Palo Alto County Newspapers

Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa

Emmetsburg Democrat; Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa,; Wednesday, August 2, 1905

-- Ed McNally left Monday for Platte, S.D.. He will go from there to Bonesteel and then to Colorado. He will be gone for some time.
-- we understand that James P. Sherlock will open a real estate and insurance office in this city. He has followed the business for some time.
-- Thursday while coming to the creamery, A.J. Williams lost a pocketbook containing a $20 bill. Mrs. Williams’ maiden name, Flerence Moses, was printed on the inside of the pocketbook. The finder will please return to him or to his office.


Kicked by a Horse
Ben Benson was kicked by a horse Wednesday. He was struck just above the eye, but no serious results are anticipated. Dr. Woodridge dressed the wound. -- Cylinder Press

Sad Death of a Child
A little two-year-old child of Miss Altwegg's sister, who resides near Crystal Lake, was drowned in a water tank last Friday. The remains of the little ones were taken to Algona for burial Saturday. Miss Altwegg went to Lake Crystal when she heard of the accident and accompanied the parents to Algona. – Elmore Eye

Death of C. A. Conner
E. E. Conner, who was called to Colorado Springs by the critical illness of his brother, Charles A. Conner, arrived home Sunday morning. The brother passed away Tuesday of last week. He had been sick with tuberculosis for six years, two years of which time were spent in Colorado Springs and the rest of the time with his father, John Conner, in San Antonio, Texas. He was visiting at the home of his sister in Colorado Springs at the time of his last illness and was buried there. -- Algona Upper Des Moines Republican

Smaller Than Barnum & Bailey's
Frank Knight, of Milford, has the smallest full-grown specimen of the equine family in the world, so far as known. When it was three years old it weighed only 83 pounds, and weighed 10 pounds at birth. Barnum & Bailey advertise the smallest horse known, their animal weighing an even 100 pounds. Mr. Knight brought his pony to Spencer show day, and put it alongside of the Barnum & Bailey pony and it required no scales to convince the beholder that Mr. Knight's animal was materially the smaller of the two. The management of the show asked for and secured an option on the Knight pony and is quite sure to buy it. -- Spencer News


Monday morning T. H. Jennings was found dead in the quarters in the basement of the courthouse in which he was placed Sunday evening by Marshal Cullen. The mattress in the room in which he was placed was in ashes. He was found lying on a bed in the adjoining room. He had evidently died several hours before. The windows were up so that the smoke was not closely confined. Corner VanGorden was promptly notified. He called in all the witnesses familiar with the circumstances and they testified. The jury consisted of Curt Beck, F. G. McMahon, and Joseph Mulroney. They rendered a verdict to the effect that his death had been caused by heart failure, resulting from his stupefied condition, though the smoke in the room, they declared, might have suffocated him. The coroner stated that he had, on one or two occasions, warned Mr. Jennings that his heart would give out in a short time if he continued his habits. Sunday evening when taken by the marshal, Jennings was sitting on the steps of the building occupied by the Beckel Produce company. He was in a helpless condition, and Mr. Cullen, of course, considered it his duty to take charge of him. Mr. Coakley, who lives in the basement of the courthouse, says that he was aroused by Jennings some time before midnight, who called him and asked to be let out. He, of course, refused. Mr. Coakley talked with him for some time and says that he seemed quite rational. Mr. Collins searched him before putting him in and supposed that he had taken from him everything with which he might injure himself or the building. How the matches escaped his attention he cannot understand. The clothes and the body of the deceased were not burned.

The funeral will take place this morning at nine o'clock. Services will be held at Assumption Church. The interment will be in St. John's Cemetery.

The deceased was born at Morris, Illinois, December 30, 1865. He came to Palo Alto county with his parents in the spring of 1871. He spent most of his life in great Oak township. He owned a farm and lived on it for several years and was fairly prosperous. He leaves two children. The older, Veronica, is 12 years of age. The younger is two.

The deceased, until a year or so ago, led an industrious, useful life. He was thrifty, frugal, and honest. He was genial and companionable and made many friends. He would not intentionally injure anyone or stoop to a mean act. Within a short time, he gave way to the habit that ruins the life of so many. It quickly brought about his sad end. However, this was practically his only failing. He still retained his regard for honor, integrity, and the traits that cause true manhood and true womanhood to be respected. The sympathy of all is extended to the afflicted parents, brothers, and other relatives in the anguish they must feel over the unhappy affair.

