Palo Alto County Newspapers

NEWS - 1918

Emmetsburg Democrat
Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa
Wednesday, Jan 9, 1918

Mr and Mrs Wm J Fisher, Whose Marriage Took Place on December 26

     Mr and Mrs W.J. Fisher arrived home from the Twin Cities last Wednesday
evening after a week's visit with relatives and friends. They were on their
wedding trip. They have not yet commenced housekeeping but they will, we
understand, soon be "at home" to their many friends in one of the
comfortable residences of our city. Mrs. Fisher, better knwon as Miss
Margaret Flood, taught in the public schools of our city for a number of
years and has for some time been assistant county superindendent. She is a
winsome, highly accomplished young lady and is well prepared to take an
active and creditable part in the leading social and other affairs of the
community. Mr. Fisher is one of the most scholarly professional citizens of
our county. He completed his classical course at Creighton university and he
is a graduate of the law department of Georgetown university of Washington,
D.C. He has practiced actively and successfully in the courts of Palo Alto
and neighboring counties for a number of years and he has built up a large
and profitable practice. He has a keen, analytical mind and he is a close
discerning student. He is versatile, genial and affable and a good mixer. He
is rapidly winning his way to success in his profession and to substantial
standing in the business world. The Democrat did not learn of the marriage
of Mr and Mrs Fisher in time to give them anything but a passing mention,
when the important event in their lives occurred but, though late the hour,
we desire to extend hearty, congratulations and we wish them health,
happiness and prosperity.

Miss Lena Vedder Becomes the Wife of Lieutenant Carl J. Zobel

     Miss Lena Vedder of Emmetsburg and Lieut. Carl J. Zobel of Floodwood,
Minn., were married at St. Mark's church by Rev. F.E. Drake Friday eveningl.
Lieutenant and Mrs. Zobel will make their home in Des Moines.- Fort Dodge
Daily Messenger.
     The bride is a daughter of Mr and Mrs Daniel Vedder of this place. She
had been living at Fort Dodge for some time. Local friends had not learned
of her marriage. She is a very deserving lady and has hosts of warm friends
in this county. all will learn with pleasure of her marriage and will, we
are sure, join the Democrat in offering hearty congratulations to the newly
wedded pair.

Miss Nealie Knowles of Ames Urges Observance of Meatless and Wheatless Days

     Miss Nealie Knowles of ames addressed fifty or sixty ladies of our
county at the Court House last Saturday afternoon on the subject of food
conservation. The gathering was held under the auspices of the Women's
Council of Defense of this county. The various precincts were well
represented considering the weather. Miss Knowles is a capable, ready,
earnest speaker and gave her listeners a great deal of interesting and
instructive information on the subject. She impressed upon them the great
importance of observing the meatless, wheatless, porkless, and other days
recommended by the national food administrator. The allied powers of Europe
are short in provisions and Americans, who are fully as anxious to win the
war as they are, should make a special effort to spare them as much as
possible of pork, beef, flour, sugar and other necessaries. Miss Knapp was
also present and had on exhibition various kinds of substitute foods that
could be used for the articles listed.
     At the close of the exercises officers of the defense council for the
ensuing year were chosen. Mrs. W. Schroeder was elected president and Mrs.
P.J. Hannifan secretary.

Emmetsburg Democrat
Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa
Wednesday, Jan 30, 1918

Chas. DUHIGG Organizes for Thourough and Efficient Canvas of Palo Alto

The public has been so well informed through the press of the government
loan which, under the direct supervision of Secretary McADOO and Mr.
VANDERLIP, is now being inaugurated, and will be continued during the entire
year by means of the sale of thrift and war savings stamps, that in general
little can be added to this knowledge. In Iowa, under the leadership of Mr.
Homer A. MILLER of Des Moines, our own state will doubtless maintain its
patriotic record of the past.

In Palo Alto county, the state organization has selected Charles Duhigg to
lead in this far reaching undertaking and a representative committee has
been associated with him. The campaign has been purposely held back to begin
with thrift week which is now here. During this week all over our land the
newspapers will thoroughly explain the desires and intentions of our
government in regard th this war savings loan. On Sunday next every pulpit
in the land has been called on to assist in proclaiming the gospel of self
denial and saving for the purpose of aiding our government in the
perpetuation of our institutions at home and the dissiminatin of democratic
ideals abroad. Itis intendedthat a campaign of education be launched and
continued throughout the year to show our youth especially how by the
practice of a reasonable and consistent saving they can be of invaluable
financial aid to our beloved country, can release millions of capital now
tied up in unnecessary enterprise and free thousands of workers to engage in
employment of a productive nature.

Thrift and war stamps will shortly be on sale at all banks and post offices
in our country. Do not let the week pass without a start being made,and
before Sunday won a war savings stamp of some denomination.

Signed by
Executive Committee of the County Organization.
Wm. E.G. SAUNDERS, Mayor of Emmetsburg
D.A. JOHNSON, Emmetsburg
C.J. FRYE, Emmetsburg
Robert LAUGHLIN, Emmetsburg
Margaret RYAN, Emmetsburg
W.I. BRANAGAN, Emmetsburg
Mrs. Wm. E.G. SAUNDERS, Emmetsburg
Anna DONOVAN, Emmetsburg
L.H. MAYNE, Emmetsburg
Bert. L. FRANCE, Emmetsburg
John MENZIES, Emmetsburg
Miss Lola OLIVER, Emmetsburg
Supt. O.S. VonKROG, Emmetsburg
[Rev] M. McNERNEY, Emmetsburg
[Dr.] LeRoy T. WEEKS, Emmetsburg
[Rev.] Norman McDAY, Emmetsburg
[Very Rev.] P.F. FARRELLY, Emmetsburg
[Rev.] J.E. BRERETON, Emmetsburg
[Rev.] Wm. VEIT, Emmetsburg
Ralph MOSES, Emmetsburg
 Mrs. Dr. PORTER, Emmetsburg
Miss Bernice BRIGGS, Emmetsburg
Mrs. W.R. SCHRAEDER, Emmetsburg
Mrs. Lulu V. WHIRRY, Emmetsburg
Sisters of Charity, St. Ellen's Academy, Emmetsburg
E.B. SOPER, Emmetsburg
J.H. BALE, Ruthven
C.H. COOKINHAM, Ayrshire
V.W. FISK, Curlew
J.P. MULRONEY, Mallard
Vincent KELLY, Graettinger
George FREEMAN, Cylinder
C.J. JOHNSON, Rodman
Ben McFARLAND, West Bend
Charles DUHIGG, County Chairman, Emmetsburg

Emmetsburg Democrat
Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa
Wednesday, June 19, 1918

Miss Irene MAGUIRE returned to Waterloo Saturday. She has accepted a
position as a stenographer in an office at that place.

Edward NOLAN of Des Moines was the guest of his mother, Mrs. P.C. NOLAN of
this city several days during the past week.

Mr and Mrs Ralph KING and chidren motored to Atlantic, Iowa, Saturday, where
they spent the day with relatives and friends.

Mrs. Arthur JOHNSON has returned from Cylinder. She was visiting her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. PHELPS, several days during the past week.

Mr and Mrs Peter DALEY and daughters, Misses Mildred and Genevieve, autoed
to Fort Dodge, Friday. They have friends at that place.

Mrs. Otto CONKLIN and sister, Mrs. William THOMPSON, and Miss Helen MAGUIRE
of Ayrshire were the guests of relatives in this city.

Mr and Mrs. Ben CATTELL and daughter, Miss Jessie and William McNAMARA,
autoed to Clarion Sunday where they spent the day with relatives.

Mr and Mrs. John HESTER and children of Graettinger were Emmetsburg visitors
Thursday. They have relatives and friends in this city.

Mrs. CARMODY and her granddaughter, Miss Jessie and William McNAMARA autoed
to Clarion Sunday where they spent the day with relatives.

Mrs. CARMODY and her granddaughter, Miss Rose, arrived in Emmetsburg from
Chicago, the latter part of the week for a visit at the James CARMODY home.

Mrs. Eugene KANE and her sister, Miss Alice JACKMAN, were passengers to
Sioux City  Thursday. They will visit at the Thomas KIRBY home at that place
for several days.

Mrs. William FISHER and children, Miss Helen BARBER and George GUNDERSON
went to Spirit Lake Saturday for a couple of days' visit with relatives.
They made the trip by auto.

John McBRIDE and John MEYERS are both cooking for separate divisions of
working men on the Milwaukee road. They will be located at different points
along the line during the season.

Miss Gladys ROGERS was a passenger to Marshalltown Saturday for a short
visit with relatives. From there she will go to Des Moines. Her brother Roy
accompanied her on the trip.

Mrs. H.H. COHEN went to Marion, Iowa, Wednesday for a week's visit at the
C.D. STICKNEY home. She made the trip by auto. Mr. COHEN accompanied her as
far as Mason City.

Mr. and Mrs. L.E. BOWYER and children of Canton, South Dakota, were in
Emmetsburg Saturday. They were on their way to Rodman to spend a few days
with Mr. and Mrs. Joseph TURNER.

L.J. JACKSON, who enlisted in the radio corps some time ago, was called to
duty the first of the week. He left Wednesday for West Liberty for a few
days' visit at that place before going to Iowa City where he will attend
training school.

Martin CLENNON and son Joseph of West Bend were the guests of friends in
this city Saturday.

Mrs. Thomas LEE was a passenger to Ruthven Tuesday evening. She formerly
lived in that vicinity.

Mrs. J.F. SMITH arrived home from West Bend Saturday evening where she was
the guest of friends.

Ray NEARY, who enlisted a couple of weeks ago, is now stationed at Paris
Island,South Carolina. He is on duty in the marines.

Charles STEDMAN of this city has gone to Arnolds Park whre he will conduct a
roller skating rink during the summer months.

Mrs. Jack KNIGHT and baby returned to Webster City Wednesday after several
days' visit at the H.W. KNIGHT home in this city.

Mr and Mrs. T.R. MARTIN and children autoed to Pocahontas Sunday, and spent
the day with Mr and Mrs J.R. MARTIN and family.

 Mrs. Mary CAHILL and son John and family and Mr. BALDWIN autoed to
Interlaken Lake, Minnesota Sunday. They have relatives at that place.

Martin KNUDSON and Andrew SANDANGER and son of Graettinger were passengers
to Iowa City Thursday for a short visit with relatives and friends.

Mrs. L.M. SHALER arrived in Emmetsburg last evening from Concord, Minnesota
to visit her mother, Mrs. Margaret THOMPSON. She was accompanied by her
friend, Mrs. EVARTS.

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph KNAPP arrived in Emmetsburg from Parker, South Dakota
last evening to spend a few days with local relatives. Mrs. KANPP is a
sister of Wm. E.G. SAUNDERS.

A few days ago Charles NOLAN received a card stating that his son James had
arrived in France. He spent most of the winter and spring months in the
vicinity of Washington, D.C.

Miss Agnes KINSELLA of Chicago, arrived in Emmetsburg Wednesday. They came
from Iowa City where she spent two weeks taking care of her brother, Robert
KINSELLA. He was in a hospital at that place.

The Burnette Motor Company reports the sale of a seven-passenger Buick to
Martin AUSLAND, a Buick Six to Bert HUGHES, a Buick Four to Geo. SAUNDERS, a
Ford sedan to Joseph J SCHUMACHER and  a Ford touring car to Frank NEEDHAM.

The Democrat is pleased to report that George WASHINGTON of Highland
township is feeling much better. He was ill most of the time since leaving
Emmetsburg in February. He tells his friends that he was given the best of
treatment while in the base hospital.

Leo SHEA arrived home from Detroit a few days ago. He was employed in one of
the leading auto factories at that place. He registered in Montana before
leaving that state but when he came to Iowa in the fall he could not enlist.
>From here he went to Michigan. He reports that his brother Joe was also in
Detroit for some time but went to Minnesota a few days ago.

Frank MEADE was home from Camp Dodge over Sunday. He is a member of the John
EPPEL military band.

