Palo Alto County Newspapers

Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa

Wednesday, January 6, 1904


Home from Colorado
Mentor McFarland and family have returned from Boulder, Colorado, where they moved a few months ago and once more taken up their abode in West Bend.

House Burned Near Curlew.
The residence on the farm of Mrs. Lacey north of town, occupied by Rev. McBride, burned last Wednesday morning. Mr. McBride lost everything. The house was insured. The fire was caused by a defective flue.—Ayrshire Chronicle.

Choose a Committee of Ten.
At a meeting of the members of the Congregation of the Sacred Heart at Sodality Hall Sunday noon a committee of ten members were chosen to assist Rev. J.T. Saunders, the new pastor, in the management of the financial affairs of the parish for the ensuing year. The committee chosen is as follows: Matt Welsh, P.M. Reilly, T.E. Benton, James Monroe, Mike Hogan, T.J. Mahoney, William Conway, D.P. Ivis, John Lacy Jr., Wm. Creed.—Boone Democrat.


- Miss Josie Dealy left for Cedar Falls Monday to attend the Iowa State normal school.
- M.T. McEvoy has presented himself with a brand new double buggy as a New Year’s gift.
- S. Jenswold of Depew, recently sold his quarter section farm to Theodore Johnson for $50 per acre.
- Mrs. Moran, mother of Mrs. F.G. McMahon, has gone to Chicago to spend the winter with one of her sons who lives in that city.
- Mr. and Mrs. E.B. Soper Jr. returned to Woonsocket, South Dakota Monday after a two weeks’ visit with Emmetsburg relatives.
- A. Finnestad has sold his 200 acre farm near Depew to some party whose name we have not learned for $47.50 per acre. It is well improved.
- Martin Busse and his nephew, Albert Zenft, who had been visiting Gus and William Maroshek, returned to Oelwein the first of the week.
- H.H. Jacobs was called to Idaho Thursday to assist in locating a town on some property he purchased in that state some months ago. Fortune seems to smile frequently on Hank
- Andrew Leach and M.M. Thompson have purchased the Phil Daily blacksmith shop at Ayrshire. John Redden will be retained as blacksmith. We glean from the Chronicle.
- B.S. Nelson who was the assistant at the Emmetsburg Creamery for some time, is now butter maker at Swea City and is making $70 per month. It paid him to work under a competent man such as Mr. Knudsen is recognized.
- E.A. Sherman, a brother of Thomas Sherman, of Bancroft, has been appointed superintendent of the Bitter Root Indian reservation in western Montana. He was once editor of the Fort Dodge Post and has been editing one of the Marcus Daily papers for several years.

M.L. Brady, Emmetsburg, Iowa
Wholesale Dealer in 
Milwaukee Lager Beer
Bottled Brands, Export, All Hail Weiner, Private Stock and Malt Vivine.
Also General Agent for the Sunny Brook Distilling Company of Louisville, Kentucky.
A choice line of Wines and Liquors always on hand at prices to suit the custom.

To The Public
A New Liver Outfit
I have remodeled my liver and feed stable just west of the St. James hotel and am now ready to accommodate the public with excellent teams and neat and substantial rigs. Plenty of room to feed teams. An excellent location. Call on me and see how well I can please you.
Phone No. 151
McCoy & Mulroney.

The Largest and Best Stock of Lumber in Northern Iowa
Sash, Blinds, Mouldings, Doors, Shingles, Lath, Pickets.
Coal, Lime, Cement, Stucco, Building Paper.
H.C. Shadbolt, Price Right
Phone 46 Emmetsburg

In New Quarters
I have rented the Harrison livery barn a half block west of the Palo Alto County Bank corner and solicit the patronage of the public. I have good teams and rigs and have a large feed barn. A most convenient location. Prices reasonable. Call and see us.
E.F. Murphy, Emmetsburg, Iowa.

Mr. Anglum Has a Leg Broken
Yesterday while W.J. Anglum, Sr., was hauling some trees that he had cut down out of the grove at his home north of town he met with a very painful accident which may lay him up for some time. A large tree, which he was hauling with a team rolled over and one of the limbs struck him on the leg, breaking the larger bone of one of his legs at the ankle. Dr. Morton was immediately called and set the fracture and he is resting as well as can be expected.—Ayrshire Chronicle.

Sent Back to the Pen.
Young Salyards, who worked at the Waverly hotel several years ago, has been sent back to the penitentiary from Dickinson county. He had served two or three years for robbery and was paroled a year or so ago, when he opened a tailor shop at Lake Park and was given quite a generous patronage by people who wished to encourage him. However, during the past few weeks, several robberies have been committed in the town and all the circumstances indicate that Salyards was the thief. Hence his arrest and the action of the court in sending him back to prison. He has five or six years more to serve.

A Treasured New Year’s Souvenir.
H.C. Shadbolt’s heart was gladdened New Year’s day when he received through the postoffice a picture of himself that had been taken when he was six years old. He had evidently been frightened by the man who stood behind the camera and rang the bell, as there are traces of big tears on the photograph. However, he is proud of his picture, just the same, and will be glad to show it to any one who would like to call and see it.

New County Officers on Duty.
The county supervisors have been in session since Monday. All the newly elected officers have been sworn in , their bonds having been accepted by the board. Martin Morrissey has been chosen janitor of the court house and grounds for the ensuing year at a salary of $30 per month. There was no dissatisfaction 
whatsoever with Mr. Eaton, who was very prompt and careful, but he asked for an advance in wages and the board advertised for bids. Mr. Morrissey being the lowest bidder, was elected. He is competent and trustworthy and will doubtless fill the position satisfactorily.


