Palo Alto County Newspapers

Emmetsburg Democrat
Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa

7 May 1913


Hugh METZ was a Minneapolis visitor last week.

John BIGLEY was down from Graettinger Monday.

Miss Loretta MAHAN spent Sunday with relatives at Graettinger.

Mrs. Frank KELLY was over from Cylinder Friday visiting friends.

One of the BRUNDIDGE boys left for Moline, Illinois, Sunday evening.

Misses Pearl and Cora RICHARDSON were Estherville visitors Monday.

The Star orchestra went to Whittemore Friday evening to play for a dance.

Miss Hazel LINDERMAN spent the last of the week with friends at Cedar

Fred VOORHEES and Ira ERICKSON were business visitors at Graettinger Monday.

The American people are great banana eaters. The annual consumption is 60
per capita.

George APPLEBY, Jr., went to Mason City Friday evening to visit friends for
a couple of days.

A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. Fred PARKS Monday. The Democrat extends

Mrs. T. SULLIVAN and little niece were down from Graettinger Monday visiting
relatives and friends.

Miss Rose LAUGHLIN came home from Davenport Saturday to attend the marriage
of her sister, Miss Mary.

Miss OLIVER, principal of the high school, went to Ruthven Friday evening
for an over Sunday visit with relatives.

Henry HELGEN was in Illinois the first of the week looking after business
matters. He visited Galesburg and other points.

Hereafter clairvoyants and fortune tellers will have to stay away from
Wisconsin. A new state law penalizes fakirs of this class.

Mr. nad Mrs. BLACKETEN returned to Estherville Monday afternoon. They had
been visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H.H. MILLER.

When one looks over the monthly bills on his desk he has reason to question
the truth of the statement taht all men are honest.

Dr. E.M. LYONS of Jackson, Minnesota, a veterinary surgeon, has opened an
office at Spirit Lake. He recently graduated from a Chicago veterinary

Mrs. James CURRANS of Ruthven was an Emmetsburg visitor Thursday. She is one
of the old residents of that locality. her sons and daughters all live in
the vicinity of Ruthven.

J.H. JEFFERS the well known architect, was quite badly injured a few days
ago at Lake Mills while inspecting a building. he lost his balance and fell
from the scaffolding.

Mr. HERSOM of Mallard was an Emmetsburg visitor Monday.

Mrs. Geo. OGERSBY left for Colfax Monday to remain for a short time.

Dr. F.W. LOGAN of Spencer has located at Fenton. He is an Iowa University

A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. F.W. GILCHRIST Saturday. Their many
friends congratulate.

Mrs. DOWS, vice-president of the Ladies' auxiliary, will give an address at
the M.E. church next Saturday morning.

There will be a rummage sale next Saturday at Miss CARMODY's millinery
rooms. Choice articles for sale at your own figures.

John MENZIES went to Janesville, Wisconsin, Monday evening where he will
remain for a few days looking after business interests.

Mrs. FRAZEE and Mrs. ROBERTSON were over from Laurens Saturday. The former
purchased a fine tomb stone from GODDEN & BALLARD's.

Mr. and Mrs. A. SCHWINDT and daughter were up from Mallard yesterday. Mr.
SCHWINDT informs us that he saw a few parties planting corn as he was coming
to town.

"Queen Elizabeth", a four reel moving picture film will be presented at the
Crystal Theater Thursday afternoon and evening. This is the play in which
Sarah BERNHARDT starred.

An addition is being built to the rear of the ZAHRNDT & JOYNT hardware
store. Tile blocks are used in the construction. A great deal of work has
been done on the main building since the fire in February.

Harry GODDEN was appointed postmaster at Hayward's Bay a couple of years ago
and he would like to get rid of the position but the department seems
reluctant to part with his services. He ought to take a civil service
examination to see if it will not do the business.

The members of the Emmetsburg school board are figuring on installing new
toilet rooms in the basement of the high school building. The new rules of
the state board of health will doubtless require a change from the dry
closet system to the water system. The improvement will probably cost in the
neighborhood of $500.

Mrs. RUPP was a passenger to Ruthven Friday evening.

James and Hugh MULRONEY were business visitors at Chicago the first of the

Mrs. Clark ARMSTRONG came from Titonka yesterday to see her father who lost
his home Sunday night.

A few days ago while moving a large safe Dr. EASTMAN of Havelock had two of
his fingers taken off.

Dr. GALLOWAY of Estherville intends moving to Excelsior Springs in a short
time. He will make his home at that place.

Miss O'GRADY returned to Ayrshire Friday evening. She had been visiting at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. M.F. KERWICK.

A.J. WOLFGANG has now one of the neatest drug stores to be found in this
section of the state. It is needless to say he is very proud of it.

Fred SPIES of Graettinger was an Emmetsburg visitor Friday. He was on his
way home from Algona where he had been looking after business matters.

The suffragettes have declared war on the British government. They are
injuring their cause in this country as well as in England. Indiscreet
leadership will ruin any movement.

Mr. and Mrs. Gene KANE will move into the GODDEN residence just south of
Dell MURPHY's next week. They will not secure possession of their farm south
of town until next spring.

The Ladies Guild will hold a tea at the home of Mrs. S. SCHIRMER, assisted
by Mrs. WILHITE, on Wednesday afternoon, May 14th, beginning at three
o'clock. All are cordially invited to come.

Mrs. H.C. RICE and her daughter, Doctor Carrie RICE, returned to Wilton, New
Hampshire, Thursday evening. They had been visiting for several weeks at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. J.J. WATSON. Mrs. RICE is Mrs. WATSON's mother.

Leo HASSARD, a small boy, had his nose broken and one of his eyes badly
injured at Arnolds Park a few days ago. He was watching a ball game and was
standing within a few feet of the batter. The ball struck him in the face
with a terrible force. he has been in a very serious condition.

A.L. SPROUT, who was up from Nevada township Saturday, is stongly in favor
of the proposed electrification of the Rock Island line. He owns a fine farm
near Rodman which he bought a short time ago. He says he does not understand
how any farmer who lives close to the road can afford to oppose the proposed
improvement even though a small tax is asked.

Mr. Wm. KANE of Walnut Township and Miss Mary LAUGHLIN of Emmetsburg.

Mr. William KANE and Miss Mary LAUGHLIN were untied in marriage at
Assumption church Tuesday morning, May 6, Very Rev. P.F. FARRELLY
officiating. The bride was attended by her sister, Miss Rose LAUGHLIN and
the groom by his friend, Mr. John JACKMAN. Immediately after the marriage
the contracting parties repaired to the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Lot LAUGHLIN, where a sumptuous wedding breakfast was served. Only the
immediate relatives were in attendance. Mr. and Mrs. KANE left during the
day for a wedding trip but they refused to tell our reporter of their
contemplated destination. On their return home they will commence
housekeeping on their fine farm in Walnut township.

The bride is one of the most worthy young ladies in our county. She has
resided in this vicinity since childhood and her acquaintances are her loyal
friends. Her parents are among the old residents of our community. They gave
her excellent advantages and she made good use of them. All are, we are
sure, glad to know that she will remain in this vicinity. The groom is a
prosperous, substantial, level headed young man. To know him is to respect
him for his industry, his courtesy, and his integrity. The Democrat extends
hearty congratulations to the newly wedded couple.

Joe GLEASON and Robert AYERS of Arnolds Park were arrested the first of the
week for fishing with a gill net on East Okoboji. The trial was held before
Justice PRICE Monday afternoon and in response to the threat that the
defendants would never pay a fine were sentenced to fifteen days in the
county jail. GLEASON later got cold feet and paid his fine of $15 and $7.90
costs.--Spirit Lake Beacon.

Emmetsburg Democrat
Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa
14 May 1913

Their Twenty-Fifth Anniversary

Sunday the relatives of Mr. and Mrs. C.J. BERGER gave them a most agreeable
surprise the occasion being the 25th anniversary of their marriage. The
afternoon and evening were spent in social recreation and it is needless to
say that many treasured memories were recalled. Mr. and Mrs. BERGER were the
recipients of many fine articles of silverware and also an elegant dining
room table. Among those who were present from a distance were Mr. and Mrs.
M.B. KANE, Mr and Mrs. J.D. HIGGINS, Mr and Mrs. J.J. HIGGINS, Mr. and Mrs.
Frank McCORMICK of the Ayrshire parish and Mr. and Mrs. SLAGLE of Ruthven.
The other guests were from the local parishes.

From Emmetsburg Democrat 21 May 1913:

Frank Hastings was an Estherville visitor Sunday

H.M. Helgen was a business visitor at Belmond Friday.

Miss Kate Scott spent Sunday with her sister, Miss Nealie, at Spirit Lake.

Dr. Kenefick of Algona was in Emmetsburg Monday on professional business.

The Gollmar circus was at Waterloo last Thursday. It is visiting many of the larger places this year.

The Women's Foreign Missionary society will meet at the home of Mrs. Linderman Friday afternoon. All are invited.

Mrs. W.J. McCarty was called to Geneseo, Illinois, last week to attend the funeral of her brother-in-law, who died at that place.

Mrs. J.H. Orivis of Estherville spent the last of the week with her parents and brother in this city. She returned home Saturday evening.

Hon. J.W. Cory of Spencer will deliver the Memorial address in Emmetsburg this year. The program for the day appears elsewhere in this issue.

A party was given at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Kane of Walnut township Friday evening. A number of our young people were in attendance. All report an enjoyable time.

B.P. Kenison was thrown in front of a drag near Mason City Friday while workin on a road and was very seriously injured. Some of his limbs were broken.

Ade Russell and R.S. Duffield were tipped out of their boat while rowing on Clear Lake Friday and struggled for several hours in the water before they were rescued.

We understand Father Dobberstein of West Bend has a fine new Ford auto, the gift of his parishoners. He is a tireless worker and his zeal and efforts are fully appreciated by his people. The Democrat hopes he will enjoy his machine.

The Rock Island train which runs from Ellsworth to Sioux Falls is known to the traveling public these days as the "booze flyer". Those who are suffering from thirst frequently take trips from points along the line to Sioux Falls where they can get what Bro Boyle of Whittemore enjoys during the dog days.

Mayor D W Cameron was down from Graettinger Monday afternoon. He recently returned from Des Moines where his son Alfred underwent an operation for appendicitis. The young man has been attending the Capitol City Commercial College. He is, we are pleased to note, able to be about again. He will probably come home tomorrow.

Mr. and Mrs. John Ellis were Estherville visitors over Sunday.

Mrs. P.F. Gylling was a Fort Dodge visitor a couple of days during the past week.

Mrs. H.W. Hahman of Tipton, Iowa, is the guest of Mrs. J. Reade Clark of this place.

Mrs. E.A. Morling and daughter, Miss Ruth, were Des Moines visitors the first of the week.

Miss Mabel Hughes of Ruthven visited Emmetsburg friends a couple of days during the past week.

A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Albert Huer of this city on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Huer have now two boys and two girls. It is needless to say that they are very proud of them.

The Spirit Lake Beacon says that J.W. Williams, manager of the Lake Side store at Arnolds Park, is at his post again, having spent the winter with friends at Long Beach, California.

Mr. and Mrs. McClure arrived home from their Indiana trip last Saturday after a month's absence. They intended coming in their new auto, but they had to leave it at Mason City on account of the wretched condition of the roads. However, they report a good time.

Mr. Consigney, who arrived home from California Wednesday morning tells the Democrat that the spring season is very backward all the way from Emmetsburg to the Pacific coast. Even the California people are complaining. We have had a rather changeable winter and spring.

Mr. and Mrs. C.H. Paulsen left Monday for DeWitt, Iowa, where they will make their future home. They moved to this county a couple of months ago but they had to sell their farm on account of Mr. Paulsen's health failing.

Ed Kelly went to Mason City Monday evening to visit his brother, Will.

Mrs. B.E. Kelly and Miss Jean were over Sunday visitors with their parents at Estherville.

Quite a number of hogs and horses died in parts of Great Oak township during the past few weeks.

There are quite a number of hoboes on the road this spring. It is needless to say they are not looking for work.

John J. McDonald has commenced the section of a barn on the old Fahy farm now the property of J.J. Watson.

P.J. and Miss Josie Walsh left for Sioux City Saturday where they will attend college during the summer vacation.

Fred Scott was called to Milwaukee yesterday to see his uncle, Wm. Scott, who is dangerously ill in the Wisconsin Soldier's home.