Mr and Mrs Thos. GEBHART and daughter of Whittemore were visiting at the
Mrs. LAWLESS home last evening.

Howard HUGHES is home from Fort Sill, Oklahoma. He is spending a few days
with his brother, Bert Hughes, of this place.

Mrs. Thomas McBRIDE and childen and Mrs. E.R. WALKER and daughter, Miss
Frances, were Sunday visitors at Lost Island lake.

Mr and Mrs. C.R. BOGGS of Fort Dodge spent several days during the first of
the week with Mr and Mrs. C.C. QUINN of this city.

James ANGLUM arrived home from Colorado Springs a few days ago. He was
taking treatment for rheumatism at the Woodman sanitarium at that place.

The Richardson Bros. Auto company has sold Overlands to Dan GUNN, Supt.
VONKROG of this city and Joseph LEUER of Mallard and a Ford to Chas. SEWELL.

The Gazette reports that Ed ZIGRANG of Livermore is now assisting in driving
a government train of motor trucks to the coast. They will be shipped to

C.F. LEONARD and Iver CHRISTENSEN of the Graettinger neighborhood were
Emmetsburg visitors yesterday. Both favored the Democrat office with a short
call while in town.

B.E. GAYLORD of Davenport, who had been visiting local friends, left for Des
Moines Tuesday evening. He is traveling for the Gordan Van Tine Lumber

The Vernon branch of the Red Cross will meet at the home of Mrs. E.H. URRY
on Friday, June 21 at 1:00 p.m. All members are requested to be
present. --Mrs. F.L. LAMB, secretary.

John J MARTIN fell from a telephone pole a few days ago and was quite badly
shaken up. He is fortunate that his injuries were not serious. We glean from
the Chronicle.

The Emmetsburg Auto company has disposed of a Velie to Sheriff J.W. JACKSON,
a Brisco to E. GARRETT of Rodman, a Dodge to O.B. FISK of Curlew and a Ford
to Frank FORDYCE.

Mr. and Mrs. Matt ANDERSON and family of Ruthven were in this city Tuesday.
Their son Chester of Camp Dodge, who is spending a few days with them, was
on his way back to Camp Dodge.

Dr. LeRoy T WEEKS will leave June 23rd for Milwaukee to take special
training for home service work for the Red Cross. He will enter a regular
training school. He will be absent for a couple of weeks.

Miss Maude ST JOHN, who is acting as relief operator in the Western Union
office in the absence of Miss BROWN, will leave for Estherville Tuesday. She
will have charge of the office at that place for a short time.

Miss Lena SCHENDEL has been on the sick list the past week.

Jess CROOK of Rodman was an Emmetsburg visitor Tuesday.

Reports Crops Good in Canada.

Will NOLAN of Lemberg, Sask., was visiting his many Emmetsburg friends the
last of the week. He left for St. Paul Monday to enlist. He registered in
Palo Alto. He reports that crops in Canada are very promising this year. The
acreage is exceptionally large and grain was sown in first-class condition.
There has been an abundance of moisture since the seeding season. Mr. NOLAN
tells our reporter that next Saturday every man and woman in Canada from the
ages of 16 to 60 will be required to register to perform manual labor during
the continuance of the war. In Canada as well as in the United States, those
who remain at home will be obliged to do their bit in producing for our
government, and in this way, helping to win the war.
Attended Mason City Initiation
Twelve or fourteen from ths county attended the K.C. initiation at Mason
City Sunday. The day was extremely warm but the rooms in which the exercises
were held are high and airy and the atmosphere was not oppressive. At the
banquet Father Doherty was toastmaster. The speaking program was very
creditable but Emmesburgers think we had a better program at each of the
local meetings. Dr. F.B. McTIGUE, who resides near Cylinder, sang a couple
of selections at the banquet and his efforst were greeted with a sincere and
encouraging applause. He is in great demand as a vocalist. A large number of
ladies attended the banquet. Among those from Palo Alto who were present at
the exercises during the day and evening were District Deputy P.H. DONLON,

Emmetsburg Democrat
Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa
July 10, 1918
We understand that Dan and John DOYLE, sons of Mrs. O.P. DOYLE, of
Minneapolis, are now in the U.S. Service. Oscar is in the medical corps.

Emmetsburg Democrat
Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa
July 17, 1918

Ray McNally arrived home from Tama the first of the week. He is preparing to
report for military duty. He has not yet sold his drug store at that place.
Several prospective buyers are after it but none of them cares to give the
price he asks. He will have a responsible friend conduct the store for him
until such time as he can dispose of it. Mr. McNally has developed into a
very successful business man and is making quite a sacrifice of business
interests for the good of his country.

Emmetsburg Democrat
Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa
Wednesday, July 24, 1918

Mrs. H. WEGENER and daughter of Fairfield township were the guests of
friends in this city Wednesday.

C.D. PRICE returned to Rockwell City Thursday. He was looking after real
estate interests in this locality.

Mr. and Mrs. Louis LIPPOLD and children of Graettinger were the guests of
friends in this city Thursday.

Miss Regina MURRAY arrived home from Sioux City Thursday for a visit with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. James MURRAY.

J.P. JENNINGS injured one of his fingers badly Wednesday while excavating
for the new W.I. BRANAGAN building.

Miss Helen KEMPER returned to Sheldon Thursday after a pleasant visit with
Mr.and Mrs. Jesse CHURCH of this place.

James MAGUIRE of Spencer has been a recruiting officer at Dubuque for
several months. He will probably spend the fall at Spencer.

Mrs. Thomas O'CONNOR arrived home from Colman, South Dakota, Wednesday. She
was visiting at the home of her sons, Charles and Leo.

A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. W.H. BROWN of Ruthven Wednesday, July
17. This is welcome news to many Palo Alto friends.

George HILL and sister, Miss Alice, of Webster City, spent several days the
past week at the Mr. and Mrs. Jake SWIGERT home near this city.

J.M. DOWNEY, who was superintendent of the Ayrshire schools for some time,
is now on duty in a K.C. war camp office at Camp Forrest, Georgia.

Misses Dorothy McMAHON and Katherine JACKMAN were passengers to Fort Dodge
Thursday. While there they were the guests at the Patrick NUGENT home.

Mrs. John McCORMICK and son Vincent, Mrs. W.C. RYAN, Miss Margaret CARNEY of
this city and John McCOY of Cedar Falls spent several days during the past
week at the lakes.

Patrick ROGERS was the guest of Mr. and Mrs Tim SULLIVAN of Graettinger
several days during the past week. He is still at the Soldiers Home. He was
in Emmetsburg Friday.

A few days ago a car driven by Frank STEINER and his brother Will was struck
by another auto on the streets of Des Moines and was damaged some. The
occupants escaped without injury.

John O'NEILL and his friend, Mr. GIBBON, of Armstrong, were in Emmetsburg
Friday evening. They came down by auto. They were accompanied by Mr.
GIBBON's mother and sister. Mr. GIBBON left for Camp Pike Monday.

Miss Madeline COYNE of Fort Dodge was the guest of relatives in this city
several days during the past week.

Rev. CUTHBERT and family returned to Titonka Friday after a brief visit at
the J.E. SCHOOLEY home in this city.

Louis NUTZMAN of Austin, Minnesota, arrived in this city the latter part of
the week for a visit with relatives and friends.

John McNUTT, A.J. WOLFGANG and daughter, Miss Grace, autoed to Fremont,
Minnesota, Sunday where they enjoyed the day.

Miss Agnes TELFORD arrived from Mason City Saturday for  a visit with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. George TELFORD of this city.

Mrs. P.J. DEVLIN and daughter of Cedar Rapids were guests at the John
McNAMARA home in this city several days during the past week.

Mr. and Mrs. W.P. REINDERS and Mr. and Mrs. J.P. RUPPERT of Ellington
township recently drove to Camp Dodge to spend the day with relatives.

Mrs. John CAHILL and children returned from Minneapolis several days ago.
They were the  guests of Mr. and Mrs. BALDWIN of that city while absent.

People are now allowed to use beef on all days of the week and the order
limiting the number of ice cream cones that can be used has been suspended.

Mr. and Mrs. I.N. NOBLE and daughter, Miss Ollie, of Graettinger, were in
this city Friday. They came to meet Miss Pearl who is attending summer
school at Spencer.

Misses Mayme and Katherine SULLIVAN of Graettinger and Miss Josephine WALSH
of Algona were passengers to Des Moines Thursday to visit relatives and

Mr and Mrs. Edgar STILLMAN and family, accompanied by Mrs. A.A. WELLS of
Dolliver, spent several days during the past week visiting relatives and
friends in this city.

J.F. KELLY has been appointed station agent of the Milwaukee company at
Cylinder. He commenced his duties Monday. He will move his family to that
place within a short time.

V.L. O'CONNOR of Graettinger attended the democratic state convention at Des
Moines Thursday. From there he went to Colfax to spend a couple of days with
one of his sisters.

Everett KAHN arrived in Emmetsburg from Ames Sunday. He was the guest of his
mother while there. He has enlisted in the corps of auto mechanics and is
taking a short course at Ames.

Emmett PETERSON returned to Stratford Saturday after a pleasant visit at the
C.G. CARLSON home in this city. He will leave the first of the week with a
contingent for some camp in Georgia.

Mr. and Mrs. James JENNINGS of Paulina, who were visiting local relatives
during the past week, returned home Saturday. Mr. JENNINGS will leave with
the next contingent for some camp in Georgia.

John McNAMARA was a passenger to Montezuma, Iowa, last Wednesday. He owns a
large tract of land in that locality. He is figuring on selling it when he
can find a buyer who is willing to pay him his price.

Mr. and Mrs. I.J. FOY and son Howard of Ruthven were guests of relatives in
this city Sunday.

George DIETZ of Fort Dodge was the guest of relatives in this city several
days during the past week.

Joseph SYKES was a passenger to Webster City Saturday evening for a visit
with his brother Clarence.

Mr and Mrs. Peter DALY and daughter, Miss Mildred and Miss Vera RUTLEDGE
were lake visitors Sunday.

Miss Florence QUILTY arrived in this city from Minneapolis Saturday for a
visit at the John McNAMARA home.

Mr and Mrs. Daniel BURNS were passengers to Dell Rapids Saturday. They have
relatives in that vicinity.

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas KELLY and baby autoed to Emmetsburg from Whittemore
Sunday for a visit with relatives.

Mr. and Mrs. Elmer ELLIS were callers to Osage Wednesday by the death of Mr.
Edwin SCANNAN, father of Mrs. ELLIS.

Frank CULLIGAN of Camp Dodge arrived in Emmetsburg Sunday for a short visit
with his wife and other relatives.

Miss Katherine FLAHERTY of Milford enjoyed a short visit at the C.W. FOSTER
home in this city the latter part of the week.

Miss Mabel SIMONSON arrived home from Gukeen, Minnesota, Saturday where she
had been visiting relatives for a week.

Dennis KIRBY returned to Aberdeen, South Dakota, Saturday. He came to visit
his parents, Mr and Mrs. Thomas KIRBY of this place.

Mr and Mrs. Ben GRADY and Mr. and Mrs. Leo DONOVAN autoed to Pocahontas
Sunday. They enjoyed the day at the Roy DONOVAN home.

Mrs. Cora WYATT and children and Miss Emma FREDERICK came from Spencer
Friday. They enjoyed the day at the William FREDERICK home.

S.G. PLACE returned to Ottawa, Illinois, Saturday after a delightful visit
with his son, L.F. PLACE and family who reside northeast of this city.

Miss Gladys VEDDER, who has been attending the teachers' summer school at
Spencer, spent Sunday with her mother, Mrs. I VEDDER, of this city.

H.W. BEEBE was a passenger to Waterloo Sunday. Mrs. BEEBE was there for a
couple of weeks visiting relatives. She accompanied him home Monday.

Dr. Robert NESTOR, Dr. and Mrs. Bert JOYNT of Waterloo and Dr. Martin JOYNT
of LeMars were guests at the Michael JOYNT home in this city over Sunday.

