Palo Alto County Newspapers

Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa
APRIL 1904

>Emmetsburg Democrat, Wednesday, April 6, 1904

- Miss Bertha Fernier is at Randolh, Minnesota, visiting her aunt, Mrs. Beck.
- Mr. Harry S. Fain, of this place, and Miss Camilla Paulson, of Rutland, Iowa, were married at the latter named place Tuesday, March 29th. They will, of course, make their future home in this city. The groom is the rural mail carrier on the northeast route.
- Matt Steil intends moving to Wagner, Indian Territory, this month, where he will engage in some line of business. Considerable land is changing hands in that locality.


- A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Dunphy, of Nevada, Thursday.
- Mrs. L.T. Graves was called to Minnesota Sunday evening to see her father, who is very ill.
- Frank Morris has purchased Mr. Small’s restaurant stock. The latter intends leaving Emmetsburg soon.
- Mr. Chapin has taken possession of the laundry he recently purchased of Mr. Chapman. The latter is at present very ill.
- C.R. Kendall will leave for Granville, North Dakota, this week to file on a homestead on which his brother Frank lived for some time.
- Miss Wolf, of Estherville, is here visiting her brother, W.H. Vaughan.
- Mr. James C. Jensen and Miss Mary K. Nelson are to be married this afternoon.
- Mrs. Moore and children left for Doyon, N.D., yesterday where Mr. Moore is now located.
- Thos. Rutledge left last evening to enter upon his new duties for the Standard Oil company.
- Miss Gertie Albright, of Mason City, spent Sunday with her sister, Mrs. E.J. Scott, of this place.
- Marriage licenses have been issued to Osman O. Newcomb and Olga B. Root and John M. Brackenridge and Nellie V. Alger.
- George Leckington has invented a machine for turning out cement building blocks. It does rapid and effective work and is operated by one foot. The specimens we have seen are excellent.
- Court had not been adjourned last evening. The judge was considering the charges against a couple of men for inebriacy. Yesterday Mrs. J.T. Stemets was granted a divorce. The alimony was fixed at $1,000.

Ambrose Knock Dead
Ambrose Nock, son-in-law of Mr. Stewart, of Fairfield township, who was kicked in the stomach by a horse Sunday night, died yesterday. He was a middle aged man and leaves a wife and three or four children. The sad accident is reported by our capable Cylinder correspondent.

Dr. Baldwin Married Miss Larsen.
Dr. Baldwin and Miss Bessie Larsen, the former county superintendent, were married at Spencer last Wednesday They left for a trip and will be absent three or four weeks. They will doubtless make their future home at Ruthven.

Rural Delivery Routes
    The rural mail carriers started out Friday morning and so far everything is going smoothly. We have been handed lists of the patrons along the three routes, which have already secured boxes. Many others are soon to secure boxes. The lists already prepared are as follows;-
    Route 1- North and East, J.H. Beckman, W.H. Parks, D. Corcoran, E.M. Gulden, H.E. Ferguson, John Gaston, E.P. McLelland, j.J. Brown, P.F. Swit, Mrs. J.B. Guerdet, J.W. Crowley, J.W. Brady, H.T. Allen, F. Fickel, B.H. Root, L. Arleogart, W.A. Randall, Chris Arleogart, R.P. Henderson, J.W. Thompson, J.F. Reagan, J.C. Miller, A.J. Kipf, S.W. Dickison, Ed. E. Larsen, J.W. Jackson, George Telford, Martin Knutsen, Ole E. Thompson, E.E. Crail, James Pringle, W.L. Thompson, John Aylward.
    Route 2 – West, then south. James E. Kane, John O’Brien, W.H. Grace, Dan Donahue, Wil E. Clasing, Chris Donahue, Henry Selle, John M. Ryan, Peter Quigley, Frank P. Brady, McDonough Bros., Joseph Meehan, Frederick Fredericksen, C.C. Egan, Geo. W. Downs, Henry Kinne, Wm. Molloy, W.G. Grady, George Doyle.
    Route 3 – Northwest. H.E. Canine, John H. Hester, John P. Joyce, E.M. Thompson, Lars Olesen, Martin C. Peterson, W.R. Canine, Paul Schany, Hans Westergard, Rev .C. Krogh, L.P. Duhn, Jeppe J. Skow, Mrs. K. Christopherson, M.H. Crowley, Wm. Wagner, Peter Peterson, Lars C. Christenson, Clara A. Thompson, M.F. Booth, Lewis Johnson, F.T. Osborn, C.C. Larsen, Thos. J. Mulry, Mrs. M.T. Joyce, Anton Nielsen, Hiram Millerke, Mrs. M. Kane, N.O. Rasmussen, Peter Anderson, P.R. Jackman, Jens Olesen, P.A. Peterson, Lars C. Larsen, Wm. Ganley, Chr. Henningsen, D.H. McKee.

Latter Supposed to Be Man Who Tried to Pat Crowe J.A. Spies
Injured Man in Serious Condition and Will Hardly Recover.

    Saturday morning Henry N. Deeter, who lives but a short distance from Graettinger, was shot and perhaps fatally injured by Conrad Weigman, Jr.
He is at present in a very critical condition and his chance for recovery are decidedly slim. One grain of shot is buried in his liver, one in his lungs and one in his kidneys. Nearly twenty grains have been taken from his right side. Mr. Weigman was placed under arrest and is held under bonds to await the action of the grand jury on the charge of attempting to commit murder.
    The circumstances of the affair, so far as we are able to learn, are substantially as follows:
    March 30th J.A. Spies received an unsigned letter from some party telling him to place $1,000.00 in a certain hay stacker about a mile and a half from Graettinger, at seven o’clock on the evening of April 1st, and that if he did not comply with the request the buildings on his several farms would be destroyed by fire during the night. The letter also stated that Mr. Spies would go on a journey and never return.
    Mr. Spies at once sent for a detective. They prepared a worthless package, placing it in the weight box of the stacker as directed. Deputy Sheriff Williams was summoned and remained hiding in a hay stack close by during the night, in company with Conrad Weigman, one of Spies’ employes, waiting for the Pat Crowe to make his appearance. At five o’clock in the morning , no one had come and Mr. Williams went to Graettinger. Weigman remained at the stack. About six o’clock Mr. Deeter, who was carrying a gun and seemed to be hunting, came along. He fired a couple of shots at some muskrats in a pond close by and from there went to the hay stacker. He took out the package and examined it. In a few moments, Weigman shouted to him to throw down his gun. He looked around to see who was talking, but did not drop the gun. Young Weigman fired a charge of B.B. shot into his right side. Mr. Deeter fell and fainted, but soon recovered. Mr. Weigman marched him to town. Soon after the wounded man was taken to his own home and a physician summoned.
    Mr. Deeter claims that he was out hunting, that in passing he went to the hay press to take it apart, and that he subsequently intended taking it home. He says that he opened the weight box to get a wrench and was surprised to find the package. He was examining it when he was accosted by Weigman, and the latter shot him without a moment’s consideration. On the other hand, circumstances are against him. The friends of Mr. Spies and Mr. Weigman claim that they searched the home of Mr. Deeter immediately after the shooting took place and that they found a paper tablet from which the written letter had been taken. A lead pencil had been used in writing the letter and the impressions of the writing showed on the sheet beneath so that the name of Mr. Spies and other words could be distinctly traced. There was, of course, no necessity for shooting Mr. Deeter under the circumstances and a more experienced man would doubtless not have done so. Some have urged the arrest of Mr. Spies on the ground that he encouraged Weigman to hastiness in the matter, but the county attorney informs our reporter that there is not sufficient evidence against Mr. Spies to warrant action against him.
    Mr. Deeter came to this county from Illinois about a year ago. A short time before he bought 218 acres of Mahan pasture land of the Illinois party who purchased it from Mr. Consigny. He broke up considerable of it last year and sowed it to flax., but the crop was very light. He also broke some for supervisor Larsen, who speaks well of the man. He is also well thought of by others who have had dealings with him. He is a church ember and sang in one of the choirs at Graettinger. He is about 45 years of age. He has a wife and three children. He is at present in poor circumstances financially, and Mrs. Deeter is an invalid. If the unfortunate circumstances connected with the affair can be satisfactorily explained he is the victim in a rater singular affair. If not, the public can form but one conclusion.

