Palo Alto County Newspapers

Newspaper Items to 1906-1908


Emmetsburg Democrat, 1906
A Verdict For Plaintiff
The Hester - Jackman Damage Case Attracts Much Interest
The damage case of Ambrose Hester vs. John Jackman occupied the attention of the court Thursday, Friday and Saturday and attracted a great deal of attention. Saturday night the jury was given the case. After deliberating all night an agreement was reached but the verdict was not opened and read until the convening of court Monday morning. It gave the plaintiff damages to the amount of $100. He sued for $1,000. Early last summer, it appears, Messrs. Hester and Jackman met on the road some distance northwest of this city and a rather spirited dispute about the pasturing of some cattle took place. Mr. Hester was driving home from the creamery and Mr. Jackman was coming to town on horesback. The latter was accompanied by W. B. Jackson. Mr. Hester claims that Mr. Jackman had a large whip in his hand and that he attempted to strike him with it, but missed him and that his team ran away throwing him out and fracturing one of his legs and otherwise injuring him. He alleges that he was laid up for several weeks and he sued for damages, loss of time, doctor's bill, etc. Mr. Jackman denied that he struck at him and claimed that the team had on previous occasions run away. He said that he had been trailing the whip and that he simply threw it across his shoulder and that he had no intention of striking plaintiff. Mr. Jackson, who was the only outside witness to the affair, swore that he saw Jackman raise the whip and swing it in the direction of Hester, but that he did not see where it struck, but heard a noise as if it struck the milk cans. Lot Laughlin claimed that he was talking with Jackson the next day and that the latter denied that Jackman had struck Hester or struck at him. Myles McNally also talked with Jackson and testified to practically the same as Mr. Laughlin. Mrs. Rogers and her son testified to the injured condition of Mr. Hester's limb, the son claiming that when he went to the road to where Hester was lying, he heard Hester tell Jackman that he should not have struck at him and that Jackman did not reply. Dr. O'Brien, who attended Hester, swore that one of the bones of the limb had been fractured about three inches above the joint. Drs. Powers and Van Gorden, of this city, and Dr. Burdick, of Graettinger, who examined the limb several months later, claimed that they could not find any evidence of a fracture. Dr. Burdick said he was positive that there had been no fracture, but Dr. Van Gorden would not say this and thought the attending physician ought to know the most about the matter. There were other witnesses who testified to minor matters but the above is a synopsis of the principal evidence.
Mr. Hester was represented by Davidson & Burt and Mr. Jackman by Kelly & Kelly. Both sides put up a hard fight.  The defendant says he will appeal to the Supreme Court.

Emmetsburg Democrat, May 2, 1906

Who is Mrs. Wm. Stone?
In the account of the San Francisco disaster, published in the New York Times of Wednesday, we find the following:
""Mrs. Wm. Stone, of Emmetsburg, Iowa, was one of the passengers. "I and my husband were rooming at a house south of Market street. The house collapsed. He was killed at my side. His body was taken away by the authorities, I don't know where. I secured an old dress skirt and at Ogden a woman took off her shoes and gave them to me. We were on our wedding trip. My people will take care of me when I get home again.""
We have made inquiries but we have not been able to find anyone who knows Mrs. Stone.
Mrs. Cohoon returned from California yesterday.
Miss Hudson, of Estherville, commenced work in the telephone office Tuesday.
W.P. Sherlock arrived from Keokuk this morning to visit his parents for a short time.
Sunday it was feared that Mrs. Mayne could not live during the night, but she is some easier at present writing.
Mr. and Mrs. Connon, of Chicago, are visiting the Cullen families in this vicinity. They are here on their wedding trip.
Marriage licenses have been issued to Amos Beck Hanson and Jennie Mae Barlow and Claud Barnhart and Rose Arbogast.
Alex Jennings, who has been quite ill for some time, is not gaining very fast. He has not been able to be about much for several weeks.
The Misses Woods and mother, of Mason City, visited the Cullen families in this city Sunday. They intend moving to Minneapolis in a few days.
Last evening Monroe Johnson's little girl found a gold watch. The owner will call on him or Mrs. Johnson, prove property, and pay for this notice.
Mayor Shea's First Marriage
Thursday Mr. Charles E. Kelly and Miss Nellie V. Schmuck were united in marriage in this city. Mayor Shea officiating. His honor was as cool and unconcerned as a pastor of 75 winters. The contracting parties were from Swea City and went home happy.
Lost All Their Property
Monday M. F. Brennan received word from his son James F., who had been attending Stanford University, that he lost all he had in the San Francisco disaster, which was about $2,500 worth of property. He graduated in the law department two weeks before the earthquake took place and had located at San Francisco. Mrs. Brennan was stopping at a hotel and he was at Palo Alto on business. She was in a room on the sixth story, when the building was wrecked. She barely escaped with her life. Soon after the building was in flames. Mr. Brennan started for San Francisco soon after the shock, but was unable to locate his wife until five o'clock in the evening. Mr. and Mrs. Brennan are now at San Jose where the latter's parents reside.

May 30, 1906:

Miss Meehan the Best Speller.
The old fashioned spelling "bee" held at the O'Brien school house two miles north of town last Thursday evening was a success in every way. Miss Blanche Meehan proved to the satisfaction of every one present that she was champion speller of the bunch, remaining on the floor for a considerable time after every one else had been seated. - Whittemore Champion.

July 11, 1906:

H.C. Darland was at Spencer Sunday.
Miss Lela Hudson visited Spencer friends Sunday.
Clarke Meade was home visiting his parents Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.
Matt Kilroy, of Mason City, was among the numerous visitors to Emmetsburg July 4.
Mr. and Mrs. J.P. Kirby of Estherville, were down attending the celebration July 4.
Mrs. A.C. Collins, of Covington, Kentucky, is visiting Mrs. Robert Shea and other relatives in this locality.
Miss Mabel and Florence Shelby, of Charles City, were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. M.F.Kerwick July 4 and 5.
Mr. Grace, of Mitchell, South Dakota, has been visiting his brother-in-law, O.P. Doyle, of this place, for some time.
Mrs. Henry Dermody and Miss Emily, of Chicago, are visiting Mrs. Mulry and family, who live northwest of town.
Mr. and Mrs. S.S. Grange, of Ruthven, visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Rueble, of this city, during the past week.
Mr. and Mrs. F.S. Hughes, of Milwaukee, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. P.O. Refsell. Mrs. Hughes is a niece of Mrs. Refsell.
The W.A. of Trinity church will meet at the home of Mrs. C. E. Cohoon Wednesday, July 18, at 8 p.m. All are cordially invited.
Mr. and Mrs. J.B. Godden and family will go to Haward's Bay this week to remain for some time. They have a fine cottage at that point.
Joe J. Steil had four horses entered in the Algona races July 4. Aid Dunton took second money in a special race and Beatrice won second money in the free-for-all race. The celebration was in every way a success. Ex-Governor Van Sant, of Minnesota, was the orator of the day.
Attorney John Driscoll, of Madison, Minnesota, visited his brother Michael and his sisters, Mrs. Daniel Burns and Miss Katie Driscoll, of this city, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. While here he made a trip to Pocohontas to look after some legal interests. He enjoys a large practice at Madison.
Mr. Hoagland returned from Oelwein Tuesday evening of last week. He had a delightful visit. He spent several days riding around the eastern part of the state with Mr. and Mrs. Jamieson. He says there are not more than twelve people in West Union who were there when he cam eto the town in 1855. This made him feel lonesome. He is glad to be back to Emmetsburg and enjoyed the big celebration.
Charles Flynn and daughters Nellie and Bessie were home from Cedar Rapids over Sunday. The girls are attending one of the business colleges at that place. Mr. Flynn denies that he would rather live in Cedar Rapids than in Emmetsburg, though he is very much attached to his new home and will move there within a few weeks. He has lived in Emmetsburg for eighteen years and is too proud of its splendid people to speak of them in anything but the highest terms of praise.