Edward Blend Is Dead

Edward Blend, who was one of the first inmates of the Palo Alto county house, died Sunday afternoon at the advanced age of 89. The funeral was held Monday. The services were conducted at the poor farm home by Rev. S. R. Beatty. The burial was in Evergreen cemetery. Mr. Blend lived on a farm near Ruthven for several years. He had a wife and family but for some reason he did not live with them. Mr. Blend spent the past 20 years trying to solve the oft attempted problem of perpetual motion but of course he never succeeded. The other inmates called him old "perpetual motion," so often did he annoy them with talks about his theory. The members of his family live in Clay county and in Minnesota.

-- Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Conlon visited their sons at Terril and Estherville during the past week.
-- Mrs. Captain Williams, of Estherville, will get $2000 from the Woodmen, her husband having held a policy in the company.
-- Roy Bostwick returned to California Thursday after a month's stay with his sister, Mrs. Mueller, of this city.
-- Mrs. Matt Kilroy and little girl, of Mason City, have been visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Jones, of this city, during the past few days.
-- T. Sullivan, of Graettinger, was in this city Wednesday. He was on his way to Fort Dodge to have a tobacco cancer removed from his lower lip.
-- Miss Mary Washington, of Ruthven, has been in Chicago for some time undergoing an operation for the removal of a tumor. Her mother is there with her.
-- Mrs. Gossman and two little girls returned from Blue Earth, Minnesota, Monday evening where she was called to attend the funeral of her father, Edward Dogen. She has the sympathy of many friends in her sorrow.
-- a daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Dunphy July 22.
-- Mrs. Harris, who had been visiting her sister, Mrs. A. W. Wagner, returned to South Des Moines Wednesday.
-- Misses Lila and Vera Wareham, of Williams, Iowa, are visiting their sisters, Mesdames P. S. Brown and James Uriell, of this place.
-- Mrs. Kole and little boy, of Minneapolis, have been visiting Mr. and Mrs. John McNally for several days. Mrs. Kole will be remembered by the early settlers of the county as Miss Alice O'Brien. She was once a Palo Alto schoolteacher.
-- Fred Baumgartner and son Dwight, of Minneapolis, who for the past two weeks have been visiting Mr. and Mrs. Peter Metz and family, of this city, returned home this morning. Mr. Baumgartner is a brother of Mrs. Metz. He owns a large grocery store at Merriam Park.


-- Mrs. H. Smellen and baby arrived here Thursday and are getting settled in the Wright house. Mr. Smellen is the new depot agent.
-- Mr. Croppen from Missouri arrived Saturday evening and remained until Tuesday, the guest of his niece, Mrs. Phillips.

-- a daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. George Edwards Sunday, July 30.
-- Miss Golda Beatty, of Perry, is visiting her uncle, Bert Brown, of this place.
-- Miss Vina Drown has returned from Dallas Center where she visited her sister, Mrs. Blake. She was accompanied home by Miss Minnie Blake.

Married at Lake Park Yesterday

At Lake Park, Iowa, on Tuesday, August 1, at 7 a.m., occurred the marriage of Mr. William G. Williams and Miss Louise Kass. The ceremony took place at the home of the bride's parents. Immediately after the wedding breakfast was served Mr. and Mrs. Williams left on the southbound morning passenger for Des Moines where they will make their future home. The groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. O.O. Williams, of this city, and is well-known by a large number of our readers. He is one of the best printers in Des Moines and runs a linotype in one of the offices of that city. He is a genial, courteous, big hearted gentleman and enjoys the esteem of all who have met him. The bride is a general favorite among those who know her. The Democratic extends hearty congratulations.

Palo Alto Tribune; Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa, Wednesday, August 9, 1905

John Van Low Dead

John Van Low Sr. died at his home north of town early Saturday morning after a sickness of about two months, from a pulmonary trouble.

John Van Low was born in Germany May 7, 1833, and came to this country when a young man. In the early sixties he was a boat man on the lower Mississippi and was conscripted in the southern army and was in Vicksburg during the memorable siege there. He moved to Palo Alto county with his family in 1884 and settled on the farm one mile north of town where he spent the remainder of his life. He leaves a wife and five children, three boys and two girls, to mourn his loss. The funeral will be held at the German Lutheran Church here Thursday with the interment in the West Bend Cemetery. The family have many friends who will mourn with them in their bereavement. -- West Bend Journal.