Committees Appointed for the Ensuing Year.
Mayo Steuhmer Postpones Appointment of the Marshals.

    Monday evening the new city council was organized after the old body had finished its regular labors and adjourned. Mayor Stuehmer had taken the oath of office before the meeting. The newly elected members. – A.E. Troyer, John Dooley, E.H. Soper, and W.I. Branagan- were promptly sworn in by Robert Shea, president pro term.
T    he mayor opened the session with a lengthy, timely, and well prepared address, in which he outlined the growing needs of Emmetsburg. He urged economy and close attention to duty on the part of all connected with the city government. His utterances were received with marked favor and he was heartily applauded.
    He announced the following committees for the following year:
Ordinance – John Dooley, E.H. Soper, W.I. Branagan.
Finance – W.I. Branagan, C.C. Mueller, John Dooley.
Streets, Alleys and Sidewalks- E.H. Soper, W.I. Branagan, C.C. Mueller, John Dooley.
Water Works- Robert Shea, E.H. Soper, John J. Steil.
Street Lights and Fire Department – A.E. Troyer, John Dooley, C.E. Taylor.
Public Grounds, Building, Sanitary and Sewers – John Steil, C.E. Taylor, A.E. Troyer.
Purchasing – C.E. Taylor, W.I. Branagan, A.E. Troyer.
Licenses and Police-C.C. Mueller, Robert Shea, John J. Steil.
Equalization Board of Review-A.E. Troyer, John Dooley, E.H. Soper.
Robert Shea was chosen president pro tem of the council for the ensuing year.
    There were two applicants for the office of city clerk- P.H. Hand and John Moncrief. John Dooley objected to the election of either of them, as both are already in the employ of the city. The matter was postponed until the next meeting. C.C. Mueller was chosen clerk pro tem. John McNally and Thomas Donovan were the candidates for street commissioner. The former was elected, having received the support of C.E. Taylor, C.C.Mueller, John Dooley, E.H. Soper and Mayor Stuehmer. There was no opposition to Henry Kneer for city engineer, so he was promptly elected. Mayor Stuehmer announced that he would not appoint the day and night marshals until later. By a unanimous vote, the council instructed the regular committee to amend the ordinance governing salaries, making the compensation of the marshals $40 per month each. At present the day marshal gets $45 per month and the night watch only $35 per month. The latter has by fare the more disagreeable work, and hence the proposed change, which will be considered at the adjourned meeting to be held Monday evening, April 18th. The proceedings of the evening were entirely harmonious. After the consideration of some minor matters, the council adjourned.
The committee whose duty it is to pass upon the assessor’s books will be in session at the city hall ever evening until its work is completed. The books are, of course, open to the examination of the public and those who have grievances will receive proper attention.

Notice of Appointment of Administratrix.
State of Iowa, Palo Alto County, ss.
Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has been duly appointed and qualified as Adminstratrix of the estate of John Pendergast, Jr., late of Palo Alto County, deceased. All persons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payments to the undersigned and those having claims against said estate will file them, with the clerk of the district court, as provided by law, duly authenticated for allowance.
Bridget Mugan, Administratrix.
Thos. O’Connor, Attorney for Estate.
Dated March 14, 1903.