- Thomas Jackson of Ruthven left for Minnesota Thursday to visit his parents.
- J.F. Overmyuer of Parkersburg is the new superintendent of the Algona city schools.
- Arthur and Scot Thornton, of Canton, South Dakota, are visiting their cousin, C.H. Giddings, of Osgood.
- Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Higley, of Fairfield township, mourn the loss of a child. It was buried Wednesday.
- David Gavin will have a public sale Thursday, January 14th. He intends moving to California soon. See his ad in this issue.
- Miss Anna Donovan recently lost one of her fine driving horses. It stepped on an upturned rusty nail and died from lockjaw.
- George Perkins, the Rock Island agent at Ayrshire, was transferred to Ruthven Wednesday. Mr. Fitzgerald, the Ruthven agent, has been given a good position in the division office in Des Moines.
- L.P. Erland, who had been teaching at Badger, visited during the past ten days with his uncle. Ole Thompson, and other relatives in this vicinity. He left the Northfield, Minnesota, yesterday, where he will take a course in St. Olaf’s college.
- The annual meeting of the Fairville Creamery company was held Saturday. We understand that the outcoming directors were re-elected. Fred Witte was again chosen president, Joseph Kliegl secretary and Theo. Bleckwenn treasurer. The creamery is doing a splendid business.
- E.J. Sprout is building a fine house at Terril. He moved to that place a year or so ago.
- Mrs. John O’Brien, of Great Oak township, is visiting relatives at Dougherty, Cerro Gordo county.
- Mr. and Mrs. Chas Keller are moving to St Paul this week, where Mr. Keller will work for McLaughlin Bros.
- L.W. Head went to Blue Springs, Nebraska, Thursday, to visit his parents whom he has not seen for several years.
- Mrs. B. Quigley is here visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. McCormick. She intends to remain about a month.
- A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Bert Flora New Year’s. Mrs. Flora has been visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Metz, for some time.
- We regret to learn that O.L. Beck has not enjoyed good health since going to Minnesota. He was quite ill for some time and has not fully recovered.
- Martin Joynt returned to Iowa City yesterday to resume his studies in the Iowa State university. He has been home spending the holidays with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. Joynt.
- H.C. Shadbolt has been making the little folks happy since the commencement of the holidays by giving them net lead pencils that advertise his business. It is needless to say that he has lots of visitors as the result of his generosity.
- Clem Roach is expected home from Des Moines, in about ten days, where he has been taking a course in pharmacy in the Highland Park Normal school. He is practically through with his studies and will be given his diploma before he returns.
- The Palo Alto telephone line will be extended to Cylinder in a few days.
- J.E. Conway has been appointed Rock Island agent at Osgood. He is a steady, worthy young man. We congratulate him on his success.
- Marriage licenses have been issued to D.F. Booth and Carrie M. Soper, Francis Reynolds and Bertha Eckerly, Martin Stewart and Mary Brinkman.
- Miss Maggie Shea returned to Cedar Rapids yesterday where she has been attending a commercial college. She came home to spend the holidays.
- Mr. Donahue, of St. Paul, arrived in this city last evening to visit his nephew J.D. McCarty. He left for Graettinger this morning to visit Mr. McCarty’s parents.
- Ole Oakvig, of Mallard, has purchased the Finnested farm in Independence township. He came from Hamilton county a few years ago. He is an excellent farmer.
- W.R. Chapman , of Vernon township, will have an auction sale Monday, January 18. He will quit farming for a short time and attend school.
- Rev. J.W. Walker was taken quite ill a few days ago while visiting his daughter, Mrs. Trimble, of Sioux Rapids. He has been brought home and is some better. Mrs. Trimble is here helping to care for him.
- W.F. Currans of Highland township reports that a few nights ago some party came to his place in his absence and killed a number of his turkeys and threw them to the yard. How any human being could do such a malicious act is more than we can understand.
- New Year’s being Michael Roach’s 58th birthday, he was surprised in the evening by a number of his relatives and friends and was presented with a beautiful picture. The evening was pleasantly passed. Mr. and Mrs. Roache will doubtless often recall the event with pleasure.
- J.E. Smith was up from Mallard yesterday He is the gentleman who purchased the fine farm of Edward Kress two years ago. He says he had excellent corn last year and the year before. In fact some of this neighbors credit him with having the best corn raised in the county in 1903. He was recently elected trustee in Ellington township.

A Sadly Afflicted Home
Death and gloom reign in the home of Mr. and Mrs. J.F. Fitzpatrick, of Booth township. Monday morning their daughter Mary, aged 21, died of measles and pneumonia and during the day their son Lawrence, aged 18, died from the same ailments. Arrangements were made to hold the funeral yesterday, but another son James, aged 26, died during the morning and one more boy is so ill that little hopes are entertained for his recovery. It has been but three or four weeks since Mr. Fitzpatrick buried a full grown son and a son or a daughter died a year or two previous to that time. The awful affliction is indeed a severe blow to them and they have the profound sympathy of all who know them. They have lived south of Ayrshire for nearly twenty years. They came from Allamakee county. They are excellent people and they raised a good family of sons and daughters. They moved to Minneapolis some time ago and some of the younger people remained on the farm. However, they have been in Booth since their son died late in the fall.

Is prepared to go into the country at any time and butcher your beeves. 
If you want the work done in a neat, thorough manner, call on me.


