Palo Alto County Newspapers

Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa
October 1904

Wednesday, October 5, 1904.

-- Miss Mamie Connelly went to Oakland, California, last week to visit a sister.
-- Dell Morrison has resigned his position in Ayrshire creamery. Claude Shoop has succeeded him.
-- Miss Eula Carmichael, formerly of this place, was married to Thomas Dougherty, of Davenport, Tuesday evening of last week. She was quite small when she left Emmetsburg.
-- Mrs. McCue and Miss Mimi intend returning to Elkader this week where they will make their future home. They will be best either of many friends in this city. Mrs. McCue sold her residence to Mrs. Ganley some time ago.

Married in California.
We understand that Mr. James F., son of Mr. and Mrs. Martin F. Brennan, was married to a Miss Lizzie Farrell, September 14. He has been attending Stanford University in California. We have not been able to learn further particulars. The groom is an excellent young man. It is reported that Mr. and Mrs. Brennan and will soon come to Emmetsburg to visit relatives and friends. The Democrat extends congratulations.

Married in Ayrshire Yesterday
Mr. F. M. Hutchinson, of Chicago, and Miss Kate Barfoot, of Ayrshire, were married at the latter named place yesterday by Rev. Firth. They left last evening for Chicago, where they will make their future home. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Barfoot. She is a highly accomplished and most were the young lady. She taught in Ayrshire schools for several years and was recognized for her tact and ability as an educator. The groom is well spoken of by those who know him and has a good position in Chicago. The Democrat extends hearty congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Hutchinson.

Stephen Woodward Dead
Stephen Woodward, father-in-law of D. M. Wilcox, died in this city Saturday. He remains were taken to Reeseville, Wisconsin, Sunday evening for burial. The services were held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wilcox and were conducted by Dr. Jackson. The deceased was born at Rome, New York, September 2, 1825. He was married to Evaline Stewart December 21, 1845. She died in 1902. One son, George S. Woodward, lives at Marceline, Missouri, and a daughter, Mrs. Alice A Warner, lives at Delevan, Wisconsin. Mrs. Odelia A. Wilcox, another daughter, died in 1881. This deceased was a member of the Universalist Church.

Mr. McElroy sells Ayrshire Chronicle.
K. J. McElroy has sold the Ayrshire Chronicle to E.P. Cotter, who owned it several years ago. The latter is an experienced printer and has been in the employ of the Des Moines News for a long time. He is a bright, courteous, well-informed gentleman. The Democrat which is him success. Mr. McElroy will be missed by the many patrons and friends of the paper. He made the Chronicle newsy and interesting. The Democrat has found him a most agreeable contemporary and hopes he will remain in the county.

Miss Jackman Did Not Win
We regret to report that Miss Kate Jackman did not win the automobile in Minneapolis Tribune contest. Her total vote was 847,000. The Dakota candidates polled over a million votes each. Their friends spent money freely and were apparently determined to have the prize at any price. However, we congratulate Miss Jackman on the splendid showing she made.