In the district court of the state of Iowa, in and for Palo Alto county.
May term, A.D. 1904.
Joanna Conway, widow of Michael Conway, deceased vs. Wm. H. DeGroat and ____ DeGroat, his wife; Mary Clarke and _____ Clarke, her husband; Orvis G. Shepard and _____ Shepard, his wife; Samuel J. Doodenough and _____ Goodenough, his wife; William H. DeGroat and Alice E. DeGroat, his wife; Mariam M. Sarles and Jonathan H. Sarles, her husband; Mary H. Cardis and _____ 
Carids, her husband; George D. Hill, and _____ Hill, hjis wife; Elias J. Johnson and _____ Johnson, his wife; Wm. E. Clark and _____ Clark, his wife; John M. Stockdale and Pattie C. Stockdale, his wife; Palo Alto county in the state of Iowa to all the heirs at law of William Jackman and Mary F. Jackman, deceased, whose names are all unknown; E.W. Ormsby, trustee for Martha E. Sykes, as beneficiary; Martha E. Sykes, beneficiary and _____ Sykes, her husband; Chicago, Milwaukee and Saint Pal Railway Company; E.S. Ellsworth and L.E. Jones and their wives; J.F. Conway administrator of the estate of Michael Conway, Mary Kingsley and _____ Kingsley, her husband, and to all the unknown owners, and to any and all other persons, known or unknown claiming any right, title, interest or estate in or to the East One-half (1/2) of the Southeast Quarter (1/4), the Northwest Quarter (1/4) of the Southeast Quarter (1/4) and nineteen (19) acres off from the east side of the Southwest Quarter (1/4) of the Southeast Quarter (1/4) in Section No. Twenty-six (26) in Township No. Ninety-seven (97) north of Range Thirty-three (33) West of the Fifth Principal Meridian; you and each of you are hereby notified that on or before the fourth day of April, A.D. 1904, the petition of the plaintiff herein, will be on file in the office of the clerk of the District Court, within and for Palo Alto county, Iowa, claiming that she is the absolute and unqualified owner to fee simple of the following described real estate situated in Palo Alto county, Iowa, to wit: The East Half (1/2) of the Southeast Quarter (1/4), the Northwest Quarter (1/4) of the Southeast Quarter (1/4) and nineteen (19) acres off from the east side of the Southwest Quarter (1/4) of the Southeast Quarter (1/4) of Section No. Twenty-six (26) in Township No. Ninety-seven (97) North of Range No. Thirty-three (33) West of the Fifth Principal Meridian, being more particularly described in said petition, and asking that her title in and to said premises above described, be quieted to her as against all of the above named defendants and against any and all other persons whether known or unknown claiming any right, title, interest or estate to and to said premises or to any part or parsel [sic] of the same, and that said defendants and any and all other persons claiming any interest in and to said premises above described, be forever barred and estopped from having or claiming any right, title, interest or estate adverse to that of the plaintiff therein and thereto, and asking that the title to nine acres off of the southeast corner of the Southwest Quarter (1/4) of the Southeast Quarter (1/4) of Section No. Twenty-six (26) in Township No. Ninety-seven (97) North of Range No. Thirty-three (33) West of the Fifth Principal Meridian, derived through a tax deed made and executed by M.L. Brown, county treasurer of Palo Alto county, Iowa, to Michael Conway, and recorded in Book “G” of the deed records of Palo Alto county, Iowa, on page 56, and tax deed being dated April 11, 1876, be established and confirmed to the plaintiff and asking that all proceedings had thereunder be declared to have been legal and regular, and also asking that the title to ten acres being the Northeast Quarter (1/4) of the Southeast Quarter (1/4) of Section No. Twenty-six in Township No. Ninety-seven (97) north of Range No. Thirty-three (33) West of the Fifth Principal Meridian, derived through a tax deed from Robert Shea, county treasurer of Palo Alto county, Iowa, and made to William Jackman, and recorded in Book “G” on page 92 of the deed records of Palo Alto county, Iowa, dated April 20, 1878, and in turn deeded from William Jackman to Michael Conway, be established and confirmed in the plaintiff and asking that each and all proceedings relating to the issuance to said tax deeds as aforesaid by the court declared legal and regular and further asking that the title derived to thirty-acres of said land in the Northwest Quarter (1/4) of the Southeast Quarter (1/4) of said Section 26, Township and Range as aforesaid, through a tax deed issued by Robert Shea, county treasurer of Palo Alto county, Iowa to Michael Conway, dated April 26, 1878 and recorded in deed record “G” on page 94 of the deed records of Palo Alto county, Iowa, be established and confirmed in the plaintiff and that all proceedings had under said tax deed be by the court declared regular and legal and asking that the mortgage given by George D. Hill to Elias J. Johnson, dated March 1, 1875 and recorded in record book “A” of mortgages on page 407 of the records of Palo Alto county, Iowa, on said premises be canceled, set aside and held for naught, and that the mortgage given by Michael Conway and the plaintiff herein to E.S. Ormsby, as trustee for Martha E. Sykes, beneficiary and recorded in Book “G” on page 453 of the mortgage records of Palo Alto county, Iowa, said mortgage bearing date of May 1, 1880, being on said premises, be canceled, set aside and held for naught, the mortgage given by James F. Conway and wife and this plaintiff to E.S. Ellsworth and L.E. Jones, dated October 26, 1892 and recorded in book “H” of the mortgage records of Palo Alto county, Iowa, on page 230, thereof, on the above described premises, be canceled, annulled, set aside and held for naught and further asking the cancelation of any and all deeds of conveyance of said premises which in any way conflict with the title of the plaintiff in and to said premises, and asking that the respective parties claiming any interest in and to the mortgages above specified be forever barred and estopped from claiming any interest therein as against said premises adverse to that of the plaintiff therein or thereto, and the general equitable relief all of which will more fully appear in said petition to which you and each of you are hereby referred. And that unless you appear thereto and defend before noon of the second day of the next term of said court being the May term thereof which will commence at the court house in Emmetsburg, Palo Alto county, Iowa, on the 16th day of May, A.D., 1904, default will be entered against you and each of you and judgment and decree rendered therein as prayed. THOS. O’CONNOR, Attorney for Plaintiff.


- Mrs. E.W. Reid and son Virgil, of Ruthen, spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.A. Jones.
- Mrs. Frank DeMouth, of Emmetsburg, has been here during the past week helping care for her mother, Mrs. F. Jones, who has been quite ill.
- Ambrose Nock was severely kicked by a horse Sunday evening. It is thought that his injuries will prove fatal. This is indeed a very sad affair.
- Mr. and Mrs. Ed Boozer, residing east of town, mourn the loss of their little boy, who died Saturday evening and was buried Monday. The funeral services were conducted at the home of Rev. Phelps. Mr. and Mrs. Boozer have the sympathy of all who know them.

- Mr. Pauley died last Saturday morning and was buried Monday. The funeral services were held at the Methodist church. The survivors have the sympathy of all in their sorrow.

- Chas. Phillips is being visited by a cousin, a Mr. Krohn, from Chamberlain, S.D.

- Mrs. Furlong has received the sad news that her mother had passed away at Boston, Massachusetts, a few days ago. Although her death had been expected for some time, as she was quite aged, the news was a shock to her many relatives. The sympathy of all is extended to them in their sorrow.

Emmetsburg Democrat, Wednesday, April 13, 1904.


- Mrs. E.J. Breen of Fort Dodge, visited relatives in this city during the past week.
- Mr. and Mrs. Nichols were called to Vinton Thursday evening on account of the serious illness of the latter’s mother.
- T.H. Burns was called to Jackson Junction last week to attend the funeral of his grandmother. She was quite advanced in years.
- Patrick Laughlin returned to Quincy, Illinois Saturday evening after several weeks’ visit with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lott Laughlin.
- Mr. and Mrs. J.D. Burkett have gone to Nashua, Iowa, where they will keep hotel. Mrs. Burkett is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. P. Kiley.
- Mr. John Breckenridge and Miss Nellie Alger were married at the M.E. parsonage in this city last Wednesday. They will make their future home at Mason City.
- W.J. McCarty has received his stock of supplies for bee keepers and is ready to fill orders promptly. The public will find him a capable and worthy gentleman with whom to do business.


A Singular Occurrence.
A very unusual accident occurred Tuesday evening at the Central House, an electric light globe exploding, and a piece of glass striking Amos Dewald, of Independence, in the eye, injuring it severely and perhaps destroying the sight.—Spencer News.

An Old Kossuth Man in Trouble.
Grant Hamilton, who lived in this vicinity for several years, is now the postmaster at Stillson and is in trouble. A few days ago he got into a fight with a citizen of that place over some political matters and bit the end of the man’s nose. It is said he cannot recover.—Algona Advance.


- J.J. Reardon leaves this week for St. Louis where he has a position as customs inspector during the fair.
- “Doc” Baird has rented Mr. Tobin’s bowling alley. Ed Cahill and Willis Tobin had been running it during the past few weeks.
- Robert Moran and sister, Miss Moran, returned to Minneapolis Saturday after a week’s visit at the home of their sister, Miss Moran.
- Ed Hartshorn, son of Capt. Hartshorn, has received an appointment from Minister Conger in the customs service of China. He will have until 1st to report for duty.
- There were three or four Indians in town Saturday.
- Mrs. Louise Brant has been granted a divorce from her husband, Willey Brant. The decree was signed yesterday.
- Wm. Pender was at Waterloo several days during the past week looking after his newly patented street car switch.
- The Mesdames Roup, of Dubuque, are visiting Mr .and Mrs. Roup, of this city. One is Mr. Roup’s mother and the other is his brother’s wife.
- C.C. Gusland has received word that he stood the best examination for carrier for rural route No. 2. He expects the appointment in a few days.
- Sunday while playing Mr. and Mrs. P.C. Neary’s youngest child had one of its fingers accidentally taken off. Dr. O’Brien was summoned and thinks he can save the member.
- E.P. McEvoy left Tuesday for Ottawa, Canada, where he will visit relatives for three weeks. He will also make brief stops at Dubuque and Chicago.
- John Overton, formerly of Mallard, died at Glenwood, Iowa, a few days ago. His remains were brought to Mallard for interment. His people live in Ellington township.
- Mrs. Thomas Jennings returned from Sioux City Tuesday evening where she had been taking medical treatment. Her sister, Miss Maggie Murray, accompanied her home.
- Joynt & Wollner have traded their lot, building and stock of implements for a choice quarter section of land at Colman, South Dakota, but the deal has not yet been fully closed.
- Miss Sarah Seaton has resigned her position in the Palo Alto county bank and will leave Saturday for Lansing. From there she goes to the state of Washington where she will make her future home. Miss Ketchen will take her place in the bank. All who know Miss Seaton will regret her departure.