September 19, 1906:

Mrs. C.R. VanGorden went to Mason City Monday for a brief visit with relatives.
Mrs. Wm. O'Connell and family returned to Redfield, South Dakota, Monday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Russell Caldwell returned from Mitchell, South Dakota, Monday evening.
Prof Holden thinks that Iowa's big corn crop should be out of the way of frost by next Tuesday.
Ray Illingsworth returned from Decorah Monday. He had been visiting relatives for a short time.
John Morris came home from Winnipeg Thursday evening to visit his mother for a short time.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Carpenter returned from Osage Monday where they had been visiting friends.
T.C. Egan and John T. Maguire were visitors to Grand Forks, North Dakota during the past week.
C.E. Cohoon was at Ruthven Monday evening attending a Socialist meeting. Mr.  Bigelow spoke there.
Lars Johnson was down from Graettinger Thursday. He denies the report that he has sold his farm.
Mrs. Geo. Sturtevant arrived from Grand Forks, North Dakota Monday to attend the funeral of her sister, Mrs. Millham.
L.W. Head and Fred Pringle left yesterday for Butte county, South Dakota to look at the country. They went by way of Evarts. They will have to make a drive of 120 miles.
At the democratic caucus held at West Bend a few nights ago, Wm. Reardon secured the delegation for county supervisor. A.B. Carter and T.J. Flynn were also candidates.
We notice that Bro. Mayne's cucumber dream about the democratic county ticket appeared in Sunday's Register and Leader. Our Des Moines contemporary has evidently been faked by some one.
M.J. Walsh, of Livingston, Montana, was visiting friends at Algona last week. He was returning home from Seagart, New Jersey, where he was attending the national rifle contest. His wife and children had been at Algona for some time.
Bro. Mayne has raised some of he best corn this season that has ever been grown in the county. He will exhibit it at the fair this week. He says it will yield 75 bushels to the acre.
M. W. Joynt and wife recently moved to West Bend. They have rented J.C. Felhauer's farm of 240 acres. This will keep M.W. pretty busy. One of his brothers will work for him.
Robert Joynt and Michael Joynt, Jr. left for Iowa City Monday to attend the State university. The former is taking dental courses and the latter will take a medical course. Mr. Joynt has excellent boys and he is giving them the best of advantages.
Bro. Lewis, of the Ruthven Appeal, is not cheering over the primary election returns, but he is advising his friends to "cheer up". He was in the race for county recorder, but he couldn't keep in sight of the lady. Bro .Lewis is all right, even though he is not a good political sprinter.
New Postmaster at West Bend
J. S. Robinson has resigned as postmaster of West Bend and J.B. Martin has been appointed to succeed him. The latter received notice of his appointment Monday. He will take possession October 12. The Democrat congratulates Bro. Martin on his appointment. He is a splendid citizen and a genial courteous gentleman. He is an earnest, aggressive republican and well deserves from his party the recognition accorded him. he will make a capable obliging postmaster. The Democrat extends hearty congratulations.

From the Emmetsburg Democrat Wednesday, January 9, 1907:

Palo Alto Township's Officers

Trustee-A.L. Sprout, Pat Neary
Clerk-Frank Fenn
Assessor-D.E. Murphy

West Bend-
Justices-G.H. Keightley, G.J. Pease
Constables-Dan Kelly, Geo. Cunningham
Trustees-E.R. Bell, Thos. Harliman
Clerk-Geo. Jacobs
Assessor-Henry Dunn

Justices-S.B. Gorden, J.F. Weltzen
Constables-C. Gorden, Ole Berkland
Trustees-Alex Gowan, C O. Erstad, O.J. Nordby

Justices-J.E. Brown, L.H. Head
Constables-E.J. Bradley, Tho. Drew
Trustees-J.B. Hayford, Geo. C. Smith
Clerk-H.E. Ferguson
Assessor-A A Adams

Justice-T.I. Crose
Constable-W.C. Richardson
Trustees-J. C. Miller, Sam Salven
Clerk-Wm. Thompson
Assessor-Nick Martini, Jr.

Justices-G.W. Gowan, Henry Kinne
Constables-J.A. Fleming, L.A. Tow
Trustees-Con Leonard, Hans Westegard
Clerk-Peter Donlon
Assessor-Wm. Hamilton

Fern Valley-
Justices-Wm. Higgins, Ed Burke
Constables-M.J. Kelly, Chas McKowen
Trustees-A.F. Kuhn, Jake Hartman
Clerk-J.H. Mitchell
Assessor-J.M. Glasler

Rush Lake-
Justices-A.D. Johnson, G.P. McBride
Constable-Fred Sengren, A.H. Randall
Trustee-Archie F. G. Wood
Clerk-J.L. McDonald
Assessor-John Bengston

Justices-L. Stuehmer, O.P. Davis
Constable-Ed McNally, John Philips
Trustees-Pat Joynt, Dan Murphy
Clerk-James C. Brennan
Assessor-James P. Joyce

Justices-Geo. Gremmels
Constable-Dan Gun
Trustees-Olaf Anderson, S.P. Pugsley
Clerk-O.P. Runda
Assessor-N.J. Norland

Silver Lake-
Justices-A.J. Chapin, Tom DeBolt
Constables-Chas Tilley, C. Pendleburry
Trustees-Ed Trent, Phil Daily
Clerk-F.G. Kahley
Assessor-W.J. Anglum

Justices-C.L. Haman
Constable-Wm. Wycott
Trustees-Jess Bowers, H.P. Johnston
Clerk-A. Dahlburg
Assessor-Rudolph Peterson

Trustees-J.P. Rappert, J.G. Smith
Clerk-Jackson Stafford
Assessor-?? Truop

Justices-W.H. Barlow, L.I. Theyer
Constables- G. Osterson, G.H. Matthieson
Trustees-Engel Nelson, J.A. Eaton
Clerk-A.B. Brown
Assessor-C.W. Goff

April 10, 1907:

John Brown of Ruthven was in Emmetsburg yesterday.
Mr. and Mrs. J.H. Keller returned from California yesterday. They are looking real hearty.
A new girl is reported at the home of Mr. and Mrs. James Brennan, of San Francisco. The Democrat congratulates.
James E. Sherlock returned to St. Paul the first of the week after a brief visit with his parents and other relatives of this locality.
Dr. Christopher, the new veterinary surgeon, arrived in Emmetsburg Wednesday and is ready for practice.
John Orres has moved his draying outfit from the A.J. Benson barn to the Court Howey feed and livery barn. This will be quite convenient for him.
The pastor of the M.E. church will preach on Sunday morning on "Satanic Influences." In the evening the second of the four sermons on "My Four Friends".
Mrs. Wm. O'Donnell's, mother of Attorney O'Donnell , of Ruthven, died at her home near Dickens Friday morning. The funeral took place at Ruthven Sunday. We have not learned particulars.
McCarty Bros. have a new Holsman automobile that is a dandy. It resembles an ordinary top buggy and runs at high speed. It costs from $600 to $750. Dr. Baldwin, of Ruthven, has bargained for one.
Dr. Koone, the new veterinary surgeon from Maquoketa, has rented the Robins residence in the Second ward. He will move his family here in a few days. He will office in the Starr and Richardson livery barn.