Wednesday we met Jack BOX at Livermore. He is employed in the Aaronson hotel
at that place. He is hearty and is carrying more flesh that when he lived in

Dr. Morris SPOLUM of Watertown, South Dakota, visited several days during
the past week with his mother of this place. He also came to see his brother
who left Monday morning for Camp Pike, Arkansas.

Had Family Reunion Sunday
Mrs. Joseph CLENNON and children of West Bend, Mr and Mrs Peter GRETHEN and
children of Mallard and Mr and Mrs. Peter MART and family of Gukeen,
Minnesota, arrived in Emmetsburg Saturday to attend the family reunion given
at the Patrick McNALLY home in honor of Robert, who left Monday for Camp
Pike, Arkansas, to report for duty. There were ten children and twenty
grandchildren present. It was the first time in six years that all of the
members of the family were together. It is needless to say that the reunion
will often be recalled by the many who were in attendance.

A dance was given in the J.D. HIGGINS barn one evening during the past week.
About $40 was realized. The amount was turned over to the Great Oak branch
of the Red Cross.

Emmetsburg Democrat
Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa
July 31, 1918
Mrs. Peter COLLINS went to Rochester, Minnesota Tuesday to see her daughter,
Mrs. Frank BURNS, who has been in the hospital at that place for several

Miss Veronica McNALLY will leave tomorrow for Monticello, Iowa to continue
her duties as stenographer in the Franklin Barne Equipment Company office at
that place.

Twin daughters were born to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph T. JOYNT Tuesday morning.
Mr. and Mrs. JOYNT have now 2 pairs of twins in their family. Of course
their many local friends will be glad to learn of the good news.

News of Twenty Years Ago
A Few Items Taken From the Files of the Democrat of June 30, 1898
Robert LAUGHLIN is home from Ruthven. He is now clerk in Hoffman Bros.
clothing store.

Emmetsburg Democrat
Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa
Aug 7, 1918

Mrs. Mary Vedder was a passenger to Minneapolis Thursday to visit her
brother, O.O. Williams, and family.

Miss Ida Johansen arrived home from Mankato, Minnesota, Wednesday. She was
visiting relatives at that place.

Miss Jean Huber of Cedar Falls arrived in Emmetsburg Thursday for a short
visit with her uncle, W.D. McKercher and family.

Grant Arbo returned to Watertown, South Dakota, the first of last week. He
spent the summer with his uncle, Guy Haag, of this city.

Mrs. Ed Boyle and son of Blackfoot, Idaho, were guests at the James Flood
home in this city several days during the past week. Mrs. Boyle and Mrs.
Flood are cousins.

Miss Opal Stedman of Fort Dodge, who was visiting her grandparents, Mr and
Mrs. P.H. Stedman, of this city, was a passenger to Arnolds Park Thursday
for a visit at the Charles Stedman home.

Mrs. Shadbolt, Mrs. B.E. Kelly, Mrs. A.J. Wolfgang, Mrs. F.G. McMahon, Mrs.
M.L. Brown and Miss Margaret Mulroney autoed to Laurens Wednesday to attend
the funeral of Mrs. Brock, mother of Mrs. Cohoon.

Mrs. Kate Dunkelberger of Rock Rapids arrived in Emmetsburg the last of the
week to visit her brother, William Early, who left for Syracuse, New York,
Thursday. She will remain for a few days to visit her mother.

Mr and Mrs. Edward Aylward were passengers to Sioux City Saturday. They will
make their future home at that place.

Harold L. Wright of Fort Dodge died of wounds in France a short time ago.
The sad news was announced in Friday's daily.

Mr and Mrs Leland Potts, who were visiting Mr and Mr Charles Potts and
family, returned to Sioux City Friday.

John Brown was a passenger to Des Moines Saturday. He went to see his wife
who has been quite ill at that place for some time.

Mrs. Crose went to Story City Saturday for a visit with her son, Joy. She
will go to Chicago from that place to buy her fall millinery.

Rudolph Miller returned from the lakes Friday. He spent a few days with
friends at that place. He left in the evening for Camp Dodge.

Mrs. H.C. Shadbolt and daughter Mrs. W.G. Middleton and children autoed to
the lakes Thursday. They will remain for a few days outing.

Miss Florence Burdin, who is bookkeeper at the Emmetsburg Seed House, is
taking a week's vacation. She is enjoying it with her parents at

G.C. Carlson has rented a cottage at Lost Island Park for a week.
Accompanied by his family and sister, Miss Grace Gustafson, and Mrs.
Carlson's mother, Mrs. Freidreck, he autoed to that place Saturday to remain
for a week.

Mrs. Daniel Sherlock and son Thos. arrived home from Denver, Colorado,
Friday morning. They went to that place to attend the marriage of John
Sherlock, which took place on Wednesday. They were accompanied home by Miss
Marie, who is a nurse at Fort Bliss, Texas. She returned to Fort Bliss

Dr. and Mrs. J.C. Murphy and children and Miss Marcella Foy autoed to Cedar
Rapids Thursday to visit relatives for a short time. Dr. and Mrs. Murphy and
baby will go from there to Chicago. The Doctor will attend the dentists'
convention which is to be held at that place the latter part of this week.
They will be absent for perhaps two weeks.

Irvine Martini of Camp Dodge spent Sunday with his parents, Mr and Mr Joseph
Martini, in this city. He returned in the evening.

The J.D. Weir garage at Huntington, a short distance north of Estherville,
was damaged by fire a few days ago. Several cars were burned.

Chicago visitors are not allowed to bring liquor home with them. In Chicago,
the same as in southern Minnesota, all tipplers have to do their drinking at
the bars.

James Brown, of Twin, South Dakota, who was called to Spencer to attend the
funeral of his brother, John Brown, was the guest of friends in this city
Saturday evening.

Mr and Mrs C.H. Smith and children moved to Winterset Saturday. Mr. Smith
has accepted a position as superintendent of the electric plant and water
works plant at that place.

Miss Regina Murray returned to Sioux City Monday after a couple weeks' visit
with her parents, Mr and Mrs James Murray of this city. She is employed as a
stenographer in the American Insurance office at that place. Her sister,
Miss Marie, accompanied her.

'Twill Make a Man of You
     Tom J. Coonan send the Democrat the following from France for

When you ride a thousand "kilos" on a French troop train,
And then a hundred farther through the mud and drizzling rain;
When your pack feels like a load of bricks, your feet and back are sore,
And you haven't drawn a nickel's pay for ninety days or more,
And you haven't got a centime left to buy a fresh cigar-
You're kind of out of luck, Feller- I'll say you are!

When you hit the hay at midnight, as tired as you can be,
Just to rise again at daybreak at the sound of reveille;
When you drill from eary morning till the sun going down,
The get assigned to K.P. when you crave to pass a town,
And you spend your leisure moments scrubbing kettle, pan and pot,
It's not the kind of life you hoped for- I'll say it's not!

But you're playing a position in the world's greatest game of ball,
And you wouldn't miss this chance to see the biggest game of all.
So when they call strikes on you, grit your teeth and show some steam,
And remember that you're signed up with the pennant-winning team,
And that all the knocks you're getting- army chow, fatigue and drill-
Will make a man out of you, Feller- I'll say it will!

--James A. Duffy, A.S.

Rollyn E. Leonard and Ted Rea Perish that Democracy May Survive.

     Friday our citizens were pained to learn that Rollyn E. Leonard, son of
Mr and Mrs. J.E. Leonard of this city, was killed in action in France. The
telegram did not state particulars. Details may perhaps never be known, as
he was in the intelligence department of the service and was probably alone
when he was killed. Monday Mrs. Ted Rea of this city received word that her
husband was also killed on the same date. Particulars were likewise lacking.
They may of course be learned later.
     Mr. Leonard was in his second year in High school in Emmetsburg when
war was declared. He enlisted at Mason City in April, 1917. He was in the
intelligence department of the Headquarters Company of the 168th Infantry,
which was a part of the Rainbow division. The division was, on June 25,
stationed about ten miles southwest of Rheims. It took a very active part in
the terrific battles that have been fought since July 15. The Germans were
driven from Chateau Thierry and the district east of that place along the
Marne across the historic river and north to the banks of the Aisne. Dozens
of hand to hand conflicts followed in rapid succession during the three
weeks of the fearful fighting. Richard Beebe of this city is a member of the
Headquarters company. He wrote to his father during the latter part of June,
that he was stationed a short distance southwest of Rheims. He and Mr.
Leonard and Richard McEvoy of this county wre in the same division but a
report recently reached Emmetsburg to the effect that Mr. McEvoy has been
transferred to Italy. Mr. Leonard was rounding out his twenty-first year.
His birthday was August 21. His death is a sad blow to his parents. His
mother was at Glidden when the news of the death of her son reached
Emmetsburg. Soon after the telegram came Mayor and Mrs. W.E.G. Saunders
drove Mr. Leonard by auto to Glidden to break the unwelcome news to the
sorrowing mother. They reached Glidden shortly before midnight. It was very
thoughtful and generous on the part of Mr and Mrs Saunders to render this
act of kindness to Mr and Mrs. Leonard.

     Mr. Rea enlisted December 9, 1917. He was stationed for some time at
Jefferson Barracks, Missouri, later at Camp Grant, Illinois, and
subsequently at Camp Hancock, Georgia, and Camp Merrritt, New Jersey. He
sailed for France three months ago. He as married in Emmetsburg May 8, 1917,
to Miss Louise Fries. He was employed in the Ford auto garage in this city
before enlisting. He was twenty-three years of age. A few hours after the
telegram announcing hsi seath was received a letter came from him. It was
dated June 25. He had just returned from the trenches. He did not say
anything about returning to duty. He was a member of Company M of the
Seventh Division, which, we understand, contained a large number of the
members of the regular army. Hence he was with experienced, plucky
fighters....[do not have rest of article]

Home from Camp Jackson
     Gene O'Brien arrived home from Camp Jackson, South Carolina, Monday
evening. He will remain for a week or ten days. Camp Jackson is twice as
large as Camp Dodge. It is located near Columbia, the state capital.
Columbia is a place of perhaps 30,000 but southern cities do not compare
commercially with northern places of the same population. Mr. O'Brien says
there is a great deal of white sand at Camp Jackson. Many New York soldiers
are quartered at that place. Something over 100 German prisoners are kept at
work in a wooded district close by. The are clearing away stumps. Mrs.
O'Brien says they are stout, husky fellows....[do not have rest of article.]

Off For Syracuse, New York
     Thursday evening a large number of our citizens assembled at the Rock
Island depot to say farewell to William Early and Clem McNally of this city
and Walter M. Rauschmayer of Graettinger, who were leaving for Syracuse, New
York, to join the colors. They are not yet informed concerning the kind of
service they will be required to perform. We understand their train was
wrecked this side of Chicago but none of them were injured. They are
patriotic and highly esteemed young men and will serve their country
faithfully. The Democrat wishes them health and safety under the protecting
folds of Old Glory and hopes for their early return.