Mrs. Carrie M. Hanson Dead

Mrs. G. A. Humphrey received a telegram Wednesday evening stating that her mother had died that morning. Mrs. Hanson resided at Lansing and was a lady of about 78 years. She was the mother of nine children and 17 grandchildren. Her daughter is Miss Millie Hanson who was with her when she died was at one time a resident of this place. Mrs. Humphrey informs us that she thinks her father will come here to reside in the near future.

Laundry Changes Hands

Mr. Chapin has traded his Steam Laundry to a Mr. Krause of Streeter, Illinois for farmland in the vicinity of Streeter. The management took possession on Monday. Mr. Chapin has had charge of the laundry for about a year and in that time built up an excellent business. Mr. and Mrs. Chapin will go to Streeter for a time though they may not remain there permanently.

All over the County

-- Mr. Turner of Burlington is here with the car of empty barrels, to pick and barrel apples in Mr. Wells orchard. A force of ten men will pick and pack the apples for a week or 10 days and if any one wishes to see how they do such work farther south it would be worth their time to see them.

-- Mrs. P. C. Jackman visited her mother, Mrs. Carney, Sunday.
-- Nora Knudtson of Ruthven visited her uncle, Hans Westergard, last week.
-- the little three weeks old child of A. Christiansen died last Friday. The funeral was held at the Danish Lutheran church in Walnut.
-- Mr. and Mrs. Jack Murphy of Clinton, Iowa, are visiting at the home of the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sullivan of Highland township


-- Miss Lillie Greedy arrived Wednesday evening from Clarion to visit her sister Mrs. G. W. Chapman..
-- Henry Kane went to Swea City Wednesday evening. He will be absent for some time. He is working for the Rock Island Railway Co..
-- Miss Ella Burke of Whittemore and her cousin Miss Margaret Joyce of Peoria, Illinois, visited several days last week at the home of the formers sister Mrs. John Ryan. Miss Joyce had been visiting relatives in the vicinity of Whittemore for several weeks but left last evening for her home in Illinois. She is a teacher in that state and is a very bright and intelligent young lady
-- Miss Clara Frost spent Thursday with her cousins Mr. and Mrs. Frank Clark. She had been up the legs and was returning to her home at Grundy Center.
-- Mrs. C. J. Berger and mother, Mrs. Dan Higgins went to Dyersville the early part of last week to visit relatives. Mr. Berger went there to spend Sunday.
-- Charles Nichols of Burt was about to wed Jennie Walters of Algona when the proceedings were stopped by the court, who appointed a guardian for Mr. Nichols. The prospective bride now sues for a breach of promise and asks damages to the amount of $8,000. It will be a rather hard blow on the venerable gentleman, who is over sixty, to trade a wife for a guardian and give $8,000 to boot.
-- Mr. and Mrs. Alex Jennings received a telegram Monday evening conveying the sad news of the death of their son John, in Washington. This makes the second death in the Jennings family within the period of a week. We have not yet learned any of the particulars concerning the death.

Emmetsburg Democrat; Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa, Wednesday, August 9, 1905


To Become a Nurse

Miss Bird Noland left Tuesday morning for Chicago, where she will become a nurse. Miss Nolan has been one of the most successful members of this section and her many friends will wish her success in her new line of work. -- Whittemore Champion

Fred Kahley Trades for Farm

F.G. Kahley returned Saturday from a business trip in Valley City, North Dakota. While they are Mr. Kahley signed contracts for the purchase of an 800 acre farm in Barnes county, North Dakota. Mr. Kahley turns all of his Ayrshire property in on land with the exception of his business lots on Main Street. -- Ayrshire Chronicle.

Bagged a Mad Dog

Last Saturday, a stray dog, showing symptoms of rabies, was seen by Mrs. Dr. Higgins in the alley near the barn. She phoned the doctor, who procured a rifle and went in search of the animal, running him to earth under V.A. Noble’s porch. After being dislodged from his retreat the dog was killed by a charge of shot from Mr. Noble’s gun. -- Laurens Sun

-- John Herberger has actually grown four inches taller on account of the arrival of a daughter at his home last Thursday. All parties concerned are doing well.