- Fred Hawker has gone to Colorado for the benefit of his health.
- A young man by the name of Fred Stigman is to take charge of the Wheeler Lumber Co.’s yard here.
- Mrs. Kramer and her mother, Mrs. Gremmels, intend going to South Dakota in a few days to visit relatives.
- Otto Wernli returned to Whittemore Monday after visiting at his home in LeMars.
- Agent Corbett was called to Springfield, Illinois Sunday evening to the death bed of his father.
- Mrs. Maria Ryan, who had been here visiting relatives for some time has returned to her home in Chicago.
- Otto Griffiths, of Marshalltow, and Fred Griffiths of Peabody, Kansas, brothers of Mrs. Schimp, attended Mr. Schimp’s funeral here on Sunday.
- Ed Walsh came home from Chicago Sunday where he had been to see his little son who recently underwent an operation there. While in Chicago he visited the morgue where the dead from the theatre were lying.
- Levi S. Schimp, the agent for the Wheeler Lumber company, died last Wednesday evening after a few hours’ illness. His taking off was the result of a stroke of apoplexy. The funeral was held Sunday. The services were held at the M.E. church and a very appropriate sermon was preached by the pastor, Rev. Beebe. Mr. Schimp was an excellent business man, a kind father and husband and a good neighbor.


- Will Laughlin spent a few days here visiting with his brother, Martin, of this place.
- Mrs. Robert Clarke and children are here this week visiting with her sister, Mrs. Dr. Osher.
- Miss Sadie McDonald, after an absence of a few weeks, was here Saturday instructing her music class.
- The Misses Maude and Blanche Black, of Emmetsburg spent last week with their aunt, Mrs. D.E. Collins of this place.
- Dennis McCarty, of Fargo, North Dakota, is here to spend a few weeks visiting his parents and other relatives in this section of the county.
- HO. Dalen was here last week visiting his parents. He returned to Butler, South Dakota, Sunday evening. His sister, Miss Bertha, accompanied him and will spend a short while visiting there.

Notice of Dissolution.
Notice is hereby given that the Steil Bros. Hardware and Implement firm has been dissolved by mutual consent. M.F. and Matt Steil have retired and Joe J. Steil will continue the business. M.F. and Matt Steil will pay all obligations of said firm and will collect all bills due firm to October 5, 1903.
Joe J. Steil, Matt Steil, M.F. Steil. Emmetsburg, Iowa, Dec. 15, 1903.

Wednesday, January 13, 1904

A Well Merited Tribute.
The Reporter, whose republicanism will not be questioned by any citizen of the county, pays the following well merited tribute to Alex Cullen, a democrat who has made such a pains taking, courteous and dutiful sheriff during the past two years: “One of the most popular and efficient county officers that has served the county in recent years retired from office Monday. This was Sheriff Cullen, and it is but just to him to say that in the performance of his duties while in office he always considered the public good rather than personal comfort or personal preferment. He was ever courteous and obliging in his dealings with those who were so unfortunate as to come under his charge. He exercised every courtesy and kindness possible to extend to them. It was to this that his popularity as an officer was due. In turning over the office to his successor he also exercised the same courteous treatment and did everything in his power to make the incoming of his successor both pleasant and effective. He retires from office with the good will of all and the consciousness of having served the public faithfully and well.”


- J.M. Farley held the lucky number that drew the fine driving horse that was raffled Saturday evening.


- Tom Helgeson, who had been in Story county the past year, is here calling on old friends.
- Miss Myrtle Griswold, of Montgomery, has taken a position as telegraph operator at the depot.
- Mrs. M. Stein, of Emmetsburg, was here the first of the week visiting her sister, Mrs. J.H. Gammon.


- E. McDonnell, of Ayrshire, was a business visitor to Emmetsburg Saturday. He reports Mr. Fitzpatrick’s other son considerably better.
- The Odd Fellows at Milford dedicated their new building Wednesday evening. It was built by P.R. Wells, of this city.
- W.L. Floyd and Will Sands were up from Mallard Thursday. Mr. Floyd is now instructing the Mallard band. Mrs. Floyd and Aubry are still at Cedar Rapids.
- Mrs. L.S. Coffin, one of the best known ladies in northwest Iowa, died at Fort Dodge last Wednesday. She came to that place in 1857. She was a native of New York. She was 78 years of age.


He Couldn’t Count Money
Saturday, H.H. Buck got hold of the wrong prescription in doctoring his eyes, and for several days early in the week he could not figure interest or see a dollar even when it was coming his way. It’s a pretty serious case when a banker can not see money.—Spirit Lake Beacon.

High Priced Land Near Rolfe.
Ed McMahon enjoys the distinction of getting the highest price for land sold near Rolfe. He sold the twenty five acres north of town, known as the old Wm. Lothian place, to Oscar Folks for $120.00 per acre. That makes $8,000 for that place. It is a very fine location, nicely elevated and one of the best views of the town.- Rolfe Reveille.


