Palo Alto County Newspapers

Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa
November 1904

Wednesday, November 2, 1904.

-- Paul Peterson went to Excelsior Springs, Missouri, last week to visit his mother.
-- Will Dooley came down from Estherville Saturday evening for a few days' visit at home. He is braking on the rail road.
-- Mr. Henry is again working for J. T. Stemets. He was negotiating for the purchase of a drugstore at Terrill but the deal was not consummated.
-- Mr. and Mrs. John Vogel returned to their home at Decorah Monday morning. They had been here for the past week visiting relatives. Mrs. Vogel recently returned with Mr. and Mrs. Saunders from their trip to Scotland.
-- A. H. Moore, brother of J. R. Moore, of this city, had one of his fingers taken off by a passenger car door a few days ago while going from Algona to Hampton. He attempted to catch the door to keep it from slamming, but it caught his finger and cut it off.


Dropped Through a Bridge
While on his way to Fred McKee's farm Tuesday, Jim Antree's traction engine went through a small bridge just across the Clay County line. The machine escaped undamaged, but the bridge was a total wreck. -- Ayrshire Chronicle

Drown His Horse.
Mr. Landy, who lives near the Trumbull lake creamery, met with a severe loss one day last week. He was going out with a load of coal for the creamery when his team run off the grade upsetting the wagon and throwing horses into a pond. The harness became entangled in a wire fence and held one of the horses down in the water where it was drowned. -- Free Press.

A Singular Accident.
On Tuesday, while Mark Powell was loading potatoes as he caught his hand in some way so that the flesh on the back of his hand was torn back and the cords and arteries broken. It was dressed by a physician and is apparently doing well, though it will make a very sore hand for a good while. The physician told us it was one of the most badly lacerated hands he ever saw. -- Sanborn Pioneer

A Cormorant Killed at Spencer.
Last Thursday morning, Harry Keese, who is employed on the Reporter force, shot a web footed bird, which seem to be a stranger in this locality. The bird was dark colored, almost black. After a number of inquiries and a little investigation, it was classed as a cormorant. It had a hooked bill with a pouch under. The habitats of this bird is along the seashore. There were two of them and they had certainly drifted far from their usual haunts. -- Spencer Reporter.

Married at West Bend.
There was a nice little wedding in town yesterday, Wednesday, October 26, at the home of E. Mantz and wife, when their daughter, Angela D. Mantz, was united in the holy bonds of wedlock to Mr. William W. Stone, of Laverne, Iowa. Rev. Artman performed the ceremony that united these young people for life. The bride is the only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. Mantz and grew to womanhood in West Bend where she is highly respected and is a lady possessing all those qualities that go to make the ideal American girl, and later preside as the matron of a happy household. -- West Bend Journal.


-- A marriage license has been issued to John Peterson, and Maria Jacobinsen
-- Clem Roach went to Des Moines Saturday, where he will finish his course in pharmacy.
-- Mrs. W. J. O'Brien, of Whittemore, visited her sister, Mrs. James Murray, of this city, Wednesday.
-- Mrs. Bergett, who had been visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. Kiley, left for Ruthven Monday.
-- Monday Curlew was granted a second free rural delivery route. The length is 26 miles. There are 97 houses on it and 485 people will be accommodated.
-- Wm. Kirby, of Estherville, visited her sister, Mrs. B. E. Kelley, of this city, Saturday.
-- Peter Metz arrived home from Dallas County Thursday where he had been visiting his daughter, Mrs. Flora.
-- Mrs. Anderson returned to her home at Estherville Monday. She had been visiting her sister, Mrs. J. C. Paulson.
-- Miss Amy Powers returned Tuesday morning after an extended visit with relatives at Boston and other eastern points.
-- Mrs. J. C. Baker arrived here from Dickinson, North Dakota, Tuesday morning to help care for her daughter, Mrs. C. S. Starr, who has been very ill.
-- John Larson, who lived northwest of Wesley, was thrown from his wagon while going home a few nights ago and had his neck broken. He had been under the influence of liquor.
-- Mr. Gilmore, who worked in Mr. Pfiffner's barbershop for some time, is now keeping hotel at Livermore. He has given up traveling for the grocery house whose goods he was handling when he was arrested in this city a few weeks ago.

John O'Rourke Is Dead.
John O'Rourke, an inmate of the poor house, died Friday evening of cancer of the face and brain. It had disfigured his countenance, horribly. He had been a sufferer for it on time. His remains were taken to West Bend, where they were laid to rest Saturday. He was 54 years of age. He leaves a wife and nine children. They live at West Bend.

A Competent Man.
If the taxpayers of the third supervisor district desire the services of a competent man to represent them on the board, they should give their support to Joseph Kleigl. Mr. Kleigl has had experience in public affairs, is a man of good judgment, is conservative, and is fair and upright. He will, if elected, make it capable, painstaking, prudent officer.

J. H. Godden Meets with Mishap
Tuesday afternoon of last week, J. H. Godden met with a mishap that almost cost him his life. While forcing a cartridge into a rifle, it exploded. The bullet just missed his forehand and powder and a piece of the cartridge shell flew into his eyes, which became so badly swollen that he could not see. Dr. Powers was summoned and succeeded in relieving him to some extent, though a piece of the shell remained on the ball of one eye. Hence he decided to take the patient to Mason City where Dr. Murphy, the specialist, succeeded in removing it. It was a close call for Mr. Godden. His many friends will be pleased to learn that he will not suffer any permanent injury.

Go to Pierre Today.
Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Riche will leave today for Pierre South Dakota, where they will spend the winter. Mr. Riche intends working at his trade until spring, when he will prepare to move onto his homestead. He will rent his residence in Emmetsburg. Mr. and Mrs. Riche have resided in the city for a good many years and they have made numerous and devoted friends. They are frugal and most worthy people and will prove substantial members of the community in which they have decided to locate. May success accompany them to their new home.