Palo Alto Tribune, Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa, August 16, 1905

Heard on the Streets
-- Patrick Laughlin has secured a position in an insurance office at Spencer and will begin work their next Monday.
-- Miss Mamie Powers of Harpers Ferry arrived here Saturday evening for a few weeks visit at the home of her uncle, Patrick Duffy.
-- Mallard has organized a telephone company. It will be only a question of a short time until every farm home is supplied with a telephone.
-- Miss James Mooney of Lansing, Iowa is here for an extended visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Duffy of Great Oak township.
-- Isaac McClelland returned last week from Pasadena, California, to see his mother who is dangerously ill. Mrs. McClelland resides in the vicinity of Rodman.
-- Mr. Charles Spies, one of the vice presidents of the Blanke Tea and Coffee Co., St. Louis, gave us a pleasant call on Friday. He together with his family are visiting relatives at Graettinger for a few days. He stated that St. Louis was growing steadily and that business was good. He is the brother of J. A. Spies and also Mrs. Fahnestock of Graettinger.

Weincatl -- Deringer

This morning at eight o'clock at the Catholic Church at West Bend Miss Mary Deringer was married to John Weinzatl. Rev. Dobberstein performed the ceremony. The bride and groom were both residents of the vicinity of West Bend, Miss Derringer having come there from Germany two years ago and since resided in Kossuth county a few miles east of West Bend. The groom lived with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Weinzatl on the Scott Hazen farm a short distance west of town. He has resided in that locality for the past sixteen years and is well-known and highly respected for his excellent qualities of manhood. He is a sober, honest and industrious and thrifty young man and will provide a good home for the young lady he has chosen for his wife. The bride is a very estimable young lady. The Tribune wishes Mr. and Mrs. Weinzatl a long, happy and successful life.

Palo Alto Tribune; Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa, Wednesday, August 23, 1905

Hints to Teachers
-- teach your pupils obedience.
-- teachers cannot organize too early or too thoroughly.
-- a purely financial stimulus is a low motive of real teaching
-- no course of study is complete that does not provide for moral training.
-- all teachers should constantly grow in knowledge as well as an efficiency
-- you should see to it that each pupil has plenty of well directed the work.
-- the way to expel what is wrong is to fill the soul with the beauty of what is right.
-- it is important that the pupil should respect the law from our recognition of its justice.
-- enthusiasm is contagious, but it is not equal to well directed, persistent discipline.
-- the child has a right to know the pleasure of service and to feel its responsibility.
-- the school cannot be regarded as a success unless it creates an appetite for knowledge.
-- obedience is the foundation stone of all law and order, the basis of all civil government and civilization.
-- you are teaching the children how to read; but teachers, are you teaching them sufficiently well what to read.
-- from a business standpoint teachers should aim to bring about adequate salaries, secure tenure, and just pensions.
-- the child has a right to be taught to be useful and to be increasingly useful as it grows in strength and in intelligence.
-- the mind that is not continually making some new acquisitions is decreasing in power as well is that mental alertness.
-- in nine cases out of ten when your class becomes restless and Jan and lounge threw out the recitation, you should blame yourself not them.
-- for ages it has been customary to speak of men's rights and children's duties. Why not reverse things for a while and talk of children's rights and men's duties.

Teacher’s Institute Opens

The annual session of the teachers' institute opened Monday morning.

At the close of the second day’s session there were 155 teachers enrolled which is the smallest enrollment in any institute in this county for nine years. Probably 120 of this number was on hand at 7:30 Monday morning as this was the appointed time to begin work. However there was some delay and at 9:35 the work was taken up.

County Superintendent Anna E. Odland has general management of the work, she is assisted by Misses Patton and Goudy and Messrs. Welty, Lowe, Meredith, Stein and Avery. Below is the enrollment.