June 26, 1907:

New pews will be placed in the M.E. church in Aryshire.
Will Atkinson made a trip to Whittemore Sunday evening.
Eugene McNulty and Joseph Early were Spencer visitors Sunday.
Rev. M. Lambley officiated at the Sheldon Congregational church Sunday.
W.E. Hefly was listed among the invalids several days during the past week.
W.d. Nugent, Algona's hustling insurance solicitor was in Emmetsburg Friday.
Elward White went to Mason City Sunday evening where he has secured a good position.
A first class heating plant will be placed in the public school building at Ayrshire.
Elmer Hinshaw of Arnold' Park has been appointed deputy food inspector for Iowa.
Monday the regular summer train service to Spirit Lake, over the Milwaukee line, was resumed.
Miss Alice Hang went to Whittemore Sunday evening to be present at the wedding of Miss Anna Menter.
Mr. and Mrs. E.A. Merling spent part of last week at Lake Okoboji. They made the trip by automobile.
Cleve Lantry, of Algona, has been admitted to the bar. He spent several years at the University of Iowa.
Telephone calls will not be answered during severe thunderstorms. People should be very cautious at such times.
While driving to church a week ago Sunday, J.J. Taylor, of Terril, lost a valuable horse. The animal dropped dead while he was traveling along.
Ambrose Conway came home from Salem, Oregon Wednesday to visit his mother and other relatives for a week or ten days.
Father Kelly, of Graettinger, passed through Emmetsburg Monday on his way to LeMars to attend the priest's retreat.
Father Vaughan, the well known lecturer, delivered the address to the high school graduates at Dubuque last evening.
Misses Agnes and Teresa Kinsella left Saturday evening for Chicago where they will visit relatives for about six weeks.
Father Costello was a brief visitor to Emmetsburg Monday. He was going to Lemars to attend the annual retreat for the priests of the diocease.
Mrs. O.M. Compton, of Curlew, was an Emmetsburg visitor yesterday.
Several of the Sisters of St. Mary academy went to Dubuque Friday morning.
Miss Lottie Walsh went to Whittemore Saturday for a brief visit with her friend, Miss Higgins.
Geo. Carpenter is back to Emmetsburg and is again busy in the Godden & Ballard Marble factory.
Mr. Greene and father, of Ruthven, were in Emmetsburg Thursday attending the funeral of M.T. McEvoy.
Daniel O'Brien came up form Booth township Friday evening to attend the St. Mary academy graduating exercise.
Mr. adn mrs. J.S. Martin and Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Shea, of Ayrshire, were in Emmetsburg Monday attending the Martin-Loughlin wedding.
Mr. and Mrs.  J.E. Smith and little boy, of Mallard, were Emmetsburg visitors yesterday. Mr. Smith reports that he has a pretty good stand of corn.
Mrs. J.E. Knoblauch was at Livermore Wednesday attending the marriage of Mr. Bernard Foster, of Humboldt, and Miss Fannie Collins, formerly of this city.
Judge Coyle finally decided the Fahnestock-Vail case against Mr. Fahnestock. C.E. Cohoon and Davidson & Burt, who represented Vail, are naturally proud of their victory.
Tim Sullivan, brother of John Sullivan, who worked in this offiice for several years, is now telegraph operator at the Spring Brook, North Dakota. He is but sixteen years old.

September, 1907:

Bro. Johnson was over from Ruthven Monday afternoon.
Girls, keep away from show men. As a rule they are dangerous fellows.
Henry Kane was down from Rock Rapids Thursday attending the fair.
Mrs. Detterman, of West Bend, was an Emmetsburg visitor Saturday.
Big live stock and blooded hog sale at the home of Mrs. M.T. McEvoy Thursday, October 3.
Remember Mrs. M.T. McEvoy's live stock sale Thursday, October 8. See her ad in this issue.
P.J. Laughlin went to Denver, Colorado, Monday. He will likely remain there for some time.
Miss Agnes Rutledge went to Milwaukee Saturday evening where she will visit relatives during her vacation.
Ole Torgelson, who made his home on the John Gallager farm east of town, died suddenly yesterday afternoon.
Mr. H.B. Sheplee, of Rodman, died at a hospital at Cherokee early Thursday morning. We have not learned further particulars.
Mrs. O'Connell, of Chicago, has been visiting her sister, Mrs. T.H. Conlon and other relatives in this locality during the past ten days.
The next meeting of the Foreign Missionary society of the M.E. church will be held at the home of Mrs. A. W. Wagner, Friday, September 27.
A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. C.C. Egan Tuesday of last week. It is needless to say that the happy father is still wearing the smile that will not disappear.

From the Emmetsburg Democrat, Wednesday, February 5, 1908:

The ladies of St. Thomas parish will give a tea at the home of Mrs. J.F.Dealy Saturday February 8, commencing at two o'clock and continuing until all are served. Everybody is invited.
Mr. Maguire, son-in-law of Mr. Steiner, formerly of Mallard, died at Armstrong Monday evening. This will be unwelcome news to the many relatives of Mr. Maguire who reside in the south part of this county.
Geo Boyle of Whittemore, was in Emmetsburg Thursday. He had evidently been in Emmet county jollying republicans. He was all smiles and had apparently been treated handsomely.
There will be a draw social in the White school house, district No. 7, Great Oak township, on February 11, 1908. Ladies are requested to bring baskets
filled for two. A good time is assured to all. Miss Mary Downs is teaching this school.
Will Higgins was over from Whittemore Thursday. He was buying cattle. He was at Sioux City last week and says the hogs he saw marketed ranged from 150 to 200 each in weight. Those that weigh from 300 to 500 each are very scarce this season.
J.I. Dale, an Algona wrestler, is matched against a Mr. Thompson February 14. Mr. Dale has won many laurels on the mat in the past few years. If satisfactory arrangements can be made the match will take place in the Armory of this city.

Emmetsburg Democrat 5 May 1908
Mrs. Jennie Nally, through her attorney Thos. O'Connor, has commenced suit for the May term of the district court against Pender Brothers, Peter Daly, and their bondsmen in the sum of $3000, for selling to her husband, Patrick Nally, on February 13th last, intoxicating liquors in such quantities as to cause his intoxication, and while so intoxicated, in attempting to reach his home, became lost, and was so badly frozen that all his fingers on his right hand had to be amputated.

From the Emmetsburg Democrat, 8 May 1908:

