Palo Alto County Newspapers

Ruthven Free Press
Ruthven, Palo Alto, Iowa

Jan 7, 1920

    Ruthven still keeps up her reputation for one robbery every week or ten days. The two latest victims have been the Archer Garage and Implement Shop and the Berg & Brennan Store. On Saturday night, December 27 the Archer building was entered through a rear window which was broken out, and some casings, spark plugs, and other automobile accessories taken, the exact amount of which Mr. Archer was unable to estimate. On last Saturday night January third, the Berg and Brennan store was entered by way of the coal chute after which the cellar way door on the inside was forced. The shoe stock, and the men's ties were given particular attention by the thieves but they did pause at the register long enough to relieve it of what cash it contained. We can't make any comment on the above facts that will be forceful enough to fit the occasion, so we will not try, and anyway we would just have to do it over again next week as someone is sure to be cupped next Saturday night.

    It begins to look as if Ruthven were to have a new depot in the spring, without fail. Due to numerous inquiries made of him, and also from a natural personal, Agent C.E. Powers wrote to headquarters at Mason City to see if he could get something definite in the shape of information. The following excerpt from the reply which he received will interest Ruthven readers:
    "For your information I will say that the General Manager has approved of the plan that a depot like Postville be furnished at Ruthven with a larger office. The intention is, if things go as they do at the present time, to commence building about March 1st."
    The depot at Postville is of brick and stucco, modern in every way, with furnace, two waiting rooms, and everything that makes a modern up-to-date depot. R.H. Jones, assistant superintendent, informed Mr. Powers that the blue prints for our new depot were all prepared at the present time, and were now in the office at Mason City, awaiting the time of action.

    Another business change took place in Ruthven Monday when the Harold Blugg Meat Market became the property of Mr. Homer K. Drenner of Spencer. Mr. Drenner with his family will move to Ruthven in the near future and will take possession of the Market on January 13. Mr. Drenner has been associated with the Spencer News-Herald for about two years. We understand that Mr. Blugg contemplates remaining in the butcher business but will look for another location.

    A business change was made last week whereby Roy L. Cobb of the Cobb Undertaking Parlors of Spencer purchased the Thos Logan Undertaking business at Ruthven.
    Mr. Cobb announces that he will operate the business with the same personal attention and efficiency which has prevailed in the past by Mr. Logan.
    The Cobb Undertaking Parlors are widely known because of the high standards of services rendered which include full motor equipment and Ruthven and vicinity are fortunate in having this extended to them.
    The stock of funeral goods has been moved to the Kennedy Bldg. and a complete line will be carried at all times in Ruthven.
    Mr. Logan is among the pioneer business men of Ruthven and gives the Cobb Undertaking Parlors his unqualified endorsement.
    Ruthven Phone No. 16.
    Spencer Phone No. 186.

    S.A. Wigdahl has taken a partner in business in the person of his brother, Carl, who has recently returned from Iowa City where he has been attending the university. The partnership has already been effected and Carl has taken up his work. The firm will hereafter be known as the Wigdahl Bros. Hardware. Selmar has done exceptionally well since entering the hardware business and now with Carl on the job to assist him, will be able to give even better serviced than before in this line.

    On New Year's day in Des Moines occurred the marriage of Mr. Dwight Kooker, a son of Mr. L.W. Kooker of Des Moines and Miss Emma Toreson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C.K. Toreson of Lost Island Township. The young couple will soon return to this locality and will make their future home here, the groom is as sturdy young farmer having worked with his brothers in Lost Island township for many years. The bride is one of the charming young ladies of Lost Island township and has a large circle of friends who will join us in wishing her a happy wedded life.

    Mrs. G.W. McDonald is in Columbus, Ohio, where she went to attend the funeral of her nephew.
    Miss Margaret Grady and Neil Foley returned the last of the week to Sioux Falls where they teach school.
    Mr. and Mrs. Homer K. Drenner of Spencer were over Sunday visitors at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.R. King of this city.
    Miss Etta Holmgren returned to Ida Grove the last of the week after a few days visit at her home near Ruthven.
    Tom Archer returned to Cedar Rapids the last of the week. He had been spending a few days Christmas vacation at the home of his mother.
    Mr. and Mrs. T.E. McDevitt, of Sioux City, were New Year's visitors at the home of her mother, Mrs. Susan Currans.
    Magnus Nelson has purchased the J.P. Johnson residence in the north part of town. He will take possession March first.
    A letter from Rudyard, Mont., in which C.B. Jackson sends regards to all his Ruthven friends, states that the weather there is exceptionally good for this time of year. They have no snow at all. Mr. Jackson is at present engaged in putting up ice.
    F.B. Sterce returned to Scotland, S.D., the last of the week to resume his school duties. Mrs. Sterce returned to Chicago a few days before where she is also engaged in teaching. They spent the Holidays visiting relatives in Ruthven.
    Dave Modiset went to Iowa City Monday evening where he will attend the bankers short course on the Income Tax Law. He will return the last of the week and will be chock full of knowledge concerning the Income Tax.
    Mrs. Marinus Anderson of Clarison was in Ruthven the first of the week visiting at the home of her aunt Mrs. Andrew Hermansen. Mr. Anderson has recently purchased the creamery at Clarion.
    A letter from August Anderson states they are enjoying ideal summer weather at their ranch in Palmdale, Flo. We are glad to know that someone is enjoying the weather at this time of year.
    Mr. and Mrs. C.F. Christiansen and family left last week for their new home in Cumberland, Wis. Mr. Christiansen has rented a farm near that city.
    Mrs. J.B. Willis had the misfortune to fall on a cement sidewalk Saturday evening, receiving a bad bump on the head. No serious injuries will result.
    Howard Tripp went to Algona on Tuesday of last week and drove back a new Mitchell Light Six, which car he has the agency for. It certainly is a beauty.
    Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hanna of Presbo, S.D. are in this city visiting at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. T.M. Hanna.
    A.M. Smith will leave the first of next week for Gentry, Ark., where he will spend the remainder of the winter.
    Mr. Arthur Simonson and Mr. Arthur Christensen, both of Lost Island township, have gone to Kansas City where they have entered the Rahs Auto and Tractor School. They expect to take complete courses in Automobile Mechanics and Tractor Engineering.
    For Sale - A number of Plymouth Rock cockerels, $2.00 each. Inquire of Mrs. W.F. Currans. Phone B-2.
    Miss Dolly Holland returned to her home at Laurens Monday after visiting for several days at the home of her friend, Miss Emma Rosacker.
    Mr. Shonig and Miss Anderson of Hampton, Iowa, who had been visiting for several days at the home of his aunt, Mrs. D. Rossaker in this city returned home Saturday.
    H.F. Cain left for Iowa City Monday morning to represent the First National Bank at the bankers short course on the Income Tax Law. Both of the local banks are sending representatives to this short course at their own expense that they may clearly explain the complications of this law to their customers.
    Mrs. and Mrs. Mike Carrigan and children with the exception of one son William left the first of last week for their new home at Pipestone, Minn. Mr. Carrigan has purchased a forty acre farm near that city. We wish them success in their new home. William will remain in Ruthven until the close of the present school year.
    The Stork was quite busy in this locality last week, and several homes were made happy. The births that occurred last week as reported by Dr. Baldwin were: Mr. and Mrs. Jorgen Knutson, a girl; Mr. and Mrs. Frank O. Clair, a girl; Mr. and Mrs. Olin Watt, a boy; Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Olson, a girl; Mr. and Mrs. Barney Sampson, a boy; and Mr. and Mrs. C.J. Carlson, a boy.
    One of the most pleasant social events of the season was the party given in honor of Raymond DePue on Friday evening, January 2nd, at the W.H. DePue home. Raymond, who is home spending a two weeks' vacation from Cedar Rapids Business College.  The evening was spent in Music and games after which light refreshments were served. About forty were present.
    Mr. Lars Larson suffered a severe stroke of paralysis Friday. He had been doing some work in the new Thatcher residence and Mr. Thatcher discovered what had happened to him when he went to the house to replenish the fires shortly before noon. He was taken to his home at once, and though he was in a critical condition for some time, he seems to be gaining now, and every hope is entertained for his recovery.

