Palo Alto County Newspapers

Newspaper items 1915

Emmetsburg Democrat
Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa
Jan 6, 1915

Thos. and Phil Cullen were called to Chicago a few days ago to attend the
funeral of a relative, a Mr. Keegan.

Mrs. C. Goodwin of Shell Rock, Butler County, Iowa, spent Christmas at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Austin of Emmetsburg.

L.W. Gunn, who lives a mile southeast of Cylinder, will have a sale January
19. He intends engaging in road work. His ad will appear in next week's

G.L. Temain of Humboldt, aged 80, fell on a sidewalk Saturday and injured
himself very badly. He was for 30 years president of the People's Savings
bank. He recently retired.

Mr. Krieger, Mr. Hanley's horse buyer, picked up 20 steeds in Emmetsburg
Wednesday. The highest price paid was $165. He says he is coming back to
Emmetsburg in about a month.

Judge Oliver of the Sheldon district has retired after 20 years of service.
He was one of the witnesses in the celebrated J.O. Burns case, which was
tried in Emmetsburg several years ago.

Carl Christensen and O.C. Peterson of Graettinger were in Emmetsburg
Wednesday. Both stepped into this office and ordered the Democrat for the
coming year. Mr. Peterson is marshal of Graettinger.

Saturday Joseph Jackman sold 45 hogs that averaged 272 pounds each for
$825.52, and he has 45 left. All are of his own raising. Mr. Jackman is a
steady, economical farmer and he is rapidly making his way to the front.

Mrs. J.F. O'Neill and son Norbert of Armstrong and Miss Conlon of Columbus,
Wisconsin, who is a guest of the family, spent several days during the past
week with Emmetsburg relatives. Miss Conlon is an aunt of Mrs. O'Neill.

There will be a basket sociable in the school house south of P.C. Neary's
next Friday evening. All are requested to come and bring well filled
baskets. A general invitation is extended to the public. Miss Nellie Neary
is a teacher.

Misses Elizabeth McNally and Edna Galleger enjoyed a visit from Miss Grace
Swartz of Estherville during the past week. The Misses Swartz, Galleger and
McNally were room mates last winter while attending the business college at
that place.

Mr. Charles Schurg of West Bend and Miss Freda Elsie Stanger of Sheldon were
married at West Bend, Thursday, December 31, Rev. Samuel Leinback, pastor of
the Presbyterian church, officiating.

Miss Katherine Mulroney returned to Iowa City Sunday evening. She is
attending the State University of Iowa.

Mrs. Fairbanks, who has been visiting her nephew, H.E. Johnson, returned to
her home at Cedar Falls Thursday.

Miss Edna Kerwick, who spent the holidays with her parents in this city,
returned to St. Mary-of-the-Woods college Monday.

Clinton Gaylord returned to Ames Monday. He spent the holidays at his home
in this city. He attends the Iowa State college.

Mrs. C.G. Worley of Rowley came to Emmetsburg Thursday to attned the funeral
of her cousin, Mrs. E.F. Murphy. Mr. Worley is the railway agent at that

The Assumption church choir gave a surprise party Friday evening in honor of
Miss Burnette McNally who left for Cedar Rapids Sunday to attend the Cedar
Rapids Business college.

Wednesday Mr. and Mrs. A.D. Bicknell of Humboldt celebrated their golden
wedding. They came to Humboldt in 1862. Mr. Bicknell is very widely known as
a political writer.

Mrs. Frank Donovan was an over Sunday visitor with relatives in Emmetsburg.
She was on her way to Ayrshire after spending the holidays with her parents,
Mr and Mrs J.T. McGuire, of Slayton, Minnesota.

A party was given at the home of Mr. and Mrs. F.E. hand one evening the
first of the week in honor of their son, Sylvester, who left for Atchison,
Kansas, Monday to take up his regular college work. A large number of young
people were in attendance and all report a most delightful time.

James O'Connell, son of Mr and Mrs John O'Connell, of Lemburg, Saskatchewan,
arrived in Emmetsburg yesterday to visit relatives and friends. He reports
that financial conditions are very satisfactory in his locality but that in
the Swift Current neighborhood times are pretty hard.

Michael Aylward is reported very ill.

Mrs. M.T. McEvoy has been very ill for some time.

W.H. Walsh is building an auto garage for P. Jennings.

Emmetsburg Democrat
Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa
Wednesday, Jan 13, 1915

Mrs. John Mahan of Graettinger attended the funeral of Mrs. M.T. McEvoy in
this city Tuesday.

Wm. McNamara, Frank Conlon and James Mahan left for Fort Dodge Saturday to
attend Tobin College.

Mrs. B.L. McGuire of the Ayrshire neighborhood spent several days last week
with relatives in this city.

Mrs and Mrs. Robert Carney were up from Ellington yesterday attending the
marriage of their son Hugh.

E.J. McEvoy came over from Algona Monday evening to attend the funeral of
his sister-in-law, Mrs. M.T. McEvoy.

Miss Mary O'Brien has given up her school. She has decided to remain at home
for the winter, as her mother's health is very poor.

Mrs. M. Jackman and her daughter, Miss Clara, were passengers to Waterloo
Tuesday. They had been in Emmetsburg for some time.

Glenn Brown was over from Ruthven yesterday. He was accompanied by hsi
father of Parker, South Dakota, who has been visiting him.

Mrs. Dell Murphy and little son returned from Marcus Friday evening, where
they had been spending some time with Mrs. Murphy's parents.

Miss Brigie Martin came home from Spencer Saturday and spent Sunday with her
parents in this city. She commenced work at that place a week ago Monday.

Miss Beth Bragg, who spent the holidays at her home in this city, returned
to Chicago Sunday evening to resume her studies in the conservatory of music
in that city.

Mr. Winders of the new meat market firm of Winders & Alm has traded his
restaurant business at Ellsworth, Minnesota, for a half section of Dakota
land. He will move to Emmetsburg this week.

C.W. Foster is able to be about again after an illness of ten days. He has
an ad in this week's issue of the Democrat calling attentin to the Raleigh
medicines, which he will sell during the coming season.

Richard McEvoy came over from Ayrshire yesterday to attend the funeral of
Mrs. M.T. McEvoy. He made his home with Mr. and Mrs. McEvoy when he was a
small boy and he has never forgotten their kindness to him.

Miss Margaret Flood was offered a position in the Fort Dodge public schools
a few days ago at a higher salary than she is receiving in Emmetsburg, but,
after considering the proposition, she has decided to remain in our public

Editor T.J. White recently moved his postoffice into a new building at
Whittemore and this week he is busy moving his printing outfit. Aside from
this, he has a big rush of work. Thsi is a very busy season of the year to
attend to extra duties.

James Biggins of Livermore was in Emmetsburg Tuesday. He came to attend the
funeral of Mrs. McEvoy.

Stephen O'Brien of Chicago was in Emmetsburg the first of the week attending
the funeral of Mrs. M.T. McEvoy.

Rev. and Mrs. Babin, who have been the guests of local relatives for a
couple of weeks, returned to Marshalltown Wednesday.

Robbers were quite active in this vicinity last week. The homes of Drs.
Powers and Mr. Irvine were among those entered.

W.E. Jackman, Ike Drew, Harry Ferguson, and Kriby Bros. made shipments of
cattle to Sioux City Sunday. In all they had six cars.

Glen C. Taylor, a son of E.E. Taylor of the Traer Star Clipper, ahs
succeeded C.H. Spurbeck as cashier of the Spirit Lake National Bank.

F.L. Dorris was a Kimball, South Dakota visitor Saturday and Sunday. He
reports that there is not much snow in that state. Money is pretty scarce.

Mrs. T. Sullivan and son Joseph of Graettinger were in Emmetsburg Tuesday.
The latter, who was severely burned Christmas night, has fully recovered.

There will be a box social in the Sherlock school house District No. 3,
Emmetsburg township, Friday evening, January 15. Nellie Millea is the

Edward, son of Mr and Mrs B. Farrell, went to St. Paul a few days ago where
he will attend school until June. He will live with his uncle, Edward

Edward McNally was at Tama, Iowa, last week, visiting his son, Ray, who is
engaged in the drug business at that place. He reports that Ray is enjoying
an excellent patronage.

P.J. McCarty of Graettinger has sold the John Jackson farm four miles west
of Graettinger to Abijah Craven of Illingford for $112.50 per acre. Mr.
Craven will move on to it March 1.

T.H. Jones of the well known mercantile firm of Jones & Son of Spencer, died
in Des Moines a few days ago. he underwent an operation in a hospital and
did not recover from the effects of it.

Miss Nellie Keating arrived home from Chicago Wednesday. She was called to
that place to see her brother, who was very ill. He spent two months in a
hospital but is able to be about again.

Hoobler & Alderman have opened a plumbing establishment in the Joe J Steil
building on South Broadway. They solicit the patronage of the public.

To the Public
My little daughter, Lucile Hoelzner, being a candidate for the principal
prize and also the special prizes in the piano contest at Higgins' Pharmacy,
I would appreciate anything my friends in Emmetsburg can do to assist her in
winning. Kindly remember her by securing tickets when making purchases and
either cast them for her or give them to her so that she can deposit them.
Truly yours,
Peter Hoelzner.

Emmetsburg Democrat
Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa
Wednesday, Jan 20, 1915

Dr. Nellie JANSSEN was a passenger to Larchwood Monday

Mrs. P. O'GRADY of Ayrshire was a Sunday visitor at Ft. Dodge

Mrs. E.W. CARPENTER was a passenger to Ottumwa Wednesday.

P.F. CONLON & P.C. JACKMAN spent Friday at Worthington, Minnesota.

Miss Bernice BRIGGS left for Grinnell Saturday to resume her studies at Iowa

Chas. HAYMAN of Rush Lake township was an Emmetsburg visitor the first of
the week.

A marriage license has been issued to Joseph FABER and Catherine BONSTETTER
of West Bend.

A daughter was born Monday to Mr and Mrs. MANWARREN who lives south of

Miss Eva MURPHY spent Friday and Saturday with her friend, Miss Florence
MORRISSEY, at Livermore.

Maurice KNUTSON went to Kansas City a few days ago to take a short course in
an engineering school

Miss Laura THOMAN and Mrs. Freda CAMDEN of Germania spent Sunday with their
mother, Mrs. THOMAN, of this place.

P.V. NOLAN left Saturday evening for Jacksonville, Florida, where he will
remain during the winter months. He will make several short stops before
reaching there.

Tuesday of last week Miss Ethel HANNIFAN, niece of P.HANNIFAN of this place,
was married at Armstrong to Mr. Thos. PAYNE. They will live on a farm eight
miles northeast of Armstrong.

Mrs. A.J. WOLFGANG visited her aunt, Mrs. D.C. TIPP, of Graettinger Sunday.

Mrs. Alonzo CLARK of Algona is dead. She was 88. Her husband, who survives
her, is 103.

A few nights ago Miss Mary BROWN of Rolfe fell on an icy sidewalk and broke
one of her hips.

Clermont, little son of Mr and Mrs J.R. MARTIN, has been very ill for
several days, but is better.

Mr and Mrs M.L. BROWN will leave the last of January for southern California
to spend the winter.

Mr ADAMS of the Emmetsburg National bank force spent last week with his
parents who live in Missouri.