- A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Jackman, of Walnut township, Thursday.
- John McCarty of LaCrosse, Wisconsin, recently visited his mother and brother Michael of Great Oak.
- Marriage licenses have been issued to Joseph F. Bell and Mary Reardon, Silas J. Trindall and Elizabeth R. Bosold, George V. Sloan and Minnie M. Watson.
- C.S. Labar, of Hillsboro, North Dakota, is visiting his father, Simpson Labar, of this city. It has been eighteen years since he last visited Emmetsburg.
- Mr. Blanchard, a son-in-law of Silas Roupe, of Whittemore, was killed in a wreck on the Great Northern railroad a few days ago. The accident occurred in Washington. He was a member of the train crew.
- Mrs. Culten of Logan is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Baldwin, of Osgood.
- R.E. Jones was over from Algona Sunday to visit his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Jones.
- Mrs. Shriner of Rodman is still quite ill. Her many friends hope for her early recovery.
- John M. Neary returned to Depere, Wisconsin Wednesdayto resume teaching in St. Norbert college.
- Mrs. John O’Brien returned from Dougherty Monday evening where she had been visiting relatives for a couple of weeks.
- Frank Reardon will have a public sale next Tuesday. He intends moving to Cedar Rapids soon.
- Mrs. J.S. Knapp, of Parker, South Dakota, is here visiting relatives. Her mother, Mrs. Acers, has been quite ill for some time.
- The officers of the Osgood creamery will put a phone in the home of their buttermaker, Mr. Chadwick. They think it will pay them to do so, as they have a great deal of business with him.
- C.S. Wells was down from Osgood yesterday. He is able to move about again pretty well, though he is still quite stiff and slightly disfigured. He says he don’t care to have any more fires or runaways.
- Thursday evening Agatha, the oldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. P.H. Hand, was quite badly burned while starting a fire, but Dr. O’Brien, who is treating her, things that she will not bear any permanent marks of the sad affair.
- A few days ago a sad accident happened in the home of John Owens, who lives near Spirit Lake. His wife was quite ill and a four-year-old child was playing doctor and gave a smaller child a dose of medicine killing it almost instantly.
- The annual meeting of the stockholders of the Osgood creamery was held Monday. Messrs. Guida, S.J. Guerdet, C.S. Wells, J.H. Hester and E.P. McEvoy were chosen directors for the ensuing year. The company reports business good.
- M.A. Mullen and his son George were at Ayrshire Wednesday attending the Fitzpatrick funeral. The two brothers and one sister were buried together side by side in one grave. Mr. Mullen says it was one of the saddest sights he ever witnessed. He was a warm friend of the family. He formerly lived south of Ayrshire.
- A few days ago Treasurer David Joynt, of the local court of the Catholic Order of Foresters, received a draft for $1,000 to be paid to Sister Mary Emily for a policy carried in the order by her brother, the late T.J. Whalen, who died in Chicago a short time ago.
- John Helfley reports that Bob Wilson, who has been traveling for McLaughlin Bros. Saw John Sullivan at Logan, Iowa, about ten days ago, where he had been working in a printing office for several months. The latter left this city in December, 1902, and his parents have not heard from him since, though he is but seventeen years of age.
- C.B. Jackson and little son Joe were down from Ruthven Saturday. Mr. Jackson recently visited his parents who live near Eldorado Springs, Missouri. He likes that section and thinks in time he may move there. Crops were good there this year and the people seem prosperous. Land in the vicinity of Eldorado Springs is worth about $40 per acre.
- Thos. Kerwick, John Ryan, Joe Joyce, Charles O’Connor, Ernest Middleton, Will Shea, Will Dunigan, John Rutledge, Fred Steuhmer and Chester Bragg left for Quincy, Ill., Sunday evening to attend the business college at that place. Miss Gertie Dunigan left the evening previous and Will Philips and Tom McCarty intend going soon. This makes a large representation from our town at one institution.
- Mrs. A.D. Carnahan returned to McPherson county, South Dakota, Thursday morning. She came home a few days before on a rather sad mission. Her little two-year-old boy was playing with the other children Christmas day and in eating nuts and candy, a piece of nut shell lodged in his throat and could not be removed. Several days later a doctor operated on him to remove it, but the child died. The remains were buried at Ayrshire.

A Waterloo Villain Betrayed.
Friday night L.G. Willing, a Waterloo merchant, was placed under arrest for undertaking to burn his stock of goods. He saturated the cellar floor and many articles in the basement with kerosene and agreed to give two of his friends 10 per cent to start the blaze. He went to a neighboring town to attend a dance expecting to find his store in ashes when he returned, but he was sorely disappointed. The friends proved to be law-abiding citizens and told the police of the matter. Willing was nabbed as soon as he got home. He threatened to kill his betrayers. He ought to get fifty years for his villainy.

Presented with a Diamond Ring.
Wednesday evening Miss Anna Donovan was presented with a beautiful diamond ring, a gift from a number of her teacher friends throughout the county, who took this means of manifesting their high regard for her on her retirement from the county superintendency. The gift is one that she will prize, not so much for its intrinsic value, as for the spirit of kindness that actuated the givers. Had it not been for an error on the part of a business firm in Graettinger that ordered the ring and had to have it changed, the presentation would have taken place several weeks ago. The event was not attended by any social demonstration because of the recent death of Miss Donovan’s brother.

Jackson Stafford Badly Injured.
Monday evening while hauling home a load of straw from a neighboring farm Jackson Stafford was thrown to the ground and had one of his legs badly broken. One of his sons was some distance ahead with another load and did not notice anything had happened to his father. The latter managed to stop his team but lay on the roadside for two hours before assistance reached him. Dr. Beatty was summoned from Mallard and spent the night at Mr. Stafford’ home in company with Wm. P. Reinders and George Draman, but the limb was so badly swollen that he could not set the broken bones. Dr. Powers was called to his assistance Tuesday and the two succeeded in doing so. The injury is a very serious one and it will be many weeks before the patient will be able to be about.