    Mrs. Kate Walsh passed away at the Spencer hospital Jan. 1st. She was fifty-seven years old and leaves four  children to mourn a loving mother. Two daughters Mrs. Mamie Reardon who lives on a farm southwest of Ruthven and Mrs. Katie Joseph and William Walsh lived with their mother in Ruthven. Mrs. Walsh was for many years a resident in this vicinity. The funeral was held from the Catholic church in Ruthven and was attended by many old neighbors and friends. The remains were laid to rest in the family lot beside her husband in the Catholic cemetery at Ruthven.
    Mr. and Mrs. Alex Monk motored to Spencer Friday to accompany the remains of Mrs. Walsh to her home in Ruthven.

NOTICE - No hunting or trespassing will be allowed on the southeast quarter of Section 17, Highland township. C.W. Hansen.

FOR SALE - My residence property known as the Keeper property in the northwest part of Ruthven. 7 room house, city waster and cistern. Barn or garage. Inquire of Mrs. P. Ostrum, Spencer, Iowa.
Barber Shop
Expert work and excellent
treatment. For nice clean
shave or a neat hair cut
call and see us.
Baggage, Dray and
Transfer Line.
 Prompt and Efficient
Service Guaranteed.
All kinds of draying
and hauling done
Work left in my care
Will receive prompt
Albert Hermansen.
Phone 175.

Ruthven Free Press
Ruthven, Palo Alto, Iowa
Wednesday, Jan 14, 1920


January 21...........LeGrand Goff
January 22...........E.A. Calkins
January 27...........F.J. Carpenter
January 28...........H.C. Butterbaugh
February 5..........P.G. Hansen

LeGrand Goff.
    On January 21 Mr. Goff will hold a closing out farm sale on the Wilmer Goff farm two miles north of Ruthven. He has an exceptionally good line of stuff, and everything will be sold as he is moving to Ruthven.

E.A. Calkins.
    On January 22, Mr. E.A. Calkins will hold a closing out farm sale on the old Stokes place just west of the race track in Ruthven. Mr. Calkins has purchased a farm in Wisconsin and will move there shortly after his sale. He is offering some very good stock including 20 head of his pure bred Duroc-Jersey hogs.

F.J. Carpenter.
    Mr. F.J. Carpenter will hold a closing out farm sale on his farm six miles southwest of Ruthven on Tuesday January 27. He has rented his farm and will quit farming. Mr. Carpenter has a good list of stock and machinery.

H.C. Butterbaugh
    The H.C. Butterbaugh sale will be held on January 28 on his farm 3 miles east and 2 miles south of Ruthven. He is contemplating leaving the state and his list of stock and machinery, which is a good one, will be closed out to the highest bidder.

P.G. Hansen
    On February 5, Mr. P.G. Hansen will hold a closing out sale at his place 4 miles west and 2 miles south of Ruthven and 2 miles east and 2 miles south of Dickens. He will leave the farm in the spring and his large list of stock and machinery will be closed out.

    About twenty of the old-timers of Ruthven drove out to the home of Frank Bradley on Monday evening and gave them a delightful surprise. All enjoyed the evening playing games until a late hour when the well-filled baskets were brought forth and supper was served; after which all bid Mr. and Mrs. Bradley goodnight, declaring Brad's the place to go for a good time. Those present were Mr.and Mrs. E. Goff, Mr. and Mrs. E.A. Calkins, Mr. and Mrs. J.B. Willis, Mr. and Mrs. W. Willis, Mr. and Mrs. S.S. Burditt, Mr. and Mrs. C. Hughes, Mr. and Mrs. P. Simington, Mr. and Mrs. F. Mason and Mr. and Mrs. G.S. Estabrook.

    The installation of the new officers of Highland Lodge 487 A.F. & A.M. of Ruthven, Iowa, was held Tuesday evening, January 6th, 1920, at the Masonic Hall. The following officers were installed:
    Donald C. Logan, Worshipful Master.
    Dr. J.L. Minor, Senior Warden.
    R.L. Logan, Junior Warden.
    J.A. Berg, Treasurer.
    J.H. Thatcher, Secretary.
    D.L. Modisette, Senior Deacon.
    P.H. Groezkruger, Junior Deacon.
    D.A. Gates, Senior Steward.
    J. Ward Sanford, Junior Steward.
    Jas. Ruthven, Tiler.
    Dr. G. Baldwin, Jno. F. Petree and D.L. Modisette, trustees.
    C.A. Reeley, M. Nelson, O.B. Sampson, Finance Committee.
    Dr. Baldwin, installing officer.

