Palo Alto County Newspapers

Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa
MAY 1904

Wednesday, May 4, 1904

- E.J. Higgins Jr. is at Des Moines taking a course in pharmacy.
- Val Wagner went to Terril last week to close out a stock of goods which Dan Kelly recently received in exchange on a land deal.
- Mr. J.P. Anderson and Miss Malinda Olson, of Lost Island township, were married in this city Wednesday, Justice Atkinson officiating.
- The Free Press says that E.E. Ryan has secured a position with the Rock Island company at Valley Junction. He seems to be climbing up in railroad work.
- Mrs. C.G. Worley of Titonka, arrived in this city Friday evening to visit her father, David Finn, and other relatives for a short time. Mr. Worley is the Rock Island agent at Titonka.
- Miss Mary Moran returned from Granville, North Dakota, Tuesday evening of last week. She secured the homestead on which she intended filing when she left Emmetsburg. It is well located and is considered quite valuable.
- Mr. and Mrs. D.B. Roberts and Mrs. D.P. Roberts left Thursday for Los Angeles, California where they will make their future home. Mr. Roberts’ health has not been the best for some time. He intends buying a fruit ranch, hoping that outside work will benefit him. The best wishes of all will follow those good people to their new home.

Perry Alger Moves to California
Perry Alger and family departed Monday morning over the Rock Island route for Aromas, California. Mr. Alger will return for a time in the summer but his family will remain and make that country their future home.—Ruthven Appeal.


The Champion Boy Raiser.
Fred F. Haight, a resident of Buena Vista county, is the father of ten boys. He claims to be the champion boy raiser and challenges others to produce the records to dispute his claims.—Sanborn Pioneer.

Estherville Gets Division Tailors.
John Hansen and George Gallagher have been appointed division tailors for the Rock Island road. The passenger crew uniforms will be made here instead of in Chicago, as heretofore.—Estherville Democrat.

Spencer Has a Lady Divine.
Rev. Emma Coffin is again pastor of the Friends church and preached her first sermon Sunday morning to a good congregation. Mrs. Coffin is an earnest and forceful speaker and a general revival of the work at that church is looked for. The Friends are to congratulated upon being able to engage her services as pastor.—Spencer Reporter.

Tom Larson on Snakes.
We do not care to tell snake stories, but the real thing showed up on the Flannery farm south of town, occupied by Dingman & Campbell, last Saturday. It seems that all the snakes in the country went into winter quarters in an old cave. Last Saturday was a fine day and they came out in droves. Mr. Dingman and his son-in-law, Mr. Campbell, began the massacre, and killed 253. In the lot one measured four feet and four inches.—Graettinger Times.

Is Pious and a Good Fisher.
Walter Scott, of Galbraith, god and pious man that he is, brings his children every Sunday to Irvington to attend Sunday school, and last Sunday while on his way to town his little boy noticed a good sized pickerel in a little rivulet at the railroad crossing. Mr. Scott got out of his wagon and went after his pickerelship, with his hand and captured him and then kept on in well doing and caught 12 large pickerel, one of which weighed eight pounds. He supplied both the towns of Irvington and Galbraith will all the fish they could consume for the day—Algona Courier.


- A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. Peter Hoelzner Aril 25th.
- Miss Rose Waldron of Laurens was here last Friday taking the teachers’ examination.
- The building occupied by Peter Metz as a barber shop is having a new foundation put under it.
- The front of the building occupied W.H. Vaughan as a tailor shop has been treated to a coat of paint.
- Mr. and Mrs. Leo Vernon of Mason City spent the last of the week with the latter’s sister, Mrs. C. VanGorden of this city.
- We understand that Michael Mart intends taking a trip to Germany during this summer. He has large means and would enjoy the journey.
- Monroe Johnson was called to Spencer Saturday morning to attend the funeral of Mrs. Johnson’s father. The latter had been an invalid for some time.
- L.W. Head , of Vernon, mourns the death of his father who recently died at Blue Springs, Nebraska. He was an old soldier. Mr. Head visited him during the past winter.
- Mr. Albert Davidson, brother of Mrs. J.C. Paulson was married in Estherville a few days ago to Mrs. Ella Fox. Mr. Davidson was once a resident of Emmetsburg. He is a courteous, most worthy gentleman.
- Mrs. Yockey, Mrs. Losey’s mother, went to Rock Rapids Saturday to visit a daughter who lives at that place.
- Rev. and Mrs. Trimble, of Sioux Rapids, arrived here Monday to visit the latter’s parents, Rev. and Mrs. Walker.
- Joseph, son of Mr. and Mrs. J.J. Kane, has been very sick with typhoid pneumonia for several days but is better. Dr. O’Brien has been attending him.
- Brother McElroy, of the Ayrshire Chronicle, mourns the death of his father, who died at Clare, Webster county, a few days ago. Our esteemed contemporary has our profound sympathy in his sorrow.
- Lee Kiley has resigned his position in the Reporter office.
- Bennie Paulson came down from Rake Saturday to spend a short time with his parents.
- Mrs. Myles McNally visited with her daughter, Mrs. M.M. Maher, of Ruthven, last week.
- Ed McNally and Phil Daily, of Ayrshire, went to Aberdeen, South Dakota, yesterday to look at land.
- Mrs. J.B. Guerdet was called to Bayfield, Wisconsin, yesterday to attend the funeral of her brother, Chas. Conner.
- D.M. Wilcox was pleasantly surprised by his Sunday school class Saturday evening, the party being in honor of his 55th birthday.
- The following were the lucky shoe purchasers at Black Bros.’ during the past week: J.P. Mahan, Graettinger; A. Hollander, Mallard, T. J. McGoey, Graettinger; Mrs. George Draman, Mallard.
- At the council meeting Monday evening no business of importance was transacted. Mayor Steuhmer appointed Alex Cullen day marshal and John Drummy night marshal.
- Miss Daisy Werkheiser, of Sibley, has been awarded the $15.00 prize offered by the Sons of the American Revolution for the best patriotic essay. This is quite an honor for a small Iowa town.
- M. Hester has 1500 bushels of good corn for sale. He is indeed fortunate, considering that hundreds of farmers are buying feed this spring. He tested his seed corn the other day and he says it will all grow. Though a resident of Emmetsburg, he is still helping on the farm. A good farmer always hates to give up.
- H.H. Jacobs and James Tobin left for Idaho the last of the week, where they will spend the summer looking after their real estate interests in that section. A few days before Ed Manning, Will Cullen and Willie Tobin went to that state, also intending to remain during the season. The Democrat hopes they will not be disappointed in their expectations.