Wednesday, January 20, 1904


- Ben Miller of Cedar Rapids is the new Rock Island train master at Estherville.
- Pony Mead is now running the European hotel at Estherville and is conducting it on the European plan.
- Thomas Carmody was over from Whittemore Thursday to see his mother, who has been badly afflicted with rheumatism for some time.
- James Duffy, the school janitor at Pocahontas, recently became violently insane and gave the officers a chase of eight to ten miles across the country before they succeeded in taking him.
- The Ayrshire Chronicle reports that Mrs. C.H. Cookingham, who was recently taken to Des Moines for treatment is not improving and that but little hopes are entertained for her restoration to health.
- Mrs. J.W. Brennan has built a neat barn on her quarter block north of Thos. Kirby’s. She will not commence work on her house until spring. She will occupy M.M. Maher’s residence until she has her own completed.
- It is denied that H.A. Holmes, formerly of this city, is insane. We know nothing about the matter except as we see by neighboring newspapers. We obtained our information concerning his condition from what we supposed was a reliable source.


- There is an egg famine in several towns in Iowa. It might have been expected at this season of the year.
- E.C. Davis, Milford’s $12.00 burglar, got a sentence of one year in the Anamosa penitentiary from Judge Quarton.
- Mr. Fenton, of Donnell, Minnesota, visited his daughter, Mrs. J.R. Adams, of this city, several days during the past week.
- Mr. and Mrs. Mayne left for Chicago Wednesday for a brief absence. Mrs. Mayne will remain there to take treatment from a specialist.
- Mr. and Mrs. Swagg were called to Chain Lakes, Minnesota, last week to attend the funeral of the former’s mother, who died at that place.
- Benjamin Quigley of Savanna, Illinois, is here visiting relatives. Mrs. Quigley has been here for quite some time.
- The new statuary stations for the cross ordered for Assumption church last summer have been placed in position and are very beautiful indeed. They cost $65 each. The names of the donors were published in the Democrat several months ago.
- At the annual meeting of the Emmetsburg Creamery company held Monday, all the old directors were reelected except Mr. McCurry, who was succeeded by W.F. Molloy. The year’s business was large and quite satisfactory to the many patrons.
- Paul Peterson came up from Excelsior Springs a few days ago to visit his sister, Mrs. Wm. Thompson and his many friends in this section. He likes Excelsior Springs and says its resort trade is becoming very large. However, people can secure accommodations at reasonable rates. His mother and one of his sisters live there.
- The West Bend Advance reports that Mr. George Sloan and Miss Minnie Watson were married at the Presbyterian parsonage at that place Wednesday evening. The Democrat offers hearty congratulations.
- Geo. H. Woodhouse, the proprietor of the Hotel Orleans, of Estherville, recently fell through the ice while crossing the Des Moines river and narrowly escaped drowning.
- Clark Mead came down from Mankato, Minnesota, Saturday to visit his parents and friends for a few days. He says that crops were poor in that section last season and that times are so dull there as they are here.
- Mrs. Vernon, of Mason City, is visiting her sister, Mrs. C.R. Van Gordon, of this place.
- We regret to learn that Robert Moses is very ill at his home at Excelsior Springs, Missouri.
- Charles Liabelt returned from Omaha Wednesday. He had a pleasant trip. He visited L.J. Murphy while at Sioux City and found him doing nicely. The latter is working in the C.M. & St. P. freight office.
- S.A. Steil, Mr. Millham and E.E. Reed are securing connections with the local telephone exchange. L. Reihsen is also having his residence connected up. The system has been growing rapidly during the past three months.
- The West Bend Advance says: “ Joe Wagner, Rodman’s former station agent, has moved from Kalona to Storm Lake, where he has engaged in the grain and poultry business. He was quite a heavy loser by the failure of the first National bank of Storm Lake, he having all his deposits with that institution at the time of its collapse.”
- Monday morning Alex Moses heard from his father, Robert Moses, and reports that he is still in a rather critical condition. He fell and injured one of his ankles shortly after returning home from this city last fall and blood poisoning resulted. Besides, he is troubled with Bright’s disease which makes his condition anything but encouraging.
- Dennis Carroll was in town Monday attending the Emmetsburg creamery meeting despite the inclemency of the day and his advanced age. He is 84 years old but he is as active and as attentive to his daily duties as he was 30 years ago. Mr. Carroll has resided in Palo Alto for nearly 40 years and he spent some years in Minnesota and the Dakotas before coming here. He has proven himself a most exemplary citizen and he has done his share towards making our county what it is. May he continue to enjoy health and prosperity. 

Emmetsburg, Iowa
Has had 20 years’ experience
and is always ready to cry
sales in Palo Alto and adjoining
counties. Reasonable terms.
Satisfaction guaranteed.


- James Lambe, of North Dakota, has been here visiting his brothers for the past two weeks.
- J.B. Lambe was quite ill for a couple of days last week, but is able to be about again.
- L.P.C. Larsen went with a footcar shipment of cattle to Chicago Sunday morning.
- John Jensen has resigned his position at the Osher store and will go to Cedar Rapids to attend college.
- Frank Isenhower left for Iowa City on Sunday where he will have a second operation performed for appendicitis.
- Miss Myrtle Stamp, who was quite ill with typhoid fever, is about and able to be on duty at the postoffice again.
- Joe Petronek had one of his hands badly burned one evening last week while trying to put out a fire on a lace curtain, which had caught from the spark of a match.

- Mrs. Chas. Phillips is sick with rheumatism.
- Little Vincent Dorweiller is sick with pneumonia.
- A son was born to Rev. Beebe and wife one day last week.
- Katie Eiler went to Emmetsburg Friday to meet her mother, who just arrived there from Dakota.

