Palo Alto County Newspapers

Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa

Emmetsburg Democrat; Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa; August 3, 1904


- Mr. Steinhilber’s store at Albert City, Pocahontas county, was destroyed by fire a few nights ago. Total loss, $3,000; insurance, $2,100.
- Mrs. T.H. Brennan, who had been visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jeremiah Green, of Highland township, returned to her home at Sioux City the last of the week.
- The Ayrshire Chronicle says that P.F. McGuire has accepted a position with the American Automatic Lighting Plant company, of Albert Lea and has the district agency for sixteen counties in the northwest part of the state. He will soon start on his new duties.
- Robert Mulroney and James Scott started by team for Colman, South Dakota, Wednesday. James McCoy also intends going in a short time. Messrs. McCoy and Mulroney will run the threshing machine they received from Kirby Bros. In a trade a short time ago. There is an abundance of grain in that section.


Terril Land Brings $48 Per Acre
Hans Peters sold his 320 acre farm, Wednesday, to David Lennox, of Marshall county. The price paid was $15,360 or $48 per acre. This is the biggest real estate deal that has been made near here since the boom.—Terril Tribune.

Has a Spencer Relative
Mrs. F.W. Medlar, of this city, is a cousin of Judge Alton Brooks Parker, the democratic candidate for president. When news of the Judge’s nomination reached Spencer Mrs. Medlar sent him a letter of congratulations and on Monday received an acknowledgment of the same.—Spencer Herald.

Spies Sells Lumber Yard
A deal was consummated Monday whereby Royal Lumber company became the owner of Spies’ lumber yard. The company has a number of yards in northwest Iowa and have ample means to carry on the business. Fred H. Green, the local salesman, will move his family here in a short time and will make Graettinger his future home. – Graettinger Times.

An Officer Brought Her Back.
Deputy Sheriff Marker returned yesterday from Webb, where he had been in search of Miss Eda Collins, who left her home south of Greenville last Friday evening. It seems that she had been forbidden the pleasure of attending a dance that night and took offense and packed her grip and left for parts unknown. Her father got out a warrant for her and put the officers in search.—Spencer Reporter


- Miss Cora Kent of West Union is visiting her brother, H.W. Kent of this city.
- Mark Aukema left yesterday for Boise, Idaho, where he will make his future home.
- Forest Kunath, of Spencer, visited last week with his sister, Mrs. C.L. Barnes, of this place.
- Mrs. D.R. Alexander, of Estherville, visited her parents, MR. and Mrs. E.B. Soper, of this city, during the past week.
- Thursday, Jay Tutt, of Marathon, had a foot and leg taken off while trying to climb onto a freight train that was passing through the country.
- Mrs. C.J. Emery of Nashua arrived her Friday evening for a visit with her niece, Mrs. W.H. Vaughan.
- Mrs. J.F. Keller left Saturday evening for Boulder, Colorado. She was called here by the serious illness of a brother.
- The Misses Dungan have rented Charles McCormick’s building east of the city hall and are having the rooms fitted up for dressmaking parlors.
- A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. M.R. Bradley, of Vernon township, Wednesday.
- Mrs. Ralph Carr, of Witchita, Kansas, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Harrison.
- Miss Kittie Walsh, of Armour, South Dakota, is visiting her sister, Miss Teresa Fitzgerald. She will remain for a couple of weeks.
- Mr. McGrorty, father of Mrs. Wm. Dick-Peddie, returned to Kentucky Monday after a most delightful visit with relatives and his many other friends of the past 30 years’ acquaintance in this locality.
- Rev. Peter Garrahan, the Catholic pastor at Lawler, died Monday night. He had been very ill for several months.
- Miss Daisy Walsh, who had been visiting her sister, Miss Teresa Fitzgerald, left Monday for Sexton to visit friends. From there she will return to Chicago by way of Dubuque.
- Mrs. O.P. Doyle was called to St. Paul Wednesday to attend the funeral of her mother, Mrs. D.L. Laughran, who died at that place. She has the sympathy of her numerous friends in her sorrow.
- James Gibson, who had been here visiting his daughter, Mrs. A.E. Troyer, returned to his home at Hastings, Nebraska, Monday. His two grandchildren, Misses Edith and Jay Mead, were with him on his visit here.
- Senator W.J. Hennessey, of New Orleans, Louisiana, is a guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. B.E. Kelly. He is a cousin of Mrs. Kelly. This is his first trip to this section and so far his impressions of the country have been most agreeable.
- C.F. Moran received his diploma a few days ago as a registered embalmer and is now prepared to do the most exacting work in his line He says that the requirements for official recognition in the business are more numerous than they were some years ago.
- T.F. Shea graduated at Highland Park Normal school at Des Moines a few days ago. He entered one of the leading law offices of that city some time ago and is already putting in good time. He is a bright young man and will win his way to the top.
- Miss Mae Adams returned to her home at Hampton Thursday evening. She was accompanied by her niece, Ava Adams, who will remain there for some time. Miss Adams was called her by the serious illness of her sister-in-law, Mrs. H.R. Adams. The latter is now gaining quite rapidly.