    Ole Gargo was transacting business in Spencer Thursday.
    E.P. Barringer was on the sick list several days last week.
    J.H. Thatcher went to West Bend Friday for a brief visit at the home of his father.
    J.J. Brown and Wm. Brennan went to Emmetsburg Saturday to transact business.
    Grant Rice went to Cherokee Thursday to attend the funeral of Mrs. J.N. Rice who died recently.
    A baby girl arrived at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H.C. Butterbaugh Thursday. We congratulate them.
    John Moan arrived in this city from LeMars Wednesday. He will run his father's farm, the Wm. Moan place, a few miles southeast of Ruthven.
    Miss Ella Thomas, cook in the Rex Cafe, is enjoying a vacation and is spending it visiting relatives in Farley, Iowa.
    Miss Luella Riley went to Havelock Sunday for an over-Sunday visit at the home of her parents.
    T.J. Brennan went to Des Moines Tuesday for several days business visit.
    Joe Hastings and R.A. Walteds are making daily trips to Emmetsburg this week, as they are members of the jury.
    Mr. L.H. Sporan is confined to his home and has been quite ill for some time. We hope to see him out again soon.
    Mrs. J.H. Anderson is about again after being confined to her home for several weeks.
    Ed Broekrem has moved onto the new farm which he purchased several miles northwest of Ruthven.
    An interesting news item consists of the fact that there was no robbery in Ruthven Saturday night. At least none that has been reported.
    Mrs. J.E. Petree underwent an operation in the hospital at Iowa the last of the week. The operation was more serious than was at first expected, but we are glad to report that it is considered successful.
    The W.H.M.S. of the M.E. Church will hold their regular January meeting at the home of Mrs. T.M. Hanna. A full attendance is desired. The hostesses are Mrs. R. L. Logan and Mrs. T.M. Hanna. By order of the Secretary.
   Mr. and Mrs. Homer Eaton are the proud parents of a baby boy. He arrived on Monday and weighed ten pounds. Congratulations.
    William Washington came home from Iowa City Sunday evening where he had been attending school. He had been vaccinated and was so sick afterward that he was compelled to come home to rest up for a time.
    Leonard Spaulding suffered a broken arm one day last week when he was thrown from his sled. He was crossing the Milwaukee tracks in Ruthven, when, in some way one of  his runners caught in the rail, tipping it, and throwing Mr. Spaulding out.
    Mrs. H.K. Drenner and little baby of Spencer are visiting at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.R. King. The Drenner family will move to Ruthven in the near future, as Mr. Drenner has purchased the Blagg meat market and will take possession January 17.
    Mr. Brechwaldt went to Ft. Dodge Monday to transact business. He will go to Cherokee from there to visit relatives. Mrs. Brechwaldt has been in Cherokee visiting for some time.
    On January 1, at the home of her daughter, Mrs. R.S. Stoneman, in Hastings, Minn., occurred the death of Mrs. W.H. McCune, who will be remembered by many of the older people here as being one of the pioneer residents of this vicinity. Her husband and four daughters survive her.
    Chas. Winn, who has been working at the ice hauling met with a painful accident Friday. A cake of ice fell on his foot, crushing it quite badly.
    John Bruch was transacting business in Waterloo several days last week. We understand that the Bruck family may decide to move to Waterloo.
    Fred Smith went to Des Moines Wednesday to accompany Mrs. Smith home. Mrs. Smith had been there for several days seeking medical advice.
    Mr. and Mrs. Joe Weaver of near Cass Lake, Minn., came to Ruthven Saturday evening in response to a telegram announcing the serious illness of their son, George. He is much better at present.
    A baby boy was born to Mr. and Mrs. C.D. Nurse of Estherville last Sunday. Mrs. Nurse is a sister of Mrs. Ray Barringer, and will be remembered in Ruthven as Miss Emery, a former employee of the Free Press office.
    The ice harvest has been on in Ruthven for the past ten days under the leadership of T.L. Jackson. Most of the ice houses have been filled and some has been shipped out. The ice this year is of a very good quality and average about twenty-two inches thick.

    Miss Margaret Waldron and Miss Mary Waldron exchanged schools for a couple of weeks. Miss Mary taking the Parker school and Miss Margaret the Wichman school. The children are doing very nicely with their school work in both schools.
    Vera Marie is the name given to the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Nisson, born Jan. 9, 1920. Congratulations.
    The Vanderhoff family is the possessor of a new Victrola of which they are quite proud.
    The Thelman family expect to move south of Dickens on the farm now occupied by Mr. Fred Anderson.
Ruthven Free Press
Ruthven, Palo Alto, Iowa
Jan 28, 1920

    Notice of the appointment of Thos. K. Rierson as administrator with the will annexed of the estate of Kalon Rierson.
    STATE OF IOWA, Palo Alto County, ss.
    Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has been duly appointed and qualified as administrator of the estate of Kalon Rierson, late of Palo Alto county, deceased. All persons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment to the undersigned, and those having claims against said estate will file them with the clerk of the District Court, as provided by law, duly authenticated, for allowance.
    Administrator of said Estate
    Dated Jan. 20, 1920
    C.W. Simmons went to Spencer Tuesday morning. He was summoned there by the department of War Risk Insurance to undergo an examination. He had spinal meningitis while in the service from which he has never fully recovered.
    Laurens Lady in Wreck.
    A Great Western passenger train was wrecked near St. Joseph, Missouri, recently when several people were killed and over eighty seriously injured. Among those seriously injured was Mrs. E.V. Toomey, better known as Miss Ethel Saum, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. B.L. Saum of this place. She was injured about the head and at last reports was still in a very serious condition but it was thought that she would recover.-- Sun.
    H.F. Cain has been having a siege of the flu. He is much better however at this writing.
    Mr. DeFrance, the meat cutter in the Drenner Market, went to Spencer Friday to finish moving his effects to Ruthven.
    John Collins of Emmetsburg is the new helper of the Milwaukee depot. He has had several years experience.
    Howard Tripp has been sick with the influenza and confined to his home for the past ten days. He is much improved at the present.
    We understand that Mr. Robert Earl has purchased the Albert Hermansen Dray Line and will take possession in March.
    Miss Frances Babcock of Dubuque arrived in this city Wednesday for a short visit at the home of her aunt, Miss Cora Babcock.
    Ernest McClelland has been operating his sawing outfit in the Ruthven vicinity for the past few weeks. He sawed 9,000 feet of lumber for MR. Rosewall, 8,000 feet for Carl Hanson, and 7,000 feet for Peter Iverson. He still has considerable sawing to do.
    Dr. ?. A. Ruthven arrived in this city Monday morning for a few days visit at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Ruthven. He is one of the faculty at Ann Arbor University, at Ann Arbor, Mich. He had been in Chicago attending an educational meeting. He will return to Ann Arbor Wednesday.
    Mrs. J.F. Hastings entertained at a one o'clock luncheon on Saturday in honor of her daughter, Miss Mary and Miss Fannie Nielson Ten guests were present. The luncheon was served in four courses. The young ladies enjoyed themselves during the afternoon with music, games, and a guessing contest. Mrs. J.H. Anderson assisted Mrs. Hastings in entertaining.
    Martin Simonson purchased a new Ford Motor truck last week. J.E. Osterhus made the sale. We predict that in a few years very few farms or farmers will be without Motor Trucks.
    Orlando Olson, eleven year old boy of Wallingford was instantly killed last week while coasting. He tumbled from his sled and was struck in the head by another sled, killing him instantly.
    Joe Nolan & Co. have installed a new counter and fixtures in their meat market. This improvement will greatly facilitate the work in their market.
    Ed Brand has purchased a new Traffic Truck of two ton capacity to use in his oil business. E.L. Archer made the sale.

Ruthven Free Press
Ruthven, Palo Alto, Iowa
February 11, 1920

    W.J. Hughes has sold out his garage business in Ruthven, the new owner being Geo. W. Roland. Mr. Roland will conduct a general garage, repair and livery business. He has a good location and will enjoy a nice business. Mr. Hughes will continue in the automobile game, though not in the garage. He has secured the agency for the Chevrolet cars and will have some in a short time. He will probably handle the Velie car also.

    Albert Hermansen has disposed of his dray line to Bob Earl and Merton McNett and they have already assumed the management of it. They are industrious gentlemen and will make a success of the draying business. Mr. Hermansen will go farming about the first of March.

Rier Halvorsen purchased a new Ford truck last week. Trucks will soon be regarded as a real necessity upon the farm.
    F.M. Fitzgerald was in Spencer one day last week, attending a meeting of the Gates Half-Sole Tire dealers in this vicinity. Mr. Fitzgerald will convert his store into a tire shop and will commence handling the Gates products about March 1st. The Gates is the peer of them all in the rebuilt line, and Mr. Fitzgerald will be soon demonstrating their practicability. Watch for his announcements later.

