of Iowa, died a few days ago at Ottumwa.

Miss Mary CROWLEY came over from Ruthven Saturday and filled Mr. DONLON's
place in the Emmetsburg National bank. He was absent at Des Moines.

Mrs. O.P. DOYLE has placed an order with W.J. TYSON for a fine $750 family
monument. It will not be erected until fall. It wil be one of the best in

The daughters of Mr. and Mrs. P. JOYNT, who had been here visiting them,
returned to LaGrange, Illinois, Thursday. They are Sisters in an academy at
that place.

The Ladies' Aid society of the M.E. church will serve a tea at the home of
Mrs. HICKS Wednesday afternoon., April 18. At supper time a 15c meal will be
served. All are invited to either or both.

A few days ago Michael DWYER had a couple of his fingers badly crushed
beneath a care in the tile factory. He was fortunate in not having his hand
taken off. He will be forced to give up work for some time.

Mr. and Mrs. John CAVANAUGH of Fairmont, North Dakota, are visiting Mr. and
Mrs. J.J. DENEEN. They were recently married and are on their wedding trip.
Mr. CAVANAUGH is a brother of Mesdames DENEEN and QUINN.

N.H. FALB will leave for West Union the last of the week to accept a
position in the Argo office. He has been in our employ since October and we
have found him a very faithful and willing worker. We wish him success in
the Argo office.

Dr. J.W. KINE of Fort Dodge will lecture in our city April 29, on
tuberculosis. Dr. KINE is state lecturer to physicians, but he has kindly
consented to give his illustrated lecture free under the auspices of the
Friday club. All our people should turn out and hear him.

M.C. LARSEN of Graettinger was an Emmetsburg visitor Monday. His
announcement for county supervisor appears elsewhere in this issue. He is an
old resident of our county and a most exemplary citizen in every way. He
would, if elected, make a capable and conscientious supervisor.

Emmetsburg Democrat
Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa
13 July 1910

Elmer MYHRE was up from Emmetsburg Sunday.

D.C. TIPP has been here the past week looking after some business matters.

Sheriff CULLEN was here Thursday on official business.

H.N. OSHER has gone to Colfax to take treatment for rheumatism.

Miss Margaret GUERDET was a passenger to Emmetsburg Saturday evening.

Miss Kathryn SULLIVAN visited her friend in Estherville the last of the

Miss Hazel BEAMIS who was visiting her friend Miss Lydia OSCHER, returned to
her home at Estherville.

V.L. O'CONNOR, Eugene FOSTER, and Francis SULLIVAN were over Sunday visitors
at Ruthven.

Miss Addie HOWARD entertained a few of her friends Sunday in honor of Rose
MILLER. An enjoyable time was reported by all.

Miss Carrie MITCHELL has been employed as a teacher in the grammar grade of
the Whittemore public school.

Mrs. MITCHELL has gone to Ft. Dodge to visit her mother who is very sick.

Miss COAKLEY went to Spirit Lake Monday.

Mr. and Mrs. John BOSOLD are the proud parents of a baby boy.

J.L. HOLLAND purchased two new autos. He sold one to Mr. BONDHUS.

Dr. WALKER, J.E. WILLIAMS, and W.J. McCARTY were here last Friday afternoon.

P.J. PAULSON and family attended a picnic in the country Sunday.

J.L. HALL and John S. BONDHUS are each sporting a new automobile.

Dr. Walker, J.E.WILLIAMS and W.J. McCARTY were here last Friday afternoon.

P.J. PAULSON and family attended a picnic in the country Sunday.

J.L. HALL and John S. BONDHUS are each sporting a new automobile.

Mr. and Mrs. Thos. CULLEN and son Vincent went to Rochester, Minnesota, to
have Vincent treated by the Drs. MAYO.

Mrs. P.F. LITTLETON and Lauretta were Emmetsburg visitors Saturday.

F.H. O'HALLORAN was at Emmetsburg Monday.

E.P. McEVOY was over from Emmetsburg Saturday.

Gus GORDEN returned from his Wisconsin trip Thursday.

W.E.G. SAUNDERS was a business caller here Friday.

Mrs. Peter DALEY and Mrs. F. DEMOUTH drove over from Emmetsburg Thursday.

Mrs. Theo. DEMOUTH and daughter, Miss Mabel, left Friday evening for
Chicago, where they will spend a month with relatives.

Mrs. E.W. REID and Mrs. A. JONES were Emmetsburg visitors Monday afternoon.

The following are the names and postoffice addresses of those who have
graduated from the rural schools of our county during the past few weeks:
Helen MAGUIRE... Curlew
Pearl BACH...Curlew
Maynard COTTINGTON...Curlew
Raymond SAMPLE...Curlew
Fayette GROSS... Curlew
Maude E. SMITH... Ruthven
Florence SANDVIG... Ruthven
Victor WALKER... Rodman
Anna SPILLES...Rodman
Patrick KNOER...Whittemore
Selma JACOBSON... Cylinder
Vinnie M. ROBERTS...Rolfe
Vera HILL...Curlew
Nellie FENN...Rodman
Verna SPROUT...Rodman
Myrtle HAUENSTEIN...Rodman
Margaret WALDRON...Ayrshire
Arthur HENNINGSEN...Emmetsburg
Lillie KEMP...Marathon
Goldie KEMP...Marathon
Bessie MILLEA...Emmetsburg
Josephine BRENNAN...Emmetsburg
Violette BRENNAN...Emmetsburg
Margaret KANE...Emmetsburg
Bernadetta SCHANEY...Emmetsburg
Celia GUERDET...Emmetsburg
Laura HUNNELL...Curlew
Lena BENSON...Cylinder
Maude FREDERICKSON...Emmetsburg
Wilbur TILTON...Emmetsburg
Erma BROADWELL... Emmetsburg
Mabel BOWERS...Fenton
Rosa VOTTLER...Fenton
Gertrude RINDY...Ringsted
Mabel HANSEN...Ringsted
Irene RINDY...Ringsted
Corneile BERRY...Emmetsburg
Eva LODES...Mallard
Lawrence HAHN...Mallard
Sadie FORTNEY... Mallard
Gertrude HAHN...Mallard
Alma STAFFORD...Mallard
Orlan BROWNLEE...Mallard
Earl SANDS...Mallard
Pearl HAHN...Mallard
Guy CARMICHAEL...Mallard
Mae O'CONNOR...Graettinger
Josephine HANIFAN...Emmetsburg

The A.O.H. Picnic Sunday

Members Had One of the Most Enjoyable Outings in the History of the Order.

The A.O.H. picnic, which was private, was held in the W.E. JACKMAN grove
Sunday, the members having attended early mass in the local churches. There
was about 400 present at the noon hour, including the members, the auxiliary
members and their families, and all sat down on the green sward beneath the
shady burr oak trees for a feast of good things. They had well filled
baskets and the society furnished free of charge an abundance of ice cream,
lemonade, cigars for the gentlemen, and candies for the ladies and children.
After dinner, there was a short speaking and musical program. Mr. T.M.
SCANLAN, state treasurer of the order, was present and spoke briefly but
interestingly and earnestly. The Emmetsburg concert band played a number of
selections, and the representatives of the Chicago Gaelic Dancing league,
Messrs. Wm. HAGERTY, John RYAN, and Michael GRAHAM favored the audience with
a few Irish reels, jigs and hornpipes. M.F. BRENNAN, James KANE, Mrs. P.
LEAHY, and Mrs.M. JOYNT also danced an Irish reel. A game of ball followed,
the town members of the order defeating the country members by a score of 5
to 4. There were also a number of other events that were good.
Chas. GRACE won the 100 yard foot race, John E. BRENNAN was second. Myrle
KERWICK was first in the boy's race and James FOY second. Lewine HAND won
the little girls' race. Celia BURKE was second. The relay race was won by
Tom NOLAN, Thos. JOYCE, Will JOYNT, and Chas. MAGUIRE. Chas. GRACE won the
high jump. J.S. DENEEN was second.
In addition to the other sports a ball game lent much towards entertaining
the crowd. In an exciting and hotly contested game, the visiting nine from
the country met defeat at the hands of the fast town aggregation. Two errors
and a well placed hit in the ninth, netting the town club two runs, decided
the game by a 5 to 6 victory. Both pitchers showed good form, MILLER for the
town boys, allowing only three hits, while GRACE for the country nine was
touched up for six, but succeeded in keeping them scattered. The feature of
the game was a phenomenal catch by BRENNAN playing in the left field garden,
who, after a long run, succeeded in raking in GOSSMAN's drive. A rally in
the ninth was checked by a neat double on the part of the town team.
Pitchers MILLER and GRACE secured ten strikeouts apiece. Two errors were
made by the town boys, but these occurred at an inopportune time, while the
errors of the country team proved costly. The game was characterized by
fast, close playing throughout. The fans were pleased with the exhibition.
During the afternoon scores enjoyed launching, row beating, and sailing on
Medium lake, the picnic grounds bordering on the east shore....