Sister Mary Agnes is Dead.
The last of the week word was received at St. Mary academy announcing the sad news of the death of Sister Mary Agnes at Mt. Carmel, Dubuque, April 24. Monday morning, Very Rev. J.J. Smith said mass for her at Assumption church. It was very largely attended by the parents and children of hthe congregation who had known and idolized her during the three years that she was in charge of St. Mary’s. She had been a Sister of Charity for sixty years and had held the position of mother superior in several of the leading schools of Iowa. She was a religious who was earnestly devoted to the great work in which her order is engaged, laboring unselfishly and tirelessly for more than half a century for the good of education, of religion and of society. The influence of her example, her sacrifices, and her zeal is moulding the lives of those with whom she mingled in her manifold duties can never be adequately measured. The people of Emmetsburg can not forget her kindness, her humility, her Christian fervor, and her anxiety to instruct their children and make them useful and worthy members of society.

Lost Their Child
The infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Aukema, of Osgood, died Monday of last week. The services were conducted at the home by Rev. Beatty. The interment was in Evergreen cemetery. Mr. and Mrs. Aukema have the sympathy of their many friends.

Horse clipping neatly done. A.M. McKinne, phone 41.


- Mr. and Mrs. Dick Hinton are the parents of a nice baby girl at their home since Sunday.
- O.R. Wernli expects to go to LeMars Thursday to be present at the graduating exercises of his sister.
- Old lady Wickenberg, south of town, mother of Mrs. Chas. Boss, died Sunday and will be buried Tuesday.
- Wallace Simpson was kicked in the face by a horse Saturday evening and was injured so severely that the doctor had to put n several stitches.
- Dr. Heinen and Prof. Joy drove to Algona Sunday. The Doctor took the train from there to Newton, Iowa, where he will be married.
- Mr. and Mrs. Harry Felder were agreeably surprised Monday evening when a party of friends came in to remind them of their fifth anniversary of their marriage. They were presented with a beautiful rocker. Cards was then the diversion. Refreshments were served and all went to their homes after spending a delightful evening.

- F. Holmes, our popular butter maker, leaves today (Wednesday) for his home at Pomeroy.
- E.N. Taylor was at Whittemore last week. He has rented a house at that place and will move there.

- Saturday evening a sad accident occurred at this place. While Mrs. Leona Smith, nee White, was cleaning her yard, she built a bonfire. Her dress accidentally touched it and she was so badly burned that grave doubts are entertained as to her chances for recovery. She has two small children. All are anxiously hoping that she may be spared to care for them.

- Mrs. C.S. George and son returned from Chicago Sunday morning where she has been the past few weeks attending her mother who has been quite ill during that time.
- Born to Mr. and Mrs. E.C. Kent, a boy on Thursday April 28th.

- Miss Mamie Jenswold, of Depew, is here visiting her sister, Mrs. Woodbridge.
- Monday W.R. Moore loaded a car with horses and farm implements and started for South Dakota, where he will work his farm this season. Will’s many friends wish him the best of success in his new home.

Wednesday, May 11, 1904

- Miss Nolan, sister of M.N., has been visiting her sister, Mrs. W.T. Kane, of Estherville, during the past week.
- Mrs. McCormick and son Charles left Thursday for Freeport, Illinois, where they will visit Mrs. Benjamin Quigley.
- A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. M.L. Brady Friday his makes them a family of a boy and a girl. The Democrat offers congratulations.
- A few days ago, while out hunting, Rex Monsell, of Ruthven, was accidentally shot in the arm. Dr. Baldwin found great difficulty in locating the bullet.
- A.J. Chapin was at Canton and other South Dakota points the last of the week looking up business for his laundry. He has had quite a run of work from that section.