-- Peter Jones, visited his daughter, Mrs. Kilroy, of Mason City, Wednesday and Thursday.
-- Mrs. James Gowans returned from Europe last week. She had been visiting relatives in England and Scotland.
-- Mr. and Mrs. E. Brusser, of Cylinder, lost their six-year-old son Wednesday. He was. at Whittemore, Thursday. He had some intestinal trouble.
-- Mr. Albert M. Heuer, of Wyanett, Illinois, and Miss M. Buchanan, of Whittemore, were married in this city Thursday, Dr. W. T. Jackson officiating.
-- The Free Press says that Postmaster Anthony secured, Miss Bessie Myers, of Anita, as assistant in an office. Her father is Postmaster at Anita.
-- Mr. Clark, a brother-in-law of Mr. Chapin, has succeeded, T. J. White in the Tribune office.
-- R. R. Mantor, of Terril, has invented a patent bread mixer. He has been using it in his own restaurant for some time.
-- Hugh Stewart, of Graettinger, is selling his property at that place and will return to Canada. He is a bridge carpenter and an excellent violinist.
-- Earnest Victor Clark, of Clay County, was married, a few days ago to Miss Carrie Bell Masters, of Jack Creek township. Both are deaf and dumb.
-- John Cunningham, of Jack Creek township, died a few days ago at the age of 85. He was well known to the old settlers of Palo Alto. He was a frequent visitor to Emmetsburg years ago.
-- Mrs. Hazen, of Idaho, arrived in West Bend Sunday to see her father, George Jacobs, who is dangerously ill.
-- The Ayrshire band has been reorganized. P. O'Grady is leader, J. J. Martin, Secretary, and P. F. McGuire Treasurer.
-- Mrs. McCauley, of Montana, came to West Bend a few days ago to see her father, George Jacobs, whose serious condition is reported elsewhere in this issue.
-- Mrs. Mayer and daughters Helen and Mary, of Chicago, arrived in this city Saturday morning to visit her mother and her brother, Michael McCarty, of Great Oak. She will remain a couple of months.
-- The West Bend republicans have nominated E. K. Easton and J. L. Reid for justices, Thomas Williams and J. C. Vance for constables, George Jacobs for clerk, Henry Dunn for assessor, and T. B. Vandecar for trustee.
-- The republicans of Highland have nominated the following named candidates for township officers: trustee, M. T. Washington; clerk, W. H. Lewis; assessor, L. L. LeClair; justices, J. R. Phoenix and H. E. Shartle; constables, G.W. Osterson and G. H. Matthieson.
-- Saturday Edward Lilly, a prominent farmer near Fonda, was thrown from a wagon and had his neck broken. He was 65 years of age. He had started for a load of wood, and his team coming home without a driver, search was instituted for him. He was found dead along the roadside.
-- Watson Merikel, of Minneapolis, arrived in this city a few days ago in an automobile. He will visit his cousin, William Harrison, and other relatives. He is accompanied by his father, Jess Merikel, of Todd County, Minnesota. They and Mr. Harrison have been taking trips to Cylinder, Estherville, and other neighboring points on their horseless vehicle and have been enjoying themselves in general.


-- Miss Stamp, who has been postmistress for the past year, has taken a short vacation.
-- Mrs. Robert Clark, sister of Mrs. Dr. Osher, came down from Estherville and spent Sunday here.
-- Mrs. Robert Shea and son William, of Emmetsburg, visited with her sister, Mrs. B. Bradley, of this place, Sunday.
-- A reception was given to Mr. and Mrs. Stevens here Tuesday evening, it having been their wedding anniversary. They have been wedded forty years.

West Bend.
-- The sad news of the death of Mrs. Airhart was received here Monday morning, and her remains arrived on the afternoon train. She left a week ago for Iowa Falls to be operated on, and it proved fatal. The funeral will take place Tuesday afternoon. She leaves a husband, two daughters, and one son. They have the sympathy of all the community and their sorrow.

-- A marriage license has been issued to George Forbes and Hannah L. Olson.
-- A marriage license has been issued to J. J. Drennan and Mrs. C. M. Kessel.
-- as we go to press would learn that Mr. Sanford Pelton and Miss Hattie Randall were married at Fredericksburg, Iowa, Wednesday. We extend a hearty congratulations.
-- Tuesday, October 4, Mrs. William Blanchard, mother of Mrs. P. O. Refsell, celebrated her 80th birthday. A number of intimate friends called to spend the occasion with her. She was among the pioneers of Silver Lake township. The Democrat hopes she will be permitted to enjoy many more anniversaries.
-- Lot Laughlin, while at Algona Thursday, met five of the old settlers who accompanied him on Captain Ingham's expedition to New Ulm, Minnesota, in 1863, to save the people of that section from the Indians. Among others from the company who took that eventful trip were Patrick Jackman, Jeremiah Crowley, and J. T. And K. Mulroney. Of course Mr. Laughlin enjoyed meeting those old companions, whom he had not seen for 41 years.

Wednesday, October 12, 1904.


-- Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Mayne enjoyed a visit from their niece, Miss Florence Mayne, of Algona, over Sunday.
-- Rev. Frank Sutton, of Superior, formerly of Curlew, has been appointed M. E. pastor of Terril. He often visits Mr. and Mrs. W. J. McCarty of this place.
-- E. J. Murtah has been chosen president of the Kossuth County savings bank as successor to Gardner, Cowles, who moved to Des Moines some time ago to become business manager of the Register and Leader.
-- Mr. D. A. Rouse and Miss Blanche Pendelbury, of Ayrshire, were married at the M. E. Parsonage in this city last Wednesday, Rev. S. R. Beatty officiating. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George H. Pendelbury. Mr. and Mrs. Rouse will reside on a farm south of Ruthven. The Democrat extends hearty wishes to the newly wedded couple.