Is Accused of Seduction by Bertha M. Gonzales

Saturday Chas. L. ARCHER of Ruthven was arrested on the charge of seduction
and brought before Mayor DUFFY for a preliminary hearing. The complaining
witness was Bertha M. GONZALES. She claims that he lived with her in
California for five years and that she supposed that they were married.
Later, she alleges, he told her the man who married them had no authority to
perform the ceremony and he deserted her. She followed him to Ruthven. They
stopped at a hotel at that place for a short time. Then he induced her to go
to Des Moines. Later an attorney at that place advised her to come to
Emmetsburg and have Thos. O'CONNOR commence action against ARCHER. Mr.
O'CONNOR though still interested in the action, turned the case over to
attorney WILLIAMS, who ordered ARCHER arrested. The hearing was continued
from Saturday until yesterday. Mr. COHOON represented the defendant. Mayor
DUFFY held the defendant under $2,000 bonds to await the action of the grand

Mr. D.G. KNIGHT and Mrs. Josephine ALLER of Spencer were married Wednesday
evening at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Monroe JOHNSON, of this place.
Rev. A.B. GILBERT performed the ceremony. Only the immediate relatives were
present. Mr and Mrs KNIGHT will live at Spencer, where they are comfortably
situated. The Democrat extends hearty good wishes for their health and

Louis JAMES of Waterloo Killed in Wreck near Orchard

Waterloo, Ia., July 9- An Illinois Central southbound freight broke through
a bridge near Orchard and Louis E. JAMES of this city was killed.
Preparatory for signalling for switching at Orchard JAMES was on top of the
cars, about the middle of the train. The engine and seven cars crossed the
bridge safely, but the following ten cars upon one of which JAMES was
standing, crashed through the structure. The caboose and two cars were left
standing on the opposite bank from the scene. JAMES was the only one

Emmetsburg Democrat
Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa
29 June 1910

Dr. Michael Joynt
     Michael Joynt graduated from the medical department at the Iowa State University a short time ago. He returned home Wednesday. He has not yet decided where he will locate. He is a bright, talented young man and has a strong, pleasing personality. He will, we are confident, succeed in his chosen profession. Mr. and Mrs. Joynt are deserving of great praise for the excellent opportunities they are giving their several sons and the sons are entitled to equal credit for making the most of the advantages offered to them.

Lost Her Baby Girl
     Thursday morning Mrs.P.V. Hand lost her youngest daughter Ruth, aged 21 months. She had been ill for some time. The funeral was held Friday afternoon. The burial was in St. John's cemetery. There was a very large attendance. Mrs. Hand has the sympathy of a large circle of friends in her sorrow. This is the second death in her family within a year. Mr. Hand died last July. How often is happens that misfortunes does not come alone.

Walked Home in His Stocking Feet.
     Albert Potratz of Lotts Creek was one of the winners in the Aberdeen land drawing last fall and made a trip up there this week to make his selection. Coming home Wednesday morning he took off his shoes somewhere beyond Mitchell and when he got to Cylinder he thought it was about time to get them on. When he came to look for them they were not to be found. Albert walked uptown in his stocking feet. He says he picked out a dandy good section of land anyway so the loss of a pair of shoes is of no consequence.--Whittemore Champion.

Judge Bailie Considerate
     An attempt was made to enjoin the saloon at Arnolds park a few day ago but Judge Bailie denied the petition. His honor doubtless thinks the resorters ought to have some opportunity of wetting their whistles during the dry, warm weather.

Caught Six Young Wolves
     Frank Smith and Emil Droesch caught six young wolf cubs on the river bottom in Nevada township last Sunday. This was a nice catch.

M. Liddy Sells for $85 per Acre
    Theo. Muller has purchased the Michael Liddy farm of 160 acres, situated north of Whittemore. He paid $85 per acre for it.

Died While Plowing Corn.
     About ten days ago a sad affair occurred in Lotts Creek township, just across the Kossuth county line. L.Wetzel was plowing corn. He stopped his team and sent his daughter to the house for a pail of water. When she returned he was sitting on the beam of the plow. He said he was not feeling well. He sent her to the house again to have an older sister come and take his place. When the latter returned she found him dead. Doctors had previously warned him that his heart was not in good condition and to be careful.

Will Meet in Emmetsburg July 12.
     The republican judicial convention will be held in Emmetsburg July 12. A candidate to succeed Judge Coyle will be nominated. The convention in which he was first named was held in this city four years ago. The delegates could not agree on a candidate and an adjournment was taken to Spirit Lake. The opposing aspirants were Mr. Ladd of Estherville, L.E. Francis of Spirit Lake and B.E. Kelly of Emmetsburg. Judge Coyle was finally nominated. Mr. Kelly's strength going to him.

M.F. Coonan Invests in Montana.
     M.F. Coonan returned from Montana a few days ago. He bought 480 acres of land in a valley about 100 miles south of Miles City. The location is perhaps 75 miles northwest of Belle Fourche, South Dakota. He paid $12.50 per acre for his land. There are many ranchmen and homesteaders in that locality, but the land looks good to Mr. Coonan. Several railway lines are surveyed through that part of Montana.

Lutheran School Will Open July 5
    Rev. L.O. Wigdahl of Ruthven was an Emmetsburg visitor Thursday. He will open his Lutheran school in one of the rooms in the East Side buildings Tuesday July 5. Miss Penning of Ruthven will conduct it. She will teach in English and Norwegian. it will be open for a month.

Emmetsburg Democrat
Emmetsburg, Palo Alto Co, IA
20 July 1910

Edward H. McNally, a son of John McNally, has secured a position as
traveling salesman for a wholesale *** at Waterloo. His territory will be
northern Nebraska.

Frank DONOVAN went to St. Cloud, Minnesota Wednesday from which **nt he will
tour several northwest cities with a theatre band. He is handling the slide
trombone. He is a good player.

Ed GREENWALD arrived in this city from Boise, Idaho. He will visit with
relatives for a couple of weeks. He injured one of his knee caps at Jewell
Junction and is using a cane. Mr. GREENWALD is always a welcome visitor in

Wednesday J.O. McGINNIS fell from the top of an elevator grain bin at
Pocahontas and was killed. His skull was fractured. His home was at Moulton,
Illinois. He was 54 years old. He was a single man. He had been at
Pocahontas but a short time.

P.S. BROWN will make a tour of British Columbia while absent. The Canadian
Northern and the Grand Trunk Pacific Companies are opening up several good
towns along the Pacific coast. He will investigate conditions and if
suitable openings are found he will invest.