The Weigman Case Continued
Monday court convened at Spencer, Judge Bailie, presiding. The case of the State of Iowa versus Conrad Weigman for the shooting of Mr. Dexter last April was taken up, but the defendant's attorneys, B. E. Kelley and E. A. Morling, asked for a continuance until the January term, which was granted. An affidavit was filed with the motion asking for a continuance stating that the detective who had been employed in the case last spring could not be present at this term to testify. It also contained a statement of a number of things that the defendant intended to prove through the testimony of said detective. Under sections 3664 and 3665 of the code of Iowa, this is sufficient for a continuance unless the state would be willing to admit the truth of the evidence to which the affidavit refers. This the state was not willing to do. Hence the continuance. A large number of witnesses had been subpoenaed, but none of them went to Spencer Monday. The attorneys present when the motion was argued, were Mr. Davidson for the state and B. E. Kelley and EA Morling for the defendant.

Detective Sues for His Wages.
Charles Bard, the detective who was so active some time ago in securing evidence against several alleged liquor dealers at Estherville, and who charged the marshal and the night watch with accepting bribes, has sued his employers, Messrs. Ridley, Stover, Irwin, Lesher, Bingham and others for $260, which amount he claims to be still due him for services. He says he was to receive $2.50 per day from May 26 to September 11 and $1 per day additional for board. He claims that his total bill amounted to $410, of which only $151.10 has been paid. The case promises to be an interesting one.

Mooney -- Duffy
Monday, Mr. James Mooney, of Allamakee county, and Miss Mary Duffy, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Duffy, of Great Oak Township, were united in marriage at the Catholic church in Ayrshire, father Carroll officiating. The groom was attended by his cousin, Mr. Mooney, of Allamakee county, and the bride by Miss Mary Brennan. After the marriage a sumptuous wedding dinner was served at the home of the bride, only a few relatives and friends being in attendance. Mr. and Mrs. Mooney will, we are informed, make their future home in the northeastern part of the state where the groom has resided. The mating is considered a most congenial one. The bride is a young lady, in whose personality and career, her parents, relatives and friends have just reason to feel a sense of pride. She represents one of the best families in Great Oak and has a wide circle of devoted friends. The groom is spoken of in terms of praise by those who know him. The Democratic extends congratulations to the newlywed couple.

Dr. Lacey in Trouble Again
Another bit of trouble has been stirred up in LuVerne. In fact, LuVerne can produce an article of that kind most any time. This bit of trouble grew out of a game of cards that was indulged in just to while away a tedious hour. Among the players was our old friend, Dr. Lacey, and the boys were putting up $.25 on the corner, just to add a little spice and piquancy to the game. The doctor being short of change, laid down his watch, an article worth $25 or $30, and when the game was over the watch had disappeared. He thought one of the boys took it for a joke and said nothing about the matter until next day when he asked the fellow who is supposed to have it to give it to him. The fellow said he did not have it, and then the doctor spoke to another about it. The other also denied having it and the doctor remarked that someone had lied, whereupon the fellow hauled off and gave him a blow on the eye that blackened that member. The doctor had him arrested and fined $5 and costs and in turn he had the doctor arrested on the charge of carrying concealed weapons. The doctor was fined $60 and costs, though he declares he did not carry a revolver. He refused to pay the fine and is "laying it out" in jail. Such incidents are unfortunate and the doctor feels that he is a much injured man. -- Algona Courier.


Phil Daily was over from Ayrshire Wednesday. He quit farming some time ago, but has been busy doing grade work during the summer months, and he informs us that he has made more money at it than he did while farming. He has had a great deal of experience in this line.

Saturday night, William Bustline of Spencer, shot himself in the head with a 22 caliber rifle. He had been drinking to excess and became despondent. He was found in his barn Monday morning. He had been married two years. He leaves a wife 24 years old and a baby boy one year old.

P. F. Conlon will raffle his $1400 residence and quarter block in this city in the near future. He will sell the tickets for $1 each and the holder of each ticket will be permitted to attend a grand dance to be given in the Armory in this city that date to be announced later. Robert Laughlin and H. W. Beebe will have charge of the raffling of the property. Mr. Conlon intends going to Idaho after he disposes of the house and quarter block.

Miss Mary Nolan to Be Married.
Mr. and Mrs. John F. Nolan, announce the engagement of their daughter, Miss Mary M. Nolan, to Mr. Joseph J. Armstrong, of Butte. The wedding will take place in Livingston during the holiday season. – Livingston ( Montana) Post


-- Mrs. Joseph Morrin and her aunt, Mrs. Robert Carney, returned home last Thursday after a visit of three weeks at Emmetsburg.
-- James Cullighan has gone to Fenton where he will teach the winter term of school..
-- Miss Katherine Morrin went to Emmetsburg Saturday to visit her cousin, Miss Allie Carney

Wednesday, November 9, 1904.

-- Captain and Mrs. Brown will move to fit soon to conduct their hotel at that place.
-- Ed Murray, went to garner Wednesday where he will work for the Milwaukee company.
-- Mrs. M. C. Kirby, of Estherville, visited during the past week with her daughter, Mrs. B. E. Kelly, of this city.
Mr. Billsborough, of the Fenton Reporter, mourns the death of his father, who died recently. The deceased was 70 years of age.
-- Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Weibel have moved from Milford to Sioux City. Mr. Weibel recently sold his personal property at public auction.
-- Mr. and Mrs. John Simon, of Elm Grove, Wisconsin, are visiting Messrs. W.P. and Thos. Reinders and families of Ellington Township. Mrs. Simon is the sister of the Messrs. Reinders
-- Dr. McGuire, of Dubuque, was here over Sunday visiting his cousin, Mrs. O.P. Doyle. He took in the K. of C.. doings. He is still considering the advisability of locating at Wesley.
-- John Reinders, postmaster of Elm Grove, Wisconsin, who had been visiting his brothers, W.P. And Thomas Reinders, of Ellington Township, returned home Monday evening. He spoke interestingly of the great political fight that has been waged in that state during the past few months. Though a democrat, he intends voting for Governor. LaFollette


Off for Oregon.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Treanor left yesterday morning for St. Paul to visit a short time with relatives before leaving for their future home in Dallas, Oregon. -- Ruthven Appeal.

Killed at Glenn, N. D
A sad accident occurred near Glenn, N.D., October 16, when Glennard William Sterner, only son of George and Mildred Sterner, was riding their horse to the spring for water. It started to rain and evidently stumbled, throwing Glennard upon his head, instantly killing him. -- Ruthven Appeal.