Mrs. Dr. Corcoran, who has been visiting her mother, Mrs. Early, and other local relatives, returned to Rock Rapids Saturday evening.

A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Eagan Friday. The happy parents have since been receiving congratulations from their numerous friends.

Mrs. E.B. Soper and Mrs. M.L. Brown are at Cedar Rapids attending the Iowa Federation of Women's clubs. They represent the local Monday club.

Emmetsburg had one of the heaviest rains Monday that has been witnessed in this section for many years. At times it was torrential. It was not needed.

James Jennings, Jr. has been home during the past week. He recently spent some time at Estherville and Aberdeen, South Dakota. He will leave for Manly Junction next week where he will accept a new position.

J.F. Keller has decided not to go to Gettysburg to attend the semi-centennial exercises, but C.S. Duncan will make the trip. There is some other Gettysburg veteran at Mallard but we have not learned his name.

Rev. Thrush of Spencer addressed a meeting of the Congregational Brotherhood at the home of Mr. and Mrs.  Stuehmer Thursday evening. There was a large attendance. The gathering proved an enjoyable as well as profitable time.

Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Figler and little son came up from Grundy Center Monday to see Mr. Figler's mother who is dangerously ill. Mr. Figler had been engaged in business for himself since last fall. Grunday Center is quite prosperous.

Capt. J.E. Wiliams is putting up a $5,000 residence at Mason City. We understand he is enjoying a large practice. Dr. Starr is also said to be doing exceptionally well. The Democrat is always pleased to learn of the success of Emmetsburg's young men.

Mrs. Monroe Johnson and Mrs. Seaquist were Spencer visitors Monday.

Supt. Margaret Ryan is at Des Moines this week attending a meeting of the county superintendants of the state.

Fathers Kelly of Graettinger and Murtah of Estherville attended the forty hours' devotional exercises at Assumption church on Monday evening.

R.M.F. McFarland is up from West Bend attending court. He has been engaged in the real estate business at that place and has been quite successful.


Were Married Last Evening.

Just as we go to press we learn that Mr. Elias Arthur Phillips of Graettinger and Miss Minnie Hardinger of this city were married last evening. Mayor Bickford officiating. Theyu will live on a farm near Graettinger. We extend hearty greetings to the newly wedded pair.


Joe Antel Pleads Guilty.

Monday evening Joe Antel plead guilty of the charges against him. He has not yet been sentenced.

Emmetsburg Democrat
Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa
11 June 1913

A Mr. BAKER who lives in the northeast part of the county was a passenger to
Minneapolis Thursday.

A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. JOYCE of Long Beach, California,
Thursday. Their many Emmetsburg friends extend congratulations.

O. NELSON and W.H. PHELPS were at Orleans Thursday trying their luck at
fishing. Both are conservative gentlemen and we have no report to make on
their catch.

Eugene MULRONEY recently sold a quarter section of land close to
Worthington, Minnesota to Archie BRYCE of this city. Land in the vicinity of
Worthington is selling at a pretty high figure.

We are requested to announce that a barn dance will be given on the BUCHAN
farm some distance from Cylinder on the evening of Saturday, June 14. Music
will be furnished by the Star Orchestra.

John FLOODY of Pipestone, Minnesota, visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
John GALLEGER in this city Sunday evening. He was on his way home from
Castalia, Iowa, where he had been looking after business matters.

Miss Emma JOHNSON is now in charge of music classes at Rodman, Graettinger,
and Estherville. She makes regular trips to the places named. She has taken
the pupils of Miss STONE who recently moved to Minneapolis. The Democrat
wishes her success in her efforts.

Mr. and Mrs. W.I. BRANAGAN left for Dubuque Saturday evening. They attended
the commencement exercises at St. Joseph's college yesterday morning. Their
son, William T. BRANAGAN, and their nephews, Glenn and Wade EGAN were
members of the academic class of 1913.

August STUDOR of Mallard was looking after business matters in Emmetsburg

Mrs. Michael MAHER of Ruthven visited her parents in this city the first of
the week.

James SLATER and Frank J. HAND were at Borup, Minnesota last week looking at
real estate.

Major S.W. SMITH and David STARR left for Des Moines yesterday to attend the
G.A.R. encampment.

Miss Elizabeth KENNEDY, who had been teaching in the local schools, has gone
to Armstrong to spend her summer vacation.

Yesterday Editor Frank CARPENTER of the Estherville Democrat was appointed
postmaster of his home town. We extend congratulations.

Mrs. Richard McNALLY of Silver Lake township visited her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Myles McNALLY, in this city the first of the week.

Mrs. Paul SCHENDEL returned to Iowa City Sunday morning. She underwent an
operation in the hospital at that place and is feeling quite hearty again.

A change in the Rock Island time table recently went into effect. The north
bound passenger in the afternoon is now due out of Emmetsburg at 3:16 and
the southbound morning passenger at 11:04.

Miss Katherine DRISCOLL went to Ackley Saturday evening to attend the
funeral of a friend. From there she left for Dubuque to be present at the
commencement exercises of St. Joseph's college, which were held yesterday
morning. Her nephew, Earl McMAHON, was a member of the academic class.

A picnic will be held in the city park on Flag Day, Saturday, June 14. The
members of the W.R.C. have prepared various exercises for the occasion, such
as songs, flag drills, readings, games, etc. Every one is invited to attend
and to bring a well filled basket. It is hoped that there will be a large

W.P. REINDERS of Mallard was in Emmetsburg Monday. Mrs. REINDERS and her
sister, Mrs. M. NAMER left for Milwaukee, Wisconsin on the early train. One
of Mrs. NAMER's sons will be treated by a specialist in that city. Mesdames
REINDERS and NAMER were also present in that city yesterday at the marriage
of Mr. REINDER's nephew, John SIMON.

Mrs. Daniel HIGGINS is spending a few weeks with her daughter, Mrs. Frank
McCORMICK, and her sons, J.D. and J.J. HIGGINS, of Great Oak township.

Thos. SLATER was at Des Moines the first of the week attending the Old
Soldiers' reunion. While there he will also visit a number of his old

Charles BERGER is a delegate to the C.O.F. convention at Waterloo this week.
His son Carl accompanied him and will spend the week visiting relatives at
that place.

The Union Graders defeated the Fallow nine Sunday, 8 to 5. PETERSON Brothers
of Ruthven were the battery for Fallow. John DOYLE was on the mound for
Union Graders.

Mrs. STILLMAN and Mrs. W.H. MORLING of this city were at Iowa City the first
of this week attending the graduating exercises. Ernest STILLMAN is a member
of the class.

Mrs. J.A. CADY of Rock Rapids visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. P.O.
REFSELL in this city Monday. Mr. CADY was an operator for the Burlington
company in this city 25 years ago.

The fire company was called out yesterday afternoon. An alarm was given for
the Second ward but the fire was extinguished before the company arrived.
The blaze was at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Matt HENCHE. Little damage was

A recent issue of the Minneapolis Journal contained a double column
photograph of Miss Ruby STONE formerly of this city. Miss STONE was to be
the pianist at a concert given by the women of one of the churches of that
city. The many local friends of Miss STONE will be pleased to learn that her
ability as a musician is so well appreciated at Minneapolis.

At a meeting of the board of education held Friday evening T.M. PRALL of
Avoca, Iowa, was elected superintendent of the Emmetsburg schools. Miss
Vietta BAKEWELL of Lansing, Iowa, was hired to teach music and drawing and
Miss Blanche V. TOOHEY of Manning, Iowa, will have charge of the sixth grade
work during the coming year. A number of other teachers are yet to be

Tuesday evening of last week we enjoyed a pleasant call from Postmaster J.B.
MARTIN of West Bend. Mr. MARTIN has for some time been anxious to be
relieved of his official duties but the new administration does not seem to
be particularly anxious to dispense with his services. He and Mrs. MARTIN
intend spending the coming fall and winter at Seattle. Their son is employed
in the printing ??? at that place.

Mr. McFATE, the liveryman, left for Flagler, Colorado, Monday. He will be
absent for some time.

Chas. STILLMAN went to Iowa City Monday. His brother is a member of the
graduating class at the Iowa University.

Mr. KERBER, who had been living near Canada for some time, is home visiting
his mother and other local relatives.

Mrs. John KERWICK, who had been here from Mitchell, South Dakota, visiting
her mother and numerous local friends, went to Humboldt Monday.

Mr. and Mrs. George BEATTY and family have returned from Canada. They have
also moved their household goods to this city  and will, we understand, make
their future home in Emmetsburg.

The graduating exercises at Iowa City began Monday. Among those from this
city who will complete their courses this year are Bert FROST in the Liberal
Arts and Ernest STILLMAN from the law department. The other students who are
in attendance are Alfred PETERSON, Earl GODDEN, Joy CROSE, John PFIFINER,
Wm. COONAN, Clifford MAYNE, Robert POWERS and Misses Alice RANDALL of
Emmetsburg, Catherine MULRONEY of Rodman and Lydia OSHER of Graettinger.
Lowell KELLER, son of A.H. KELLER of Weiser, Idaho, and a son of T.J. HUGHES
of Ruthven have also been attending school at Iowa City during the past
year. Clifford MAYNE and Joy CROSE arrived home the first of the week. The
other students are expected home this week.

Emmetsburg Democrat
Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa
Wednesday, 18 June 1913

We notice by the Whittemore Champion that Mr. and Mrs. Frank Russell have
gone to Snohomish, Washington to reside. Mr. Russell's father lives at that

M.D. Littleton of Cylinder was an Emmetsburg visitor Saturday. He is the
third son of Mr. and Mrs. P.F. Littleton. He has been teaching during the
past few months in the vicinity of Fenton.

Miss Margaret Sullivan, sister of John Sullivan, of this office, will
graduate at St. Gabriel's academy in Chicago Friday. Her mother, who lives
at Graettinger, attended the commencement excercises.

Miss Adelaide Thompson of Belmond visited last week at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. John L. Sullivan in this city. She was a classmate of Misses Leota and
Leona Sullivan at Belmond. She was on her way to Canton, South Dakota.

Misses Lucile Lambe and Ruth Reilly graduated from the academic department
of St. Joseph's college at Dubuque last Wednesday. Both are most deserving
young ladies. Their many friends in this locality will learn with pleasure
of their success in their studies.

Lloyd McGovern of Whittemore graduated from the law department of Notre Dame
last week. He is a very deserving young man. The Democrat wishes him success
in his chosen calling. Notre Dame ranks among the great educational
institutions of the west.

The Champion reports taht nine cars of live stock were sent to Chicago from
Whittemore one day last week. The shipments were: A.J. Simpson, four cars of
hogs; L.H. Wegener, two cars of steers; Farmers' Elevator Company, two cars
of hogs and Wegener & Higgins, a car of hogs.

George Beatty, who arrived home from Lacombe a few days ago, informs us that
the season is very backward in that locality. The weather has been cool and
small grain did not get a good start. Mr. Beatty says he would have remained
at Lacombe but his oldest son did not like the country and Mr. Beatty says
he would have remained at Lacombe byt hsi oldest son did not like the
country and Mrs. Beatty and other members of the family did not care to stay
there without him. It cost him about $1,000 to make the round trip with his
family. He will remain in Emmetsburg during the summer. He has not yet made
any arrangements for the future.

A few days ago Joe J. Steil moved a large barn from his residence property
onto his farm in Vernon township. Frank Kneer had the contract.

Mr. and Mrs. P. Calligan and family and Mr. and Mrs. John Collins and family
drove up from West Bend in their auto Sunday and spent the day at the John
O'Brien home in Great Oak township.

Saturday John J. Steil sold his brother Albert's 80 acre farm in Vernon
township to Morris Bros of this place for $125 per acre. He took in part
payment their business lot and building in this city occupied by Mr.

Mr. Clennon was up from West Bend Wednesday evening greeting numerous
friends. He informs us that he has one of the finest fields of corn in the
south part of the county. He has for many years been very successful as a
corn grower.

The Democrat hopes that Joe Kerwick will not give serious consideration to
the suggestion that he start another newspaper at Ayrshire. We need him in
Emmetsburg for more purposes than one. Besides, Bro. Cookinham has at the
present time trouble enough.

Miss Oliver was over from Ruthven Monday and signed her contract to serve as
principal of the Emmetsburg High School during the coming year. She is
capable and painstaking and she will no doubt give our citizens as good
service during the coming year as she has since she first commenced her
labors in our public schools. Those who know her ability and her zeal
appreciate her efforts.