Married at Graettinger Yesterday

    Mr. Patrick C. Jackman and Miss Abbey C. Carney were united in marriage at the Catholic church of Graettinger at 9 o’clock yesterday, Rev J. Kelly officiating. The bride was attended by Miss Bridget Jackman and the groom by Mr. Edward Carney. After the performance of the ceremony the happy couple repaired to the home of the bride’s father near Fallow where the wedding feast was served, only the immediate relatives of the contracting parties being in attendance. Mr. and Mrs. Jackman left for St. Louis last evening to spend ten days or two weeks at the Louisiana Purchase exposition, after which they will commence housekeeping on their farm east of Graettinger, Mr. Jackman having recently built a large, neat residence.
    The bride is widely and favorably known to most of the readers of the Democrat. She has taught school for several years and as such has won well deserved recognition. She is cheery and ambitious and will make life as pleasant as possible for him to whom she has given her heart and hand The groom is a son of Mr. and Mrs. P.R. Jackman, who are among the most respected pioneers of Walnut township. He is distinctly a Palo Alto boy and has, by his industry, pluck and exemplary career, made life a marked success for one of his years and his opportunities. His future is full of bright anticipation and it is the ardent wish of his many friends and acquaintances that his most cherished hopes may be realized. The Democrat extends hearty greetings to Mr .and Mrs. Jackman and the wish that the sunshine of felicity may ever gleam radiantly along their pathway.

A Very Successful Hunter
    Mr. Edward L. Duhn, of Walnut township, and Miss Mary Peterson, of Bowbells, North Dakota, were married at the latter named place Friday and arrived at Graettinger to surprise the many relatives of the groom on Monday morning. Mr. Duhn told some of the neighboring boys when he was leaving home that he was going to North Dakota to hunt ducks for a few days and it is said that he is now fully convinced that he found a bird of paradise. The fortunate young lady was formerly a resident of Franklin county, this state. She is regarded by those who know her intimately as a young lady of exceptional worth. Mr. Duhn is a son of Mr. and Mrs. L.P. Duhn, who are among the leading farmer citizens of the county. He is a young man of many redeeming personal traits and has a wide acquaintance. Mr. and Mrs. Duhn will make their home in this county for the present but later may move to Bowbells. The Democrat extends hearty congratulations.