    Miss Gowans and Mrs. C.A. Smith, school teachers, are still confined to their homes with the flu.
   A baby boy was born to Mr. and Mrs. R.J. Hughes on Sunday, February 1. Congratulations.
   P.H. Donlon of Emmetsburg was an over-Sunday visitor at the home of his sister Mary in this city.
   Mr. and Mrs. Rex Hubbard of Spencer visited at the home of his mother, Mrs. E.G. Cope, in this city on Wednesday.
   Miss Alice Rhinehart came home from Algona Friday evening. She is suffering from an attack of the mumps and has been quite ill.
   Mr. and Mrs. W.E. Capener went to Rochester, Minn. Saturday. Mrs. Capener expects to undergo a slight operation in the hospital there.
   Roy Hubbard, of Belgrade, Mont., who has been visiting his mother in this city for several days, left on Saturday for Chicago where he will take an eight weeks' course in the Kingey business school.
   Lars Anderson will move on to the farm he recently purchased in Minnesota, about the first of March. Mr. Anderson had his sale last week and he was well pleased with the outcome.
   Mr. DePue will move to Mitchell, S.D., next week. He has purchased a fine home in Mitchell and a farm a short distance from that city. Mr. Clayton will move on to the farm formerly occupied by Mr. DePue.
    Niel Nielson, brother of Chris Neilson of this city, has purchased a pool hall in Spencer.
    Mr. and Mrs. Van Vieck returned Saturday from Waterloo where they had been spending the winter visiting at the home of their son, Charles.
    Bob Cole suffered a dislocation of the shoulder while playing in the game against Ft. Dodge Thursday night. The accident will keep him out of the game for some time.
    Mrs. Webster Sorebaugh of Audubon, Iowa, arrived in Ruthven Monday and will spend a few days visiting at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Chas. Jenkins.
    John Washington is slowly recovering from a severe case of influenza. He was in a critical condition for some time, but is now reported well on the road to recovery. Several other members of the Washington family have also had it, but in a milder form.
    Ole Nelson & Son will hold a big closing out farm sale on their farm 3 miles west and one-half mile north of Ruthven on Wednesday, February 18. This will undoubtedly be the largest sale to be held in this locality this season. Sixty head of horses will be offered, about fifteen of them being Percheron draft horses, which will be sold with papers furnished. In addition he will sell forty-two head of cattle, some hogs and a large list of machinery and household goods.

    The flu has been very bad in the Elk Lake district the last week but at this writing most of the patients are getting better. Ben Shade and sons James and Raymond, the Graham family, Mrs. Ben Stephas and Mrs. Wm Nisson, Miss Edith and Chas Parker have been sick.
    F.F. Miller received word of his father's death and went to Galesburg, Illinois to attend the funeral.
    School began again in the Parker school Monday, after being closed a few days on account of the teacher, Miss Waldron, having to go to her home near Ayrshire to help take care of the sick. Two Ayrshire ladies Mrs. Flarity and Mrs. Stemhack died of the flu last week.
    Members of the Elk Lake Club enjoyed a sleigh ride party to the Henry Wichman home last Friday afternoon. A very pleasant time was spent visiting. About twenty-five persons enjoyed an excellent 5 o'clock dinner served by Mrs. Wichman, assisted by the Misses Wichman.  Rev. Howe and son of Ayrshire, Ed Rusian, E. Parker, William Monk and Misses Peterson and Miss Leta Parker were visitors.
    The Wichman family motored to Terril to visit with the Henry Colves Sunday. The Colves family expect to move to Colorado soon in the hope that a change of climate will help Mr. Colves health.

    Mrs. Halverson and Mrs. Will Johnson left for their homes Monday after spending a week with their parents, C. Nyborg, of Lost Island.
    Grandma Hermanson is in Lost Island this week to nurse her sons William and Peter who are under the weather. We trust that with such good care they will soon be up and about.
    Mrs. S.A. Smith is in Ruthven this week to help at the E.P. Berdinger home, where some have been sick with the flu.
    Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Johnson was called to Graettinger Saturday to see their mother, Mrs. Sherlock, who passed away Sunday morning.
    Soren Thoreson has purchased a new Ford truck.
Ruthven Free Press
Ruthven, Palo Alto, Iowa
February 18, 1920

   Mr. Lars Anderson's youngest son Harley was taken sick last Thursday with appendicitis. He was taken to the hospital at Spencer where he was operated on Saturday. Dr. Baldwin of Ruthven went to Spencer to assist with the operation. At this writing reports are that Harley was getting along nicely.
    Relatives in this vicinity received word that Mrs. Kate Kiley was ill with pneumonia at her home in Wapello, Illinois. Mrs. Kiley visited with her daughter Mrs. James Monk last fall and made many friends who hope for her speedy recovery.
    The Sleeter sale was well attended. Nearly everything brought good prices. Many remarked what a fine lunch Mr. Sleeter served the crowd. We wish Mr. and Mrs. Sleeter success in their new home in Missouri.
    At this writing there are a number of cases of the flu and grippe. Freddie Nisson, Mrs. Mayme Parker, and the Sleeter children are some of the sick ones.
    Fred Monk shelled fifteen hundred bushels of corn last week and would like to have shelled 2000 more bushels but had to wait until there were cars or room in the Farmers elevator.
    Mr. and Mrs. Will Grady are the parents of a daughter, born Sunday, Feb. 15th, at the Spencer hospital.
    O.B. Carpenter shelled corn last week. Lonie Larson did the shelling.
    Earnest Nisson has rented a farm about six miles east of Elk Lake on which he will move about March 1st.

    The seventh and eighth grade girls have organized a basket ball team. They are progressing nicely. Miss Kemp is coaching them.
    Wednesday evening Miss Ruby DePue, who is soon to leave for her new home in Mitchell, S.D., was very pleasantly surprised when her classmates dropped in to spend a pleasant evening. She was presented with an album and a picture of everyone in her class. These were certainly novel keepsakes and ones that Miss DePue will value highly.
    Miss Lund has returned to her school duties after a week's absence with the influenza.
    Mr. Altman and his class wired the laboratory Thursday and Friday. It was a neat job and will easily pass the underwriter's inspection. The students can now sit at their desks and use electricity.
    Ralph DePue quit school last week. He will soon be leaving for his new home in Mitchell, S.D. His class regrets to see him leave.
    A farewell party will be given by the Junior and Freshman classes in honor of Mildred and Adelino Nyborg, who will soon leave for their new home in Jackson, Minn.
    Miss Lukins spent the week end visiting her parents in Spencer.
    The Vanderhoff children have come to town and have entered school here.
    Mr. Rise of Spencer tuned the piano last week. Now maybe we can have some real music.

    Grant Smith went to Mason City Tuesday morning, where he will open offices. He has been appointed district agent for the Horticulture Hall Insurance Co. and will have charge of ten counties. He will retain his office in Ruthven and will be here to attend to his business matters every Saturday. Mr .Smith is a hustler and will make good in the insurance game.

    Little Bernard Currans, three-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Currans, who live a few miles southeast of the city, passed away Friday afternoon at four o'clock, a victim of influenza. The little fellow had been very sick for a week before he finally succumbed. Funeral services were held from the Catholic church in Ruthven on Sunday afternoon at two o'clock. The Currans family have the sincere sympathy of all in their bereavement.