Receives Eight Fordsons
     A few days ago Mr. Burnette received a shipment of eight Fordson
motors. They are to be sold at cost to farmers for $787.50 and freight. The
Fordson will carry two fourteen-inch plows or an eight-foot binder. It has a
speed of one and one-half horse power to six and three-fourths horse power
while working and can ravel fifteen miles per hour if necessary. The regular
selling price of the Fordson will be $925. Among the purchasers are Mr.
Bradley, Mr. Christiansen, Mr. Stiger, Arthur Baker, W. E. Jackman and
Charles Duhigg. The Fordson is all iron or steel and is a twelve horse power

Emmetsburg Democrat
Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa
Wednesday, Aug 21, 1918

     Alphonse Lawless is taking his vacation. He left Monday evening for Clear Lake to spend a short time with friends.
     Ray Martin, who is employed at the auditor's office, is enjoying a vacation. he left for Clear Lake Monday evening to spend several days with friends.
     Miss Bridgie Martin of Spencer, who spent several days visiting friends at Minneapolis, arrived home Saturday to enjoy the balance of her vacation with her parents in this city.
     Prof. Harry O'Neill returned to Rhodes, Iowa, Monday. He was visiting his mother, Mrs. E.M. O'Neill, of this city for several days.
     P.J. Walsh is enjoying a fifteen day vacation. He left for Des Moines Monday to visit friends. Harold Downs will have charge of his mail route during his absence.
     Miss Laura Illingsworth was a passenger to Estherville Monday. She has a slight operation performed in the hospital at that place. Miss Pearl Richardson accompanied her.
     Miss Elsie Gibson returned to Iowa City the first of the week. She took an examination while there for a Red Cross nurse and was successful. We have not learned when she is to report for duty.
     Michael Joynt has been able to move about for some time but he is still lacking strength. He looks well but says that he has not the stamina of years ago. He was in a very serious condition during the early spring months.
     Mr. and Mrs. Sid Higley and daughter, Miss Mary, returned to Mason City Tuesday. They were visiting relatives in this city.
     Mrs. Thomas Conlon of Great Oak township was the gust of her sister, Mrs. Fred Hepp of Wallingford several days during the past week.
     P.T. Osborn was a passenger to Iowa City Tuesday to visit friends for a few days. From there he will go to Wyma, Iowa, to see his daughter, Mrs. Robert Rae.
     Mr. and Mrs. W.B. Freeman and daughter autoed to Arnold's Park Tuesday. They will spend some time with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Stedman.
     Mrs. Mary Callaghan and son Vincent and daughter Frances were passengers to Masonville, Iowa, Tuesday for a weeks' visit with Mr. and Mrs. Martin Culligan, parents of Mrs. Callaghan.
     The Ringling circus had a serious time at Denison a few days ago. One hundred men connected with the show were held at Des Moines because they did not have their registration papers with them. Only one performance was given and it was not up to standard.
     Mr. and Mrs. Peter Daly arrived home from Waterloo Tuesday evening of last week. They went by auto to that place to visit Mrs. James Pender and family and to meet their daughter, Miss Genevieve, who was on her way home from Chicago. She took the summer course in the Chicago University. Miss Mildred, who was visiting at Waterloo, also accompanied her parents home.
     Oscar Doyle, who came from St. Paul to look after the renting of his mother's farm northwest of this city, returned home the last of the week. He reports that his brothers, Dan and John are now sergeants in the army. He is in the medical department of the State University of Minnesota but has not yet completed his course. He will most likely be pressed into service before the close of the war.
     P. Fleming came from Waterloo Monday evening to visit his brother, M.J. Fleming, and his sister, Miss Bridgie Fleming, before returning to Tucson, Arizona, where he has resided for a year.
     T.F. Kerwick visited his sister, Mrs. Hugh McLaughlin, of Rockwell during the early part of the week.
     Sergeant Michael J. Murphy, who lived near Webster City and enlisted, was killed in action in France July 19.
     A.C. Streator of Estherville has accepted a position as chief clerk in the Rock Island office at Elvena, Oklahoma.
     Miss Nellie Millea arrived home from Fort Dodge Monday. She was visiting her sister, Mrs. John Vedder, of that place for some time.
     Miss Eileen Brennan, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Brennan, was very ill the last of the week but we understand she is some better.
     A few days ago Chris Conlon received word that his son had just started across. His son Ray has been in France for six weeks. Hence Mr. Conlon will be greatly interested in the outcome of the war.
     Mrs. P.F. Littleton was a passenger to Aberdeen, South Dakota, Tuesday evening to see her son, Matt, who is in St. Luke's Hospital of that place. He recently underwent a surgical operation. He is getting along as well as could be expected.
     Michael Brennan of Des Moines arrived in Emmetsburg Monday to see his mother, Mrs. John Brennan, and other Emmetsburg relatives. He left in the evening for Mason City to meet his wife, who was visiting at the Captain J.E. William's home.
     P.F. McMahon and Dan Burns arrived home from Sioux City last evening. Miss McMahon is, we are pleased to report, past danger. After her operation, Dr. Keefe did not thing she could live an hour. For a couple of days her condition was very serious.

Ruthven Free Press
Ruthven, Palo Alto, Iowa
Wednesday, October 2, 1918

Mrs. Anderson Hears from Her Husband.
                    Ft. Logan, Colo.
        U.S. Army Hosp, Ward 11
                        Sept. 27, 1918

Otto Gaard Reported Missing Since August 29.

    Mr. O.C. Gaard of this city received the following telegram Monday evening:
                            Washington, D.C.
                            5:30 P.M., 9-30-18
Mr. Olie C. Gaard,
Ruthven, Iowa.
    Deeply regret to inform you that Private Otto A. Gaard, infantry, has been officially reported as missing in action since August 29. Will report the first information received.
        HARRIS, Acting the Adjutant General.
    Otto Gaard was a member of Company G 126 Infantry. A very interesting letter written by him was printed in the Free Press of September 18, evidently written but a short time before the date that he was reported missing. The many friends of the Gaard family will wait anxiously for a favorable report.

    A short letter from Wm. Handke from Camp Dewey, Great Lakes states that he is getting along nicely and has so far evaded the influenza. He thinks that the epidemic is on the decline now and will soon be under control.

    Miss Ina Rhineharts room takes first place this week in the campaign for thrift stamps having saved $76.91. The high school saved $27.54 of which $16.74 was saved by one boy from May until October. Five war stamps were saved by teachers making $25.14. The balance represents the savings of the high school this past week.
    Miss Stanton's room with only one-half the attendance of the high school saved $26.95. In addition they collected a grape basket of pits and shells for the making of gas masks.
    Eugene Jefferies entered in the 3rd grade Monday.
    Miss Duff's room saved $12.94 and Miss Gowan's room $11.74.
    Mr. Kresensky was a referee for a foot ball game at Milford on Friday afternoon.
    Miss Graham spent the week end at her home in Clarksville, Iowa.
    Pearle Sandvig was absent last week on account of illness.

    We have received an urgent call from the Central Division for every Chapter and every Branch to establish collection stations for the following:
    Peach pits, prune pits, apricot pits, plum pits, cherry pits, date seeds, olive pits, brazil nut shells, butter nut shells, and hickory nut shells for use in American gas masks. It is urgent that full publicity be given to this matter and collection begun at once as the season for obtaining most of these is fast advancing.
    All wet shells should be dried, either in the oven or in the sun before packing. All may be packed together. Further details will be given as to the method of shipment.

- John Torpey of Spencer came Monday for a short visit at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Strobel.
- Martin Brennan of Emmetsburg visited Sunday at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Tom Currans.
- Use compressed yeast, makes better bread, fresh every week at Berg and Brennan's.
- Mrs. Joseph Robinson and niece Mildred Dewey visited several days last week at the Myron Dewey home in Spencer.
- Jim Hughes, Wm. Washington, Elmer Slagle, Cecil Rutzel and Bernard Carregan autoed to Ames the first of the week the boys being admitted to S.A.T.C.
- Mrs. G.W. McDonald returned home Sunday from a visit with her brother, F.B. Steece who is associated with the Y.M.C.A. work in Camp Grant, Rockford, Illinois.
- Try our new fresh salted Whitefish. They are very fine and reasonable in price. When in doubt what to get for breakfast try one of our Whitefish.   Berg & Brennan.
- Mrs. Joseph Robinson of Lowell, Mass., who has been visiting at the Dewey and Tripp homes in this city went to Spencer Monday evening to see Myron Dewey who had his arm severely injured in an auto accident. From there Mrs. Robinson will return to her home.

Ruthven Free Press
Ruthven, Palo Alto, Iowa
Wednesday, October 9, 1918

    Mrs. Oscar Lakin passed away at her home west of this city on last Sunday night. She had been ailing for some time and though expected her death was nevertheless a shock to her family. She leaves to mourn her loss besides her husband one son and one daughter. Funeral services were held from the M.E. church in Dickens on Tuesday morning and the remains laid to rest in the cemetery at that place.

    Thos. Logan received a message Monday morning from Dr. Sumner, Secretary of the State Board of Health, relative to the burial of bodies, where death was caused form communicable disease. The message stated that where death was caused by a communicable disease the corpse could not be brought into a church or other public building and that no public services at church or house were permissable. An open air procession and open air services are the only demonstrations that are permissable. This order is sent out of course because of the many deaths due to Spanish Influenza, which is classed as a communicable disease.

    Rt. Rev. Austin Dowling, D.D., Bishop of Des Moines, was in this city on Friday, and confirmed a class of young people of the Sacred Heart Parish. The confirmation took place at the church at four o'clock in the afternoon. Bishop Dowling was assisted by Father Connolly of this city, Father McNerney of Emmetsburg, Father Lynch of Ayrshire, Father Kelley of Graettinger and Father Nepple of Mallard. The services were very impressive and the short talk that was given by Bishop Dowling secured for him many strong admirers in Ruthven. Those who received confirmation on Friday are: William Hughes, John Hughes, Joseph Currans, Francis Currans, Edmund Currans, James Currans, Lawrence Currans, Francis Geelan, James Geelan, Marion Brennan, Katherine Walsh, Francis Slagle, Margaret Carrigan, James Shade, Vincent Washington, Joseph Barnett and George Horan.

    Auctioneer O.T. Goff of Brentford was in the city this week, transacting business and incidentally looking over the war relics train Sunday. Goff is some Brentford booster and declared the crop in that vicinity was the best of anywhere in the country.
    Goff is a picturesque figure, long, lean and lanky, a typical "Yank" in his Alberta moose-skin suit, a hangover from his twelve years of cowpunching in the North Battle Creek district, most of it on the Starvation ranch; and to see him is to wish to be in the saddle again.

Will be Given Vacation to help with husking.
    The Ruthven public schools will be given a two weeks vacation soon so that the boys can go into the corn fields and help with the husking. If the weather is favorable the school will let out on the 18 and open November 4. If the weather is not favorable at that time the vacation will be given from November 1 to 15. Every boy in school that is old enough will have to do his share of husking during the two weeks. He must account for every hour he works, for whom he worked and the amount of money earned. This report will be published at the end of the husking vacation. It is a good move and the boys should try to establish a record during the time they are working.

    Dr. Baldwin who has been endeavoring to enter the Government service since the United States entered the war has been finally rejected because he has passed the age limit. The doctor complied with every request and passed every other requirement of the government. He is greatly taken up with army life and would enjoy doing his bit at the front. Personally we are glad to see Dr. Baldwin remain. They need many good physicians over there, but we also need a few good ones at home. Following is the last letter received from the war department:
    War Deparetment
Office of the Surgeon General, Wash.
    Sept. 4, 1918
Dr. Gilbert Baldwin,
    Ruthven, Iowa.
Dear Doctor:
    In reference to your application for appointment in the Medical Reserve Corps it appears that you have passed the age limit (55 years) for commission in that Corps. The Department will therefore be unable, for the present, to avail itself of your services. Your papers have been placed on file for future reference in case any change is made in the age limit now established.
    The Surgeon General directs me to thank you for the offer of your services.
            BERT W. CALDWELL
    Col. Medical Corps, U.S. Army.

    A message came Saturday morning to Mrs. Kate Welsh, who lives west of this city, stating that her son, Private John P. Welsh, of Fort Riley, Kansas, had succumbed to influenza having passed away late Saturday night. This places three gold stars in the Ruthven service flag. We were unable to secure any of the particulars but will have them for next week's issue.

    Military training has been begun for all boys from the 8 grade thru the high school.
    Miss Andrew attended the teachers institute at Orange City last Saturday.
    Mr. Kresensky refereed the game between Emmetsburg and Algona at Emmetsburg last Saturday afternoon.

C.A. Reely Hears from H.F. Cain and Carl Larson.
    Valparaiso, Ind.