D.E. Collins Winds Choice Quarter
    Last week the Democrat complimented D.E. Collins, of Graettinger on his wisdom in going to Bonesteel to register for a quarter section of land instead of to Des Moines to serve as a delegate to the republican state convention. He will now agree with us that there is more money in real estate than in politics. He secured the 455th quarter in the Rosebud drawing. It is estimated to have a market value of from $3,500 to $5,000. Miss Maude Sanford of Sioux City, formerly of Emmetsburg, drew 916. Of the first 1,000 quarters drawn, Iowa people won 240, which is practically one-fourth. Samuel L. Black, of Estherville, won 218. Fred E. Tampky, of Fort Dodge, drew 221; George A. Raines, of Sheldon, 310; Joseph Charley, of Burt, 415; Roy Sumner Whitley, of Spirit Lake, 478; D.P. Farrell, of Mason City, 574; W. Ashford, of Estherville, 580; George W. Wilson, of Spencer, 647; Melvin Stevens, of Spencer, 707; Thomas J. Hood, of Clare, 968; Fred M. Hanson, of Fostoria, 1,000. There are a number of lucky people at LeMars, Sioux City and Eagle Grove, but at no other place closer to Emmetsburg than the towns named.

Doing Well for His Years
    John Miller came home from Boone Monday morning to visit his parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. Miller of Osgood, whom he had not seen before for nearly two years. He is now night operator for the Northwestern company at Boone. He was an unusually bright student in school and we are pleased to see him doing so well for one so young. Most of our Emmetsburg boys get to the front.


- Lewis Peterson, of Lake Park, is the new foreman on the Rock Island section here. He took charge Monday of this week.
- Our fire company was called out Monday to extinguish a small blaze hat started in the east end of the John Gremmels’ cold storage building. It was started by some one burning papers in the vacant lot.

- Jon Kleigl and family were down from Fairville last week and had a family group taken. There are fourteen in the picture, twelve children and the parents. Joe, you had better send one of those pictures to Roosevelt and show him a good democratic group.
- F.L. Harrison was called to Graettinger Saturday afternoon in response to a message announcing the serious accident which happened to his brother, H.G. Harrison. He was crushed while starting a steam thresher. At first it was thought the injuries would be fatal, but at last reports he was doing nicely. His many friends here hope for his early recovery.

- P.F. O’Reilly and Ruth left Friday for a week’s visit with his sister, Mrs. J.P. O’Connor of Ft. Dodge.
- Mr. Eaton has been appointed to take charge of the Jenkins Lumber yard at Rodman. He will move there to live in the near future. 
- A Sister of Charity and nurse girl arrived here from New York city last Thursday afternoon with six little baby girls. They have been placed in good homes.
- Rev. Father Dobberstein left Sunday evening for Moose Jaw, Canada, where he will visit his uncle and friends who moved to that section from this locality last spring.

The Emmetsburg Democrat; Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, IA; Wednesday, August 10, 1904


- Miss Frances German, of Burdette, is visiting her cousin, Miss Mayme Pfiffner, of this city.
- John Doyle of Tipton visited his cousins, J.S. and E.J. Doyle, of this place, during the past week.
- Peter McGuire, a young man from Mason City, was recently drowned while bathing in a lake in northern Minnesota.
- We notice that J.S. Robinson has again been commissioned postmaster of West Bend. This means four years more in a comfortably filling official harness. Congratulations, Sim.
- Mrs. Cornelius Nelson accompanied by her granddaughters, the Misses Thompson, went to Milford Saturday to visit her son, M.C. Nelson, who is the C.M. & St. P. station agent of that place.