J.W. BROWN, brohter-in-law of W.J. McCARTY, returned to his home at Parker,
South Dakota, Wednesday evening.

Mrs. J.T. MULRONEY arrived home a few days ago from Cedar Rapids where she
had been visiting her daughter, Mrs. DEVLIN, for some time.

Mr. Robert L. HANSON and Miss Anna GIEGER of Clear Lake, Minnesota, were
united in marriage in this city last Wednesday, Justice D.L. JOHNSON

C.J. FRYE has bought the Edward McNALLY residence in the second ward. It has
been known as the O'MEARA property. It will make Mr and Mrs FRYE a good

Mrs. Chas. MYERS and little child went to LeMars the first of the week to
visit her mother. She was accompanied by her sister, who was her guest for
some time. We have not learned her name.

Thursday evening we enjoyed a call from Joseph McCORMICK of West Bend. He
has resided in that locality since 1881. He worked for his uncle, Charles
McCORMICK, when he lived on the farm and he bought a quarter close by and
improved it. He informs us that his mother is still living. She resides in
Sligo, Ireland, and is ninety-six years of ago. She was given a seventy mile
auto ride in May. She enjoys good health. She formerly lived in the county
of Fermanagh.

The Ayrshire Chronicle says that Ed McDONALD is quite ill at Slayton,

W.M. ELBERT came over from Whittemore Friday to buy a breeding hog from H.S.
FAIN, but they were all gone. Mr. ELBERT owns a choice half section farm
near Whittemore and he believes in keeping a good grade of livestock.

Major S.W. SMITH came up from Mason City Saturday evening to install the
officers of the G.A.R. post of this place but on account of the storm the
meeting was postponed for a month. The Major is looking well and is as happy
as usual.

Chas. STEBBINS arrived from Iola, Kansas, Saturday evening to visit his
parents, Mr and Mrs J.P. STEBBINS, over Sunday. He had business at Ft. Dodge
and Des Moines. He says Saturday's blizzard reminded him of old times. The
season at Iola has been prosperous. Crops were good and prices are high. Mr.
STEBBINS is tsill a member of the city commission of Iola.

Wednesday evening we enjoyed a call from Thos. NIVISON, Emmet county's
genial and newly elected sheriff. He had sold his half section farm in Jack
Creek township last summer for $115 per acre. He had a sale a short time
ago. Shortly after he was sworn in as sheriff he was called to Raleigh to
arrest a number of parties and he found them rather troublesome. Mr. NIVISON
has many old friends in this locality who wish him success as an officer.

Mrs. George STEIL will leave this morning for Hope, Minnesota, to visit her
son, Elmer, who is station agent at that place.

Mrs. F.W. BEARMAN was called to New Hampton Monday to see her father, who is
dangerously ill. She will remain for a week to 10 days.

H.H. COOK writes us from Garner that the moving picture building at that
place took fire Monday afternoon. The flames had not been checked when he
mailed the card.

Ray McNALLY came from Tama Thursday to attend the funeral of A.E. LIEN of
Whittemore. He was in his employ for some time. He returned home during the

H.H. COOK, with Peter SMITH and Frank BRENNAN, have been at Garner during
the past week painting the interior of the new public school building at
that place. P.R. WELLS has the contract.

>From the Mallard Independent we learn that Mrs. D.C. JOHNSON and daughter
Veta of Maxwell, visited in Mallard during the past week at the home of the
former's daughter, Mrs. John KINGDON. They left Tuesday for a visit at Des
Moines after which they will leave for a six month's visit at various
California points.

The Emmetsburg Democrat
Emmetsburg, Palo Alto Co, IA
27 Jan 1915

He Was A Cousin of the Emmetsburg Joyces
Col. John A Joyce of Washington, D.C., Patriot, Soldier, Poet

Saturday M.I. EISDNESS sent P.H. DONLON several clippings from the daily
papers of Washington, D.C., giving an extended account of the death of Col.
John A. JOYCE a cousin of Mrs. E.J. HIGGINS of this place, and the late
Patrick JOYCE. Col. JOYCE was known as the Washington poet. He is the author
of the following lines which have become famous the world over:
"Laugh and the world laughs with you,
Weep, and you weep alone."
Ellis Wheeler WILCOX claimed the authorship of the poem, but Col. JOYCE
showed beyond all question of doubt that he first wrote it. Among the books
published by him are "Checkered Life", "Jewels of Memory", "Peculiar Poems",
"Brick Bats and Boquets", "Oliver Goldsmith", "Edgar Allen Poe", "Beautiful
Washington", "Personal Recollections of Shakespeare,", "Truth", and "Robert
Buros". He also left many unpublished manuscripts.
Col. JOYCE was born at Straugh, Ireland, July 4, 1812. He was a son of
Michael and Catherine JOYCE. He came to America at an early age and was
reared in Kentucky. He studied several years for the priesthood but finally
took up law, which he followed until the civil war broke out. He joined the
northern forces while all of the other members of his family united up with
the confederates. He was discharged in 1861 on account of wounds received in
battle. After the war he located at Washington. He was offered a commission
in the regular army but he declined it. He entered the internal revenue
service and was stationed at St. Louis. Some time later he moved to
Washington where for fifty years he made his home. Before his death he was
employed in the treasury department.  Several years ago he erected his own
tombstone in Oak Hill cemetery and a short time ago placed upon it a bust of

Harry RESH Afflicted
The Graettinger Times says that Mr. and Mrs. Harry RESH arrived Monday
evening from Columbus Junction. Since going there Mr. RESH has had a great
deal of trouble with one of his legs and has been to Des Moines to consult
specialists in regard to it. Some time last fall he injured that member in
some way but as it did not give him much trouble, did not think much about
it. When he began to work in the electric light plant at Columbus Junction
the injury became infected and he has been suffering from blood poisoning
ever since. He expects to go to Des Moines in a few days to be treated.

Dr. J.C. MURPHY of This Place and Miss Clara JACKMAN of Waterloo

Dr. J.C. MURPHY of this city and Miss Clara JACKMAN were united in marriage
at the Sacred Heart church at Waterloo Tuesday morning. Father LENNIHAN, the
pastor, officiating. The bride was attended by her sister, Miss Mary
JACKMAN, and the groom by his brother, Mr. John MURPHY. The wedding dinner
was served at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Michael JACKMAN,
who were residents of Emmetsburg a number of years ago. Dr. and Mrs. MURPHY
will come to Emmetsburg at once and will soon be at home to their many
friends in the Jackman residence in the Fourth Ward.
The bride lived in Emmetsburg when a small girl. Her parents moved to
Waterloo a number of years ago. She attended school and grew to womanhood in
that city. She is handsome and accomplished and will, we are sure, be
esteemed by our many citizens who knew her as a child and also by our newer
residents. The groom's parents reside at Cedar Falls. He graduated from the
dental department of the State University at Iowa last June. He practiced
for a couple of months at Cedar Falls, after which he decided to locate in
Emmetsburg. He has enjoyed a most satisfactory patronage since coming to our
city and his future from a professional stand point is very promising. The
Democrat extends hearty congratulations to Dr. and Mrs. MURPHY and is glad
to know that they are to become permanent residents of our community.

Emmetsburg Democrat
Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa
17 Feb 1915


Gus Ruehle of Perry is visiting his brother, Wm. Ruehle, and family of this

The family of Mr and Mrs Frank Fordyce are quarantined for scarlet fever.
One of the children is very ill.

Mr and Mrs John Drummy are enjoying a visit from their daughter, Mrs. Frank
Stookey of Kirksville, Missouri.

A new boy is reported at the home of Mr. and Mrs Charles Pringle. Their many
friends are pleased to hear of the good news.

Miss Margaret Dunn of Sioux City has been visiting Patrick Joynt and family
during the past ten days. She formerly resided in this city.

John Moncrief, Jr. has been appointed deputy recorder. He is obliging and
capable and should prove an efficient and courteous officer.

John Finn left Saturday morning for LeMars where he will do some
construction work for the elevator firm for which he has been working for
several years.

The Democrat regrets to learn that Mrs. J.B. Guerdet is dangerously ill at
her home at Brookings, South Dakota. Her many friends hope to learn of her
early recovery.

J.P. Conway was down from Emmet county Friday.

Dr. Bridgeman of Pocahontas died in a hospital at Des Moines last Wednesday
from the result of an operation.

Mr and Mrs John McNamara were Twin City visitors last week. Mr. McNamara has
relatives living in that city.

We regret to learn that Joy Crose, who is attending the State University of
Iowa has been quite ill during the past week.

Miss Katherine Hayes of Whittemore was in Emmetsburg Wednesday attending the
marriage of Mr. Butler and Miss Wollner.

The Free Press reports that Mr. T.E. Hanna of Ruthven was married February 2
to Miss Florence Forbes of Cedarville, Ohio.

Miss Blanche Beam, who taught in the Laurens schools for some time, was
married at Eddyville, Iowa, a few days ago to Mr. Lawrence Clifford.

W.E. Crowder, who moved from Emmetsburg to Laurens twenty years ago, broke
up housekeeping last week and will leave in a few days for Oregon where he
owns a large ranch. He is a son of Mrs. J.G. Crowder of this place.

Frank Wing has sold the European Hotel at Estherville to W.E. Turner.

Chris Kinseth has bought of Enger Bros. a quarter section farm near Bode for
$250 per acre.

Miss Minnie Alma Fritz, who was employed in the Estherville Democrat office,
died a few days ago.

Father Kirby, formerly of Spencer, is quite ill at Washington, D.C. He
intends going south with his brother, Dr. Wm. Kirby, but he had to abandon
his trip.

The doctors of Laurens have organized and hereafter will not wait on those
who are rated as dead beats. They should give such people big doses of poor
pills. This would fix them.

Dan O'Brien was called to Streator, Illinois, last week to attend the
funeral of an uncle.

A new son is reported at the home of Mr and Mrs Chas Kane of Emmetsburg
township. Their friends extend congratulations.

Misses Pearl Namer and Josephine Schuller, who had been visiting relatives
at Madelia, Minnesota, arrived home Thursday evening. They report that there
is not so much snow in southern Minnesota as in this section.

Karl Egan arrived home from St. Mary's, Kansas Wednesday. He recently
received a slight stroke of facial paralysis and had to give up his studies.
Physicians who have examined him claim he will soon recover from the effects
of his affliction.

The School Contests
The school contests brought many from a distance, despite the bad weather.
They were good. The winners are as follows:


1st. Hanna CODY, Freedom township, gold watch.
2nd. Margaret JACKMAN, Walnut township, $2.50 in cash.


1st. Merril WARDELL, Vernon township, gold watch.
2nd. Peter HANSEN, Highland township, $2.50 in cash.


1st. Ethel WOOD, Nevada township, $1.00 in cash.
2nd. Lena DRANEZ, Cylinder, 50 cts. in cash.


1st. Theodore CODY, Freedom township, $1.00 in cash.
2nd. William McCONNELL, Walnut township, 50 cents in cash.