A Havelock Boy Breaks His Leg.
An accident befell the six-year-old son of Joseph Schall, living near Havelock. He broke his leg several inches above the knee, causing a double fracture. Dr. Barthel drove up Tuesday and re-dressed the wound and pronounces the boy to be doing nicely—Pocahontas Democrat.

Had Been at Milford.
F.M. Harvey, a son of A. Harvey, who recently was engaged in conducting a billiard and pool room here, committed suicide at LeMars last Saturday evening by drinking carbolic acid. Mr. Harvey visited his father at that place.. He was a printer by trade and a good on, being a member of the International Typographical union.—Milford Mail.

Is a First-Class Man.
The school board meets this evening and it is understood that H.E. Blackmar, of Emmetburg, will be elected to the superintendency. Mr. Blackmar is a graduate of the State University and the State Normal. He has been teaching at Emmetsburg for seven years and every indication is that he will be a first-class man. He is 37 years old.—Iowa Falls Citizen.

Sad Accident Near Raleigh.
Little Ellen Mack, the seven-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Mack, living south of Raleigh, met with an accident Sunday evening which may result in total blindness to the unfortunate little girl. While at play with several of her playmates,, one of the little boys shot an arrow at her, the point of which glanced the left eye, mutilating the eye ball. Inflammation has set in so that it is doubtful if medical aid will be of any assistance in saving the sight. – Estherville Vindicator-Republican.

A Kossuth Banker Indicted.
The grand jury at the last session found three indictments, one against T.J. Finn, of Germania, one against R.L. Lamereaux, and one against Chas. H. Merriam. Mr. Finn was cashier of a bank in Germania, now defunct, and he was indicted on the complaint of one U.W. Jutting, who alleges that Finn accepted from him a deposit in the bank on November 7, 1903, for $1,265.52, when he knew that the bank was insolvent. Mr. Finn has put up a bond of $1,000 for his appearance in court. Sullivan & McMahon will defend.—Algona Courier.


- Ed Brown, of Sheldon, has been indicted for illegal banking. He is out of the race for sate railway commissioner.
- Brother Schultz, of the Pocahontas Herald, mourns the death of his brother, J.F. Schultz, of Los Angeles, California.
- Sunday, Frank Simpker, a farmer living near Garner, was kicked in the stomach by a mule. He died a short time after the accident.
- C.J. Smith, formerly of the firm of Smith & Benda, is now keeping a dry goods and clothing store at Albert Lea, Minnesota and is doing well.
- While out driving a few days ago, W.A. Brown, of Iowa Falls, was perhaps fatally injured by a passing railway train. His chances for recovery are very slim.
- J.E. Russell of Titonka has made a new plow which he claims will scour in all kinds of ground. He ought to send one to Brother Dalton of the Manson Democrat for trial.
- Mr. and Mrs. Max Steil left Wed. for Wagner, Indian Territory where they intend locating. They will be greatly missed by their many friends and neighbors.
- Mr. and Mrs. M. Conlon visited with their daughter, Mrs. Phil Cullen, of Whittemore, the last of the week..
- Geo. H. Baker has spoke for an office room in M.L. Brown’s new brick building and Dr. Theile will probably have quarters in Mr. Kerwick’s building. Both will have choice locations.
- A few days ago J.L. Mahon of Osgood shot a wolf and four cubs. He was well compensated by the county auditor for his efforts. Z.F. Dickinson and other neighbors feel grateful t him, as they had been losing considerable poultry. Mr. Mahan is a skillful marksman.

Lost Island Teacher used Rule with Fatal Results
Coroner’s Jury Holds Chris N. Jensen, Teacher, Responsible.