- A.L. Henry of Strawberry Point is Mr. Stemets’ new druggist.
- Mrs. J.P. White has gone to Hosmer, South Dakota, to visit his daughter, Mrs Herley.
- John Seifert, one of the leading farmers of Rolfe, was kicked to death by a horse a few days ago.
- “Grannie” Banks, a negress who claimed to be 117 years of age, died at Fort Dodge a few days ago.
- John Metz returned from Dallas Center Thursday where he had been visiting his sister, Mrs. Flora.
- Mr. and Mrs. R.B. Hopkins, of Wesley, visited at the home of the latter’s father, C. Mosness, over Sunday.
- Mrs. Emery, who had been here visiting her niece, Mrs. W.H. Vaughan, went to Osgood Monday to visit Mrs. Giddings, Sr.
- Mrs. Maria Ryan left for Howard, South Dakota, Monday to look after land interests. She had been here visiting her son, John Ryan. Her home is in Chicago.
- A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. John Deneen Friday.
- Wm. O’Brien, Mrs. M. Hester’s father, who has been very ill for some time, is not any better. His condition is quite critical.
- Miss Catherine Burke, a niece of Mrs. M. Dwyer, arrived in this city from Ireland Monday.
- Mr. and Mrs. John Tipp and little boy, who live near Toronto, Canada, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. A.J. Wolfgang. Mr. Tipp is a cousin of Mrs. Wolfgang.
- Mrs. John Gallagher, who formerly lived at this place, is visiting her cousin, Mrs. E.F. Kelly. She had been visiting in Wisconsin before coming here.
- Mr. Joseph Orvis and Miss Mayme Pfiffner will be married at the home of the bride’s parents, Wednesday, August 17th, at nine o’clock in the morning. No cards.
- Miss Lulu Blanchard, who had been here visiting her sisters, Mrs. Millham and Mrs. George Sturtevant, left for Minneapolis Saturday morning to enter a Deaconess hospital.
- Saturday Malcolm Bell, a wealthy farmer living near Mason City, shot and killed himself. He owned 900 acres of land and had plenty of money. His domestic relations seemed agreeable. His death is considerable of a mystery to his family and friends.
- Mr. H.B. Lawrence, of Estherville, and Miss Mary Belle Scofield, of Jack Creek township, are to be married at the home of the bride today. Mr. Lawrence is an excellent young man. He is engaged in the clothing business at Estherville with his brother-in-law, Mr. Graaf.


Is Gaining Notoriety.
Many of our readers will remember R. Chrichton Molison, who was practicing medicine here several years ago. He is now gaining notoriety writing heavy articles for the Emmetsburg newspapers.—Graettinger Times.

Prof Cookinham Resigns
C.H. Cookinham, who for the past number of years has been principal of the Ayrshire schools, has resigned his position here and accepted a position as traveling representative for a correspondence school in Chicago. Mr. Cookinham has filled the position to the satisfaction of all and both patrons and pupils will regret to learn of his resignation.—Ayrshire Chronicle.

- Miss Sara McDonnell is now prepared to give lessons on the piano and violin, having taken a special course during the past five months in the Sherwood School of Music of Chicago. She will doubtless succeed in this line, as she has devoted a great deal of time, labor and money in acquiring a musical education. In fact she had previously attained considerable local distinction as a pianist and violinist.


- Born to Mr. and Mrs. Welt Miller, Tuesday, August 2nd, a son.
- Mrs. Joseph Wagner, of Storm Lake, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Thatcher.

- Miss Anna Christenson visited her sister, Mrs. Arthur Thompson, of Walnut township, a few days last week.
- Hans Westergard and wife visited recently at the home of his niece, Mrs. H. Jensen of Lost Island township.

- Born: To Mr. and Mrs. Osman Lee, on Sunday last, a son.
- Bert Hughes spent a couple of days here last week visiting his aunt, Mrs. Agnew.

- Mr. Frank, of Spencer, is visiting his daughter, Mrs. Bert Schaffer, of this place.
- On Wednesday morning lightning struck Dr. Powers’ farm residence in Vernon township, damaging it considerably. Mr. and Mrs. Wolf, who have the place rented, were sleeping in the house at the time, and had a very narrow escape, the lightning passing down the wall ahead of the their bed without injuring them.
- Henry Clark, who worked for Henry Morris last summer, was cut to pieces by a passing train at Bureau Junction, in Illinois, a few days ago. It is said that he was under the influence of liquor at the time. He leaves a wife and one or two children. He lived in Illinois before coming to Iowa.

