Palo Alto County Newspapers

Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa

Emmetsburg Democrat; Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa, Wednesday, September 6, 1905  


-- Twin boys were born to Dr. and Mrs. Bliss, of Ruthven, Wednesday, August 23.  The Democrat extends congratulations.

-- J. T. Stemets mourns the death of his only sister, who died in New Jersey Friday.  He has no brother living.  He has a profound sympathy of all in his sorrow.  

Miss Margaret Brambly Dead  

Miss Margaret Bramblee, who went to North Dakota sometime ago for her health, died in that state Saturday.  Her remains were brought to Ruthven Sunday.  The funeral was held Monday afternoon.  Miss Bramblee taught school in this county for a couple of years.  Last year she served several months as Miss Odland's deputy in the county superintendent’s office.  Her parents live in Ruthven.  They have the sympathy of all of their sorrow.


Mrs. Samuel McClelland Dead  

Mrs. Samuel McClelland, of West Bend township, died Friday and was buried Sunday.  The services were held at West Bend.  She was the sister of A. B. Carter.  Mrs. M. L. Fritz, of Rodman, is her daughter.  Mrs. McClelland had lived in the county for over 50 years. She will be remembered by the older settlers of this locality.  The writer did not know her personally, but he has often heard the family spoken of in terms of praise.  She was certainly one of the real pioneers of this section of Iowa and her passing will be universally regretted.  She was perhaps between 60 and 70 years of age.  We have not been able to learn full particulars.  One by one the old settlers are going.  


Mr. Robert L. Culver and Mrs. Mary J. Brown were married at the Catholic Church in Ayrshire Monday, Father Carroll officiating. The groom is from Webb.  The bride is the daughter of J.J. Brown, of Booth township.  They will make their future home at Webb.  The Democrat congratulates.


Brown -- Frey  

Mr. Sidney O. Brown and Miss Laura Frey will be married today at the home of the bride in Ayrshire.  The groom lives at Webb, Clay county.  They will make their home at the latter named place.  The Democrat wishes them health and happiness.


There is an abundance of melody that is catchy, comedy that forces one to hearty laughs, chorus figures and ensembles that are delights to the eye, stage settings fresh, gorgeous and bewildering electrical effects and novelties that dazzle in "His Highness the Bey," the season’s triumphal musical attraction direct from a five months run in Chicago, to be seen at the Opera House next Tuesday evening.  There are also pretty women with voices that charm and dancing girls that do the most intricate dances with ease and grace.  In fact these wonderful "broilers" are a whole delightful show by themselves.



-- a marriage license has been issued to William Kelly and Francis C. Patterson, of Omaha.  They are relatives of Mr. Kelly, of Vernon.  We have not learned the date of the marriage.

-- A few days ago the two-year-old son of J. F. Carney, of Fort Dodge, wandered into the yard of a neighbor and finding some gasoline in a vessel, drank it.  The little fellow is not likely to recover.

-- a daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Caldwell, of the Reporter force, August 28.  The Democrat congratulates.

-- Sheriff Coakley informs us that he found less than 25 bottles of beer in "Doc" Baird's possession at Ruthven in the raid of Tuesday of last week.  Any ordinary physician is entitled to this much of the beverage on any warm day.  The "doctor" will have his hearing at Ruthven September 15.

-- Mr. Harry E. Miller and Miss Matilda Martin were married at Storm Lake August 28.  They arrived in the city last week and are living in one of the McCarty cottages in the second ward.  Mr. Miller will teach in the Emmetsburg schools during the coming year.  The Democrat extends congratulations.


The Spencer news speaks as follows concerning the opening of Emmetsburg's new opera house: "Emmetsburg's fine new opera house is approaching completion and will be opened Tuesday, September 12.  The opening play will be "His Highness the Bey," a musical comedy that recently had a wonderful run in Chicago.  The new opera house, with such a brilliant company in its opening, will doubtless prove a great attraction, not only at home, but in neighboring cities as well."  