Mr. C.A. Reely,
    My dear friend; I was surprised and very much pleased to hear from you. A fellow appreciates letters and news from home when he is in the army. The report came to our barracks this morning about 2:30 that Germany had surrendered and was begging for peace, all of us got up and went down town  where the people were shooting and ringing bells blowing whistles and shouting and such noises you never heard, even the band was out. Us boys came back to the barracks but no one could sleep the news was to good. I havent seen a paper this morning so I dont know how much truth there is in the report, but I would like to ride the ocean and see France before I come home.
    My work is real easy, I work a little and drive trucks part of the time. I expect to be shipped out any time now, farther east of course. Some of my pals have been measured for overseas equipment, but I wasn't lucky enough.
    I am glad that highland township went over the top in the Fourth liberty loan drive, but with men like the Ruthven board is composed of to do the hustling it couldn't help but go.
    You men at home have to work hard and spend your hard earned cash, but if you want to stay out all night you can and you do not have to be in your little bed every night at ten bells which is the hardest thing I have to do.
    There is a very nice lodge here. I have attended several times and they put the work real good but somewhat different that we do in Iowa. I suppose you are having regular meetings now are you not on account of all the boys I dont suppose you are taking in many new members.
    Cain is here but though we are in the same company we see each other every day this morning we walked out to the edge of town where there is a good apple orchard just got back.
    Some of the boys just marched by riding on a pole. I soon hope to be over there where I may see him. I with a dummy fixed up like the kaiser [rest of letter missing]

- J.P. Johnson left Tuesday for Mason City and Minneapolis to complete buying his line of winter goods.
- Mrs. Bary returned home from Ames Saturday after an extended visit at the home of her son.
- Etta Holmgren of Mason City returned home Monday after a short visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Holmgren.
- A letter received from Ray Dewey from Detroit, Michigan, states that he is expecting to start east with his motor truck.
- John Bale went to Eldora, Iowa Friday to attend the funeral of Mrs. Bale's father, Mr. and Mrs. Bale returned home Monday.
- Mrs. Barber and children of Spencer were over Sunday visitors at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jeffries.
- O.B. Nelson returned Monday of last week from a visit with his son, N.E. Nelson at Camp Funston. He says there is no sickness at that camp.
- Mr. and Mrs. Cookinham and daughter of Ayrshire were in Ruthven Tuesday on their way home from Austin, Minnesota, to visit their daughter who attends college at that place.
- Mr. Tim Hughes returned home Tuesday from Minneapolis, Minnesota, where she has been visiting her daughters, Isabell and Mabel and her sister, Mrs. Stone.
- Mrs. E. Finley of Nevada, Iowa, and Mrs. E.A. Stebens and baby of Good Thunder, Minnesota came Monday for a short visit at the home of the formers sister, Mrs. L. Moore.
- A card arrived Thursday stating that Fred W. Broad?e [Broadse or Broadie]  had arrived safely in France.
- WANTED - Cook at the Monsell Restaurant at once.

Ruthven Free Press
Ruthven, Palo Alto, Iowa
Wednesday, October 16, 1918

Seven and eight cents set as price in Palo Alto.

    At a meeting of the Farm Bureau Officer and the County Agents of the State held at the State Fair in August the question of prices for corn husking was discussed. The unanimous opinion of those present was to the effect that the price with elevator should be seven cents per bushel and without elevator eight cents per bushel board and lodging provided also. Every county in this State is insisting that this price be closely adhered to. This is very liberal compensation for the man doing the husking and is fully as much as the farmers should be required to pay taking into consideration the tremendous expense that has been necessary in producing the crop up to this time. If the farmers of the county will stand firm on this price schedule there will be just as many corn huskers as though the price was considerably higher. The corn in the southwest is very poor and corn huskers are bound to come to this territory where the corn is superior to any other section of the state. It is absurd for the corn husker to ask such prices as have been known to have been asked already this fall and anyone demanding these high prices should be reported to the local draft board and at once inducted into the military service.
        County Agricultural Agent.

        October 6, 1918
Mr. T.M. Hanna, Ruthven, Iowa.
    Dear Sir: - The County Council of Defense at its last meeting instructed me to require you to enforce a rule of no delivery of groceries in your city. All other towns in this county have adopted this system and the majority of the dealers in your town also request it.
    Kindly see to it that this is enforced during the period of this war.
        Yours truly,
    By J.D. Bickford, Ass. Sec.
In compliance with the above order all Ruthven stores will have taken off their free deliveries and all purchases must be taken from the store by the customers.

    Pittsburgh, Oct. 13 - In response to hundreds of telegrams from medical men through the country today Dr. George F. Baer of the homeopathic hospital staff this afternoon made public the formula of his discovery announced yesterday of a cure and preventative for Spanish influenza. The treatment, he said, is a hypodermic injection of a sterile solution representing 1.54 grams of iodine in combination with creosote and gualacol.
    In experiments, Dr. Baer said, patients in acute stages of the disease have been made well in a few days while in once case the employes of a bank were inoculated with the solution and although exposed to influenza, failed to contract the disease. The injection, he said, is not a serum but a solution. It is put in the veins of the arm. The patients feel little ill effect.

    Two more Palo Alto county soldiers died last week. Joe Williams of Emmetsburg was a victim of influenza at Camp Mills, New York and John Nelson of Graettinger was reported as killed in action in France on August 8. We have also heard that one of the Rheems boys of Ayrshire died of influenza at Camp Dodge Sunday. Joe Daley of Ayrshire was reported seriously ill at Iowa City last week but at present is much improved.

    Mrs. Oscar Lakin passed away at her home west of this city on Sunday October 6, at ten o'clock p.m. after a lingering illness. The deceased was born near Jewell, Iowa, on February 19, 1871. On December 10, 1890, she was united in marriage to Oscar Lakin at Jewell, Iowa. They moved to Clay county in 1913 and settled on a farm near Dickens where they have made their home ever since. She has been a faithful member of the M.E. church for the past thirty years and has lived a christian life. Funeral services were held from the M.E. church at Dickens on October 8 and the remains laid to rest in the Dickens cemetery. She is survived by her husband and two children Pery and Amy Lakin, besides three sisters, Mrs. E.A. Hoon, Mrs. O.U. Johnson and Mrs. Henrieto Loban of Jewell, Iowa.

Remains Laid to Rest on Friday Morning.

     John P. Welsh, whose death was briefly mentioned in our last issue, was born in Chicago, Illinois, on November 18, 1895. His parents moved to this vicinity when he was a baby and he has lived practically his whole life in this vicinity until he was called to the colors on May 25, when he went to Camp Dodge. He was later transferred to Ft. Cook, Nebraska, and on September 25, he was again transferred to Fr. Riley, Nebraska. He was attacked by influenza and lived but for a short time as his folks knew nothing of his illness until his death was reported to them by telegram. The remains arrived in this city Thursday evening and the funeral was held from the house on Friday morning, the recent rulings on influenza preventing church services. He was generally recognized as an honest industrious young man, and, as has been the case with other Ruthven boys, life was taken from him as he was preparing himself to fight humanity's battles and take his place in line with our boys "over there." His memory will be cherished as one who gave up his life while serving his country. He leaves to mourn his loss besides his mother, two brothers, James W. and Wm. T. Walsh and two sisters, Mary and Katherine Walsh. This bereaved family have the sincere sympathy of the entire community. [ Note: Walsh and Welsh are transcribed as they appeared in article]

    We desire to thank the friends and neighbors who assisted us in our recent bereavement. Also for the many floral offerings.
    Mrs. Kate Walsh and children.

    We wish all our friends and neighbors to know that we are indeed grateful for the many beautiful flowers and also for the assistance given us during the sickness and death of our wife and mothers.
    Oscar Lakin and children.

    Mr. and Mrs. Milton Witt of Eckelson, North Dakota came last week Thursday for a visit with Mrs. Witt's parents, W.A. Spauldings, her brother, Ernest Spaulding and grandmother, Mrs. J. Spaulding, her grandfather, Warren Goff and other relatives. [Note: Spauldings and Spaulding are transcribed as they appeared in this article]
Must not Wear Military Uniforms
    Young men are warned by the war department not to use clothing that closely resembles military uniforms. A great many rascals have been parading in suits of soldiers and sailors during the past year and have been imposing upon the people. On this account it is necessary for authorities to be very strict about permitting the wearing of garments that will mislead the public.

    A deal was closed Monday whereby W.J. Willis came into possession of the Electric theatre formerly owned by Mr. Larson. Mr. Willis has had previous experience in the picture game and will undoubtedly give the movie fans of Ruthven some good picture shows.

    Mrs. T.M. Hanna entertained a number of her friends at her home last Saturday evening at six o'clock dinner in honor of her daughter, Mrs. Roy Hanna, of Presbo, S.D. who visited here for a short time. Those present besides the hostess and guest of honor were Mrs. Lewis Peterson, Mrs. S.E. Hanna, Mrs. J. Ward Sanford, and Misses Hazel Stanton and Alice Rhinehart.

    Miss Martina McNary arrived home Saturday from Huntley, Minnesota where she has been teaching in the public schools. The schools have been closed there indefinitely owing to the rapid spread of influenza. Every one of the eight teachers employed in the schools there contracted the disease and one of them died. Miss McNary was very sick with it but pulled through all right.

    Monday morning the schools, churches, theatres, all places of amusement and public meeting places were closed for an indefinite period in Emmetsburg. No deaths have resulted yet but a great many cases of influenza have been reported and a strenuous effort is being made to check the spread of the disease.

    Denison, Ia, Oct 7 - Sunday afternoon a delegation of several hundred men from the vicinity of Dunlap, Arion, and Dow City came to Denison and threatened to destroy the offices, type and printing presses of the German paper at that place.
    There was a great demonstration which resulted in a discussion between the two factions. The people from the outlying towns finally agreed to cease operations if the German paper would agree to sell its stock and equipment and quit business within a week's time. The publishers of the paper plead for time to change the paper to the English language, and this privilege will undoubtedly be accorded them with, however, a meagre time limit to make the change.

    Arthur Rasmussen is sick with lung fever but is much better at this writing.
    A new girl arrived at Lewis Johnson's Saturday afternoon.
    Jim Sondall and family have been visiting in Lost Island the last week. He is going to move upon a farm in Minnesota in the spring and is going up to plow some this fall and also to pick corn up there.
    Mrs. Olle Thoreson is leaving for Cedar Falls Tuesday morning where her daughter, Thelma, is sick with pneumonia. We al hope for a speedy recovery.
    Gilbert Allison had a team run away with him last week and the wagon crushed some ribs. He is much better, but still not able to pick corn for some time.
    Arthur Christiansen has been plowing for John Ludvig with the Fordson tractor last week.
    Memorial services were held Sunday in the Danish Lutheran church in memory of John Nelson's son, John, who was wounded in France and died there in a hospital.
    Arthur Simonson who is on the battleship Minnesota has attained the right to three stripes. First seamen can have three stripes.
    The Ruthven school gave a program Liberty day October 12 in the evening. Several of the Lost Island high school scholars took part. Those who attended from Lost Island were: Isaac Nyborgs, Willey Jones and family, Mrs. Sophia Nyborg, Clarence Christiansen, and Rosewell's.

- Mr. and Mrs. D.C. Barringer came home from Rochester, Minnesota last week to attend to business matters. Dewain will return to Rochester soon to continue treatment at the hospital.
- Mr. Geelan of Whittemore stopped off at this city Monday and visited with his brother George Geelan, he was on his way to Ayrshire where he was called on account of the death of his brother, Pat Geelan.   
- Mrs. Shartle and her mother, Mrs. Ben Leonard, came home from Garner, Iowa. Mrs. Leonard will spend the winter with Mrs. Shartle.
- Pvt. Gene Mann of Spencer stationed at Camp Riley, Kansas, was in this city Thursday. He accompanied the remains of John Patrick Walsh from Ft. Riley.
- Miss Marr Henderson returned home from Des Moines Thursday where she has been attending school. The schools were closed on account of Spanish influenza.
- Mrs. Hans Anderson left Wednesday for Chicago where she was called to attend the funeral of her little niece who died of Spanish influenza.
- Prof. Kerensky autoed to Emmetsburg Friday to referee the football game between Emmetsburg and Clarion. Emmetsburg won 20-0.
-Mr. A.C. Voss of Burkmere, S.D. arrived on Monday for a few days visit with his son, Rev. E.E. Voss.
- E.A. Calkins shipped a spring boar to Everly Saturday. It was purchased by L.E. Hendricks.
- Joseph Nyborg 337 Field Artillery A.E.F. Vin New York.
- Prof Kerensky went to Algona Tuesday to take a military physical examination.