The Teachers’ Institute.
    The teachers institute is still in session, but will close this week. Judging from reports the session is proving a very successful one and those in attendance are deriving much benefit from it. The following is a list of those whose names have been enrolled:
Addie Kelly, Katherine Donlon, Bessie Underwood, Elizabeth Thompson, Jennie Reed, Ethel Putnam, Minnie Young, Catherine Crowley, Sara Crowley, Ella Bergum, Anna Duhn, Homer Randall, Howard Caldwell, P.H. Donlon, Margret Fox, Minnie Johnson, Agnes Kinsella, Lizzie Dooley, Mrs. Ida Wright, Agnes Jackman, Alma Taylor, Susie Ruppert, Olive Hayman, Lizzie Burke, Nellie Carmody, Cora Wilcox, Josie Patton, Lil Patton, Laura Nolan, Ea Randall, Sadie McCabe, Alice Archer, Anna McCarty.

Alice Mulroney, Maggie Mulroney, Anna Nolan, Nellie Sammin, Marie Murphy, Margaet Shea, Margaret Higgins, Lizzie Corley, Susie Belknap, Sarah Litel, Ellen Buttimore, Della Sloan, Mary Downs, Clara Sloan, Anna Toreson, Mae Koeller, Belle Leach, Mathilda Kerry, Ida Herberger, Sarah Randall, Mayme Keenan, Cora Watson, Mae Moan, Blanch Mead, Edna M. White, Margaret Gleason, Mae Schaap, Leone Bradley, Lodema Cameron, Eunice Moore, Mary Kething, Agnes Sherlock, Fanny Gaston, Ida Johnson, Alma Bergum, Mary Gibbs.

Cora Williams, Josie Burns, Nellie Laughlin, Kathleen Costello, Rose Laughlin, James Sherlock, Josie Rawson, Jane Young, Mollie Foy, Margaret Clare, Ethel Glenn, Pearl Barringer, Mary Ketchen, Vera E?kins, Eva Bauman, Etta Carter, Margaret Grady, Christian Jensen, Mary Christiansen, Adaline Dutcher, Eliza Burke, Maggie Downs, Maud Montgomery, Anna Morey, Mabel Mosness ,Mayme McCarty, Nellie Easton, Daisy Barrett, Eva Whitmer.

Anna McNally, Bernice Wood, Hanna Henninger, Anna Thoman, Julia Joyce, Agnes Joynt, Mary Young, Frank Hughes, Nellie Brennan, Mary Crowley, Albert Joynt, Elmer Winney, Leo Ganfield, Sophia Simonson, Martin Higgins, Mary O’Brien, Mary Cullen, Cora Wyborg, Frances Curran, Lulu Bell, Grace Young, Margaret Tomey, Alice Bragg, Myrtle Morgan, Stella Gates, Dot Gaylord, Dora Pugsley, Edna Frink, Inez Outland, Louise Kipf, Bird Nolan, Bessie Nolan, Mamie Casey, Ethel Suttin, Grace Wilcox, Rosa Kahley, Josie Murphy, Pearl Heath, Susie Marken, Elsa Mix, Pearl Hutchinson, Ollie Spainhower, Leland Brown, Anna Donahue, Anna Grady, Margaret Appleby, Jennie Aukema, Gertrude Chapman, Mae Frederick, Nellie Foley, Sophia Schuller, Paul Goff, Ada Eaton, Maude Barringer, Laura Mentor.

Emmetsburg Democrat; Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, IA; Wednesday, August 17, 1904


- Jake Hoffner left for Colman, Sough Dakota, yesterday to work during the stacking season.
- Chris Rasmussen, of Ruthven, has been appointed section foreman of the Rock Island road at Ayrshire.
- Boys, beware of the cigarette unless you don’t care for an ordinary lease of life. Its victims seem to be steadily multiplying.
- J.L. Martin, formerly of Emmetsburg, is soon to locate at Muskugee, Indian Territory. He had been in Oklahoma for some time.
- Joseph Martini is one of the pioneer threshers of the county, He is putting in his 22nd season and he is good for so many more. Joe is a worker.
- The Ruthven Appeal says that Miss Della Gregg has secured the principalship of the Ayrshire schools. She was once assistant principal at Ruthven.
- The ten-year-old daughter of Robert Freel, of Pocahontas, was choked to death a few days ago while eating an apple. She was walking and fell, a piece of apple lodging in her windpipe. She was an only child.