Minnie E. Young, Mary Young, Nettie A Scott, Rose Laughlin, Mollie Foy, Anna Caroll, Nellie Sammin, Blanch Meehan, Olive Hayman, Margaret Ryan, Ellen Buttemore, Mary Christiansen, Elsa Mix, Cora Nyborg, Carrie Baldwin, Martha O’Connor, Ella Burke, Laura Nolan, Welda Anderson, Sophia Schuller, Grace Dunn, Grace V Wilcox, Pearl Wilcox, Mary Gibes, Ethel Shuttle, May Graham, Anna Forde, Zella Osborn, Dot Gaylord, Ruth Currans, Nellie McNally, Nellie Carmody, Mary K Laughlin, Maude Barringer, Ada Eaton, Cora Watson, Lillian Maiden, Inez Odland, Matilda Kerry, Mary Ketchen, Caro Brennan, Annie O. Thensey, Olive Spainhower, Margaret Appelby, Geo. T. Williams, Sarah A. Litel, Edna M Oliver, Margaret H Chair, Dottie Ennis, M F Joynt, Anne Mae Grady, Ethel Glenn, Stella Gates, Pearl Crisman, Leland Bron, Lizzie Flood, Margaret Flood, Mable Demouth, Alice Kibby, Hazel McCaslin, Edna M White, Laura Agnew, Sophronia Randall, Harry O’Neil, Emma A. Head, Nina R. Willock, Mike Brennan, Margaret Gleason, Mabel Mossness, Nellie Easton, Guy D Cleavinger, Lizzie Corley, Josie Patton, Della Gregg, Catharine Crowley, Sara Crowley, Rosa Kahley, Mary Keating, Agnes Jackson, Margaret Mart, Mary E Crowley, Marguerite Carroll, Mary O’Brien, Mucy Markin, Pearle A Heath, Anna Buttemore, Myrtle Franklin, Lura Gerguson, Margaret Downs, Blanch Baldwin, Minnie Nyborg, Etta Lauck, Ruth Dingiman, Anna Dingiman, Cora Watson, Agnes Joynt, Sadie McNaly, Lulu Bell, Croa E Williams, Alberta Bough,Nellie Hnifan, Maudie Stover, Marie Gordon, Jane Young, Frances Currans, Ethel Gaylord, Annie Donahue, Evyly Wells, Kittie Wells, Margaret Laughlin, Genevieve Brennan, Addie Kelly, Homer Rundall, Mayme Keenan, Eva McNary, Vera Elkins, Agnes Ketchen, Dora Rugsley, Effie Sweeley, Ethel Putnam, Anna Morey, Eva Bauman, Anna McNally, Leola Harris, Emily Gift, Albert Joynt, Winifred Grady, P J Wals, Fannie Gaston, Rosamond Speer, Catherine Criman, Eva Whitmer, Mayme Flood, Mae Koeller, Agnes Kinsella, Clyde Chitty, Clara B Schutz, Katie Foley, Ava Briar, Louise Bahls, Ida Wright, Minnie Fisk, C.E. Scribner, Katherine Donlon, C O Seagren, Myrtle Bixler, Myrtle Morgan, Nellie Foley,k Alice Archer, Maggie Mulroney, Kittie Mulroney, Mary J Crowley, Ida E Herberger, Eva Randal, Marguerite Higgins.

William Lambert Brown

It becomes our duty to chronicle the sad news of the death of W. L. Brown of West Bend, one of the most prominent citizens of the county, and one that was universally respected and admired by his acquaintances.

For several months Mr. Brown was ailing and some time ago went to Excelsior Springs to rest and recuperate, but after remaining a few weeks his doctor advised him to come home and return again in the fall. But when he returned his condition seemed to be no better and several physicians were consulted and they advised that he be taken to a specialist in Chicago. He was taken there and his trouble was found to be a cancer of the stomach with other complications and nothing could be done for him. He was there about ten days. His wife and son were with him and had sent word to their friends that they would bring him home, as he could get no help there. But Saturday morning he passed away in the Riverside Hospital and Sunday his body was brought to West Bend where funeral services were held Monday afternoon and where the burial took place.

William Lambert Brown was born in Delaware County, Ohio, June 11, 1848 and died at Lakeside Hospital, Chicago, August 19, 1905.

He came to Iowa with his parents in 1854. He had one brother, his senior by two years, who died some years ago and a sister, Fannie, who was living in Portland. When he was but six years old his father died, but honest endeavor, indomitable pluck and willingness to work will always succeed. Mr. Brown had these qualities and hence before he was eighteen years of age he was in business for himself.

On May 16, 1872 he married Miss Hannah P. Thorne of Clinton, Iowa. To this union three children were born, Clara E., who died September 8, 1879, George W., who resides at West Bend and was a business partner of his father and Fanny L., who died September 2, 1892.

Mr. and Mrs. Brown lived in Clinton until 1880 when they move to Sioux Falls. In 1884 they return to Iowa and located at Monticello; two years later they came to West Bend, where they made their home until death called the husband to his final reward.

In 1900, Mr. Brown became a member of the Presbyterian Church and was elected trustee and elder of that church. Since then he has been a true Christian and devoted church member.

Few there are who could claim as many friends and as few enemies as Mr. Brown. In a business deal he was not only strictly honest but was gentlemanly and agreeable. Socially he was a favorite. He was a man whose genial disposition, good fellowship and kind consideration for the rights and feelings of others made him popular with all who knew him. He has resided in West Bend for about nineteen years and was one of the largest grain dealers of the county.