Adjutant SWANSON of the Salvation Army of Des Moines was in Emmetsburg
Thursday soliciting. Some may sneer at these people but they are doing a
great deal of charitable work among the poor in large cities. Individuals
should be known by their deeds rather than by their professions, their
means, or their appearances.

J.J. and J.D. HIGGINS recently enjoyed a visit from P. HIGGINS and family of
Dubuque county.

Mrs. J.H. MILLEA returned from Cherokee Friday where she had been consulting
a specialist.

W.E. CROWDER has sold his quarter section farm east of Laurens to George
RUPEL for $35 per acre.

Spencer is to have a third clothing store. It will be conducted by SHIRLEY
and TWITCHELL of Fayette, Iowa.

W.H. HIGGINS has bought the W.H. ZISHKA 240 acre farm eight miles southeast
of Spencer for $78.50 per acre.

J.K. STEENSON was over from Ayrshire last week to see his son E.B. before
his departure for Eagle Grove.

V.E. HOUSTRON of Ogden, Boone County has been apppointed legal agent of the
Adams Express company at Spencer.

The W.R. WEBB farm some distance west of Spencer was sold a few days ago to
Charles JOHNSON for $100 per acre.

The Spencer papers report that Mrs. Guy H. MARTIN is at Rochester,
Minnesota, undergoing a severe surgical operation.

Mesdames E.E. HUGHES, OSGERBY and FISH, and Misses Grace McCARTY, Mamie
GROUT and FIFE were at West Bend Wednesday attending a county convention of
the Rebekahs. It was largely attended and proved an enjoyable and profitable

W.J. BROWN informs us that W.S. PARNHAM recently sold his fruit farm near
Grand Junction, Colorado, for $8,000. He will most likely invest again. His
health is much better than it was several months ago.

Philip WEISBROD, who lives near Fenton, built one of the largest barns in
that vicinity last fall and during the present summer he has erected a
splendid residence. There are a large number of the WEISBROD brothers and
they are all thrifty. They are excellent citizens.

Mrs. W.J. O'BRIEN of Whittemore visited Emmetsburg relatives last week.

Mr. and Mrs. S.R. STEDMAN and little daughter spent Sunday at Templars Park.

Ray CARLISLE and Wallace SIMPSON of Whittemore visited Emmetsburg friends

Mrs. P. JOYNT spent the past week with her daughter, Mrs. SLAGLE of Ruthven.

Miss Edna GUSLAND is enjoying a few days at the lakes with Dr. and Mrs.
BALDWIN of Ruthven.

Miss Lizzie BURKE of Silver Lake is taking a course in a summer school at
Des Moines.

The Chronicle says that Mrs. P. O'GRADY and Miss Winifred are visiting
relatives at Sioux City.

Walter SAWYER of the Ayrshire neighborhood is home from Hot Springs after an
absence of three months.

Leo BURKE came up from Laurens Monday morning and took the west bound train
for Gillett Grove.

Miss Hilda ARMBRECK who had been visiting her sister, Mrs. ZAHRNDT, returned
to State Center Thursday.

Geo VEDDER drove to Laurens Saturday with his mother and sisters who had
been visiting relatives in this city for some time.

Will KIRBY and R.J. DOOLEY returned to Waurika, Oklahoma Saturday. They
enjoyed a delightful visit with Emmetsburg relatives.

The Lutherans of Fairfield township held their annual schulfest in the C.H.
BLECKWENN grove last Sunday. There was a large attendance and all present
enjoyed themselves.

Edward McNALLY drove across Palo Alto and into Kossuth county Friday. He
says he never saw crops looking better. Several farmers had finished
harvesting their early oats.

Sergeant Edward F. MURRAY is at the state shoot at Des Moines contesting for
a place on the Iowa team to the national shoot at Perry, Ohio, in August.
The Democrat hopes he will prove a winner.

Mrs. C.H. COOKINHAM of Ayrshire was in an M. & St. L. train that was
derailed near Albert Lea, Minnesota, a few days ago. Several passengers were
injured but no one was killed. The M. & St. L. has a very poor road bed.

Geo. WILLIAMS has resigned his post in Mr. FREEMAN's store. He will move to
Cedar Rapids where he has secured a good position. No young man in
Emmetsburg has more friends than Mr. WILLIAMS. The departure of him and his
estimable wife will be regretted by all who know them.

Mr. D.G. McCARTY returned from New York Wednesday. She had been visiting her
parents for some time.

Misses BRERTON and Pearl TAYLOR spent last week as guests at the L.F.
FRANCIS summer home at Spirit Lake.

Mrs. Major  HOLMAN came down from Spirit Lake the last of the week to spend
a few days visiting Mrs. Reade CLARKE.

Miss Mildred BRAND who had been visiting at the J.H. HINKLEY home for a
couple of weeks returned to Sibley Saturday.

Mrs. Ed MERRIMAN and little child came down from Graettinger Monday for a
visit at the Mr. and Mrs. E.E. HUGHES home.

Loyd REFSELL returned home from Spirit Lake Monday. He was a stenographer at
the K.T. conclave held at Templars Park last week.

Phil DAILY recently returned from Ringsted and told the people of Ayrshire
that Peter KNOX living west of Emmetsburg has the best crops that he had
seen in his travels.

Mrs. Kate DUNGAN and her daughter, Miss Mary, of Montrose, South Dakota, are
visiting Mr. and Mrs. Peter JONES of this place. The have also other
relatives in this vicinity.

Miss LALLY of Denison was an Emmetsburg visitor Friday. She came to meet the
members of the school board. She is an applicant for the position of
director of music in our schools.

Father Charles and his sisters, Mrs. HOWARD and Kit CASSIDY, and his
brothers James and John CASSIDY were Emmetsburg visitors Thursday. They were
on their way from Hull to Minneapolis.

The W.A. of Trinity church will meet with Mrs. W.J. MOSES Wednesday, July
27, at 3 o'clock. Tea will be served at 4. members will please bring the
contents of their mite boxes.

Mrs. Ralph BEEKS of Los Angeles who had been visiting her cousins, the
Misses RICHARDSON and other relatives in this city and vicinity for a week
or ten days, went to Grinnell Monday to spend a few days. From there she
will return to California.

Joe TENNANT who used to keep hotel at Algona is in trouble at Hartley. Harry
Edward LEWIS has sued him for $2,000 damages. The latter claimed he
registered at Mr. TENNANT's hotel, was assigned a room and that later the
landlord refused to keep him overnight.

JOHN JOYNT Jr., who is in the employ of the Milwaukee company, says that
drouth still prevails in the vicinity of Mason City. The oat crop is
practically a failure and corn is backward. The railway companies are
burning along their right of way in order to guard against fires. Some
farmers are feeding old hay to their cattle.

Miss Mary LAUGHLIN of Denver, Colorado is visiting relatives in this

Joseph CLENNON has been quite sick during the past week but is about again.

Dr. M.F. JOYNT has located at Marcus, Iowa. The Democrat wishes him success.

C.A. SMITH of Laton, California, lost his bank and one or two other
buildings by fire a few days ago.

Dr. O'BRIEN reports a new daughter at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W.H. JACKMAN
since Monday.

Mrs. John MENZIES arrived from California a few days ago to spend a few
weeks with Mr. MENZIES.

Mrs. BUTTERFIELD and Mrs. ALLEN and daughter, Miss Mable, of Manchester
arrived in this city a few days ago to visit Mr. and Mrs. OSGERBY during the
Chautauqua. Mrs. BUTTERFIELD is Mrs. OSGERBY's mother and Mrs. ALLEN is Mr.
OSGERBY's sister.

A few days ago Mrs. John DRUMMY fell and injured herself quite badly. The
same limb that was injured last winter is affected. She has been most

Last week Miss Martha SCHENDEL stepped on a rusty needle. It broke off and
part of it remained in her foot. Wednesday Drs. VAN GORDEN and O'BRIEN
removed it.