Miss Catherine McEvoy, daughter of Mrs. M.T. McEvoy, has won the scholarship
offered by the state A.O.H. organization for the best examination in Irish
history in any Catholic school in Iowa. This entitles her to a year's
tuition and all expenses in any academy or college in our state. The
questions were, we understand, anything but easy. Miss McEvoy is deserving
of high praise for the showing she has made. This is also a great honor for
St. Mary's academy.

Alexander Scott arrived from Paulina Monday evening to spend a few days with
his nephews, John Scott and John S. Gibson. He comes to Emmetsburg about
once a year to make them a visit. He is 85 years of age.

Yesterday we enjoyed the ride to the Daniel Johnson farm in Booth township
in Dan Doyle's Mighty Michigan auto. T.J. Mulry and Oscar Doyle were the
other members of our party. The trip was one of the most delightful that we
have had in years. The Michigan is a speedy, smooth machine and Mr. Doyle is
a careful driver.

Editors Clark of the Pocahontas Democrat and Caswell of the Denison Bulletin
were Emmetsburg visitors Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Caswell came to Pocahontas
Saturday to visit Mr. and Mrs Clark and the Messrs. Clark and Caswell
decided that they would spend Sunday in the best town in northwest Iowa, so
they came to Emmetsburg by auto. While in town they called at the home of
the writer and they also spent a few moments observing the improvements that
are being made in Medium Lake. They were surprised to learn that our
citizens had engaged in such a laborious and expensive undertaking. The
Pocahontas Democrat and the Denison Bulletin are two of the leading
democratic newspapers in the Tenth district.

Drinking Cup Lessens Use of Water
     Railroad men inform us that the quantity of drinking water on passenger
trains has been reduced 75 per cent since the use of private drinking cups
were ordered a year or so ago. It is possible of course that some travelers
take a few glasses of milk with them when they are leaving home and also a
tea spoon or two of brandy to give it life and flavor.

Emmetsburg Democrat
Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa
26 June 1913


Commencement Exercises of St. Mary's Academy Very Creditable.

The St. Mary Academy commencement exercises held at the Iowa Tuesday evening
of last week brought out a large audience, and they were of such a pleasing
and elevating character that all who were in attendance returned to their
home with only words of praise for the general excellence of the program and
those who participated in it. The selections, "Better Be Good," by the
minims; "Beautiful Roses with Tableaux," by the intermediate grades; "The
Old Minstrel," by the High School girls; and the "Cymbal Drill," by the
seventh grade girls, would, from a spectacular standpoint, have won applause
from the most critical audiences. The opening march and chorus and the
various instrumental selections were very creditable. The three part song,
"My Mother," would merit favorable mention on any musical program.
The scene, "A Conspiracy in Court" and the two scenes from "King Richard
III" and the readings from Shakespeare by Misses Edna KERWICK and Mary
McNALLY showed the high character of the literature to which the members of
the class had been giving attention and the careful training that had been
given them both in elecutionary and dramatic art. The piano selection
"Erl-King," from Schubert-Liszt, by Miss Edna KERWICK, sustained well her
reputation as a pianist.
At the close of the exercises graduating honors were conferred on Misses
Edna KERWICK, Mary McNALLY, Veronica NALLY and Esther WALDRON. Miss Edna
KERWICK was awarded a diploma for completing her course in music. Diplomas
for completing the eighth grade were awarded to Carl BERGER, Robert CARNEY,
George FLOOD, Basil McEVOY, John NORRIS, Joseph O'BRIEN, Cecilia AGNEW,
Mabel DALY, Laura JOYNT, Genevieve JOYNT, Florence KELLY, Teresa KELLY,
Florence KIBBIE, Mary McCABE, Marie MURRAY, Irene McMAHON, Eileen MURPHY,
Catherine McEVOY, Bernadette O'BRIEN and Georgina STEIL. The gold medal
donated by the Ancient Order of Hibernians for proficiency in Christian
doctrine was awarded to Margaret WALDRON. The gold medal for application and
deportment in the high school, donated by the Knights of Columbus was
awarded to Mary McNALLY. The gold medal donated by the Knights of Columbus
for application and deportment in the grades was awarded to Mary KNOER. The
$250 scholarship given by the Ancient Order of Hibernians of Iowa for the
best examination in Irish history was awarded to Catherine McEVOY. This is
good in any Catholic academy or college in Iowa.
At the close Father HUNT of Spencer addressed the class briefly on the
subject of Christian education. He congratulated Father FARRELLY, the
Sisters, and the Catholic people of Emmetsburg on the great zeal they had
show for the spiritual welfare of the children of the community and the
success that had crowned their efforts. Oweing to the lateness of the hour,
he did not speak very long but his remarks were to the point. He has a
pleasing personality and an excellent voice. The people of Emmetsburg will,
we are sure, be anxious to hear him on some other occasion.

Ed AYLWARD was at Rochester, Minnesota, last week consulting the Drs. MAYO.

Dr. A.M. WRIGHT was visiting friends at Worthington, Minnesota, Friday.

Mr and Mrs KLOTZ of St. Croix Falls, Wisconsin, are visiting Mr and Mrs
Thos. McBRIDE.

We are pleased to report that Father COSTELLO's voice is improving some.
However, he is not yet able to preach.

Mrs. Thomas EATON and daughter left for Morristown, New Jersey, Tuesday of
last week to visit relatives.

Miss Cora LOUGHRAN and Misses Florence and Marion CLARK of St. Paul are
visiting Mrs. O.P. DOYLE and family.

John LAMBE of Indiana is said to be slated for ambassador to Mexico. A
rather mild name for a very troublesome place.

A.C. BROWN of Estherville was in Emmetsburg yesterday. He is busy improving
his farm property in Ellington township.

Edward McNALLY is painting his residence. He recently remodeled the interior
of it. It has now all the modern conveniences.

The E.M.A.'s gave a seven o'clock dinner, complimentary to Miss Josephine
PATTON, at the J.F. DEALY home Wednesday evening. The color scheme of pink
and white was carried out in festoons of roses and ribbons and in table

The Civics club gave a sociable at the W.E.G. SAUNDERS home Monday evening.
All who were present report a most enjoyable time. Delicious refreshments
were served during the evening.

Mrs.KELLY came over from Ayrshire about a week ago to visit her daughter,
Mrs. T.B. WALSH, and other local relatives. She was very ill some time ago
but she seems quite hearty at present.

Miss Vera RUTLEDGE will leave for San Francisco to visit her brother, John
RUTLEDGE. From there she will go to Houston, Texas to spend some time with
her sister, Mrs. Thos. NEEDHAM. She will also visit at Denver and Salt Lake.

Wm. HOUGH was up from Mallard Saturday. He came in his Ford auto. Mr. HOUGH
served as a soldier in the Union army and had one of his legs taken off by a
shell in Mississippi. However, he is enjoying the best of health and has no

Rev. Herbert CLEGG left for England last evening. He goes by the way of
Montreal. He will take the trip through the Thousand Islands and "shoot the
rapids" of the St. Lawrence. He will be absent about six weeks. The Democrat
wishes him a pleasant voyage and safe return.

Mrs. J.W. BRENNAN is painting her residence.

Mrs. W.F. SCHIRMER of Spencer was in Emmetsburg Saturday. She had been
visiting for some time with her parents at Mallard.

Edward McNALLY and Miss Lizzie and Mr and Mrs D.G. McCARTY were Sunday
visitors at the lakes. They made the trip by auto.

There are excellent crops of white clover on all the lawns of Emmetsburg
this summer. Can anyone explain its unexpected appearance?

Mrs. Arthur BAKER and Mrs. Howard HEAD returned from Streator, Illinois,
Tuesday morning. They had been visiting relatives in that locality for a
couple of weeks.

Mr and Mrs Charles H COOKINHAM were among the many who came from Ayrshire
Tuesday evening of last week to attend the St. Mary's Academy commencement

There will be dancing at the pavillion at Orleans hotel on Monday, Wednesday
and Saturday evenings during the summer season. The J.G. MANNING orchestra
of Kansas City wil play.

Dr. VANGORDEN arrived home Monday morning after an extended visit in the
Twin Cities, Chicago and other points. he reports that crops are not so good
in Illinois as they are in this section of Iowa.

All the Catholic priests of this section of the state with the exception of
Very Rev. P.F. FARRELLY, left for LeMars Monday morning to attend the annual
diocesan retreat. It will be conducted by Bishop TIHEN (or TIBEN) of
Lincoln, Nebraska.

J.C. BENNETT has raised some of the finest strawberries this season that we
have ever seen in the Emmetsburg market.

Miss MEANS of this vicinity is visiting relatives at Kentland, Indiana. She
lived at that place before coming to this county.

Wilcher SCHROEDER, who has been quite ill for some time, is reported better,
although he is not gaining in strength very fast.

The Whittemore Champion reports that Miss Agnes KINSLEY graduated from a
Chicago hospital a few days ago as a professional nurse.

Mr. CHAPMAN, the noted prohibitionist, was billed for a lecture at the Court
House Friday evening but only one or two came out to hear him.

Mrs. D.H. DELANEY and daughter Loretta returned to Belmond Tuesday morning.
She had been here for a short time visiting her brother, John L. SULLIVAN.

John DRUMMY has opened a restaurant and confectionery store in the building
north of E.J. SCOTT's. He invites the patronage of the public. The Democrat
wishes him success in his venture.

James P. SHERMAN and three of his sisters recently visited at the home of Mr
and Mrs DEALY. They had been at Bancroft attending a family reunion. Mr.
SHERMAN is now living at Sioux Falls.

Charles DUHIGG arrived home Friday from an extended trip through North and
South Dakota and Minnesota. There have of late been good rains in the
sections he visited and crops are looking fine.

T.F. McCATARN and two sons were up from Pocahontas Wednesday. They came by

Mr and Mrs Eugene KANE arrived home from their Wisconsin and Illinois trip
last week.

Dancing at the Armory July 2,3, and 4. Excellent orchestra. P.J. ZAHRNDT,

Miss Josie McEVOY was called to Livermore last evening to attend the funeral
of a friend.

Mr and Mrs BICKFORD were at Gilmore Tuesday attending the marriage of Mrs.
BICKFORD's brother, John RICHARDS to Miss Leah SMITH.

Big bowery dance on Main Street July 2,3,4. Excellent orchestra. Tickets for
dance ten cents each or three for 25 cents. Refreshment stand in connection.
LAUGHLIN & RYAN, managers.

J.F. DEALY returned from Ft. Dodge Thursday where he had been for several
days looking after business interests. The town is growing rapidly. The
packing house, however, is closed down.

SOPER, Jr., Walter G. MIDDLETON, and W.E.G. SAUNDERS were at Des Moines
Monday appearing before the executive council asking that State Game Warden
HINSHAW's recommendation regarding the improvement of Medium Lake be
approved. They were given a very friendly reception. The decision of the
council will be announced later.

Miss Agnes EARL Dead.
Miss Agnes EARL, sister of Mrs. H. P. JOHNSON, died in a Chicago hospital
Friday. The funeral was held at Waterloo Sunday. Mrs. JOHNSON attended it.
Miss EARL lived with Mr. and Mrs. JOHNSON two years after they moved to
Emmetsburg. She taught a bible class in the Congregational church for some
time....[rest of article cut off]

Saved From the Pen by a Shadow
When C.J. McNALLY was at Omaha Frank ERDMAN was arrested for placing an
infernal machine on the porch of Tom DENISON at 2:50 one afternoon. Two
young ladies swore positively that they saw him carrying the machine twenty
minutes before. Three other witnesses corroborated their testimony. All
EARDMAN could do was deny guilt. The pastor of the church in which the two
girls were confirmed on the date the machine was found had induced them to
stand with the other members and have their picture taken. The date was
written on the picture- May 22, 1910. ERDMAN's lawyer procured the picture
and showed it to Rev. Wm. RIGGS, the Creighton university astronomer. A
shadow of the steeple showed clearly on the picture. Father RIGGS proved to
the court scientifically by the location of the shadow that the picture was
taken at 3:21 afternoon, May 22, 1910. ERDMAN was acquitted. He did not
belong to the same religious faith as Father RIGGS.

Emmetsburg Democrat
Emmetsburg, Palo Alto Co, Iowa
6 Aug 1913

A Few Items Taken From the Files of The Democrat of August 2, 1893

Supervisor DUNN is visiting his sister, Mrs. Patrick JOYNT, of this place.