T.J. Brennan Buys Out A.L. Furlong
T.J. Brennan, who has been an efficient clerk in the Dayton Hardware Company for a number of years past, severed his connection with that firm Saturday night. Mr. Brennan has purchased A.L. Furlong’s interest in the big store of Furlong & Berg and in connection with Mr. Berg will conduct the business at the old stand. Mr. Furlong has been engaged in business in Ruthven for the past six years and is a good conservative business man. He retires from the firm and will look after other interests in this city. Mr. Furlong will continue to make Ruthven his home, which fact the Appeal is glad to announce. Mr. Brennan is a young business man full of push and energy and is very popular with the public. The new firm of Berg & Brennan will be a strong one in the general merchandise line. Success to all concerned is the wish of the Appeal.—Ruthven Appeal.


Let Corn Doctors Alone.
J. Raffensparger left last Thursday morning for Minneapolis. Some time ago Raffensparger used a patent corn cure on one of his feet and has since been having a serious time with the same. He will senter a hospital in the flour city.—Spencer Herald.

Dan Wood Goes to Steen.
Dan Woods has given up his position in his brother’s barber shop and purchased a shop and billiard and pool hall at Steen, of which he took possession last week. Dan is a good barber and ought to make some money in his new location.—Rock Rapids Review.

Crushed in Windmill Gear.
Monday while Richard McNally was doing some repairing on top of the windmill, it was accidentally thrown into gear and turning quickly caught his right hand in the gearing, crushing the bone of the fourth finger from the knuckle to the end of the fourth finger in a very serious manner and may yet have to be amputated. – Ayrshire Chronicle.

Mrs. J.J. Wilson Badly Injured.
While returning to her home Monday afternoon, after calling at the house of her son, Harry, Mrs. Clara M. Wilson fell on some ice and broke her right leg near the hip. She was alone at the time and lay for some moments, unable to rise, till her daughter, Mrs. E.B. Butler, discovered her plight and went to her relief, when with the aid of neighbors she was carried to her home, and surgical aid secured. The accident was a serious one and the injury was very difficult to treat.—Algona Upper Des Moines Republican.

Has An Army of Workers
Colonel Ormsby Splendidly Equipped for the Congressional Fight.
A Splendid Average.
Colonel Ormsby is going into the congressional fight with a determination to secure the nomination if possible. The following named parties have been appointed a committee to work for his interests in this county and throughout the district:
E.A. Morling, lawyer, Chairman, Emmetsburg
P.V. Hand, Banker, Ch’m Co Com. Secy, Emmetsburg.
Hon. Geo. Kinne, Senator, Curlew
Hon. E.P. Barringer, Banker, Ruthven
L.H. Mayne, Editor, Emmetsburg
J.S. Atkinson, Mayor, Emmetsburg
F.C. Davidson, Co. Attorney, Emmetsburg
M.L. Brown, Banker, Emmetsburg
A.H. Keller, Banker, Emmetsburg
J.J. Watson, Banker, Emmetsburg
S.P. Crisman, Co. Treasurer, Emmetsburg
Alex Peddie, Western Lands, Emmetsburg
John Menzies, Lawyer, Emmetsburg
Geo. B. McCarty, Lawyer, Emmetsburg
B.E. Kelly, Lawyer, Emmetsburg
E.H. Soper, Lawyer, Emmetsburg
W.H. Morling, Lawyer, Emmetsburg
A.J. Burt, Lawyer, Emmetsburg
Wm. Coakley, Sheriff, Emmetsburg
H.W. Beebe, Merchant, Emmetsburg
Geo. J. Consigny, Real Estate, Emmetsburg
H.M. Helgen, Real Estate, Emmetsburg
C.C. Mueller, Real Estate, Emmetsburg
P.O. Refsell, Real Estate, Emmetsburg
A. Scott Ormsby, Real Estate, Emmetsburg
D.A. Johnson, County Clerk, Emmetsburg
H.C. Shadbolt, Lumber, Emmetsburg
T.L. Crose, Merchant, Emmetsburg
J.L. Walker, Doctor, Emmetsburg
W.G. Henry, U.S. Express, Emmetsburg
T.R. Martin, County Auditor, Emmetsburg
J.C. Bennett, Retired, Emmetsburg
F.S. Appelman, Mining, Emmetsburg
L.A. Martin, Banker, West Bend
J.M. Border, Banker, West Bend
H.B. Richards, Banker, Mallard
F.L. Harrison, Banker, Cylinder
Melvin Fisk, Banker, Curlew
A.J. Bateman, Banker, Curlew
O.B. Fisk, Grain, Curlew
H.H. Sample, Farmer, Curlew
A.C. Sands, Merchant, Mallard
Isaac Nyborg, Farmer, Fallow
Z.F. Dickinson, Farmer, Osgood
C.J. Frye, Banker, Rodman
H. Emerich, Merchant, Ayrshire
J.S. Morrison, Farmer, Ayrshire
Tom Larson, Editor, Graettinger
Will Mueller, Banker, Graettinger
C.S. George, Banker, Greattinger
Dan Collins, Lawyer, Graettinger
Dan Collins, Lawyer, Graettinger
J.G. Jenswold, Auctioneer, Depew
P.F. Gylling, Merchant, Emmetsburg
John Godden, Marble Works, Emmetsburg
Henry Beckman, Grain, Emmetsburg
Ben Schroeder, Grain, Emmetsburg
L.O. Wigdahl, Preacher, Ruthven
N.D. Anthony, Real Estate, Ruthven
W.H. Lewis, Editor, Ruthven
L.I. Johnson, Editor, Ruthven
H. Shartle, Auctioneer, Ruthven
With such an army of capable, energetic, representative, and experienced workers, he will doubtless be able to make a showing in the convention hat will surprise his competitors.