A Box of Rattlesnakes.
The health officers of Sutherland condemned two boxes of rattlesnakes, says an exchange, which has been held up by the express company for $35 charges against them since the fair was held in September. They were burned to death in a bonfire in the street. One snake had seventeen rattles and the others had from seven to twelve on them. -- Rolf Reveille

A Valuable and Useful Invention.
J. A. Ellis has invented a railroad electric signal, which is intended to make head end collisions impossible. A connecting brush extending down by the engine wheel forms a circuit in case another engine is dangerously near and a bell is made to ring in the engineers cab. Application has been made for a patent. It looks like a good thing. -- Spirit Lake Herald.

Mr. Kluckhohn In Business Again.
E. F. Kluckhohn, who for the past two years was editor of the Champion has purchased the Garner Signal and taken possession of it. Mr. Kluckhohn is well acquainted with the people of Garner and will, no doubt to a nice business there. The people of that town can rely on having a first class paper under Kluckhohn's management. -- Whittemore Champion

Blakeman Is Missing.
James Blakeman, at one time buttermaker at the Silver Lake creamery, but a resident of Clare for the past nine years, is reported to have disappeared, leaving unpaid obligations to the amount of $3000. He owed the Bank of Clare $1200. The last seen of Blakeman was in Fort Dodge Tuesday. His family claim to ignorance of the present whereabouts. -- Ayrshire Chronicle

Pocahontas Boy Has Called Crushed.
Last Sunday morning, while Riley Cooper, a thirteen-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Cooper, of Sherman township, was driving some horses to pasture, he, boylike, caught hold of the tail of one of the horses. The horse was frightened and kicked, striking the boy with his foot just above the left eye, badly crushing the skull. Drs. Starr, Barthel and Thornton were called and an operation performed, several places of his skull being removed. The boy has been resting easy and is getting along as well as can be expected. -- Pocahontas Record

Strom -- Martin.
A week ago last Saturday night, attorney C. S. Strom left this place for Kansas City, and on Wednesday, October 26, he and Miss Mary Elna Martin were united in marriage. The bride at one time lived in Minneapolis. The young couple arrived home, late Saturday night. Halloween the boys called on the newly wedded pair and proceeded in a manner equal to the time and location to make Rome howl. Mr. Strom invited the crowd by the White Swan restaurant and treated to cigars and sweet meats.
The bride is a very ladylike, sensible and prepossessing appearing young lady, with an an intellectual heir of refinement that is certain to make friends for herself and our community. The groom is a young law here, a graduate of the State University law department, and by strict attention to his profession has won himself a place in business, and has a bright future before him. The Union joined in extending the couple a cordial welcome. May happiness and prosperity be their lot in life. -- Lake Crystal (Minnesota) Union, November 2

-- Miss Florence Smith was married at Laton, California, today, though we have not heard the name of the groom.
-- Mrs. William Hughes, of Osakis, Minnesota, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. F. Brennan, of Great Oak.
-- Miss Gertie Dunigan has secured a good position as stenographer in a large business house at Ludwig, Michigan. She had been attending the business college at Quincy, Illinois.
-- T. J. White was over from Whittemore to stay and spent the day hustling votes for his cousin, Joseph Mulroney. He reports business good at Whittemore and is well pleased with the town.
-- E. A. Ryan, of Cedar Falls, was the guest of Joe Laughlin over Sunday. He came to attend the K. of C. doings. He also took in the ball Monday evening. He is a son of the late John F. Ryan
-- Mr. Fred Kipf, of Monticello, Minnesota, arrived in this city a few days ago to visit his parents. He intends trying husking for two to three weeks before returning. He has impressed favorably all who have met him.
-- Dr. R. J., Nestor came up from Waterloo Saturday, to be present at the institution of the Knights of Columbus council. He visited his many relatives while here. He is pleased with his location at Waterloo and is doing well.
-- Mr. and Mrs. Leckington and family left for Waterloo Tuesday, where they will make their future home. During their several years residence in Emmetsburg they made many friends, who will miss them. Mr. Leckington built up a good patronage in the cement business in this city, and it is to be regretted that conditions were such that he could not afford to remain to take care of it. The Democrat wishes Mr. and Mrs. Leckington success in their new home.

Mr. George Jacobs, father of H. H. Jacobs, died at West Bend last Wednesday after an illness of some duration. The funeral was held Thursday. Mr. Jacobs was well known in this city and had many warm friends all over the county. He came to West Bend township in 1862. He was 84 years of age. He leaves quite a number of grown sons and daughters, all of whom will have the sympathy of their friends and neighbors.

F. E. Dooley has given up his position at Templeton, Texas, and is now taking a course in the Dallas business University. A letter received from him states that business is good and that cotton compressor and oil mills are running night and day. It is very warm there for this time of the year.

L. T. Graves left for Fayette County to stay where he will make his future home. Mrs. Graves went there sometime ago. Their son is attending the Upper Iowa University. The best wishes of all will accompany these good people to their new home.

Monday while driving across the Milwaukee railway track in this city, Michael Conlon, of Great Oak, met with a mishap that nearly cost him his life. The train was standing still and just as he was on the crossing the engine started up. His team started to run down the track towards the water tank, and he was thrown out and quite severely bruised. The buggy was considerably damaged, but the horses were not injured much. The engines and firemen were looking back towards the caboose and not noticing the runaway, did not stop the train. All things considered, it is fortunate that the outcome was not disastrous.