Mrs. John Ryan went to Whittemore Saturday evening for a brief visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Burke.
John Burmister settled with the insurance companies for $17,500 for the loss of Hotel Orleans at Spirit Lake.
Miss Julia Kane arrived from Wisconsin Sunday morning for a visit with her mother and brothers of Walnut township.
Miss Genevieve Carmody, of Whittemore, visited her grandmother and other relatives in Emmetsburg Saturday and Sunday.
John Donovan informs us that his early potatoes were cut to the ground. He may have a mess by the middle of June but he doubts it.
Wm. Fuller went to Mason City Sunday evening to consult Dr. Murphy. He has not been feeling well for the past two weeks.
Thomas Conway passed through Emmetsburg Monday morning on his way to Dowe.He is now firing on the Dows-Germania branch of the Rock Island.
The fine residence of A.C. Brown of Estherville was damaged by fire a few nights ago. Mr. Brown conducted the Union State bank at West Bend a few years ago.
Saturday morning M.H. Dooley and N.A. Steil found four young foxes in a hole on the flat southwest of town. Two are living. They are feeding them and will try to raise them.
We understand that the buildings on P.J. Murphy's homestead near Draper, South Dakota, were blown down by the destructive tornado that recently swept over the country from North Dakota to Alabama.
There are perhaps several hundred men engaged in tiling in this county at the present time. They are making good money. No young man who can handle a spade should be idle when there is so much to do at good wages.
John Walsh, who has been foreman in the Algona Advance office for some time, was an Emmetsburg visitor Saturday. He will take charge of the mechanical work in the West Bend Journal office in a short time.
A son was born to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Atkinson Sunday, April 19.The Democrat extends hardy congratulations.
Every voter in the county should attend the primaries June 2. Undesirable candidates should not be given nominations.
Mrs. H.C. Darland returned from Estherville Monday morning. She had been visiting her parents at that place for a couple of days.
P.O. Refsell went to Ft. Dodge Monday to give special attention to interurban railway affairs. He will doubtless prove himself an effective field worker.
Mr. and Mrs. J.H. Hughes arrived home from Portland, Oregon Friday evening and will visit numerous relatives in this locality for a short time.
Last week new telephone cards were distributed about town. If there are any who have not received copies, they should call and get them at the central office.
E.P. Barringer, of Ruthven, was in Emmetsburg Wednesday in company with a couple of the officers of the insurance company at Des Moines with which he is associated.
Joseph Moriarty, of Ottawa, Illinois, visited friends in this vicinity several days last week. He will visit friends at Britt and other Iowa points before returning home.
It is hoped that this year will see the last of the board and plank walks in Emmetsburg. They have always been more or less unsatisfactory and in the end they are expensive.
A few nights ago the Peoples' bank, of Monterey, Minnesota, of which A.C. Brown, formerly of West Bend, is president, was burglarized. About $4,500 in cash was taken.
Missis Sadie and Kate Morris, of Algona, and Mrs. McMahon of Sexton,attended the Jennings-Gibbs marriage Wednesday. Mrs. McMahon was on her way home from Colman, South Dakota, where she had been visiting her sister, Mrs.E.A. Branagan.
Alex Peddie left for Houston, Texas, last evening. He will doubtless remain until the last of June. He has the exclusive management of the large rice plantation with which he has been connected for some time and has his hands full. He is an energetic and far seeing worker.
All the straw that was saved over last fall has been put into "Merry Widow" hats. The men will have to wear the hats that have been carried over from last year.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Fisher, who live in Emmetsburg township, mourn the loss of their baby boy, aged seventeen months. He died Wednesday and was buried in Evergreen cemetery Friday. Pneumonia caused his death. Mr. and Mrs. Fisher have the sympathy of their many neighbors and friends.
Miss Hurn, of Spokane, Washington, formerly of Clear Lake, was a visitor at the home of Mr. and Mrs. M.L. Brown several days during the past week. She reports times dull in Spokane. School teachers and music teachers are about the only people who are earning good wages. Times had been brisk, but the panic put a damper on all kinds of business.
Mrs. Nicholas Steil and Miss Mary arrived home from Wagoner, Oklahoma last week. They spent the winter in that state. There was no frost in Oklahoma during the winter. Corn is now four or five inches high, potatoes are in blossom and peas are podding. The season promises well. Mr .and Mrs. Michael Steil will remain at Wagoner for some time.
Sister Mary Placentia, of Ft. Dodge, was an Emmetsburg visitor during the past week. She came to see her father, David Finn, who has been very ill for some time. She has charge of the music department in the Sacred Heart Academy. She will be remembered as Miss Annie Fitzgerald.

Emmetsburg Democrat
Emmetsburg, Palo Alto Co, Iowa
6 May 1908

E.P. BARRINGER, of Ruthven, was in Emmetsburg Wednesday in company with a
couple of the officers of the insurance company at Des Moines with which he
is associated.

Joseph MORIARTY, of Ottawa, Illinois, visited friends in this vicinity
several days last week. He will visit friends at Britt and other Iowa points
before returning home.

It is hoped that this year will see the last of the board and plank walks in
Emmetsburg. They have always been more or less unsatisfactory and in the end
they are expensive.

A few nights ago the People's bank, of Monterey, Minnesota, of which A.C.
BROWN, formerly of West Bend, is president, was burglarized. About $1500 in
cash was taken.

Misses Sadie and Kate MORRIS, of Algona, and Mrs. McMAHON, of Sexton,
attended the JENNINGS-GIBBS marriage Wednesday. Mrs. McMAHON was on her way
home from Colman, South Dakota, where she had been visiting her sister, Mrs.

Alex PEDDIE left for Houston, Texas last evening. He will doubtless remain
until the last of June. He has the exclusive management of the large rice
plantation with which he has been connected for some time and has had his
hands full. He is an energetic and far seeing worker.

Tom J. WHITE, of the Champion, was over from Whittemore Monday morning. He
has been very busy for some time getting out the premium list for the
largest and best county fair to be held in Iowa this year. It is a big job
and will doubtless pay him well.

Supt. BLAKELY, of the Clarion schools, has been chosen to take charge of the
manual training department in the Ft. Dodge schools. He has given special
attention to this line of work and is very much in favor of it. There is a
growing demand for it throughout the state. About forty schools have it.
Emmetsburg is one of the number. One local board would not think of dropping

John JOYNT, Jr., was home from South Dakota over Sunday. He is one of the
Milwaukee company of carpenters and travels over the most southern half of
South Dakota. A short time ago a car in which he and his companions kept
their tools burned while they were away at work. He lost all his clothing.
He says that crops are farther head in South Dakota than they are in Iowa.
He considers Mitchell a better business point than Mason City.

Miss HURN, of Spokane, Washington, formerly of Clear Lake, was a visitor at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. M.L. BROWN several days during the past week. She
reports times dull in Spokane. School teachers and music teachers are abut
the only people who are earning good wages. Times had been brisk, but the
panic put a damper on all kinds of business.

Monday evening the G.A.R. and W.R.C of this city, held memorial services in
honor of Aunt Becky YOUNG, of Des Moines, and Mother BICKADYKE, of Keokuk,
both of whom won national fame as nurses during the Civil War. The
observance was requested by the state officers of both organizations.

Mrs. Nicholas STEIL and Miss Mary arrived home from Wagoner, Oklahoma, last
week. They spent the winter in that state. There was no frost in Oklahoma
during the winter. Corn is now four or five inches high, potatoes are in
blossom and peas are podding. The season promises well. Mr. and Mrs. Michael
STEIL will remain at Wagoner for some time.

Sister Mary Placentia, of Ft. Dodge, was an Emmetsburg visitor during the
past week. She came to see her father, David FINN, who has been very ill for
some time. She has charge of the music department in the Sacred Heart
Academy. She will be remembered as Miss Annie FITZGERALD.

Examinations for rural pupils who wish to write for common school diplomas
will be held next Saturday in this city and at Cylinder, Curlew, Rodman,
Graettinger ,Ayrshire, and Mallard. The Ruthven pupils will come to
Emmetsburg, as they can do so readily and economically. The examinations
will, of course, be under the direct supervision of Supt. Lillie PATTON.