Surprised Mr. and Mrs. John O'Brien

One evening the first of the week about sixty-five of the friends and
neighbors of Mr. and Mrs. John O'BRIEN of Great Oak township dropped in on
them and gave them a most delightful surprise in the form of a farewell
party before their departure for their new home in Emmetsburg. They have
lived in their present neighborhood for about thirty years. The evening was
spent in card playing and dancing. In the old time steps Marshall BRENNAN of
Emmetsburg proved him the star of the evening. The music was furnished by
Messrs. Frank HAND and James HAMILTON. Peter DAILY and M.F. BRENNAN won the
penants in the card game with Wm. WALSH and Peter O'BRIEN as close
competitors. Later in the evening Peter O'BRIEN and M.F. BRENNAN contested
for honors in the jig dancing, the former winning by a slight margin. All
who were present report that, despite the stormy night, one of the best
times of the season was enjoyed. Mr. and Mrs. O'BRIEN are pronounced very
hospitable entertainers.
John ADAMS Badly Burned.

We regret to learn that John ADAMS, brother of Mrs. John GALLEGER, of this
place, was badly burned on his ranch in southwestern North Dakota a few days
ago. A gasoline engine had frozen up and he was thawing it out when a
gasoline tank which he held in one of his hands exploded. Some one who was
close to him threw him into a water tank and saved his life. Parts of his
body are, however, badly burned.
County Attorney COON of Estherville Assaulted.

Just as we go to press we learn that County Attorney COON was attacked by
Howard STONE and was severely injured. The flesh was torn loose from the
nasal bone and his face was considerably bruised.

Hugh MAGUIRE of Ayrshire was in Emmetsburg Saturday. He came to take the
civil service examination. He is a son of Mr. and Mrs. H.L. MAGUIRE.

James FROMBACH, Clifford PHELPS, Alfred MEANS and John YOUNG took in the
basket ball game at Algona Monday night.

Mrs. J.B. GUNDERT of Tolstoi, South Dakota, is visiting her mother, Mrs.

An Auxiliary tea will be given by Mrs. Edith SMITH Wednesday, February 24,
beginning at three o'clock. All are cordially invited.

Leo BUTTIMORE of West Bend attended the Fireman's dance in this city Friday
evening. He remained over Sunday to visit relatives.

Miss Mary COLLINS and Marie DICKENSON of Spencer, both of whom are
registered nurses, were the guests of Miss Agnes JOYNT over Sunday.

Miss Emily MAAKESTAD of Livermore, who visited the last of the week at the
Martine MORRISSEY home in this city, spent Saturday with relatives in

Leo CORLEY and Matthew DONOVAN went to Ayrshire Sunday evening to be present
at the marriage of Mr. CORLEY's sister, Miss Catherine, which took place in
that city yesterday.

George GRAETTINGER and T.J. BREKKE of Graettinger were in Emmetsburg Monday.
Mr. GRAETTINGER informs us that his brother Joseph is enjoying a very fine
patronage at Salem, Oregon. He owns a meat market.

Very Rev. P.F. FARRELLY informs us that Father SWEENEY  of Spirit Lake will
deliver the sermon at the Assumption church March 17. The members of the
parish will be glad of an opportunity of hearing him on an occasion of this

Miss Florence MORRISSEY came from Livermore Friday evening for an
over-Sunday visit with her parents in this city. She was accompanied by her
friend, Miss Emily MAAKESTAD. Misses MORRISSEY and MAAKESTAD both teach at
the Livermore high school.

Quite a number of rural schools were closed temporarily during the severe
blizzards of the past three weeks.

Miss Rose CARMODY, who is teaching at Osgood, was quite ill several days
during the past week and was unable to leave home.

J.H. MUNCH of Whittemore, well known to many of our citizens, was pronounced
insane a few days ago and was taken to the hospital at Cherokee.

Mr. and Mrs. John BUTLER of Whittemore were in Emmetsburg Wednesday
attending the marriage of their son, Guy Timothy BUTLER to Miss Katherine

Chas. D. PRICE informs us that Prof. HERRICK of Ames, who is a specialist on
the care of orchards, will visit Emmetsburg early in the spring to give a
spraying demonstration.

The total receipts of the sociable at the home of Mrs. O.P. DOVIE, on
Tuesday evening of last week were $42.50. All who were in attendance report
a most delightful time.

E.C. HINSHAW, the state game and fish warden, will leave for New York the
last of this month to attend a meeting of the American Game Protective and
Propagative association.

Mrs. J.J. HAND arrived home from Algona Monday morning where she had been
confined in a hospital for some time. She was accompanied by Mrs. W.J.
O'BRIEN of Whittemore.

James AINSLIE has been in the country during the past week choring for his
brother-in-law, John DREW, who has been so badly crippled up with rheumatism
that he could not leave his bed.

Misses Jean GODDEN and Frankie MORRIS gave a party to a number of their
friends Saturday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J.H. GODDEN. There were
many in attendance and all report an enjoyable time.

W.E. CROWDER of Laurens was in Emmetsburg Tuesday and Wednesday to see his
mother, brother and other relatives before his departure for his new home at
Burns, Oregon. We understand he left for that place on Monday.

The first of the week Mrs. Joe NOLAN took possession of the postoffice at
Ruthven. She is a capable, energetic and courteous lady and will doubtless
give the patrons of the office high class service. The Democrat wishes her
success in the discharge of the duties of her position.

The home of Dr. SCHOOLEY of Terril is quarantined for scarlet fever. One of
his children is very ill.

Mr. and Mrs. J.C. MILLER have been enjoying a visit from Mrs. MILLER's
cousin, Ernest SIEGELE, of North Dakota.

Mr. and Mrs. Chas. DUHIGG drove to Ayrshire Saturday and attended the
funeral of J.K. STEENSON, which was held on Sunday.

Mr. SLONIKER, who had been living on Mrs. O.P. DOYLE's farm, left for
Minnesota yesterday. His family will remain for a few days longer.

Mr. and Mrs. Nelson STEENSON of Whitewater, Wisconsin, came to Ayrshire to
attend the funeral of J.K. STEENSON. Messrs. STEENSON are brothers.

Will KERWICK left for Des Moines the first of the week. He will attend the
State Hardware Dealers' convention. He intends visiting Iowa City and Cedar
Rapids before returning home.

Saturday morning while coming to the postoffice from the court house, George
B. McCARTY fell on the slippery sidewalk and cut quite a good gash in his
face close to the temple. However, he was able to be about as usual during
the day.

Robert KINSELLA arrived home from LeMars Saturday morning where he underwent
an operation for some abdominal ailment. He spent several days in the
hospital. Dr. J.M. FETTES, assisted by Dr. Michael JOYNT, performed the
operation. Mr. KINSELLA is feeling quite hearty again and will soon be able
to be about as usual. He regards Dr. FETTES as a high class surgeon.

Emmetsburg Democrat
Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa
Wednesday, Feb 24, 1915

Mrs. W.J. McCarty went to Sioux City Friday to consult the specialist who
operated on her last summer.

A.E. Gray of Emmetsburg township informs us that he has of late been
shipping baled straw to Reinbeck. He receives $6 per ton for it on the

We understand that J.L. McClure, formerly of the Waverly hotel, is now
landlord of the Fortner hotel at Waverly. He is on of the best hotel men in

Mr and Mrs Geo. Bosold of Graettinger moved onto the Eugene Kane property
just south of this city last week. We are glad to have such excellent people
locate in Emmetsburg.

Miss Margaret Dunn, who had been visiting the P. Joynt family and other
local relatives for some time, went ot Ruthven Saturday. From there she will
return to her home in Sioux City.

The members of the family of Bro. Lighter of the Terril Tribune have for
some time been quarantined for scarlet fever, but despite his many
inconveniences the editor, managed to get out a newsy paper.

Glenn Brown has rented one of the Berger residences in the Fourth ward. He
will move to this city in a short time. His many local friends will be
pleased to have him back in the community again.

We understand the Niels Jensen, one of the old and respected farmers of
Emmetsburg township, is to move to Graettinger this spring where he and his
family will make their future home. One of his sons has rented the place.
The many old friends of Mr and Mrs Jensen will miss them.

We are pleased to learn that J.P. Moran of Lost Island township, who has
been very ill for some time, is better. He has been suffering from blood
poisoning. At first it was thought that one of his legs would have to be
amputated but the attending physician thought it will not be necessary to
take off the limb.

Mary and Thomas Donlon, son and daughter of Mrs. Peter Donlon, of
Graettinger visited their uncle, Postmaster Donlon, of this city, last

Tuesday of last week Mrs and Mrs August White of West Bend quietly
celebrated their fiftieth anniversary of their marriage. They came to this
county in 1871.

Mr and Mrs John O'Brien have moved into their residence in the Third Ward.
Their numerous well wishers in this city are glad to have them residents in
Emmetsburg again.

The Democrat is pleased to learn that a new girl arrived last Wednesday at
the home of Mr and Mrs John J. Sullivan of Hardwick, Minnesota. The Democrat
extends congratulations.

Father Stork of Ruthven was a pleasant visitor Wednesday. He is having a
mission in his church this week. A Jesuit Father is conducting it.

Patrick Weir and his son Patrick of Whittemore were Emmetsburg visitors
Wednesday. Mr. Weir, Sr., is beoming quite advanced in years but he stands
his age exceptionally well. He is a fine old gentleman.

Brother S.J. Backus of the Algona Upper Des Moines Republican mourns the
death of his aged father, who passed away at his home in Clayton county a
few days ago.

L.J. Egan writes from Eldordo, Kansas, to his brother, C.C. Egan of this
place, that a large number of cattle recently had to be slaughtered in his
home community on account of the foot and mouth disease. Hogs and poultry in
the affected district will also be killed.

Mr and Mrs Hans Westergard of Graettinger were Emmetsburg visitors Saturday.
They were on their way to Ruthven to spend a few days  with Mrs.
Westergard's mother, Mrs. Thoreson, and other relatives. Mr. Westergard has
been living a retired life during the past year and seems to enjoy it.

Miss Gertie Joynt, who is a registered nurse, writes home to her parents, Mr
and Mrs Michael Joynt, that she has charge of a very critical case at
Mitchelville, this state. A man and his daughter were badly burned by the
explosion of a gasoline stove. The daughter died and the father has been in
a perilous condition. Since the accident he has been in the care of two

J.M. Johnson enjoyed a visit last week from his brother-in-law, Andrew
Erickson, of Bode.

Mrs. Clifford Marquis spent Wednesday with her aunt, Mrs. T.J. Hughes, of

Miss Kate Scott was the guest of her sister, Mrs. Ray Norville, of Spirit
Lake, several days last week.

Mrs. John Allen arrived home from Estherville last week where she had been
visiting her mother , Mrs. Bigelow.

Frank Morris returned from Oelwien Wednesday. He is well pleased with the
business outlook at that place.

Mrs. Jeremiahiasen, who has been visiting her sister, Mrs. C.C. Gusland,
recently returned to her home at Rock Rapids.

Mrs. M.H. Crowley, Mrs. Joe Jackman and Miss Julia Crowley were Chicago
visitors last week. All have relatives living in that city.

Mr and Mrs Jens Freis recently enjoyed a visit from Mr and Mrs M.W. Sanders
of Spencer. Mesdames Sanders and Freis are sisters.

Mrs. R.H. Stratemeyer and little daughter spent several days during the past
week with Mr and Mrs Hoskins of West Bend. Mesdames Stratemeyer and Hoskins
are sisters.