-- Charles Brown, of Fenimore, Wisconsin visited his cousin, Fred Brown, Monday.
-- James Ulrich left for LaTour, Arkansas, Wednesday, where he will visit relatives. This coming winter.
-- Mrs. Nels Reno, who had been visiting her daughter, Mrs. Peter Duhn, returned to Rodman Thursday morning.
-- Dennis Kirby leaves today for Anaconda, Montana, where he will run an engine and an electric light plant.
-- Mr. and Miss Hulse, of Eagle Grove, visited from Saturday until Tuesday, with their cousin, Miss Siegle
-- Mrs. Smead and family left for Waterloo to stay where they will make their future home.
-- Carl Siegle, of Spencer, is visiting his uncle, Charles Siegle, of this place. He intends leaving for Germany, November 15.
-- John Hahn was up from Mallard Monday. He brought his mother-in-law, Mrs. Hough, to town. She took the train for Kenmare, North Dakota.
-- Mrs. William Fisher and children, of Eagle Grove, who had been visiting her sister, Mrs. John Treadgold, for two weeks, returned home Wednesday
-- Alex Cullen has purchased to be L. T. Graves residence in the first ward. The consideration is something like $1300. He and Mrs. Cullen will move into it at once



-- Mrs. T. S. Hayes, of Armstrong, has been here during the past ten days visiting with her sisters, Mesdames Jenswold and Dalen and other friends at this place
-- Photographer Peterson has moved into the Gallagher house in the south part of town

Hundreds of Guests Come from Various Parts of Iowa and Adjoining States
Over Three Hundred, Enjoy one of the Grandest Banquet At the Armory Ever Prepared for a Northern Iowa Gathering

     The institution of Emmetsburg Council, and religious history of our county. It brought together representative gentleman from all parts of Iowa and several from surrounding states. A special train from Fort Dodge carrying 110 of its leading Knights arrived at 930 in the morning over the Rock Island. It returned at 215 the following morning after the close of the banquet. Carroll also sent a good delegation including eight or 10 members of the daughters of Isabella, of that place, who came to institute the local court of their order. Des Moines, Waterloo, Cedar Falls, Waukon, Cedar Rapids, La Porte City, Keokuk, Mason City, Eagle Grove, Algona, Wesley, Armstrong, Livermore, Graettinger, Ayrshire, Sioux City, Denison, Sioux Falls, Rock Valley, Pocahontas, Clare, and other places that we cannot recall were represented, many of them by several members. One gentleman was present from Galena, Illinois, one from Minneapolis, and one from Madison, Wisconsin.
     At 1030, the visiting Knights met at the Waverly Hotel, their headquarters, and hand headed by the local candidates, 60, marched in double file to Assumption Church to attend mass. The visiting daughters of Isabella, who had previously been taken in carriages to the St. Mary's Academy Hall, where they met the local candidates for membership in their organization, occupied pews to the right of the main aisle and the church. Very Reverend J. J. Smith celebrated Mass. At the close he extended a few words of greeting to the many visitors. The sermon, on the gospel of the day, by Dr. Carroll, of Dubuque, was a scholarly, logical, and eloquently delivered a discourse as has ever been heard in Assumption Church. Scores of visiting Knights said they had never heard anything better. Would that we had time and space to give a synopsis of his masterly effort. His closing appeal to the Knights and the Daughters of Isabella to study and practice the sublime teachings of their faith was intensely earnest and fervid. He asked them to discourage controversies at much as possible, saying that pure, upright, unselfish lives would do more than mere professions in influencing the convictions of those about them. But this does not mean that the Knights should not be prepared to explain intelligently and calmly any question of a religious nature that might be asked him. Though scholarly, most argumentative, and truly eloquent, Dr. Carroll is one of the most unassuming of clergyman. He visited the society hall during the afternoon and witnessed the exemplification of the first two degrees in the initiation of the local K. of C. candidates.
On their return to town after the exercises at the church, the Knights dispersed for dinner, which was served at the Waverly and Saint James hotels and the Elite Café.
     The initiatory exercises took place in the Odd Fellows Hall. The K. of C. Hall and parlors will be on the second floor of the Brown Kerwick building when it is completed. The first and second degrees of the initiatory work was given by Fort Dodge Council number 613. The third-degree exercises were in charge of honorable M. F. Healey, of Fort Dodge, who is the district deputy. All in attendance will agree that he is a master in this line. Honorable W. F. McCullough, the state deputy, and member of the national council, was present and had charge of the entire work.
     The following are the members of the newly formed Council No. 946, of Emmetsburg: Branagan, W. I.; Berger, C. J.; Bender, J. K.; Bradley, George P.; Carroll, Reverend I. J.; Costello, Reverend M. J.; Conlon, M. E.;Cullen, Eugene; Dealey, J. F.; Doyle, J. S.; Doyle, E. J.; Doyle, O.P.; Donlon, P. H.,; Donlon, Peter Driscoll, M.; Duffy, T. J.; Duffy, J. A.; Dunigan, James; Fitzgerald, S. P.; Flynn, Charles; Gussman, Joe M.; Hand, Frank; Higgins, E. J., Jr.; Hughes, EM; Joyce, Joseph; Kelly, Reverend J.; Kelly, J. H.; Kerwick, M. F.; Kirby, W. V.; Laughlin, Robert; Laughlin, Joe; Loughlin,W.J.; McNerney, Reverend M.; Martin, Thomas R.; Martin, James R.; Malia P.E.; McEvoy, M. T.; McMahon, P. F.; McCoy, James; McGuire, J. T.; McCormick, Frank; McElroy, K. J.; Moran, John; Mulroney, F. E.; Mulroney, Robert; Mulroney, Joseph; Mulry, T. J.; Neary, J. F.; Neary, James W. Neary, John M.; Noland, PV; Phillips, J. and Reibsen, L.; Rutledge, TF; Shea, Robert; Shea, W. R.; Shea, R. E.; White, TJ; Kelly, Joe.

The following are the names of the officers chosen:
Chaplain... Reverend M. J. Costello.
Grand Knight... S. P. Fitzgerald.
Deputy Grand Knight... T. R. Martin.
Recorder... James Neary.
Financial Secretary... John Moncrief.
Treasurer... M. F. Kerwick.
Lectureer... W. I. Branagan.
Advocate... J. H. Kelly.
Warden... L. Reihsen
Inside Guard... C. J. Berger
Outside Guard... Joseph Gossman
Trustees... Robert Shea, James Dunigan, J. F. Neary.