His wife and an only son, George, survive him and they have the sincere sympathy of the community who feels deeply the loss of one of her very best men.

Mrs. E. P. Wiley Dead

After a very painful illness of three weeks duration Mrs. E. P. Wiley of Curlew died at her home on Saturday evening at 6:30 o'clock. The funeral services were held at 3 o'clock Sunday afternoon and the body laid to rest in the cemetery west of town.

Mabel Easton was born in Brockville, New York, on January 30, 1878. The following year she came with her parents to Rolfe, Iowa, and a year later they moved to Curlew where she grew to young womanhood. She taught school for several years. On September 26, 1898, she was united in marriage to Mr. E. P. Wiley of Curlew and they moved to Missouri and remained for four years. When they return to Curlew three years ago Mr. Wiley entered the employment of the Teiderman Elevator Co., which position he still holds.

Mrs. Wiley leaves three little daughters, which are six years, four years and two years old respectively. Besides these children, her husband, mother, four sisters and four brothers survive her and to them we extend sincere sympathy. Their loss is a great one, for Mrs. Wiley was a beautiful and loving mother, a true and faithful wife, and a kind and devoted daughter and sister.


Cards are out announcing the marriage of Miss Alice Rae Fisk of Curlew to James Edward Williams of this city, which will occur at the home of the bride's parents at Curlew this evening at seven o'clock. The immediate relatives and a few friends of the contracting parties will be present to witness the ceremony.

The bridal couple will leave the following morning for a short wedding trip. They will visit friends at Fort Dodge and Chicago and when they return they will begin housekeeping in the Sturtevant cottage in the second ward in this city.

The bride is the eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Fisk of Curlew, and is a very handsome, winsome and attractive young lady. The groom was a teacher in this county some years ago and later took a course in law in the University of Chicago. He was appointed deputy sheriff by Sheriff Coakley about a year and a half ago, which place he resigned a few months ago to take up the practice of law. He is a thrifty, energetic and brainy young man, and has sufficient ambition and push to make a success of life.

The Tribune is one among a large number of friends who wish the bride and groom a happy and successful married life.

-- Miss Clara Dowd and cousin, Miss Flora Shufelt, drove over from Cylinder Thursday.
-- Mr. John Mooney of Lansing arrived here Friday morning for a few days visit with relatives. His wife has been here for several weeks, with her parents Mr. and Mrs. P. Duffy.
-- Mrs. E. G. Kelly and daughter Grace went to Algona Wednesday where they will visit relatives for a time. They will then go to garner to see Mrs. Kelly's mother, Mrs. Fitkin.
-- there will be an apple pearing [sic] social at the home of Mrs. Guard of Vernon township, Wednesday evening, August 30. You are invited to attend.
-- Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Parnam returned Monday evening from Brooklyn, Iowa where they had been visiting his parents. Mr. Parnam's father has been ill for some time.
-- Mrs. Ben Bradley came down from Graettinger Saturday for a visit with relatives. She will visit her daughter Mrs. P. F. Littleton at Cylinder before returning home.
-- Mr. John Foster of Ruthven and Mrs. L. E. Hyatt of Des Moines were married at 3 p.m. Tuesday at the M. E. Parsonage, Reverend S. R. Beatty officiated.
-- Mrs. Maggie and Mary Doyle who had been visiting their cousin O. P. Doyle for a month returned to their home at Ponta, Nebraska, Friday.
-- Mr. and Mrs. John Leonard returned to their home at Graettinger Monday evening after spending several days with their cousin Mrs. M. Dwyer.

DR. HUNTER, finding rooms formerly occupied by him inadequate to requirements of growing practice has removed to Opera House block where he may be found by those desiring to consult him.

Emmetsburg Democrat; Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa, Wednesday, August 23, 1905

-- After an absence of 31 years Edward Munday, of Spirit Lake, has returned home. He finds that his wife has been drawing a pension of a soldier's widow during his absence. She was certainly entitled to a living of some kind. He refuses to say where he has been or to give his motive for leaving. He must be a singular sort of a fellow.

Why Carpenter Comes to Emmetsburg

The late census report shows that there are 600 more men than women in Emmet County. This partly explains why Frank Carpenter, John Hansen, A.M. Jeffries, and H. A. Blythe remain single. They don't like to crowd the other fellows out of the way. -- Estherville Vindicator -- Republican.

-- C. T. Nolan's milk check for July was $82.72. He has 18 cows. How is this for a record? It beats oats at $.20 per bushel.