Dr. Harold Brereton left for Chicago a few days ago. He will spend some time
as an intern in the Cook County Hospital. He visited his brother at Cherokee
a few days before going.

Mrs. Joe Yanke of Cylinder spent Wednesday in this city. Soon after reaching
town she learned that her sister, Mrs. Joe Schumacher, of Britt, had lost
her little son. She had not learned the cause of his death.

Mrs. Ludington was the guest of her niece, Mrs. D.L. Woodward, of Humboldt,
last week.

A new girl is reported at the home of Mr and Mrs August Dietrich of the
Rodman neighborhood.

Saturday morning Will Ayres, a wll known clothing dealer of Garner, dropped
dead in his place of business.

A.L. Danielson of Rodman has secured a position as postal railway clerk on
some line in southeastern Iowa.

Emmetsburg Democrat
Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa
24 March 1915

St.Patrick's Day in Emmetsburg
Solemn High Mass and Sermon at Assumption Church and Other Exercises.

Wednesday was a big day in Emmetsburg. The sun was bright and warm and
everyone felt happy. Bright sprigs of green were numerous. The members of
the A.O.H. attended solemn high mass at Assumption church in a body at ten
a.m. Father SWEENEY was celebrant and was assisted by Fathers FARRELLY and
ANTHOFER. At the close Father SWEENEY preached a scholarly and very
instructive sermon on the labors and achievements of St. Patrick.
The dinner served by the Assumption ladies was largely attended. There was
an abundance of good victuals for all who called. The net receipts were $230
and the bazaar netted $250. The young ladies who sold shamrocks turned in
$148. They deserved great praise for their zeal and their efforts.
The Iowa was filled during the afternoon and evening. Fully 500 could not
secure admission tickets. The total receipts were $497.90. The excellent
play, "Innisfall," was most creditably presented. The members of the cast
knew their lines exceptionally well and they were apparently right at home on
the stage. T.J. COONAN, the comedian, was, as usual, decidedly popular with
the audience. His vocal selections from Chauncy Olcott's best numbers
solocited round after round of hearty applause. "Me Little Dudeen" made a
great hit as was also the Irish lullaby. Miss Ethel DOYLE as the leading
lady, impersonated her character admirably, and she sang a couple of solos
that pleased all. W.P. KERWICK made a typical hero and C.J. McNALLY, a
cool-headed, black-hearted villian. P.H. DONLAN took the character of the
old Irish gentleman adn did it full justice. P.J. WALSH missed his calling.
He should go to Ireland and insist on a position on the national board of
education. Miss Irene McGUIRE has an excellent conception of the character
of the happy, witty, Irish girl and Miss Marion WALSH entered readily and
naturally into the spirit of Mrs. Ford., the shamefully mistreated woman.
Michael MILLER, as "Con o the Bogs," was one of the best actors of the
evening. Karl BERGER, as the policeman, did not have a difficult part but he
handled it like a veteran. We congratulate the entire cast on the creditable
presentation of he production and the members of the A.O.H. and the ladies
on the financial success that crowned their efforts.

     Mr. Henry Knutson and Miss Mabel Jeanette Hilton were married at the Lutheran church in this city last Thursday, Rev. O.L. N. Wigdahl of Detroit, Minnesota, officiating. Misses Bessie Knutson and Lillian Hilton were bridesmaids and Messr. Wm. Hilton and Mr. Church were groomsmen. Miss Ruby Sandanger, a niece of the groom, was flower girl. Mr. and Mrs. Knutson had planned on a trip to Illinois, but they decided to postpone it. They will, we understand, make their home on a farm in Lost Island township. Both are deserving young people. The Democrat wishes them health and happiness.

Edward Duhn Married.
     Mr. Edward Duhn of Walnut township was, we understand, married last Saturday, but we have not learned the name of the bride. Saturday evening a party was given at his home and many of his neighbors were in attendance. Mr. Duhn is one of our county's most worthy citizens. The Democrat is glad to learn of his marriage and extends hearty congratulations.


Emmetsburg Democrat
Emmetsburg, Palo Alto Co, IA
31 Mar 1915

Mrs. Fred PARKS Granted Divorce and Custody of Children

District Court is still is session. A number of drainage ditch cases are to
be considered this week. The session has not been a particularly interesting

The case of SMITH against MILLER, from  West Bend township in which $84 was
involved, was finally settled. Mr. MILLER was allowed $1.84.

The EMERICH-HUTCHINSON case from Ayrshire was practically dismissed., the
plaintiff agreeing to pay the costs. The action was about an old account.
The plaintiff, H. EMERICH, now resides at Ayrshire.

The DOOLEY McNAMARA suit was settled. Mr. DOOLEY sued Mr. McNAMARA for an
old account for $100 and accepted $85 in settlement of it. Mr. McNAMARA
agreed to pay the costs.

The PARKS divorce case occupied the attention of the court Friday and
Saturday. Mrs. Sybil PARKS sued her husband, Fred PARKS, for a divorce and
for the custody of their two children. MORLING & MORLING represented the
plaintiff and Thos. O'CONNOR, the defendant. After the introduction of the
testimony of Mrs. PARKS, her sister,Miss GIBSON, and one other witnes, the
case was settled. Mr. PARKS withdrawing his answer and consenting to the
granting of hte decree. Mrs. PARKS was given custody of the children but was
not allowed any alimony. We understand she did not ask for it. Mr. PARKS is
to be given permission to visit the children regularly but Mrs. PARKS and
the children are not to leave the jurisdiction of the court. The case
attracted a great deal of local interest, the court room being filled during
the trial with ladies as well as gentlemen.

The grand jury did not return any indictment against Dr. ASHLEY or Edith
WILLIAMS, the lady who was arrested with him at Eagle Grove, several weeks
ago, nor was any indictment returned against Mr. RYAN of Charles City or the
Ayrshire married lady, who were arrested some time ago at some point in

John OSKERSON of Ruthven has been indicted for wife desertion and Arthur
KING of Ruthven has been indicted for seduction. Bothe have given bond and
are out on bail.

The members of the petit jury were discharged Friday morning. The grand jury
finished their labors on Friday afternoon and returned to their homes.

Supervisor Michael FLEMING has bargained for P.V. HAND's residence property
in the Third ward. The Third ward people are glad to welcome him and his
good family to their neighborhood. Frank HAND and Dan BURNS say they will
not stand in the way in case Mr. FLEMING wishes to serve as alderman.

Mrs. A' HEARN received word that Maurice POWERS reached the home of his
mother at Sigourney, Iowa, Monday. He walked into town it is hoped that he
will not start out again. He is a pretty steady boy.
Mrs. E.E. RYAN, who had been visiting local relatives and friends and
looking after property interests, returned to Des Moines yesterday. She
reports that Mr. RYAN is quite rugged again. He spent over a year in the
hospital after he had his leg crushed in the Rock Island yard.
Chas. GRIER returned from Des Moines last week. He was taking a business
course. He will work in the lumber yard this summer.

Mrs. Jake GROFF took her son, Francis, to a specialist at Mason City last
week where he was operated on for adenoids.

There will be a debate in M.W.A. hall Thursday evening on the subject,
"Resolved, That Woman has made more Progress than Man." Misses RAWSON,
KELLEMS and COAKLEY, and Mesdames CAMPBELL, DuBOIS and BENNETT will have
charge of the question. The name quilt of the M.E. Ladies Aid Society will
be auctioned off.

Mr. COATS has purchased two lots from Mrs. M.L. DROWN. He will build this

Mr. E.F. DIXON and Miss Myrtle STONER were united in marriage at West Bend
last Wednesday. Rev. S.V. LIENBACK, pastor of the Presbyterian church,
officiating. The Democrat extends hearty congratulations to the newly wedded
Mrs. James WALSH, who had been visiting her sister, Mrs. James CONLON, of
Great Oak township, returned to her home in Des Moines Monday. She came to
Ayrshire some time ago to see her mother, Mrs. Chas. NOLAN, who was very
ill, but who is much better.

Emmetsburg Democrat
Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa
Wednesday, April 21, 1915

Chris Claer Has Close Call
Thursday Chris Claer was nearly drowned in the Des Moines river while
driving to town with some eggs and other products. His horse became
 frightened and jumping aside from the road, ran into the river. It was
very deep and the horse had to swim. Mr. Claer had sufficient presence of mind
to  stand up in the buggy but the water almost reached his shoulders. Some
parties who were passing swam in and rescued him. He had a very close
call. His horse was also saved.
Miss Catherine Collins arrived home from Algona Tuesday evening. She
recently underwent an operation for appendicitis. We are glad to note that
she is rapidly improving.

Emmetsburg Democrat
Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa
Wednesday, May 5, 1915

Ed Nolan Receives Good Appointment
Last evening Mrs. Alex CULLEN received word that her brother, Ed NOLAN, had
been appointed inspector of weights and measures for the north half of Iowa.
He has for some time been in the employ of the state association of grain
dealers. This is good news to his many Emmetsburg friends.

Mrs. Van Horn of Clear Lake Is Innocent
Mrs. VAN HORN of Clear Lake was acquitted last week of the charge of
murdering her husband. The crime was committed last November. The judge who
presided declared that the evidence against her was not worthy of judicial

Banqueted by Jefferson Citizens
Last Thursday evening H.W. BEEBE, Walter G MIDDLETON, D.A. JOHNSON and
Edward McNALLY, representing the Emmetsburg Building and Loan Association,
autoed to Jefferson, Iowa, in Mr. Middleton's car. They told the people of
that place what our building and loan association had done for Emmetsburg.
They were given a big banquet and report most hospitable treatment by the
citizens of that place. It is needless to say that they enjoyed the trip.
Jefferson is one of the promising little cities of northwest Iowa. It is the
county seat of Greene county and has nearly 3,000 people.

Sunday School Convention
The annual convention of he District Sunday School association composed of
hte townships of Emmetsburg, Freedom and Nevada, will be held in the M.E.
church next Sunday evening at eight o'clock. The following subjects will be
"How We Got Our Bible," Ralph KING.
"The Influence of the Bible on the World's Life," E.A. MORLING.
"The Application of the Gospel to Social Problems," D.G. McCARTY
There will be special music by the choir. A special invitation is given to
all to attend.

Marriage at Ruthven
Mr. S.T. BRUYN of Cedar Rapids and Miss Mabel ROOT were married at the M.E.
church at Ruthven last Wednesday, Rev. W.O. TOMPKINS officiating. The bride
is a graduate of the Vinton Business college. The groom is the ticket agent
of the Rock Island company at Cedar Rapids. Mr. and Mrs. BRUYN will make
their future home at Cedar Rapids.

Dr. Joynt's Fine Dental Outfit
Dr. THEILE tells the Democrat's reporter that Dr. Robert JOYNT of LeMars has
the finest equipped dental office in northern Iowa. Mr. DONLON, who recently
visited LeMars, called on Mr. JOYNT while there and says that he certainly
has a beautiful outfit. We are pleased to note that he enjoys a large and
profitable practice.

Emmetsburg Democrat
Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa
Wednesday, May 19, 1915

Knut IVERSON left last week for Wisconsin where he will spend time with

Mr and Mrs SCHAEFFER of Eagle Grove, are visiting their son, Mr. SCHAEFFER,
and family of this place.