Habeas Corpus Proceedings for His Release on Monday.
Testimony of Dr. Naae and Marshal Blumb. Sworn Statement of Deeter.

    Thursday evening immediately after the death of H.N. Deeter, Conrad Weigman, Jr., who shot him on the morning of April 2nd, was placed under arrest by Marshal Blumb, of Graettinger, who brought him to this city Friday morning and lodged him in jail. Saturday evening, at 7:00 o’clock, Attorneys Kelly and Morling and A.J. Burt appeared before Justice Stuehmer with the prisoner and asked to have him admitted to bail, agreeing to furnish a $10,000 bond. The hearing had been previously set for Monday morning at 10:30 and Mr. Stuehmer , not wishing to pass upon so important a matter without due deliberation, refused to grant the petition until he could hear enough of the evidence to warrant him in doing so. The county attorney was summoned and he claims that he admitted that the offense was not such that a death sentence would be likely to be imposed in case of conviction. There was considerable wrangling over the matter, but Mr. Stuehmer refused to act until Monday. The attorney for the prisoner at once commenced habeas corpus proceedings for his release and on Monday morning Judge Quarton came to his city to grant a hearing in the mater. Several witnesses from Graettinger were subpoenaed and the entire forenoon was spent in the consideration of the affair. County Attorney Davidson and C.E. Cohoon appeared for the state and Messrs. Kelly and Morling for Weigman. Attorney Davidson informed the court that he was willing to have the prisoner released on bail, but that he would like to have a few witnesses sworn in order to satisfy the court as to the wisdom of so doing, as the case was one of unusual importance.

Dr. Naae’s Testimony
    The first witness called was Dr. Th. B. Naae, of Graettinger. He testified that Mr. Weigman had called at his place early Saturday morning in company with Mr. Deeter, who was in a critical condition because of his injuries. Weigman had told him of the shooting at the time and said he had ordered Deeter to throw down his gun several times but that he did not do so and that he shot him in the arm and side. Dr. Naae was busy taking care of Mr. Deeter and did not converse at length with Mr. Weigman. The doctor arose and pointed to his own arm and side to show where the shot had taken effect. The injuries were on the right side of the body. One shot had penetrated the small intestine, several the chest in the region of the lungs, and six or seven had been taken from the liver. He testified that death had resulted from the intestinal wound. He also stated that he had once or twice told Mr. Deter that his chances for recovery were anything but hopeful and that soon after the shooting he told him he could not recover. The purpose of his part of the testimony will doubtless be made known later.

Mr. Blumb’s Testimony
    The next witness was the marshal of Graettinger, MR. Blumb. The latter stated that he was in Mr. Gremmel’s saloon when Conrad Weigman was there shortly after the shooting and heard him relate the circumstances of the affair. The defendant, he claimed, related that he had seen Mr. Deeter leaving his home and coming towards the hay stack where he (Weigman) was hiding, that Deeter shot towrds the pond close by, but that no ducks or other game could be seen by him. Deeter then came to the stack and around to the stacker. He opened the weight box, took the package, and started off with it. After he had gone some distance, Weigman shouted to him to thrown down the gun and he repeated the order several times, but Deeter did not obey. Then Weigman shot. Deeter fell, remaining on the ground several minutes. When the latter sat up, Weigman shouted to him to pick up the package. He said he did not have to do so. Weigman told him he would blow off his head if he did not do as he told him. Deeter then picked up the package and Weigman drove him to town ahead of him. Deeter fell several times on the way. The above statements are substantially the testimony of Mr. Blumb while on the witness stand. He also claims that later he talked to Weigman while he was in jail and told him not to deny the truth. As he would be cornered were he to attempt to falsify. The prisoner said he intended telling the truth and that he had done only what he was told to do.
    There was some controversy between Attorney Kelly and Davidson s to what took place in Justice Stuehmer’s office Saturday evening and Mr. Stuehmer was asked to take the witness stand. His testimony was potentially as stated above. He said he was not fully satisfied as to the enormity of the offense of the prisoner and as the latter had been charged with murder in the first degree, he insisted on postponing a hearing in the matter until Monday morning. He did not intend any discourtesy towards an attorney, but wanted to act for himself and take no chances making a mistake.
    After a few remarks Judge Quarton granted the petition admitting the prisoner to bail and fixed the amount of the bond at $10,000. J.A. Spies, Preston Fahnestock and Conrad Weigman, Dr., signed the bond. The prisoner returned to Graettinger with his father Monday afternoon. He was in the court room during the entire proceedings and seemed at all times fully self possessed. He was not placed on the witness stand. He has been instructed by his attorneys not to talk to newspaper reporters, though his father has spoken freely concerning the affair. The latter claims that Mr. Spies came to his home at three o’clock in the morning and asked for the boy, who had up to that time known nothing whatever concerning the threatening letter. The boy was taken out to the stack where Mr. Williams had been watching during the night. Mr. Williams came back to town in the buggy in which young Weigman had been taken out. Mr. Weigman, Sr. denies that Mr. Spies gave the boy any instructions as to what to do in case anyone came for the package, but says that Mr. Williams did instruct him. The deputy sheriff denies that he did anything that could make him responsible for any way for the shooting under the circumstances. The real facts, if they can be fully ascertained, will, of course, be brought out in the course of the trial, which is not likely to take place until the October term of court. Mr. Davidson says he hopes to try the case during the May term, but peple charged with such offenses are seldom tried so soon after their arrest because of the unsettled condition of public sentiment.