     Sunday morning word was received in this city stating that Michael, the nine-year-old son of Barney Elsenback, of Lost Island township, had died from injuries received from the hands of his teacher, Chris Jensen. Of course the rumor was scarcely credited, as no one would believe that a Palo Alto teacher could be guilty of such an offense. Dr. J.L. Van Gorden, the coroner, was summoned, as were also Dr. Burdick, of Graettinger, the attending physician, Dr. Powers, County Attorney Davidson, Attorney Burt and several others from this place, who drove at once to the home of Mr. Elsenbach, situated something over two miles west of Graettinger. A number of pupils over ten years of age, who had been attending school in the John Duus district, where the sad affair occurred, were subpoenaed and gave their testimony, which though somewhat conflicting, seemed to be conclusive so far as the principal factors are concerned.
     Tuesday afternoon when school had been called, Michael Elsenbach, now deceased, was in his seat, but was not giving any attention to his books or slate. The teacher, Chris Jensen, a brother of Mr. Jensen, the blacksmith at Fallow, noticed the boy was wasting his time and told him to get to work. It seems that the lad did not do so. Mr. Jensen walked back to the desk in which he was sitting and struck him across the head once or twice with a rule that he held in his hand. Some of the pupils present testified that they could hear the blows distinctly, while others claimed they were not of any force. Still, it is reported that the teacher had punished other pupils in this manner The boy took his copy book out of his desk and wrote a couple of lines in it. His older bother, aged 13, sat beside him and noticed that his eyes filled with tears, but he did not cry aloud. Later he went to class to read where he grieved considerably, but whether he did any reading was not brought out in testimony. During recess time he did not join in the amusements on the grounds. While returning home from school, he became very sick and vomited considerably. On reaching the house he laid down on the floor. His mother noticed him and put him to bed but did not learn what had happened at school. The parents had, it appears, like most dutiful mothers and fathers, often notified their children that cause for punishment at school would be grounds for chastisement after reaching home, as unruly conduct would not be upheld in their home. Hence the boys were timid and did not relate the school room incident. During the evening the boy did not get any better and the farther remained up to wait on him. At eleven o’clock Michael jumped out of bed, grabbed a stocking and wanted to play ball with his papa. The child was delirious. He never regained consciousness. Elsenbach did not venture away from home for a physician until the following morning, when Dr. Burdick of Graettinger was called in. Michael was still delirious and his bother had not said anything about what had taken place at school. Some time Friday the real facts were learned. Saturday Dr. Burdick called in Dr. Powers for consultation, but little could be done for the sufferer. Sunday morning the boy passed away.
     The coroner’s inquest brought out the facts substantially as stated. A post-mortem examination was held and it was found that the deceased had been suffering for some time from cerebral meningitis, which is inflammation of the membrane covering the brain. The ailment is frequently fatal, medical statistics showing that from 35 to 70 per cent of such cases prove fatal. During the holiday season the boy’s head bothered him considerably and a few weeks ago there was a discharge from one of his ears. No evidence was offered to the effect that the teacher knew about these facts. There was no mark on the outside of the skull to show where the rule had touched him. Hence while the blows perhaps aggravated his condition, there was no visible proof of violence on the part of Mr. Jensen, though no teacher should strike a child on the head with a rule or stick. Of course the teacher had no intention of injuring the little fellow and doubtless sincerely regrets the sad affair. So fare he has not been placed under arrest. It is rumored that the parents of the child are opposed to prosecuting him.
Some of the matter taken from the boy’s skull was sent to Estherville yesterday to be examined by a doctor possessing the necessary equipment to enable him to give a definite opinion on such things.
     The Elsenbach people are thrifty, well meaning Germans and have a good farm and a comfortable home. The oby appeared to be a bright, hearty lad and had not, we understand, been troublesome in school. Mr. Jensen is perhaps 35 years of age. He is not an experienced teacher. There is not, we understand, much feeling against him in the neighborhood and he is still teaching.

Verdict of the Coroner’s Jury.
     The following is the verdict of the coroner’s jury consisting of HC. Nihcols, D.L. Johnson and C.S. Starr, of this place, which is dated May 8, 1904:
     The said jurors upon their oaths do say: We find that the deceased came to his death by reason of his having cerebro-spinal meningitis and cerebritis and that the same was induced or caused, in part at least, by reason of certain blows received by said Michael Elsenbast, on or near the top of his head, on Tuesday, May 3, 1904, the said blows being then and there feloniously struck by one Christian N. Jensen, with a wooden rule twelve inches long, then and there held in the hands of said Jensen and that the said disease as aforesaid caused the death of said deceased on the 8th day of May, 1904, at 5 o’clock a.m., and we further find that he did come to his death feloniously, and that a crime has been committed on the deceased, and that Christian N. Jensen is the name of the person the jury believe has committed it. 

Mr. Jensen Arrested.
     Mr. Jensen was arrested Monday evening and brought to this city. He was arraigned before Justice Atkinson. He waived a hearing and is held to await the action of the grand jury. He has been released on a $2,500 bail bond. He returned to Fallow last evening. He worked for Mr. Jeppeson, of this place, a couple of years ago as a plasterer and mason. Mr. Morling will defend him. He refused to be interviewed but we understand the he claims the boy had been talking to other boys and that he told him to behave himself. He had his back turned hearing a class and turning around quickly, he caught the boy talking a second time. He stepped back and struck him lightly with the rule. He says the boy laughed after the affair happened and the he played outside during recess. Mr. Jensen says it was either Monday or Friday that he struck the boy. He is sure that it was not on Tuesday. He is a married man. He is a rather quite looking fellow. He is greatly worried over the sad affair.

[Transcriber note: Headline had Elsenbast and rest of article had Elsenbach]

     J.C. Johnson, who was one of the pioneer settlers of Silver Lake township, and who was well known to many of our citizens and business men, was killed while getting off a train at Rocky Ford, Colorado, Friday, April 22. He was 71 years of age. He and his wife moved to Colorado six or seven years ago. Mr. Johnson was a Scotchman and though very steadfast in his convictions, was an honest, well meaning old gentleman. He had many friends in this locality. Several of his sons went to Colorado quite a number of years ago and later he and Mrs. Johnson moved there to be close to them. Mr. Johnson named Ayrshire when the Des Moines and Fort Dodge road was built there. He always took an active interest in the town. He was intelligent and was a close student of public affairs.