    Already we are going to start boasting about our band, and there is one distinction that we are sure we can claim for it and that is, it is the largest band in northwest Iowa, and one of the largest in Iowa. And just give Prof. Granzaw and the boys a little time and we can show you one of the best bands in Iowa. Following is the instrumentation or personnel of the Ruthven C.C. Band, as it will start out upon its musical career:
    Cecil Reitzel, George Slagle, Carl Wigdahl, S.A. Wigdahl, Harold Prather, Donald Smith, Harold Bicklehaupt, Homer Lockwood, Wm. Morris, John Horan and Warnie Earl.
    Ralph Rhinehart, Homer K. Drennen, John Berg, Homer Lee, Clarence Hanson, Joe Barnett, Everett Bicklehaupt, Hollis Myers, Geo. Peterson, and Lyle Smith.
    Iver Holmgren, Kenneth Myers, Andy Ritchart, Harry Ritchart, Ray Swain, Sanford Smith, and Verle Smith.
    Richard Caldwell, Rollo Cole, Harold Wigdahl, Cyril Berg, Floyd Johnson, and Lester Smith.
    Alfred Anderson and Lyle Willis.
    Martin Larson and Morris Myers.
    Harold Blagg, Joe B. Willis and B.D. Morris.
    Martin Carsmoe.
    Harry Rasmusson and C.C. Myers.

Ruthven Free Press
Ruthven, Palo Alto, Iowa
March 3, 1920


   A very interesting and enjoyable basket social was held in District No. 3 Feb 23, sometimes called the Wichman school. Much credit is due Miss Mary Waldron and her pupils, also several outside the school for the fine program. There was a large attendance. The amount realized from the sale of the baskets was twenty-three dollars which will be used for playground equipment.
    The will of Mrs. Kate Walsh was filed for probate last week. The home place in Ruthven is given to her daughter Catherine A. Walsh. The remainder of the estate , part of which is consisted of 240 acres of land which was sold for $215 an acre near Elk Lake, is given share and share alike to her four children, Catherine, Mary, James J Walsh and Wm Walsh. E.P. Flint and J.H. Thatcher are appointed executors.
    Moving day was here Monday and the movers were busy. Several big land sales will probably be closed in this vicinity, among which are the Rhinehart, Walsh and Nisson farms.
    M.E. Olson of Viroqua, Wisconsin, arrived last week for a visit with his friend, Jesse Monk. The boys became acquainted during their overseas service in the S.A. army.

    Little Evelyn Gladys Erickson, six months old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Erick Erickson, died at her home southeast of this city on February, of pneumonia. Funeral services were held from the Swedish Lutheran church on Sunday, February 29. Rev. A.E. Gustafson of Spencer conducted the services. The pall bearers were Misses Violet Nelson, Agnes Nelson, Haden Nelson, and Astrid Kjetlberg. Gladys Nelson and Genevieve Bicklehaupt acted as flower bearers. The sad parents have the sincere sympathy of the entire community in their bereavement.

Emmetsburg Democrat
Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa
March 7, 1920

Dan McNally has thrown away his crutches and is now moving about on a leg
that can scarcely be detected from the real article. He will soon learn how
to use it skillfully.

March 17, 1920
Thomas Nally, who was in the employ of F.T. Osborn for 13 years will
hereafter be stationed in the Rock Island yards at this place and will
shovel coal on incoming engines so as to make it more conventional for the
firemen to reach it when the train is no its way to other stations. Mr.
Nally is an industrious, faithful man and will give close attention to the
work required of him.

Emmetsburg Democrat
Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa
Wednesday, 21 Apr 1920

Has a Rare Collection of Bonds and Paper Money

Henry E. Miller, who lives north-west of this city, has a great collection
of bonds and paper currency as well as old coins. Monday he showed us a $100
coupon bond of the Confederate States of America. It was issued April 5,
1862, and draws 8 per cent interest. Practically all of the coupons are
attached. He has another registered bond issued on Sept. 14, 1862. Among his
collections are a 20 shilling piece of Colonial money issued in 1757 and
printed by Benjamin Franklin and D. Hall; a 2 shilling, 6 pence Colonial
piece issued April 3, 1772; a half dollar issued by the United States
Colonies in 1776; a $4 piece and a two-thirds of a dollar piece and a 9
pence, United Colony, piece issued in 1777. He has a fifteen pound note put
out by the State of Massachusetts on June 1, 1779 and has dozens of bank
notes floated during the early part of the past century by states, city
banks, and well known financial institutions of the time. It has taken him
years to secure his choice collection. We need not say that he is justly
proud of it.

Emmetsburg Democrat
Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa
Wednesday, June 2, 1920

Eight Finish Eighth Grade. The Awarding of Honors.

     A very successful year in St. Ellen's academy was brought to a close
last week. Thursday enjoyable exercises were held in the church hall. The
small children gave an interesting play and later the boys appeared in a
creditable production. The girls of the academy followed in a number that
was greatly enjoyed by the parents and friends of the pupils who were
present. We have heard only words of praise for the entire program. Sunday
evening diplomas for the completion of the eighth grade were awarded to
Gordon Pratt, Gregson Pratt, James Duhigg, James White, Winifred Jackman,
Katherine Ganley, Agnes McElroy, Phyllis Shea, Cassie Laughlin, and Guida
Kane. The prize for the best examination in Irish history was won by James
Duhigg and the Christian doctrine prize by Phyllis Shea. John Laughlin was
given the prize for application and Eileen Fitzpatrick for perfect
attendance. Father Lynch of Ayrshire delivered an interesting address in
which he complimented the members of the class on the creditable showing
they had made. He urged the boys and girls to persevere in their zeal for
the acquisition of knowledge and their love of things spiritual. He
complimented highly the good Sisters and Father McNerny for all that they
had done to promote Christian education and hoped the people of the parish
would support them earnestly in their efforts. The total enrollment for the
year was in the neighborhood of 120.

Emmetsburg Democrat
Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa
Wednesday, June 9, 1920