Sworn Statement of Mr. Deeter
    On April 4, 1904, and when he knew that he could not recover, Mr. Deeter signed a sworn statement as follows:
    “ On Saturday morning, the second day of April, 1904, I got up about 6:00 a.m. I built a fire first. Then I saw some ducks flying east of the house. I took my gun and went over towards a pond almost straight out of the house. When I got over to the pond I saw a musk rat, so I shot that. Just shot once and I did not reload. One barrel was yet loaded. Then I went over to my stacker and looked in the weight box to see if the wrenches were there. I was going to take the stacker apart after breakfast. I saw a package there and I picked it up. My first thought was April fool. It was a white envelope with a rubber band around it. I picked it out and doubled flap back, and run my finger across it. I saw it looked like newspaper clippings. I held it in my left hand and stepped out of the stacker and started towards another slough. Then Connie Weigman jumped up on top of a hay stack, ordered me to throw down my gun I was holding it in my right hand and my arm was hanging down to my side. I partly turned facing him and he said: “I will shoot you if you don’t throw down your gun.” Just then he shot. The shot struck me in the right arm and right side. The gun dropped out of my hand and he jumped off the stack and said: “You walk to town, G-d d—you, or I wil shoot you dead.” I got very faint and told him I could not. I asked him to bring me home and we would hitch up. He said, “I won’t do it, and you will have to walk.” He then ordered me to pick up the package. I picked it up and put it in my pocket. Then we started towards town. He had a repeating single barreled shotgun. I had to lay down six or eight times going to town. He wanted me to walk righ up to Jakes Spies’ office. I told him I could not do it, so we stopped at Dr. Naae’s house. Then Jones took me home. I did not know anything about the package before I went to the stacker on the morning of April 2, 1904. I never wrote any letter to Mr. Jake spies, in any manner asking him for money or threatening to burn his property., if he did not put a thousand dollars or any other sum, in the weight box of any other place. I never wrote a letter to MR. Jake Spies at all at any time.”
    The letter was signed and acknowledged before S.R. Stedman, notary public, April 4, 1904, and bears the signature of M.T. Axelton and M.G. Sevold as witnesses.
    The defendant ans his friends, while refusing to be interviewed, are reported to have positive proof that the deceased wrote the threatening letter besides other corroborating evidence that is decidedly strong. The public should be patient and wait for full developments before forming any conclusions concerning the sad affair, which is to be deplored by all good citizens.

Mr. Deeter’s Brother in Town.
    Mr. and Mrs. J.A. Deeter, of Dixon, Illinois, were present during the proceedings held on Monday Mr. Deeter is a brother of the deceased. He owns a sash and door factory at Dixon, where he has been engaged in business for thirteen years. He is a bright business like gentleman. Mrs. Deeter returned home Monday evening, but her husband will remains for a few days to look after matters.

Mrs. Theo Bleckwenn Dead
    This week we are pained to report the death of Mrs. Theodore Bleckwenn, which occurred at her home in Fairfield township Sunday evening. The funeral was held yesterday. The services were conducted at the Lutheran church at Fairville by the pastor. There was a large procession of friends and neighbors. Mrs. Bleckwenn leaves a husband and seven small children to mourn her loss. Death under such circumstances is indeed sad. Mr. and Mrs. Bleckwenn have lived in Fairfield township for a good many years. The deceased came from Germany shortly before her marriage. She was one of the exemplary dutiful Christian women of the neighborhood in which she lived and to the social and religious upbuilding of which she gave much zeal, time, and attention. We have been unable to learn full particulars up to the hour of going to press. Mr. Bleckwenn and his seven motherless children have the sympathy of all.

    The new agricultural society was organized Monday evening. The authorized capital stock will be $5,000 and the paid up $2,000. W.S. Parnham has been chosen president A.B. Carter vice-president, P.V. Hand secretary and J.K. Benda treasurer. The directors are J.N. Phillips, W.J. Black, N.W. Thompson and Wm. Coakley. The officers of the old organization will meet Friday to lease the grounds to the new society. It is proposed ot have a big race meeting July 3 and 4.


- Mr. Wellein, Gerton’s clerk, left for Sibley Sunday morning. Mr. Schmidt will take his place.
- Mr. Airhart returned from Des Moines Thursday, where he had been getting some new supplies for his barber shop.
- Geo. Watson arrived home from Waterloo Sunday morning where he has been working on Sumner Jones’ newly patented railway switch.

- Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Carl Lund, Wednesday, April 6th, a girl.
- Tuesday of last week a boy was born to Mr. and Mrs. Oran Drown.
- Miss Cora Sterner returned from Emmetsburg last week where she had been visiting her aunt, Mrs. Young.

- Ed. Burchard, proprietor of a hotel at Bancroft died very suddenly Saturday.
- Henry Nelson, of Burt, is the one who takes Delmar Miller’s place in the Reimers drug store.
- Fred Munch left Tuesday morning for Washington where he intends to make his home. His family will go later.
- Tom Corbett, who had been visiting his brother, Agent Corbett, has gone to Mason City to visit another brother at that place.
- Delmar Miller and Swiss Hinton left Monday morning for Billings, Montana, where they intend to remain if the country suits them.
- John Cullen has bought the Ryan home in the north part of town and will move into it about May 1st. It is a very nice property and will make Mr. and Mrs. Cullen a fine home.
- Mrs. Tom Farrel went to Luzerne, Iowa, Wednesday, where she will visit with relatives for a few weeks and then go to Denver, Colorado, to join her husband, who has gone there for his health.
- The people of this community were very much grieved Sunday to hear of the death of Mrs. Theo. Bleckwenn. Her death is indeed a sad one as she leaves seven small children The youngest is only a few days old. The husband and children have the sympathy of all.
- Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Phillips pleasantly entertained friends at their home Thursday evening with the new game, “panic”, which is becoming very popular here. Those present were happy and enthusiastic, the progress of the game being marked by a good natured demonstrations that would do credit to Wall Street. A very nice luncheon and refreshments were also in order.
- On last Wednesday occurred the marriage of Miss Tillie Dow and Ed Schimp. The day was a very pleasant one and a large crowd attended the wedding ceremony which was performed in the Lutheran church, Rev. Faulstick officiating. After the ceremony a reception was held at the bride’s home. Nothing was lacking to make this a very pleasing and gratifying day to all present. The happy couple went to their own home that evening, which the groom had previously fitted up.
- E.J. Van Ness quietly took himself away Monday evening and Tuesday was married to Miss Anna Yaw of Alexandria, Iowa. The bride is a stranger here, but from appearances we would judge that E.J. made an excellent selection. Mr. Van Ness is a young man of professional ability, push and energy and is sure to make his mark in the world. We extend congratulations to the happy couple and our best wishes follow them.

H.N. Deeter Dead.
H.N. Deeter, who was shot by Conrad Weigman a week ago last Saturday,died Thursday evening. The funeral was held at Graettinger Sunday. The services were held at the M.E. church at that place and the interment was in the town cemetery. Mr. Deeter was born at Ashland, Ohio, and was 35 years old. He was married at Dixon, Illinois, in June 1894, to Lillie Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Deeter came to Graettinger in April 1903. There are three children- twin girls, aged 8, and another girl six years old. The sad death of the husband and father will leave the wife and children in rather poor circumstances. They hae the sympathy of all regardless of the guilt or innocence of the deceased. 

Were Married Wednesday.
The marriage of Mr. J.C. Jensen and Miss Katherine Petra Nelson, which was solemnized at St. aul’s Lutheran church in Walnut township, Wednesday, April 6, was one of he notable events of the season. After the conclusion of the brief ceremony, a grand reception was held at the home of the bride’s parents, Mr. an Mrs. Chr. Nelson. There was a large attendance of invited guests and no pains were spared to provide for their pleasure and comfort. The happy couple will make their home on an excellent farm prepared for the groom by his parents, Mr .and Mrs. Thomas Jensen. In this union the hopes and fortunes of two of the best young people of the community have been cemented for life. Mr. Jensen is a painter by trade, is an only son, and is a young man whom all his acquaintances respect. His industry, integrity and many praiseworthy traits bespeak for him a successful and useful career. His chosen companion is a most worthy young lady and well deserves the esteem in which she is held. The Democrat wishes Mr. and Mrs. Jensen all the joys and comforts that are the reward of those who try to make life what it should be.