A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Peter O'BRIEN Saturday.

The fare to Chicago and return over the Milwaukee road has been reduced to

J.G. GALLAGHER informs us that he will give up the hotel business at West

Last week A. WHITE of West Bend turned over his stock of hardware and other
property to a wholesale house in Dubuque.

W.H. VAUGHAN reports times very dull in California.

Judge and Mrs. CARR are attending the World's Fair at Chicago.

Most of the havesting is done. Oats and other small grain will be light.

Lot LAUGHLIN went to LaCrosse last week where he will take medical

P.R. WELLS has the contract for the building of Martin MORRISSEY's new

Mr. TELLIER of Algona, a man of 63, is practicing to enter a five mile race
at Indianapolis for a purse of $2,000.

Sister M. Columbia of Fort Dodge is visiting Emmetsburg relatives.

Captain HARTSHORN had a lengthy article in yesterday's Register advocating
the nomination of Colonel ORMSBY for governor.

John CUDAHY, the Chicago pork packer, failed yesterday. His losses on the
board of trade in a single hour amounted to $450,000. Pork fell $9 a barrel
during the day.

George H. DAVENPORT was in Emmetsburg Thursday. He is now selling real
estate in western Nebraska.

S.A. EASTON has been appointed postmaster of Curlew.

Some of the readers of the Free Press have threatened to boycott Brother
TEED for crtiticising Presiding Elder COLE, who roasted the Catholics at
Spencer a short time ago. However, Mr. TEED refuses to retract what he said.

Five thousand men were laid off on the C.M. & St. P. system Saturday. Two
thousand were laid off on the Iowa & Dakota division.

Andrew MILLER and Susie YONDI were married in the Catholic church at West
Bend Tuesday.

A. ROGERS has sold his share of stock of groceries at Ayrshire. He will move
to Algona.

There is a new boy at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed BLANCHARD of Ayrshire.

P.F. MAGUIRE has bought the Alex ROGERS coal business at Ayrshire.

Mr. Roy Kelly and Miss Lizzie Wilson Were United Wednesday

A pretty little wedding took place at the home of the groom's parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Jerry KELLY on Wednesday at 2:00 p.m. when Rev. W.O. TOMPKINS spoke
the words uniting the lives of Mr. Roy KELLY of this city and Miss Lizzie
WILSON of Exira, Iowa. Miss Ruby KELLY acted as bride's maid and Peter
WILSON as groomsman. The ceremony was witnessed only by immediate relatives
of the contracting parties. A dainty wedding luncheon was served after which
the newly married couple accompanied by the bride's brother and groom's
sister departed by auto for Emmetsburg.
The groom is the youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. Jerry KELLY of this city where
he is well known. The bride is a sister of Mrs. August ANDERSON ans has been
making her home with her brother Peter WILSON, who purchased the old KELLY
farm north of town last year. They have many friends who wish them true
success in married life.-Ruthven Free Press.

We notice by the Washington dispatches that M.L. EIDSNESS of Graettinger has
lost his position. He has been on the police force on the Capitol grounds
for a number of years. Congressman DOLLIVER secured the position for him. He
will be succeeded by a democrat.
Near By News

Estherville Farm Brings $125
PERSON & PITCHER yesterday sold the J.W. COON farm, located three miles
northwest of town, to J.H. WILLEY, at a consideration of $125 per

John SCHULLER Has Fine Corn
John SHULLER [Note: spelled differently from headline above, not
transcription error] brought in a stalk of corn Saturday that measures
eleven feet. He says this is the average height in his field. This is going
some for this time of year.--Mallard Independent.

P. MALIA Invests in Minneapolis.
Mr. and Mrs. P. MALIA returned from Minneapolis Tuesday evening. While there
Mr. MALIA purchased a fine residence property. He says that he brought it on
speculation and does not intend to move there.--Ayrshire Chronicle.

Auto Accident Near Ruthven.
Joe NOLAN met with an auto accident on Monday night which resulted in a
badly broken arm. He had been to Spencer and on his way home attempted to
turn out for a team and turned too far, running off the grade. The car
turned over on him and it was some time before he was able to get out from
under it.--Free Press.

Three of the little children of Mrs. Henry CURRANS have been quite ill the
last week, but are reported much better.

Leon GORDEN of St. Paul is spending a few days visiting at the Stanley MEEK

Monday morning the remains of William CALLAHAN arrived in this city from
Chicago. Services were held at the Sacred Heart church, Father SCHAEFER
officiating and the burial in the Catholic cemetery beside those of his

Dr. BALDWIN is on the sick list this week.

Frank SULLIVAN and wife autoed to Ruthven Monday from Estherville.

Miss Mary NEARY of Nevada township is spending a few days visiting Miss
Margie WASHINGTON of Highland township.

Mr and Mrs. WALTERS of Onawa are visiting relatives in this city this week.

Mrs. Fred DEAN and daughter were Spencer visitors Thursday.

T.J. BRENNAN and wife were over Sunday visitors at Estherville.

William COONAN and son and daughter, and John and Mabel COONAN of St. Paul
were calling on friends in Ruthven Thursday.

S.S. HOWARD and wife left Monday morning for Fargo, North Dakota, where they
will make their future home.

Frank WELLS, daughter and wife left Saturday for their home at Paynesville,
Minnesota, after a two weeks' visit with relatives.

Miss Zola COVELL returned to her home at Curlew Monday.

Gus GORDEN and wife of Decorah, Ia., who have been here visiting relatives,
left Monday evening for Madison, Wisconsin for a visit.

Will WELLS was called to Janesville, Wisconsin, Monday evening on account of
the death of his wife.

Frank O'HALLORAN was at Rockwell City Thursday attending the races.

Walter DEMOUTH was home from Correctionville, Iowa, over Sunday visiting his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Theo. DEMOUTH.

Mr and Mrs George HUGHES, and Mr and Mrs S.S. HOWARD were at Emmetsburg

Ronald GARD and wife, Fred STREIT, Miss HOVEY and Inez OLSON autoed to Storm
Lake to spend Sunday with relatives.

W.W. REID and wife, Mrs. A.A. JONES, Nettie MUNCH and Hattie JONES were
Emmtsburg visitors Monday.

Dr. and Mrs. J.W. WOODBRIDGE and family autoed to Okoboji Sunday.

Frank WELLS and wife, Mesdames Theo. DEMOUTH and Fank JONES took an auto
trip to Algona Thursday.

Ralph BUTLER and wife went to Spirit Lake Saturday where they will spend a
few days outing.

A son was born to Mr and Mrs James WHITMER July 30th.

Mr and Mrs. V.W. FISK, Mrs. Melvin FISK and Mrs. M. BRENNAN autoed to Ft.
Dodge Friday where they met M. BRENNAN and friend, Mr. GRANT.

Omro COTTINGTON was a Chicago visitor the first of the week.

The Misses Julia and Kate CROWLEY of Emmetsburg are visiting with their
sister, Mrs. Peter MULRONEY.

A new daughter arrived Tuesday of last week at the home of B.B. FRYE.

A letter from Alex PEDEN and wife, who left two weeks ago for Colorado
Springs to their son Clarence, of this place states that they arrived save
and were having a big time. They met Miss SAMMIN, a Mallard teacher, in
Mantou Saturday morning.

Geo GHERT and family returned to his home in Illinois Monday of last week.
They spent a few weeks here visiting relatives.

Mrs. Thos. DAWSON and children and Mrs. Chas KRIEG were passengers to and
from Ft. Dodge Saturday.

Glenn BROWN of Emmetsburg was a Mallard caller Monday.

Miss Elizabeth MUELLER who is employed in MULRONEY Bros. store is taking a
two weeks' vacation. Miss Hattie ZECH is employed in her place.

Mr Edward POWERS of Chicago who spent two weeks with his cousin, Edward
KENDALL, returned home Saturday.

Mrs. TURNER and daughter of Rock Island spent a few weeks visiting the
DRAMAN and WENNING families.

Mr. ANSINGER is spending this week with relatives in the country. Mr.
ANSINGER is visiting her daughter, Mrs. MOODY, who lives near Keokuk.

George CHRISTOPHER disposed of 160 acres of his farm without improvements
except some tile for $100 per acre. Adam SHABAKER was the purchaser.

The LOWE Brothers received a new separator Monday for their threshing

Harry FORTNEY and wife have moved into the Samuel DOW residence. Harry no
doubt will feel right at home, his parents having lived a number of years in
the same house.

Mr. GORDON, one of the pioneers of Davenport, spent Sunday in Emmetsburg. He
is traveling for a wholesale hardware firm. He is one of the state officers
of the A.O.H.
Estray Notice.
Strayed from the Bright pasture west of Emmetsburg, three horses-one brown
five years old, weight 1,300, with one white hind foot; one bright bay two
years old; one brown two years old. All are branded. Will give $5 reward for
information that will lead to their recovery. W.D. DONOVAN, Emmetsburg,
Good Piano For Sale
A Hamilton piano, concert pitch. Will be sold reasonable. Is now the
property of Company K. Enquire of E.F. MURRAY, Wm. RYAN or T.C. NOLAN.
A few evenings ago Jas. AYLWARD showed us through the Emmetsburg Brick and
Tile factory, which has been operated steadily for several weeks. At present
their is a short delay caused by the failure of a shipment of shale to reach
the yard promptly, but work has not been entirely suspended. So far about 25
kilns of tile have been burned. There are about 10,000 of five inch tile in
each kiln. The quality of the finished product is excellent. Ten or twelve
men are regularly employed. We hope the company will continue to prosper.
Went Into The Ditch.
Chris CONLON and a couple of his sons were our riding west of town Sunday
afternoon and while running at a high rate of speed the boy lost control of
the car and it went into the ditch, throwing the occupants out. They were
not seriously injured. The car was slightly damaged.
Infantile Paralysis Near Fenton.
A little child of Mr and Mrs. George CARR, who live near Fenton, is reported
quite ill with infantile paralysis.
We are glad to learn that George BOYLE of Whittemore was able to stand an
auto trip to Algona one day last week. We hope he may continue to improve.

Homer STRATEMEYER was up from Carroll the first of the week placing a
monument over the grave of the late John KERBER.

Dr. BALDWIN of Ruthven is reported quite ill with rheumatism. Hence his
partner, Dr. HOUSTON, is a very busy man these days.

Mrs. E.W. CARPENTER will return from Glendive, Montana, the last of the
week. Mr. CARPENTER was not able to secure a homestead in that locality.

Mr. and Mrs. J.B. JACKSON will leve today for Glendive, Montana to spend
three or four weeks with relatives. They have three sons living in that
locality. The Democrat hopes they will have an enjoyable trip.

William BOBLIT, James BURNS and Eugene KANE went to Chicago Saturday evening
with shipments of stock. We have been watching the Windy City dailies during
the past few days in order to keep tab on any late and interesting news.

Roy WHEAT was a passenger to Rock Valley Tuesday morning.

A marriage license was issued yesterday to John A REDDEN and Miss Verde

Mrs. V.H. CLARK and children spent last week at the Fred CASSELL home in

Mrs. Frank KELLY and children of Cylinder were Emmetsburg visitors

The SHAW farm, two miles north of Grover, was sold a few days ago for $100
per acre.

Mrs. Fred THOMA and children of Mason City were over Sunday guests at the
home of Mr and Mrs. F.H. O'HALLORAN of this place.

A few days ago Ed CARROL's team became frightened in this city and ran away
damaging the buggy quite badly. No one was injured.

Mr. COLLISON and two of his daughters and Mrs. MORGAN of Carroll have for
several days been the guests at the home of Messrs. BOOTH and HILL of this

C.O. HARRISON of Rockwell City arrived in Emmetsburg the first of the week
for a few days stay. He has a good position in a barber shop at that place.

W.E. JACKMAN threshed out his oats the first of the week. The yield was
about 60 bushels per acre. We understand that it will weigh out 70 bushels
per acre.

Mr and Mrs. Harry CLARK of this place travel regularly with the Haag Circus.
Mr. CLARK owns a number of trained horses and gives daily exhibitions with
them. The circus will be at Spencer August 16. Mrs. CLARK is a daughter of
Mr and Mrs. John McNALLY.