Mrs. M.V. CAVANAUGH and her daughter-in-law, Mrs. Ted CAVANAUGH, of
Rockford, Iowa, have been guests during the past week at the home of Mr. and

Saturday evening while out auto riding, Dan KELLY had a very close call. He
ran against a large rope tied across the street and it skinned his neck
pretty badly. It might have killed him. Miss ANDREWS is quite sick and it
was tied across the street to prevent teams from passing. Mr. KELLY did not
see it.

Emmetsburg Democrat
Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa
24 Aug 1910

Off For Iowa City

Fifty-Three Emmetsburgers Go to A.O.H. State Convention.

Yesterday the members of the A.O.H. of this city and the L.A.of the A.O.H.
left for Iowa City to attend the state convention and state reunion of both
organizations. They had their own special car. They took their drum corps
and and six members of the Gaelic jig dancing club. The dancers are Myrtle
KERWICK, Misses Jean and Mary KELLY, Ruth EGAN, Veran and Mildred McNALLY.
All are little folks. They dance exeptionally well. There were 53 in the
party. They attended a big meeting of the order at Cedar Rapids last night
and had a grand time. The following are the names of those who went:
Jas. P. CARNEY, Ben MURRAY, P.F. HAND, and Richard McEVOY, Misses Jean
Julia CROWLEY, Kate DUFFY, and Mary LAUGHLIN; Mesdames Sarah McDONALD, J.D.

Home From Plummer, Idaho.
Geo. B. McCARTY, Cahs. SIEGLE, and S.W. DICKASON arrived home from Idaho
Friday. They came over the Canadian Pacific. They had a grand trip. Teh
season has been dry in northern Idaho and in southern Canada. They stopped
at various points in Alberta and Saskatchewan on their way home. Mr. McCARTY
bought 21 lots at Plummer, Idaho and P.S. BROWN 24 lots. Mr. SIEGEL and
Mr.DICKASON did not make any purchases. Plummer will doubtless be a county
seat when the new county is organized on the reservation strip. It promises
to be a good town. It has two roads and will most likely secure two more.
Ray McCARTY has a valuable quarter section of timber land adjoining the

An Old Soldier Passes Away.
A Mr SCOTT who for the past few years has lived on the old BROWN place at
the head of Medium lake died Saturday. He had been ill for some time. The
remains were taken to Otho, Webster county, last evening for burial. He was
75 years old and was a veteran of the civil war. He had been married twice.
One son and daughter and his second wife survive him. The Democrat did not
know him, but those who knew him during the few years he lived in Palo Alto
county, speak very highly of him. The surviving relatives have the sympathy
of all in their sorrow.

Just a Reminder.
We wish to remind Rev. C.W. BARBER that he did not have to ask for police
protection in Emmetsburg or Carroll- two towns he has misrepresented in most
of the speeches he has made in Iowa-but he had to ask for such protection in
his home city of Des Moines, the capital of our state, the place where he is
best known and where he should be most beloved as a pastor and as a citizen.
Further comment is not necessary.

Never Thought of Uncle George.
H.J. THOMPSON of Whittemore was in Emmetsburg Friday morning. He had been at
Cedar Rapids and was returning home. He had his suitcase with him but he
resented the suggestion that he might be bringing some of Mr. SHIRMER's pop
to George BOYLE for a Sunday party. He says that George feels that a man of
64 ought to have something older and better than pop.

A Suggestion About Our Schools.
The Democrat thinks taht a department for teaching stenography, typewriting
and book keeping should be added to our Emmetsburg High School course. It
would accommodate a great many boys and girls and parents as well. Our
schools should be more practical. The should supply as far as possible the
local demand.

21 Head of Cattle Killed.
Tuesday night of last week 21 head of cattle were killed by lightning in
Thomas KIRBY's pasture in Nevada township. Nine belonged to Thomas KIRBY,
Jr., seven to James BURNS, and five to Mr. STUDOR, who lives near Mallard.
Mr. BURNS had some insurance, but the other gentlemen had none. The total
loss is estimated between $600 and $700.

John F. Kennedy Loses a Son
We regret to learn that Mr and Mrs John F. Kennedy, formerly of Great Oak
township, now of Fonda, mourn the death of their son Patrick who passed away
a few days ago.

Mr. R.E. Gardinier of Etherville and Miss Nellie Blunt of Ruthven were
married at the home of the bride's parents Wednesday, Rev. J.B. Walker
officiating. The groom is a conductor on the M. and St. L. line. The happy
couple will live at Estherville. The Democrat extends congratulations.

Additional Locals

Mrs. M.F. Kerwick and Miss Edna returned from Milwaukee Thursday morning.

Lou Moses went to Hartley Wednesday evening to spend a few days with

Robert Laughlin and Will Berkler took in the Indian shoot at Spirit Lake

Wm. Bross, the Western Union operator was a business visitor to Mason City

Mrs. O.O. Williams Jr returned to Des Moines Thursday. Her sister Agnes
accompanied her.

T.J. Fox has bought the H.F. Elmhurst quarter section farm west of Rolfe. He
paid $70 per acre for it.

Henry Hughes left for Oconomowoc, Wisconsin, Friday morning for a short
visit with relatives. Mrs. Hughes and Miss Bernice have been there for some

We notice from the Hawarden Chronicle that a number of pearls ranging in
value from $50 to $250 each have been found in the Big Sioux river. They
were discovered while gathering clams for bait.

A Few Items from the Democrat of Wednesday, August 20, 1890

-Will KIRBY of Tipton spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. B.E. KELLY.
-Miss McCLUSKY of Dubuque is visiting the Misses KELLY of this city.
-There are quite a number of cases of measles at Curlew.
-Station Agent NEWTON of Whittemore has gone to Nebraska to remain
-Peter JONES Sr. went to Montrose, Dakota, last week to visit relatives.
-Over $600 has been subscribed for the building of the Baptist church at
-Edward CORLEY of Highland township reports that hogs in his neighborhood
are dying of cholera.
-M.F. COONAN has traded his trotter, Flora Lee, for 80 acres of land.
-J.P. KIRBY made a business trip to Sioux Falls last week.
-Base ball game tomorrow for $300 per side between Emmetsburg and Forest
-M. GOSSMAN will build a new residence for Mr. FRY of Nevada township.
-Mrs. HOAGLAND went to Oelwein Tuesday to visit relatives.
-Attorney GIBBS and his mother of Dubuque are visiting relatives in Vernon
-Hay promises to be very scarce in this county during the coming fall and
-While out shooting the other day, James FITZGERALD accidentaly shot Mrs.
Matt RYAN in the arm. However, the injury is not a serious one.
-Ed BRIGGS is visiting relatives at Clinton and Nevada.
-Mrs. M.E. MAHAN was quite ill last week.
-Mrs. GLEASON of New Hampton is visiting relatives in Lost Island township.
-Charles McNALLY and family of Mason City are visiting relatives in this
-The population of Algona is 2069.
-A son of Mr. WORDEN living east of Cylinder was thrown from a horse a few
days ago and had an arm broken.
-The Scottish American land company has disposed of all its holdings in
Osceola, Emmet and Palo Alto counties. The sale consists of 19,000 acres.
-Adam DOMEK has just completed a new barn.
-J.H. TOOLE has built a new residence.
-Oats are selling for 30 cents per bushel and hogs for $3.45 per hundred.
-C.J. MEKISH moved into his new residence last week.
-Prof  PEASLEY delivered a sermon at the M.E. church Sunday morning.
-McGARRY Brothers have rented the McDonnell building and will use it for
tailoring purposes.
-C.J. McKITRICK of Kimball, Dakota, has moved to this city and will buy
grain for Hunting & Co.
-The city water system is now ready for use.
-James DUNIGAN has just built a large barn
-There is a new boy at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E.P. BRAGG, a daughter at
the home of Mr .and Mrs. J.P. RYAN, and a daughter at the home of Mr. and
-Mrs. John D WHALEN of Ft. Dodge is visiting her sister, Mrs. NALLY.
-Harry McCULLOUGH was at Des Moines last week attending the grand lodge
Knights of Pythias.
-Miss FOLGER will teach in the primary department of the Emmetsburg public

Emmetsburg Democrat
Emmetsburg, Palo Alto Co, IA
7 Sep 1910

The TALBOTT farm near Pocahontas has been sold for $100 per acre.

