Palo Alto County Newspapers

SEPT, OCT, NOV 1936, 1956, 1976

BY GONE DAYS& West Bend Journal; West Bend, Palo Alto, Iowa; Thursday, September 21, 2006 pg 8 


It Took Plenty to Feed These Rats: Whilte tearing down an old granary on the farm occupied by Herman Sanders, the Ed Anderegg force of men together with R.B. Berninghaus, Mr. Sanders and others, killed 500 rats. A new granary is being erected.

Margy Ann, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A.J. Jensen celebrated her third birthday Wednesday afternoon by inviting nine little girls to come to her party.

Nick Peterson has sold his tenant house and lot just south of the creamery to the Farmers Elevator Co. We understand they will erect an oil station there. Mr. Peterson also sold a house at Rodman to Mr. Sweeley.

The Rodman school started Monday in the old school building with the same faculty as last year, except in the 8th grade which Alvina Johnson taught, is now taught by Miss Frances Lampe of Pocahontas. Roscoe Kuhn is custodian this year in place of Fred Douglas. They expect the new building will be ready some time in October. 

A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Ted (Irene) Bonnstetter on Sunday, July 26. 

William, son of Mr. and Mrs. Steve Bauman, was severely burned on his left arm and face Monday when he removed a radiator cap from a tractor. 

Miss Iantha Gearhart began teaching the school two miles west and one mile north of Fenton Monday.

J.J. Jaeger moved his household goods from Des Moines to West Bend Friday and he and his wife and daughter and son are nowe comfortably housed in the Hayne residence. This was Mrs. Jaeger's first trip to West Bend. WE hope the family will lke our town and its people.

SEPTEMBER 27, 1956

Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Wilson are the parents of a 7 pound 8 ouce son, born September 19th at the Clinic in Algona. They have named him Virgil Joseph.

Miss Juanita Satern, daughter of MR. and Mrs. Thorston Satern and Vernon Carter of Bingen, Washington, were united in marriage at Stevenson, Washington, September 8th, 1956. She has been working at Dunlap and Dunlop, lawyer at Coldwell, Idaho. They will make their home in Bingen where they are now employed.

Miss Wilma Ann Harms of East Peoria and Henry O. Falb were united in marriage on September 2nd. They will make their new home in Pittsfield, Ill. Mr. Falb is employed by the telephone company. He served four years in the U.S. Navy. 

Mrs. Veronica Higgins recently purchased the Nellie Emerson home and plans to move soon and set up the beauty shop in home.

Internment at the West Bend Cemetery was held Wednesday for the infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Francis Montag, stillborn at the Emmetsburg hospital. Surviving are the parents, two sisters, one brother, grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Montag and Mr. and Mrs. Nick Omey. 


Mr. and Mrs. Marvin (Charlotte Banwart) Fehr welcome the arrival of their baby boy born, August 22nd. Keith Marvin weighed 8 pounds and 6 ounces and is welcomed home by 2 sisters and 1 brother.

Debra Sue Knoer of Algona and Terry Lynn Meyer of West Bend were united in marriage Saturday, August 21 in the Trinity Lutheran Church, Algona. They will reside on a farm near West Bend where the goom is engaged in farming.

Funeral services for Chris E. Schmidt, 75, were held Saturday, August 28th at the Apostolic Christian Church with burial in the church cemetery. Surviving are his wife Ida (Messner); children Verna Bruns, Roland Schmidt, Dwaine Schmidt, Jack Schmidt, Sheila Besch. A son Ervin died earlier.


West Bend Journal; West Bend, Palo Alto, Iowa; Thursday, October 12, 2006 pg 8 


September 24, 1936

We Enjoy a Demonstration: By invitation of Leo Montag, this writer among others had a ride in the Bauman and Montag Ford demonstration car last evening. The car traveled a fraction over 20 miles on a gallon of gasoline, traveling between 40 and 45 miles per hour on the gravel road and we can most certainly say the car was very comfortable to ride in, except when the "Jap" had it around 90 per. At that time we would have felt more comfortable on terra firma.

Miss Pauline Bonnstetter, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Bonnstetter and Mr. Seval Holden son of Mrs. Nels Holden of Ottosen were united in marriage at the Lutheran parsonage at Algona on Thursday, September 17 at 8:30 p.m. They were attended by her sister Josephine Bonnstetter and Marcus Rolland. She owns and operates a beauty shop here in town. 

Mrs. Henry Schurg (Lena Traub), 75, died very suddenly Friday, Sept. 18 of angina pectoris. She married Henry Schurg in 1883 and they came to America in 1884. He preceded her in death September 15, 1921. Three sons survive, Fred, Charles and John and 1 grandson Harold and granddaughter Ruby. 