Mr. Roache Changes Tenants
Michael Roache, of Emmetsburg, was in Whittemore Saturday on business in connection with his farm south of town. He rented the place for one year to Michael King. John Mosbach, who has been living on the Roache Farm, has rented the Farrell farm for the coming season. -- -- Whittemore Champion.

Left a Big Estate
James Black, Tom Breen, and Louis Fessler, of Fort Dodge, spent Monday for noon at the Blanden farm, appraising the personal property left by the late Colonel Blanden. They found 424 head of cattle, 220 head of hogs, 20 mules and 34 horses, which, taken with the other personal property, machinery, etc., will aggregate to a value of about $15,000. The total value of the personal property, including grain, hay, and crops will reach about $25,000. -- -- Manson, Democrat.

Sad Accident at Spirit Lake
Lacey Goodler, a young man of 16 years, residing at Spirit Lake, was accidentally shot and killed almost instantly Saturday last. Lacy was employed driving his father's delivery wagon and was on the wagon attending to his duty when he met his death. He was making a delivery Saturday afternoon and was near the J. E. Knudson elevator when a bullet from a target rifle struck him on the right arm passing through that and entered the body penetrating both lungs and lodging in the left side. -- -- Estherville Enterprise.

Humboldt's Hugger
"Jack the Hugger" has put in an appearance in Humboldt. A number of our respectable young ladies have been seized during the past summer and last Saturday evening, a young lady was seized by a man only a block from Main Street, and only escaped by prolonged and loud screams that alarmed the whole south of town. The only advice we can give the young woman is to do one of the two things, either stay home after night or go with some suitable escort. -- -- Humboldt Independent.

-- Miss Mary Duffy is now bookkeeper in the Lyman & Higgins drugstore.
-- Mrs. Mericle, of Seattle, Washington, is visiting her sister, Mrs. A. E. Harrison.
-- Geo. Williams was a recent visitor to Des Moines. His brother Will lives in that city.
-- Thomas Fitzgerald, of Utica, Illinois, arrived in the city Wednesday for an extended visit with his cousin, Thomas Galloway.
-- George Williams has accepted a position in the Superior Lumber company yard. He commenced work Wednesday.
-- A. H. Weir, of Chicago, arrived in the city Thursday morning for an extended visit with his brother, P. Weir, of Fairfield Township.
-- Mrs. Myrtle Houghton, of Valley Junction, has been visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Harrison, of this place, during the past week.
-- Mr. George Forbes and Miss Hannah Olson, of Lost Island township, were married at the home of the bride's parents October 2. The Democrat extends congratulations.
-- Mrs. Orvis returned to Estherville Monday. She had been visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Pfiffner.
-- J. R. Tuntland, Lyman & Higgins' druggist, left for Badger Tuesday morning, where he has a position in a drugstore.
-- Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Moran, of Fallow, spent Saturday and Sunday with Mrs. Robert Carney, of Emmetsburg. Mrs. Moran is a niece of Mrs. Carney.
-- W. H. Marsh, of Paxton, Illinois is here visiting his brother, E. L. Marsh.
-- E. C. Hoyer, a new Hampton, is visiting his brother, J. M. Hoyer, of this place.
-- Miss Ida Nelson, of Rochelle, Illinois, is visiting her cousin, this is art Knutson.
-- Mr. J. J. Drennan and Mrs. C. M. Kassel were married in this city, October 4 by Justice Steadman.
-- Scott Hazen, a brother-in-law of H. H. Jacobs, arrived in this city from Twin Falls, Idaho, Monday.
-- George Bottger and family left for Spokane, Washington, yesterday, where they will make their future home.
-- Mr. and Mrs. Kimmick returned to Dubuque Tuesday. They had been visiting the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Kiley.
-- Mrs. W. D. Balch, of Charles city, who had been here visiting her nephew, W. S. Palmer, returned home Wednesday evening.
-- Marriage licenses have been issued to Edward J. Elbert and Mary Fuchsen, Edgar A. person, and Julia Redden, Andrew Yoch and Teresa Csukker.
-- Mr. Horace Richards and Miss Ethel Burlingame were married at Portland, Oregon, October 3. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Burlingame, formerly of Emmetsburg. The Democrat extends congratulations.
-- Patrick Howe has resigned his position as roadmaster on this division of the Rock Island system to take effect November 1. He has been in the employ of the company for a long time.
-- Frank Duffy returned from Colman, South Dakota, Saturday evening, where he had been running a thresher engine. He missed only two days of the 42 that he was there. He says oats and barley turned out unusually well.
-- J. C. Jensen writes us that he has purchased the business of Mr. Nicholson, of storm Lake, and will remain there permanently. He is a good workman and a model citizen. Emmetsburg regrets to lose him and his worthy wife. May they prosper at Storm Lake.
-- The Walnut township democrats nominated the following township ticket Monday evening: for justices, D. W. Cameron and J. B. Graettinger; for clerk, Martin Laughlin; for trustee, P. C. Jackman; for assessor, Vertie O'Connor; for constables, John Jones and J.D Mahan.