With a profusion of musical numbers and an equal song hits "His Highness the Bey," after five months’ run in Chicago, comes to the Opera House next Tuesday evening.  The unexcelled cast to be seen here includes Mabel McCane, Nettie Peters, Cora Beach Turner, Elsie Defeau, Phil W. Peters, William H. Thompson, Justin J. Cooper, Edward Allen, Bert Swan, and over 50 others including 12 famous "broilers," as the little dancing girls are known. "His Highness the Bey," will appear here with all the original scenic and electrical production.


Emmetsburg Democrat; Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa, Wednesday, September 13, 1905


Monday evening Emmetsburg's new opera house was named The Iowa by a committee consisting of Superintendent E. C. Meredith, Mrs. W. J. Black, B. W. Darland, Miss Anna Donovan, and W. I Branagan.



-- Mrs. J. S. Johnson, of Oshkosh, Wisconsin, has been visiting her sister, Mrs. J. W. Wyman, since Wednesday.

-- Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Riley, of Tama County, are visiting their daughter, Mrs. Thomas O'Connor, of this city.  They came Thursday evening.

-- Tuesday of last week William Luft, living 2 miles north of Rolfe, suicided by taking carbolic acid.  He was in financial and domestic difficulties.  He was 66 years old.

-- Miss Mayme O'Connor and her aunt, Miss Frances O'Connor, of Toledo, Iowa, who had been here visiting her, left for Minneapolis Wednesday morning to visit Mr. and Mrs. N. C. O'Connor for a few weeks.

-- Monday C. C. Mueller was called to Bixby, Minnesota, to attend the funeral of his oldest sister, Mrs. Krueckeberg, who died at that place.  The deceased never lived here, but her son, Herman Krueckeberg, will be remembered by many of our citizens.  He held a position in the electric light plant in this city about three years ago.  Mr. Mueller has the sympathy of our many citizens in his bereavement.



Some of the particulars concerning the dimensions, furnishings, and decorations of the new opera house, which was formally opened last evening, will be of interest to our readers.  

The seating capacity of the house is 750. There are 375 seats on the main floor and 275 on the balcony.  There are 175 seats on the first balcony and 100 on the second.  These are of the most modern make and are neat and of sufficient size so that people will not feel crowded while sitting in them.  There are four boxes, each of which will accommodate six people.  They are handsomely decorated and draped with red and brown silk velour.  They are entered from the floor on which they are located.  

The stage is exceptionally large, being 60 feet wide, 32 feet deep and 48 feet in height to the rigging loft.  The proscenium opening is 30x20 feet.  There are seven complete sets of beautiful stage settings -- parlor, drawing room, prison, kitchen, garden, wood, and ocean.  In the making of them 14,000 square feet of canvas was used and they are held in position and hoisted by 15,000 feet of hemp rope.  There are 1000 pounds of hardware in the scenes alone.  The drop curtain is magnificent.  It represents a gorgeous Mediterranean scene.  A handsome maiden is feeding a dove, a beautiful lake and a picturesque mountain scene forming the background.  There are conveniently arranged dressing rooms beneath the stage, on the main floor, and on the balcony floor.  

Besides the main entrance, which is large and handsomely adorned, there are exits on the several floors, or eight in all.  With anything like average caution, there need never be a life lost by fire or in a stampede in the Emmetsburg Opera House, for there are fire escapes from all the exits on the balcony, stage, and box floors.  

The room is lit by electricity, frosted glass globes in the ceiling and on the balconies, giving soft and most pleasing effect to the illumination.  

The Opera House building is two stories high, though the roof above the stage is much higher.  It faces Main street and Broadway, being 132 feet wide on Main Street and 115 feet wide on Broadway.  It is made of Omaha hydraulic pressed brick and has just been completed by the contractor, P. R. Wells.  It is heated by steam and the plumbing, arrangement, and finish were all that modern taste and genius could suggest.  There are three splendid stairways leading from the streets to the upper floor.  J. K. Hoover has a large, neatly arranged clothing store in the corner room, which is 66x54 feet the next room to the west is 22x66 feet.  It is not yet occupied.  Darland & Son have two rooms just in front of the Opera House, which they use for a restaurant and soda fountain and ice cream parlor.  