Emmetsburg Democrat, Wednesday, April 20, 1904

- A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. H.M. Helgen April 7. 
- Miss Maggie Thompson, of Decorah, is visiting her cousins, the Misses Haman.
- Mayor Steuhmer is enjoying a visit from his nephew, Edward Stuehmer, of Davenport.
- Mrs. Louis Hoag, of Thief River Falls, Minnesota, is visiting her sister, Miss Dell Tyson.
- Mr. and Mrs. R. Newcombe have gone to Excelsior Springs , Missouri, where they will make their future home.
- Mrs. E.F. Kelly has been visiting her daughter, Ms. S.H. Lynch, of Aberdeen, South Dakota, during the past week.
- Mrs. Jennie Vogel, of Dakota, arrived here Wednesday for a short visit with her mother, Mrs. Acers. She went to Palmer, Iowa, Thursday morning to visit a sister who resides there.
- M.P. Kane is home visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.J. Kane. He had been firing on the Northwestern line between Clinton and Boone, but was laid off on account of the dull times.
- Mr. Wonochel, of Kankakee, Illinois, was an Emmetsburg visitor Monday. He has purchased section nine in Ellington township for $55 per acre. He will sell part of it to some other Illinois parties and intends moving onto the remaining portion next year.


Spencer Boy Goes to Annapolis.
Oran Jones, who lately received the appointment by Congressman Thomas as acting midshipman in the United States naval academy, left Monday evening for Annapolis where he will take a month’s preparatory work before taking the entrance examinations to the academy.—Spencer Herald.

Speaks Well of Mr. Orres.
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Orres leave today for Emmetsburg where they will operate a restaurant. They have made many friends while here who much regret to have them leave but cheerfully recommend them to the good graces of their new location. They were accompanied by Gust. Risvold, who will assist them in the restaurant.—Humboldt Independent.

No Color Line at Spencer.
Rev. Joseph Coleman, a colored preacher, occupied the pulpit of the Friends church Sunday morning and evening and those who heard him were well pleased with his sermons. Mr. Coleman was a slave and did not learn to read until he was past 25 years old. He is now gray headed and well educated and can read Scripture with the book closed in an exceptional manner.—Spencer Reporter.

A Sibley Man Promoted.
C.F. Hayes has received notice of his appointment to the position of traveling freight agent of the Dakota division of the C.R.I.& P. Railway. Mr. Hayes has been agent at Sibley but a short time and the unsolicited appointment to this position at a substantial increase in salary is very gratifying. He does not know when he will be relieved here. His headquarters will be in Estherville, but for the present the family will reside here.—Sibley Gazette.

A Bancroft Tough.
Mr. Ostrander, of Bancroft, came to Algona last Monday and delivered up to the sheriff for safe keeping for 90 days, Guy Jacobs, of that town. He is a young chap who is noted for his proficiency in rolling and smoking cigarettes, drinking whiskey and deadbeating generally. Last Saturday he picked up a pair of rubber boots in C.E. McLaughlin’s store and walked off without paying for them. But he had not gone not more than half a block until he was nabbed.—Algona Courier.

H.W. Stover Dies at Fenton.
HW. Stover, well known in West Bend and vicinity, died at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Joe Nellis, at Fenton last Tuesday morning. Mr. Stover was about seventy years old and had been in poor health since last fall but has been confined to his bed only about four weeks. He leaves three sons and two daughters to mourn her [sic] loss, viz. John and Bert Stover, living near Rodman and Charlie Stover, of Rolfe, Mrs. A.W. Green, of this city and Mrs. Joe Nellis, of Fenton.—West Bend Journal. 

Will Take in Sewing.
I will take in sewing at my home just west of the residence of Thomas Higgins. Special attention will be given to fine hand sewing.


- M.P. Kane left the first of the week for Escanaba, Michigan, where he will fire on a Northwestern engine.
- Miss Jennie Barlow, who had been visiting her aunt, Mrs. Skinner, returned to her home at Ruthven Monday.
- Mrs. Peter Black left Friday for Worthington, Minnesota, to visit her mother and other relatives who reside there.
- Mrs. Thomas Jennings and sister, Miss Maggie Murray, returned to Sioux City Saturday.
- Eugene Miller, of Rolfe, was kicked to death by a horse a few days ago. He was a young man.
- Thos. Shea was home from Des Moines over Sunday. He is still attending Highland Park Normal school.
- Mrs. Kate Weir, who had been taking care of her mother for the past two weeks, returned to Mason City Saturday.
- L. Towe, of Graettinger, returned from the eastern part of the state Thursday. He was there attending the funeral of his father.
- The postoffice at Hutchins, Hancock county, has been discontinued. Mail heretofore addressed to that place should be sent to Britt.
- A sister of M.N. Nolan left Ireland Saturday and will come directly to Emmetsburg. She intends making her home in this county.
- E.J. Higgins, Jr., arrived home Monday evening. He had been touring the Rocky Mountain states and western Canada with a theatrical company.
- Mr. and Mrs. O.B. Orres, of Clarkfield, Minnesota, are here visiting he former’s brother, John Orres. They will return home the latter part of the week.
- F.M. Harvey, formerly foreman in the Democrat office, spent the last of the week in this city. He will edit a newspaper soon to be published at Wagner, South Dakota.
- Friday, William Mohrfied [or Morfled] who lived near Sheldon, was killed while operating a stationery engine. He attempted to push a belt on with his feet when it caught h and killed him almost instantly.
- Wm. Pender goes to Waterloo today to help push the street car switch enterprise, with which he is connected. It promises to be a good dividend maker.
- Mr. Thomas Gadsby and Miss Ethel May Goff were married at the home of the bride’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. D.A. Goff, near Ruthven, Thursday, April 14, by Rev. Winfield, of Ruthven.
- Mr. Orres and family arrived from Humboldt a few days ago and are now in possession of the J.G. McNamara restaurant. Mr. Orres will make some changes in the dining room. He will carry a full line of confectionery goods.
- Misses Mary Moran and Amy Powers, of this city, and Miss Gift, of Ruthven, left for Granville, North Dakota, Tuesday morning. Misses Powers and Gift have homesteads.
- Thos. Carlin of Oskaloosa, spent Saturday and Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. S.P. Fitzgerald, of this city He is a brother-in-law of Mr. Fitzgerald. We acknowledge a pleasant call. Mr. Carlin is thinking some of locating at Clarion.
- The last issue of the Manson Democrat contains a splendid double column half tone cut of P.W. Fleming, brother of John Fleming, of Highland township. P.W. is engaged in the drug business of Manson and has been unusually successful. He is a fine appearing young man.
- Mr. Godden can carry a rubber hose all around his marble factory yard and use his air compressor drill wherever he pleases. He thinks he could drill a hole through Wall street were it possible for him to secure a hose of sufficient length. His new power polisher is now in operation and is a novel contrivance.