Miss Mary CROWLEY lost her gold watch at Whittemore Wednesday.

There are fifteen cases of infantile paralysis in one school district near

Eldon WALLACE will move from Pocahontas to Emmetsburg. He sells the Raleigh

Wm. NESSEN has bought the HELMKE meat market at Whittemore. He took
possession Monday.

Miss Carry KOCH of Whittemore has gone to Cedar Falls to attend the Iowa
State Normal school.

We notice that horses have been stolen at LeMars and Webster City during the
past week.

Rev. Foster SMYLIE of Geneseo, Illinois, has accepted a call as pastor of
the Presbyterian church at Algona.

John JOLLIFEE, who lives near Plover, has bought 400 western lambs and will
feed them on his large farm during the winter.

Michael CONLON visited his daughter, Mrs. Phil CULLEN, of Whittemore,
Wednesday, and of course sampled the ox roast.

The Ayrshire Chronicle reports a new son at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Richard
McNALLY. Their many friends extend congratulations.

Miss Ethel BIGGLESTONE of Laurens has just returned from a trip to Europe.
She saw the Oberammergua play and says it was very fine.

John H. SHERLOCK left for Graceville, Minnesota last week. He will serve as
superintendent of the schools at that place during the coming year.

Father COSTELLO was up from Livermore Saturday.

Ray McCULLUM was a Graettinger visitor Wednesday.

Glen BRIGHTON was a passenger to Superior Friday evening.

Miss Mary DONOVAN returned from Estherville Friday evening.

Mr. and Mrs. ARMICK of West Bend were in Emmetsburg Wednesday.

Ray McNALLY left for Omaha Saturday to attend Creighton university.

Edward BUTLER of Sheldon has secured a patent on a steel railroad tie.

Miss Mayme SULLIVAN was down from Graettinger Thursday and Friday.

Adrian LARSON, who had been working in the Tribune office, returned to West
Bend last week.

A son was born to Dr. and Mrs. A.A. THEILE Wednesday. The Democrat extends

The Journal reports that John DORWEILER, who lives east of West Bend, is
building a 38x50 ft. barn.

J.F. MAY has sold his farm south of Milford to a gentleman from Carroll
county for $100 per acre.

Ed McNALLY visited his parents in this city the last of the week. He has
been traveling in Nebraska.

T.J. McCAFFREY of West Bend mourns the death of a brother, who recently died
at Watertown, South Dakota.

J.N. PHILLIPS was up from West Bend Wednesday and Thursday. Of course he was
interested in real estate.

Miss Carrie MITCHELL came down from Graettinger Friday evening. She will
teach in the Whittemore schools this year.

The three-year-old son of D.B. RYAN of Mason City died a few days ago from
lockjaw. Two weeks before he stepped on a rusty nail.

J.N. PHILLIPS and Will LAUGHLIN were business visitors to Graettinger
Thursday evening. They are buying cattle in that vicinity.

Miss Sarah LYNCH of Ft. Dodge, who has been visiting at the T. SHIELDS home
in Silver Lake township, returned to Ft. Dodge Wednesday.

W.D. DONOVAN returned from Montana last week. He shipped a load of horses
from that state to Sheldon and had a very successful sale.
While reading of the wonderful record made by Dairymaid, owned by W.W. MARSH
of Waterloo, we are reminded that C.C. EGAN of Great Oak township has a cow
that averaged 44 pounds of butter per month for two months. On this basis,
at present prices, she ought to produce over $150 worth of butter per year.
We do not understand that Mr. EGAN took special care of her or fed her any
better that his other cows. Good cows are cheap at $60 to $70. It pays to
grade up. Farmers send to Ames for the latest bulletins on dairying and get
busy. You should be getting better returns on $85 to $100 per acre land.
Whittemore Made Good

A large number of our citizens went to Whittemore Wednesday to take in the
big "ox fest". We could not name half of those who bought tickets. May
others went by auto. There was a large attendance. All were hungry and
enjoyed the roast. The ox was well cooked and it was quickly devoured. E.G.
DUNN made an excellent speech. During the forenoon Whittemore defeated Lotts
Creek on the diamond by a score of 5 to 0 and in the afternoon, Fenton won
by a score of 2 to 1. There were several interesting races during the day.
Whittemore more than made good.
Martin Clennon Buys Farm.
Martin CLENNON has bought the J.N. PHILLIPS quarter section farm three and
on-half miles west of West Bend for $85 per acre. Mr. PHILLIPS purchased it
of Benjamin SCHADE last spring for $74 per acre. It is exceptionally well
improved. There is an $1,800 residence on it, a barn that is 56x86, a good
granary, a large corn crib, an excellent poultry house and other buildings.
Mr. CLENNON will remain where he is for another year. The Democrat hopes he
will eventually sell his new farm for $100 to $125 per acre and stay in this
Hogs Bound to be High
Hogs are $4 per hundred higher in the Chicago market than they were a month
ago. They are the highest they havebeen since June. There is an increased
eastern demand for them and the receipts have been light. Compared with the
first eight months of last year, the supply of Chicago is still a million
short. Hence pork is bound to be dear during the coming fall and winter.
young pigs are not plentiful.

Emmetsburg Democrat
Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa
5 Oct 1910

News of 20 Years Ago, 10 Oct 1890

Mr. T.E. EGAN, formerly of this place, and Miss Jessie FERGUSON of St.
Francis, Kansas, were married at that place last Saturday.

J.F. RYAN, the Rock Island agent of this place, has been transferred to
Cedar Rapids.

P. MONTGOMERY, of Walnut township, is building a new barn.

Mr. McGUIRE, of Illinois, is visiting his uncle, Thomas CONLON.

Thomas WEIR is enjoying a visit from his father who resides in Illinois.

The Lutherans of Mallard will soon begin the erection of a new church.

There is a new girl at the home of Mr. and Mrs. P. MONTGOMERY, of Walnut

A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. BAUMGARTNER Saturday.

Marriage licenses have been issued to the following named parties: C.E.
Gertie KELLY.

Joseph, son of J.W. BRENNAN, died at Wesley Tuesday, aged 16. He had heart

Miss Kate CASSIDY, of Hull, is visiting relatives in this city.

A. KAUFMAN, of Chicago, is visiting his uncle, H.M. KAUFMAN, in this city.

Dr. and Mrs. D.E. COLLINS, of Dakota, are visiting relatives in this city.

P.J. NOLAN, of Ruthven, has been in this city during the past few days
serving as a juror.

DALEY, Mr. and Mrs. Ed GALLEGER and the Misses McCORMICK, SCOTT and WALLACE
attended the Sioux City corn palace last weekend.

J.H. HINKLEY has moved into his new store building.

E.H. AVERY, of Silver Lake, is building a new house.

Rev. PARALL, of Illinois, is to be the new pastor of the M.E. church at

Miss Netta LARSON, of Avoen, Wisconsin, is visiting sisters at Ruthven.

John DONLON has purchased Joe NEEDHAM's interest in the livery barn at

L.H. SPORAN, of Ruthven, has gone to Whittemore to remain for the winter.

James SCANLAN of Silver Lake township, has sold his farm to Thos. CLAER and
will return to Iowa City.

Dr. BALDWIN reports quite a number of cases of malarial fever at Ruthven.