H.E. HAUSCHEN of Emmetsburg township has bought a fine five passenger
Maxwell automobile

Dr. A.R. THIELE was at Spencer Sunday. he and a number of friends hold
regular study meetings at that place.

H. CHRISSMAN of Carroll was in Emmetsburg Monday. He had a case in court. He
formerly resided at West Bend.

Ewart and Stuart SAUNDERS arrived home from Stanford University the last of
the week. Both are students at that institution.

A number of local players have made a tennis court on W.B. YOUNG's lawn and
another one has been made in the City Park.

Superintendant Margaret RYAN has been at Cedar Falls since Friday witnessing
the demonstration for rural teachers at the Iowa State college.

Mrs. M.C. GRIER was at Clarinda last week attending the state convention of
the P.E.O. A special train was run from Des Moines to that place.

The fine poarch that J.J. McDONALD has added to his residence has made a
great change for the better in its appearance. He has modernized his home in
several ways.

John R. JOYNT left for Britt Monday morning. He has five or six carpenters
employed at that place. He is head bridge carpenter on the local division of
the Milwaukee road.

Miss Beth STEENSON of Murphysboro, Illinois, is the new operator in the
Western Union telegraph office. Mr. DONOVAN, who has had charge of it for a
long time, is enjoying a vacation.

A few days ago Mrs. W.H. PARKS received the sad news of the death of her
brother, Mr. BEARDSLEY, at Yankton, South Dakota. About a year ago he was
stricken with paralysis. He never recovered from the effects of it.

Friday four ladies who were performing on a sort of trapeze in the Gollmar
Bros. circus fell to the ground. A couple of them were injured, although not
seriously. They had a rather close call.

Judge BAILEY of Storm Lake was in Emmetsburg Tuesday and Wednesday of last
week. He was subpoenaed as a witness in the Patrick DOYLE will case. His
many old friends in this locality were glad to meet him.

M.W. JOYNT of West Bend was in Emmetsburg Monday evening visiting his

Miss Helen WHITE of Whittemore spent the last of the week with relatives in
this place.

Miss Pearl TAYLOR was an over Sunday visitor with her sister, Mrs. Dr.
STARR, of Mason City.

Monday a marriage license was issued to Bernie L. ROBERTS and Matilda PERTL
of West Bend.

Mrs. Joh KOCH of Whittemore was the guest of her son, Frank KOCH, of this
place last Friday.

Monday a marriage license was issued to Bernie L. ROBERTS and Matilda PERTL
of West Bend.

Mrs. Ted HOSKINS of West Bend visited her sister, Mrs. STRATEMEYER, of this
place the first of the week.

Mr and Mrs Nicholas MART of Fairmont, Minnesota, autoed to Emmetsburg Friday
and spent the day with their many local relatives.

Mrs. SHADBOLT and Mrs. Walter MIDDLETON and little daughter Wanell went to
Estherville by train Monday evening and came home by auto.

John SULLIVAN of Hardwick informs us that the streets of Luverne, Minnesota,
while not paved, are swept every night. They are well graveled and are hard.

Lyle KAUFMAN of Chicago was the guest of Herman MARKS last week. He lived in
Emmetsburg when a small boy. His father conducted the Hub clothing store.

Miss Minnie SWEIKHARDT of Morristown, New Jersey, arrived in this city last
Thursday and will spend a month visiting her friends, Mr and Mrs. R.H.

Attorney Chas E. REYNOLDS of Carroll was in Emmetsburg Monday. He was
looking after a new case in court. He came from Milford where he attended
the K.C. doings on Sunday.

Misses Elizabeth McNALLY and Gail EGAN spent Friday, Saturday and Sunday at
Cedar Rapids. Miss McNALLY's sister, Miss Mary, is attending the Cedar
Rapids business college.

We notice that Dr. T.F. DUHIGG of Des Moines, a brother of Chas. DUHIGG of
Emmetsburg, was elected treasurer of the state medical association at the
meeting held at Waterloo the last of the week.

Mrs. E.B. SOPER Sr., Mrs. J.N. BRISBOLS, Mrs. H.W. BEEBE, Mrs. W.E.G.
SAUNDERS and Mrs. CORYof Spencer left for Iowa City Tuesday morning to
attend a convention of the Federation of Women's Clubs.

C.P. JENSEN, who bought the old Thos. JENSEN farm in Emmetsburg township
some time ago, will enlarge his barn during the summer. He has a very neat
place and proposes to keep up the appearance of it.

Frank DORRIS and little son were at Worthington, Minn. Thursday.

Mrs. F.L. DORRIS was quite ill the first of the week.

A.G. BRILEY writes us to send his Democrat to Richland Center, Wisconsin.

Leslie JOHNSON of Cedar Rapids is visiting his brother, H.J. JOHNSON of this

Miss Loretta FLEMING was visiting old friends and acquaintances at Ruthven

Supervisor FLEMING was at Ayrshire Monday attending the funeral of Mrs.
Patrick GEELAN.

Eugene MULRONEY left Tuesday morning for Cedar Rapids to attend to some
business matters.

Arnold O BRUNNER, assistant postmaster at Clear Lake, was visiting
Emmetsburg friends Saturday.

Mr and Mrs Frank ESSER of Whittemore spent the first of the week at the
Albert JENNETT home.

Rev. L. CARROLL of Ayrshire and Rev. M. McNERNEY of this place were
passengers to Graettinger Monday evening.

Buyers tell us that the British government at the present time is buying
about 800 horses per week in this state.

Very Rev. P.F. FARRELLY left for Spirit Lake Monday evening for a visit with
Rev. C.P. SWEENEY of that place.

Mrs. BOGGS, who has been visiting her sister, Mrs. C.C. QUINN, returned to
her home at Fort Dodge Monday morning.

A tramp attempted to rob the home of Dr. F.J. BROWN of Sheldon Saturday
night but he was caught and place in jail.

J.B. SHERLOCK arrived home from Kansas City Saturday morning. While there he
attended the initiation of a large K.C. class.

H.M. WILSON came from Spencer last week to assist his son, C.C., who is now
very busy. Eight people are now employed in the Motor Inn.

Sunday twin daughters were born to Mr and Mrs. Roy BROWN of Estherville.
Mrs. BROWN is a daughter of Mr and Mrs J.E. ELLIS of this place.

Last Thursday the M. & St. L. road hauled a car of strawberries to Fort
Dodge. All will be used at that place. Fort Dodge is becoming quite a city.

Mrs. AUKERMA, who had been visiting her sister, Mrs. M. THOMPSON, during the
past month, returned to her home in Denver, Colorado, Monday.

Sheriff CULLEN and County Attorney BURT were at West Bend Monday. They
attended the hearing at that place concerning the accidental death of Mr.
PERTL's little daughter.

Emmetsburg Democrat
Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa
Wednesday, May 26, 1915

Is Our M.A. Mugan's Brother

Last Friday's Chicago papers contained the announcement of the appointment
of Mr. Dan Mugan as postmaster at Jefferson, to succeed Hon. John Stevenson,
the present worthy officer, who, through the fortunes of politics, now will
surrender his position to a democrat. Mr. Mugan is being overwhelmed with
congratulations by his many friends hereabouts. He will make a competent
official. He has stood for democracy, and proudly upheld her banner, while
many fell about him from the onslaught of republican hosts. Yes, there have
been times in the past when a search for local democracy was like looking
for a needle in a haystack-but Dan was the aforesaid needle, you bet! When
you found him, way back there in the days of 1904-'08, you found nearly all
that was left of the party of Jefferson in Jefferson.
Mr. Mugan is making his arrangements to receive the official portfolio, and
will take possession of the office as soon as all preliminaries are
complete. He will, as postmaster, have plenty of both. Bees and bees to
handle, and, doubtless, like all his predecessors, will occasionally get a
"sting" from bees, if never from The Bee. He has The Bee's hearty
felicitations upon his appointment, and we wish him both satisfaction and
success as the local Nasby.

A Few Lines Taken From The Files of The Democrat of May 29, 1915 [?]

R.H. CASE has been elected principal of the West Bend schools.

Mr and Mrs. Henry HUGHES of Sioux Rapids are visiting local relatives.

A new girl is reported at the home of Mr and Mrs. D.C. JOHNSON of Mallard.

F.G. SCOTT goes to Arnolds Park this week to clerk in the hotel at that

Peter BARCLAY of Rodman had one of his arms amputated Sunday below the

Mr Robert J. BAIRD and Miss Hattie E. STEBBINS were married at Curlew last

J.H. GODDEN is filling the block west of the marble factory grounds and will
soon build three or four residences on it.

Last week C.H. BLECKWENN sold seventy hogs that averaged three hundred
pounds each. He is a very successful farmer.

As we go to press, we learn that Prof. HINKLEY has been elected
superintendant of our schools. His wife is to be the assistant.

Sister Mary Romana of Des Moines visited her father, Mr URIELL, of
Independence township last week. One of her sisters, who is at home, has
been very ill.

A few days ago the Catholic church at Waverly was struck by lightning while
Father McCAULLEY, formerly of this place, was saying mass. He was slightly

Prof. RUNDLE of the Ruthven schools stepped in to the band room at that
place a few nights ago and knocked down a young man who was keeping company
with his best girl. Attorneys Dan KELLY and E.A. MORLING went to Ruthven
Monday to adjust legally the difficulty. The professor was fined $10 and
costs. He is a pugnacious lover.

Miss D.L. RUSSEL, a British lady who had been stopping at the St. James
skipped out Friday morning without paying her bill. She was caught at
Dubuque and brought back. She settled and walked to Cylinder Friday morning.
She hired Mr. HUGHES of that place to take her to Whittemore but refused to
pay him when they reached there.

May 22, 1895
Elmer E. JOHNSON died in Chicago a week ago Saturday.

A new boy is reported at the home of Mr and Mr C.J. HAHN of Mallard.

The movement to build a telephone line through this section promises to be a


Estherville Home Burned
Early Sunday morning the Bert BALDWIN residence on Fifth street was
discovered on fire by neighbors. Before the alarm was turned in the rear
part of the house was falling in. The firemen made a splendid run but the
fire had gained such a headway that hte building could not be saved.--
Vindicator and Republican

Verdict for $3000 for Slander
The biggest verdict ever given in a slander case in Wright county was
awarded G.M. MANNING in his suit against B.V. MEADE, when plaintiff was
given $3000. The largest amount previous to this verdict, we are told, was
$375. Both parties live near Goldfield and are neighbors. MEADE was accused
of taking corn belonging to MANNING. It is expected that the case will be
appealed.--Clarion Clippings.

E.P. BARRINGER Home from California
E.P. BARRINGER retrned from his California trip last Thursday. His
experiences at the great Panama-Pacific exposition were very interesting as
he not only visited at San Francisco, but through Southern California,
meeting many Iowa people and returning through the southern part of Texas
and viewing some of the scenery of the Mexican war on the border of Mexico.
His journey to California took him through Montana where he made a pleasant
visit with his brother at Inverness.--Ruthven Free Press.