Another Threatening Letter.
A few days ago James Dunigan received a threatening letter telling him that unless he would place a deck of cards at a certain place, at a stated time, his clay pipe would be stolen. He still has the cards and the pipe, but he is worried as to what will be the next play on the part of Mr. Crowe.

To Close Up Business.
The life members of the old fair association met Thursday and elected the following named officers: President, T. Kirby; vice-president, A.B. Carter; sectetary, Robt Shea; treasurer, M.L. Brown. H.C. Shadbolt, M.F. Coonan, J.C. Bennett, J.H. Hinkley, John Dooley and J.F. Neary were chosen directors. The company was authorized to sell the ground south of the race track to pay off the existing indebtedness and to lease the remaining portion of the property to the new association for twenty years.

Young Man Named Grise Loses Life While Hunting.
    Thursday a sad accident occurred west of this place. A brother of Will Grise, who recently came from Ohio, was accidentally shot while out hunting. Three brothers of the same family of them was putting the gun towards him when the trigger caught, discharging the weapon. The wounded young man died before he had time to reach the place where he was stopping. The remains were taken to Laurens Saturday, and from there were shipped to the home of his parents in Ohio. Will accompanied them. 
    It is sad to think how often such accidents occur. It seems that as many people lose their lives while hunting as in traveling on railway trains.


- John Foosch went to Waterloo Monday evening to attend the funeral of a relative.
- Mrs. Carmody and children visited at the home of her sister, Mrs. Goeders, of Cylinder, Sunday.
- We are glad to note that George Boyle is able to be one more on terra firma and is looking very well. The absence of his mustache gives him a rather ministerial appearance.

- P.H. Haughstein has moved into the Ballman house.
- Henry Dewitt has moved into the house vacated by Mr. Haughstein.
- Mrs. F.H. Wells, of Emmetsburg, is here visiting her mother, Mrs. Demouth.
- Mrs. Geo Harrison, of Emmetsburg, spent a couple of days visiting her daughter, Mrs. F. Satter.
- Mrs. M. Jensvold, of Graettinger, spent the past week here the guest of her sister, Mrs. A.E. Anderson.
- Born, to Mr. and Mrs. William Nathain, on Sunday, April 17th, a daughter. All concerned are doing nicely.

- Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dorweiler have been the proud parents of a son since Saturday morning.
- Two more delivery rural routes will start from West Bend some time in May. Al Falb and Mr. Crisman will have charge of them.

- A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. S.E. Ayers Saturday evening.
- Mr. and Mrs. Stebbins and Mr. and Mrs. Dave Green were at Rolfe Friday attending the funeral of Mrs. Wm. Jarvis. Mrs. Jarvis was a cousin of J.P. Stebbins. Shewas ill for some time, having been totally blind since January.

- Mrs. Deeter and children have moved into the Lars Larson home on the east side.

Emmetsburg Democrat, Wednesday, April 27, 1904


- A.L. Hoyt is running the barber shop in the Crouch building on Min street, formerly occupied by Roscoe Moses.
- Mr. and Mrs. Henry Kane lost their infant child Wednesday. It was buried Thursday. It was but a few days old.
- Thursday James Sammin was taken to Estherville for a hearing before Judge Quarton, who ordered him taken to Cherokee for treatment for the drink habit.
- S.P. Fitzgerald was at Fort Dodge Sunday attending he big gathering of the Knights of Columbus. A large number were initiated into the order and among them was Mr. Fitzgerald. He claims to know a little more than he did a week ago.


Humboldt Boy Killed by a Horse
Thursday the 12-year-old son of Fred Rupley of Humboldt met his death while leading a horse to water. He tied the rope around his waist and the horse, becoming frightened, threw him down and stepped on him, crushing his skull. He was killed instantly.

A Spencer Boy on the Missouri
The battleship Missouri, on which such a tragedy was enacted by an explosion in one of her turrets April 14th, causing a loss of about thirty lives, is the vessel on which Jamie Hagerty, of Spencer, is serving. Fortunately he was among the uninjured and at the earliest moment possible so notified his mother by telegram.—Spencer News.

West Bend’s New Teachers.
The West Bend school board met last Monday evening for the purpose of electing teachers for the coming school year. The successful applicants are Mary J. Nugent, primary department, Jessie Clifford, second primary, Della Sloan, grammar room. The principal, assistant principal and intermediate teacher were not cosen, though it is thought Miss Josie Patton, of Emmetsburg, will be given a position. Prof. Koebel, Miss Fitz, and Mrs. Parkin were not candidates for re-election. A. White was named janitor.—Advance.


- Mr. and Mrs. L.H. Mayne intend leaving for Tiskilwa, Illinois, this week to visit relatives.
- Mrs. Nicholas, of Worthington, Minnesota, mother of Mesdames Black and Roberts, of this city, has been quite ill for several days.
- Miss Agnes Walsh, of Austin, Minnesota, is here visiting her mother and other relatives.
- A new girl is reported at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Peterson, who live near Fallow.
- James P. Jones went to Britt last evening to be present at the marriage of his brother Bernard.
- A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Henry Kneer Thursday. Of course they are happy as this is their only child. TheDemocrat congratulates.
- A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. C.J. Berger Tuesday evening of last week. This makes them a family of two boys. Success to the parents and the boys.
- Frank Clark of Spencer visited his brother-in-law, Mr. Chapin, of this place, Thursday. He is a first-class job printer and would accept a position, were he offered a suitable one.
- Nick Flannagan is now a member of the police force at Seattle, Washington.
- Charles Duhigg, of Ayrshire, was at Ft. Dodge Sunday where he was initiated as a Knight of Columbus.
- There will be a sale today on the Port Christopher farm near Mallard. Melvin Fisk is the auctioneer. Mr. Christopher died at Des Moines Good Friday.
- Fred Hammond visited with his uncle, D.L.Daley, in this city, last week. He was on his way from Chicago to his home at Winfield, Kansas.
- Mrs. P. Martini, of St. Cloud, Minnesota, has been visiting during the past week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. N. Steil and other relatives in this city.
- U. Butler, S.J. Guerdet and C.H. Giddings of Osgood, left for Iowa Falls last evening to attend the funeral of A.A. Wells, their old friend and neighbor.
- Mrs. T.O. Hanson, of Bode, was here last week helping to care for Mr. and Mrs. Shauger’s little girl, who has been quite sick. Mrs. Hanson is a sister of Mrs. Shauger.
- T.J. Grady, who was over from Ruthven Monday, Informs us that his sons are working his 700 acres of land in North Dakota this year. They moved up there in March.
- Myles McNally is planning on a trip to Europe and Ireland in particular. He has ample means as well as plenty of time to spare and he would without doubt enjoy the journey.
- Mrs. J.H. Brennan, George and Edward Bradley, Mr. and Mrs. J.P. Mahan and other relatives from Graettinger were called to this city the first of the week by the death of Edward J. Cahill
- J.H. Thatcher, who was up from West Bend Monday, informs us that he hopes to spend the coming winter in the Isle of Pines and Cuba. He wants a little relief from the severity of Iowa winters.
- M.M. Avery was here Monday looking after business interests. He owns the old Mahan pasture near Graettinger and was here seeing about having horses and cattle taken into it during the coming month.
- Mrs. H.C. Darland has been quite ill for several days. Her sister, Ms. Dayton, of Estherville, spent Sunday with her. Another sister, Miss Lela Hudson, of the same place, is now here helping to care for her.
- James Crowder is still very ill with appendicitis and a tumor in the stomach and serious doubts are entertained as to his chances for recovery. Dr. J.L. VanGorden is attending him.
- Thursday Alfred Falb was appointed carrier for one of his new rural mail routes at West Bend, with Adolph Falb as substitute. Harold Crisman was appointed for he other route with Fred Crisman as substitute.
- Harry Thompson, formerly of Estherville, recently shot Mayor Burns of Washta, Iowa. The latter will recover. Thompson tried to commit suicide at Estherville a few years go. He is evidently inclined to have someone’s life.
- Wednesday evening Mr. and Mrs. C.F. Bliven were pleasantly surprised by their friends, the occasion being Mrs. Blien’s birthday. The affair was highly enjoyed by all. She was presented with a beautiful chair as a reminder of the event.
- Miss Josie Dealy will remain at Cedar Falil Setember when she will commence her duties as teacher in music and drawing in the Emmetsburg public schools. She is at present teaching several classes in music at the State Normal school.
- The following were the lucky shoe purchasers at Black Bros. Last week: Mrs. B. Sullivan, Mallard; Mrs. M.T. McEvoy, Osgood; Mrs. Mary Daily, Ayrshire, and Mrs. Graham of Rodman. Read their special shoe announcement elsewhere in this issue.
- George F. Herley left for Hosmer, South Dakota, Monday morning where he will become station agent for the Milwaukee company Hosmer is located west of Aberdeen and, though small, is quite a thrifty town. The country is new and is developing rapidly and will afford him other opportunities. Mr. Herley’s many friends in this county wish him success in his new line of work. Mrs. Herley and the children will remain in Emmetsburg until he gets located.