West Bend Capitalists Touched.
A series of robberies occurred in our village Thursday night when the residence of Cloy Nessen, G.H. Keightly and A.B. Schmitz were entered and the pockets of the gentlemen rifled. Keightly was relieved of $1.32, Keightly of 72 cents and Cloy Nessen $2.00 and a piece of chewing tobacco.—West Bend Advance.

Pretty High Rent for Land.
B.W. Blair, of Temple Farm, near Manchester, England, arrived in this city on Thursday of last week for a visit at the S.S. Grange home. Mr. Blair made some interesting comparisons with regard to the farming in England and the United States and among others was that of rents. Farm land in this vicinity, he states, rents for about £5 or about $25 per acre and an Engish farmer will make more off an 80 acre farm in that country than an American farmer would make off his farm of 160 to 320 acres.—Ruthven Free Press.


- Robert Daily of Algona is under arrest at LeMars charged with theft and forgery.
- There is a new girl at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fickel, of Vernon township. The Democrat extends congratulations.
- Mr. and Mrs. M.C. Kirby of Estherville, visited during he past week with their daughter, Mrs. B.E. Kelly, of this city.
- Emmet Green of Osage is here visiting his brother, J.H. Green.
- Edward Ryan goes to Colman, South Dakota, today to remain during the stacking season.
- Miss Ethel Cobb, of West Bend, has gone to Burton, Kansas, where she will teach school.
- J.J. Carney went to Colman, South Dakota, Tuesday where he will follow stacking for two or three weeks.
- Mrs. Chambers, Mrs. E.R. McAllister’s sister, left for her home at Yelm, Washington, last Wednesday.
- E.J. Scott is now buying poultry for Armour & Co. He is located at the old stand lately vacated by Mr. Mahan.
- Brother Nicol has moved his Fostoria Record to Milford. He formerly lived at that place. Milford has a good local paper, the Mail.
- T.H. Burns is at Whittemore taking Agent Corbett’s place at the Milwaukee depot. The later is in North Dakota, where he has real estate interests.
- Mrs. J.B. Kent went to Graettinger Saturday to visit her daughter, Mrs. Gammon. She had been here for some time at the home of Mrs. Stein, another daughter.
- A.L. Hoyt, who ran the Main street barber shop for some time, has returned to his home at Osage.
- Mrs. Crampton of Waverly arrived here Tuesday. She will keep house for H.W. Beebe and family.
- O.W. Lane has purchased Mr. Hoyt’s barbering establishment on Main street. He is a son-in-law of Mr. Drummy.
- Martin Stanton, of Oconomowoc, Wisconsin, arrived in this county Thursday to attend the funeral of his sister, Mrs. M.B. Kane, of Ayrshire.
- Miss Kittie Walsh, who had been visiting her sister, Miss Teresa Fitzgerald, for several weeks, returned to Armour, South Dakota, Monday morning.
- P.S. Brown will soon commence work on his new residence. It will be 26x32 feet, will be neatly furnished and will have all the modern improvements.
- Dr. Powers left yesterday for Carroll to visit for short time with his brother, Judge Powers. He will also go to Lake City where one of his sisters resides.
- Mr. and Mrs. Myles McNally, Mr. and Mrs. Ed McNally and Mr. and Mrs. P. McNally drove to Ayrshire Friday to attend the funeral of Mrs. M.B. Kane, who was a near relative of theirs.
- Miss Mary Winters, who had been visiting her sister, Mrs. E.R. McAllister, for a couple of weeks, returned to Augusta, Illinois, Wednesday.
- Mr. P. Clear arrived home from Sioux City Friday evening where she had been undergoing treatment in a hospital. She is reported considerable better.
- Misses Anna and Kate Murphy, who had been visiting their aunt, Mrs. McCoy and other relatives in this city, returned to Toledo, Ohio, Monday evening.
- D.E. Collins returned from the Rosebud country Monday. He filed on a quarter section one-half mile from Gregory. He is highly pleased with his selection.
- Miss Amy Powers left for Boston the last of the week where she will visit relatives during the G.A.R. encampment. She took advantage of the reduced railway rates to make the trip.
- Senator Hennessey left for Estherville Saturday to visit his cousin, J.P. Kirby, for a short time. From there he will go to St. Paul and Minneapolis before returning to New Orleans.
- Fred Allum left for Oklahoma Tuesday evening after an extended visit with his mother and other relatives in this city. He went by way of St. Louis and spent a few days at the fair.
- Miss Noble of Graettinger returned from Clayton county, Wednesday where she had been visiting relatives. Before going there she attended the Iowa State Normal school at Cedar Falls for several months.
- Miss Gusta Rostloff of Winnebago City, Minnesota, arrived in this city Monday evening to spend a short time visiting her sister, Mrs. J.R. Moore. She taught in the public schools of this city for several years.
- A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Nels Skow, of Emmetsburg township, Tuesday of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Skow have now a family of six boys and two girls and are entitled to a congratulatory letter from President. Roosevelt.
- George Hughes arrived in this city Wednesday after an absence of three years in Oklahoma and other southwestern points. He spent the early part of the season working in a department store at St. Louis. He is a son of E.E. Hughes.