House Mover Badly Injured
Mr. I.A. MURPHY of Sioux City, the house mover who moved this county's
present court house building to make way for the new structure, was very
seriously injured last week when in Sioux City. Mr. MURPHY was driving in a
wagon to some work he was doing there and the wagon in which he was riding
was struck by a street car. Mr. MURPHY was thrown under the car, with the
result that his right leg was so badly crushed that it was necessary to
amputate it and it seems that he also received severe internal injuries. He
was unconscious for a long time and it was feared that the accident would
result fatally, but latest reports indicate that he will recover.--Sheldon

An Important Life Insurance Case.
An interesting suit involving the payment of a $2,000 life insurance policy
was tried at Clarion last week. The plaintiff was Mrs. Nellie HIGHLAND of
Goldfield andthe defendant the Iowa Life Insurance Company. Mr. HIGHLAND,
who carried the policy in the comapny named, failed to pay one of his
assessments and gave a not for ninety days. When the note was due it was not
paid and was sent to a local bank for collection. In the meantime Mr.
HIGHLAND died. The company refused to pay the face of the policy and Mrs.
HIGHLAND sued. The judge before whom the case was tried has taken the matter
under advisement and will give his decision in a short time. It is quite
likely that the comapny will have to pay the bill. The note was good for ten
years and it was taken in settlement of the assessment. If the estate was
held for the payment of the note, the company should be held to put up the
amount named in the policy.

Emmetsburg Democrat
Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa
June 2, 1915

A Few Lines From the Files of the Democrat of June 5, 1895

Thursday night Marshall John McNally and a number of our citizens rounded up
twenty-seven drunken tramps who were threatening the safety of our community
and landed them in jail. They were a dirty bunch.

Emmetsburg Democrat
Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa
Wednesday, Aug 4, 1915


E.A. MORLING returned from the lakes Monday.

Rev. L.O. WIGDAHL went to Mason City Tuesday evening.

Miss Rose MYERS was a passenger to Graettinger last evening.

Messrs. Julius and Chris SKOW were passengers to Graettinger yesterday.

During the remainder of the season license plates can be had for half price.

Miss Agnes CONLON is visiting her brother, P.F. CONLON, at Worthington,

The Whittemore Champion reports that Frank RUSSELL recently bought a
Studebaker car.

Miss Laura ILLINGSWORTH went ot West Okoboji yesterday to visit friends for
a short time.

Miss Myrtle WAGNER went to Clear Lake Saturday for a few days visit with
Miss Nellie DOWNS.

Michael CONLON of this place was at Whittemore several days last week
visiting his daughter, Mrs. Phil CULLEN.

Mrs. J.J. CALHOUN and children of Plover are visiting Mrs. CALHOUN's
parents, Mr and Mrs. Dan VEDDER, of Emmetsburg.

Miss Margaret WALSH arrived from Austin, Minnesota, Tuesday to visit for a
short time with her sister, Mrs. W.A. DOTY.

Miss SULLIVAN of Cherokee spent a couple of days the first of the week with
her friend, Mrs. E.J. HIGGINS, of Emmetsburg.

Mrs. Frank BRENNAN and Mrs. Will KELLY returned from Mason City last
evening. Both had been visiting at the Sid HIGLEY home.

Miss Mable WAGNER returned home Sunday evening afte a two weeks visit with
relatives at Dubuque, Lansing and other places.

Martin NORLAND is the owner of a new Buick Six and Ole BIRKLAND has a new
Ford auto. Both gentlemen made their purchases at Ringsted.

An auto which was stolen at Lake Mills a short time ago was located in the
TREMAINE and RANKIN garage at Algona but the thief is yet to be hunted down.

Patrick JOYNT informs us that he sold his 223 acre place to his sons, as was
stated in the Democrat some time ago, but that he still retains his 80 acre

Martin WATLAND, who formerly resided at Maple Hill, Emmet county, was killed
a few days ago by lightning on his ranch in Colorado. The body was not found
for twenty-eight hours after the accident.

Mrs. DICE, who had been visiting at the home of her sister, Mrs. Ben CATTEL,
was a passenger to Clarion Saturday morning, where she will spend some time
with her mother before returning to her home at Cedar Rapids.

Vol FISK, Curlew's well known banker, went to Mason City Saturday evening.
He spent the day with Captain and Mrs. J.E. WILLIAMS at that place. Mrs.
FISK and family were at Mason City the greater part of last week.

Mr. MORRIS went to Graettinger Monday.

D.E. GATES of Ruthven was an Emmetsburg visitor Thursday.

Ralph WALKER went to Milford yesterday to work in the Mail office.

P.F. CONLON of Worthington, Minn., is visiting his parents in this city.

 Mrs. John NEARY and baby of Ft. Dodge are visiting relatives in this city.

Fathers McNERNEY and VEIT spent Monday with Father KELLY of Graettinger.

Miss Lottie JOYNT accompanied her father to Sioux City yesterday to visit

Clarence SLATER went to Des Moines Tuesday. His parents recently moved to
that place.

Mrs. Will KELLY left Saturday evening for a few days visit with relatives at
Mason city.

Misses Margaret SHERLOCK and Catharine CORCORAN spent Monday at West Bend
visiting friends.

Mr and Mrs. Theodore BLECKWENN of Fairfield township left Wednesday for a
trip through the west.

Misses Alberta and May BOUGH left Tuesday morning for a week's visit with
friends at Clear Lake.

Miss THOMPSON, who had been visiting at the J.B. WILLIAMS home, returned to
Estherville the first of the week.

Miss Nellie CROWLEY returned from Cedar Falls Monday. She had for some time
been attending summer school at that place.

The Ottosen baseball team had to disband some time ago on account of the
death of one of its members, Clarence CLAVE, who was killed by lightning.

Des Moines attending the state convention of the Knights of Pythias.

Last Wednesday morning Mr. Lawrence Anthony ELBERT of Whittemore and Miss
Elizabeth BUCK of Fenton were married at the Catholic church at Whittemore.

Miss Grace McALLISTER arrived home from Bode a few days ago. She spent
several days at that place visiting Mr. and Mrs. F.H. EASTMAN, who formerly
resided in this city.

Ray GRIFFIN of Graettinger, who was visiting relatives in this city,
returned home Wednesday. His cousin, Maurice McNALLY, accompanied him home
and spent a short time visiting relatives in that vicinity.

A few days ago Wm. HARBINSON of Whittemore lost the end of his finger in a
meat cutting machine. The Whittemore people were so sorry to learn of the
accident that they did not even complain about the quality of their meat.

Michael DAILY of Ayrshire accompanied Mr. and Mrs. John BURNS and their boy
to Ft. Dodge Saturday.

Mrs. PEARSONS, who had been visiting at the L.H. MAYNE home in this city for
some time, returned to Chicago yesterday.

Master Emmet JACKMAN arrived from Worthington, Minnesota, Monday evening to
visit his father, P.C. JACKMAN, and numerous other relatives.

Miss Vae FOSS returned to her home at Iowa Falls yesterday. She had for a
few days been visiting Miss Grace WOLFGANG and other friends in this city.

Geo. GROW returned to Bayard, Iowa, Monday evening. His mother, who was so
badly injured last week, is at present doing nicely and will doubtless

MULRONEY & COONAN have been very busy during the past ten days installing
their elegant new fixtures. They will soon be ready for their large stock of

Monday Patrick JOYNT brought to this office an ear of corn picked from his
field in Emmetsburg township. It was fairly well formed. The silk was strong
and highly colored.

V.H. CLARK has, we understand, bought a fine new Ford auto bus. It will
carry twelve people. We congratulate Mr. CLARK on his enterprise.

E.E. WILLHITE, who recently visited his home town of Carroll, reports that
it is steadily improving and growing in population, although the 1915 census
will not give it quite so many people as Spencer.

Yesterday Frank DEALY showed us a half penny piece bearing the stamp of
1808. He gave John THOMPSON, the plasterer, 25 cents for it a number of
years ago. He has also a number of other old coins.

A new law provides a heavy penalty for persons making false charges against
railway employes. Detectives have been guilty of misconduct in ferreting
certain abuses and the attorney-general declares that he will enforce the
law strictly.

Sunday hail cut a path two miles wide and ten miles long in the neighborhood
of Webster county. Corn and oats were beaten into the ground. It is a great
loss for farmers in that locality.

E.A. MORLING went to the lakes Saturday.

Miss Lillie HILTON is visiting friends at St. Paul.

J.J. WATSON was a passenger to Superior Friday.

Eward SAUNDERS returned from Chicago Saturday.

Earl GODDEN went to the lakes the last of the week.

Gene MULRONEY was a passenger to Rodman Monday.

Robert MIDDLETON was a passenger to the lakes Friday.

Frank KNEER was a passenger to Livermore Thursday.

Miss Blanche MEEHAN was over from Whittemore Saturday.

The Ruthven band gives concerts every Tuesday evening.

Thomas MAHAN of Graettinger was in Emmetsburg Saturday.

Rev. L.O. WIGDAHL of Ruthven was in Emmetsburg Monday morning.

Mr and Mrs SPIES of Graettinger autoed to Emmetsburg Thursday.

Gordon SAUNDERS was visiting friends at Cedar Rapids last week.

Miss Pearl RICHARDSON spent Sunday with her mother north of Cylinder.

Father SWEENEY spent Monday with Very Rev. P.F. FARRELLY of this place.

Miss Julia CURTIS went to Hull Monday to visit relatives for a short time.

Miss Hazel LINDERMAN was a passenger to the lakes Monday morning.

Mrs. James FLOOD went to Ft. Dodge Monday to visit her daughter, Mrs. John

Miss Veronica JENNINGS returned to Sioux City Monday after a visit with
local relatives.

Miss Florence LYNCH went to Parkersburg Saturday. She has relatives living
at that place.

Wm. MUIR arrived in this city from Minneapolis Friday. He will visit
relatives and friends for some time.

James W. SCOTT returned from Spirit Lake Saturday. He spent his vacation
with his sister at that place.

Miss Vae ROSS of Iowa Falls arrived in this city Friday. She will visit Miss
Grace WOLFGANG for some time.

Miss Irene McMAHON returned from Graettinger Thursday. She was visiting
friends at that place for some time.

Miss Margaret HARRINGTON arrived from Dubuque Saturday to visit at the O.P.
DOYLE home for a couple of weeks.

Mrs. DAY,who had been visiting at the Frank MEADE home in this city for a
short time, returned to Sioux City Monday.

Mrs. B.F. SCHROEDER returned from Dubuque Thursday. She had been visiting
relatives at that place for some time.

Miss DALE was visiting at the GAYLORD home during the past week. She is a
friend of Miss Dot. Both attended Cornell college.

Misses Nellie and Rose CARMODY left for Chicago Thursday evening. They will
visit relatives and friends in that city for some time.

Miss Agnes HORNING, who had been visiting Miss Catharine MULRONEY of this
city, returned to her home at Iowa City Saturday.

Thomas McNULTY came back from Minneapolis last week. He has of late been
working in this vicinity. His home is in Minneapolis.

Miss JOHNSON of Rodman was in this city Thursday. She is employed in a store
at that place. She returned home Thursday evening.

Emmetsburg Democrat
Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa
Wednesday, Sep 15, 1915

Mrs. Charles GORDEN was a Spencer visitor last week.

John CULLEN shipped a carload of cattle to Aurora, ill.

George SWENDSEN was a southbound passenger Friday.

