Palo Alto County Schools

Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa

Emmetsburg Democrat; Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa, Wednesday, October 4, 1905

Michael Dugan Is Dead  

Mr. Michael Dugan, one of the oldest citizens of Great Oak township, died at the home of his son, Patrick Dugan, Tuesday morning at 1:30.  He had been gradually failing for some time because of his advanced age, which was 88.  The remains will be taken to Wilmington, Illinois, this evening for interment, Mrs. Dugan having died at that place several years ago.  Mr. Dugan came to Emmetsburg nine or ten years ago and subsequently lived with his son, who, with one daughter, Mrs. Newman, of Wilmington, are the only surviving members of the family.  The latter and her little son arrived in the city from Illinois Monday evening just in time to see her aged father before he passed away.  The other dates and family history have not been learned.  

The deceased was a quiet, inoffensive, sincere man.  He led a most exemplary life, and discharged as best he could his duties as he knew them.  Patrick is one of the sturdy, upright citizens of Great Oak is a worthy son of the good old gentleman who has just been called to his eternal reward.


McGovern -- Higgins  

Mr. James McGovern and Miss Julia Higgins are to be married at the Whittemore Catholic Church today, Father Dullard will officiate.  The bride is the sister of Higgins Brothers, of Fairfield township, and of Mrs. Meyers, of this city.  She is an excellent young lady.  The groom is a cousin of T. F. McGovern.  The contracting parties will make their future home at Whittemore.  The Democratic extends congratulations.



-- Mr. John C. Fenske and Miss Josie Lauer were married at the Lutheran Church at Whittemore Tuesday evening of last week.  The groom is a barber.

-- the youngest child of Mr. and Mrs. Al Falb, of West Bend, died Monday.  He was taken with spasms.  The parents have the sympathy of many in their loss.

-- the Chronicle, of Ayrshire, reports the death of P. J. Peterson, of that place, aged 64.  He lived in that community since 1881.  He had been a victim of paralysis since May.

-- Patrick McNally went to Colfax Tuesday where he will remain for some time for the benefit of his health.

-- Mr. Charles Forrest, of Enid, Oklahoma, and Miss Celia Miller, of Ayrshire, were married at the M. E. Church at the latter named place Sunday, October 1.  The Democratic extends congratulations.

-- Saturday morning August Krall, aged 58, a farmhand living north of Clare, was found horribly mangled by a Minneapolis freight in the yard at Clare.  A brakeman made the gruesome find when he went to throw the switch to set out a car.  The liver was found on one side of the track and the heart on the other.  The general supposition is that the deceased stumbled at the switch and fell, striking the rails sufficiently hard to leave him unconscious.  The coroner's jury rendered a verdict of accidental death.

-- James Maitland, of Curlew, was in Emmetsburg Thursday.  He will move to Crystal Springs, Kidder county, North Dakota, this week where he has secured a homestead that is worth from $12-$15 per acre.  It is one that was overlooked by the early settlers of that place.  Mr. Maitland's father, who lives there, discovered the fact.  Mr. Maitland has lived in Palo Alto county for 16 or 18 years.  He will be missed by his many old friends and associates.  He will make the trip to Crystal Springs by team.  His father came down to help him move.


Emmetsburg Democrat; Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa, Wednesday, October 11, 1905



-- F. Crouch was called to Prairieburg, Iowa, Wednesday to attend the funeral of his sister, Mrs. Amos Delancey



Mr. Joseph Thuringer and Miss Maria Kedder were married at the Catholic Church at West Bend Monday, Reverend P. M. Dobberstein officiating.  They will make their future home in that locality.  The Democrat offers congratulations.



-- C. H. Cookinham has rented P.  F. McGuire 's hotel building at Alton and will move to that place and conduct it.

-- Mrs. Fimars, of Estherville, died of typhoid fever Sunday evening.  A Mrs. Barber of that place is also very low with fever.

-- Thomas Condon returned from Barnum Wednesday where he had been attending the marriage of his brother-in-law, Mr. Dwyer.

-- John Wagner, of Royal, Clay county, spent Sunday with his brother, P.J. Wagner, of this place.  He was formerly postmaster of Mallard.

-- Richard Hodges, who was for 49 years a resident of Kossuth county, died Friday of last week.  He was 80 years of age.  The old timers are fast disappearing.  There are very few of them left.

-- Ed McNally is raising his house and putting a foundation under it.

-- Mrs. P. O. Refsell was called to Janesville, Wisconsin Saturday by the death of her sister in law, Mrs. Blanchard.

-- Charles Duhigg was called to Faribault, Minnesota, last week to attend the funeral of a cousin, T. Varly, who died at Spokane, Washington


Emmetsburg Democrat; Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa, Wednesday, October 18th, 1905.