Will McNALLY, who has been with the Sells-Floto circus for four years,
writes home from Winnipeg, Canada, that while showing in that city there was
considerable excitement that is not usually advertised in advance. During a
severe wind and hail storm the herd of elephants became frightened and
stampeded, knocking down the quarter pole, overturning seats, etc. Several
hundred horses belonging to the show became frightened at the noise made by
the elephants and they also stampeded. The spectators got their money's

Emmetsburg Democrat
Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa
Wed., August 13, 1913

Mrs. H. HUDSON was at Spencer last week.

N.L. NORTON of Laurens is building a fine new residence.

Miss Mary COMBES went to Curlew Tuesday to visit relatives.

Mr and Mrs. W.C. KELLY were Emmetsburg visitors Monday.

Mrs. HUDSON recently visited her daughter, Mrs. HOWARD, of Ayrshire.

Misses Gladys and Marion CUTHBERT of Cylinder went to Livermore Friday.

Miss Marie HIGGINS has been visiting  friends at Mallard for a few days.

We notice that there are a couple of cases of measles in neighboring towns.

M.T. WASHINGTON and D. FOLEY were over from Ruthven Monday afternoon.

Mr and Mrs. MORGAN of Carroll were visitors at the E.K. HILL home last week.

Mrs. John DOOLEY and three sons of Ft. Worth, Texas, are visiting relatives
in this city.

Mrs. John RYAN and children of Chicago were Emmetsburg visitors the first of
the week.

James D. KEARN, the St. Joseph's college singer, gave a concert at Clarion
Monday evening.

Auditor J.B. MARTIN went to Des Moines Wednesday evening. He also spent a
couple of days at Ames.

Daniel BURNS was called to some point in Nebraska the last of the week to
attend the funeral of a relative.

Mrs. F.H. DICKEY is enjoying a visit from her parents, Mr. and Mrs. SWANTON,
of Broadhead, Wisconsin.

A daughter was born to Mr and Mrs. Frank DEMOUTH Saturday evening. All
concerned are doing nicely.

Mrand Mrs. J.M. THOMPSON of Fern Valley were in Emmetsburg Saturday. They
attended the afternoon session of the Chautauqua.

Miss Gertrude BECKER of Waterloo is visiting her college friends, Misses
Rose MILLER, Florence UNDERWOOD and Dimple GAYLORD of this place.

Dr. HENNESSY reports that a son was born to Mr and Mrs Frank CAMPBELL
Sunday. Their many friends are pleased to learn of the good news.

Miss LARSEN of Ruthven has been extra girl in the telephone office during
the past few weeks. The operators have one after another been enjoying a

Jay and James McDONALD and N.C. ROSKOFF of Marshalltown, who had been
visiting local friends for several days, left last week for Clear Lake to
spend a short time before returning home.

G.W. SWESSINGER and his son Arthur were up from Ellington township last
evening. They report that Saturday night's wind blew down considerable corn
in the south part of the county.

John VEDDER was a Spencer visitor Monday. He has secured a position in that

John CONNORS and William MONCRIEF left for LeMars Monday morning to spend a
short time.

Chas. E. GRIFFITH of Toulon, Illinois, will succeed L. MEAD as principal of
the Mason City schools.

The business men of Titonka are arranging for big doings in their town on
August 15. They call it Indian day.

We understand that Sister Mary Placentia, well known to many of our
citizens, has been changed from Des Moines to Marcus. [aka. at birth Honora
Finn, at adoption as Annie Fitzgerald]

Misses Catherine and Marie HIGGINS arrived home Tuesday of last week after a
three week's visit with relatives in Chicago and Dyersville, Iowa.

John HOBART, a farmer living near Mason City, lost his large barn by fire a
few days ago. Ten horses, eight head of cattle and five hogs were burned.

Lyman PETERS of Ransalaer, Indiana, is visiting at the home of his uncle,
Wm. J. PETERS, of Great Oak township and his cousin, Mrs. G.E. BERRAY, of

Wm. MAROSHEK was over from Ayrshire Monday. He has threshed 40 acres of oats
and reports a yield of 1600 bushels. Most of the small grain in his
neighborhood is good.

The employment bureaus of the country claim that there is more work than
there are men. There are a few men in Emmetsburg who need both work and
money but they are still idle.

Patrick JOYNT started into the country a few days ago with James NALLY and
he claims they spend a very busy week putting up hay. They both speak highly
of the crops in Emmetsburg township.

A few days ago Miss HESTER lost her graduating pin in this city. The name,
"Mercy Hospital Training School, " is engraved on the front of it. The pin
is gold. The finder will please return to her or bring to this office.

Mr and Mrs. C.J. BERGER arrived home from their Louisville trip Saturday
morning. They report a most delightful time. The Louisville people treated
them royally. They visited a day or two with relatives in Chicago on their
way home.

Miss Laura MAHER is now one of the leading ladies in a well known mercantile
house at St. Paul. She was in the employ of the firm some time ago and her
services were so satisfactory that she was promoted. Her many local friends
will be pleased to learn of her success.

Glenn BROWN was visiting relatives at Lohrville last week.

Eugene MULRONEY was a business visitor at Mason City Thursday.

George FREEMAN has bought the Darland residence on Main street.

John CULLEN of Whittemore was greeting Emmetsburg friends Wednesday.

Miss McFARLAND of West Bend spent Wednesday evening with Emmetsburg friends.

William SULLIVAN came down from Graettinger Sunday evening for a visit with

Miss Alice DONOVAN of Ayrshire was the guest of Emmetsburg relatives
Wednesday evening.

Mrs. J.L. HENRY of West Bend was in Emmetsburg last week attending the

Father MURTAGH of Estherville was the guest of Father McNERNEY of this place
last Wednesday.

A few days ago F.E. HAND lost one of his fine draft horses. He was offered
$500 for the team a short time ago.

Franklin MINGER ans son Leslie of West Bend have gone to Powell, Wyoming.
They own land near that place.

Mrs. Matt KILROY of Mason City visited the last of the week with her
parents, Mr and Mrs Thomas CONLON, of this place.

Miss Esther OSTRANDER returned from Spirit Lake Wednesday whre she had been
visiting her friend, Miss Etta BUTCHER.

Misses Agnes and Josie McLAUGHLIN of Minneapolis arrived in this city
Tuesday evening to visit for a few days with relatives.

Walter K. ADAMS, district passenger agent of the M. & St. L. company, was in
Emmetsburg Wednesday. His office is at Des Moines.

Miss Catherine GIBSON returned from Galesburg, Illinois, Friday morning. She
had been visiting her friend, Miss ILLINGWORTH.

Miss Camilla WILSON of Algona will give vocal instructions in this city. She
is a daughter of H. J. WILSON, formerly of this place.

W.W. HARE of Fort Dodge was an Emmetsburg visitor Thursday. he had been
visiting Father SCHAEFER of Ruthven and they came over to greet old friends.

John COONAN, who had been visiting local relatives for ten days, returned to
Minneapolis Friday evening. He has a good position in teh main office of the
Minneapolis & Omaha railway company.

The grasshoppers that did so much damage in this county two years ago must
have gone west. We notice by the dailies that grain and fruit have been
badly damaged by them in Washington and Oregon during the past few weeks.

Mr and Mrs. J.H. SHERIDAN and daughter and their nephew, Wm. SHERIDAN, of
Bancroft, were Emmetsburg visitors Wednesday afternoon. They made the trip
by auto. The Messrs. SHERIDAN are among the successful real estate dealers
of Kossuth county.

There are a few cases of small pox at Fort Dodge.

J.H. KNOBLAUCH returned from Chicago Friday morning.

Miss Helen DUHIGG was a Spencer visitor a few days ago.

Mr and Mrs. J.P. STEBBINS drove to their farm near Curlew Monday.

Miss Grace CUMMINGS of Des Moines is visiting her friend, Miss GALLEGER, of
this city.

Frank FORDYCE went to Sherrard, Illinois, Monday to look after some real
estate matters.

Mr and Mrs. Arthur ANDERSON left for Jewell Junction yesterday to visit
friends for a short time.

Wm. SCHULTZ, brother-in-law of A.G. FREY, left for Cedar Rapids Tuesday
evening of last week to visit relatives.

E.H. SOPER recently purchased a 240 acre farm in Emmet county for $70 per
acre. Frank FORDYCE made the deal.

Miss Grace McALLISTER arrived home from Bode a few days ago where she had
been visiting Mr and Mrs. F.H. EASTMAN.

Edward McNALLY was a Garner visitor Tuesday of last week. He says that small
grain is heavier in that locality than in this county.

Mr and Mrs. H.H. COOK and Mr and Mrs. C.H. GIDDINGS are at Spirit Lake
attending the big Canton gathering. many others will go today and tomorrow.

Miss HARRINGTON of Caledonia, Minnesota, has been visiting for several days
at the home of Edward McNALLY of this place. She is a cousin of the Misses

Safe crackers have become active again. They broke into seven different
business houses at Denison a few nights ago. They are likely to keep a safe
distance from Emmetsburg.

George MARKLEY, formerly of West Bend, was killed a few days ago at
Superior, Wisconsin. He is a son-in-law of A.W. GREENE. His remains were
brought to Estherville for interment.

Frank FORDYCE, E.H. and E.B. SOPER, Jr., drove to Thompson, Iowa, Friday in
Mr. FORDYCE's Jackson car. They made the trip of 75 miles in three hours.
This is faster than railroad time.

A birthday party was held at the home of Mr and Mrs. Charles GUSLAND
yesterday in honor of their little daughter, Miss Genevieve. An enjoyable
afternoon was spent by those in attendance.

Joseph MARTINI, who has been threshing in Freedom township during the past
ten days or more, reports that oats are averaging from 40 to 50 bushels per
acre in the neighborhood in which he is operating.

Mrs and Mrs W.J. TYSON recently spent a month visiting and sight seeing at
Minneapolis and St. Paul. One of their daughters lives near Lake Calhoun in
Minneapolis. It is one of the most delightful locations in the city.

Emmetsburg Democrat
Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa
10 September 1913

Phil Kirby arrived home from Wisconsin last week. He left the first of the week for Huron, South Dakota, where Don Artbo took part in a race Monday.

The Independent says that W. Reinders and Joseph Namer are home from Milwaukee. Mr. Reinders had been taking a course in telegraphy at that place.

Joseph McGarahan and his daughter, Miss Mayme, who came to attend the McLaughlin-Kerwick marriage, returned to their home in LaPorte City, Iowa, the last of the week.

Secretary Carter of the County Mutual informs us that lightning burned some hay stacks in Booth township early Wednesday morning. They were insured by the company.

The Times says that Mr. and Mrs. C.C. Larson of Graettinger have been spending some time at Luck, Wisconsin. They went to that place from the Twin Cities after the close of the big fair.

J.J. McEvoy of Fort Dodge, brother of Miss Josie McEvoy, of this place, accidentally broke one of his wrists a few days ago at Goodell, this state. He travels for the International Harvester Company.

Mrs. J.H. Knoblauch and children left for Pasadena, California, last Wednesday where they will spend the winter with Mrs. Knoblauch's mother, Mrs. McCormick. They were in California in last winter and fell in love with the climate.

J.K. Voorhees came up from Cedar Rapids the last of the week to visit his brother, Fred Voorhees, of this place. He was accompanied home by his mother, Mrs. Margaret Garder, of Pella, Iowa, who had been visiting in Emmetsburg for some time.

Franklin Minger, formerly of West Bend, has traded his 120 acre farm near Powell, Wyoming, for some land near Pineville, Missouri. Iowa farmers do not, as a rule, like to live in Missouri, although a number of our Palo Alto citizens have gone to that state and have prospered.

Trinity college, the Catholic institution which was founded at Sioux City about a year ago, was dedicated Tuesday of last week by Archbishop Keane of Dubuque, assisted by Bishop Garrigan. It will be conducted by the Franciscan fathers. It starts out with an attendance of about 100.

John Neary of Fort Dodge was in Emmetsburg the last of the week. He reports that spring chickens are selling at that place for 35 cents per pound. A man needs a pretty good income to enjoy such delicacies very often.

Miss Bridget Walsh, who had been visiting her brothers and sisters in this vicinity for two weeks, returned to Austin, Minnesota, Saturday morning. Two of her sisters, Misses Margaret and Agnes, live at that place. Austin is still quite a thrifty place.

One day last week while the Yankee Robinson circus was showing at Albia, Iowa, a tornado struck the large tent and blew it down. One person was killed and eight badly injured. In the report of the accident nothing was said about Yankee Robinson's famous air ship. We presume it was too stormy for an ascension that day.