Miss Peyton Goes to Montana.
Miss Ella Peyton, who had been employed for the past three years in the Citizens’ Savings bank, was obliged to give up her position this week on account of failing health. She will soon go to Montana where, ti is hped to her numerous friends, she will soon recover.—Ayrshire Chronicle.

Ayrshire Boys in Trouble.
On last Wednesday evening while returning home from town Hugh Patterson and Jesse Little shot into Geo. Trigg’s house. The bullet went through a window and lodged in the opposite wall, just missing the children who were sleeping in the room. The next morning Mr. Triggs came to town and had warrants sworn out for their arrest. The young hopefuls were soon rounded up near Plover by Constable Steenson. They were brought to Ayrshire where a hearing was held Friday morning and fined $50 and costs, but the fine was remitted on good behavior. This should prove a dear lesson to the boys, who are about seventeen and hereafter they should aspire to something higher than rowdyism.—Chronicle.

[Transcriber note: Surname spelled Trigg and Triggs.]

Were Happily Surprised.
Monday evening the members of the north side whist club were treated to a pleasant surprise. During the winter it was understood that the losers for the season would provide a banquet for the winners. The matter had been practically forgotten. Mrs. W.J. Black, Geo. H. Baker and Dr. J.C. Davies having had the lowest markings, the various members of the club were invited to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Black, on the above named evening, where all played through the boards once when light refreshments were served. A grand march was then proposed and, during the brief moments that followed, the entertainers made their escape and were not to be found Finally the guests were invited to the home of Dr. and Mrs. Davies where everything was in readiness for another good time. The hostess and hosts were not, however, watched closely and during he amusements provided they were missing. In a short time the visitors were comfortably located at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Baker where the last game of whist was enjoyed and the third course of refreshments served. The entertainment proved a novel one and it is needless to say that all present appreciated the many surprises of the evening. The regular members of the club are Mr. and Mrs. Bliven, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. J. Consigney, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Black, Mrs. and Mrs. Knoblauch, Mr. and Mrs. Keller, Mr. and Mrs. Baker, Mr. and Mrs. Davies, Mr. and Mrs. N.W. Thompson and HW. Beebe.

Were Married Yesterday.
     Mr. Dennis Carroll, Jr., and Miss Minnie Early, of this place, were married at Assumption church, Tuesday, May 10, Rev. M.J. Costello officiating. The attendants were Mr. Wm. Martini and Miss Myrtle Early. Only a few relatives of the contracting parties were present to witness the affair. At the close of the ceremony, all repaired to the home of the bride’s parents where the wedding breakfast was served. Mr. and Mrs. Carroll left on the north-bound passenger on the Rock Island last evening for St. Paul where they will spend a short time visiting relatives. On their return they will commence housekeeping on the old T.W. Harrison farm southwest of the home of the groom’s parents. The bride is one of the bright, winsome young ladies of this city. She is universally esteemed and is in every way worthy of the high regard in which she is held by friends and neighbors. The groom is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Carroll, who are among the honored pioneers of Palo Alto. He is an exceptionally deserving young farmer. He has lived in this vicinity since boyhood and all who know him have the most kindly feelings towards him because of his courtesy, industry and exemplary conduct. The democrat extends hearty greetings to the newly mated couple. 

Capt. Chantland Made Major.
Capt. Chatland, of Fort Dodge, was recently elected one of the majors of the Fifty-Sixth regiment. He received 382 of the 433 votes cast. The members of Company K of this city gave him their united support. The Webster City company opposed him and he also had some opposition in the Sioux City and Boone companies. It is not yet known what companies will be under his command.


- Mrs.James McGinty has received a new organ.
- Mrs. Harry Graves and sons are here visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. Lampman.
- Will Smith has sold his draying outfit to Will White.
- Mrs. Will Smith, who was burned so badly last week, is not improving very rapidly.

- Miss Esther Foster, of Ayrshire, has been visiting her sister, Mrs. Reeley, the past few days.

- Messrs. J.R. Noble and H.G. Harrison, of this place, have invented and patented a road grader, which, form the experiments that they have had, they are sure it will be a success. On Tuesday of this week they took the machine up to High Lake township where they will give a demonstration before the trustees of that township.

- E.M. Taylor and family moved to Whittemore Tuesday. Mr. Taylor had been here for several years conducting the yard of the Wheeler Lumber company and he had built up a fine patronage for his people. He is a thorough business man and a pleasant gentleman. We shall all miss him very much. The Whittemore people will not be disappointed in him.

- John Gohn, our popular butcher, has gone to Forest City to remain.
- O.R. Wernli returned Sunday evening from LeMars, where he had gone to attend the graduating exercises of the school. His sister was one of the graduates.
- Mike Carroll, after spending a few days here, went to LaCrosse, Wisconsin, Saturday evening where he will visit relatives.
- Mr. and Mrs. H.P. Hatch drove to Lone Rock Saturday and remained over Sunday with their daughter, Mrs. George Munch.
- Albert Potratz, in blasting rock one day last week, had his face blown full of powder.