Talented Manson Editor Speaks Very Highly of Emmetsburg  

The town of Emmetsburg occupies an enviable position among the towns of northern Iowa, for it has many advantages that other towns have not and it has certainly improved these advantages.  Situated in the west fork of the Des Moines River, surrounded by picturesque wooded hills, and broad undulating fields, meadows and pastures, a green, fertile bit of prairie here and a patch of woodland there, its location is ideal.  Being located in an ultra-agricultural community, it may be said to have practically “got.its growth, “ but that growth is a most substantial one, as is attested by the substantial brick buildings in the business part, the fine homes along the residence streets and the large, well built churches and handsome school buildings of the town.  

Emmetsburg's population is just about 2600.  The early history of the town is practically the same as that of nearly every other town in that part of the Hawkeye State.  There were the fears of trouble with Indians, grasshoppers played havoc with the crops and there were all of the privations which pioneers must undergo.  However, prosperity must have come to Palo Alto county, of which Emmetsburg is the county seat, somewhat sooner than to many other counties in the northern and western part of Iowa, for the courthouse built a quarter of a century ago, is an ornate, substantial building of brick and stone and will last many decades longer.  It is surrounded by a well-kept park, a whole city block in extent.  

The Iowa, Emmetsburg's new theater, occupies a portion of a large brick block, just completed at a cost of $45,000.  This includes the cost of the theater complete.  The interior of the playhouse is very attractive and the builders wisely provided eight wide exits leading to his many steel fire escapes to assure the safety of the patrons of the institution.  The theater ranks as one of the finest in Iowa and will seat comfortably 750 people.  The theater and the whole building were built by a company of local capitalists.  Another fine building, just completed, is the Brown -- Kerwick block, a $20,000 structure.  

Local capitalists have done much for Emmetsburg.  Seven years ago they organized a mutual telephone company, which is still owned and operated by the businessman of the town.  W. I. Branagan, editor of the Emmetsburg Democrat, was the organizer of the company.  The plant is in fine condition.  The company has a capital of $10,000 and is making money while it furnishes a business telephone and a residence telephone both for $15 a year.  Several attempts have been made by outside parties to buy it, but all offers are refused.  Another enterprise is a building and loan company, organized over 15 years ago, which has built over half the homes in the town at a less cost than could have been built in any other way.  This company absolutely refuses to do business outside of the town.  

Emmetsburg's water system draws its supply from a well only 30 feet deep. It is down on the Des Moines river bottom in solid gravel, a mile from the river.  9 miles of water mains conduct it about the city.  Seventy per cent of the cost of the entire system has been paid out of the mulct tax derived from the six saloons of the town.  

The City Hall, police and fire department building, a handsome, substantial pressed brick structure, was built about 10 years ago at a cost of $10,000 and it, too, has been paid for by the revenue derived from legal saloons.  The cost of the city's electric light is $1200 per year and this expense is also paid out of the mulct tax and Emmetsburg is one of the best lighted little cities in Iowa.  

One of the interesting sites of Emmetsburg is a fine, large Catholic church, not yet completed.  It is of pressed brick and very handsome and its cost, completed, will be about $30,000.  Near it will be a Catholic parochial school, which will cost in the neighborhood of $10,000.  The money for these two buildings was bequeathed by Thomas Tobin, an early settler, who died wealthy.  He left $75,000 to build a church and school and the money remaining from the cost of the buildings will be used as a trust fund for the maintenance of the school.  The balance of his fortune, about $75,000, was left to relatives.  The cornerstone of the church bears the information that St. Thomas's church was built “ in memory of Thomas and Ellen Tobin."


Sad Accident Southwest of Mallard  

There was a sad accident on the George W. Clinton farm southwest of Mallard a few days ago.  The 16-year-old son of Adam Shawbaker, who lives on the farm, was accidentally shot in the rectum by a younger brother.  The injured boy died on Thursday.  Another boy, aged 15, was run over by a team and killed about two years ago.


Married at Spirit Lake  

Miss Mamie Kelly, of Spencer, and Mr. C. E. Hughes, of this city, where married at Spirit Lake Sunday.  The groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Hughes, of this city, and a young men of sterling worth.  He graduated from the Spencer Business University last spring and had returned this fall to take a shorthand course.  The bride is a young lady of excellent character and was also a student at the University.  Their marriage came as a surprise to their friends, who extend them their best wishes for a happy journey through life.  They visited Tuesday evening with his parents in this city, returning to Spencer Wednesday morning.  -- Ruthven Appeal


To Be Married This Evening  

Mr. John R. Parrish and Miss Hattie M. Carpenter are to be married this evening at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Carpenter, of Onion River, Wisconsin.  Only the immediate relatives of the contracting parties will be in attendance.  Mr. and Mrs. Parrish will be at home in the Mrs. Joyce residence just west of the post office block after November 1.  