     At 230 the institution of Isabella Court, No. 14 of Emmetsburg was commenced. Dr. Kelly, of Carroll, is the official organizer for the state. The work was done by officers of the Carroll court, the only one in Iowa. The ladies present were Mrs. McAllister, Mrs. Laughlin, Mrs. Kelly, and Miss Arts, Miss Pape, and Miss Kelly. The first three degrees of the order were conferred on the members of the new court. The installation of the officers was under the direction of Mrs. Lens of Carroll. All who took the obligations speak in the highest terms of praise of successful manner in which the visiting ladies acquainted themselves of the exacting and laborious duties required of them in the work of installation.
     The following are the names of the members of the newly formed court, which is the second organized in Iowa and the 14th in the United States:
     Kate Driscoll; Mrs. W. I. Branagan; Nellie Kerwick; Mrs. M. F. Kerwick; Kittie, Mulroney; Mrs. John Moncrief; Anna Gossman; Rose Loughlin; Mary Loughlin; Nellie Loughlin; Mary E. Laughlin; Mrs. P. V. Nolan; Mrs. Robert Shea; Mrs. F. Dealy; Josie Dealy; Mrs. S. P. Fitzgerald; Mrs. M. Gleason; Mrs. C. J., Berger; Agnes Rutledge; Anna Rutledge; Jennie Kelly; Mrs. J. Dunigan; Mrs. J. K. Benda; Mrs. O. P. Doyle; Alice Mulroney; Mary Duffy; Katherine Duffy; Mary Mulroney; Maggie Mulroney; Mrs. L. Reihsen; Mrs. James Doyle; Mrs. P. O'Grady; Mrs. P. Donlon; Kate Donlon; Mrs. J. N. Phillips; Mrs. J. P. McGuire; Josie McEvoy; Mrs. M. Joyce; Mrs. A. Rutledge; Julia Crowley; Mary Crowley; Lottie Walsh; Mrs. S. McDonnell; Maggie Ryan; Mary Nugent; Anna Grady; Mrs. M. McEvoy; Lil Patton.
     The following are the names of the officers chosen:
Grand Regent... Jennie Kelly.
Deputy GR... Mrs. James Doyle.
Financial Secretary... Nellie Kerwick.
Treasurer... Mrs. S. P. Fitzgerald.
Prophetess... Katherine Duffy.
Historian... Kittie Mulroney.
Monitor... Josephine Dealy.
Sentinel... Nellie Loughlin
Organist..., Mary E. Laughlin.
Chaplin... Reverend M. J. Costello.
Trustees -- Mesdames M. Joyce, S. McDonnell, James Dunigan, Robert Shea, M. F. Kerwick, A. Rutledge

Wednesday, November 16, 1904.

-- Lewis Aalvik, the Ringsted embezzler, has been sentenced to the penitentiary for two years.
-- Dr. C. B. Grear, formerly of Burt, recently attempted to kill himself at Des Moines because of disappointment in a love affair.
-- E. F. Kluckhohn, formerly of Graettinger, and later of the Whittemore Champion, has purchased the Garner Signal, the oldest paper at that place. He was a clergyman for several years
-- Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Cone, of Sioux Falls, South Dakota, passed through the city Sunday evening on a way to St. Louis to take in the exposition. Mrs. Cone is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Ballard.
-- Brother Stansberry, of Mason city, fell from a high stool, on which he was standing, a few days ago, and received injuries it was feared might prove serious. However, we are pleased to learn that he is improving.


Off for Mount Vernon.
Mr. and Mrs. Parkin left Tuesday evening for their new home at Mount Vernon. Mr. Parkin has purchased a small farm near that city and will for the future be a killer of the soil. -- -- West Bend Advance

Shot a Valuable Cow.
Monday night, a cow belonging to W. J. Anglum, which was running in the pasture near the slaughterhouse, was shot by some unknown parties. The shot was heard by several but on account of the night being hallowe’en no attention was paid to it. The animal was valued at $40 -- Ayrshire Chronicle

Howe Never Got a Scratch
After nearly 30 years of continuous service for the B., C.R. &N. and Rock Island Railways, Mr. Pat Howe has stepped down and out with a record that any man might be proud of. During the years that he has been roadmaster he has given his companies most excellent service and during all this time he has been very fortunate in escaping without a scratch, though he has ridden in most every kind of railway device, snowplows, flangers, and many items under very scary conditions. -- Estherville Enterprise.

Aged Iowan Said to Have Seen First Steamboat Ply on Hudson
Eldora, Iowa, November 14 -- Samuel Westcott, the oldest man in central Iowa, is dead. He was nearly 103 years old and had been a member of the Methodist Church for 70 years. He was born in Westchester County, N.Y., February 12, 1802, and claimed to have seen the initial trip of the first steamboat ever sailed on the Hudson River.

Dixon Iowa Savings Bank Declared to Be Bankrupt
Davenport Iowa, November 14 -- Referee J.M. Helwick has declared the Dixon Iowa savings bank to be bankrupt. The bank was wrecked some time ago by Arnold Beuthien, it's cashier, who is now a fugitive from justice. Depositors at Dixon and New Liberty, where Beuthien is said to have wrecked another bank, will lose about $100,000

Mrs. J. H. Warren Is Dead
Mrs. Warren, wife of J. H. Warren, who established the West Bend Journal, recently died of consumption. Her sons, Robert and E. H. Warren, are well and most favorably known among the newspaper people of Iowa. Mr. and Mrs. Warren were Kossuth County pioneers. Mr. Warren published the Algona Upper Des Moines for several years. Later he located at West Bend. He died some time ago. The remains of Mrs. Warren were laid to rest at Algona.

Lost Their Son.
Mr. and Mrs. Tallman, who live in Nevada township, mourn the loss of their son, Walter James, who died last Friday, of typhoid malaria. He had not been ill, long. The funeral took place Sunday afternoon. The services were held at the residence and were conducted by Rev. S. R. Beatty, pastor of the M. E. Church, of this city. The deceased was 13 years of age. Mr. and Mrs. Tallman have the sympathy of their many friends and neighbors in their sorrow.

A J. Bevard Is Dead
A. J. Bovard, who kept a barbershop in Ayrshire for some time, died at that place Sunday evening of typhoid fever. He had been ill two or three weeks. The funeral was held at Ayrshire yesterday. He leaves a wife and a small family. He was perhaps between 40 and 50 years of age. Some years ago, he lived in the neighborhood of Rodman. The sympathy of all is extended to the afflicted family.