Mrs. George TRESSLER's cousin from Chicago arrived last week.

John CULLEN made his weekly shipment of cattle and hogs Saturday.

Albert and Edgar EASTON are building a cement garage for Will Rouse.

W.H. DEMPSEY sold John CULLEN a car of prime heavy hogs averaging 406

Mrs. Ed McNALLY and Mrs. Chris THOMPSON were Curlew visitors Thursday.

A.A. WHITMER has been absent for a week buying goods at Cedar Rapids and
other points.

Mrs. FOSTER was a south-bound passenger Saturday. She had been visiting her
daughter, Mrs. O.B. FISK the past two months.

Dr. KEENEY was called Sunday to attend Mrs. GRIFFEN, who is quite ill at
present writing. Her friends hope for her speedy recovery.

The school board has decided to have a teacher for the tenth grade and
procured the services of Mrs. CARROLL, wife of Professor CARROLL, who, with
Gladys WOLROD as intermediate and Margaret YOUNG as primary teacher, make
four teachers. Mrs. CARROLL will teach domestic science.

Miss Margaret GRADY was a visitor at Spencer Friday.

Luther STORK purchased a fine new auto during the past week.

Mr and Mrs. John CALLAHAN were Emmetsburg visitors Thursday.

Frank RYDER of Estherville visited old friends in this city Monday.

William BRENNAN left Tuesday for Dubuque, where he will attend Dubuque

Arthur KING left Saturday for Ames, where he will attend college during the
coming year.

Mr JEFFRIES returned to his home at Hot Springs, S.D. after a visit at the
Art JEFFRIES home.

Charles METZ returned from Minneapolis Saturday, where he will attend the
Minnesota State fair.

Clement REDDEN returned to Spirit Lake Monday after spending a week with his
father, John REDDEN.

Adams SIMINGTON, John REDDEN, and Legrand HOFF autoed to Algona Friday to
attend the races at that place.

Mr and Mrs. HARMAN arrived in this city Saturday from Chicago for a visit
with Mr and Mrs. Hanley MEEK.

Mrs. GRAY returned Friday to her home at Red Oak, Iowa, after a couple of
weeks' sojourn in this city with relatives.

Mr and Mrs. John STORK and Mrs. F VONAHUSE of Breda, Iowa, were over-Sunday
visitors in this city with Mr. STORK.

Visited Several Localities
Patrick JOYNT and his daughter, Miss Lottie, arrived home from eastern Iowa
last Wednesday. They left Emmetsburg several weeks ago. They spent some time
at the home of Drs. Robert and Martin JOYNT of LeMars. Dr. Robert JOYNT has
one of the finest dental offices in northern Iowa and Dr. Martin JOYNT is
equipping a fine office adjoining his brother's quarters. Both have good
practices. From LeMars Mr JOYNT and his daughter went to Marcus, the home of
Dr. Michael JOYNT. He was finishing a fine new residence and was about to
move into it. He likes his location and is kept very busy. Later Mr. JOYNT
and his daughter visited Mr and Mrs. L.J. MURPHY and other relatives at
Sioux City. They were royally entertained and it was with great reluctance
that they took their departure. They next enjoyed a trip across the state to
see relatives and friends in Dubuque county. They spent a couple of weeks at
the home of Mr and Mrs. Thomas DUNN. Mr DUNN is a brother-in-law of Mr
JOYNT. Mr JOYNT does not think that eastern Iowa land is as good as the soil
of this section. In the vicinity of Farley and Dyersville and at neighboring
places the frost of a short time ago did a great deal of damage to the corn
crip. The losses between New Hampton and Charles City were also quite
numerous. Mr. JOYNT says he would like to tell the Democrat about the many
interesting things he saw while away, but fears our space would not allow
him to go into detail.

Balloonist Drowned in Clay County
Became Tangled in Parachute Rope in Little Sioux River
Ralph LAWSON, a balloonist, aged 23, was drowned in the Little Sioux River
at Peterson, Clay County, last Thursday. The parachute in which he was
making a landing swerved in its course to the earth and landed the aviator
in the river. He became entangled in the parachute and before he could free
himself he had drowned.
He had been secured to form a part of the entertainment for a farmers'
picnic being held there, and had made one flight before the one in which he
had met his death...

Emmetsburg Democrat
Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa
Wednesday, Oct 27, 1915

Mr and Mrs. Geo HENDERSON of Osgood visited at the John HENDERSON home
between Emmetsburg and Rodman last Sunday.

The VANGORDEN residence east of the Tribune residence, occupied by Mrs.
THOMPSON, was slightly damaged by fire yesterday morning.

W.E. JACKMAN made a shipment of livestock to Sioux City Sunday. He was
accompanied on the trip by Dr. GIBBONS and Phil KIRBY.

Miss Josie McEVOY and Miss Margaret MULRONEY left for Park Rapids,
Minnesota, last evening to visit friends for a couple of weeks.

Mr and Mrs. S.C. IRVINE, Mr and Mrs. J.N. BRISBOIS and Mr and Mrs. C.C.
QUINN autoed to Fonda Sunday to witness a football game.

Mrs. T.J. MULRY [Mary NESTOR] of Chicago is visiting her daughter, Mrs. O.P.
DOYLE, Jr. of this city. Mrs. MULRY resided in this locality about thirty
years ago.

Mr and Mrs. Edward McNALLY of the Curlew neighborhood spent Sunday with Mrs.
McNALLY's parents, Mr and Mrs. Myles McNALLY of this place.

Miss Alice KANE was called to Curlew the first of the week to take charge of
the case of Mrs. EASTON, who is reported quite ill with pneumonia.

Ed McNALLY has his new bungalow on the Sherwood block south of the Milwaukee
depot under headway and hopes to have it completed before the holidays.

W.H. COONAN reports that half of the threshing in Minnesota is yet to be
done. Plowing is also very backward. The average Minnesota farm is large.

The Ladies' Guild will mett at the home of Mrs. Geo. FREDERICK northeast of
town Wednesday afternoon, Oct. 27, beginning at 2 o'clock. A cordial
invitation is extended to all to go.

Dr. J.E. MURPHY has rented Mrs. RUTLEDGE's residence just north of her home.
Michael MALLOY, who has been living in the house, has rented Mr. CALLAHAN's
home, which was formerly the property of James DUNGAN.

The M.M. ROGERS team of horses stolen by Fred HANSON was found in a livery
barn at West Bend. Mr. HANSON evidently took the train from that place. Mr.
ROGERS was very fortunate in securing his horses without very much of an

J.A. HENDERSON who lives between Emmetsburg and Rodman, will have a sale
Wednesday, November 10. His ad will appear in next week's Democrat. Mr.
HENDERSON bought a farm in Itaska county, Minnesota, last spring. He intends
to move to Minnesota in March.

A few days ago Mr. WILLHITE, who lives near Curlew, bought a quarter section
farm three miles south of Lucan, Redwood county, Minnesota. He paid $105 per
acre for it. The place is well improved. Mr. WILLHITE made the deal through
J.B. SHERLOCK of the Iowq Realty Co.

The Whittemore Champion says that Mr. and Mrs. Fred WEGENER and Mr and Mrs.
Louis WEGENER, who were accompanied by Mr and Mrs. Robert VOTTLER, left a
few days ago for a trip through the west. They will attend the expositions
in California and will also visit Seattle, Portland, and other Pacific coast
places of interest.

Frank KNEER was a passenger to Germania Wednesday. The citizens of that town
are figuring on a waterworks system.

Mrs. Martin KUNERT and son Charles returned the first of the week from a
visit with a daughter who resides at St James, Minnesota.

Mrs. M.L. BROWN, Mrs. Herbert CLEGG, Miss Margaret MULRONEY and Mrs. CARROLL
of Laurens autoed to Laurens Thursday.

Joseph BAILEY is still living at Pocahontas, but we notice that he has been
at Britt during the past week assisting the Tribune during a rush.

H.S. DeGRAW has rented the State bank's empty storeroom at Whittemore and
will put in a moving picture show outfit. We glean from the Champion.

Patrick JOYNT has been very low during the past week and is not likely to
recover. He is quite advanced in years and his physical condition is against

Mr .GORDON, who was landlord of the Royce Hotel at Sheldon, has moved to
Everly where he will take charge of a hotel. He is succeeded at Sheldon by

There will be a basket social in the Franklin EATON school in District No.
5, in Highland township, Friday, November 29. Miss Mercedes DONAHUE is the
teacher. Everybody invited.

Mr and Mrs. J.W. CROWLEY left Tuesday evening for Taylorville, Ill. They
were called to that place by the illness of Mrs. CROWLEY's mother. Wm.
CANHAM accompanied them.

Mrs. J.N. JOHNSON and her niece, Miss Fren DARG, who has been assisting in
the Johnson photograph gallery for some time, were passengers to Humboldt
Friday where they will visit Miss DARG's parents.

Last week Charles BLECKWENN of Fairfield township bought a fine new Buick
auto. He made the purchase at Fenton. Mr. BLECKWENN is a very prosperous
farmer and can well afford one of the best machines on the market.

W.B. PATTON, the well-known actor, appeared at the Hawkeye opera house at
Graettinger Monday evening. The smaller towns are now getting their share of
the better class attractions. They have the cash and provide good houses.

A few nights ago Wm. O'BRIEN, Sr. became very ill while preparing to go to
bed and has since been in a very serious condition. His relatives think that
he received a slight stroke of paralysis. Owing to his advanced years his
recovery is very doubtful.

Karl EGAN was a passenger to Des Moines last evening.

Mr. and Mrs. L.A. SCHUMACHER were Emmetsburg visitors Sunday.

Mrs. John W JOHNSON of Mallard was shopping in this city Friday.

A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. John MURPHY of Sioux City October 14.

Mrs. A.J. MATHEWS, who lives near Medium Lake, has been ill for several

We understand that Wm. RUEHLE has sold his residence but we have not learned
the name of the new purchaser.

M.J. RYAN arrived from Houston, Texas, Saturday to visit his son, Bert RYAN,
and numerous friends and relatives.

Dr. J.E. MURPHY has bought from J.K. MARTIN the residence lot between his
place and Mrs. O.P. DOYLE's home. He intends building on it next year..

Rev. P.J. MURPHY, who was assistant pastor of the Assumption church a number
of years ago, is now pastor of the church at Alvord, Lyon county.

Miss Nellie SAMMIN will accompany her sister, Mrs. BRODIGAN, of Danbury and
will remain with her for some time. Her health has for some time been poor.

During the past term of court divorces were granted to Mrs. Anna GREENE from
Lyle GREENE, to Mrs. Clara OSTERSON from John OSTERSON and to Catherine

The Misses CRETZMEYER, who were visiting their brother, Dr. CRETZMEYER, of
this place, for a week or more, left the last of the week for Algona to
visit their brother, Dr. CRETZMEYER, of that place. They live at Waverly.

Mr and Mrs. Chas. DUHIGG spent Sunday with friends at Spencer.

Mrs. T.A. O'BRIEN went to Merrill Friday to visit her daughter, Miss Mary,
who teaches at that place.

Mrs. Mary JOYCE and Supt Margaret RYAN were at Estherville Sunday attending
the closing of the mission at the Catholic church at that place.