Ruthven Free Press
Ruthven, Palo Alto, Iowa
Wednesday, October 23, 1918

Died from Injury
    Bernard Larsson, 12 years old only son of Mrs. Mary M. Larsson, 135 Mill street, died this morning at 7:30 o'clock at his mother's home from concussion of the brain, due to injuries received when he fell from a ladder, a distance of about 25 feet, in the tower of Union hall at the corner of Main and east Second streets about 8:30 o'clock last evening.-- Spencer Reporter.

    Mrs. Louise Anderson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rentch, passed away at the home of her parents, southwest of Mallard, early this morning at 5 o'clock. Pneumonia was the cause of her death. Her husband is in France serving Uncle Sam. Mrs. Anderson is a sister of Mrs. O.R. Sands of this city. -- Mallard Independent.

Howard Tripp autoed to Bringham Lake, Minnesota Saturday to visit at the home of his sister, Mrs. Guy Fisk and to bring his mother, Mrs. Anna Tripp home, who has been visiting there for several weeks. They returned home Sunday evening.

All public places under immediate quarantine.
    Last Saturday saw the enforcement in Ruthven of the order of the State Board of Public Health ordering the closing of all public places for an indefinite period, because of the rapid spread of the influenza epidemic. The order called for the closing of all churches, schools, theatres, pool and billiard halls, civic and all public gatherings of every description. Although public farm sales were not mentioned in the order, they would come under the head of public gatherings and all sales in this territory have been postponed. Though there are not many cases in Ruthven it was thought best to take every precaution to prevent the spread of the disease. The disease is very severe and develops in many cases into pneumonia, and the latter attacking the patient in a weakened condition finds them unable to combat it, and in many cases results in death. Deaths have been reported in many of our surrounding towns but so far no deaths have resulted in Ruthven. Drs. Baldwin and Huston report that they have several scattered cases in and around Ruthven but they do not consider any of them serious.

    The Petree Drug Store was broken into some time Monday night and pipes, cigars, safety razors, combs, etc. to the value of about fifty dollars were taken. Entrance was forced through the basement door and much evidence of amateurs left behind. Mr. Petree is quite confident that the deed was performed by local parties and has pretty definite ideas as to whom they were. The authorities are working on the case and some important developments will probably be revealed in a short time.

List of Jurors.
    The following is a list of the petit jurors drawn for the next term of the district court which will begin on November 4:
T.T. Dale, Mallard
A.R. Rogers, Emmetsburg
Frank Koch, Emmetsburg
W.H. Noble, Graettinger
Wm. Long, Ayrshire
J.S. Moon, Curlew
Harre Higley, Cylinder
Jess Cross, Curlew
H.M. Sigler, Emmetsburg
A.J. Falb, West Bend
Chas. Greer, Curlew
Ed Conlon, Emmetsburg
J.A. Carison, Rodman
Will Rasmussen, Graettinger
N.J. Wright, Cylinder
George Wright, Cylinder
Jos. Yanke, Cylinder
Phil Kirby, Emmetsburg
E.J. Frederick, Cylinder
George Kerley, Emmetsburg
D.H. McKee, Ruthven
Al Baxstrum, Curlew
Eck Struthen, Rolfe
Will Twigg, Emmetsburg
Albert Christenson, Graettinger
Art Dowd, Cylinder
C.J. Tripp, Ruthven
J.R. Phoenix, Ruthven
Thos. Coburn, Ruthven
O.H. Maberry, Rodman
W.H. Reilly, West Bend
H.E. Rouse, Ayrshire
Clarence Olson, Ringsted
L.H. Noel, West Bend
Tom Hull, Curlew
O.L. Calintine, Cylinder


- Mrs. Ole Thoreson returned Monday from Cedar Falls where she spent nearly a week with her daughter, Thelma, who has been sick with Flu, but has not recovered so she commenced attending school Monday morning.
- Arthur Christensen has been on the sick list with cholo systittis.
- Henry Rierson and family were all quite sick last week with the grippe.
- John Maulick has been quite sick with the Flu, but we are all glad that he is on the road to recovery.
- Henry Clemenson who has been farming in the northwestern part of Lost Island died of the Flu last week. He leaves a wife and a little baby to mourn his death.
- Mrs. Samuel Simonson returned home Sunday evening after a nine day stay at Lewis Johnson where she has been nursing Mrs. Johnson and baby.
- Nellie Christianson has returned home from Dickens where she has been working for some time.

- Mrs. D.A. Byington of Aurora, Ill.. is here visiting at the home of her cousin, Mrs. H.T. Taylor.
- Thos. H. Rierson of Lost Island township left Monday evening for points in Minnesota and North Dakota where he has farming interests.
- Everett Campion of Guthrie Center returned to his home Saturday after a short visit with his sister, Mrs. W.J. Willis.
- Mr. A.C. Voss returned to his home at Burkeiner, S. Dak. Thursday after a short visit in this city at the home of his son, Rev. Voss.
- Miss Clara Rhinehart came Friday from Havelock to visit her sister, Elsie Rhinehart. Saturday they both returned to their home at Laurens.
- George W. Damon, a garage owner and Oscar W. Derry, a restaurant proprietor, both of Dickens, were planning on leaving the latter part of last week for Kelly Field, San Antonio. They applied at Washington for entrance into the Department of Military aeronautics and the Clay county board were notified that they were accepted and should be inducted into the service and sent to Kelly field. We have not heard whether or not the influenza has prevented their entraining. Mr. Damon is a married man with a family of three children and Mr. Derry is single.
- A baby boy arrived at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Jenkins Tuesday morning. Congratulations.
- Mr. Torey Knutson came home Tuesday of last week from Audubon, Minn. where he has spent the summer visiting his brother who lives near that place.
- Mrs. Art Roberts and little son Kenneth returned to their home at Royal Thursday after two weeks' visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Prather.
- Mr. and Mrs. Peter Est and daughter Elvira returned home Wednesday from Bethel, Minn. after an extended visit with their daughter at that place.
- The Ayrshire Chronicle last week reported the deaths of Homer Reems, Mrs. Margaret Finnigan, Patrick Geelan, Edward DeJoung, Miss Velma Kelly, Mrs. R.M. Rouose and Bert Prentiss, all residents or former residents of that vicinity.
- Among those families who have been more or less attacked with influenza the past week are: J.P. Johnson's, Dwain Barringer's, Fred Smith's and J.P. Rasmussen's. We are glad to report that the doctors consider all these cases out of danger at the present time.

Emmetsburg Democrat
Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, IA
Wednesday, Oct 23, 1918

Was a Son of Mr and Mrs M.P. High,
Who Live South of Emmetsburg

     Raymond J. High died last Wednesday, October 16, at 10 p.m. at the home
of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. M.P. High, who live on one of the Geo. B.
McCarty farms some distance south of this city. He was ill about a week. He
was taken with Spanish influenza and though the best of medical attention
was secured, the case developed into pneumonia and he could not, it seems,
stand the shock. The furneral services were held in the open air. The burial
was in Evergreen cemetery. The pall bearers were John Wychoff, Lawrence
Brennan, Harry Dickinson, Robert White, Edward Downs, and R. Johnson. Many
neighbors and friends were in attendance.
     Raymond High was born in Clinton county, Iowa, November 5, 1899. Hence
he was almost nineteen years of age. His parents moved to Palo Alto three or
four years ago, subsequently residing in this vicinity. He is survived by
his parents, three brothers and three sisters.
     Raymond was a robust, hearty, energetic, young man nad was industrious,
ready and clever. He was  dutiful, loving son and there was much in his life
that was a source of hope and anxious expectancy to his fond parents. His
death at an age that was so full of promise is indeed a severe blow to them
and to the sorrowing brothers and sisters. All have the profound sympathy of
numerous friends and acquaintances in their bereavement.

John C., Son of Mr and Mrs G.J. Grafe of Curlew
Saturday afternoon the Democrat received the following telegram"
                                              Camp Pike, Arkansas,
                                               October 18, 1918
Emmetsburg Democrat,
     Emmetsburg, Iowa.
     Private John C. Grafe of Emmetsburg, a member of the Fourth Co.,
Thirteenth Replacement and training Battalion at Camp Pike, Arkansas, died
Friday, October 17. Private Grafe was a student at the noncommissioned
officers' school and was a prospective graduate of that school, had he lived
and sustained his ambition. The body of Private Grafe, which is being
shipped this date, with military honors, will arrive in Emmetsburg about
Tuesday for burial. Mr and Mrs Grafe are accompanying the remains of their
son, who died for his country.
                                              H.M. COPPIN.
     The remains of the deceased arrived in this city Monday evening from
the west. They were accompanied by his parents and Private J.B. Clinton,
formerly of Cylinder. Mr. Clinton was a member of the company and battalion
to which Mr. Grafe belonged and was also a student at the noncommissioned
officers' school. He is a very clever young gentleman anddid everything he
could to comfort the unfortunate parents in their sorrow and to send
particulars to relatives and friends concerning the arrival of the body.
     The funeral services were held today. They were conducted at the home
of Mr. Grafe's parents. Rev. Sagan of Mallard officiated. The burial was in
Rush Lake cemetery. A large number of friends and neighbors were in
     Mr. Grafe was born in Jones county, Iowa, September 20, 1895. He grew
to manhood in his home community. Four years ago the family moved to this
county and subsequently made their home on a farm near Curlew. July 24 John
Grafe responded to his country's call and accompanied the 178 other young
men from Palo Alto who left for Camp Pike for military duty. He was an
obedient, diligent, dutiful soldier and always met promptly and
satisfactorily the requirements of his commanding officers. About three
weeks ago he was taken ill and the attack finally developed into pneumonia.
His parents were promptly notified. They reached his bedside sometime before
he died. The best of medical aid was provided for him but it seems that
nothing could be done to restore him to health. He is survived by his
parents, Mr and Mrs. G.J. Grafe, three brothers, and two sisters. The
brothers are Paul, Henry and Edward. The sisters are Misses Anna and

So Writes Sergeant Frank P. Boies, Formerly of Emmetsburg.
     A few days ago Mr and Mrs. S.P. Boies received the following from their
son, Frank, formerly of this office, who is a sergeant in the medical
department of our army in France:

Somewhere in France,
September 18, 1918
Dear Folks:-
     Have been participant in some of the real work over here since writing
you. Can not tell of dates, places or organizations. The fellows I took care
of in the drive here were as gritty as I ever expect to see. I also took
care of a number of German wounded. Am sending the shoulder strap of a
German soldier. Am also mailing this letter in a German envelope. Hold it to
the light and you will see the emblem. We are located for the night and
possibly for a few days on the side of a hill. The trees at this place are
very thick. Have heard the whistle of the big guns and also was very close
to the big barrage before the drive. Am in the best of health. Most of the
fellows are busy cleaning themselves......[faded words]...of the death of
John Cowl. Am sorry, for while I was not an intimate friend of Cowl, I
thought a good deal of him. Will write again soon. Did you receive the fancy
work I sent from here?
     With love.
                                  FRANK BOIES.
Died at Camp Greenleaf, Georgia
     Guy Troy, a step-son of Jake Knoer, died at Camp Greenleaf,
Chickamauga, Georgia, last Friday. We understand that he had influenza. Mrs.
Knoer received the sad news of his death on Saturday. The remains will, we
are informed, reach Rodman tomorrow. The burial will be at taht place. Mr.
Troy was in the employ of T.H. Cullen for several years and was well and
favorably known in the vicinity of Cylinder. He was perhaps thirty years of
age. He was a single man. Those who knew him say that he was an upright,
deserving gentleman. His death will be learned with profound sorrow by the
people of our county.