-- -- --

Mrs. E. P. Wiley, who had been very ill for three weeks, died Saturday evening at 634. The funeral was held Sunday afternoon. The services were conducted by Father Carroll, of Ayrshire. The funeral was the largest ever witnessed at Curlew. 

There were 82 teams in the procession. Many were present from Emmetsburg, Ayrshire, and Mallard. The interment was in the Stratton cemetery.

The deceased was the eldest daughter of Mrs. S. A. Easton. She was born at Gouverneur, New York, January 30, 1878. She came to Iowa with her parents when only 10 months old. There she grew to womanhood. September 26, 1898, she was married to E. P. Wiley. They subsequently lived at Springfield, Missouri, for some time, but later returned to Curlew. Her age was 27 years, six months and 20 days. She leaves her husband and three small children. The mother, four brothers, and four sisters are also among the mourners. All live at Curlew except Herbert, whose home is at Altoona, Kansas. 

Palo Alto Tribune; Emmetsburg, Iowa, Wednesday, August 30, 1905

Another Pioneer Passed Away

Alexander Ruthven Sr., was born in Broomie Knowles, Leniethgroshire, Scotland, August 17, 1816 and died at his home in Ruthven, August 24 1905, at 8:15 p.m. He was 89 years and seven days of age. His father's name was James Ruthven and his mother's maiden name was Marian Smith.

He was married June 10, 1842 at Whiteburn, Scotland, to Margaret Geddes, who passed on before him October 17, 1904.

There were born to this union seven sons and three daughters, namely: James, John, Alexander, Robert, William, Gideon, Campbell; and three daughters, Jesse, who died at the age of 13; Maggie, Mrs. E. P. Barringer; and Minnie, Mrs. C. W. Barringer. Campbell died in childhood.

All the living were present at his bedside during his last illness except the oldest and youngest sons and their youngest daughter, Mrs. C. W. Barringer of Spokane, Washington.

The sturdy, strong, rugged qualities of Scottish character were present in his life. He toiled faithfully and hard during his life. In his last month he was, as in his earlier days, a tiller of the soil. He found pleasure in being occupied.

Most of his life was spent in Scotland. However, more than 30 years were spent in this country, and the largest part of this time was spent in this county. Many of his characteristics are woven into the life and character of this county.

Upon the organization of the Congregational Church in this city he found his church home. He was a careful and persistent reader of the Holy Word and in meditation upon it found much wisdom and strength. The closing years were marked by rapid growth in Christian truth and fruition in Christian character. Like a sheaf of grain he has been garnered and the fruit of his life was found in patient and doors and following of his Lord. Since the death of his faithful companion, he waited patiently without a murmur until the summons came in the form of a stroke of paralysis. He quietly slept the last hours of his life away and awoke at the call of his Lord on the other side.

Surely the words of our Lord were meant for him, “ Friend, come up higher" and "well done, good and faithful servant, enter thou into the joy of thy Lord."

The funeral services were held in the M. E. Church, conducted by the pastor, Reverend G. F. Whitfield, Sunday, at 2 p.m., and interment took place in Ruthven cemetery

Local and Personal
-- Sister Anna Marie and Sr. Placentia arrived here from Waterloo Thursday evening for a short visit. The former is the daughter of Mrs. James Fitzgerald and the latter taught at the St. Mary's Academy some years ago.
-- Miss Anna Grady came over from Ruthven Saturday morning accompanied by her two cousins, Miss Mae Moan and Miss Celia Kelly. Miss Kelly's home is in Humboldt, S. D. and she has been visiting Miss Grady for the past week.
-- a son was born to Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Pelton Sunday, August 27. Congratulations are in order and you are expected to greet Mr. Pelton was a smile and a handshake.
-- Mrs. John Higgins of Great Oak township received a telegram Friday from Dyersville saying that her mother was dangerously sick. She left Saturday in hopes of reaching her mother's bedside before she died.
-- Mrs. Carroll and Miss Bean of Joliet, Illinois, are here visiting their niece, Eva Donahue, and other relatives.