Wednesday, May 18, 1904

- Frank Gotch, Humboldt’s wrestler, will soon take a trip to Europe to meet all comers.
- The Estherville Vindictor-Republican reports a new boy at the home of Mr. and Mrs. L.F. Stillman of Dolliver.
- George W. Drybread was called to Greeley last week to attend the funeral of an uncle. The deceased was father of Henry Drybread, formerly of Emmetsburg.
- Mr. and Mrs. W.W. Hough, of Booneville, N.Y. are visiting Mr and Mrs. H. H. Hough, of this city. He gentlemen are brothers and had not seen each other for many years.
- T.J. Hughes was over from Ruthven Wednesday. He had just returned from Galena, Illinois, where he was called by the serious illness of his mother. He found her, however, on the road to recovery.
- The C.L. Lund estate of Algona, which was originally valued at $326,246 has been settled u and the creditors are not very well pleased. The claim of L. Ross for $180,000 is cut to $2,218. Mr. Brunson gets $25.29 on a $1,675 claim and the Courier has been paid ten cents on a $7.00 bill.
- J.E. King has been appointed deputy auditor of Kossuth county. He had been in the employ of Harrard & Peek, abstractors. J.E. ought to feel at home in a court house. He was clerk of the district court in Palo Alto for a couple of terms and he also served as sheriff one or two terms.


He Left a Big Estate
The last will and testament of the late Col. Blanden has been filed with the county clerk for probate. The instrument disposes of a large estate valued at between $250,000 and $300,000, all of which is left to his nephews and nieces, he having no children of his own Each of his nieces receives $10,000, two nephews $50,000 each and two others, $2,500 each, and another $1,000. The sum of $5,000 is set aside for the erection of a monument over his grave.—Fort Dodge Post.


- Mrs F.G. McMahon intends leaving this week for a visit with relatives at Ackley and vicinity.
- Mrs. P.J. Hester of Carrington, N.D., is here visiting her brothers, Hugh and Fred Dudgeon, and old friends.
- Miss Amy Powers and Miss Clara Gift returned last week from their trip to Denbeigh, North Dakota, near which place each took a homestead.
- T.J. Duffy came here Saturday evening to spend a few days at home. His sister, Mrs. Keenan, of LeMars, came with him and will remain for a short time.
- Miss Maggie Moran went to Fullerton, N.D., Tuesday to visit her niece Mrs. Kinsley.
- Miss Mary Laughlin has accepted a position as book keeper in L. Reihsen’s meat market.
- Mrs. Earl Morris went to Curlew yesterday to visit her parents, Senator and Mrs. Kinne.
- A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Matt Neary, of Great Oak township, Wednesday morning.
- Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Williams returned the last of the week to Edinburg, North Dakota, after a brief visit with relatives in this section.
- Mrs. N.E. Maxon was called to Marshalltown Wednesday evening by a telegram announcing that her husband could live but a short time.
- P. O’Grady is planning to build a fine $6,000 home at Ayrshire. He is an old resident of that place, has done well, and is now inclined to enjoy his wealth.
- A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. W.S. Palmer Tuesday.
- A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Juhl of Vernon township, May 10th.
- Mr. and Mrs. Frank McCormick, of Ayrshire, have moved onto a farm north of Ruthven.
- Mrs. Millham is enjoying a visit from her mother, Mrs. Blanchard, of Pierre, South Dakota.
- Twin boys were born to Mr. and Mrs. George Edwards of Ayrshire, Thursday. The Democrat extends congratulations.
- Mrs. S.D. Bickford arrived home from Gilmore City Monday where she had been attending the funeral of her uncle, Mr. Moffitt.
- Mr. and Mrs. J.C. Franklin quietly took their departure for Traer a few days ago and have since asked to have their household goods shipped to them. MR. Franklin worked for nearly a year in Mr. McMahon’s barber shop.

Matt Patton Goes Higher.
Matt Patton has been transferred as agent from Mitchell, South Dakota, to Winona, Minnesota, at a good advance in salary. Mitchell was his first station. It is a place of 4,000. Winona is a city of 19,714. The company is certainly pushing Mr. Patton forward as fast as it can. The Democrat congratulates him on the splendid promotion he has been given. He is eminently worthy of it.

Elected New Officers.
At the annual meeting of the Epworth League of this city, held Wednesday evening the following named officers were elected for the ensuing year:
President, Mrs. Underwood.
1st Vice President, Gertrude Blanchard.
2nd Vice President, Alice Wilcox.
3rd Vice President, Mrs. Darland.
4th Vice President, Margaret Hill and Nellie Sturtevant.
Secretary, Chas. Young.
Treasurer, Geo. Sturtevant.
Organist, Edith Mathewson.

Business Changes at Ayrshire.
B.F. Frazier has traded his hardware stock, implements, building and hotel fixtures to J.M. Jackson, of Lorimer, for 200 acres of land in Union county adjoining he town of Talmage. The deal was closed the last of the week. The new firm will be known as Jackson & Co. and J. C. Alexander will have charge of the store while Mr. Frazier will conduct the hotel until Jan. 1st.
Mr. Frazier has, by a number of large deals, amassed a neat income, and will hereafter pay his entire attention to the real estate business. His office will be at the hotel. The Chronicle wishes both firms great success.—Ayrshire Chronicle.