Thomas Hanna of Ruthven was fined $100 and costs by Justice Paul Brown after being found guilty of shooting muskrats out of season.

Supt. C.B. Johnson and Miss Gladys Syvers of Scarville were married Saturday, Sept. 19. They arrived in the Rodman Sunday afternoon and will make their home in the E.J. VanHorn house for the time being.

Mrs. Joseph Dorweiler was quite severely burned about the face, neck and arms last Thursday while doing some canning with a pressure cooker.

Truman McCullough came to this office Wednesday and proudly announced that a 7 pound daughter was born to them that morning. They now have a son and a daughter.

A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Ferden Wednesday morning, September 23rd. They have named him Warren Elwin.

OCTOBER 25, 1956

Ottosen Fire Destroys Two Buildings: Fire saturday night destroyed the post office, Alme's Grocery and upstairs apartments at Ottosen and for time threatened the whole business block. Loss is estimated at $40,000 Mr. and Mrs. Mike Coyle who lived upstairs noticed a glow in the rear of the apartment and went down to call for help. They lost all of their possessions. Mrs. Roy Jacobson, the postmaster said most of the mail, stamps, postal records and some equipment was saved. The entire grocery stock went up in flames. Some records and equipment was saved. The Almes were in Nebraska with their daughter. In 1924 Ottosen lost four businesses in the same side of the street to the west end. 

Miss Shirley Butt of Rodman and Marvin Bell were united in marriage October 21st at the Peace Lutheran Church in West Bend. 

New babies at Rodman: Kevin Leon was born to Oct. 21 to Mr. and Mrs. Leona Firkins. Mr and Mrs. Lauren Langholtz are the parents of a girl, Diane Kathleen, born Oct. 12th.

Funeral services were held for Mildred (Frieden) Fish Carter, 64, on September 21st at the Apostolic Christian Church. She married Clayton Fish in 1930 and he passed away in 1948. In 1953 she was united in marriage to Benton Carter. She is survived by her husband Benton and son, Richard Fish. 

Miss Barbara Jean Schnellhammer and James Kruse were united in marriage August 21st, Father Louis Greving officiating. A reception was held at Spring Hills Country Club.

Brandon Charles Bierstedt, infant son of George and Karen (Banwart) Bierstedt was born September 7 and passed away September 15 following heart surgery at a Iowa City hospital. He has two brothers, Brian 6 years and Adam 4 years.


West Bend Journal; West Bend, Palo Alto, Iowa; Thursday, October 26, 2006 pg 8 


OCTOBER 8, 1936

Jake Baumann, 58, died suddenly in a Fort Dodge hospital where he was recuperating from surgery and doing fine. The cause ws listed as pulmonary embolism. He is survived by his wife Regina (Montag). He was associated with Leo, Aloysius and George Montag in the garage and implement business. 

Susie Mergen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Nick Mergen of Whittemore and Ralph Reding, son of the James Redings were united in marriage at St. Michael's Catholic Church at Whittemore on Tuesday morning. A 3-course dinner was served to 100 close relatives and friends at the brides home southeast of Whittemore. A dance was held at the Legion Hall at West Bend.

Rev. S.U. Leinbach, 68, of Belmond, and a former Presbyterian minister here met a tragic death Sunday when he was trampled by a bull on his farm two miles east of Belmond as he was taking cattle to the pasture. His wife found him minutes after and called their son Dr. S.P. Leinbach of Belmond for help. It took several neighbors to assist in getting the bull away from the body. He has been retired from the ministry for 12 years. 

Miss Verla Fisher is the new clerk in the Sweely Store at Rodman in place of Miss Tilly Winters who resigned to accept a position in California, where she expects to go in a short time.

A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. Adam Laubenthal on Saturday, October 3rd. 

Paul Bonnstetter had the end of one of his fingers on his left hand taken off Monday while running a hand corn sheller.

NOVEMBER 15, 1956

Funeral services were held in Ottosen Presbyterian Church for Franklin Coyle of Eagle Grove who passed away October 29th. He married Mary Nash in 1919 and they farmed in the Ottosen and Rolfe area for 30 years and retired in Eagle Grove. Among his survivors is his brother Mike Coyle of ottosen.

Two property changes this past week. Harvey Bogaard has purchased the Hazel Morey house next to the Bogaard Funeral home, is doing some remodeling. Mr. and Mrs. Walt Ewy have purchased the house of Mary Taub on sough main street, formerly occupied by the Milton Voelkers, who have moved to Reinbeck. After some remodeling the Ewys will move from the Cuplin tenent house and Mr. and Mrs. Bob Cast will move to the Cuplin tenent house vacated by the Ewys. 