Married in Minneapolis

At nine o'clock, Wednesday morning, August 23, 1905 Mr. John McNulty and Miss Bridget McNulty were united in marriage at the Holy Rosary Church in Minneapolis, Father Dugan performing the ceremony. Miss Katie McNulty, sister of the bride, was bridesmaid and John Donahue, a friend of the groom, was best man. They left that evening for Emmetsburg and arrived here the following morning remaining here until Monday visiting relatives. The fathers of the bride and groom were well acquainted, being raised side by side in Ireland. The bride's mother and the groom's father crossed the ocean together some years ago. Although the senior members of the family were old-time friends the young people never met until about three years ago when the groom went to Minneapolis to work. Their acquaintance soon brought about a warm friendship, which as time went on, ripened into love and resulted, finally in a union of the two as man and wife. Though the bride is a stranger here she has made very favorable impression upon all who have met her. She is an exceedingly attractive and intelligent young lady. She is possessing in manner, and evidences strength of character and a genial disposition. The groom is a Palo Alto county boy and a son of Mr. and Mrs. Owen McNulty, one of the oldest and most highly respected families in the county. He was born and grew to manhood in this county. When the war broke out between the US and Spain, he was among the first to volunteer his service in the behalf of his country. Shortly after the close of the war he went to Minneapolis and entered the employee of the M. and St. L. R.R. Co., where he has since been working. He is a thrifty young man honest and industrious and will make a success of his undertakings. The Tribune bespeaks for the bridal couple a happy and successful career and trusts that their life will be blessed with sunshine and prosperity.

While Mr. and Mrs. McNulty were here last week, there was a family reunion at the home of the groom's sister. It occurred on Friday and it was indeed a happy event. Mr. and Mrs. Owen McNulty and seven daughters, Mrs. J. Carney, Mrs. W. Carney, Mrs. W. Ganley, Mrs. John McCormick and the Misses Lizzie, Celia and Jennie McNulty and 15 grandchildren besides for sons-in-law and two daughters-in-law were present. The event will long be remembered as one of the most enjoyable occasions of their lives.

Babies in Abundance

The West Bend Journal reports the arrival of bright baby boys at the homes of Rev. and Mrs. Artman, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Balgeman, Mr. and Mrs. Berry and Mr. and Mrs. Hofstader, last week. But that's nothing, the same week in the same town a daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. Alex Pyrtl.

Emmetsburg Democrat; Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa, Wednesday, August 30, 1905

No Race Suicide at the Bend

The following births are reported by Dr. Boody for the past week: Thursday Reverend Artman and wife, a son; on the same day a daughter was born to Alex Pertl and wife; on Sunday the home of Frank Belgeman and wife was made glad by the birth of a son; and also on the same day, a son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Berry, south east of town; and Matt Hofstadter and wife have a boy, born to them Tuesday night -- Journal

Tornado Losses
-- S. Whistler, West Bend, barn damaged.
-- William Ganley, Emmetsburg, barn and granary damaged.
-- P. Hanifan, Emmetsburg, barn damaged.
-- M. F. Coonan, Emmetsburg, dwelling damaged
-- F. C. Davidson, Emmetsburg, dwelling and barn damaged.
-- J.G. Crowder, Emmetsburg, dwelling damage.
-- Mrs. Mugan, Emmetsburg, barn damaged.
-- George W. Downs, Emmetsburg, windmill and corn crib damaged.
-- T. W. Millea, Emmetsburg, barn and granary damaged.
-- John Hinkley, Emmetsburg, dwelling damage.
-- Mrs. K. M. Duncan, Emmetsburg, dwelling damage.
-- H. A. Thompson, West Bend, barn destroyed.
-- C. A. Campbell, Rodman, barn damaged.
-- A. G. Herke, Osgood qualm a granary damaged.
-- George Wenning, Mallard, barn damaged.
-- Jake Hahn, Mallard, Althouse destroyed.
-- A. M. Swessinger, Mallard, windmill destroyed.
-- Sohn Schuler, Mallard, windmill destroyed.
-- W.P. Reinders, Mallard, windmill destroyed.
-- Matt Miller, Mallard, barn damaged and steer killed.
-- H. B. Richards, Mallard, barn damaged.
-- Jake Coon, Mallard, buildings damaged.
-- Mike Schuler Jr., Mallard, barn damaged.
-- Mike Schuler, estate, Mallard, barn damaged.
-- J. Milford, Mallard, oust damaged.
-- Mrs. Finnigan, Ayrshire, house damaged.
-- Mrs. Mary Joyce, Emmetsburg, windmill damage.
-- T. J. Flynn, West Bend, machinery damaged.

All of the above are insured in the Mutuals.

Married at West Bend Sunday

Mr. Arthur P. Blake and Miss Beatrice Whistler were married at West Bend Sunday, Reverend H. W. Whitman officiating. The Democrat extends congratulations.

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