Palo Alto County Newspapers

West Bend Journal
March 8, 1956

BY GONE DAYS of 1956
- From West Bend Journal, March 9, 2006
Mr. and Mrs. William Schany are the parents of a 8 lb. 13 oz. boy, Charles Francis, born Tuesday, February 28th.
Larry Ridenour Loses Life Sunday in Accident. - Larry Ridenour, 16 years old West Bend youth was killed instantly Sunday when his motorcycle collided with an automobile at an intersection in Bode. He was killed one half block away from the home of his sister, Mrs. Stanley (Bev) Olson. He was a junior at West Bend high school.
Ralph McQuown of Curlew recently purchased the Leo Christiansen home in the west part of town and will take possession some time in April. The Christensens plan to move to Wyoming.
Rosemary, daughter of Mr .and Mrs. Edward Anliker and Wayne H. Dunn, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Dunn, all of West Bend were united in marriage Sunday evening February 19th at the West Bend Methodist Church. Rev. Harold Olson performed the double ring ceremony. They will be at home on a farm east of West Bend.
Requiem High Mass was said for Mrs .Nick (Sophie Staerk) Mersch, 84, on Tuesday morning February 28th, by Rt. Rev. Monsignor F.P. Schultes at St. Peter and Paul's Catholic Church. Mrs. Mersch is survived by three children, John Mersch, Elenaor M. Rhue and Mrs. H.C. Toepfer and four grandchildren.

March 15, 1956
- From West Bend Journal, March 16, 2006
In a double ring ceremony at the Methodist Church in Mallard on Sunday, March 11th at 2 p.m. Miss Shirley Carlson, daughter of Mrs. Ethel Carlson and Jack Carlson of Emmetsburg became the bride of Howard Morey, son of Mrs. Hazel Morey of West Bend. Rev. Streyfeller officiated at the ceremony.
The men of the Methodist Church enjoyed an oyster and chili supper at the church Monday night. Mr. Robert Smyth of Fort Dodge was speaker. Fifty-five men were present. It was voted to organize a Methodist Men's organization. Officers elected were Dale Lenz, Eddie Anliker, Bernard DeJong, and committee chairmen, Herbert Morey, Frank Christensen, and Dean Brown.
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Buenger were honored at a surprise party on Sunday evening in their newly remodeled home. Cards were enjoyed by all attending.
Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Helleseth are now living on a farm near LuVerne.
Leo Engrebritsen and Betty Hatfield of Cedar Rapids were married March 4th at the Little Brown Church at Nashua. The bridegroom was a former resident of the Ottosen High School with the class of 1948. The bridegroom works for the Colonial Baking Company and is a student at Coe College.

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