There are 20 office rooms on the second floor.  They are so arranged that two or more can be thrown into a suite, should such be desired.  Williams & Shea, Davidson & Burt and Dr. Hunter are already occupying three of those suites.  All those rooms as well as the Opera House and the store and basement rooms are heated by steam and have electric lights.  The Reporter will have comfortable quarters in the basement just beneath those of Darland & Son.  

The entire building and fixtures cost in the neighborhood of $45,000.  It is the property of Emmetsburg's enterprising citizens, the number who have stock being 190.  A.  Scott Ormsby is president of the company, M. C. Grier, secretary and E. H. Soper, treasurer.  James Dunnigan is vice president and is a large stockholder.  The other members of the board of directors are M. L. Brown, A.H. Keller and W. I Branagan.  Mr. Keller will have the management of the opera house during the coming year.  

It is needless to say that our citizens are proud of the splendid structure and the Opera House in particular, which is large and fine enough for a place of 20,000 people.


The Palo Alto Tribune, Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa, September 6, 1905


Local and Personal  

-- A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Will Hamilton Saturday.  We congratulate the happy parents.

-- Among those who attended the old settlers picnic at Ruthven, Wednesday were Mesdames Daley, Pendar, Jackson, Kerwick, Branagan, Egan, Nolan and Lee and Mr. and Mrs. James Cahill.

-- B. H. Root of a Vernon township brought his cider mill town last week and spent six days in making cider for some of our citizens who are apple growers.  He made between 600 and 800 gallons of cider.  It looks as if this would soon grow to be an important industry in this county.

-- marriage licenses have been granted to the following persons: Robert L. Culver and Mary J. Brown, Sidney Brown and Laura Frey, William Kelly and Francis C. Patterson.

-- Mrs. Henry Dunn and little son came up from West Bend Wednesday evening.  Mrs. Dunn has lived in West Bend for 18 years and this is her first visit to Emmetsburg.

-- a daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Doyle of Vernon township, Thursday, August 31.  We congratulate the happy parents.

-- Mrs. Walter Keating was very suddenly taken with heart failure on Thursday last and for many hours and skillful work it looked as though all would fail, but during the past two days she has gained some, and the spells are becoming less severe each day.  She is, of course, very weak.


Mrs. William McGowan, mother of Mrs. J. J. Higgins of Great Oak township, died Wednesday at her home at Dyersville after a short illness.  Her husband died a few months ago and the sorrow bore heavily upon her and is believed to have hastened her death.  In speaking of her the Dyersville News-Letter says:

"Thus has passed another of the pioneers of this county, a highly respected resident of this city.  Loved by all who knew her and almost idolized by her kindred, her death leaves a vacancy that can never be filled.  She was a devout Catholic and ever lived faithful to its teachings.  For four scores years she has lived a useful life -- her labors are over -- she has earned her reward."


Palo Alto Tribune, Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa, Wednesday, September 13, 1905


Another Pioneer Gone  

Mrs. D. A. McClelland died at her home in Rodman on September 1 at 3:00 p.m. after several months' illness.  She came here in 1856 living in West Bend township until about three years ago she sold her farm and came to Rodman where she might take life more easy.  She leaves her husband, three sons and three daughters beside the brother and three sisters to mourn her loss.  She was a good wife, a loving mother and kind neighbor.  She was a Christian and died in the fullness of her savior.  Her remains were interred in the old West Bend cemetery beside her parents and two daughters.  -- West Bend Journal


Local and Personal  

-- a daughter was born last week to Mr. and Mrs. M. Jackman of Waterloo.