To Be Married This Evening.
Mr. R. H. Stratemeyer of this city, and Miss Ednia Welmer , of Carroll, Iowa, are to be married at the home of the bride this evening at eight o'clock. They will arrive in the city tomorrow or Friday. They will live in the Schroeder residence near Mr. Beckman's home. Particulars will be given next week.

Sykes -- Ewing.
On September 14, occurred the marriage of two prominent young people of Beason, Mr. Clarence Sykes to Miss Grace Ewing. Mr. Sykes was formerly of Emmetsburg Iowa, where his parents now reside. He is a young man of good habits, ambitious and enterprising, and is respected by all who know him. His friends all wish him a life of happiness and pleasure. He is a good boy, and well merits the wishes of his many friends. His bride is a young lady of good morals and a hard worker and will make Mr. Sykes, a good helpmeet. Mrs. Sykes has a father living in Beason, her mother being dead. She has many friends and is of good parentage. Mr. and Mrs. Sykes will reside in Beason for a time and perhaps will settle there permanently. All join in wishing Mr. and Mrs. Sykes a long and happy life. -- -- Beason, (Illinois) Herald.

A Marriage at Graettinger
at eight o'clock last evening occurred the marriage of Mr. E. O. Bergeson, and Miss Lizzie Eidsness, Reverend A. H. Gjevre officiating.
Arthur Bergeson, brother of the groom, was best man and Miss Mary Eidsness, sister of the bride, was bridesmaid. The happy pair leave for Cedar Rapids this evening to visit friends, and will visit the St. Louis exposition before returning. They will return in a couple of weeks and go to housekeeping on Mr. Bergeson's farm northeast of town.
The times with their numerous friends extends congratulations and best wishes. -- -- Times.

Elwood -- Fish.
Wednesday evening, Mr. C. H. Elwood and Miss Almeda C. Fish were united in marriage at the home of the bride's father, Mr. A. M. Fish, Justice Atkinson officiating. A number of invited guests were in attendance. After the performance of the ceremony, all present enjoyed an elegant wedding supper. The bride is a most worthy young lady in every way and has during her several years residence in the city made many warm friends. The groom is industrious and frugal. He has a wide circle of acquaintances, all of whom have confidence in him and respect him. The Democrat wishes Mr. and Mrs. Elwood success and happiness.

Death of I. M. Egan.
Thursday I M. Egan, son of Thomas Eagan, of great oak, died at Tacoma, Washington, after an illness of some duration. His people had not learned of the serious condition prior to his death. His remains were laid to rest at that place Friday.
The deceased was born in this county October 8, 1872. He attended school in this locality and later taught school, after which he took a course in the Highland Park. Normal school at Des Moines. About 12 years ago he went to St. Francis, Kansas, where he was admitted to the bar. Later he served two or three terms as county attorney. He was unusually bright and was genial and decidedly successful. He was clever and large hearted and made friends where ever he went. When the Spanish-American war broke out, he enlisted and was chosen first lieutenant of his home company. However, he did not have any opportunity for active service and spent most of his career as a soldier waiting for orders, as was the case with thousands of others from the several states. Before returning home, he was taken ill and was an invalid for several months. In fact he never fully regained his strength and his death was doubtless the final result of his illness contracted while in camp. His taking off at such an early age in life will be regretted by the many who knew him and prized his friendship, as well as by the sorrowing members of the family. His father and one brother, C. C. Egan and had two sisters, Mrs. M. F. Kerwick and Mrs. W. I Branagan, reside in this community. One brother is in Texas and two in Kansas. The location of another is unknown.