Will Soon Locate in Idaho.
Mr. and Mrs. L.D. Allred were guests at the home of Mr. Beebe the last of the week. They left here for their old home at Nashua. They intend locating in Idaho soon where Mr. Allred will engage in the banking business. They recently sold out their interests at Tucumcari, New Mexico.

Will Attend National Rifle Match.
Captain J.E. Williams and Sergeant D.H. Glenn have been chosen to represent the state team of the Iowa National Guard at the National Rifle Match at Fort Riley, commencing August 22nd. The team comprises eighteen members chosen from the best marksmen of the 48 companies in the state. The gentlemen named will meet at Des Moines Saturday and will go from there to Fort Riley.

J.L. Martin’s Son Drowned.
Sunday J.K. Martin received a telegram from Haynes, Indian Territory, stating that William, son of his brother, J.L. Martin, had been drowned at or near that place. Further particulars have not been learned. The burial will doubtless take place at Kansas City where the unfortunate young man’s mother was laid to rest seventeen or eighteen years ago. Willie Martin was born in Emmetsburg. He was a bright, beautiful boy- a child who was loved by all who knew him. He could not have been more than a year or two old when his mother died. He accompanied his father to Minneapolis about eight years ago, when the latter moved to that city. He remained there while Mr. Martin was in Oregon. Last January he went to Haynes, where his father became engaged in business something over a year ago. He was eighteen years of age. His sad death is sincerely lamented by the many friends of the family in this community and general sympathy is felt for Mr. Martin and Miss Edna.

Lost Their Baby Girl.
On Friday death called at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Schaney, of Walnut township, and took from them their treasured baby girl, Mary, who was three years of age June 7. She had been ill for some time, brief mention of her serious condition having been made in last week’s Democrat. The funeral was held at Graettinger Saturday. It was largely attended. Several were present from Emmetsburg. This is the second loss of the kind Mr. and Mrs. Schaney have suffered within a short time. Death is never more unwelcome than when it takes those whose lives are filled with youthful hope and laughter. The afflicted persons have the sympathy of all in their sorrow and the earnest wish is expressed that the future may bring them brighter days.

Mr. Kinne’s Plans Approved.
Bishop Garrigan has approved of the temporary plans of Mr. Kinne, of Minneapolis, for the new Catholic church. Permanent plans will be perfected at once and the work of excavating for the structure will be commenced as soon as possible. The architect is expected here this week. The church will be somewhat similar to Assumption church but will have no spire. It will, however, have more exits. The bishop expressed his intention of having the parish divided by a committee of disinterested priests at some future time.