Palo Alto Tribune, Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa, Wednesday, September 20, 1905

 Jack Conlon Again  

A set of buggy harness, a single harness, a couple of lap robes and some other articles were stolen from J. B. Morris Wednesday.  It was discovered that Jack Conlon and Jess Murray had sold a set of harness and robes to parties in Great Oak.  Sheriff Coakley got the harness and Mr. Morris identified them as his missing property.  Conlon and Murray were arrested and the preliminary hearing before Mayor Stuehmer Thursday afternoon, resulted in the two being bound over to the grand jury bonds of $500 each.  Being unable to furnish the required bond they were taken to Algona and lodged in jail until the October term of court.



-- a daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Gross Saturday.



-- M. L. Fritz sold his household goods Saturday and left Monday for Twin Falls, Idaho.  We'll miss these good people and their many friends are sorry to see them go.


Sandanger -- Knudson  

At two o'clock Thursday afternoon, at the home of the bride's parents in Freedom township occurred the marriage of Miss Ida Matilda Knudson to Mr. Andrew A. Sandanger.  The ceremony which was performed by Reverend S. R. Beatty was witnessed by about 40 of the friends and relatives of the contracting parties and later a sumptuous wedding dinner was served.  The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Martin Knudson and has resided in this vicinity since childhood and is respected by her acquaintances for her many excellent qualities.  The groom came from DeKalb, Illinois, in February and has since been engaged in farming.  He is a thrifty and industrious young man and worthy of the excellent wife he has secured. The Tribune wishes Mr. and Mrs. Sandanger a long and happy married life and trust that prosperity will ever accompany them on their life's journey.


Oscarson -- Hopland  

At 11:00 a.m. yesterday at the home of the groom's sister, Mrs. Nels Simonsen, occurred the marriage of Mr. Henry Oscarson and Miss Carolina Hopland.  Rev. Beatty performed the ceremony and only the immediate relatives were present.  The bride is an Estherville girl and is a handsome and winsome young lady.  The groom resides at Gukeen, Minnesota.  He is a model young man and will make an excellent husband.  They came here Sunday evening from their respective homes and remained until Tuesday evening when they left for Gukeen and will make their home on a farm near there.  May success and happiness attend them.


Hill -- Williams  

Mr. J. R. Hill and Mrs. Minnie Williams were married at the bride's home in this city Saturday, September 9.  Reverend W. D. Jackson was the officiating minister.  Mr. and Mrs. Hill will reside here.


J.O. Mowry Dead  

On Thursday evening J. O. Mowry, who resided a short distance from Graettinger, died at his home after a lengthy illness from a cancerous stomach.  The funeral took place here on Sunday afternoon and remains buried in Evergreen cemetery.  The deceased has been a resident of this county for a good many years, living near Curlew for a time, and later in West Bend township.  Last spring he moved with his family on a farm about 5 miles east of Graettinger and there it was that he died.  He was respected by his acquaintances for his honesty and integrity, and by honest and hard work he provided a comfortable home for his family, and was listed among the prosperous farmers.  His wife and five children have the sympathy of the community in their bereavement.



-- Miss Anna Rutledge left Saturday for Dubuque, where she will enter the convent and become a Sister of Charity.

-- Mr. and Mrs. Harry Carpenter of Fredericksburg, Iowa, were here several days last week returned home Sunday.  Mrs. Carpenter is a sister of Mr. P. F. VanGorden and that were called here on account of the recent death of his wife.

-- Truman Needham of Highland township swallowed an antiseptic tablet mistaking it for a liver tablet, on Monday evening of last week and the result was nearly fatal.  However, Truman is as good as a half dozen ordinary men and he came out alright.


Mrs. Van Gorden Dead  

On Tuesday evening October 12, shortly before eight o'clock Mrs. P. F. Van Gorden, who has been ill for a long time died at her home in this city.  Though she had been a sufferer for many years and little hopes were entertained for her recovery, her death came rather unexpectedly.  She was as well Tuesday as she had been for a long time, and her condition was such that she might have lived for many months; but in the evening she took a sudden change for the worse, and quietly passed away with but a few seconds notice to her friends that the end had come.  During her long illness she received every medical attention possible and all the care and affection that loving hearts and helping hands could bestow were lavished upon her.  Her husband and two sons waited upon her, vainly hoping that she might be spared.  