Court in Session.
Court convened Monday. Judge Bailie is presiding. The session promises to be quite interesting. The Brown -- Sturtevant case was commenced yesterday, but the jury has not yet been drawn. Mr. Sturtevant has sued Mr. Brown, for $1300, the amount in dispute when settling for the construction of the latter's residence. Mr. Soper and Mr. Morling are representing Mr. Sturtevant and Mr. Kelly and Mr. O'Connor will fight the battle of Mr. Brown. It will doubtless take several days to try the case.
Monday druggists' permits were granted to A J. Wolfgang and J. T. Stemets.
The grand jurors drawn for the present term are C. M. Barber, John Joynt, G. W. Feaster, M. T. McEvoy, John Schuller, M. F. Brennan, and Louis Wegener.

Going to Mount Vernon in November
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Parkin were up from West Bend yesterday. They were attending to some business in court. They intend leaving for Mount Vernon, Iowa, early in November, where they have purchased a home. They are making the change so as to give their son and daughter a chance to attend Cornell college. Mr. Parkin leased his newspaper to Mr. Gray for two years sometime ago, but later he bargained for the sale of it to him, which will soon be closed. The people of West Bend and of the county will miss Mr. and Mrs. Parkin very much. Mr. Parkin has been a faithful, earnest toiler in the newspaper field, and he succeeded admirably notwithstanding the fact that his field was limited. Mrs. Parkin has also been a tireless worker in the schools of West Bend. We hope the departure of those good people will not be permanent and that they will soon be among us again putting forward earnest, telling efforts for the good of education, religion, and society.

The Trouser Thieves Escape
The tramps who stole several pairs of trousers from the Hub Clothing house sometime ago, and who gave their names as W. R. Martin and Gus Brown, dug their way out of jail Wednesday night. They evidently got assistance from the outside, as they had a file and chisel with which to remove the obstructions of steel. A bar of the iron netting on the outside of the jail window was broken, through which the tools mentioned were doubtless handed into them. They removed a strong piece of iron from the bedstead and, with this chisel, file and bar, broke apart of the heavy grating over the window and then dug a hole through the stone wall. They did not make a very large opening and judging from the size of it this was not the first time, they crawled through a small place. Mr. Spooner, the prisoner charged with incest, claims that he did not hear his companions at work. He must have stuffed his ears. So far Sheriff Coakley has not found any trace of his men. While in jail they were good prisoners and did nothing to annoy an officer in charge of them. The last few nights they were confined they did considerable singing but those who heard them supposed that they were simply having a good time. They were doubtless practicing so as to be able to sing while cutting their way to liberty. The next time Mr. Coakley hears music in the jail he will likely scratch his head and take a peek at the birds in his cage.


-- Sunday, October 2, at eight o'clock, Sister Paula, passed away at Dubuque. She had been sick all summer and never fully recovered from an operation for appendicitis, which she underwent at Fort Dodge before entering the order of the Sisters of the Holy Ghost. Her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Carroll, live west of Curlew. There are six sisters and one brother. The sisters are Alice, of Fort Dodge; Maggie who is teaching at Elmore, Minnesota; Mrs. Swift, of Vernon Township; Anna, who is attending school at St. Mary Academy at Emmetsburg; Julia, who is also a sister of the same order of the Holy Ghost; and Lizzie, who was still at home. One brother, Michael, is in business at Eagle Grove. She had been a member of the order for almost 2 years. She formerly attended school at Tobin College, Fort Dodge. Her mother, Misses Julia and Alice, and Michael attended the funeral at Dubuque, October 4. Although she had suffered for a long time, she passed away very peacefully and was conscious to the last. Just before she died she asked for the prayers of the sisters gathered around her.

-- William Littleton, of Hot Springs, Arkansas, has been here the past week, visiting his brother, P. F., and family.

-- Mr. Crisman has purchased the Wagner livery barn.
-- Hugh Meehan has resigned his position and the L. Reilly meat market. We understand that he will open a shop of his own at Whittemore in the near future.
-- Henry Lowe and family will soon leave for New Mexico. Their friends treated them to a pleasant surprise Thursday evening. Mr. Lowe leaves for the benefit of his health. His many friends hope the change will greatly help him.
-- Mr. and Mrs. Steve Hoskins left Saturday morning for Nebraska, where they will visit the brother of Mrs. Hoskins, whom she has not seen for about 35 years.

-- -- --
The World-Famous.
For sale at.
New sample room. First saloon
north of Milwaukee depot.
Finest line of cigars in the city.

Wednesday, October 19, 1904.