Wednesday, January 27, 1904


- C.E. Taylor has a force of men busy filling his ice house.
- E.J. Scott is on the road again for Swift & Co. He will have the western territory.
- Edward McMahon of Ackley visited during the last of the week with his brothers, P.F. and F.G. of this city.
- Charles Cornish came down from Herron Lake, Minnesota, Wednesday, to visit his brother, Orange Cornish, of this place, for a short time.
- Thos. Kirby has hauled enough wood onto his residence lot to supply the third ward with fuel for a couple of years. He will find plenty of exercise sawing it. A county father needs some diversion of his kind.
- A.M. Smith, one of the staunch citizens of Ruthven, was an Emmetsburg visitor Friday. He is an Iowa pioneer, having settled in Chickasaw county in 1854. He came to Palo Alto in 1880. He converses interestingly concerning the condition and the topics of fifty years ago.He attended the Farmers Institute during the afternoon.


- Charles Waldron is reported quite ill at Terril.
- Daniel Higgins has been reported quite ill for some time but is better.
- F. Crouch and Frank Justice have been taken to the inebriate asylum at Cherokee.
- John Eaton intends taking a trip to Idaho next month. He may locate in that state.
- P.J. Clear of Great Oak will have a big sale tomorrow.
- None of the relatives of the late J.O. Burns have arrived to open the store. Mr. Wolfgang, of course, remains in charge of it.
- Phil Daily of Great Oak will have a big auction sale Tuesday, February 9th. He will give up farming.
- Lodes & Krieg, of Mallard, have purchased the saloon at Ayrshire formerly owned by Edward Corley and have secured the latter to conduct it for him.
- John Kennedy has again been chosen president of the Ayrshire creamery, John Burns manager and C.H. Cookinham secretary. P. O’Grady, of the Citizens’ Savings bank is treasurer.
- E.D. Pratt, the marshal of Armstrong, has been arrested and placed in jail at Estherville on the charge of arson If the charge is proven, he ought to be bounced. Such men are not desirable officers.
- The firm of Mugan & Steil has been dissolved by mutual consent. Mr. Steil will retire and Mr. Mugan will continue the business. The former has made no definite plans for the future. He is an excellent young man and we hope he may remain in Emmetsburg.
- E.F. Jones leaves today for Sisseton, South Dakota, where his brother, P.D. Jones, is engaged in the practice of law. He intended going yesterday but the west bound train was so far behind tie that he could not make connections. He spent the past month visiting his parents.
- Friday evening, January 22nd Mr. and Mrs. Peter Metz were surprised by about forty of their friends, the occasion being the fiftieth birthday of Mr. Metz. He was presented with a fine rocking chair to remind him of the event. Refreshments were served and all enjoyed a pleasant evening.
- Wm. Fitzpatrick, of Ayrshire, arrived home from the estate of Washington Monday evening where he had been for several years for the benefit of his health. He could not reach here in time to attend the funeral of his sister and brothers, whose sad deaths were reported in the Democrat a few weeks ago.
- Rev. J.B. Bachman, of Eau Claire, Wisconsin, is visiting his daughter, Mrs. Appelman, of this city. He is a representative of the M.e. church, but has not been preaching for several years. He was engaged in the newspaper work at Eau Claire for some time. He favored this office with a pleasant call last evening.

J.P. Kirby Buys the Tribune.
Monday forenoon J.P. Kirby, cashier of he First National bank of Estherville, and one of the most influential republicans of Emmet county, came to this city and purchased of Reardon & White the Palo Alto Tribune, paying them $5,000 in cash for their plant. This is the outcome of the much talked about fourth newspaper in Emmetsburg. No one who was familiar with the lay of the ground ever though seriously that a fourth newspaper would be started in this city because circumstance warranted the conclusion that the only purpose of the rumors that were so widely circulated and published was to discourage the owners of the Tribune and force them to to sell at as low a figure as possible. However, Messrs. Reardon and White were not influenced in the least by the many rumors afloat and firmly held out for a fair price, which they have succeeded in securing.
Mr. Kirby, who has for eighteen years been a warm personal friend of the editor of the Democrat, called at this office Monday afternoon, accompanied by Miss Anna Donovan. Fraternal greetings, as a matter of course, followed and a few moments friendly chat concerning newspaper affairs was enjoyed. Mr. Kirby informed us that the Tribune will be owned and controlled by a stock company, the officers of which will be chosen later. He did not make known to us who were to be the other stockholders of the organization, but we understand from parties who claim to know that J.A. Spies and Preston Fahnestock, of Graettinger, and Dr. J.D. Cavies, James Dunigan and a few others of this place are to constitute the financial backingof the enterprise. All are republicans except Mr. Dunigan, who is a democrat. Miss Donovan is to have editorial charge of the paper and will, we presume, be interested financially, though we understand that she will receive a stipulated salary for her services. Mr. Kirby did not inform us what the political policy of the paper would be, but Miss Donovan tells us that it will continue as it has been from a political standpoint, independent.
Mr. White will remain in charge of the mechanical department of the plant for six months and Mr. Reardon will stay for a few weeks to familiarize his successor with the many embarrassing, pressing, and exacting duties of editor. He will publish his valedictory this week and Miss Donovan’s first number will appear February 3d. So far as we have been able to learn, Messrs. Reardon and White have not yet made any definite arrangements for the future.
The Democrat welcomes Miss Donovan into the editorial fraternity and hopes that she will find her new duties a source of pleasure and profit to her. The financial giants who are so heavily interested in the undertaking will no doubt draw good dividends on their investments and will, of course, be sharers in the journalistic power and prestige the Tribune is destined to enjoy.
Messrs. Reardon and White have been engaged in newspaper work for nearly ten years and it is evident that they have prospered. May they be successful in any other field in which they may decide to locate.