Lambert Johnson is Dead
     Mrs. Frank Wright was called to some point in Illinois last evening by
the dangerous illness of her father, Lambert Johnson. Mr and Mrs Johnson
lived for many years on a farm some distance northeast of Emmetsburg.
     Just as we go to press we learn that Mr. Johnson died last night at
Rochelle, Illinois. The remains will be brought to Emmetsburg for burial.
They will probably arrive tomorrow.

Mourn Death of Their Father
     Mrs. M.P. Callahan of this city and her brother, Simon Culligan, mourn
the death of their father, Martin Culligan, who passed away at Masonville,
Iowa, a few days ago. Mrs. Callahan was called to his bedside two or three
weeks ago. Mr. Culligan left for Masonville one evening the last of the
week. Mrs. Callahan and Mr. Culligan have the sincere sympathy of our many

Popular Red Cross Nurse Passes Away at Davenport
(From Davenport Daily Times, October 18)

     Catherine T. Kane, for the past four years a successful trained nurse
practicing in Davenport, died this morning at 6 o'clock at Mercy hospital
after a week's illness of pneumonia and heart trouble.
     Miss Kane was born in Emmetsburg, Iowa, October 23, 1888, and had
resided there the greater part of her life, receiving her education in the
schools of that vicinity. She completed a course preparing her for a trained
nurse at Mercy hospital, graduating in the class of June 18, 1914. Since
that time she had been practicing in Davenport. Her skill and capacity in
her chosen profession had brought her great success in her undertakings.
     Last January she was sent by the Red Cross to Ft. Sill, Okla., where
she worked untiringly in interests of the soldiers until her health failed
last May and she was obliged to return to Davenport. While in this city she
made her home with Mrs. J.W. McGovern, 709 West Fifteenth street.
     The deceased had won a host of friends in Davenport, attracted by her
sunny nature and her charming personality. During her period of training at
Mercy hospital, she was extremely popular among the members of her class and
the Sisters of Mercy are enthusiastic in their praise of her character.
     Miss Kane is survived by her parents, Mrs. and Mrs. J.J. Kane of
Emmetsburg, Iowa; six brothers, M.P. Kane of Clinton, J.S. Kane of Condo,
N.D., Charles and Edward Kane of Emmetsburg, Robert and James Kane of
Bowman, N.D.; four sisters, Mrs. E.H. Dahl, who graduated from Mercy
hospital in the class with her deceased sister, and who resides in Rhame,
N.D., Mrs. B. Catron of Camp Crook, N.D., Mrs. Edward Bradley and Mrs. James
Dower of Marengo.
     The body will be taken this afternoon from the Halligan funeral parlors
to Emmetsburg, whre the funeral will be held Monday morning at 10 o'clock
with services at St. Thomas Catholic church. Interment will be made in St.
John's cemetery.

Death Comes to the Home of Mr. and Mrs. T.J. Brennan

     Francis Brennan, who was ill for some time with typhoid fever, died at
the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Brennan, who live south of
this city, last Saturday. Every effort possible was made to restore him to
health but without success. During the summer months his sister, Miss
Eileen, was very ill for some time and later the mother was taken down. Both
were able to be about when Francis became ill.
     The funeral was held yesterday. A requiem mass was celebrated at the
Assumption church, Very Rev. P.F. Farrelly officiating. The burial exercises
were conducted in the cemetery as a public funeral could not be held under
existing board of health rules. The interment was in St. John's cemetery. A
large number of relatives and sympathizing friends were in attendance.
Franics is survived by his parents and several brothers and sisters.
     Francis was a winning lovable boy and he was of course very dear to his
affectionate parents and to his brothers and sisters. He was lively and
ambitious, was obedient and dutiful and was a favorite in the happy home
from which he has been taken. His death is felt keenly by the members of the
household all of whom will miss him very much. It is sad to think that those
who are so young have to be taken from their loved ones but the all wise
author of life knows well what is best for homes as well as for individuals.
Mr. and Mrs. Brennan and their sons and daughters have the sincere sympathy
of all who knew them.

Miss Addie Grace is Dead
     Just as we go to press, we learn that Miss Addie Grace, daughter of Mr
and Mrs William Grace, who live west of the city, died of pneumonia last
night. She had been teaching in Great Oak township. Several members of the
family have also been ill. Further particulars will be given next week.

Will Henz is Dead
     Will Henz, whose death at Camp Dodge is reported by our Cylinder
correspondent, lived near Cylinder a number of years ago. His brother Henry
still resides in that vicinity. We have not learned where Will lived before
he enlisted.

Died at Camp Lewis
     Edward Mason of Emmetsburg township mourns the death of one of his
brothers at Camp Lewis Washington. The burial will be at Burns Wyoming
today. We understand that the deceased lived in this county a number of
years ago. Mr. Mason has the sympathy of the people of our community.

Died at E.J. Bradley's Home
     A young man named Larsen, who worked for E.J. Bradley of Walnut
township, died one evening the last of the week. We have not learned the

Her Brother Wounded in France
     Mrs. J.H. Wilson arrived home from Louisville, Kentucky, the last of
the week. She will remain for a few days. On her return she will visit Camp
Dodge. One of her brothers is at that place. He was injured in France and
came home to recuperate. A piece of shell pierced one of his ankles. Mrs.
Wilson has not seen him since his return.

H.H. Cohen's Sister Dead
     H.H. Cohen was called to Philadelphia the latter part of the week by
the serious illness of his mother, Mrs. Cohen, and his sister, Mrs. Frank
Hoffman. When he arrived there he learned that his sister, Mrs. Hoffman, had
passed away, but that his mother was improving. Mr. Cohen was accompanied to
Philadelphia by his two brothers, who reside at Des Moines.

Sold for $155 Per Acre
     The first of the week Frank P. Brady sold the O.M. Hanson 120 acre farm
seven miles east and one mile north of Emmetsburg to Joseph Meehan, who
lives on the F.E. Hand farm in Great Oak township. The price was $155 per
acre. Mr. Meehan will, we understand, move onto the farm in the spring.

Maiden Brothers Buy Farm
     The Mosher and Jackson half section farm in Great Oak township,
formerly the property of T.C. Egan, has been bought by Maiden Brothers of
Ayrshire. The consideration was $175 per acre.

Emmetsburg Democrat
Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa
Wednesday, Nov 20, 1918

Rodman Young Man Called from Wife and Small Family

     Clarence W. Garrett of Rodman died November 3 after an illness of
twelve days. He was taken down with influenza and it developed into
pneumonia. The funeral services were conducted at the home Elder Albert F.
Preiyer of Estherville officiating. The burial was in Evergreen cemetery in
Emmetsburg beside the last resting place of his mother, who died on June 22,
1917. Many relatives and friends were in attendance. Mr. Garrett is survived
by his wife, two small children, Lenora, aged 3, and Wilford, aged 1 year.
His death is also mourned by his father, one brother, W.H. Garrett of Rodman
and three sisters, Lillian Webb of Rodman, Blanche Foger of Paxton, Illinois
and Myrtle Crockett of Lamar, Missouri. Mr. Garrett was 24 years of age. He
was married at Lhorville, Iowa, August 22, 1914, to Miss Winnie Scybold. Mr.
and Mrs. Garrett moved to this county a short time ago.
     The deceased was a gentleman of exemplary habits and was frugal and
industrious. He was respected by his neighbors and friends and was in every
way a worthy citizen. He had a pleasing disposition and made friends
wherever he went. He believed firmly that all who observed God's laws in
this world would be rewarded with eternal life. On his death bed he assured
his loved ones that he was not afraid to answer the final summons. His death
is sincerely and widely mourned.

Shipping Popcorn to Spencer
     Matt Hentges, Mr. Lindgren, Mr. Anderegg, Mr. Jackson, Mr. Fisher and
several other parties were busy during the past week shipping popcorn to
Spencer. We understand that Mr. Hentges raised thirty acres and Mr. Lindgren
seventy acres. It will bring them from $45 to $50 per acre. The Spencer
gentleman who is buying it grades it and sends it to eatern markets. The
Japanese corn is used. It pops easily as soon as it is dried. The better
grades, when sorted, are sold for seed and the poorer grades are converted
into face powders for ladies. The growing of popcorn has become quite a
profitable industry.

Fred Miller Gest Fifteen Years
     Fred Miller, who, will intoxicated, burned his home and household
furniture east of Graettinger a short time ago, plead guilty during the
present term of court and was this morning sentenced by Judge Coyle to
fifteen years at hard labor in the penitentiary at Fort Madison. John Mcl.
Scholl, who passed forged checks on Mulroney Brothers and others at Mallard,
and who recently made his escape from jail and was captured, was given a
term of ten years.

P.E. Jones Jr. Loses Wife
     P.E. Jones, who was employed by his nephew, Peter E. Jones of this city
a number of years ago, mourns the loss of his wife, who died a few days ago
of pneumonia. Mr .and Mrs Jones lived in California. Mrs. Jones was 27 years
of age. She was a native of Missouri. Nine years ago she became the wife of
Mr. Jones. She is survived by her husband and three small children. The
local friends of Mr. Jones will learn with sorrow of his bereavement.

Emmetsburg Democrat
Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa
November 23, 1918

Short Items of Local Interest.

     Will Lynch arrived home from Iowa City Thursday. He was mustered out.
     Ed Arnett of Graettinger was looking after business interests in this city Thursday.
    Howard Steil returned from Chicago Thursday. He was visiting relatives at that place.
    Mrs. Ray Carlisle of Whittemore spent Wednesday with her mother, Mrs. J.S. Atkinson of this city.
    Mrs. F.G. Brothers and son were passengers to Spencer Wednesday. They have relatives at that place.
    Mrs. McMahon of Sexton was called to Emmetsburg the last of the week to attend the funeral of Mrs. Gibbs.
    Frank Nargang of New Hampton was in Emmetsburg Wednesday. He travels for the Morris Packing company.
    James Carmody arrived home from Camp Shelby, Mississippi, Thursday. He was recently mustered out of service.
    Miss Avis Kelly was a passenger to Ruthven Thursday. She will serve as operator in the Milwaukee depot at that place.
    A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. Ole Hanson Tuesday of last week. The Democrat extends congratulations.
    Mrs. Frank Touer of Ford Dodge spent several days during the past week visiting her sister, Mrs. Frank Dietz of this city.
    Private Lee Whorley was mustered out of service at Garden City, New York, the first of the week. He arrived home Thursday.
    Mrs. H.M. Letts returned to Columbus Junction, Iowa, Thursday. She spent some time visiting her daughter, Mrs. Earl Brown.
    Charles Johnson of Rodman was recently mustered out of service at Camp Pike, Arkansas. He arrived home the first of last week.
     Misses Mary Kelly and Mary McDonald arrived home from Winona, Minnesota, Wednesday. They are attending college at that place.
    Miss Eleanor Coonan arrived home from Dubuque Wednesday to spend the holidays with her parents. She is attending Mount St. Joseph college.
    Mrs. John Fitzpatrick was called to Jefferson, Iowa, Wednesday by the illness of her mother, Mrs. Edward Grimes, who recently fell and broke her hip.
    Misses Helen and Mary Duhigg arrived home from Dubuque Wednesday. They will spend the holidays with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Duhigg. They have been attending Mount St. Joseph College.
    I.J. Callaway, who recently moved to this locality from southeastern Kansas, was a pleasant caller Friday. He is an experienced auctioneer. He has rented a farm north of this city. He reports that crops in southeast Kansas were very poor this year. The season was too dry.
    Mrs. and Mrs. Jesse Church have received a letter from their son, Lloyd L. Church, who is now in France. He is 100 miles from Paris and he is a manager of a large Red Cross establishment. He handles all kinds of surgical dressings and supplies and also 100 X-ray outfits complete. He sent his mother some beautiful Christmas souvenirs made by the French women. They are of course highly appreciated.