-- Mrs. Katherine Adrian is home from Cassville, Wisconsin, where she had been visiting relatives for some time.
-- Mrs. Orres and daughter, who had been here visiting the home of the former's son, John Orres, returned to Humboldt Thursday.
-- O.L. Beck was down from Randolph, Minnesota, last week, visiting his brothers. He is agent for the Great Western at Randolph.
-- Charles Stedman is now an engineer on the Rock Island Road, having recently passed the required examination. This is good news to his many Emmetsburg friends.
-- Mrs. George F. Herley returned to Hosmer, South Dakota, Friday. She was accompanied by Miss Edna White, who will become principal of the public schools of that place.
-- Mrs. Sears, who had been visiting Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Martin, returned to Watertown, South Dakota, Saturday morning. She is a sister-in-law of Mr. Martin. Mr. Sears was also down during the past week.
-- Mrs. McKenzie, Mrs. Warnke's mother, Faribault, Minnesota, who had been here visiting her, went to Rockford, Iowa, Thursday, to visit relatives. She was accompanied by her daughter, Mrs. Falts, of Faribault, who had also been here visiting.


Used Wrong Kind of Oil.
Gasoline used in a lamp by mistake at the home of firemen Potter caused an explosion last evening shortly after 6 o'clock. The flames were extinguished before the arrival of the department. -- -- Estherville Vindicator -- Republican

A Post Office Burglar Convicted
J. F. Williams, of Sioux Rapids, who is charged with the Linn Grove Post Office robbery, was convicted in United States Court Sioux City last week and find $200 and sent to the penitentiary for six months. Sherrill, his brother-in-law, who was charged with complicity, was found not guilty. -- -- Spencer Herald.

Killed a Former Algona Man.
William Sidel, a former conductor on the Iowa Central and a resident of Algona, was killed in the big railroad wreck on the Missouri Pacific Road, near Warrensburg, Missouri, last Monday. A freight collided with a passenger train killing 28 people and 60 were injured. Mr. Sidel was a brakeman on the freight train. His remains were shipped to Hampton for burial, the funeral being held Wednesday afternoon. At the request of Mrs. Sidel, Reverend Holmes, of this place, conducted the funeral. -- -- Algona Courier.


-- Mrs. D. Black left Monday morning for Walters, Minnesota, to visit her daughter, Mrs. Kleibenstein.
-- There has been a new girl at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Martin Stewart, of Graettinger, Sunday.
-- Mrs. P. Carroll returned from Milford Thursday where she had been visiting her father and brother.
-- A daughter was born to Dr. and Mrs. Osher, of Graettinger, Monday. The Democrat extends congratulations.
-- Andrew Bergeson, of Emmett county, a brother of B.J. Bergeson, has gone to California where he will make his future home.
-- D. G. McCarty, while at Des Moines recently, past the necessary examination and has been admitted to the bar. The Democrat wishes him success in his chosen profession.
-- A new boy is reported at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Fikin, of Garner.
-- Mrs. P. J. Nolan is reported dangerously ill and a hospital at Spokane, Washington.
-- Mrs. Anna Kendall has moved from Pocahontas to Chicago. She formerly lived at Mallard.
-- The Sheldon Sun has been sold to Bert Hamilton, of the Northwood Anker. It belonged to H. A. Carson.
-- Michael Steil has received a number of photographs of Indian territory scenes that are very interesting. Several of them are of negro farms and cabins. Call on him and see them.
-- Yesterday, Mrs. Roscoe Moses received the sad news of the death of her father, Mr. Moran, of Bailey, Iowa. Mr. and Mrs. Moses will leave for there today to attend the funeral.
-- William and Miss Myrtle Ballard and Mr. and Mrs. Cone returned to Sioux Falls Thursday. They had been here to attend the funeral of their grandfather, Simpson LaBar.
-- Albert Dickinson, of Osgood, has gone to the state of Washington. He is a son of the Z.F. Dickinson. He recently graduated at Iowa college at Grinnell. He is a bright, levelheaded, a upright young man and he will, under a reasonably favorable circumstances, make a success of life.
-- P. J. Connelly moved his family to Sioux City yesterday. He will live on a small farm near the city limits. He traded for it sometime ago. The best wishes of all accompany those people to their new home. Mr. Miller, the C.., M. & St. P. section foreman, will occupy Mr. Connelly's residence in the city.
-- Fred Sharon, editor of the Iowa Catholic Messenger, spent Thursday in this city. He had been at Alton to attend a state convention of the Catholic Mutual Protective society and called this way to see Mr. Donlon. The latter is state secretary of the A.O.H. and Mr. Sharon is state president of the organization.