Isadore Besch was injured Wednesday when he fell from the slippery roof of the new Shafer's Store building while working on the roof. He suffered a fractured heel and is in Mercy Hospital at Fort Dodge where the full extent of his injuries are not known.

In fifth grade we are beginning to divide by two numbers in arithmetic. In Geography we are studying the Middle Atlantic States. Mr. Mowry the band teacher comes to our room and helps us play tonettes. WE can buy one for $1.00. Delores Gerber treated us with candy bars on her birthday.

Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Perkins of Rodman are the parents of a baby boy, Clark Eldon born on November 13.

Mrs. Charles Ulfers entertained at a stork shower Monday evening for Mrs. Kenneth (Delores) Besch.

Bob McCombs' Shoe Shine Emporium is the newest business on main street at Williams Clothing.

OCTOBER 7, 1976

Mr. and Mrs. Tom (Mary Jane) Fetter are the parents of a daughter, Sarah Rebecca, born Saturday, Oct. 2, weighing 8 lbs. 4 oz. Mr. Fetter teaches in the West Bend High School.

The Homecoming King and Queen for the 1976-77 school year were crowned Thursday evening in the high school gym. They are Mark Zeman and Beth Reding.

Mr. Oscar Zaugg is a patient in Mercy Hospital in Mason City. Mrs. Zaugg was seriously injured in a tractor accident on Friday at the Pat Zaugg farm.

Mr. and Mrs. Herschel Perkins of Emmetsburg, the Ray Brown family, Randy Wagner were Sunday dinner guests in the Richard Brown home. They celebrated the Perkins 53rd wedding anniversary.

Mrs. Susannah Bonnstetter, who resides in the Lakeside Lutheran Home will celebrate her 102 birthday on Sunday, October 17. 

A 9 lb. 4 oz. baby boy was born October 4th to Mr. and Mrs. Leland (Kathy Fehr) Metzger of Whittemore. They have named him Brice Eli. He has two sisters and twin brothers to welcome him home.


West Bend Journal; West Bend, Palo Alto, Iowa; Thursday, November 2, 2006 pg 8 


OCTOBER 15, 1936

A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. H.L. Fry on Tuesday, October 13 and was named Corrine. They had a family of five boys and this is the first girl. Of course they are very proud of her. 

The West Bend Elevator Co. began the erection of their service station on the lot south across from the creamery this week.

Ewaldt A. Zentlau [ sic - missing info?] of Luverne and Eunice Ludwig of West Bend were married Monday afternoon of last week by Justice of the Peace George Bicknell in his office in Humboldt. Attendants were Arthur Zentlau and Viola Schultz. 

Alvin Samson had quite an accident Wednesday afternoon. He was husking corn and something frightened his team and they ran away. Alvin was thrown from the wagon and suffered a cracked vertebrae and other bruises. He was taken to a Fort Dodge hospital. One of the horses had a broken leg and had to be killed.

Miss Vivian Broadwell of Emmetsburg and Ted Struthers of West Bend were united in marriage in the Little Brown Church near Nashua, Iowa, on Saturday, October 10th at 3:30 p.m. They were attended by Ruth Struthers and Albert Thorsen. His occupation has been farming but at the present time he is conducting the Texaco Oil Station in the north part of town. 

Mrs. Harvey Jacobs entertained 16 guests at her home Friday evening at a 7 o'clock dinner. A playlet was given by Mrs. Joe Anliker and Mrs. Vane Graham which brought to the guests the announcement of the forthcoming marriage of Miss Irene Jacobs and Rev. Daniel Jordan which will take place on November 1 here in West Bend.

Corn husking vacation for the school will begin Monday, Oct. 19 and continue for one week. The school board does not favor this break in school work but they will let school out to accommodate some of the patrons, trusting that each year will be the last. 

E.A. Frieden now has the former Nick Peterson house located on the old creamery lot in the north part of town. He recently closed a deal whereby he came into possession of the John Williams property in the south part of town. The Williams' left Wednesday for Oregon where they will make their future home.

A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Habeger on Monday, October 12th and was named Benjamin.

NOVEMBER 22, 1956

Richard Morey, a former West Bend boy was here one day last week visiting, he is enroute from California to his new U.S. Naval port in Virginia. His sister Laura Ann and three children of Nebraska were here with him visiting former friends and relatives.

West Bend Merrymakers 4-H held their November meeting at Delores Banwarts. Roll call was answered by 18 members. Delores gave a demonstration on pressing equipments. Marilyn Cuplin gave a talk on choosing attractive color combinations. Delores, Marilyn and their mothers served lunch. 