A letter from J.M. Walsh of Tampico, Montana, says: " I see by the Democrat that the name of some of the people in old Iowa had roasting ears the 8th of August. I had them the first day of August. I wish you would let the people know through your paper what old Montana can do. We are always glad to get the Democrat and hear the news from home."

Mrs. Stookey of Kirksville, Missouri, arrived in Emmetsburg Saturday morning for a visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Drummy. The season has been very dry and warm in that locality. Crops are light and business in general is correspondingly quiet. Kirksville is a prosperous place. The Missouri state normal school is located there. It is also the seat of a large school of osteopathy. Mr. Stookey is engaged in the drug business and is enjoying a very satisfactory business.

Mr. and Mrs. Jerry R. Murphy of Galva, Illinois, arrived a few days ago to visit Mr. and Mrs. J.A. Carlson, who live some distance southeast of this city. They may decide to locate in this vicinity. They are greatly taken up with the splendid crops in this county. Mrs. Carlson says she would not care to return to Illinois to live. She thinks Palo Alto land, which is worth from $100 to $125 per acre, is fully as productive as Illinois land, which is worth twice this amount, and that our lands are bound to increase in value.

G.M. Dyer has sold his large farm near Gillette Grove, Clay county, to Rockwell City parties for $115 per acre.

Mrs. Wm. Muir has rented a residence at Mason City and will, we understand, make her future home at that place.

Mrs. E.D. Smith of the Ayrshire neighborhood is home from Canada where she had been visiting relatives for some time.

Major Smith went to Mason City Monday evening with his son Donald. The latter will attend school at that place this year.

Mr and Mrs. M.E. Conlon arrived from Dubuque Sunday evening for a visit with Mr. Conlon's parents and other local relatives.

Mrs. M.M. Horton returned to her home at Bode, Iowa, Sunday evening. After a week's visit with Miss C.M. Johnson at the Studio.

Wilmer Goff of the Ruthven neighborhood was among the citizens of our county who took in the big fair at the Twin Cities last week.

Several young people spent an enjoyable evening at the home of John C. Miller Friday evening. Delicious refreshments were served.

Mrs. Peter Hoelzner went to Whittemore Monday evening. Mrs. W.S. Carlisle is dead at the home of Mrs. Hoelzner's sister at that place.

The Ayrshire Chronicle says that Mr. and Mrs. F.A. Kassel and Mr. and Mrs. George Wigen were Twin City visitors last week. They were enjoying the big fair.

Carroll Bragg is home from Moscow, Russia, visiting his parents, and numerous local friends. He has fully recovered from his recent illness. He travels in Russia and Siberia for the International Harvester company.

Z.F. Dickinson was down from Osgood Monday. He left during the evening for Mason City to visit his son Albert and to attend the Cerro Gordo county fair. He says he is kept pretty busy at Osgood making out money order and postoffice reports, express freight and ticket reports, besides attending to other duties.

T.S. Sullivan was able to leave the hospital at Minneapolis a short time ago where he had been confined for four weeks. He was in a dangerous condition for some time, suffering with hemmorage of the stomach. He resumed his duties as dispatcher for the Great Northern company last week. He has been transfered from Minot to Breckenridge, Minnesota.

The Free Press reports that the public schools of Ruthven opened on Monday of last week with the following corps of teachers. T.D. Kirkpatrick, Superintendent; Miss Oliver and Miss Johnson of Claremont, South Dakota, assistants; Miss White of Cedar Falls, seventh and eighth grades; Miss Hough of Sioux City, fifth and sixth grades; Miss Sammin of Emmetsburg, third and fourth grades; Miss Crosby of Rhinelander, Wisconsin, second primary and Miss Graff of Central City, first primary.

Russell Sharp fell from a horse a few days ago and broke on of his arms. The injury is quite painful.

Thos. Armstrong of Rush Lake, was at Rolfe last week trying to rent a house. He should come to Emmetsburg.

William and H.C. McArtor, Spencer's alleged blackmailers, were taken to the penitentiary at Fort Madison last week.

Ira Resh recently brought a load of potatoes from Emmet county to Emmetsburg and sold them for 90 cents per bushel.

Rev. and Mrs. L.O. Wigdahl of Ruthven recently enjoyed a visit from their son Rev. Oliver Wigdahl of Detroit, Minnesota.

Emmetsburg Democrat
Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa
1 Oct 1913

T.J. HOOD was up from Ellington township Monday. He moved to that locality
from Clare a couple of years ago. Last year he erected a new set of
buildings. This fall he is putting up a fine corn crib.

David A McCONNELL, who lives near Osgood, will have a sale Tuesday, October
14. His quarter page ad will appear in next week's Democrat. Mr. McCONNELL
has rented his plow land and will take life easy.

Last Friday while out with their wheels tow of Mr. REIHSEN's sons had a
collision. Gerald was thrown to the ground and had one of his legs broken.
His many young friends will regret to learn of his misfortune.

Dr. Robert JOYNT of LeMars spent Sunday with his parents in Emmetsburg
township. He had his eye on a piece of real estate in this locality. He says
that average farm lands in the vicinity of LeMars are selling for $175 to
$275 per acre. He thinks there is good money in Palo Alto lands at the
present prices.

Messrs. SAUNDERS and SOPER have a machine on their big tract of land near
Britt that lays a mile of tile every day. They have a large traction plowing
outfit and it turns over the land as soon as it is tiled. They are making a
very fine showing in that locality. They are also making fully as
substantial and as expensive improvements on their large farm near Thompson
in Winnebago county.

James PENDER of Waterloo is visiting relatives in this city. The saloons
were closed at that place some time ago. However, there is an abundance of
the exhilirating beverage at Waverly, Denver, and neighboring places and
hundreds go away on trains and interurban lines every day and bring home
well filled suit cases. The merchants of Denver, which is but a short
distance from Waterloo, are enjoying as large a patronage as the saloons in
their town.

Frank MORRIS, who resides southwest of this city, has rented the Michael
FLEMING farm in Highland township. Edward BRADLEY, who lives on the place,
has rented a farm in Walnut township.

James GEELAN of Silver Lake township was in Emmetsburg Friday. He reports
the sale of the Tory KNUDTSON 200 acre farm north of this place for $100 per
acre. It is situated a short distance from Ruthven.

Monday a sister of C.S. and E.S. GEORGE of Graettinger bought a half section
farm six miles northeast of that place. She paid $90 per acre for it. We
have not learned the name of the man who owned the farm.

M.L. BROWN was at Des Moines several days during the past week. He reports
that the financial situation is considered by the bankers of that city to be
much more satisfactory than it was during the summer months.

Mrs. M.R. BRADLEY and Miss Josie McEVOY arrived home from Muscatine county
Saturday morning. They had been attending the marriage of their brother,
E.J. McEVOY, and remained for a few days to visit their new relatives.

Robert KETCHEN of this city hands us a smal box of heather selected from a
quantity that was picked on the hills of Peebleshire, Scotland. He will be
glad to give a sprig of it to any Scotchman who may desire it. The sample
received by us is covered with small purple bulbs resembling blossoms. It is
dry and hard.

Mrs. Wm. SHEA left last evening for Deer Lodge, Montana, where she will make
her future home with her sons Leo and Joe, who live at that place. They
recently built a fine new house and it seems that good looking housekeepers
are very scarce in Montana. T.F. also resides at Deer Lodge. The many
friends of Mrs. SHEA in this locality will regret to learn of her departure.
All will, we are confident, join the Democrat in wishing her health and
happiness in her western home.

Miss Belle McBRIDE left Tuesday morning for Rochester, Minnesota, to consult
Drs. MAYO regarding the condition of her health. She was accompanied by her
sister, Mrs. George STEIL.

Elmer E. HINSHAW, the state game warden, has received his new 40,000
capacity fish car and leaves this week for Sabula, St. Louis, and other
points to fill it. He will be busy during the present month distributing
bass, croppy and other fish in the lakes and rivers of our state.

Mrs. George WILLIAMS returned to Cedar Rapids yesterday after a pleasant
visit with her parents and numerous local friends. She was accompanied as
far as Livermore by her mother, Mrs. P.H. STEDMAN. The latter went to Fort
Dodge to visit her son, Sim STEDMAN, and family for a short time.

We notice that Governor CLARKE has appointed Emory ENGLISH of Valley
Junction as his private secretary. Mr. ENGLISH has been engaged in newspaper
work for many years and has served several terms in the legislature from
Polk County. He was in business at Mason City for some time. He is bright
and clever and is a good republican.

The state railway commissioners will inspect the Great Western and the M. &
St. L. depots at Mason City. Complaint is made that they are not much better
than cattle barns. While out on the trip the commissioners should be asked
to come to Emmetsburg and examine the Rock Island depot. The waiting room is
not large enough for a town the size of Osgood.

Mr. and Mrs. J.J. DOOLEY intend moving to Algona in about three weeks. Mrs.
DOOLEY's mother has a fine home at that place and she is alone. As Mr. and
Mrs. DOOLEY's family are small, she insists that they must come to live with
her. Mr. and Mrs. DOOLEY have made many warm friends since coming to
Emmetsburg and all will regret to hear of their contemplated departure.

Emmetsburg Democrat
Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa
Wednesday, Oct 15, 1913


Cornelius NOLAN of Ruthven spent Saturday with relatives and friends in this
city. While here he attended the K. of C. exercises.

James CONWAY was down from Emmet county Saturday. We understand that he is
working a very large farm and that he has raised a splendid crop.

Lewis PRESCOTT of Mason City has been sentenced to the penitentiary for five
years for shooting and killing his divorced wife some time ago. He plead

Robert McNALLY arrived home from Parkston, South Dakota, Tuesday morning. He
had been in the employ of a company engaged in the erection of a new
elevator building.

Sunday morning a few children who were playing in F.E. HAND's barn in this
city set fire to some hay that was in the manger. The timely arrival of a
few neighbors saved the building.

Miss Pearle RICHARDSON was the guest of honor at a dinner party given by
Mrs. J.W. STALEY of Algona Saturday evening. Covers were laid for fourteen.
Miss Mildred DAILEY of this place was also among those present.

We understand that George SMITH of Vernon township had 160 acres of choice
corn this season. He is one of the most successful corn growers in our
county. His crop ought to swell his bank account to great proportions.

J.G. DUTTON, a Nevada, Iowa, banker, was looking after business interests in
Emmetsburg the first of the week. He owns 1200 acres of land southeast of
this place. He bought considerable of it a number of years ago. He has great
confidence in the future of this county.

Daniel SHERLOCK has rented his half section farm near Ayrshire to Owen KELLY
and sons. He intends becoming a resident of Emmetsburg early in December.
Mr. and Mrs. SHERLOCK have well earned the rest they propose to enjoy. The
people of Emmetsburg will be glad to welcome them as residents.

Tuesday morning while cutting down the grade in front of the Waverly hotel,
Matt NEARY found an excellent gold ring. It was about a foot below the
surface of the ground. The name of Harry McCULLOUGH, who was landlord of the
Waverly eighteen or twenty years ago, is neatly engraved on the inside. Mr.
McCULLOUGH died a number of years ago.

W.J. ALLEN of Laurens was in Emmetsburg Wednesday.

Mrs. GILBERTSON and Mrs. MILLER were Whittemore visitors a few days ago.

Miss Agnes KINSLEY left for Mason City Tuesday evening of last week to visit
relatives for a few days.

Mrs. John KOCH was a guest, during the past week, at the home of her son,
Frank KOCH, of this place.

Robert KINSLEY has been on the sick list during the past two weeks. He is
suffering from an ulcerated stomach.

C.L. McFARLAND was over from Algona a few evenings ago looking after his
business interests in this locality.

Dr. Robert JOYNT of LeMars has bought the Marnius ANDERSON eight acre farm
in Emmetsburg township. He paid $97 per acre for it.

Mr. and Mrs. Richard KENNETHS were the guests of Whittemore relatives a
couple of days last week. While there they attended the wedding of a friend.

J.H. MILLEA has bought Mrs. C.E. COHOON's 140 acre farm southeast of town.
It is well located but there are no buildings on it and it is not titled.
The consideration was $95 per acre.

A few days ago James HAND sold C.J. BERGER some of the finest Wolf River
apples that we have seen for some time. Mr. HAND raised several hundred
bushels of them this year but could not find a ready market for them.