Sheriff John M PINKERTON Helped Convict Emmetsburg Robbers in 1878

Monday, while convening with J.C. BENNETT, our reporter learned that John M.
PINKERTON, Algona's pioneer sheriff, who died at Hot Springs, South Dakota,
a few days ago, took an important part in the arrest and conviction of Hiram
and Will MILLERKE and John TRELOAR, who robbed the Milwaukee company in this
city in 1878. The railroad was just built into the town and an old building
on the present location of the Frost hotel was used for temporary quarters
for freight and baggage. Miss Fannie ESTMAN, as sister of Mrs. E.S. ORMSBY,
lost a valuable trunk. It was afterwards located by Mr. PINKERTON at some
point along the shore of Medium Lake. J.E. KING was sheriff at the time but
Mr. PINKERTON, it seems, succeeded in locating the offenders. They were
placed in jail at Algona. One cold night William MILLERKE excaped and sought
shelter in the home of John E. MARTIN of Fern Valley township, father of
J.B. MARTIN, who published the West Bend Journal for many years. Mr. MARTIN
knew MILLERKE and guarded him with an old army musket until morning when the
sheriff was notified of his presence. It turned out after that the gun was
not loaded. The evidence against the prisoner was not quite so strong as the
prosecuting attorney would like to have it. One day Lewis Nelson FERO, a
Milwaukee detective, quietly dropped into Algona and Sheriff PINKERTON had a
rough and tumble encounter with him, accusing him of being a notorious silk
robber from St. Louis. This of course was only a pretense but in the
encounter FERO's coat was torn from his back and Mr. PINKERTON's clothes
were also in shreads. During the coming two or three weeks the MILLERKES and
TRELOAR undertook to convince FERO that they were of equal rank with him
robbers and became quite confidential. In this way FERO secured sufficient
evidence against them to convict them. During the trial the officials of the
Milwaukee company were afraid the jury might not stick with the prisoners
and a special train was run from Algona with an officer who was ready to
arrest them under another indictment secured in Kossuth county. However, the
jury found them guilty.
W.G. HENRY met Mr. PINKERTON while at Hot Springs and J.J. KANE of this city
also knew him while at that place several months ago. It is claimed that
PINKERTON, in early days, followed gold mining in Colorado with two other
gentlemen. One of them, who afterwards became a millionaire, as a
manufacturer of sleeping cars, was accused by Mr. PINKERTON of stealing a
large amount of gold that was buried under the tent. At all events PINKERTON
drove him out of camp and he did not return.

Home from Texas.
    The Misses Anna and Vera Rutledge arrived home from Houston, Texas, last Sunday morning. Both have good positions in the public schools of that city. They inform us that the season is very warm along the Gulf of Mexico. The dock workers at Galveston have been on a strike for some time and conditions at that place are very unsatisfactory. As a result, many foreign vessels are landing at Houston and are cutting out Galveston. The shipments made by water from Houston have of late had a remarkable growth. The Misses Rutledge will spend their summer vacation in this city.

Is Now in Hands of a Trainer Who Will Make Him Keep Regular Hours.
(Daily Register)
    Roy Johnson, the Des Moines college crack halfmiler who set a new Missouri Valley record for the distance at Ames last Saturday, will not compete in the "Big Ten" meet at Ann Arbor this coming week end, according to an announcement made by Coach Harris Bell of the Tigers. Johnson will rest up until the Olympics tryout at Chicago that latter part of the month. The local distance star was not in the best of shape last Saturday when he traveled the distance in record breaking time. Johnson was taken sick after the race and is not feeling too good at present, according to Coach Bell.
    [Rest of article cut off]

Will Rest and Recuperate.
    Miss Anna Donovan is arranging for a trip to Rochester, Minn., to take treatment from Drs. Mayo. Later she intends spending some time at Hot Springs, Arkansas. During her absence the press work on the Tribune will be done by the Reporter. Miss Mary McKay will take the place of Miss Donovan.


Emmetsburg Democrat
Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa
Wednesday, Aug 25, 1920

On Tombstone of Yankee Robinson, the Pioneer Circus Man

(Jefferson, Iowa, Bee)

Jefferson, Iowa, a nephew of Marshal M.F. Brennan of this city recently
received an inquiry from a New Jersey party concerning the grave of Yankee
Robinson, America's first and leading clown and showman, who died here on
the 4th day of September, 1884. The letter received by Mr. Mugan was as
"Glassboro, N.J., July '31-My dear Mr. Postmaster: Between the years 1885
and 1890 there died in your city the celebrated circus proprietor, Fayette
L. Robinson. Friends here desire to erect a monument over his grave. Will
you do me the great kindness to let me have the official name of the
cemetery in or near Jefferson, where, about 1855, Yankee Robinson could have
been buried. I shall be grateful to you. Wm. J. Bok."
Mr. Mugan wrote quite at length, giving detailed facts concerning the
history of Yankee Robinson as it is connected with Jefferson, conveying also
the information that a nice monument was erected over the grave. Visitors at
the local cemetery are familiar with the last resting place of the showman,
and the stone which was erected to his memory. This monument was purchased
of Mr. W. F. Laidley, and the lettering thereon is the work of M.A. Mugan,
of Emmetsburg, who was in the employ of Mr. Laidley at that time.
Postmaster Mugan's reply, in part, is as follows:
"Your card carries with it the impression that you have doubtless received
from some reckless newspaper article, quite a few of which have been
published to the effect that "Yankee Robinson" is buried in an unmarked and
uncared for grave. Such articles are quite far from the truth and imply an
unjustified slur against such characters as constitute the organizations of
the Sells Brothers and the Ringling Brothers shows together with the local
Masonic bodies and the local cemetery association.
My own recollections of the circumstances surrounding the death of "Yankee
Robinson" are somewhat hazy. However, partly from recollection and partly
from talking with others it may be said that the deceased had lost his
earthly riches. Some say that he was taken from the train at this point
because of his sickness while others say that at the time he was traveling
with Ringling Brothers as an attraction and really as sort of a pensioner
for what he had been to the circus world. However, he was taken sick and the
show went on. He was left in the Head hotel and his identity not revealed.
This because of his personal desire, because of the humiliation he felt
because of having lost his fortune and being down and out. His condition
grew worse and the local Masons, who were looking after him, informed the
show, when a representative of the show returned, identified him, and stayed
until after his death and funeral, when she returned to the show. The
funeral was in keeping with his high personal character and waht would be
due to a man who had done so much for others and the world.
The burial took place in the Jefferson cemetery, located about a mile from
the court house and to the edge of the city, and in a lot owned by the
Masonic order.
Some time after the death of "Yankee Robinson" and at different times, Sells
Brothers shows and Ringling Brothers left money in the hands of a local
committee for the purpose of a monument which was bought and place over the
grave, the Masonic order, I believe, making up some deficiency.
It must be said that, while the erosion of the stone is not bad at this
immediate time, it will not probably improve with age. At the time the stone
was erected it was all that could be expected, yet when it is considered in
the light of his great life and mind and what he did for others, and in the
light of the present day standards, this monument should be substituted by
one more suitable for hte commemoration of the memory of a great character.
On several occasions after the death and burial of the deceased, his son,
Silas Robinson, came here at the head of theatrical organizations and on
such occasions went broke and his company disbanded. Each time a number of
local talent joined him in putting on one or two local talent plays for his
benefit and let him out, and each time we heard a few weeks after that he
was on the road with a company. The last heard of the son, was some years
ago when we heard of his death at Seattle or Tacoma."

Emmetsburg Democrat
Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa

Wed., Sep 1, 1920
Sister Mary Placentia who had charge of St. Mary's conservatory of music
during the past year has been transferred to Boone. Her many pupils of this
locality were of course disappointed when she did not return.

[Transcriber note: Sister Placentia was born Hanora Finn, dau. of David Finn
and Hanora Joynt Finn. Her mother died in chilbirth and Honora was
subsequently adopted by James Fitzgerald and Theodosia Warren Fitzgerald and
went by the name Annie Fitzgerald.]

Wed., Sep 15, 1920
Mr and Mrs Ray Nally of Calument, Michigan, are visiting Mr and Mrs P.J.
Nally of this place. Mrs. Nally and little son visited at Ft. Dodge and
Sioux City before coming to Emmetsburg. Mr. Nally arrived from Sioux City
Sunday. All will leave for Omaha this week to spend a short time. Mr Nally
is district manager of the Roman Oil Portrait company of Chicago.