Mr.LATON is putting up a building at Ayrshire to be used for a store and
dwelling combined.

Last Sunday a horse kicked E.P. BARRINGER's two-year-old son in the forhead,
cutting a deep gash. However the injury will not prove serious.

All kinds of dry goods will be dearer after November 1 because of the
passage of the McKinley tariff bill, which has raised the duty on them.

J.P. KIRBY has been appointed cashier of the Bank of Estherville.
August a Good Creamery Month

During the month of August the Emmetsburg Creamery company checked out
$7,704.72 to its 164 patrons. The price paid for butter fat was 35 cents.
The following are the names of those who had received checks for $20 and
T.H. TAYLOR....................$162.01
Ben CATTELL....................$154.31
Wm. FISHER......................$152.53
Andreas ZIEHLKE..............$143.46
Mrs. Mary A. GIBBS..........$130.41
W.H. GRACE.....................$125.02
Michael JOYNT..................$112.49
W.H. PARKS.....................$104.05
John FITZPATRICK...........$102.90
Mrs. O.P. DOYLE..............$101.15
P.C. NEARY......................$  99.75
Thos. HAMILTON.............$  97.47
J.B. WILLIAMS.................$  93.66
Michael MURPHY..............$  92.92
James DUNIGAN...............$  92.75

Emmetsburg Democrat
Emmetsburg, Palo Alto County, Iowa
12 Oct 1910

Messrs. and Mesdames George and Mark BOYLE of Whittemore enjoyed a visit
with Emmetsburg friends last week.

L.T. GRAVES, formerly of this city, arrived from Fayette Wednesday evening
for a few days visit with local friends.

Mr. and Mrs. PFEIFER of Waterloo arrived Wednesday evening to visit for a
short time with their daughter, Mrs. BEEBE.

The Ladies Aid society of the M.E. church will give a tea at the home of
Mrs. E.G. KELLY this afternoon. All are invited.

We notice that Henry JOHNSON formerly of Graettinger, is building a tile
plant at Renwick. He has followed this line of business for several years
and is prospering.

A.E. WILDERMAN is again in possession of the pool hall he conducted at West
Bend some time ago. He bought it from Mart NESSEN. The latter will move onto
a farm.

The Whittemore Champion is beginning its 20th year. Mr. WHITE has been
publishing it for six years. It is very newsy and is exceptionally well
printed. It is a credit to Whittemore and to Kossuth county.

Twin boys were born to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph JACKMAN Saturday. A large circle
of relatives and friends extend congratulations. Just watch Grandfather
JACKMAN smile the next time he comes to Emmetsburg.

Lester SPROUT came over from Cylinder Saturday and went from here to
Graettinger to visit relatives.

Mr.and Mrs. J.D. COLLINS and Mr. and Mrs. W.N. MINTONEY were over from
Spencer Saturday and spent the day fishing. While here they were the guests
of Jas. SLATER.

Henry HEIN of Hartley is being treated in the hospital at that place for
lump jaw. It is thought that he contracted the disease while taking care of
a critter that was affected by it.

Capt. and Mrs. SOPER recently enjoyed a visit from Mr. and Mrs. O.R. HARVEY
of Anamosa, who are relatives of Mr. SOPER. They moved to Jones county from
New York in 1847. Mr. HARVEY is 81 years of age and Mrs. HARVEY is 77.

Miss Lulu ZIMMERMAN, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. G.W. ZIMMERMAN, died at Los
Angeles, California, September 29. She had been ill for quite a long time.
Mr. and Mrs. ZIMMERMAN have the sympathy of a large number of Emmetsburg
friends in their sorrow.

Mr. and Mrs. Hugh LAIRD of Fort Dodge, who had been visting relatives in
this city, spent Tuesday and Wednesday at Spirit Lake. They drove up in
their new Ford automobile. In company with the latter's parents, Mr. and
Mrs. WINTER, they returned to Fort Dodge the first of the week.

Mrs. Mary E. JOYCE is visiting relatives at Lansing.

Paul DOYLE has accepted a position in J.K. BENDA's store.

Mr. and Mrs. Frank WARNKE returned from northern Minnesota about ten days

S.P. CRISMAN was up from West Bend Monday attending the Palo Alto telephone

Mr. MALONEY returned from Preston, Minnesota, Friday where he had been
visiting his mother.

Mrs. STEIL, Sr., and Miss Julia DUNGAN will leave today for Waggoner,
Oklahoma. Mrs. STEIL will remain until spring.

John RYAN, who had been in Colorado and New Mexico for some time is home
visiting his mother. He will go to Cedar Rapids October 20.

Joe TURNER was up from Rodman Friday. He accompanied his daughter, Mrs. L.
BOYER, this far on her return to....

Emmetsburg Democrat
Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa
9 Nov 1910

     Mrs. E.E. Ryan of Des Moines visited relatives in this city and at Ayrshire last week.
     N.P. Peterson of Estherville spent Sunday and Monday with his daughter Mrs. John S. Barnes, of this place.
     A.C. Sands was up from Mallard Monday. He was very ill for some time but is regaining his flesh and strength.
     Mr. Steel was a passenger to Chicago Friday. He is a brother of Wm. Steele, who worked for V.H. Clark last summer.
     Attorney Will Johnson of Estherville has gone to Ft. Dodge where he will open a law office with another young man.
     F.L. Barnes representing the Burlington Art company, spent Sunday with his brother, John S. Barnes of this place.
     Milo Riggs went to Pomeroy, Ohio, Friday to remain. He has been spending the last two years tiling in this vicinity.
     Mike Driscoll brought in five cars of corn yesterday, grown by Jack Thompson, that weighed seven and one-fourth pounds.
     A few days ago Mrs. P.H. Hand received a draft for $730.20 for a policy Mr. Hand carried in the A.O.H. insurance company of Illinois.
     Just as we go to press we learn that Mr. James Conway and Miss Mary Kliegl were married at Whittemore Catholic church this morning. Particulars next week.
     Mr. and Mrs. Hughes of Pocatello, Idaho, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Jennett.
     Miss Berg, who was an operator in the Western Union office during Miss Lizzie Conlon's illness, returned to Minneapolis Monday. Miss Conlon is able to attend to her duties again.
     Wm. Vance, who formerly lived in the vicinity of Laurens, had a stroke of paralysis a few days ago and is not likely to recover. He has for some time been living in the vicinity of Marshalltown.
     John O'Brien, Jr., who had been living on his claim near Powell, South Dakota, during the past year, returned home Wednesday. A short time ago there was considerable rain in that locality.
     Dr. Martin Joynt of Jessup, Dr. Robert Joynt of LeMars, Dr. Michael Joynt of Marcus, and Albert Joynt of Iowa City arrived yesterday to attend the marriage of their brother Joseph T. Joynt.

Mr. P.E. Malia of Ayrshire and Miss Marie Bettinger of Clare Married.
     P.E. Malia treated his friends to a genuine surprise when he arrived here Monday morning from Clare with a wife. To our knowledge there wasn't a person in town who even suspected that he was contemplating matrimony and only thought those occasional trips to Clare were for the purpose of visiting a few hours with mother. Of course his intimate friends had noticed that those visits had become more frequent of late, but they did not realize their significance.
     The bride is Miss Marie Bettinger, who has resided in Clare since early childhood. She is the eldest girl of the family and since her mother's death many years ago, she has been mother ans sister to the family of younger children. She is spoken of very highly by those who know here and will reign with dignity in her new home.
     The marriage ceremony took place at the Catholic church in Clare Monday at 7 a.m. with Father Dorsey officiating...[rest of article not copied.]