In this issue Thomas KIRBY, Sr., of this city, announces himself as a
candidate for supervisor in the Second district. Mr. KIRBY held the position
one term and was a capable, painstaking, trustworthy officer. His past
record is ample guarantee of faithful and efficient service in the future,
should he be nominated and elected. Emmetsburg has no better citizen than
Wm. Bottimore Dies Suddenly
Wm. BOTTIMORE was found dead in his bed at West Bend Tuesday morning. He
died of heart failure. He formerly lived in Great Oak township. He is a
brother-in-law of John O'BRIEN. Further particulars next week.
Were Married Yesterday
Mr. Wm. C. RYAN and Miss Genevieve B. McNULTY were united in marriage at
Assumption church in this city Tuesday morning, May 5 at seven o'clock.,
Very Rev. J.J. SMITH officiating. Miss Margaret CROWLEY was bridesmaid and
Mr. T.J. McNULTY was best man. The wedding breakfast was served at the home
of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Owen McNULTY, of this city. Only a few
relatives and friends were in attendance. Mr. and Mrs. Ryan left on the
south-bound Rock Island passenger for Cedar Rapids. From there they will go
to Waukon, Iowa, to visit for a short time with the groom's parents, Mr .and
Mrs. James RYAN. They will make their future home at Revere, Minnesota. Mr.
RYAN having for some time been manager of the Standard Lumber company office
of that place.
The bride is one of the winsome, accomplished young ladies of our city. She
is a graduate of St. Mary Academy and taught for some time in the rural
schools of our county. Some time ago she accepted a position in the
mercantile establishment of J.K. BENDA, making for herself and her employer
many true and lasting friends. Her pleasing personality and her tact and
becoming dignity have won her front rank among the popular young women of
Emmetsburg and vicinity. The groom is a Waukon young man. He spent the past
year in the employ of the Royal Lumber company, of this city. He is prudent,
frugal, and genial and his exemplary conduct is substantial evidence of his
conception of what constitutes a true gentleman. Last fall he was given
charge of a lumber yard at Revere, Minnesota- a position that he still
holds. Young men of his stamp will not be long in working to the front. The
Democrat extends hearty good wishes to Mr. and Mrs. RYAN and trusts that
many blessings may be theirs as they journey through life.
The Grethen Case to be Tried.
Court will convene Tuesday, May 19. Judge COYLE will preside. The case of
the State vs. Peter GRETHEN, Jr., for shooting of his brother Casper last
fall will be tried. The grand jury at the December term of court dismissed
the complaint against him, but the March jury indicted him. County Attorney
WILLIAMS will prosecute and E.A. MORLING will defend. The evidence against
him is not considered strong. His father and brothers are backing him and
will spare no effort to clear him.

From the E'burg Democrat, 9 May 1908:
Thursday Mr. and Mrs. Otto Esser of Whittemore celebrated their golden wedding. They were married at Cassville, Wisconsin. They have resided in the vicinity Whittemore for many years.
The Western Electric company has gobbled up the Rock Rapids telephone exchange. It has now control of practically every exchange in northwest Iowa outside of Emmetsburg. The monopolies seem to want the earth.
The motors that drive the airship with the Yankee Robinson Show are only two horse power. They are very light. The ship in air does not weigh over 1,100 pounds. It resembles a big box kite. The Yankee Robinson air ship will be here Monday May 16.
Tony, the bicycle riding elephant, formerly with Hagenbach, is with Yankee Robinson shows. He is the smallest elephant traveling in this country today,standing a little over three feet. He does an act with the aid of two Shetland ponies and a large boar hound.
One of our citizens, who read our article on bananas, says he well remembers the first bunch of bananas that was shipped to Emmetsburg. It was quite a curiousity. The bananas sold for ten cents each. Geo H. Carr and Andrew Hoffman happened to be among the spectators and the chipped in and bought one. Dimes were not very plentiful in those days.
A.A. Moore was in Emmetsburg Thursday morning. He took the Rock Island for Elkton, South Dakota.
W.P. Schwenk of the Cylinder neighborhood came to Emmetsburg Thursday and took the Rock Island passenger for Chicago.
Joseph F Joynt left for Iowa City Wednesday to have his face treated for a swelling that has troubled him for some time.
Remember the recital to be given at the K.C. hall Friday, May 13, by Miss Theresa Fitzgerald. The program will appear next week.
Mr. Brady, of Morris, Illinois, spent Sunday with his brother, M. L. Brady, of this city. He had been in South Dakota and was returning home.
Mr. Hicks has tendered his resignation as superintendent of the Emmetsburg public schools to take effect at the close of the present term.
Mr. Peter Hearrity and her sister, Mrs. J. M. Walsh, will leave for Glasgow, Montana, next Wednesday. Their husbands have been there since March.
Mr. and Mrs. John Burns took their six-year-old boy to Ft. Dodge last week where he was operated on for some throat trouble. He is home again and is doing nicely.
Mr. Hammer, of Kimball, South Dakota, who spent the past week visiting at the Manning home northeast of town , went to Spencer Monday to visit relatives for a few days.
Wm. Hinchon, editor of the Times-Messenger of Madelia, Minnesota, and son of Editor Hinchon of Algona, was dangerously ill at the Rochester hospital last week, but is some better.
Dr. Luther Freeman, president of Morningside college, will preach at the M.E. church next Sunday during the morning service. Rev. A.B. Gilbert, the pastor, will officiate at Estherville.
A good many of our progressive republican citizens are having a difficult time of it these days trying to explain their political convictions. They should join the democrats, and the people would know them by their right name.

Palo Alto Reporter
Palo Alto Co, IA
Thursday, May 14, 1908


Mrs. Jesse COBURN
Mary, wife of Jesse COBURN, died at the family home, six miles south of
Emmetsburg. Funeral services were held at the house Monday, being conducted
by Rev. McBRIDE, of Curlew, and the body was taken to Montezuma, Iowa for
Mary FAYER was born in Poweshiek county, Iowa, June 3, 1867, at Montezuma.
The family came to Palo Alto county in 1895 where they have since made their
home. Eight children were born to this union, five boys and three girls, the
youngest girl being a babe of only three weeks. The immediate cause of Mrs.
COBURN's death was consumption from which she had been a sufferer for some
The Deceased was a member of the Methodist church, and is spoken of by those
who knew her best as a splendid christian woman, and in her death the
husband mourns for a good wife and the children a loving mother.

David FINN
David FINN, who has been a resident of Palo Alto county since 1869, died at
the Matthew RYAN home in this city Firday, May 8, 1908.
Mr. FINN was born in Ireland something over 95 years ago, coming to America
in 1860. About six years ago he left he farm and came to Emmetsburg to make
his home. He was married in 1870 to Miss Nora JOYNT, and to them were born
four children, two sons and two daughters. One boy died at the age of 7, the
balance of the children surviving their parents, the mother having died
several years ago.
The funeral was held Sunday from Assumption church and the body laid to rest
in St. John's cemetery.

Leone Winnifred LENOCKER
Leone Winnifred, infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H.E. LENOCKER, died at the
home of its parents in this city, on Monday, May 11, 1908. Funeral services
were held at the house the day following conducted by ...[can't read a
line] and the remains laid to rest in Evergreen cemetery. The
little one died from a severe attack of erysipelas. The parents have the
sympathy of all in their sorrow.

Elbert Elfred CARLSON
The infant son of Mr. and Mrs. J.A. CARLSON, of Vernon township died
Saturday from pneumonia. Elbert Elfred had been with his parents but four
months., but an aching void is left in the hearts of teh fond parents over
his untimely death. The funeral was held Sunday, and the body interred in
Evergreen cemetery.

H.O. SANDVIG, and inmate of the county house, died last Wednesday. He was a
man 89 years.....

The Emmetsburg Democrat
Emmetsburg, Palo Alto Co, Iowa
10 June 1908

J.S. ATKINSON was a business visitor to Algona yesterday.

Hugh METZ and Lou MOSES were at Estherville over Sunday.

Big Woodman picnic at Spencer Thursday, June 18. Of course this county will
be largely represented.