-- M. Carroll, of Curlew, has located at Twin Brooks, North Dakota
-- Miss Alice Dolan has accepted a position in W. J. Black's store.
-- Frank Gotch, Humboldt's great wrestler, intends going to Europe soon to engage the champions on the other side of the water.
-- E. E. Shriner, formerly of Rodman, is now engaged in an elevator at Canton, South Dakota. His family moved to that place a short time ago.
-- A marriage license has been issued to Herbert McClelland, and Orabelle Elkins
-- Little Mary Millea went to Graettinger Saturday to visit her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. McCarty.
-- Mrs. McMahon, of Wesley, arrived in this city Saturday evening to visit her mother, Mrs. J. B. Guerdet
-- Mrs. Lewrs, of wording, South Dakota, who had been visiting her sister, this is C. E. Taylor, since Friday, returned home Monday.
-- Mrs. Dunkleberger, who had been here visiting her mother, Mrs. Early, and other relatives, returned to her home at Rock Rapids Saturday.
-- Mrs. Hendricks, of Winterset, and Mrs. Mobley, of Erland, who had been here visiting their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Blighton, returned home Monday.
-- Alex Christenson arrived in the city from Denmark Saturday and will make it home at this place. He is the brother of Fred Christenson and a nephew of P. F. Gylling
-- Mr. and Mrs. Schaffer, of Vernon, left for Sheldon last evening in response to a telegram stating that one of Mrs. Schaffer's sisters had died at that place quite suddenly.
-- E. L. Marsh left Sunday evening for St. Louis to attend the exposition. He was accompanied by his sister, Mrs. H. Beck, of Jackson, Minnesota, who will visit relatives in Illinois.
-- Judge Quarton's father died at Fremont, Nebraska, a few days ago at the age of 83. The wife, who survives him, he is 72. The judge has the sympathy of his many friends in this county.
-- John Haire, one of the oldest and most respected residents of Fort Dodge, died a few days ago. He was 86 years old. He located at Fort Dodge in 1855 and, we understand, opened the first general store at that place. He prospered and was in pretty fair circumstances from a financial standpoint. He was philanthropic and was a model citizen.
-- John, son of Mr. and Mrs. M. F. Brennan, arrived home from Villard, Minnesota, a few evenings ago, where he had been farming during the spring and summer. He will remain until after the holidays. He had good oats and barley, but his wheat suffered from the black rust. He sold his barley to a neighboring brewery for $.35 per bushel. He speaks highly of the country.

Off for North Dakota.
C. B. Kendall left for Granville, North Dakota, last evening. He will remain there during the winter and possibly longer, as he has a homestead in that locality. Mrs. Kendall has been there for some time. Mr. Kendall has been in this office almost continuously since the fall of 1894 and we must say that he has been a competent and most faithful employee. He was thrown on his own resources when he was a mere child. Few who had the limited opportunities given him have succeeded as well as he has. He is today one of the best printers in northern Iowa and he is well qualified for local reportorial duties. The Democrat wishes him success where ever he goes and will watch with interest his future career.


-- Born, to Mr. and Mrs. J. Reining, on Friday, a child.
-- Dr. Beatty, of Mallard, was called for consultation concerning the condition of Mrs. Reining, who has been dangerously ill during the past few days.

Wednesday, November 23, 1904.

-- a fire company has been organized at Ayrshire.
-- Joe Shea will teach in the Kibby district in Booth township during the coming winner
-- Mrs. James Murray visited her sister, Mrs. W. J. O'Brien, of Whittemore, the last of the week.
-- Curt Beck left for Dakota, Illinois, Sunday night to see an uncle who is dangerously ill. His brother, O. L. Beck, has temporarily taken his place.
-- A. short time ago Drs. Seele & Oaks performed a very successful operation for a nasal difficulty on the little son of Barney Elsenbast, who lives near Graettinger
-- Herbert, the 24-year-old son of Prof. W. V. Jones, of Fort Dodge, the well-known musician, died last Saturday. Prof. Jones attended the K. of C. doings in Emmetsburg two weeks ago..
-- Gus Millerke, as death near Boise city, Idaho, was reported last week, was accidentally shot by his hunting companion, Mr. Phelps. The bullet pierced his leg. The injury would not have proven fatal, had it not been for the loss of blood he suffered before, ethical assistance could reach him. He leaves a wife and a small family. They moved to Idaho couple of years ago.


Dyer Put in New Lighting Plant
G. M. Dyer has installed a new lighting plant in his hardware store. The lamps are of the latest improved gasoline pattern and are a decided improvements to the store. The plant was put in by P. F. McGuire, who heads the agency for the lights in this vicinity. -- Ayrshire Chronicle

Business Change at West Bend.
John Wagner, who has for the past few years been in the Board of Trade barn, disposed of his livery stock to F. M. Crisman, Mr. Crisman taking possession Wednesday morning. Mr. Crisman will put the stock of both barns together and use the Board of Trade barn for a feed stable. Mr. Wagner as yet has not decided what he will do but expects to move on the farm in the spring. -- West Bend Advance.