FP3 Herbert Adams and Mrs. Adams (Bertha Crotts) are the parents of a 6 lb. 5 1/2 oz. daughter, Vickie Lynn born November 4th. FP3 Adams is stationed with the U.S. Army in stationed with the U.S. Army in GErmany and the family is with him.

Marsha Kinseth, 2 1/2 year old daughter of the Richard Kinseths of Ottosen, received a cracked collar bone in a fall down a flight of stairs. The little Miss will be wearing a 'figure 8' bandage for about three weeks to allow the injury to heal. 

OCTOBER 14, 1976

Funeral services for Mrs. Mary Laubenthal, 65, were held Monday, October 11th at 10:30 a.m. at St. Peter and Paul's Catholic Church in West Bend. Mary A. Hartman married Adam Laubenthal on November 16, 1918. He passed away in 1962. Mary is survived by her 8 children, Thomas, Mary Davies, Virginia Fuschsen, Ada Mees, Marvin, Rosella Metzger, Carol Schmidt and Julie Montag.

Charles C. Patrick, 57, passed away Saturday morning, October 2nd at Jamesport, Long Island, New York. He was married to Mildred Faber and they had 3 sons and 5 daughters.

Gilbert Bermingham, who served a number of years as lay missionary to the deaf in Omaha, Nebraska, has accepted a call to serve as lay pastor at Jeffery City, Wyoming and will move there in the future. 

Mrs. Elizabeth Schaller was honored on her 89th birthday Saturday, October 9th at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Metzger with over 30 family members present.

Freshman officers and student council representatives are ready to cope with the up and downs of their first year at WBHS. They are Mary Sewell, Albert Montag, Jeff Banwart, Jerome Kuyper, Pat Frieden and Jack Origer.



West Bend Journal; West Bend, Palo Alto, Iowa; Thursday, November 9, 2006 pg 6 


OCTOBER 22, 1936

Mr. and Mrs. J.B. Mertz celebrated their 30th wedding anniversary Thursday. A seven o'clock dinner was served to the Peter Mertz family and Mrs. Cauglin and Druscilla.

A post nuptial miscellaneous shower was given for Mrs. Seval Holden (nee Pauline Bonnstetter) at the Mrs. R.W. Jurgens home. Refreshments were served at a late hour; the bride received many beautiful presents.

Former Rodman resident passes away in California. Benjamin J. Hoskins was born August 9, 1877, on a farm near Rodman. He grew to manhood and married Minnie McCain. He farmed for a while then moved to Alden, Iowa and entered into the hardware business. Later moved to Los Angeles where he died on Oct. 5.

NOVEMBER 29, 1956

Miss Mary Lou Traub was honored at a miscellaneous shower Nov. 14 in the Lutheran church parlors at Whittemore. Miss Traub will marry Dean Wehrspann on December 2nd at St. Paul Lutheran Church at Whittemore.

Mrs. John Walker of Rodman celebrated her 90th birthday November 24th. A family gathering was held at her home on Sunday. She received a call from her son George of Vancouver, Washington.

Frank Shriner of Rodman celebrated his 75th birthday Thanksgiving Day. His 3 sons and families were with him, Ralph of Sanborn, Clifford and John of Rodman.

Mrs. Fred Karl of Rodman underwent major surgery for a brain tumor at the hospital at Rochester, Minnesota last Friday.

OCTOBER 21, 1976

Mr. and Mrs. Tom Hinton (Joan Blair) are the proud parents of a beautiful 8 lb. 10 oz. baby girl, Nicole Marie, born September 25th.

Funeral services for George Fisher, 95, who passed away October 12th were held. He had been married to Nora Wright of Rolfe. His wife Nora, and children Verla Maberry of Whittemore and Russell Fisher of Mason City survive.

The engagement of Deb Bell and Dennis Burlke has been announced. A December 11th wedding is being planned here at the United Methodist Church. They are both teachers in the West Bend school system.

Judy Klauer of San Diego, California and Doug Knecht of here were united in marriage August 28th at San Gabriel, California. The groom is an accountant for May Company in California. 

Sunday Mike Coyle of Ottosen celebrated his 85th birthday with several family and friends at a dinner.

Mr. and Mrs. Dean Telford of Ottosen celebrated their 25th wedding anniversary with an open house at hteir home, given by their children Gary, Deb, Brad and Diane and Nancy and Steve.

A miscellaneous bridal shower will be held for Rhonda Banwart, bride to be of Roger Reker on Saturday, Oct. 30th at the Apostolic Fellowship Center.

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