William ATKINSON is still a pretty sick young man. There has not of late
been much of a change in his condition.

C.F. MORAN went to Chicago Monday to be present at the marriage of his
brother, Peter Moran, who formerly lived in this city.

Peter METZ and Miss NOMA were Des Moines visitors last week. The latter
remained to visit her sister, Mrs. FLORA, for some time.

Mrs. Geo. H. BAKER and Herbert left Thursday for Des Moines and Creston
where they will visit friends for a short time.

Are we ever to have dry weather again? Farmers are becoming pretty badly
discouraged. The present outlook is enough to make the corn grower feel

Supt. W.N. CLIFFORD, of Council Bluffs, will lecture in the high school room
this evening and also tomorrow evening, for the benefit of the teachers.

Major S.W. SMITH was a passenger to Mason City Friday evening.

A new boy came to gladden the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence DARLAND on June

A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. W.H. MORLING Sunday. Mr. MORLING is justified
in his statement that the stand patters are more than holding their own.

The new Montana extension of the Milwaukee road has been badly damaged by
the late floods. It is said that two-thirds of the grain crops in that state
have been ruined.

Mr. and Mrs. F.G. McMAHON went to Excelsior Springs Friday morning. Mr.
McMAHON will take treatment for a few weeks. The Democrat hopes he may
return home restored to health.

Court has been in session for several days. The Vernon township ditch case,
in which Mr. BUCHAN and others are interested, is being tried. There are a
great many witnesses. Judge COYLE is presiding.

Prof. A.D. KING, formerly of this place, has secured the superintendancy of
the schools of Bedford, Iowa at a salary of $1400 per year. He was an
applicant for the superintendancy of our city schools.

We understand that L.T. BARRINGER, of Ruthven, went to Rochester, Minnesota,
recently to have an important operation performed by Drs. MAYO. The Democrat
hopes it may be successful.

Dr. O'BRIEN went to Chicago the last of the week. He will be accompanied
home by Mrs. O'BRIEN and Miss Mary, who have been visiting at that and other
points for some time.

Rev. A.E. KEPFORD, of the State Board of Control, delivered a lecture at The
Iowa last evening on "The Problems of Tuberculosis". It was given for the
benefit of the teachers.

Emmetsburg Democrat
Palo Alto Co, IA
Wednesday, 1 July 1908

The Ringling Circus will be at Algona July 17.

F.R. DAVIS, of Pocahontas, spent Sunday in Emmetsburg.

Mr. and Mrs. L.N. SPROUT, of Nevada township, recently visited relatives at

Fred WEGNER was over from Whittemore Monday greeting numerous friends.

Mrs. J.H. GODDEN was a passenger to Arnolds Park Saturday morning.

Mrs. Patrick CARROLL went to Sioux City Monday to attend the funeral of her
sister-in-law, Mrs. M.L. WEIBEL.

Father JUNGBLUTE returned from LeMars Friday morning where he had been
attending the annual retreat.

Louie LAUGHLIN returned from Arnolds Park Sunday evening where he had been
having a few days outing.

Christen LARSEN, aged 79, died at Ruthven June 18. He lived near that place
for 36 years. He leaves a wife, two sons, and six daughters.

Geo. H. JACOBS has removed from Twin Falls, Idaho, to Rome, New York, where
he has purchased a small tract of land. He formerly resided in that

M.W. JOYNT came up from West Bend Monday to attend the funeral of his
cousin, Edward McNALLY. He reports that he has 40 acres of as good corn as
he has seen in the county.

J.W. MORSE was nominated for county attorney by the republicans of Emmet
county in their convention held a week ago Saturday. He did not receive the
necessary 35 percent in the primaries.

E.J. NOLAN, of Des Moines, spent Saturday with relatives in this city. he is
in the employ of the Iowa Grain Dealers' association. The entire state is
his territory. He inspects scales and property insured by the company.

Earl BROWN went to Denver Monday evening.
Miss Cora THEILE went to Chicago Monday evening.
Mrs. L. STUEHMER is visiting friends at Davenport.
Ed MAYNARD arrived home from St. Joseph's college Sunday morning.
Richard BECHE was a passenger to Watertown, South Dakota Tuesday.
A card from Thomas O'CONNOR who is at Toledo, states that his mother is some
Mrs. FASSHAUER and baby, of Chicago, is visiting her aunt, Mrs. HOSKIN, of
this city.
Mrs. Martin AUSLAND and children went to Chamberlain, South Dakota, Saturday
morning to visit friends for a short time.
Father DAILY, of Rolfe, formerly of this city, has gone to Ireland where he
will visit relatives for a few months.
Mrs. Robert WILSON returned from Sac county yesterday where she had been
visiting relatives for a month.
W.E.JACKMAN is said to have two of the finest fields of corn in the county.
The were planted by May 8.
We are pleased to report that James F. CONWAY, who has been very ill for
several weeks, is much better and hopes to be able to be about soon.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank POWEL, of Rochester, New York, are visiting the latter's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank MEADE, and other Emmetsburg relatives.
R.J. DOOLEY, who was at St. James, Minnesota, Monday, says that corn is not
looking nearly so well north of Estherville as it is in this county.
Dr. and Mrs. BALDWIN, of Ruthven, were Sioux City visitors Thursday. The
Doctor was a delegate to the democratic state convention and they visited
Mr. and Mrs. SHANNON and Mr. and Mrs. YOUNG while there. The Mesdames YOUNG
and SHANNON are sisters of Mrs. BALDWIN.
The patrons of the Osgood Creamery company will give an ice cream sociable
at the Osgood school house Wednesday, July 8, at 8 p.m.. All gentlemen, and
their sweethearts, wives, and mothers-in-law, if they have such, are
cordially invited. - Wm. FISHER, President.
During the past two weeks E.P. McEVOY adjusted thirty losses for the Iowa
State Mutual. Most of them were in Kossuth county. The County Mutual had a
few lightning losses on live stock. The association has about the usual
number of losses compared to the records of other years.
Mr. and Mrs. George MAHONEY, of Joliet, Illinois, are the guests of their
aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. M.L. CLENNON. They have been traveling in the
east and will spend the rest of their wedding trip in Emmetsburg. Mr.
MAHONEY is well pleased with northern Iowa, and Palo Alto county in
Mrs. M.L. WIEBEL is Dead.
Mrs. M.L. WIEBEL died at Sioux City Saturday night. She had been quite ill
at her home near Milford for some time. Her physician told her that she
could not live and she went to Sioux City to spend her remaining days. The
funeral was held at the latter named place yesterday. Further particulars
have not been learned. Mr. WEIBEL leaves a husband and two children to mourn
her death. Our many citizens sympathize with them in their great loss.
Died at Redfield, So. Dak.
Mrs. Frank CLARK arrived home from Redfield, South Dakota, Monday evening
accompanied by her mother, Mrs. CHAPIN, who will make her home with Mr. and
Mrs. CLARK. Mr. CHAPIN, who resided in Emmetsburg for a short time a few
years ago, died at Redfield during the past week. He lived in Algona for a
number of years. Mrs. CLARK and Mrs. CHAPIN have the sympathy of our many
citizens in their sorrow.

Emmetsburg Democrat
Palo Alto County, Iowa

29 July 1908

J.J. MARTIN came over from Ayrshire to meet Mrs. MARTIN who had just
returned from Boscobel, Wisconsin. She reported last month's flood had been
disastrous in that area and an uncle of Mr. Martin's lost his entire crop.