-- J. W. Darland has had his pension increased to $12 per month.
-- A. H. Harris, a veterinary surgeon from Milford, has located at Ruthven.
-- Mrs. John McNally went to Graettinger Friday to visit her sister, Mrs. McGoey.
-- Miss Ella Godden returned from Mason City at a where she spent a week visiting with her cousin, Mrs. Maude Smith.
-- W. L. Linderman is building an addition to his residence. His parents recently came from Fayette county to reside with him and he has, as a result, found it necessary to enlarge his home.
-- J. A. Morris has purchased an interest in a blacksmith shop at Ayrshire.
-- Mrs. Smead and children left for Waterloo, where she will keep house for her brother, a Mr. Knowles.
-- As we go to press, we learn that Mr. and Mrs. James Adamson's youngest child, aged three months, died last night.
-- John McBride is putting up a hardware store building at Ayrshire. The Chronicle says he is enjoying a large patronage.
-- Roy Rogers, of Rock Rapids, has accepted a position in the People's Meat market. He commenced work last Saturday.
-- P. F. Conlon says he hopes to be ready to move his family to Idaho early in January. He will go to the locality in which Messrs. Jacobs and Tobin are interested.
-- Mr. Griffith, the genial landlord of the Waverley, will serve tomorrow one of the best meals ever prepared at that popular hotel. Preparations will be made for a large number so that all who come can be properly accommodated.
-- Ada Seimbleman, of Marathon, aged 15, attempted to commit suicide Sunday by shooting herself with a rifle. It is thought she will die. She had been forbidden by her parents to keep company with a certain young man, and hence her act.
-- Joseph Doyle, of Great Oak, received a telegram from his brother, Herbert, of Iowa Falls, Sunday evening announcing the serious illness of their father. He is not likely to recover. Joseph and George left for that place in a morning.
-- W. A. Moan, of Ruthven, was recently called to some point near Rockford, Illinois, a few days ago to attend the funeral of one of his brothers who suddenly died at that place while sitting in a barber chair to be shaved. The deceased visited this county, a couple of years ago.
-- The Ayrshire Chronicle says: "Rev. L. J. Carroll left by Day for St. Louis to visit the fair. He will also attend a reunion of the priests ordained from St. Patrick's College, of County Carlow, Ireland, who are now in this country, which will be held there this week."
-- Thos. Martin arrived from Texas Monday morning, to be present at the funeral of his sister, Mrs. P.J. Nolan. He reports times prosperous in the Lone Star State. He will remain for a few days to visit his daughter, Mrs. Wm. Jackman, and old friends in this locality.
-- Friday evening Mr. and Mrs. N. A. Steil entertained about 60 of their friends and neighbors at cinch. Edward McNally and Mrs. P. H. Hand where the prize winners of the evening. An elegantly prepared lunch was served at midnight. Mr. and Mrs. Steil are most admirable entertainers.
-- Representative Chassel, of LeMars, was a pleasant caller Saturday evening. He is still interested in his paperwork, but spends most of his time on the road soliciting. Mr. Chassel has a great many warm friends among the newspaper voice. He is a prince of good fellows.


-- The Whittemore Champion reports a ten pound boy at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Elbert.
-- Frank Miles has been hired to run at Ayrshire's water plant. He is said to be a competent man for the position.
-- Mr. Herbert McClelland, and Miss Orabelle Elkins were married in this city Wednesday by Rev. Glen A. Taylor.
-- Mrs. H. C. Armstrong returned to Rake, Iowa, last week. She had been visiting her father and sister in this city.
-- E. W. Reid, of Ruthven, has secured a position in an elevator at Cylinder and has moved his family to that place.
-- Miss Gertie Peyton, of Ruthven, has gone to Douglas, Wyoming, to visit her brother Albert, who lives at that place.
-- E. J. Higgins, Sr., was at Rockwell during the past week attending the funeral of one of his nephews, a Mr. Laughlin.
-- Mrs. Sarah Frazier, who conducted a hotel at Ayrshire for some time, died at Webster City a few days ago. A son, William Frazier, lives at Ayrshire.
-- W. R. Millham arrived home from the Black Hills country last week where he had been looking after the interests of the mining company with which he is connected.
-- Mr. Willard A. Thayer and Miss Gertrude B. Mable, of Ruthven, are to be married today by Rev. G. W. Whitfield. Mr. Thayer is a farmer. Miss Mable is a schoolteacher.
-- We understand that Mr. John H. Sherlock and Miss Lydia G. Herberger were married at the Graettinger Catholic church yesterday, Rev. JJ Kelly officiating. The Democratic extends hearty congratulations

List of Jurors.
Following is a list of jurors drawn for the December term of the District Court, which convenes on Monday, December 5. The jurors, however, will not appear until December 12.
Melvin Fisk, Curlew.
F. L. Anderson, Ruthven.
Gus Gordon, Emmetsburg
B. J. Bergeson, Graettinger
John O'Connor, Graettinger.
J. T. Mahan, Graettinger
J. R. Cottington, Curlew
Paul Erickson, Rodman.
A E. Dowd, Emmetsburg.
A Henenfent, West Bend
A W. Jeffries, Ruthven
W. H. Horn, Vernon
J. C. Christianson, Lost Island
E. D., Greedy, Emmetsburg.
Robert Vottler, Independence
J. B. Williams, Emmetsburg.
T. B. Duhn, Ruthven
James Learmont, Ayrshire.
T. H. Jennings, Emmetsburg.
P. Neary, Nevada.
Lewis L. Hague, Vernon
J. F. Kennedy, Ayrshire.
C. S. Wells, Osgood.
George M. Watson, West Bend.
John Ryan, Great Oak
John Johnson Sr., Curlew.
Frank Russell, Ayrshire.
F. S. Appleman, Emmetsburg.
S. W. Ballard, Emmetsburg.
E. J. Easton, West Bend

Called Here on a Sad Mission.
J. L. Martin recently moved from Oklahoma to Minneapolis. He arrived in the city Sunday morning to attend the funeral of his sister, Mrs. P. J. Nolan. Mr. Martin is aging some, like many more of our citizens, but he is as ready and interesting a converser as he was when he lived here. For one whose opportunities were comparatively limited, the Democrat has long regarded Mr. Martin as a gentleman of genuine oratorical ability. Besides, he has the courage of his convictions. The editor of the Democrat does not think as he does on many public questions, but we entertain a high opinion of his natural ability and his sincerity. The death of his son and his sister within a few months has been pretty severe on him. May the future be more generous to him than 1904 has been.

Coat Thieves in Town
Sunday night, while Mr. and Mrs. M. T. McEvoy were attending the mission at Assumption Church, someone stole a code skin overcoat and a fur cape from their buggy. A fur coat was also stolen from Thomas Joyce's buggy. While people are serving their Creator, the agents of the devil are ever active. We sincerely hope that the coat thieves may be located. 

Once an Emmetsburg Operator.
Mr. Osher, of Graettinger, was a business visitor to Emmetsburg Monday. He is the oldest businessman at that place. He was a telegraph operator at the B., C.R.& N. depot in this city eighteen years ago and was sent from here to Graettinger where he became station agent. Subsequently, he engaged in the mercantile business at that place and later gave up railroading. He has prospered.