Though she had no daughter of her own, her daughter-in-law, Mrs. C. R. Van Gorden staid with her and was constantly by her bedside, applying every remedy, and imparting every kindness, with a generous heart and the sympathy and love of a child, she did all that human hands could do to preserve life, and though it was of no avail it added much in the way of consolation and comfort to the suffering patient.  

Emily M. Rosecrans was born at Pine Valley, Chemong county, New York, January 1, 1840, and there grew to womanhood.  On January 10, 1865, she was married to Mr. P. F. Van Gorden and for a time they made their home in New York but later moved to eastern Iowa, residing for a time at Sumner.  In 1867 Mr. Van Gorden came to this county and bought a farm in Walnut township and the following year his wife came west and they made their home there for several years.  Mr. Van Gorden erected, on his farm, a sod blacksmith shop and did blacksmithing for his neighbors.  This was in the early history of the county and Mr. and Mrs. Van Gorden often saw the wild deer wander around the prairie and many of the old-time landmarks were familiar to them.  In 1874 they moved to Emmetsburg and erected a residence on the ground where their home now stands, and Mr. VanGorden built a blacksmith shop just east of the present site of the Tribune office.  About seven years later he assumed the management of the St. James Hotel and was proprietor there for 13 years.  Then he went to Iowa Falls and for four years they conducted eating houses there and at Oskaloosa.  They then retired from actual labor and returned to Emmetsburg and have since resided here.  While they have been temporarily absent from here at different times, they have always called this home.  There were families ties that held them for they lost two sons here, Wilber died in 1881 and George who died when only a few months old.  

The deceased was well-known here and her friends were numbered by her acquaintances.  She was a lady of refinement and had a kind and generous disposition.  Her love and devotion for her family was remarkable and her death is keenly felt by her husband and two sons C. R. and Dr. J. L. Van Gorden who survived her.  They have the sympathy of the entire community.  

Reverend O. M. Lambly conducted the funeral services at the house at 3:30 Thursday afternoon.  The interment was made in Evergreen cemetery.


Luke Torphy  

Luke Torpey of Ayrshire died rather suddenly at Chicago, Tuesday of last week.  Though he had been ill for nearly a year with yellow jaundice he kept up his work until Saturday when he was forced to quit work and take call for medical help.  He was taken to the Alexian Brothers’ Hospital.  On Tuesday morning a telegram came to his mother at Ayrshire stating that he was dangerously ill and she and her two daughters started at once for Chicago.  Shortly after they had taken the train another telegram followed saying that he was dead.  Not receiving this message, they did not learn of his death until they reached the city.  His remains were in readiness for shipment and they started at once for Ayrshire, reaching there Thursday noon.  The funeral services were held at the Catholic Church Friday at 10 o'clock.  The deceased was born in Pocahontas County and was 26 years of age.  For several years he had been employed as shipping clerk in the Tonk manufacturing company in Chicago.  His death is a terrible shock to the mother and sisters who were called upon a short time ago to mourn the loss of a husband and father.  They have the sympathy of all in their bereavement.


Their Baby Dead  

The infant son of Mr. and Mrs. P. C. Neary of Nevada Township died Saturday at about 11:00 a.m. The child was perfectly well until Friday evening when it was taken with a severe attack of cholera infantum and despite the fact that all possible was done to save him, he lived only about 18 hours.  Mr. Neary has been dangerously ill for many weeks and the shock of the baby's death is one very hard to bear.  Mr. and Mrs. Neary have the sincere sympathy of their many friends.  The funeral was held at 3 p.m. Sunday from the Assumption church.