- A marriage license was issued last Thursday to John Herberger and Miss Elizabeth Graettinger.
- Mr and Mrs. Michael Mart left for Germany Monday evening for an extended visit with relatives and old friends.
- M. Hester has purchased of Peter Metz the half block south of his residence. A good farmer never has ground enough.
- Mrs. Julia Flora, of Dallas county, has been visiting during the past week with her parents, MR. and Mrs. Peter Metz, of this place.
- Miss Allie Watson, formerly of his place, was married on May 10, Los Angeles, California, to Mr. Z.F. Cromwell. The latter is in the employ of Nares & Saunders.
- M.L. Brady has sold his business in this city to E.W. Schemps, of Whittemore, who took possession Monday. We have not learned what Mr. Brady intends doing.
- T.F. Shea has entered one of the leading law offices of Des Moines where he will remain for at least a year. He had been attending Highland Park Normal school.
- The Ruthven Free Press says that on Wednesday Ed Ahrens traded his 107 acre farm north of that city to Wilmer Goff, receiving in exchange Mr. Goff’s 80 acre farm and $3,000.

Lost Their Baby Girl.
Tuesday evening Mr. and Mrs. W.P. Reinders, of Ellington, lost their little baby girl. The funeral was held at Mallard Thursday. They have the sympathy of their many friends in the south part of the county and elsewhere. Little folks are not known much to the busy, bustling world, but the peaceful, happy home that becomes accustomed to their prattling and their interesting actions is decidedly lonesome without them. Often they are missed more than older people.


- Mr. and Mrs. John Rink are the proud parents of a young daughter since Thursday.
- Mrs. Will Smith, who was so badly burned a couple of weeks ago, died Monday morning about five o’clock. Mr. Smith has the sympathy of the community.

- Mr and Mrs. W. Nathian left on Saturday evening for their future home at Oelwein, Iowa. They made many friends here, all of whom were sorry to see them leave.
- Mrs. F.E. Jones spent several days the last week visiting her daughter, Mrs. DeMouth, at Emmetsburg.

- Matt Luxinger and son are here to invoice the Thompson & Boyle stock of good which they recently traded for.
- Mr. and Mrs. Ed Schimp went to Emmetsburg Saturday, where they will make their future home.
- E.N. Taylor of Curlew is now manager of the Wheeler lumber yard. He moved his family to this place last week and is now nicely settled in the Spoor home.
- Mrs. Flood, of West Bend, was here Wednesday of last week and rented the Esser house. She intends moving here in the near future.

Wednesday, May 25, 1904


- Mrs. H.B. Mahan and children went to Guthrie Center last week to visit her parents for some time. She was accompanied by her brother, W.A .Lane, who has been here for a few days.


- Mrs. Acers went to Corith Tuesday to visit her daughter, Mrs. Vogel.
- Clint Smith of Mason City is here visiting his aunt, Mrs. J.H. Godden.
- Mrs. Helmar, mother of Mrs. Stemets, has been very ill or the past week.
- The West Bend Band gave a concert Monday at that place. John Metz is the leader.
- R.T. Crowell, one of the oldest residents of Spirit Lake, died Thursday. He was 78 years of age.
- Mrs. P. Brodigan, of Sioux City, who had been here visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Walsh, for the past month, returned home Saturday.
- At a recent school election at Rodman, Homer Randall was chosen principal. Miss Mary Crowley, of this place, is to have charge of the lower room.
- Dan Kelly was at Terril Thursday looking after his stock of goods which Val Wagner is closing out.
- Mrs. Frank Wrate arrived here Monday evening from Mason City to visit her sister, Mrs. E.J. Scott.
- Miss Ella Peyton of Ayrshire left last Wednesday for Helena, Montana, where she went for the benefit of her health.
- Mr. and Mrs. Walter Scott of Chicago, are visiting at the home of the latter’s parents, M. and Mrs. J.C. Thompson of Blairgowrie farm.
- Joe Boyle, of Ayrshire, recently went to South Dakota. He intends being on the ground early for the opening of the Rosebud reservation. He will work near there this summer.
- A marriage license has been issued to Joseph Houska and Annie Janction.
- A twelve-pound son was born to Mr. and Mrs. J.D. Higgins, of Great Oak township, Tuesday.
- A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Edward McNally Thursday. The Democrat extends congratulations.
- Mr. and Mrs. William and Geo. Doughty left here Tuesday morning for Boise, Idaho, to remain permanently.
- Mrs. C.S. Grinsted, of Des Moines, is here visiting Mrs. C.B. Kendall. She will be remembered by many Emmetsburgers as Miss Mattie Herberger.
- F.C. Annett has disposed of his interest in the Spencer Reporter to his brother, W.H., and will move to Idaho to engage in the poultry business.
- Black Bros. Announce hat they will dissolve partnership in August. We understand that Peter intends moving to Idaho some time during the fall. 
- Ed Beatty was over from Ruthven Saturday getting legal advice on his long drawn out land case. He is one of those who settled and made homestead entry on the unsurveyed land north of Lost Island lake. There is some delay in getting title to the land.
- John Rutledge arrived home from Quincy, Illinois, Monday evening. He has secured a position in the Dolliver State bank, of which L.P. Stillman is cashier., and will enter upon his duties next week. His many friends wish him success in his new line of work.