They Were Allowed $2700
     Attorneys E.A. Morling and P.H. Paulson, the latter of Estherville, won their case against Mr. Miller, who was charged with burning his own store building at Gruver a year or so ago. He was acquitted, although the evidence against him was very damaging. He lives at St. James, Minnesota. They agreed to accept $2300 for their services, but he refused to pay that amount. They sued for $4000. The case was tried at Estherville last week, lasting for several days. They were given a verdict for $2700.

Emmetsburg Democrat
Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa
30 Nov 1910

M.J. Brennan, The Star
He More Than Made Good Against Great Notre Dame Football Team

     We are glad to note that Martin J. Brennan, son of Mr and Mrs M.F.
Brennan of this city, was the star in the exciting football game that was
played at Milwaukee Thanksgiving between the Marquette university and the
Notre Dame university teams. Mr. Brennan attended Notre Dame university last
year and at the close of the season was anxious to secure a place on the team
of that institution. He had been an extra player. He was told that he was
too slow. He seemed to think otherwise. He went to Milwaukee in September
and entered Marquette university. Speaking of Thursday's game, which was one
of the most warmly contested ever witnessed in Wisconsin, the Chicago
Record-Herald of Friday says, "Marquette and Notre Dame played to a 5 and 5
tie yesterday afternoon in a game which will go down in the annals of both
institutions as one of the greatest contests ever played by either team.
Hanley, the Marquette tackle, with Brennan, a former Notre Dame man, were
the particular stars of the Marquette team both blocking kick after kick and
breaking out into brilliant plays in almost every feature of the game. ***
In the second half, Foley kicked off to Schaller Brennan made four yards
around the end and made the touch down on an end run. Schaller missed the
goal by an inch." The Democrat has long felt confident that Martin would
sooner or later prove his ability as an athlete. His many friends and
relatives in this county will be pleased to learn of his success in a
football game that has attracted such attention in Chicago, Milwaukee and
the central west. Notre Dame defeated the Michigan eleven last year, but
because of some misunderstanding about players they did not meet this year.
Mr. Brennan's sons have proven themselves very strong on the gridiron. James
F. was one of the stars in the Stanford university team a few years ago and
was given more attention in the write up of the season's contests, in the San
Francisco newspapers than any other player on the Pacific coast. Plucky
blood usually tells.
     The man who probably had the greatest satisfaction when the game was
over was the brilliant Marquette end, Brennan, who fought desperately for
victory that he might make his revenge on his former teammates complete.
Brennan was a former Notre Dame player, but trouble with Coach Longman
caused him to leave the Indiana institution and come to Marquette. It was
Notre Dame's loss for he was the shining light of the Marquette team, and
his presence was felt at all times. Figuring in every play he fought
relentlessly to stop the onslaughts of the Maize and Blue and was
successful, for he spilled the Notre Dame interference, tackled the runner
and followed the ball like a hawk. His cup of happiness was filled when he
shot over the line for Marquette's only score.--Milwaukee Sentinel
The Marquette touchdown, oddly enough was made by Brennan who played with
Notre Dame against Marquette last Thanksgiving. He was told after that game
he was too slow, and came to Marquette, which under the eligibility
agreement of the two schools, could use him against his old teammates.
Brennan played a star game blocking two drop kicks for goal tried by Notre
Dame and was given the ball when Marquette has first down on Notre Dame's
one yard line. --Milwaukee Free Press.

Emmetsburg Democrat
Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa
Wednesday, Dec 7, 1910

Miss Margaret DONOVAN of Estherville is visiting her grandparents, Mr. and
Mrs. Thos. DONOVAN of this city.

Mrs. C.J. BERGER [Ellen HIGGINS BERGER] returned from Dubuque Wednesday
where she had been for several weeks having her eyes treated.

John BARNS left for Lemon, South Dakota, yesterday to look over the country.
He will be absent a couple of weeks.

John GRIMSTAD arrived from Rochelle, Illinois, Saturday. He owns a large
farm in this vicinity. The season in Illinois has been too dry.

The county treasurer did not have a very large tax sale Monday though there
were a number in attendance. Tax sales do not amount to much these times.

Mr. Wm. LAW and Miss Silvia HAMILTON of Rodman were married in Emmetsburg
Monday, Rev., J.E. BRERTON officiating. The Democrat extends

Mrs. A.C. HOLIHAN, who had been visiting her sister, Mrs. P.S. BROWN,
returned to her home at Vinton Tuesday evening of last week. She was
accompanied by her little brother.

Mrs. Robert CANFIELD, who had been visiting her parents, Mr and Mrs. G.W.
DRYBREAD, for some time, returned to Schenectady, New York, Thursday. Mr.
DRYBREAD accompanied her as far as Chicago.

Peter ACKERMAN was down from Estherville Monday on business. He had a dandy
sale a few days ago. Prices were exceptionally good. Mr and Mrs. ACKERMAN
intend to be in Colorado by Christmas to remain a year.

W.E.G. SAUNDERS, W.L. THOMPSON and Ed. HAAG will have a big sale on
Wednesday, December 21. They will sell 21 horses and mules, 84 cattle, 75
hogs, 200 sheep and a considerable farm machinery.

Eight of the life members of the Palo Alto County Fair Association held a
meeting Monday. Thos. KIRBY was elected president, C.H. GIDDINGS vice
president, and J.C. BENNETT secretary. A committee was appointed to
investigate the financial affairs of the company.

At the annual meeting of the Catholic Order of Forresters, held Thursday
evening, all of the old officers were re-elected for the ensuing year. L.
REIHSEN is chief ranger, J.P. JENNINGS vice chief ranger, John MONCRIEF
recording secretary, C.J. BERGER financial secretary and David JOYNT
treasurer. There are several other less important officers.

Monday evening Miss Gertrude SCHROEDER daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wilber
SCHROEDER, gave a birthday party to a number of friends. Among those who
attended from Emmetsburg were Mr and Mrs. BECKMAN, Chris SCHROEDER and Miss
SCHROEDER. It is needless to say that all enjoyed the evening.

A week ago Sunday the Norwegian Lutheran church about five miles northeast
of Cylinder caught fire from a defective fine. By timely and earnest efforst
it was saved from destruction. The loss is not large. It was insured in the
County Mutual and the Union Mutual.

Teachers may make mistakes, but parents should never encourage children to
show disregard for the teacher's authority. To do this is to encourage the
growth of lawless citizenship. Parents, do not listen to the child's
complaint about unfair treatment by the teacher.

Filo POARCH spent Sunday with Algona friends.

J.M. RICHIE returned from Blunt, South Dakota, last week.

Ralph WALKER was a passenger to Davenport Sunday evening.

A.W. WAGNER made a business trip to Ankeny Saturday.

Sheriff CULLEN was a passenger to Des Moines Saturday evening.

Mrs. P.H. STEDMAN was an over Sunday visitor at Estherville.

Harry THATCHER of Ruthven was an Emmetsburg visitor Wednesday.

Attorney W.J. FISHER went to Minneapolis Thursday on professional business.

Tom J. WHITE was over from Whittemore Sunday visiting his mother and

Mrs. J.N. PHILIPS of West Bend visited her daughter, Mrs. Bert RYAN, of this
place Saturday.

There are cases of measles in several neighboring towns. We do not know of
any patients in Emmetsburg.

Mr and Mrs. C.F. NEDDERMAN returned from Fort Dodge Sunday morning where
they had been the guests of friends.

W.B. BARNEY & Sons of Hampton are shipping blooded cattle to Japan, Mexico
and Brazil. Their fame has gone abroad.

Daniel CLAER and Will MURPHY left for Texas Wednesday to remain during the
winter and perhaps longer should they like the country.

Mayor STEENSON and John McGUIRE of Ayrshire were Emmetsburg visitors
Wednesday. They had business with the Palo Alto Telephone company.

Mr and Mrs. L.C. CHRISTIANSON and Peter ADAMSON and Miss Mary left for
California Tuesday. The Democrat made mention some time ago of their
contemplated departure.