Sad Death of H.A. Holmes

    H.A. Holmes, who had charge of the office of Edwards, Wood & Co., of this city, for a couple of years, met with a sad death a short time ago at Atlantic, this state. He was stopping at a hotel, and, as he was starting down stairs to go to dinner, he fell to the bottom, crushing his skull. He lived for a considerable length of time, but never regained consciousness. His remains were laid to rest at Ft. Dodge. It will be remembered that Mrs. Holmes died in this city something less than a year ago. She was his second wife. One son survives. He lives at Fort Dodge. The deceased was quite an old resident of Fort Dodge. He also lived at Estherville for several years coming to Emmetsburg. He was a quiet, well behaved man and made many warm friends during his business career in this city.

Dennis McSweeney is Dead.
    Just as we go to press Jerry Flynn writes us from Rock Valley that Dennis McSweeney died at Alvord yesterday. He will be buried at that place. He was born in Grant county, Wisconsin, in 1861. He lived for several years in this city. He leaves a wife and six children. His wife is a sister of Mrs. Flynn. He was a Woodman and carried $2,000 in life insurance. He had been sick since last fall.

Married at Britt This Morning.
    Mr. Bernard Jones and Miss Bertha Schoneman were married at the Catholic church at Britt this morning, Father Sampson officiating. The groom was attended by his brother, Mr. James P. Jones, of this city and the bride by Miss Emma Duffy of Britt. The reception was held at the home of the bride’s parents at Britt immediately after the marriage. The happy couple will make their future home at that place. The bride is one of Britt’s leading dressmakers. She is spoken of in terms of high commendation by all who are acquainted with her. The groom is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Jones, of Emmetsburg. He is at present a fireman on the northwestern road. He is an upright, frugal young man and has the genius, pluck and perseverance to win his way to success. The Democrat wishes Mr. and Mrs. Jones health and happiness.

Home From California
    Mr. Hoagland returned from Pacific Grove, California, Saturday evening where he spent the winter. He looks hearty and fleshy. Mr. and Mrs. M.G. Wilson will remain there for another year. E.C. Dimmick sent with Mr. Hoagland, for the Democrat, a box of choice prunes-real beauties-which he picked out of his eleven-ton bin. They are the finest in size and in flavor that we have ever tasted. Mr. Dimmick has an excellent fruit ranch in the famous Santa Clara valley. He and Mrs. Dimmick intend taking in the St. Louis fair during the summer and will visit Emmetsburg friends before returning. Mr. Hoagland enjoyed his trip and stay and found it a pleasure to be with so many old Emmetsburg neighbors as he found in the land of sunshine and flowers. His only regret is that he did not postpone his return for ten days or two weeks, as he has found the Palo Alto atmosphere rather chilly since coming home.

Emmetsburg School Teachers
At Wednesday evening’s meeting of the public school board, the following named teachers were chosen for the ensuing year:
South Side Primary, Kate Duffy.
East Side Primary, Jennie Kelly.
Primary, Miss Rhynesberger.
Second Primary, Luella Johnson.
Third Primary, Olive Hayman.
Fourth Grade, Cora Wilcox.
Fifth Grade, Anna Grady.
Sixth Grade, Kittie Mulroney.
Seventh Grade, Dorothy Fluke.
Eighth Grade, Lil Patton.
Music and Drawing, Josephine Dealy.
Latin and German, Mable Davis.
Science, Ethel Rundell
English, E.H. Hulser, of Sioux City.
Superintendent, H.E. Blackman.


- Miss Mary Butler has just purchased a new piano.
- Miss Blanche Meehan, of Emmetsburg, is here this week visiting her sister, Mrs. W.J. O’Brien.

- Martin Myhre and family spent Sunday with his parents in High Lake.
- Thomas Cullen leaves this week to teach in a country school ten miles east of Wallingford.
- Mr. and Mrs. W.S. Jones, of Estherville, spent Sunday and Monday with their daughter, Mrs. Dr. Osher, of this place.
- Sunday afternoon Geo. P. Bradley received a telephone message that notified him of the death of his nephew, Ed Cahill, of Emmetsburg. Mr. Bradley went down that evening.

- Mr. and Mrs. Druschilla, of Milford, were recent guests at the home of their sister, Mrs. Dean.
- Mrs. P.F. Littleton was called to Emmetsburg Monday on account of the death of her nephew, Eddie Cahill.

- Miss Rose Ludwig is visiting her sister, Mrs. Joe Bonstetter, of Corwith.
- Dell Hoskins and wife have been the proud parents of a little baby girl since last Wednay.
- Clemes Shade left Sunday for Moose Jaw, Canada, where he intends to make his future home.
- Miss O’Neill and her nephew, Lawrence Melville, have returned home from their visit at Livermore.

- Mrs. Bassett is vi siting her daughter, Mrs. J.W. Ferguson, of this place.
- Oran Drown has moved his barbershop into the rooms vacated by Dr. Adams.
- F. Greevel has moved his restaurant stock into what is known as the old Christy building. Dr. Adams also has rooms there.
- Miss Barbara Frieze, of Mallard, is sewing for Mrs. Fisk.
- Miss Kate Donovan, of Ayrshire, is sewing for Miss Kate Brady.

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