Graettinger Letter.
There have been a few changes during the past week. Ray McNally of
Emmetsburg has bought the drug business of the Strausser Pharmacy company.
Mr. Wasseman of Estherville has bought H.L. Wildey's general store.

Wed., Sep 22, 1920
Mrs. Floyd McCain, who spent the last two weeks with her father, Edward
McNally, and family of this city, returned to her home in Vienna, South
Dakota Saturday.

Joseph Brennan and sister, Miss Regina, came from Oakes, N.D. the latter
part of the week to attend the funeral of their uncle, P.F. Littleton.

Miss Lillian Jackman who teaches at West Bend spent Sunday with her parents,
Mr and Mrs Joseph Jackman of this city.

Emmetsburg Democrat
Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa
Wednesday, Sept 29, 1920

The E.H. McNally merchandise store has been in operation in Ayrshire for the
past eight years and in that time has always stood for quality in
merchandise and service to the people. And that this policy has brought
results is best shown by the yearly increase in the business accomplished
since the date of its beginning. The McNally store handles merchandise of
all kinds, dry goods, ladies' and gents' furnishings, ready to wear
goods,over-shoes, and rubbers, notions, staple and fancy groceries, canned
goods, flour and feed, fruit, vegetables and produce, candy, cigars and
tobacco, and specializes in Tip Top bread the Ball Brand rubber goods,
Sunshine cookies and crackers, Bird brand of coffee, and the Del Monte brand
of canned goods. "The Store that Sells," is an apt slogan adopted by Mr.
McNally. He has lived up to it in every respect. The store has a floor space
of 4,000 square feet, giving ample room for all demands. Mr. McNally has
built up an exceptional business in his line, with every indication pointing
toward a continued popularity with the trade.

Wit ha stock of drugs comprising every commodity found in the up-to-date
drug store, P.E. Malia and Company has given a most satisfactory service to
the people of Ayrshire for the past 20 years. In this stock will be found
drugs, druggists' sundries, rubber goods, toilet articles, cut glass, hand
painted china, candies, cigars and tobacco. The prescription case is a
feature and is given personal attention by Mr. Malia, the proprietor, who is
a registered pharmacist. All prescriptions are filled with care and
accuracy. It is the only drug store in Ayrshire and is giving satisfaction.

With an experience of 18 years in the hardware business, ten of which has
been spent in Ayrshire, John McBride occupies a most enviable position with
his trade and is supplying the wants and needs of the people with the most
satisfactory results. Mr. McBride carries a most comprehensive line of shelf
hardware, blacksmiths' and carpenters' tools, hog-oilers and hog-waterers,
guns and ammunition, paints, oils and varnishes, and specializes on the
Round Oak and Majesty ranges, the Rogers line of paints and varnishes and
the Iowa Cord automobile tires and tubes. Also Mr. McBride operates a
tin-shop where all kinds of repair work is done and where tin work of all
kinds is done.
Mr. McBride has lived in the Palo Alto county community for a number of
years, has a large and influential list of acquaintances throughout the
country. He is an ardent booster for Ayrshire and always lends his
assistance to any enterprise tha has for its ultimate purpose a boost for
the city.

Although one of the more recent acquisitions to the commerical activities of
Ayrshire, the Morrison-Wood Furniture Company has already shown wonderful
strides in business accomplished and since Februayr of this year, at which
time the company took over the store, has done a greater volume of businewss
than did their predecessor during the entire year of 1919. The business is a
co-partnership of H.E. Morrison and S.J. Wood, both Ayrshire men and well
known to the people of the community. Mr. Morrison has been in the newspaper
game all of his life until his present business, while Mr. Wood was formerly
connected with the Reno hardware firm for five years as salesman.
The new firm will specialize on standardized goods of national reputation
such as Simmons beds, Square Brand mattresses, Good Night nad Way-Sayless
springs, Singer Sewing Machines, Bell's davenports, Kitchen Maid kitchen
cabinets, Armstrong's linoleum, Gold Seal Congeleum, Edison and Vitanola
phonographs, Story and Clark pianos, Eastman kodaks and supplies, Community
silverware, while in the general line is jewelry, silverware, cut glass,
china, electrical goods, all kinds of urniture, rugs and novelties. In fact,
the store will be known as "Complete Home Furnishers, " and will live up to
the slogan to the letter.
The store has an excellent location on the main street and has been
remodeled to fill the demand of new managers. The plan will give an
additional floor space for display of 2500 square feet, all of which will be
utilized to good effect. With their large acquaintance throughout the
county, the added advantange of a large stock and their policy of service at
all times, the future success of the firm is practically assured.
Contributing its full quota to the mercantile activities of Ayrshire and
giving an unexcelled service to the farmers of this community, the Farmers'
Elevator Company, organized 15 years ago, is lending a stability to the
city's commercial standing that is far-reaching in its effect. By having
this unexcelled market in proximity to the farm, farmers from far and near,
bring their grain here, deposit their money in the banks and trade at the
merchandise stores. This concern is incorporated with a capitalization
sufficient to carry on the business and has the following well known men as
officers: John Burns, president, W.H. Martin, secretary and general manager,
while associated with them on the Board of Directors are: Mike Daily, John
Rehms, Rudolph Peterson and W. Waldron. All are representative farmers and
business men of the Ayrshire community, banded together for a common purpose
and are administering the affairs of the company in a most satisfactory
manner. Mr. Martin, the manager, has been in the present position ever since
the company first organized. He has been in Ayrhisre for the past 21 years
and was six years in the furniture business prior to taking his present
The Farmers' Elevator Company buys grain of all kinds and sells coal, flour
and feed, posts and binder twine. The elevator has a capacity of 20,000
bushels of grain and is equipped with every modern and up-to-date facility
for handling the grain and other products of the company. The organization
has a membership of approximately 130 farmers, while the patrons will number
from 200 to 225. Under the management of Mr. Martin the business has shown a
steady and substantial increase each year with every indication pointing
towards a continued growth and expansion.

Emmetsburg Democrat
Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa
Wednesday, October 13, 1920

Yesterday Carlie, son of Selmer JOHNSON who lives on the W.W. FROST farm in
Nevada township, was killed two miles east of Curlew. A wagon loaded with
oats ran over his head. He lived only a few moments after the sad accident.
He was ten years old. He was walking alongside of the moving wagon and fell
beneath the wheels. His brother was with him when the sad affair occurred.
He was taken to the home of Mr. HOGAN before he died. Dr. HENNESSEY, the
coroner, was summoned and he learned that the facts were as stated. This is
a very sad blow to Mr. and Mrs. JOHNSON.

P.J. Clausen Sells Out
P.J. CLAUSEN informs us that he has sold his ice cream and bottling factory
in this city to Roy ATKINSON. He has for several years been one of the most
successful business men of our community. He has not yet announced any
definite plans for the future. We shall be very sorry to lose Mr. and Mrs.
CLAUSEN. Mr. ATKINSON is an energetic, deserving young man and will no doubt
succeed in his new venture. We wish him success.

Grobmire Threw Halberg
Bro. SULLIVAN, who was down from Graettinger last evening informs us that
Fred GROBMIRE threw John HALBERG of Algona Monday night. First fall was won
in nineteen minutes and second in fourteen. HALBERG weighs over 200 pounds.
GROBMIRE will wrestle RUSSELL of Sioux Falls at Spencer tomorrow evening for
a bet of $700.