G.O. BROADWELL was up from Ellington township Friday. He called to subscribe
for the Democrat. He considers it one of the best county newspapers in Iowa.
He has rented the Frank ANSINGER farm for the coming year. His brother,
Ernest BROADWELL, will move onto the Mrs. WENNING farm in the same township.

Mr and Mrs. James GOWANS were at Armstrong the last of the week attending
the funeral of Miss Nellie DOUGHTY, whose death was mentioned in last week's

Attorney George HEALD of Spencer attended court in this city last week.

A.I. LANDS and O.M. OLSON returned to Graettinger Thursday evening.

B.E. JACOBSON of Independence township is putting up a new residence.

Mrs. Mary MULRONEY has purchased her daughters an expensive new piano.

Mrs. Peter HENDERSON enjoyed a visit last week from her friend, Mrs. LARSON
of Ottosen.

Dr. O'BRIEN was called to Ruthven last week to see Mrs. M.M. MAHER, who was
quite ill.

Atrorney MILES of Livermore had business in court in this city several days
during the past week.

Miss Louise JOHNSON enjoyed a visit last week from her sister, Mrs. Belle
GULLIXSON, who lives at Bode.

Mr. and Mrs. Walter G. MIDDLETON have been visiting friends at Merriam,
Nebraska, during the past week.

Mrs. CAMPBELL of Calmar, Iowa, is visiting her parents, Major and Mrs.
SMITH, and other local relatives.

Mr and Mrs W.B. YOUNG went to Sioux City Saturday for an over Sunday visit
with their son William.

Mrs. McCREARY of Maltas, Montana, spent last week visiting at the home of
Mayor and Mrs. BICKFORD of this city.

Dr. Thorval REISUM of Spokane, Washington, visited his sister, Miss Louise
JOHNSON, of this place last Wednesday.

Mrs. Joseph CLENNON and little baby of West Bend came to Emmetsburg Thursday
for a visit with local relatives.

Mrs. Geo B McCARTY has resigned as a member of the library board. her son,
D.G. McCARTHY, has been appointed to succeed her.

The stock merchandise at Ayrshire, formerly the property of J.T. MAGUIRE is
being closed out. The manager, John R. BOWEN, has a full page advertisement
in this week's Democrat.

There will be a basket sociable in the J.C. BRENNAN district in Emmetsburg
township next Friday evening. All are invited to come and bring well filled
baskets. Miss Josephine MORRISSEY is the teacher.

Matt DONOVAN returned from St. Paul the last of the week. He had been
finishing a commercial course in one of the colleges of that city. He is now
in the employ of the Western Union Telegraph company.

M.O. GRODLAND, Graettinger's popular auctioneer, was in Emmetsburg Monday.
He came to attend the Parnham sale. Mr. GRODLAND had 67 sales last year. He
has an ad elsewhere in this week's issue.

Henry, son of Patrick SHERLOCK, of Emmetsburg township, is now instructor in
telegraphy in Boyle's Business College at Omaha, which he attended some time
ago. His many local friends will be glad to learn of his success. He is a
steady, deserving young man.

The Ruthven Free Press says that Miss Margaret GRADY of Wagoner, Oklahoma
and Jim and Will GRADY of Grand Island, Nebraska, arrived in this city on
Wednesday of last week to visit their parents and attend the wedding of
their brother Leo to Miss Katherine FOLEY.

Ernest SEATON, the seven year old son of James SEATON, a Spencer real estate
man, was killed at Sioux Rapids Sunday by an automobile driven by Dr. F.E.
ANDERSON, a Sioux Rapids dentist. Mr and Mrs SEATON and family were driving
from Spencer to Sioux Rapids and when within a short distance of town they
met a number of friends riding in two other cars. The parties were visiting
along the roadside when the Dr. ANDERSON auto approached. The little boy
unexpectedly started across the road when the car passed over him injuring
his head and shoulders so badly that he died soon after.

The little two-year-old daughter of Mr and Mrs Edward BOERKNER, who live
eight miles northwest of Ruthven, fell into a barrel of water Saturday
morning and was drowned. The funeral was held Monday. Services were
conducted in the Lutheran church at Ruthven. The burial was in the cemetery
at that place. Mr and Mrs. BOERKNER lived on one of Mr. SAUNDERS' farms
northeast of this city three years ago. Their many local friends will regret
to learn of the sad affair.

Mayor S.D. BICKFORD visited several points in Illinois last week looking
after real estate business.

Mr. GILCHRIST of this city enjoyed a visit from his father and brother last
week. They left for Oelwein Wednesday.

Father CARROLL came over from Ayrshire Sunday and took the south bound Rock
Island passenger for Chicago in the evening.

Mrs. S. SALVEN was a passenger to Ottawa, Illinois, Tuesday evening of last
week. She has relatives living in that locality.

Wm. E.G. SAUNDERS intends leaving for California today where important
business interests will detain him for several weeks.

Mrs. J.D. McCARTY accompanied her daughter, Mrs. O.O. WILLIAMS, Jr. as far
as Estherville Thursday morning. Mrs. WILLIAMS was on her way to

Mr and Mrs. John METZ, who had been visiting the former's parents in this
city for a few days, left Thursday for Des Moines to remain for a few days
at the home of Mr METZ's sister, Mrs. Bert FLORA

Mrs. O.O. WILLIAMS, Jr. and two little children left for Minneapolis
Thursday where she will make her future home. Mr. WILLIAMS went to that
place a couple of weeks ago. He has secured a good position in a printing

Brother COOKINHAM of the Chronicle was over from Ayrshire Monday afternoon.
This was his first visit to Emmetsburg since his return home from the Des
Moines hospital. He lost ten or twelve pounds while absent but he has again
regained his flesh. He look hearty and says he never felt better.

P.W. MADDEN, who was sheriff of Clay county for many years, nad who
subsequently served as warden of the penitentiary at Anamosa, died in
British Columbia a few days ago. His remains were brought to Spencer for
interment. Mr. MADDEN will doubtless be well remembered by many of the older
residents of our county.

John DOOLEY has secured the contract for connecting the Milwaukee depot with
the sewerage system. A lateral 500 feet long will be put in. Mr. DOOLEY used
a railroad plow in loosening up the hard ground on the street running south
from the depot. He attached Frank KNEER's traction engine to the plow and
used three men to keep it in the ground. It was an interesting sight to see
it in operation. It saved a great many hours' hard work with picks.

Mrs. Anna SPOHN and Miss Emma JOHNSON are at Ft. Dodge this week attending
the state convention of the Daughters of Pocahontas.

M.F. KERWICK is having a special sale and demonstration of Majestic Ranges
this week.

Ed MURRAY was at Ft. Dodge the first of the week attending the state
convention of the Red Men. It was a large successful gathering.

W.E.G. SAUNDERS, W.H. VAUGHN and W.L. LINDERMAN went to Spirit Lake Thursday
evening to see E.C. HINSHAW, the state game warden.

J.H. KNOBLAUCH has a large advertisement in this week's Democrat calling
attention to his showing of up-to-date styles in ladies' wearing apparel.

Mrs. Roy BROWN, accompanied by her little child, returned to Estherville
Monday afternoon after a pleasant visit with her parents in this city.

Charles E. WOOD, who lives five miles southwest of Ayrshire, will have a big
public sale Friday, October 17.

Monday evening a large number of our citizens drove out to the home of Mr
and Mrs. Ralph PARNHAM and surprised them. All who attended report a most
enjoyable evening.

Filo POARCH was over from Algona Saturday. Our reporter secured a few notes
about his trip to Europe. We shall refer to them in our next issue. We have
been too busy to do so this week.

E. BURT went to Oskaloosa Wednesday to attend a session of the Grand Chapter
of the Masonic order. He was a delegate from the local lodge.

Mrs. C.D. STICKNEY went to Humboldt Wednesday to attend a convention of the
W.R.C. She represented the local branch of the organization.

Rev. J.E. BRERTON was at Kansas City several days during the past week
attending a large gathering of Congregational pastors. He represented this
section of the state as a delegate.

A new boy is reported at the home of Mr and Mrs. George FREEMAN. It is
needless to say that the father is as proud as the mother is happy. Their
many friends extend congratulations.

D.M. WILCOX reports that his daughter, Miss Alice WILCOX, of Denver,
Colorado, underwent an operation for appendicitis last Wednesday. We are
pleased to report that she is getting along nicely.

Dr. JOHNSON, the M.E. pastor at Sioux City, has been transferred to Storm
Lake. He asked for a year's leave of absence so that he could take up a line
of studies at Oxford university but the conference denied his request. He
will be succeeded by Rev. HUTCHINSON of Britt.

Mrs. Amos IVINS, who recently visited her daugher, Mrs. Raymond TRAVERS, of
Pine county, Minnesota, reports that crops were good in that locality this

H.W. BEEBE was on the sick list the last of the week.

Rier HALVORSEN of Ruthven was greeting Emmetsburg friends Wednesday.

Rev. WESTLAKE of Sheldon and Rev. J.E. BRERTON of this city exchanged
pulpits last Sunday.

Harold BRERTON returned to Chicago last week to continue his studies in Rush
Medical college.

Mrs. E.A. MORLING and daughter, Miss Ruth, were passengers to Des Moines
Monday morning.

Miss Ella MAHER of Ruthven visited her grandparents, Mr and Mrs. Myles
McNALLY of this place last week.

Mrs. H.W. BEEBE left for Hutchinson, Kansas, Monday morning to attend that
national P.E. O. Convention. She was a delegate from this district.

A new kind of starch which promises to become very useful is being turned
out in large quantities by a certain house. Shirts and other kinds of linen
on which it is used and which are ironed at low temperature will not crack.

Mrs. H. HULETT entertained the Ladies' Aid society of Osgood at her home in
this city last Wednesday. There were many in attendance and a most
delightful afternoon was enjoyed. The ladies came down on the forenoon train
and returned home in the evening.

Held Annual Meeting.
At the annual election of the Knights of Columbus, held Thursday evening, L.
REIHSEN was elected grand knight, E.J. HIGGINS deputy grand knight, W.F.
EAGAN recording secretary, P.H. DONLON financial secretary, Joseph MULRONEY
treasurer, Peter HOELZNER chancellor, Dr. HENNESSY advocate, J.P. DOWNS and
Joseph MARTINI trustees, Peter McMAHON inside sentinel and M.F. BRENNAN
outside sentinel.

Have Bought in Minnesota
T.J. MILLER bought a quarter section farm adjoining the village of St.
Thomas, Minnesota. It is situated six or seven miles from LeSueur. He paid
$90 per acre for it. The surrounding country is very prosperous. Mr. and
Mrs. MILLER will move onto the place next March, having sold their farm in
Great Oak township some time ago.

Emmetsburg Democrat
Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa
Nov. 12, 1913

Tax of 1912 and Previous Years
Notice is hereby given that on the 1st day of December, 1913, at the office
of the County Treasurer at teh Court House in Emmetsburg, Palo Alto county,
Iowa, between the hours of 10 o'clock a.m. and 4 o'clock p.m. I will sell at
public auction so much of the following lands and town lots as may be
necessary for the payment of taxes, interest and cost thereon for the year
1912 and previous years, which remain ddue and unpaid on the 1st day of
December, 1913, and for the payment of such other taxes as may be lien on
said lands and town lots, at the last named date and for the payment and
interest and costs on said taxes, said sale to be made in accordance with
the revenue laws of the State of Iowa.
Dated at Emmetsburg, Iowa, November 4, 1913.
W.J. McCARTY, County Treasurer.

[Only names abstracted]
Township 94, Range 31

Bessie L. DITCH
Benjamin KNUDSON
Hannah P. BROWN

Independent District West Bend
Hannah F. BROWN

West Bend Corporation

Adamson's Addition

Halsey's Addition

Younie's Add'n-Re-Arrangement Sub-Div B

Saunder's Addn
L.A. MARTIN (cashier)

Township 94, Range 32

Emma M. BEAM

Township 94, Range 33

Curlew Corporation

D.M. & Ft. D. Addn.
Rush Lake Cry Co.