Frazier Buys Back Stock.
Through a series of transactions this week B.F. Frazier again becomes the owner of the hardware stock which he traded sometime ago to E.J. Scharf, of Spencer. Mr. Frazier is an experienced man in this business, and his numerous friends will welcome him back to the business circles of our town.—Ayrshire Chronicle. 

Mrs. Bruce Dies in California.
Word was received here Wednesday afternoon that Mrs. James Bruce had died that morning at her home in San Diego, California. The remains will be brought to Rolfe for burial. It has only been about two months since Mrs. Bruce left here for southern California and she had been in poor health before leaving.—Pocahontas Democrat.

Paul Dorweiler Injuured.
Paul Dorweiler was thrown from his wagon while driving into town last Monday. The horses shied at something in the road, got the mastery of the reins, overturned and became loosened from the wagon and proceeded homeward at a lively rate. It was thought at first that Mr. Dorweiler was seriously hurt and he was taken to the home of his brother Philip for medical treatment. Luckily, however, his injuries were not severe.—West Bend Advance.

Wolves in Kossuth.
Charles Armstrong, of Irvington, trapped the biggest game last week that has been reported thus far this winter. He caught a big prairie wolf in his trap by one of its front feet and shot it. He brought it to town Thursday and it was exhibited at Frank Winkel’s meat market. Armstrong collected the $5 bounty on the scalp at the county auditor’s office. He had an offer of $2.50 additional for the skin but concluded to take it home with him.—Algona Upper Des Moines Republican.

How to Make Farming a Success
(Paper read by E.P. McEvoy at the Farmers’ Institute at Emmetsburg January 22, 1904.)

M. Chairman: It seems that the older a man gets the harder you work him. To make farming a success, I would say, try and start in clear of debt and keep so. Some can go into debt and make it pay. I never tried the experiment. Keep a close account of every detail of the business. Have your spring’s work all planned before the snow leaves the ground and do not plan beyond hour strength to perform.
If your are within reach of a creamery- and nearly everybody is – keep a few good cows of a good breed and as large a herd of good hogs as you can raise feed for on your own farm. Do not forget to keep a good flock of chickens. Keep a span of good brood mares, and raise at least one colt every year of a good breed of work horses. The milk of the cows should be sent to the creamery, and, if the creamery you patronize does not take in all creation as its territory do not expect it to pay as much for the milk as if it had a larger patronage. The more milk a creamery gets the more cheaply it can be run and the more it can pay per 100 pounds of milk.
Try and plan your work so you will not have to depend too much on the average hired man. Many hired men are all right, but a great many others are not desirable commodities on the farm.
Own a small farm out of debt rather than a large farm and be always scratching to raise money to pay the interest on the mortgage.
Do not own too much machinery, but keep what you do own under cover when not in use. I think it will pay any farmer who owns a few head of stock to have a manure spreader. The most trouble with manure on the farm is the proper spreading of it in the field. The average man gets it too thick and generally it does more harm than good to the first crop. Of course a large part of the crop gets none at all. Have all the manure on the farm plowed under every spring.
If your can afford it, keep a neat buggy and light harness to drive to town and to church, and whatever you do about going very often to town be sure and go to church every Sunday. It will pay in the end. Go to town as seldom as possible, and when you go, wear good, plain clothing and do not try to keep up too closely with the expensive fashion.
Market nearly all the grain you raise on the farm by feeding it to the stock. Be sure and save a good pile of seed corn to sell to the man who has forgotten to save his own seed.
Do not spend too much time talking politics and let your neighbors private affairs take care of themselves.
Be honest. Try and keep your word in all business transactions and above all never sign another man’s note.
Wear good, plain clothes, use good, plain food and plenty of it, and above all things let the other fellow pay the mulct tax.


- Miss Etta Bigley has been teaching part of the past week for her sister at the Will Oliver school in Fairfield township.
- Will Glasier has gone to Chicago and expects to remain. This is the cause of the girls all wearing long faces.
- Mr and Mrs. McCreery of Churdan, Iowa, came here Saturday to visit their son, Dr. McCreery, and wife. Monday morning they received word that their house had burned down Sunday night.
- The Woodmen gave a very good dance here Friday evening. Those attending from Emmetsburg were James Cullen, Clark mead, Hugh mead, Clem Roach, Tom Wells, and Misses Katie Tobin, Nellie Laughlin, Nan Nolan, Anna Rutledge, Lizzie Turner and Stella Roach, Blanch Mead, Ann Ryan, Mamie O’Connor. The Emmetsburg orchestra furnished the music.


- The Knights of Columbus will build a hospital at Fort Dodge.
- W.R. Chapman, of Vernon, will leave soon for Detroit, Michigan, where he will attend school during the coming year.
- Miss Anna Rutledge has secured a position in the public schools of Estherville. The people of Estherville will find her well qualified and an earnest, painstaking worker. She was principal of the Graettinger schools for several years.
- Dennis Kirby had a rather unpleasant experience Monday morning. He was taking Miss Hough to her school in Fairfield township and laces a lighted lantern at their feet to keep them warm, as the morning was extremely cold. The lantern burnt the robe and some of their clothing before the blaze was discovered. Mr. Kirby says he will never again reflect on the quality of the article handled by the Standard Oil company.
- Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Quigley returned to Savanna, Illinois Monday after a pleasant visit with Mrs. Quigley’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. McCormick.

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