Mr and Mrs. J.W. DUNNIGAN went to Graettinger last evening. Mr. DUNNIGAN
sang a couple of selections at the lecture given by Father Charles. He has
marked ability as a vocalist.

Mrs. J.G. McNAMARA arrived in Emmetsburg Friday from Vancouver, British
Columbia. She is accompanied by her daughter, Mrs. C.R. SULT, of Marmouth,
North Dakota. Mrs. McNAMARA reports that the European war has made
conditions in Canada very unpleasant. Hundreds are mourning for their
relatives who were killed in battle and there is a very bitter feeling
against the German residents of Canada. Some of them at Vancouver had to
quit business. Mrs. McNAMARA still thinks Emmetsburg is on of the best towns
on the map.

Emmetsburg Democrat
Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa
Wednesday, Nov. 21, 1915

Large Number Come from Distance to Attend Sunday's Exercises

The Knight's of Columbus initiation held in Emmetsburg Sunday was very
largely attended. The day was bright and pleasant but the air was chill. At
10:30 the visiting members and the candidates attended high mass at
Assumption church in a body. Very Rev. P.F. Farrelly delivered an
exceptionally instructive sermon on charity.
The degree work wsa done during the afternoon. John HOLLAND, at the head of
a team from Des moines, put on the first and second and E.G. DUNN, with
several helpers from Mason City, had charge of the third degree. The work of
the afternoon and evening was first class.
The banquet was served by the ladies of the Assumption parish under the
direction of the Assumption League. It was as fine a spread as was ever
prepared in our county. There was an abundance of choice victuals and there
was scarcely a moment's delay in the service. Everthing passed off promptly
according to arrangement. The menu was as follows:
Chicken Bouillion
Celery Curls  Olives
Twin Wafers
Roast Turkey  Cranberry Jelly
Riced Potatoes  Brown Gravy
Cold Sliced Ham
Home Made Rolls  Bread Sticks
Columbia Salad
Ice Cream
Angels Cake  Devils Food
Coffee  Cigars
The decorations were elaborate and artistic. Back of the speakers' table was
a large white streamer bearing in purple the letters, "K" of "C". The
flowers were white and purple carnations representing the society's colors.
White napkins and neat white doilies with the letters "KC", in purple were
used. Miss Anna DONOVAN, who was in charge of serving the banquet, deserves
much praise for the artistic and appropriate decorations and the promptness
and orderliness that marked the entire service.
The programs of toasts and music were as follows:
Rev. E.S. MAYNARD, Toastmaster

Invocation  Rev. M. McNERNEY

Piano Solo, "The Beautiful Danube"
Strauss  Miss Edna KERWICK

Vocal Solo, "The Arrow and the Song"
Pousuti  R.S. MULLINS

Address, Loyalty   John A HOLLAND

Vocal Solo, "When I Leave the World Behind"

Impressions of the Day  James E. DOWNEY
Vocal Solo, "The Rosary" W. J. DUNIGAN
Address  E.G. DUNN
Vocal Solo  C.J. BERGER
Instrumental music was rendered by the STARR Orchestra.
The program of speeches and music would have been a credit to any banquet
board in Iowa. Father MAYNARD made a witty, ready, jolly toastmaster. The
entire affair will be remembered with pleasure by the three hundred or more
who were in attendance.

List of New Members
Emmetsburg: Eugene KANE, John J. O'BRIEN, Michael JOYNT, Frank J. KORLESKI,
Thomas T. McNALLY, Michael J. CONWAY, Henry M. SCHULER, Joseph P. HAND,
Joseph A. JOYCE, Edward T. CLASE, Eugene O'BRIEN, Leo CORLEY, John J. KANE,
C.C. ADAMS, Edward KANE, Edward P. BOUGH, Joseph P. MAHAN, Vincent GRADY,
Eugene T. CANNEY, Daniel SHERLOCK, Michael FLEMING, John S. McMAHON.

Ayrshire: Lewis W. LOOMIS, Martin J. CONRY, F. Henry HOGAN, B.L. McGUIRE,
J.J. MARTIN, Robert I. CULVER, Joseph E. KIBBIE, Joseph J. RENO, James M.

Graettinger: Louis GRAETTINGER, William BLOW, Michael WEINHOLZER, Jr., Bert

Wallingford: Frank A KENNEY, Joseph KENNEY, Ray MOORE, George TRUESDELL,

West Bend; George F. BESCH, John P. MERSCH

Mallard: John R. SCHULLER, Cyril T. CONLON


Spencer: L.H. GRATTON

Estherville: J.P. KOSTER, Ben J. KLEIN

Ocheyedan: Emmet P. NOONAN

Emmetsburg Democrat
Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa
Wed., Dec 29, 1915

Is Taken to Ft. Dodge and Is Held to Await Action of the U.S. Grand Jury
     Thursday night Beryl Emerick, a Spencer young man about twenty years of age, stole the letter pouch from the depot platform brought in by train No. S of the Milwaukee road. The pouch was missed that night and it was supposed that it was carried by. Next morning it was found cut open near the coals houses of the Farmers Elevator Co. Chas. Seaton, mail carrier, remembered that Emerick was the only person who was around when the train came in, and next morning he was taken in charge by the sheriff and confessed that he had taken the pouch and told where the letters could be found in a suitcase. Later in the day his clothing was searched and in the bottom of his shoe was found $7000 worth of notes belonging to the Citizens Savings Bank of Webb. Emerick claims that he had a partner in the transaction but refuses to give his name. There are still some drafts missing which he claims the other party took. The young man was taken to Fort Dodge Monday evening and bound over to the federal court under $500 bonds. Court does not meet until May 23. Emerick graduated from Spencer high schools in the class of 1914 and was a good student. He passed a very creditable examination for a letter carrier and held the place for a short time.
     Mr. Emerick is the son of H. Emerick, who was postmaster of Ayrshire for many years and also served as supervisor of this county for several terms. The many friends of the family in this county regret very much to learn of the affair. Mr. and Mrs. Emerick have had a great deal of sickness in their family during the present year and the misfortunes of their son adds to their burden.

D.G. McCarty Makes First Purchase of the Kind in Emmetsburg.
     D.G. McCarty has a dandy new $250 dictaphone. There are two parts in it. There is also a third machine for shaving the records. A record similar to the one on a phonograph will take from ten to twenty letters each and it can be shaved from 50 to 100 times and is, when trimmed, as good as new to received fresh impressions in dictations. The records cost thirty cents each. The separate parts of the dictaphone and the shaving machine are operated by electricity. The cost of current is from one and one half to two cents per day. The electric cord is attached to an ordinary lamp. It does not, when the dictaphone or the transcriber is in operation, lessen the brilliancy of the light.
     Mr. McCarty can now go to his office at any time and dictate a dozen or more letters. His stenographer, Miss Sullivan, takes up her regular work while he is talking into the receiver and when he is through she can do the transcribing at her leisure. Mr. McCarty connects the electric current and talks into an ordinary receiver. Should he have to wait a moment to consider any matter he can press a button and the machine will not take any more impressions. When he is ready again to talk he presses a button and the record is in motion. Should he care to listen to his own words to correct his language or change it, he can do so by making a slight change in the machine. He can talk rapidly or slowly and his words are taken. In transcribing, Miss Sullivan puts a device across her head which has receivers for her ears, listens to the dictation and copies it to the typewriter. She can, if the machine goes too fast, press a button with her foot and it will stop. She can also regulate the speed at will.
     The dictaphone is a great time saver. When dictation is given a short hand reporter or to a stenotypist the dictator and the operator must both give the subject matter close attention. With the dictaphone Mr. McCarty can answer his letters when he is alone and the transcribing can be done at any time, even when he is absent. The voice, in transcribing, is very distinct, so there is no question about not understanding a word.
     We congratulate Mr. McCarty on his purchase. He will find his dictaphone a great convenience in conducting his large business.

Poultry Car.
     I will have a poultry car on the Rock Island track on Thursday, December 30, only and will pay the following prices: hens 10c, springs 10c, ducks 10c, geese 10c, old roosters 6c.


They Foot Up $308,775-The Season a Record Breaker

D.P. MURPHY, new residence...$3,100.00
J.K. McELROY, new residence and garage...4,300.00
E.J. HIGGINS, new residence and garage...3,800.00
Mrs. P.V. HAND, new residence...3,600.00
Frank KOCH, new residence...2,700.00
Julius SKOW, new residence...4,000.00
F.H. O'HALLORAN, new residence and garage...4,300.00
W.E. LOSEY, new residence...4,000.00
Thos. MURRAY, new residence...3,000.00
Thos. McBRIDE, new residence...2,800.00
RICHARDSON Sisters, new residence...3,000.00
Ralph MOSES, new residence...2,500.00
E.W. CARPENTER, new residence...2,900.00
E.M. THOMPSON, new residence...4,500.00
P. JENNINGS, new residence...3,000.00
M. JOYNT, new residence...3,500.00
P.J. CLAUSEN, new residence and garage...4,500.00
J.A. HAMILTON, new residence...2,500.00
John FORDYCE, new residence...2,500.00
A.C. THOMPSON, new residence...2,500.00
Guy E BUTTS, new residence...2,500.00
Edward McNALLY, new residence...2,500.00
M. JOYNT, new residence...3,500.00
S. SALVEN, new residence...2,500.00
Geo. SAUNDERS, new residence...2,500.00
J.E. LEONARD, new residence...2,000.00
J.H. WILSON, new residence and garage...12,000.00
C.A. YEUTTER, new brick building, fixtures, etc...9,000.00
Wm. WRIGHT, complete cafe fixtures...2,800.00
Western Electric Telephone Co., Improving system...3,000.00
Air Dome...1,500.00
W.L. PUCKETT, antiseptic tonsorial equipment...1,000.00
Monroe JOHNSON, residence remodeled...2,000.00
Wm. EAGAN, new residence...2,550.00
M.F. BRENNAN, residence remodeled...1,200.00
J.J. McDONALD, shop remodeled, residence remodeled...1,700.00
Chas. POTTS, residence remodeled...700.00
Assumption Church, new roof...700.00
Chas. DUHIGG, residence remodeled...400.00
Dan BURNS, residence remodeled and garage...2,000.00
Frank BRADY, residence remodeled...800.00
P. McNALLY, remodeled business building...400.00
Palace Cafe, remodeled...500.00
Western Union Telegraph Company, improvements...2,000.00
Hub Clothing store, new front...3,000.00
COONAN & MULRONEY, new fixtures...3,000.00
M.L. BROWN, remodeling THYLE and PFIFFNER jewelry store...350.00
Mrs. J.G. CROWDER, residence remodeled...600.00
Walter KEATING, residence remodeled...350.00
E.B. STEENSON, residence remodeled...500.00
Geo. WRIGHT, residence remodeled...500.00
M.A. PETERSON, repair on residence...500.00
First National Bank, remodeled and fixtures...15,000.00
Emmetsburg National Bank, remodeled and new fixtures...15,000.00
Emmetsburg Electric Company, Electric light plant remodeled...15,000.00
Emmetsburg Telephone Co., improvements...6,000.00
New Electrolier system for streets...7,000.00
City paving...107,225.00
Waterworks extension...4,000.00
Sewerage extension...4,000.00
Sidewalks extension...5,000.00

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