Guggarty's Addition

Mallard Corporation
North Mallard
Marinda ASCHAN

First Addition to North Mallard

Watson's Addn.
Geo. and Mary REINING

Township 94, Range 34


Township 95, Range 31

Ind District Rodman

Rodman Corporation
Margaret A. ALLEN

Morling's Addition
Martin C. BROWN

Township 95, Range 32
M.F. & Matt STEIL
Phoebe L. ROBINS

Township 95, Range 33

Township 95, Range 34

Ayrshire Corporation

First Addition

Third Addition
Edward W WEYER

Summerville Addition

Duhigg's Addition
Josephine MILLER

Township 96, Range 31
Fairfield Cry. Co.
James H. QUINN
Herman HINZ

Alice A. JONES
Prudence D. DOWD
H.A. & P.D. DOWD

Section 96, Range 32
Weston B. LAZAR

Township 96, Range 33
Patrick F. CARROLL

Township 96, Range 34

Ind. Dist. Ruthven
D.M. & Ft. D. RR CO


North Ruthven
Isabella LINDEN

Neff's Addition

Township 97, Range 32
John W., Chas., and Jas. DAUGHTERTY
Jas. WILLIAMS and heirs of John WILLIAMS

Township 97, Range 33
Jeremiah CROWLEY

Annette DALEN
Catherine STEWART
Farmers Grain Co.
Elizabeth CULLEN
George BROS

First Addition
Carrie B. CLARK

Kent's Second Addition

Out Lots to Graettinger
Mrs. Jane KEANE

Sub. Div Par Out Lots 3-4-5
Mrs. Rose MAHAN

Spies Sub Div Part Out Lot 7

Kent's Sub Div Out Lot II
Oscar & Martin MYHRE

Spies Sub Div Out Lot 8

Township 97, Range 34

Township 96, Range 34
Bridget MUGAN

Alliel's Addition
Mathew STEIL

Burnham's Addition

Call's Additions
Estate of Mary A. HARTSHORN

O.M. &St. P. Ry Co's. Addition
Catherine J. TOBIN

Corbin & Lawler's Plat

Petit Jurors
The following is the list of jurors drawn to serve during December term of
P.J. HOSKINS...West Bend
Ray DAVIDSON...Cylinder
Martin KNUTESON...Emmetsburg
Frank LODES...Mallard
Daniel WESTERGARD...Graettinger
Ray DAVIDSON...Curlew
Michael ESSER...Whittemore
R.P. ATKINSON...Emmetsburg
Peter JENSEN...West Bend
O.J. GATES...Curlew
John McNAMARA...Emmetsburg
John LOTT...Rodman
B.E. BLUNT...Ruthven
Lars EGESOS...Graettinger
Harrison GOFF...Ruthven
Louis CHRISTIANSON...Graettinger
Ole KNUDTSON...Graettinger
V.L. O'CONNOR...Graettinger
James NALLY...Emmetsburg
S.H. HOPKINS...Ayrshire
John KINGDON...Mallard
T.A. HOBEN...Ayrshire
Rex HUBBARD...Ruthven
John DANNEWITZ...Ayrshire
James CULLEN...Cylinder
John DRAPER...Mallard
Edward BURKE...Whittemore
Tom BULL...Curlew
N.J. NORLAND...Cylinder
Elmer REESE...Mallard

Colored Man Has Close Call
The colored man who works for John DOOLEY had a close call Friday while
repairing a water main in front of Bert HUGHES' store. While working, the
bank, which was covered with slush, caved in and buried him up to the
shoulders. Had he been stooped at the time he would most likely have been
smothered. He was not injured.

Seems to Have Two Wives
E.E. KELLOGG of Estherville applied for a divorce during the last session of
court but his petition was denied. it is alleged that he has another
undivorced wife living. The sheriff took him to Fort Dodge to await the
action of the U.S. federal jury.

Is Auto Speed to Be Increased?
A prominent auto manufacturer claims that within a few years machines will
attain a speed of 200 miles per hour. If so, it would be well to urge
greater activity in the good roads movement.

Emmetsburg Democrat
Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa
3 Dec 1913

Mrs. LeGrand Goff of Ruthven was in Emmetsburg Monday. She was on her way
home from Sibley where she had been visiting a friend for several days.

A daughter was born to Mr and Mrs W.V. Kirby of Valentine, Nebraska, Friday.
The good news is pleasing to their local relatives and friends.

Frank Gotch has bought an 840 acre ranch near Roscoe, South Dakota. He also
owns 1600 acres near Crookston, Minnesota. he will use both places for live
stock ranches.

Mr. and Mrs. Johnson of Ringstead have gone to Denmark to remain until
February. While there they will attend the golden wedding of Mr. Johnson's
parents. We glean from the Dispatch.

Peter Grethen was up from Mallard Monday. His sons Peter and Jake recently
bought from a Ft. Dodge man the Chas. Hahn quarter section adjoining his
place. Mr. Grethen, who is a close student of public affairs, considers
Woodrow Wilson the ablest and most conscientious president our country has
had since the days of Abraham Lincoln.

Attorney General Cosson holds that a medical combine is not a violation of
the anti trust law because medical service is not a commodity. In some
counties supervisors have not been able to make contracts with doctors to
wait on poor people for less than $1,000 per year. The ordinary allowance
for this purpose is $250 per year.

John and Fred Abrogast were called to Story county a few days ago to attend
the funeral of an uncle who died in that locality.

H.S. Mosher of Walnut, Iowa, was in this locality last week. He visited the
farm of his brother in Emmet county to inspect the gas well on it.

Misses Genevieve and Matilda Newell, who are students at the Highland Park
normal school, spent Thanksgiving with their parents, who live near Fenton.

Chris Virgin, the Fairmont farmer who is charged with murdering his
neighbor, is asking for a change of venue. The case will probably be tried
at Blue Earth city.

George Lorimer of the Hoprig neighborhood, who has been a student at Buena
Vista college, is home and will remain for some time to assist his father
with his fall's work.

M. Jackman of Waterloo who had been visiting his mother and other relatives
left for St. Paul Wednesday evening. He reports that there are a large
number of vacant buildings in Waterloo at the present time. Times are not so
brisk as they were a few years ago. Mr. Jackman informs us that his nephew,
George Jackman, has arranged to engage in business at Great Falls, Montana.
He is a son of Patrick Jackman.

Emmetsburg Democrat
Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa
17 Dec 1913

It is claimed that more crimes are committed on bright days than during bad
weather. It is also said that school children are not so troublesome on dark
days as they are when the air is clear and the sun is shining.

Miss Bridgie MARTIN arrived from Cedar Rapids Monday morning to remain until
after the holidays. She has been attending the Cedar Rapids Business
college. Cedar Rapids air and victuals are very wholesome judging  from her

Friday afternoon John O'BRIEN and Mr. BAILEY, who lives on the Allen farm
south of the Burns bridge, had six stacks of hay destroyed by fire. The
blaze was started by a tiler who was working close by. An army of neighbors
were kept busy an hour or more fighting the flames. Had bere been a high
wind, dozens of stacks would doubtless have been burned.

Herbert BETHEW, the leading man with "The Sweetest Girl in Dixie," which
comes to The Iowa, December 19, is well known and has been featured with
several city attractions. His fine stage presence, brilliant acting and
careful attention to the dressing of the different characters that he
impersonates gains many friends for him in every city in which he appears.

Mr. and Mrs. N. SCHUMACHER of Ellington township have moved into their new
home at Mallard. They have been engaged in farming in the south part of the
county for 30 years or more and they have decided to retire. The Democrat
hopes they will enjoy the rest they propose to take. Mr. SCHUMACHER's place
will be farmed during the coming year by his son Joseph.

Mr. and Mrs. Ed WISHER left for Algona Monday morning. They will visit
relatives south of that place for a few days before returning to their home
near Iona. They had spent a couple of weeks in Emmetsburg visiting their
aunt, Mrs. N. ADAMS, and other local relatives. During the past week they
had been guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. N. SCHUMACHER of Ellington

Charles JOYNT arrived home from Pittsburg Monday morning. He spent a week
visiting relatives in that locality. One of his aunts is a Sister in Mercy
hospital in Pittsburg. He stopped in Chicago for afew days on his way home.
His sister, Miss Lottie, will remain at Davenport until Christmas, when she
will be accompanied home by Miss Agnes, who is taking a course in Mercy
hospital for a professional nurse.

Adolph FIGLER came up from Grundy Center Sunday morning for a brief visit
with local friends. He reports that his wife, who has been ill for some
time, is not improving very rapidly. She recently underwent a surgical
operation in the Rochester hospital.
Wanted To Carve Some One

Wednesday evening L. WEISS of Tara, loaded up on Minnesota whiskey and ran
through the streets with a razor in one hand and a big knife in the other
shouting at the top of his voice for some one to murder. A number of young
men lassoed him, tied him and sent to Ft. Dodge for the sheriff. When he
came to, he asked to be allowed to be sent home.

Emmetsburg Democrat
Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa
Wednesday, Dec 31, 1913

Clara Gartner, Lizzie Denninger and Miss Derner spent Christmas at the home
of their respective parents. These young ladies have been attending a
Domestic Science School at Carroll.

Leslie Minger, the only student from West Bend attending the State
University at Iowa City, is spending the holiday vacation with his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Minger.

Chas. Duhigg of Emmetsburg was in town one day last week, and it has been
suggested that he might flirt with the Bull Moose.

Carl Dorweiler of LuVerne, Minnesota, is visiting his father, Mr. Philip

John Williams, who went to the hospital at Iowa City about ten days ago to
have a piece of steel removed from his eye will not be able to be home for
considerable time. The steel has been removed but it cannot be ascertained
as yet whether or not the eye can be saved.

J.C. Brennan has been suffering with a severe attack of rheumatism for
several days but he is slowly improving at the present time.

County Attorney Burt and Sheriff Cullen were business callers here Friday.

Tony Duhn loaded his car of machinery and household goods the last of the
week and will ship them Monday to his new home in Minnesota.

Mrs. J.A. Bradley and children came over from Mason City Monday and spent
the day at the home of Chas. Metz.

Mrs. S. Paulson died from a paralytic stroke Thursday.

Dr. Albert Joynt Leaves for Vienna, Austria
     Dr. Albert Joynt left the first of the week for Vienna, Austria. He
will take a special course in one of the leading medical and surgical
colleges of that city. He will be absent a year or more. After completing
his work at Vienna, he will visit Leipzig and Halle, Germany, and on his way
home he will spend six months in a medical college in London. he is a
graduate of the medical department of the State University of Iowa and was
for some time interne in Mercy hospital in Des Moines. During the past few
months he had charge of the practice of his brother, Dr. M.J. Joynt of
Jessup, Iowa, who was absent in the east. The Democrat hopes he will have a
safe and pleasant trip abroad. He has good ability. He is to be
congratulated on his determination to get to the front in his chosen

 J.H. Sherlock is Editor of Irish Standard
     J.H. Sherlock came down from Minneapolis Thursday morning to spend
Christmas with his parents and numerous relatives. Last September he
accepted the position of editor in the office of the Irish Standard, which
is now managed by Mr. Reagan, the national president of the Ancient Order of
Hibernians. Mr. Sherlock likes his new position and thinks the Standard has
a very promising future. Several gentlemen of large financial means have
become associated with the newspaper and it is building up a fine business.

John Holland of Des Moines is Dead
     P.H. Donlon was called to Des Moines Tuesday evening of last week to
attend the funeral of John Holland, state treasurer of the Ancient Order of
Hibernians. Mr. Holland was for several years foreman in the Register and
Leader office and later he held the same position in the Daily Capital
office. He was one of the most upright and deserving citizens of Iowa. His
death has caused general and genuine regret.

P.E. Narey Rewarded by Canada
     We notice by the Spirit Lake papers that P.F. Narey, the former deputy
revenue collector of this district, recently received $100 in cash from the
Canadian government for his services in defending the Dominion against the
Fenians in 1867. We are surprised that Mr. Narey was not a Fenian. There is
some rich Celtic blood in his veins.

Hypnotized Man Has Close Call
     John Adams, who was hypnotized at Webster City a few days ago, had a
very narrow escape before he regained his self control. The mayor of the
town ordered him taken from the show room in which he was placed after he
was hypnotized and he was taken to a hall some distance away. A gasoline
stove was placed in the room so as to keep the temperature in proper
condition but the stove set fire to the room. Some man who was passing broke
into the building and extinguished the flames. The hypnotized man was
slightly burned before he was removed from the room.

Is Practicing Law at Milwaukee.
     M.J. Brennan, who had been home spending the holidays with his parents,
returned to Milwaukee Saturday morning. He reports that there is a big
contest in the supreme court of Wisconsin about the legality of some
legislative act that involves the existence of 205 saloons in the great beer
city.  Mr. Brennan is engaged in the practice of law at Milwaukee and has
met with very flattering success. He is a graduate of the law department of
Marquette University.

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