Mrs. Wm. McNALLY [Note: Margaret COLLINS], a daughter of P.J. COLLINS, is

John COLLINS, of Norwood, NY visited relatives here. He came to see his
daughter, Mrs. Thos. NALLY [Note: Anna Nancy COLLINS] before she died and
stayed for the funeral.

5 Aug 1908

Richard WALSH of Fern Valley visited his sister, Miss Teresa FITZGERALD, of

John RYAN visited his parents in Emmetsburg. He has returned to Cedar Rapids
whre he has a position with the Rock Island office.

A daughter born Aug 2 to Mr. and Mrs. George Bradley.

12 Aug 1908

Miss Celia McNULTY visited her sister, Mrs. Wm RYAN, of Revere, Minn.

A daughter born to Mr. and Mrs. Frank DUFFY

26 Aug 1908

L.A. MARTIN of West Bend called to the bedside of his son, Dr. T.E. MARTIN
of Okla.

2 Sep 1908

A daughter born to Mr. and Mrs. J.M. KELLY of Ayrshire Aug. 21

Mr. L.A. MARTIN left for Minot N.D. to spend a short time with son, Julius
and then go out West in search of a new location.

E.J. RUDDY will have a big sale. He intends to go to Sterling, ND in the

From The Emmetsburg Democrat 21 Oct 1908:
Rev. J.J. Kelly was down from Graettinger Saturday.
A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. H.M. Helgen Saturday.
A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Cullen, of Graettinger, Saturday.
Martin Myher, of Graettinger, was an Emmetsburg visitor, Wednesday.
W.E.G. Saunders was a business visitor to Ft. Dodge the last of the week.
Lot Laughlin was in Graettinger Saturday spending the day with relatives and friends.
George Vedder left for his home at Laurens this morning for a brief visit with his parents.
George Bartley was up from Laurens Saturday spending the day with friends in this city.
T.J. White was over from Whittemore Sunday and spent the day with his mother and other relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. E.E. Hughes left yesterday for Navina, Oklahoma to visit the latter's daughter, Mrs. Stark.
George Fickel returned from Ledyard, Kossuth county, Saturday. He had been working there for some time.
John Brennan recently installed a box ball alley in his billiard room at Graettinger. Box ball is the latest fad in the amusement line. It is similar to bowling.
Postmaster Jensen, of Graettinger, was a business visitor to Emmetsburg on Wednesday. He recently attended the Iowa postmasters' convention held at Des Moines.
Michael Fleming was over from Ruthven Monday. He looks as though political campaigning is agreeing with him. He is a prince among good fellows and should be elected.
Mrs. Asbury, who has been visiting her cousin, J.C. Bennett, for some time, will return to her home at Huntsville, Ontario, this week. She is thinking some of moving to Emmetsburg.
A daughter was born to Mrs. and Mrs. P.V. Hand Saturday.
Mrs. L.H. Mayne visited relatives at Sioux City during the past week.
Judge Helsell, of Sioux Rapids, was attending court in this city Wednesday.
A.W. Wagner has put in a fine new hearse. He will also put in a fine new city hack.
Mrs. Henry Dunn and Miss Grace, of West Bend, were Emmetsburg visitors Wednesday.
Miss Bessie Parks, who had been visiting relatives at Leland, Illinois, returned home last week.
Michael Dwyer is expected home from Iowa City today. he underwent an operation a week ago Monday.
Mrs. Tho. Young was at Iowa City last week attending the grand lodge of the Daughters of Pocahontas.
Mrs. C.E. Cohoon was at Ft. Dodge last week attending the state meeting of the Daughters of the Revolution.
Mr. and Mrs. W.J. Black were at Iowa Falls Thursday attending the golden wedding of the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Smith.
Mrs. A.J. Burt has been enjoying a visit from her mother, Mrs. C.Rhynesburger, and her aunt, Mrs. Henry Rhynesburger, of Pella, Iowa.
Mentor McFarland who recently returned from Texas, says that he likes the Pan Handle country. The Soash people are selling lots of land in that locality.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Figler, of Fairville, spent Sunday with the former's parents in this city. Mr. Figler is engaged in the blacksmithing business at Fairville.
R.C. Way, manager of the Western Electric Telephone company, was thrown from an automobile at Mason City a few days ago and was severely injured. It is suprising that he was not killed.
John Brennan was down from Graettinger Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. J.J. Watson arrived home from Illinois the first of the week.
F.L. Dorris was up from North McGregor a couple of days during the past week.
Walter Hughes, of Osakis, Minnesota, is visiting his brothers, Ed and Bert of this place.
W.E.G. Saunders, P.O. Refsell, and E.A. Morling were visitors to Livermore yesterday.
Mrs. James Flood and son Joe will leave this morning for Allamakee county to visit relatives for a short time.
Ed Hughes, Gray Gowans, R.R. Martin, and Mary Brown, of Ruthven, each drew a quarter section of land in the Rosebud reservation.
E.V. Gustafson, of Council Bluffs, has rented Joe Joyce's vacant store room and will put in an exclusive stock of shoes.
Misses Lizzie Phillips and Lizzie Hester left for Minneapolis Monday morning where we understand it is their intention to remain for some time.
M.J. Brennan is playing with the Creighton College football team this fall. The boys recently tied Morningside in a game and defeated Grinnell Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm Higgins and Dr. and Mrs. Smith, of Whittemore, came to Emmetsburg Tuesday of last week to see the "Flaming Arrow".
Charles Gusland and Wm. Young recently had cement walks placed about their residence properties in the First ward. The work was done by L.H. Bauck.
Mr. and Mrs. Chris Jensen arrived home from Denmark Saturday where they had been visiting for four months. Mr. Jensen is a cousin of Mrs. Gylling.
Just as we go to press, we learn that Charles Collins, of West Bend, was killed in some mine. The remains are expected this evening. Further particulars have not been learned.
Mr. and Mrs. Pfiffer, of Waterloo, spent the last few days with their daughter, Mrs. Beebe of this place. Mr .Pfiffer returned home Monday, but Mrs. Pfiffer will remain for a short time.
Emmetsburg Democrat
Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa
Wednesday, Dec 2, 1908

Mrs. John JOYNT, Sr., Mrs. John KANE, and Patrick McNALLY returned from
Milwaukee last week where they had been called to attend the funeral of
their nephew, J.H. HINKLEY. The deceased was engaged in business at that
place and was for several years one of the leading democratic aldermen of
Milwaukee. He visited numerous relatives in this locality on one or two

Mr and Mrs. S.F. SCHIRMER went to Hawarden Wednesday to visit their son
Harry and family. They will also visit their daughter at Moorland before

Thos. KIRBY, Jr., is at Chicago this week assisting Mr. McMILLEN, of Rock
Rapids, in exhibiting his fine stallions at the International Live Stock

Mrs. Thos. BURNS arrived home from Iowa City Friday. She went there to see
her brother, P.J. MURPHY. There is little improvement in his condition.

Quite a number of young ladies in Emmetsburg have already taken the pains to
notify us that they do not know the location of Lover's Lane. They can find
out if they make inquiries of the proper parties.

Sunday evening G.W. APPELBY and daughter Margaret left for New York. Today
they will sail for Liverpool. They will visit relatives in England until
March. The Democrat wishes them a safe and most enjoyable visit.

Charls MILHAM was down from Brookings, South Dakota during the past week.
His father also arrived home and they had a pleasant visit Thanksgiving.
Charles is making good record at the South Dakota Agricultural College. He
is a very promising young man.