Emmetsburg Democrat, Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa, Wednesday, September 20, 1905


Married at Spirit Lake  

Mr. F. H. Eastman, of this city, and Miss Anna Knudtson, of Seneca, Kossuth County, were married at Spirit Lake Saturday evening.  Only a few relatives of the contracting parties were in attendance.  Mr. and Mrs. Eastman arrived in the city Sunday evening.  They will live in a cottage just north of the Lutheran church.  The groom is a popular and efficient photographer who succeeded Miss Wolfgang during the past winter.  He is a prudent, capable, painstaking young businessman and has made many substantial friends since coming to the city.  He has a good patronage and a promising future.  The bride is one of Kossuth county's most estimable young ladies and will prove a most worthy helpmate to him and life’s many important responsibilities.  The Democratic extends hearty congratulations.



-- Thomas Kirby, Jr., John Hughes, J. W. McNally, and James Cullen are now at Pendleton, Oregon.  All are in the employ of Mr. Shutts, of Rock Rapids, who is selling stallions.

-- Mrs. Sadie Fay has succeeded Miss Jackman as clerk in Mr. Benda’s store.

-- Mr. and Mrs. Henry White, of Bradgate, have just celebrated the 60th anniversary of their marriage.  They ought to be pretty well acquainted by this why this time.

-- we understand that J. B. Morris will give up the restaurant business and will open a saloon.  He will put in a fine set of fixtures and will handle John Gund’s beer.  He intends making the change October 1.


Emmetsburg Democrat;: Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa, Wednesday, September 27, 1905



-- Little Hattie Elston, of Arnold's Park, was badly poisoned a few days ago by eating colored candy.  It took considerable effort to save her life.

-- a son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Martini Thursday.  President Roosevelt would doubtless shake Joe’s paw heartily these days, were he to meet him.  Congratulations, proud parents.

-- Miss Rose Healy, of Ruthven, was an Emmetsburg visitor during the fair.  She was accompanied by her cousin, Miss Mary Dooley, of Marshalltown, who came Wednesday evening to visit her.

-- Mrs. M. C. Kirby, of Estherville, visited her daughter, Mrs. B. E. Kelley, of this city, Monday.

-- a daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Gibson Monday afternoon.  This gives them a family of a boy and a girl.  It is needless to say that Mr. Gibson's smiles are a little broader than usual.  The Democrat congratulates.

-- Mr. and Mrs. John C. Fehlhauer, of West Bend, visited their daughter, Mrs. M. W. Joynt, of this place, Thursday.  Mr. Fehlhauer reports that his son who lives in Western Canada have good crops this year and that they are doing well.

-- Mrs. James Keefe, a sister of Mrs. Patrick Sherlock, of Emmetsburg Township, died a few days ago at Fort Dodge.  She formerly lived in Highland Township.  Her father, James Lynch, will be remembered by many of the early settlers.  Mrs. Keefe leaves a husband and 12 children.

-- Attorney Matt Joyce, of Missoula, Montana, was in the city Monday evening visiting his aunt, Mrs. Patton and family.  He is just returned from Europe where he had been traveling extensively for several months.  His mother and sister will accompany him to Missoula and live with him.  His wife died last spring.

-- J. D. Morris has given up the idea of opening a saloon and has rented his restaurant building to George Wyatt.  The latter took possession Monday morning.  Mr. and Mrs. Morris are moving into the James Tobin residence.  Mr. Tobin and family intend going to Twin Falls, Idaho, in a week or 10 days.  Mr. Morris will sell horses for Mr. Schutt, of Rock Rapids, who is his brother-in-law.



William Conner, of Emmetsburg, was fatally injured by being caught in the belt of a thrashing machine east of town Saturday evening.  A large gash was caught in his throat and his head and shoulders were badly lacerated.  He died Monday morning in an unconscious condition.