Lost Their Little Daughter.
    Mr. and Mrs. Lars Thompson, who live near the Vernon church, mourn the loss of their little daughter, Mildred, aged eight years, who died last week of influenza. The funeral was held on Friday. The services were conducted at St. John's Lutheran church in Fairfield township, Rev. Nelisen of this city officiating. The death of little Mildred, who was a sweet, obedient child, is sincerely mourned not only by the parents but by seven brothers and sisters and by the people of the community. Mr. and Mrs. Thompson have the sincere sympathy of their friends and neighbors in their bereavement.

Cherokee Soldier Decorated.
    Cherokee, Ia., Dec. 19 - Sergeant Claud V. Hart, of this city, has arrived in New York from overseas, according to a telegram received by his sister, Mrs. Sam Houcks, today and expects to be home soon. Sergeant Hart has been decorated and cited for bravery several times and has received among other honors the croix de guerre and the distinguished service order.

Emmetsburg Democrat
Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa
Wednesday, Dec 4, 1918

Mr and Mrs John D MARTIN enjoyed Thanksgiving with relatives at Ayrshire.

J.A. SUSS of Graettinger was looking after business interests in Emmetsburg

Mr and Mrs Frank KOCH enjoyed Thanksgiving with the former's parents at

Mrs. Anna NOLAN and Cornelia NOLAN of Ruthven were Emmetsburg visitors

Mrs. E.B. SOPER, Jr., went to Estherville Tuesday to visit her daughter,

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph FLEMING and family of Whittemore spent Wednesday with
Emmetsburg relatives.

Frank NOLAN, who came to Emmetsburg to attend the funeral of his mother,
returned to Chicago Monday.

Martin LAUGHLIN of Graettinger was in Emmetsburg Monday. He came to attend
the P.C. NOLAN funeral.

Miss Sarah CROWLEY is on the sick list this week. Miss Elizabeth STEIL is
taking her place in the East Side school room.

F.C. DAVIDSON, assistant attorney general, was home from Des Moines over
Sunday. He returned to his post of duty on Monday.

Father LYNCH was over from Ayrshire Tuesday. In the evening he and Father
McNERNEY went to Graettinger to visit Father Kelly.

Ray STEIL writes Emmetsburg relatives that a new son arrived at his home
about a week ago. Local friends extend congratulations.

Misses Florence WELLS and Mary BRERTON, who were home visiting relatives,
returned to Grinnell Monday to continue their studies at Iowa College.

Joseph MEHAN requests the Democrat to announce that he will have a sale
Monday, December 16. His bills will be ready for distribution next week.

Mr and Mrs Archie JOHNSON and Mrs. D.A. JOHNSON and son were passengers to
Gordon, Iowa, Friday. They will spend a short time with relatives at that

Will MILLEA has been home from the Great Lakes for several days. He is still
on duty at that place. He looks as though the Chicago climate and victuals
agree with him.

Mrs. Frank GROUT and daughter and Mr and Mrs Ralph OOTHOUTH and children of
Winnebago, Minnesota were guests at the Nels SIMONSON home in this city over

Lieutenant and Mrs. Michael JOYNT were passengers to Marcus, Iowa, Monday.
>From there Dr. JOYNT will go to Fort CASWELL, South Carolina, where he will
report for duty.

Mr and Mrs M.L. BROWN had planned on leaving for California during November
but they finally decided that they would remain at home on account of the
influenza epidemic.

Fred PARKS arrived home from Camp Pike Monday morning. We understand that he
has been mustered out. Soldiers are required to wear their uniforms ten days
after they leave camp.

Mrs. J.J. HIGGINS of Great Oak township arrived home from Colfax the last of
the week. Her health has not been very good for some time. Her many friends
hope her visit to Colfax will benefit her.

Dr. and Mrs. J.C. MURPHY and family went to Waterloo Wednesday to visit
relatives. We understand that the Doctor is now ill with the "flu".  We hope
he will soon be able to return to his office again.

John WALDRON, son of Mr and Mrs Peter WALDRON, arrived home from Camp Pike
Monday evening, having received an honorable discharge. Mr. WALDRON was a
student at Dubuque college and from there enlisted for duty in the officers'
training school. He was sent to Camp Pike and was more than making good when
the armistice was signed. It is needless to say that his parents and friends
are glad to have him home again.

W.C. BAKER was looking after business interests at Spencer Tuesday.

M.C. GRIER was called to Algona Monday to officiate as court reporter.

Miss Nellie McNAMARA is visiting her sister, Mrs. Grant TURK, of Mason City.

Nels SIMONSON was looking after business interests at West Bend last Monday.

Mr and Mrs. L.W. BALGEMAN and children were West Bend visitors Thanksgiving.

Mrs. E.A. MORLING was called to Ruthven yesterday to see her brother who is
quite ill.

James CONWAY came from Graettinger Monday to attend the funeral of Mrs. P.C.

Lieutenant W.E.G. SAUNDERS of Mt. Vernon, Iowa, spent Sunday with his
parents in this city.

Mrs. Ralph MOSES and little daughter and Miss Lillian ILLINGSWORTH were at
Spencer yesterday.

Mrs. W.F. KELLY of Whittemore was a Sunday visitor at the John HIGLEY home
in Emmetsburg.

Private Joseph BRADLEY, who was home visiting his parents, returned to Camp
Funston, Kansas Monday.

Mr and Mrs. J.J. MAHAN of Graettinger came to Emmetsburg Monday to attend
the funeral of Mrs. P.C. NOLAN.

Mrs. J.H. GODDEN was a passenger to Jefferson, Iowa, Tuesday. Her daughter,
Mrs. John PASSEL, lives at that place.

Wm. R. THOMPSON left for McLeod, Oklahoma, the first of the week. He will
spend the winter with friends in that locality.

John LYNCH and Gifford McNAMARA left Saturday morning for Sioux City after
spending Thanksgiving with relatives near this city.

Mrs. Axel MILLER left for Iowa City Tuesday to take treatment in a hospital.
She was accompanied by her son-in-law, Clifford MAYNE.

Miss Elizabeth LAWLESS returned to Cedar Rapids Monday. She is attending the
Cedar Rapids Business college. She was home for Thanksgiving.

Thanksgiving day Mr and Mrs A.W. GREEN of Spencer celebrated their golden
wedding. They have lived in Clay county for forty-eight years.

Mr and Mrs O'NEAL left for Chicago Monday evening. From there they will go
to Georgia. Mr O'NEAL recently completed a soil survey of Palo Alto county.

Mrs. P.V. MATTHIASON and two children were quite ill for a couple of weeks
but are better. Mrs. MATTHIASON's condition was for some time considered

Miss Wilma RICHARDSON of Cylinder, who was visiting her brother and sister
in this city, left for Ellsworth, Iowa, Tuesday, to spend some time with a
sister who resides at that place.

Ralph MOSES left for Des Moines Monday to begin a short course in manual
training and athletic coaching. He will take charge of these lines of
instruction in the Emmetsburg high school as soon as he returns.

Five hundred additional footballs were sent to the boys overseas for their
Thanksgiving fun by the K. of C. war activities committee. These were
distributed free, along with a big consignment of hard candy, cigars,
cigarettes, and baseball outfits.

The last of the week Mrs. Joseph MARTINI and Mrs. Charles WALDRON recieved
word that their brother, Leo CORLEY, who is in France, was well. He was
figuring, when he wrote, on taking a trip to see a couple of his Emmetsburg
friends who were in service in some neighboring locality.

The following named parties came to Emmetsburg last week to attend the
funeral of the late Michael JOYNT, which was held on Thursday: Dr. and Mrs.
M.J. JOYNT and Dr and Mrs. R.J. JOYNT of LeMars, Lieutenant and Mrs. M.F.
JOYNT of Fort Moultrie, South Carolina, Dr. and Mrs. A.J. JOYNT of Waterloo,
Dr. R.J. NESTOR of Waterloo, Mrs. Thomas MULRY of Chicago, Mrs. Thomas MUGAN
of Jefferson, Iowa, Mrs. John JOYNT and son, M.W. JOYNT of West Bend, Mrs.
T.J. KIRBY of Sioux City, Mrs. P.F. CONLON of Newcastle, Nebraska, Mr. and
Mrs. H.F. McLAUGHLIN and Mrs. C.O. RADECLIFFE of Marcus, Miss Agnes JOYNT of
Ames, Mrs. Anton SORTORI, Jr. of LeMars and Miss Elizabeth LAWLESS of Cedar
Rapids. Gertrude, wife of Dr. L.E. DAWSON, of Des Moines was unable to be
present on account of illness. She is the only member of Mr and Mrs JOYNT's
family who was absent.

Several members of Mr and Mrs Charles NOLAN's family have for several days
been ill with the influenza.

B.E. JACOBSEN of Cylinder was in Emmetsburg Saturday. He would like to
locate in this city. He is a carpenter.

Mrs. Addison WELLS and two children returned from Estherville Tuesday. They
were visiting Mrs. WELL's mother, Mrs. COLLIPRIEST.

William and John KNEER, who spent the summer at LuVerne, Kossuth county,
have gone to Germania to remain during the winter.

Mr and Mrs HALSTEAD and two children arrived home from Spirit Lake the first
of the week. They were visiting Mr and Mrs Nick LAUBENTHAL.

Father DOBBERSTEIN of West Bend was in town Thursday. He was on his way to
Graettinger where he delivered a patriotic address during the evening.

The K.C. initiation advertised to be held in Emmetsburg last Sunday was
indefinitely postponed on account of the spread of the influenza contagion.

Miss Pearl TAYLOR returned to Garner Tuesday to continue her work in the
school room at that place. She was home during the influenza epidemic.

Elmer WELLS arrived home from Camp Humphrey, Virginia, the first of the
week.. He is back again in his place of business and asks the public to call
on him.

Miss Lila McALLISTER returned from Spencer Tuesday. She teaches at that
place. The schools have been closed until after the holidays on account of
the influenza epidemic.

Mr and Mrs Guy Ko**tright of Ruthven were Thanksgiving guests of Mr and Mrs
W.A. THAYER of this city. Mr. THAYER is the buttermaker of the local

John J BERGMAN of Bancroft, who was injured in battle in France during the
summer months, recently returned home. He was in a hospital in Minneapolis
for some time.

Chicken thieves have for some time been quite active in the vicinity of West
Bend. They should be hunted down and given their dues. Any fellow who will
steal a woman's chickens should be sent to the penitentiary.

Mrs. BICKFORD's Brother Seriously Injured
The first of the week Mrs. S.D. BICKFORD of this city received word that her
brother, Ernest RICHARDS, had been severely wounded in France on November 5.
He enlisted at Herman, Minnesota on August 9. From there he went to Missouri
where he remained for a short time. Later he was at Camp McArthur, Texas.
After training in camp at that place he went to New Jersey. He was in a
railroad wreck in Missouri but was not injured. He sailed for France on
September 25. He was evidently hurried to the front. The many local friends
of Mrs. BICKFORD sincerely hope that she may soon learn encouraging news
about the condition of her brother.

Complimented on His Voice
John HAND and his son, Edmund left yesterday by auto for Rewey, Wisconsin.
They will spend a month with Mr and Mrs Frank HAND, who live at that place.
Frank is a telegraph operator. From Rewey Edmund will go to Chicago to take
lessons in vocal music. He will also attend a business college while in that
city. Chicago parties, who are considered competent judges, assure him that
he has a voice that will make him famous if he continues to receive the
proper kind of training.

Sleighing in Easter Iowa
Miss Marie HIGGINS arrived home from Cresco, Iowa, Monday evening. She was
visiting Dr. and Mrs. O'BRIEN for a couple of months. Her health has not
been very good but she is gradually gaining in strength. She reports that
there is a great deal more snow in eastern Iowa than in this section.
Sleighs have been used. Edward O'BRIEN was home for Thanksgiving but left
the following day for Bay Harbor, Maine, where he is in military training.
He is a marine.

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