Rev. Clegg to Storm Lake
Our many citizens are pleased to learn that Rev. Herbert CLEGG has been
appointed pastor of the M.E. Church at Storm Lake. He is capable, zealous
and modest and will soon win the good will of the people of that community.

He Injured His Arm
Lewis LOGUE was down from Hoprig last Friday. He is carrying his arm in a
sling. He injured it badly some time ago while descending a ladder at a
grain elevator at Graettinger. He is now living on a fine farm near

By Auto to Florida
William WARD and his son, Morgan, who left by auto for Florida a couple of
weeks ago, wrote home from Nashville, Tennessee. They had reached that place
without any difficulty and found it a promising, prosperous city.

Our Graettinger Letter
Dr. and Mrs. HESSION attended the picnic given by the members of the medical
association at Lost Island lake last Wednesday.

Adolf PETERS and family were over from Terril Saturday.

Mrs. MYHRE came down from Estherville Wednesday for a brief visit with her
son, Martin MYHRE.

L.E. RICHARDSON returned Saturday from western Minnesota where he had been
looking after real estate interests.

Was Given in the Congregational Church by Rev. W.H. Kent

The announcement of the telling of the story, "Tacky Jim" by the author,
Rev. W.H. KENT, at the Congregational church last Friday night, drew a good
audience and proved an event of real pleasure to all who were present. A
prelude to the reading was given consisting of two musical numbers, a piano
duet by Miss Catherine HELEN and Mrs. James GOWANS  and a vocal solo by Mrs.
Earl BEEBE. Mrs. BEEBE was accompanied by Mrs. Loring D BRERTON. In each
instance these splendid musicians responded to hearty encores. The story,
"Tacky Jim" has a finely conceived plot. The characters are so thoroughly
human, and some of them so unique as to be intensely interesting. Mr. KENT
explained before his reading that the characters in the main were taken from
real life, as he had seen them in a former parish.
Ther is a strong vein of good, clean humor running through the story,
serving as fine seasoning to the moral appeal which is the soul of it. And,
in the telling of the story, the author was quite natural, which is saying
that he was artful. He held strict attention from start to finish. Fully
one-half of the people in his audience were children between ten and
fourteen years of age. These and the adults, not one more than the others,
paid undivided attention. Afterwards, many were heard to ask whether Mr.
KENT had another story, and if so they hoped he would come again.

Buys Home in Des Moines
The Des Moines Daily News of last Wednesday announced that P.O'GRADY of
Ayrshire had purchased a $20,000 home on the west side in Des Moines. We
have not learned how soon Mr. O'GRADY intends moving into it. Few were aware
that he contemplated leaving Ayrshire in which he has lived for thirty-five
years or more. He has become very prosperous and is one of the most public
spirited gentlemen of our county.

Are Charged With Misconduct
Yesterday Ed BAURER and Edwin STEENBURG, both charged with forgery, and W.
READE, accused of stealing, were taken from the Emmetsburg jail to Spencer
for a hearing before the grand jury. They were brought here from Clay county
some time ago.

Used 15 Gallons on 300 Mile Trip
Leo SHEA spent the first of the week at Austin and Lyle, Minnesota. He owns
land in that locality. He made the round trip by auto, going a distance of
300 miles and used only fifteen gallons of gasoline. He has a Ford coupe.

Poisoned by Canned Salmon
Monday T.J. CURRANS and his little son Thomas became dangerously ill.
Relatives became very much alarmed but they are alright again. They think
they were poisoned by eating canned salmon. The would not care for another
experience of this kind.

He Should Be Retained.
A few days ago M.F. BRENNAN tendered his resignation as city marshal but so
far it has not been accepted. He asked for an advance in wages, as he was
receiving only $85 per month. The council did not comply with his request
and he felt that he could not continue in the position any longer for the
amount named as being expenses are very high. Mr. BRENNAN is one of the most
conscientious, trustworthy marshals in our state. We sincerely hope some
agreement may be reached whereby our community may be assured of his
services for a few years longer. A plucky, level headed marshal is one of
the important officers of a community.

Buys Mr. Drigg's Home, Mr. Driggs to Try Farming

Thursday of last week a deal was made whereby L.D. DRIGGS became the owner
of the farm owned by Dr. F.B. McTIGUE and the latter took in exchange the
new home recently completed by Mr. DRIGGS in the east part of this city. The
farm is the one formerly owned by J.M. THOMPSON and is located a mile and a
quarter southeast of Cylinder. Perhaps there is not a better improved place
in that locality than this one, as the buildings are all large and modern
and the farm is well fenced and well tiled. It has also one of the best
orchards in the county. Mr. and Mrs. DRIGGS were born and raised on the farm
and as a result, not amateurs at farming. They will move to their new home
November 1 and Dr. and Mrs. McTIGUE will also move to this city at that
time. After December 1, Dr. McTIGUE will open offices in Emmetsburg where he
will practice osteopathy. He has had a good practice during the four years
he has been on the farm near Cylinder, as as a result he has decided to move
to our city and devote all his time to his profession.

Ear Has 26 Rows
MATTHIESON Brothers, who live between Ayrshire and Curlew, raised some very
fine Silver King corn this year. A few days ago they showed us an ear
containing 1,200 kernels. It had twenty-six rows and weighed one pound, six
ounces. It is a wonderful specimen of corn. Messrs. MATTHIESON are very
successful farmers.

Local Items
R.P. McTIGUE of Farley, Iowa, accompanied by Robert ALLEN of that place,
arrived in Emmetsburg the last of the week to visit Mr. and Mrs. Dennis
McTIGUE. They will enjoy a trip to Estherville and Litchfield, Minnesota,
while absent. They intend doing considerable hunting before they return to
Farley. Robert McTIGUE is a brother of Dennis McTIGUE. He lived in Sac
county for many years. He was well acquainted with J.J. HIGGINS of this
place before moving from Dubuque to Sac county 46 years ago.

Among those who came from a distance Thursday to attend the tea at the home
of Mrs. BRANAGAN were Mrs. T.F. McGOVERN and Mrs. FARRELL of Whittemore,
Mrs. T. CULLEN, Miss CULLEN and Mrs. FREEMAN of Cylinder and Mesdames
SCHULLER and Miss Mary REINDERS of Mallard.

Dr.D.T. GRADY, who has a government position in the Twin Cities, enjoyed
Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W.G. GRADY of this place. He had
business a short distance north of Mason City and he ran over to Emmetsburg
before returning.

Fell and Broke His Nose
Last Friday, while playing football with St. Mary's academy team at
Pocahontas, Leo JENNINGS fell and broke his nose. The injury was a severe
one. It will be some time before the wound will heal. He has the sympathy of
his many friends.

Emmetsburg Democrat
Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa
Wed., Nov 25, 1920
The other day in some deal made by him, Ed McNally secured a fine new Buick
roadster. He considers it speedy and powerful as well as durable. We
understand that he tried to carry his garage down town on it after he
brought it home but he finally decided to abandon the undertaking. He is not
the first man who tried to punch the end out of a garage.

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