Mrs. Alex Ruthven Sr., Dead.
Just as we go to press, we learned that Mrs. Alex Ruthven Sr., died at Ruthven Monday at 1 p.m.. The funeral will be held at the M. E. Church at that place at two o'clock this afternoon. The maiden name of the deceased was Geddes. She was among the pioneers of the western part of the county, the town having been named after Mr. Ruthven, who still survives. She was about 88 years old. There are four sons -- Alex, John, Robert and William -- and two daughters -- Mrs. E. P. Barringer and Mrs. Charles Barringer.


-- Madel Axelton is tearing down the old blacksmith shop, and is going to put a two-story building on the lot at once.
-- John Paulsen, our jeweler, has put gas lights in his place of business, having piped it across the street from the Osher plant.
-- Born, to Dr. and Mrs. B. T. Osher, on Sunday, October 16, a daughter. Doctor is now the happiest man in northwest Iowa and many enjoyed the cigars that he distributed.

-- Wednesday morning, at nine o'clock, Mr. Edward J. Elbert and Miss Mary Fuschen, of this place, were married at Sts. Peter and Paul Church, Father Dobberstein officiating. They will live near Whittemore. We extend congratulations.
-- Thursday morning, at nine o'clock, Mr. Andrew Yoch, who lives near Mallard, and Miss Tresica Csukker, of this place, were married at Sts. Peter and Paul Church at this place, by Father Dobberstein. They will live on a farm near Mallard. We wish them success and happiness.

-- Patrick Redden returned to Chicago Sunday after a week's visit here with relatives.
-- Mr. and Mrs. Walter Anderson left Saturday evening for Burt, Iowa, where they will visit relatives for a month.
-- Miss Clara Gift left Saturday morning for Washington, where she will make her future home. The best wishes of her many friends go with her.
-- Mr. and Mrs. Pearson left for Des Moines Monday morning where they will visit relatives for two weeks. The four leaving for their new home in Colorado.

Wednesday, October 26, 1904.

-- Mrs. J. H. Godden returned from Mason City Saturday where she had been visiting her sister, Mrs. Smith, for a week.


Off for Colorado.
C. W. Hastings, Ed Beatty, D. Rosacker, Hans Peters, of this city, and Fred Miller, of Algona, departed Tuesday for points in Colorado, where they went to look at land. -- Ruthven Appeal.

Con Fogarty Is Dead
Con Fogarty, a former resident of Clare, was found dead in a railroad yard in Omaha last Thursday night, October 13. His remains were shipped to Fort Dodge, where the funeral was held Sunday. Mr. Fogarty was well-known in Ayrshire, having worked in this vicinity several years ago. -- -- Ayrshire Chronicle.

Fire at Peterson, Clay County.
On the night of October 12. Peterson was visited by quite a fire, the hardware store of F. W. Hintz destroyed. By hard work of the Peterson fire department no other damage resulted. The loss of stock on goods was complete, and carried $4500 insurance. Mr. Hintz will buy a new stock and go on with the business. -- Spencer Reporter.

Deserving Sons of Old Settlers.
     J. L.Mahan the Democratic candidate for supervisor in the fourth district, was the first boy, born in Palo Alto County. His parents, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Mahan, came to this locality in 1856, and he was born in March of that year. When but ten years old, he helped his father to construct the first bridge ever built across Jack Creek township. The latter used to raft logs down the river to the old Pond Mill, where they were sawed into lumber and slabs. For many years the Mahan home was noted for its hospitality to strangers and it will be gratefully remembered by many who enjoyed a hearty meal and a night's lodging beneath its humble roof and who never had to pay a cent for such accommodations. The worthy sons of those frugal, kindhearted, generous old pioneers, did so much to give comfort and cheer to weary strangers when the country was new and cheerless, are deserving of the favorable consideration of the people who later became settlers. Mr. Mahan is a clean, simple, honest man. He has never before asked the people of the county for an official favor. He is a gentleman of 48 years of age and his entire life has been spent in the county. He has toiled faithfully for the good of everything that has been worthy of encouragement and assistance. The county owes him a debt of gratitude it can never repay. Political lines should not be closely drawn when it comes to the election of such a worthy candidate.
     What is said concerning Mr. Mahan is equally true of Mr. Mulroney, a nominee for auditor. His parents were farmers in Nevada township years before there was an Emmetsburg. The county never had and has not today better, more deserving, or more openhearted citizens. They were pioneers of civilization in northwest Iowa, and they have given nearly fifty years of toil and sacrifice to build up the splendid advantages that bless our community today. No laudable movement has ever failed to receive assistance and encouragement from them. There is no friend so dear as the old friend, and the deserving old settlers are entitled to corresponding attention. Joseph Mulroney spent his entire life in Palo Alto county, has been intensely zealous and tireless in his efforts to improve conditions about him, and has never sought recognition. In fact the nomination was forced onto him by people who felt that he was deserving of the honor. He has a strong claim to the support of all classes regardless of politics. Let all who feel an interest in his candidacy put forward a united effort to elect him.