Saturday evening, William Connor, of this city, while threshing on section 9 in Vernon township, was caught in the belt of the separator blower and so badly injured that he died from the effects of his wounds Monday forenoon.  His lower jaw was broken, his neck and the side of his head badly lacerated, and the ligaments of his left shoulder slightly torn.  The facial artery on the left side was cutt.  The loss of blood from this alone was almost sufficient to cause his death.  It was impossible to prevent the flow of blood until after the arrival of Dr. Burdick, of Graettinger, and Dr. VanGorden, of this city.  Both were hastily summoned, the former reaching the unfortunate man but a few moments ahead of the latter.  A salty preparation and strychnine were injected into his veins to act upon the heart to revive him.  His wounds were dressed and everything possible done to restore him.  He regained consciousness during the night and recognized his wife and also father McNerney, who was called to administer to his spiritual needs, but later he became unconscious again and remain so until death relieved him.  

Just how the accident occurred is not definitely known.  It is supposed that he reached between the belts for some purpose and that his shirt sleeve caught in the pulley of the blower.  In an instant he was hurled to the ground.  He was picked up in an unconscious condition.  He perhaps never realized what happened to him.  He had just completed a week's threshing and was preparing to return to Emmetsburg to spend Sunday with his wife and family.  The hands about the machine were cleaning up, the setting having been finished.  

We have not been able to learn many particulars concerning the life of the deceased.  He was born in Sincoe ounty, Ontario.  He must be 50 years of age.  He lived in this county for him perhaps 20 years.  He was married in this city to Miss Julia McNamara about 15 years ago.  She and two children survive.  He was a steady, hard-working, quiet man and attended strictly to his own affairs.  Of late years he did well and was in fairly good circumstances.  His taking off is a sad blow to his wife and children.  They have the sympathy of all in their sorrow.



The home of Orma Cottington was quarantines Monday.  Their little boy has diphtheria.


Patrick McGarry Dead  

Mr. Patrick McGarry, formerly of Emmetsburg, died at the home of his only daughter, Mrs. M. Kearney at Chamberlain, South Dakota, Sunday, September 17.  His remains were laid to rest in the Catholic cemetery at that place.  The services were conducted by Reverend George Kelly.  

Mr. McGarry was born in the County of Down, Ireland, October 17, 1817.  He served seven years in learning the merchant tailoring trade.  He came to the United States when young.  He was married to Elizabeth Fry at Rochester, New York.  They moved to Dubuque in 1858.  Later they moved to Independence where he and his brother John were in business for a number of years.  They came to Emmetsburg about 23 years ago and conducted a merchant tailoring store here for 18 years.  Five years ago Mr. McGarry moved to Chamberlain where he subsequently lived with his daughter.  Mrs. McCarry has been dead for some time.  Several years ago Mr. McGarry received a stroke of paralysis, which impaired his faculties considerably  

The deceased was quite a character.  He was unusually witty and could keep a house in an uproar.  He should have been an actor instead of a tailor, for he possessed most of the traits of a comedian.  He was always jovial and good-natured and he had many warm friends.  He was neat and tasty and a good workman.  He was well read and was an interesting converser.  His many warm friends in this county will regret to learn of his death.


Herbert Babcock Dead  

Herbert Babcock, who was for some time a partner of John Anderson in the drug business at Ruthven, died in a hospital at Dubuque a few days ago.  He was raised on a farm near Lost Island Lake.  He was an electrician by trade but did not long continue in the work.  Five years ago he sold his interest in his store at Ruthven and moved to Laurens where he clerked in the Reed drugstore until he became ill, when he was taken to Dubuque.  He was buried in the latter named city.  His wife's people live there.  He was a bright, deserving young man and had many friends.  His father, who lived north of Ruthven, died a few years ago.



-- P. D. Kane and his sister, Miss Theresa, of Graettinger, left this city for Los Vegas, New Mexico, to remain during the fall and winter.  Mr. Kane has not been well for some time and finds the change of climate necessary.  His sister goes to take care of him.

-- the infant child of Mr. and Mrs. S. Durrant, of Vernon township, died Friday and was buried in the South Vernon cemetery Saturday.

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