Has Sold His Newspaper.
James E. Mills has sold the Dickens Leader to Flint Bros., the new proprietors of the Senate, of that place. They will move the plant to Greenville and will use it in printing the Times. Mr. Mills published The Leader for five years. Editorially, its tone was decidedly anti-religious. Mr. Mills does not believe in a Supreme Being and is very outspoken in his views. In fact, most of his editorials have been criticisms of the Bible and religion. He is wealthy and has been engaged in several other lines of business at Dickens. He published the Leader in a room in his residence, which is some distance from the business part of town. He is a pleasant gentleman, is said to be upright in his dealings with his fellow man, and is decidedly philanthropic. Though Dickens is but 18 miles west of Emmetsburg we never heard of the Leader until a few days ago.


-- John O'Brien, of Greene, is visiting his sister, this is Michael Hester.
-- a daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Pender morning.
-- Judge Thomas Rutledge, an uncle of Thomas and John Rutledge, of this city, died in California a few days ago. He defended the Younger Bros., who assisted the James Bros. in the Northfield bank robbery over 25 years ago. He was a noted lawyer.
-- Mr. Hoagland, Mrs. Julia Foy, and Miss Celia Kelly will leave for California this week. Mr. Hoagland will spend the winter at various points in that state and Mrs. Foy will return to her home at San Jose. Miss Kelly goes to San Diego to remain until spring. They will start as soon as they can secure sleeping car accommodations.
-- Miss A. S. Partello, daughter of Hon. B.J. Partello, of Berlin, Germany, so well known to many of our citizens, visited Mrs. C. C. Mueller, of this city, during the week. She came to look after her several farms in this locality, which her father recently gave her. She never before visited Iowa, but is delighted with the country. She has spent most of her life in Europe, in company with her father, who has been in the foreign service of our country for over a quarter of a century. Miss Partello has a brother in Chicago and a sister in Germany. She intends returning to Berlin soon

Wednesday, November 30, 1904


-- Miss Anna Skow, of Wesley, has gone to China to do missionary work.
-- The St. Joe post office in Kossuth County, located near Livermore, has been discontinued.
-- The Graettinger Times reports a new girl at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Craven, of Vernon Township.
-- Miss Nellie Flood, formerly of West Bend, a niece of Mrs. Thomas Beacom, has gone to Sinsinawa Mound, Wisconsin, to become a member of the Dominican order of Sisters.
-- Mr. and Mrs. Mills and family, of Eldora, who had been visiting Mr. and Mrs. C. L. McFarland for three or four days, returned home Friday. Mrs. McFarland is the sister of Mrs. Mills.
-- Father O'Farrell, formerly of Iowa city, died at Ottumwa a few days ago. His taking off was quite sudden. He was a very able clergyman. He was a classmate of very Rev. J. J. Smith while studying for the priesthood in Ireland.


Sheldon Saloonkeeper Sued
Mrs. Edith Hunt, of Sheldon, has brought damage suits against P. J. McGarty and V. J. Fiebig, saloon keepers in Sheldon, for the sum of four thousand dollars. The cause of action is that the defendant sold liquor to the plaintiff's husband. It is said the suit will be pushed vigorously. -- Sanborn Pioneer.

Mr. Barringer Kills a Bear
E. P. Barringer had decided that the pet bear, which he had had for over a year, was getting too large and cross to be safe to keep and on last Saturday he was killed. A portion of the meat was sold to the local butcher and a portion was shipped to Chicago. Mr. Barringer shipped the hide to a tanner to be dressed and will be kept as a memento of his bearship. -- Ruthven Free Press


-- Mrs. Kunath, of Spencer, visited her daughter, Mrs. C. L. Barnes, of this city, Thanksgiving
-- Mr. Guy Knowlton and Miss Maud Robbe were married at Whittemore Tuesday evening of last week.
-- We understand that M. L. Brady will take charge of the Val Blatz cold storage business in this city December 1.
-- Miss Nicholson, of Sioux City, has been visiting her sister, Mrs. P. J. Nally, of this place, during the past week.
-- Julius Kresensky, the Algona stonemason, who worked in Emmetsburg several years ago, lost his thirteen-year-old son last week.
-- Mrs. N. Oskerson, of Gukeen, Minnesota, spent the last of the week with her daughters, Mrs. Nels Simonsen and Miss Oskerson, of this place
-- Mrs. M. D. Gurnett, of Barnum, spent a few days of last week visiting her brother, Thomas Condon, of Great Oak. While here she attended the mission at Assumption Church.
-- Bert Hirleman has rented the Dalen restaurant at Graettinger and has taken possession of it. He has not rented a house yet, but is said to have three or four in view. Mr. Hirleman is all right and is entitled to the confidence of the public. May he succeed in his new undertaking as well as he did in telephone work.
-- Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Lockin, of Aurelia, spent Thanksgiving with Rev. And Mrs. S. R. Beatty, of this city. Mr. Lockin is a brother of Mrs. Beatty.
-- J. C. Paulson intends moving to Idaho as soon as he can close out his stock and collect the accounts due him.
-- Mrs. Hanson, of Bode, was in this city Monday evening. She is the sister of Mrs. Shauger. She had been at Fenton attending the funeral of her mother, Mrs. Jensen.
-- Mr. and Mrs. Shauger were called to Fenton Friday to attend the funeral of Mrs. Shauger's mother, Mrs. Jensen, who died Friday. She was 81 years of age. She had resided in that vicinity for over 20 years. Mrs. Shauger has the sympathy of her many Emmetsburg friends.

Joe J. Steil Sells His Hardware Stock
Joe J. Steil has traded his hardware stock and part of his machinery to John Peters for his farm of 100 acres east of town. Mr. Peters will ship the stock to Twin Falls, Idaho, where he will and engage in business. Mr. Steil has made no arrangements for the future, but will perhaps continue in his present line, as he has not sold his wagons, buggies, or a portion of his machinery.

Frank Warnke Rents Alex Moses' Blacksmith Shop
Frank Warnke has rented Alex Moses’ blacksmith shop. The latter has decided to quit the business. The location is a more suitable one for Mr. Warnke than the one south of the Milwaukee track. He desires his many patrons to bear in mind the change.


-- J. H. Brennan and Jake Stewart furnished the music for the dance in the new home that Ole Norris has just finished west of town
-- Joe Herberger, who has been working in Wisconsin during the past year, came back last week to spend a short time among his relatives at this place.

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