-- A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. Joe J. Steil Thursday. The Democrat congratulates.
-- Yesterday, Mrs. J. R. Moore gave a handkerchief shower in honor of Miss Florence Smith, who is soon to be married at Laton, California.
-- Miss Fanny Wagner has gone to Ottumwa to become a teacher of typewriting at Ottumwa Business college. The Democrat congratulates her on the recognition of her ability.
-- Ed Murray and Will McNally have gone to Mason city to work for the Higley Egg company.
-- Lee Marron went to Jackson Junction Monday morning to attend the marriage of a cousin.
-- Mrs. C. J. Seymour, of Illinois, is here visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. G. McNamara.
-- Mrs. L. J. Orres was called to Hardy a few days ago to attend the funeral of her sister's little boy..
-- Ed Nolan arrived in this city Tuesday morning from Des Moines for a visit with his sister, Mrs. Alex Cullen.
-- M. W. Joynt arrived home Wednesday, having been absent the greater part of the summer. He had been working for an elevator construction company.
-- Dr. Houghton returned to his home at Valley Junction Monday. Mrs. Houghton will remain here for some time to visit her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Harrison.
-- Thomas Mulroney and daughter, who had been visiting relatives in this county for some time, returned to California yesterday, accompanied by Hugh, son and of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Mulroney. Thomas is a brother of J. T. and Patrick Mulroney.
-- Miss Henrietta Kelly went to Aberdeen, South Dakota, Tuesday to visit her sister, Mrs. S. H. Lynch.
-- E. F. Sibert and son, of Waterloo, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Boyer. Mr. Sibert is a brother-in-law of Mr. Boyer.

Baxter -- Rouse
The marriage of Mr. Robert D. Baxter and Miss Edna Jane Rouse took place at the home of the bride near Ayrshire Thursday evening, October 20. The ceremony was performed by Rev. John Firth. Mr. and Mrs. Baxter will make their future home on his farm in Silver Lake township. They are favorably known in the community in which they reside. The bride is recognized as a young lady of many splendid personal traits. The groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. George Baxter, who are among the most substantial and respected people of Silver Lake. He is esteem for his temperate habits, industry and sterling manhood. The Democrat joins the many relatives and friends of the contracting parties in wishing them health and happiness.

-- -- Brother Adams, of the Humboldt Independent, deserves recognition among the Pioneer newspaper men of Northern Iowa. Speaking of him, the Pocahontas Democrat says: "Al Adams, editor of the Humboldt Independent, has just closed 30 years service in that position. Tradition has it that Adams came to Humboldt, barefooted, dressed in an old calico shirt and a pair of overalls held up by one galus, a button on one end and a tenpenny nail on the other. Alan has grown rich, and like a Kentucky product, better with age, is more handsome and has become the most popular man in the tenth Congressional District -- with the ladies. We hope he will edit the Independent another thirty years."

Held for the Grand Jury.
Monday Harry Saulsbury, of West Bend, was brought to this city and lodged in jail on a charge of entering the home of S. H. Howland a few nights before with criminal intent. It appears that he and some other parties had been attending some social doings during the evening and that later in the night Mrs. Howland and her daughter Mamie, who was sleeping with her, heard a noise in their room. Soon after they saw a man at her bedside. Mamie recognized the defendant and called him by name. When he realized that he was known, he made his escape. He was subsequently arrested and arraigned before Justice Parkin for a preliminary hearing. He was held to await the action of the grand jury. County Attorney Davidson was at West Bend Saturday assisting in the preliminary proceedings. Mr. Saulsbury claims he was under the influence of liquor when he entered the house. The next term of court will be held early in December.

-- L. W. Head recently had the misfortune to lose five haystacks by fire. No insurance.
-- Mrs. John Allen has received word that her brother-in-law Charles Tolifson of Estherville is dead.
-- Mr. Root Sr. is still very low. His daughter, Mrs. Shaull, came from South Dakota Saturday to see him.

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