Doing Well in Idaho.
A.H. KELLER arrived from Weiser, Idaho, Sunday evening. He has a case in
court and will remain several days. Weiser is a place of 4,500. It is
located 80 miles west of Boise on the Idaho and Oregon state line. The
surrounding country produces a great deal of fruit. One farmer sold $2,200
worth of apples this year off of ten acres. Mr. KELLER is cashier of the
First National bank, of Weiser, which was recently consolidated with another
bank and which has but one competitor...

Obituary Notice
J.M. FISK was born near Hamilton, Canada, Oct 2, 1842. When about 12 years
of age he moved with his parents to Lee county, Illinois, where he grew to
manhood. He was married to Miss Mary E. ABELL June 30, 1864. He enlisted in
the Civil war in February, 1865, and served until the close. In July, 1876,
he came to Story county, and settled on a farm one and one-half miles west
of Gilbert station, where he lived with his family until 1892, when he moved
to Curlew, where he passed to the unseen world November 20, 1908, at the age
of 66 years, one month, and 18 days. He was the eldest of ten children. Two
brothers, one sister, and an aged mother survive him; also his wife and six
children. He was the father of 10 children-Eda BRANNEN, of Steele, North
Dakota; Nora MUETZEL, of Spencer, who died in 1906; Ida RAMBOLT, of Gilbert
Station; Samuel, of Spencer; May ROYLE of Poweshiek, county, who died in
1899; Edna LAKE, of Gilbert Station; Flora GILBERT of ***rar; Jay, who died
at Curlew at the age of 21 years; Roy, who died at Curlew in 1899 at the age
of 12 years; Earl, the youngest, who remains at home with his mother. He was
not a member of any church but expressed himself as having no fear that all
was well.

From the Emmetsburg Democrat, 16 Dec 1908:

Mr. and Mrs. M.H. Crowley have moved into their new home in the Second ward.
George Saunders arrived from California Wednesday. He will remain during the holidays.
We understand that C.L. McFarland has bought the Rrayer residence. It will make him a splendid home.
H.W. Kent arrived home from the west Saturday to remain during the holidays. His son Karl went as far as Algona to meet him.
Mrs. M.N. Nolan was called to Minneapolis Monday evening to see her brother, Michael Kane, who was reported at the point of death.
I. and Avery Hulet, of Freeport, Illinois, are visiting H. Hulet, of Graettinger. They came the first of the week.
Mrs. Steenson and Mrs. Craven of Sulphur Springs, Texas, who had been visiting Mr. and Mrs. W.S. Allen, returned home Monday.
Harold and Loring Brereton are home from Iowa college to spend their vacations with their parents, Rev. and Mrs. J.F. Brereton.
Miss Lizzie Dooley has become associated with her brother R.E. in the restaurant business. He is very busy and needs her assistance.
Mrs. Charles Bonebreak returned from Johnstown, North Dakota, Monday to visit her parents near Curlew during the holidays.
Master Willie Kane was down from Ellsworth, Minnesota a couple of days during the past week visiting with Master Willie Nolan.
Dr. W.P. Sherlock came up from Keokuk Tuesday to visit his parents and other relatives. He has enjoyed a very satisfactory practice since locating at that place.
We regret to learn that Mr. and Mrs. James E Brennan, of San Francsco, lost their infant daughter a week ago Friday. This is sad news to their Emmetsburg friends.
Mr. and Mrs. Alex Peddie arrived home from Houston, Texas, yesterday. We are glad to learn that Mr. Peddie had a fine rice crop on his big plantation this year.
L.G. Baker and J. Hagerty, of Spencer, were Emmetsburg visitors Saturday.
The were on their way home from Iowa City. They have been attending the Iowa university.
John Breen, of Gettysburg, South Dakota, is visiting his sister, Mrs. M.F. Brennan. He has resided in Potter county for over twenty years and has done well there. One of his sons is county auditor. There is deep snow in that part of South Dakota at the present time.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Burns, who had been guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs.John Drummy, left Saturday for DeSmet, South Dakota. Mrs. Burns is Mr.Drummy's sister.
Mrs. Frank Russell of Whittemore, came to Emmetsburg Saturday and met her nephew, Walter Gardiner, who drove to Ayrshire with her. She will visit friends in that vicinity for a short time.
Mr. and Mrs. Seth Smith and son Homer, of Ruthven, have gone to Colorado where they will spend a month. Mrs. Smith's health is not good and she hopes that the change may benefit her.
Mrs. E.J. Doyle arrived from Cedar Rapids Wednesday morning for a brief visit with her sister, Mrs. J.P. Downs, and many old friends and neighbors in this vicinity.
A copy of the first number of the Mallard Leader has reached this office. It has a finely illustrated Christmas cover and is quite newsy. G.C. Walker is the publisher. The Democrat wishes him success in his journalistic venture.
The Whittemore Champion says that while in Chicago last week, John Wegener, of Fairville, invested in an automobile. The machine is a four-cylinder, 35-horse power machine, with top and complete set of extras. It is said to be a very fine rig.
It is reported that N.A. Lind, of Rolfe, bought a $1,620 bull a few days ago. Some breeders of fancy cattle have a method of hoisting prices that is often surprising. However, suckers are often caught by it. If Mr. lind paid $1,620 for the animal, he must have the money to burn.
Mr. and Mrs. E.M. Hughes will leave tomorrow morning for Egan, South Dakota, to spend Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Justice, Mrs. Justice being a sister of Mrs. Hughes. From there they will go by way of Sioux City to Casper, Wyoming, where they will make their future home. The best wishes of a wide circle of friends will accompany them to their new location.
Miss Ida Johnson was in this city Saturday on her way from Boone to Ruthven.
Miss Hazel Linderman arrived home from Grinnell Saturday. She is a student at the Iowa college.
N.A. Steil has moved in to one of the Ryan houses south of Father Smith's.
Mrs. Joel Whitman, of Ruthven was an Emmetsburg visitor on Monday.
The Chronicle says that Mrs. Wilson died at her home north of Ayrshire a few days ago. Her remains were laid to rest at Curlew.
Miss Frazier was a passenger to Nevada, Iowa, Saturday where she will remain during the holiday vacation.
Mr. and Mrs. Joel Sprout were up from West Bend over Sunday. Mrs. McNabb is at West Bend visiting with friends.
Lorin Twogood came home from Mt. Vernon Saturday. He will remain until the close of the holidays. He attends Cornell college.
Mr. Travers, who lives in the third ward, was called to some point in Illinois a few days ago to attend the funeral of some relative.
Al and E. Wapes who live some distance from Emmetsburg, left for Lenox, South Dakota, Saturday morning.
Rolly Richardson returned from Des Moines Saturday. He is a student at Highland Park Normal school.
Frank Koch, of Whittemore, was in Emmetsburg Saturday. He was on his way home from Clarion where he had been working on the Monitor.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Schneider, who live near Cylinder, left for Minneapolis yesterday where they will visit numerous relatives during the holidays.
Miss Black, Miss Bjornsted, and J.W. Cory of Spencer, were brief Emmetsburg visitors Saturday. They were returning home from Mount Vernon. All have been attending Cornell college.
J.E. Smith and Lewis Schumacker were up from Mallard yesterday. The were going to Whittemore. Mr. Smith will move onto the Esser farm north of that place after the holidays. He bought it last spring.
One of the Travers brothers, who live on the south side, was arrested Saturday for stealing some sugar from P.S. Molloy's wagon. He had his hearing before Mayor Duffy Monday morning and was convicted and sent to jail for 30 days.
A few evenings ago some miscreant cut off two fine evergreens in front of J.J. Watson's residence. How anyone can be so malicious and conscienceless to do as such an act is more than we can understand. It is hoped that the offender may some day be brought to justice.



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