Emmetsburg Democrat
Palo Alto County, Iowa
21 Dec 1910

J.M. DEERING was at St. Paul on business last week.
Miss Nellie GALLEGER visited Graettinger friends Sunday.
Dr. F.M. MAGRUDER of Mason City was in Emmetsburg Monday.
Will MORLING is home from college to remain until after the holidays.
P.V. NOLAN was a visitor to Marion county, Iowa the first of the week.
Miss MART and her cousin, Miss JOHNSON, visited Estherville relatives last
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew SIMONSON of Graettinger were in Emmetsburg Wednesday.
Mrs. E.E. HUGHES visited her daughter, Mrs. MERRIMAN, of Graettinger, last
Mrs. Dan O'NEILL has been visiting relatives near Graettinger during the
past week.
Carroll BRAGG returned from Chicago Tuesday to spend the holidays with
relatives and friends.
Mrs. J.H. MAHONEY was called to Gridley, Illinois last week to see his
mother, who is very ill.
N.A. LIND, Rolfe's big Shorthorn breeder, lost his house by fire Sunday
night. It was worth $5,000.
H.B. SMITH of Minneapolis is visiting relatives and friends in this city. He
resided here for many years.
Mrs. Ray HUGHES left this morning for her home at Pocatello, Idaho. She had
veen visiting her sister, Mrs. JENNETTE, for the past couple of weeks.
Mrs. BIGGS, the piano tuner, who has regularly visited Emmetsburg for some
time, has gone to Malden, Washington where she will make her future home.
Railway companies will have to learn to be more careful about preventing
wrecks. Verdicts are being given in damage cases for $10,000 to $30,000.
Wm. JONES came down form Colman, South Dakota, Monday evening. He has a
brother living near Rodman. He will remain in this vicinity for some time.
Misfortune seldom comes alone. Little Frank MAYER of Ottosen, whose father
was killed at Ft. Dodge a short time ago, fell down cellar last week and has
since been suffering from concussion of the brain.
Miss BRIGHT has gone to Des Moines to visit relatives.
Miss ILLINGWORTH went to Peoria, Illinois Saturday.
Guy R. CAMPBELL was a passenger to West Bend Tuesday.
Miss Mayme SULLIVAN was down from Graettinger Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. HOLMES went to Knoxville, Illinois Monday.
Mr. MART has gone to Worthington, Iowa, to visit relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. M.L. BROWN were Des Moines visitors last week.
J.J. WATSON was a passenger to Peoria, Illinois Saturday.
Mrs. C.R. VAN GORDEN was a passenger to Des Moines Thursday.
Hon. F.C. DAVIDSON was in Des Moines the last of the week.
Messrs. SAUNDERS, John THOMPSON, and Ed. HAAG are having their big sale
E.A. MORLING and M.C. GRIER were passengers to Humboldt Thursday to attend
John WARNKE arrived home from Waterville, Minnesota, last night to visit his
Mesdames F.L. EATON and G.W. ROUSE of Ayrshire were Emmetsburg visitors
Mrs. Frank MEADE went to Syracuse, New York Thursday to visit her daughter
and family.
Rev. Herbert CLEGG was at Sibley Wednesday officiation at the funeral of his
old friend, Senator LISTER.
Mr. and Mrs. Dan BURNS have been visiting during the past week with
relatives at Waterville, Nebraska.
Mr. and Miss BOLINGER of Wesley, who had been visiting Mrs. O. NELSON, left
last week for Millette, South Dakota.
Mr. E.J. JOHNSON and Miss Emma SCHULTZ were married at Curlew Monday, Rev.
E.J. NICKERSON officiating.
We understand that J.P. JENNINGS has bought a hearse and two hacks. he will
use them in connection with his livery business.
Vincent HIGLEY of Fairfield township has his arm broken a few days ago while
cranking his gasoline engine to do some pumping.
Miss Etta BIGLEY of Cedar Rapids and Miss Genevieve of Chicago were called
home last Wednesday by the serious illness of their father.
H.C. CURRY, one of the supervisors of Dickinson county, died a few days ago.
He was the father of Miss Sadie CURRY, formerly of this place.
Ray McNALLY arrived home from Omaha Saturday.  He had been attending
Creighton university. He will return after the holidays.

Town Topics of a Week

Peter GRETHEN was up from Mallard Monday.
W.J. McCARTY was at Cedar Rapids last week.
J.W. DARLAND left for Ft. Smith, Ark. last week.
Henry SCHMIDT was down from Graettinger Tuesday.
P.S. BROWN is able to be about after ten days' illness.
Elmer WELLS spent last week with Hoprig relatives.
Mr. EMRICH of Ayrshire was in Emmetsburg Tuesday.
Mrs. B. GRAETTINGER of Graettinger was in Emmetsburg Thursday.
Bro. PATTERSON of the Enterprise was down from Estherville last evening.
Elmer CAMDEN left for Chicago last week to remain during the holidays.
R.H. GIFFORD was called to Jesup, Iowa, Thursday, by the death of a brother.
A marriage license has been issued to Thor Enok HAGEN and Elava Josephine
Mrs. Edward THOMPSON was down from Graettinger Wednesday visiting with her
John BIGLEY was called to Graettinger Wednesday by the dangerous illness of
his father.
George LAWENBERG, who resides in the vicinity of Hoprig, is building a new
Mr. and Mrs. Nels SKOW recently visited Mr. and Mrs. T.I. HENDRICKSON of
The Times reports a new daughter at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J.C. SMITH of
Mrs. James GALLEGER was at Graettinger Thursday attending the funeral of
T.A. JOHNSON of Ruthven was among those who recently took in the excursion
to Plainview, Texas.
Mrs. CAMPBELL of Sibley is visiting her parents, Major and Mrs. SMITH. She
has been quite ill since arriving.
Mr. and Mrs. G.F. CLINE, who had been living on Mr. FORDYCE's farm, moved to
Eagle Grove Thursday.
Al HIGGINS, who lives in North Dakota, is visiting his brother E.J. HIGGINS,
and other Emmetsburg relatives.
Martin AUSLAND was at Graettinger Thursday checking over the business of the
Royal Lumber company at that place.
Mr. Sterling A. TRIGGS and Miss Minnie S. LONG were married at Ayrshire
Wednesday, Rev. N.R. BISBY of Webb, officiating.
August STROM, who lives on the WHITMAN farm in Silver Lake township, had a
sale yesterday. He will move to Burt.
A basket social was held in the ROOT school house Friday evening, December
16. The receipts were $18. Miss Anna BAHLS is teacher.
A.E. ANDERSON was over from Curlew Friday. He has secured the agency for the
Maxwell auto. It is one of the best machines made.
Dr. and Mrs. BALDWIN of Ruthven were Chicago visitors last week. The doctor
was attending a meeting of the Chicago railway surgeons.
Mrs. Walter ALLEN was at Graettinger Thursday attending the funeral of J.H.
MILLEA. They were old neighbors in Vernon township.
A.L. REMINGTON has resigned as buttermaker for the Farmers' Creamery company
at Ruthven. He will leave in January for Springfield, Illinois.

Were Married Wednesday.
Mr. Frank GROUT and Miss Mary OSKERSON were married at the home of the
bride's parents at Gukeen, Minnesota, Wednesday. They left after the
ceremony for Morean, South Dakota, to live on the bride's homestead. This is
quite a surprise to Emmetsburgers. The bride has lived in Emmetsburg for a
number of years and she made hosts of warm friends while here. She is a true
lady in ever sense and well deserves the high esteem in which she is held by
our many citizens. The groom for many years has been an active and a leading
officer of company K. He is also an electrician and a mechanic of ability.
He is a genial and a courteous and all who know him wish him well. The
Democrat joins the many friends of the contracting parties in wishing them
health and happiness in their South Dakota home.

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