Edward Ryan Home from Idaho
Edward Ryan arrived home from Idaho Sunday. He is pleased with the country and says that all the Emmetsburgers who lie here are doing well. James S. Scott has opened a small store west of Boies City. Mr. Lane is thriving and takes special pains to treat all Emmetsburg visitors hospitably. Bert Illingsworth has grown fat and hearty and is getting rich. Mr. Ryan is thinking seriously of locating in Idaho but he has not yet made any investments in that state. He also visited Spokane and other Washington points while about. He enjoyed his trip, but is glad to be home again.

J.J. Reardon Home from St. Louis
     J.J. Reardon returned from St. Louis yesterday. He has resigned his position with the exposition people and has purchased a newspaper at Carrington, North Dakota. He intends moving here at once to take charge of it. The Democrat wishes him success in his undertaking.

The Funeral of Mr. Maxon.
     The funeral of Mr. Maxon, held on Thursday, was largely attended. It was held jointly under the direction of the G.A.R. and the Masonic fraternity of this city, the deceased having been a member of both societies. W.G. Henry, Wm. Harrison and David Starr represented the G.A.R. as pall bearers and E.L. Marsh, James Gowans and C.F. Bliven the Masonic order. The services were held at the Congregational church. The sermon was preached by Rev. L.G. Kent, who was for a long time an intimate friend of the deceased. The interment was in Evergreen cemetery.

James R. Fife Very Ill.
James R. Fife has been very ill for several days with appendicitis. Sunday morning he was operated on by Drs. Van Gorden and Davies. He is still very weak. A professional nurse from Hartley is taking care of him. All who know him hope for his complete recovery.

Lose Their Little Child.
Mr .and Mrs. James M’Namara, of Silver Lake township, mourn the loss of their little daughter, Cecelia Pearl, who died of health and kidney trouble on May 16th. Had she lived she would have been two years old on June 23d. Funeral services were held at the house and the burial was at the Catholic cemetery in Emmetsburg on Wednesday, the 18th. The parents are deeply grieved at their loss and have the sympathy of a large circle of friends who regret that this bereavement has come upon them.

Little Doing in Court
Court convened again Monday after an adjournment of several days. The only case taken up was that of John Menzies vs. the First National Bank of Ruthven, but it was settled, after which the petit jurors were dismissed for the term. The grand jury is still in session, but court has been adjourned until Thursday. Then, if the grand jury has not completed the labors, a recess will be taken until June 4. 
The grand jurors who are serving during the present session are Louis Wegener, M.T. McEvoy, F. Barber, Fred Kassel, John Joynt, Chas. Metz and John Schuller.

Herberger – Graettinger
Mr. John Herberger and Miss Elizabeth Graettinger were united in matrimony at the Catholic church May 18th, Rev. J. Kelly officiating.
Both the bride and groom are well and favorably known in this vicinity. The groom has been a clerk in the stores here the past few years. He is a splendid young man. The bride is a very estimable young lady. She is refined and cultured and possesses many rare qualities of excellent womanhood. The groom is deserving in every way of the young lady whom he has chosen as a life partner. May success and happiness attend them and their future be filled with life’s joys and blessings. They will make their future home in Graettinger.—Graettinger Times.

Attempted Suicide at Estherville.
There was great excitement at the Emmet house just before six o’clock last evening. MISS Lena Thompson, a waitress at the hotel, did not appear at supper time and another young lady in going to her room found her lying on the bed in an unconscious condition. Efforts to arouse her proved futile and Landlord Peterson was called. He at once detected the odor of chloroform and Drs. Birney and Wilson were summoned. They soon brought her out from under its effects. She had inhaled the chloroform from a small vial but not enough to kill her, if she had intended it for that purpose. She says not but gives no explanation as to why it was taken. Miss Thompson is said to be a very pleasant and cheerful young lady. Those acquainted with her can see no cause for such an act. Her home is in Forest City where her parents reside.—Estherville Democrat.


- Mrs. Kronberg died Thursday and the funeral was held from the Lutheran church Saturday.

- Mrs. Follett was called away last week by the death of her brother, Arthur Howard, who was operated on for appendicitis. He also had an abscess on the lungs.

- Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Andregg are visiting relatives in Missouri.
- Mr. and Ms. Arthur Hoskin, of Fern Valley were here visiting relatives one day last week.

- Chas. Manby has been here the past few days visiting with his mother, Mrs. L.A. Ferguson.
- Miss Helen Berry, of Sylvania, Ohio, is here spending a few weeks visiting her aunt, Mrs. A.V. Johnson.
- Mr. and Mrs J.A. Gammon and children left here Sunday evening for New York where they go to spend a couple of months visiting relatives and sightseeing.

- Miss Inez Odland left for Milford Monday evening to visit her sister, Mrs. Heldridge, of that place.

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