The groom is well-known to most of our local citizens, having been in the employ of Mr. Shadbolt for the past few years.  Last year he engaged in the ice business for himself.  He is a model young man and is respected by all who have met him, because of his industry, frugality and sterling worth.  His unassuming, pleasing personality, his courtesy, and his tact and prudence have done much to win for him the good will of those who have met him in social affairs as well as in business transactions.  The bride's accomplishments are many.  The best of opportunities have been given her and she has made good use of them.  She is highly educated and has taught for some time in the schools of Millipore, Wisconsin.  She will be welcome to social circles of Emmetsburg.  

The Democrat extends hearty congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Parrish and trusts that life's journey to them may be one of joy and sunshine.


All Plead Guilty  

Jack Conlon and Frank Murray, charged with stealing harness from J.B. Morris, both pled guilty.  Conlon was given a year at Anamosa and Murray six months in jail.  Conlon was taken to Anamosa by Sheriff Coakley on Tuesday and Murray to the Algona jail.  Kiley, of Ayrshire, also pled guilty and was fined $100 and costs, which he paid.



-- Edward McNally is putting in a furnace in his residence and also sewerage connections.




-- J. H. Brennan and Martin Laughlin purchased the T. M. Ashcraft pool and billiard hall.  Mr. Brennan will have charge of the business.


Emmetsburg Democrat; Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa, Wednesday, October 25, 1905


Miss Ella Peyton Is Dead  

Miss Ella Peyton, formerly of Ayrshire, died at Douglas, Wyoming, Sunday of last week.  She went to that place sometime ago for the benefit of her health.  She was 22 years old.  She was born and raised in this county.  For some time she was employed in the Citizens’ Savings bank in Ayrshire.  Her death will be sad news to the many friends of the family in this county.


Arrested for Bigamy  

W. H. McDonald, employed on the Great Western railroad, has been arrested at Marshalltown, charged with bigamy.  It is claimed by the wife with whom he has been living that McDonald has a wife who is now in the county house and from whom he has never been divorced.  McDonald states that he was married to the first wife who is known as Mrs. Kate Waldo, but that at the time of his second marriage he supposed his first wife was dead.  He is in jail, being unable to furnish bonds.  He is fifty-seven years of age.



-- Friday the three-year-old child of Bert Wilson, of Swan Lake Township, Emmet county, fell under a moving wagon loaded with oats.  Its head was crushed, killing it instantly.

-- Monday's dailies report the death of Mrs. Sarah McAdams, of Swea City, Kossuth county, at the age of 89.  She had been a widow for 49 years.  She was the mother of 13 children.


Mrs. Hastings Dead  

Mrs. Hastings, Sr., mother of Frank and Charles, died in this city Friday evening and was buried Sunday afternoon.  The services were held at Trinity Church.  The burial was in Evergreen cemetery.  We have not been able to learn particulars, but we understand that she was 76 years old.  Mr. Hastings died a number of years ago.  They were old settlers in Palo Alto.  The Democrat extends sympathy to the surviving relatives.


Had a Singular Experience  

The death of John Ryan, which occurred at Marion Junction, South Dakota, last week, recalls an interesting occurrence that took place during the civil war.  He was a soldier in the southern army and his brother Edward of this place, was engaged with the forces of the Confederacy, the latter having been a resident of Georgia, when hostilities began.  Ed was engaged in assisting to feed the starving thousands who were hemmed in at Libby prison.  One day a confined soldier called him by name and beckoned him to come to him.  Mr. Ryan did so and was startled to find that the half starved veteran, who was also suffering from a severe wound, was his brother John.  The latter was like a skeleton and he realized that if he were not removed from the wretched quarters in which he had been placed, that he could live but a short time.  He begged of his brother to try and get him out if possible.  Edward knew the danger in attempting to an undertaking of this kind, but resolved to do his best.  He secured the uniform of a Southern soldier and a mule and at night he managed to pass through several miles of the military lines surrounding the place, Ed stating to his fellow comrades that they were on duty.  One picket man, however, refused to let them pass, but they did not heed him.  He shot at them and they returned the fire.  They finally succeeded in reaching a place of safety.  John returned to the north and, after regaining his health and strength, re enlisted.  Ed, of course, did not go back to duty.  He subsequently came north.  It is needless to say that the two ever afterwards had more than ordinary brotherly attachment for each other.



-- a daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Wagner, of Fairfield township, October 17.


Mr. M. P. Kane Is Married  

Mr. and Mrs. M. P. Kane arrived from this city from Clinton Thursday.  They were married at that place Wednesday.  They visited his parents and many other relatives in this locality, returning home Monday evening.  The maiden name of the bride was Miss Kate Broderick.  She impressed most favorably all who met her.  Mr. Kane is still firing on the northwestern line.  The Democrat congratulates him on the sensible step he has taken and wishes him and his bonny bride joy and happiness

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