Leave For Iowa Falls Today.
Prof. and Mrs. Blackmar will leave for Iowa Falls today. They will be very much missed by our many citizens who have learned to esteem them as highly since they came to Emmetsburg seven years ago. Mr. and Mrs. Blackmar have been leaders not only in educational affairs, but they have also been active participants in the social life of the community. May they find Iowa Falls as congenial as they have Emmetsburg.

Weigman To Be Tried at Spencer.
Judge Quarton has granted a change of venue to Clay county in the state case against Conrad Weigman for the shooting of Mr. Deeter. The next term of court will be held at Spencer commencing August 29th, but it is doubtful if the case will be taken up until the following term, which will begin October 31st.


- H.E. Johnson and workmen are very busy just now putting in cement walks about town.
- A.J. Johnson has put a new five horse power engine in his creamery plant at this place.
- H.N. Osher, window dresser, has made a very neat display of the good he is offering for sale this week.
- Frank Elbert was a passenger to Elkton, S.D. Monday morning, where he goes to work during the threshing season.
- Edwin Merriman is organizing a mandolin club at this place and will commence to take instructions at once. Those wishing to join should apply to the former.
- A number of our people attended the funeral of Lars Roseland, who died Friday morning at his home six miles west of town. He was unmarried and about 45 years of age.
- D.E. Collins returned from the Rosebud reservation Monday evening after making a selection of his land one-half mile from the town site of Gregory- a site located by the government for that purpose. He is very enthusiastic over the country.

Engineer Hindman was Mr. Hoagland’s Cousin.
    Henry Hindman, the engineer on the passenger train that was recently wrecked near Pueblo, Colorado, was a cousin of Mr. Hoagland of this city. He was born and raised at Marshalltown, this state. The following special speaks of his life and career:
    Marshalltown, Ia., Aug. 0 – (Special) – Henry Hindman, the man who pulled the ill-fated world’s fair flier over the Denver & Rio Grande railroad which dashed into Dry creek, near Pueblo, Colo. on Sunday night, was an old resident of this vicinity, his first engine running out of here a number of years ago. His father at present resides in South Dakota. He was a nephew of Charles Hull of Willard & Sons of this city. Hindman was the son of the eldest sister of Charles B. Hull. Henry Hindman was graduated from the high school at Marshalltown. After taking up railroad work he was for a time at the Brooks Locomotive works and by that company was sent to Colorado with engines for the Denver & Rio Grande. Mr. Hall wired the Denver & Rio Grande officials for information, and received a telegram in reply verifying the fact that Henry Hindman was the unfortunate engineer.

- A party was given at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Peter O’Brien, Thursday evening, in honor of Mrs. O’Brien’s cousins, the Misses Murphy, of Toldeo, Ohio, who have been here visiting. A few hours were spent in social recreation, after which delicious refreshments were served. All had, of course, a good time.

Emmetsburg Democrat; Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, IA; Wednesday, August 24, 1904


- Miss German, Mr. and Mrs. H.J. Pfiffner’s niece, returned to Burdette Tuesday morning.
- A marriage license has been issued to Wm. Nelson and Ether E. Lawretson.
- L.J. Orres has given up the Elite Café. James Slater is now conducting it.
- Joy Crose went to Ocheyedan last evening to spend a couple of weeks with his aunt, Mrs. Chas. Woodworth.
- W.H. Herlet’s sister, Mrs. Shaw, returned to Waldham’s Grove, Illinois, Tuesday, after a pleasant visit with him. 
- James Doyle arrived in this city from Ireland last Wednesday. He is an old acquaintance of M.N. and P.P. Nolan.
- Mr. F.W. Bratmiller and Miss For a Grovenow, of Ayrshire, were married Thursday, Rev. G. Grovenow officiating.
- Mrs. Crilly and Mrs. J.J. Murray, of Platte, South Dakota, arrived Wednesday evening to visit for a month with their brother, M.M. Maher, of Highland.
- Mrs. E.A. Donahue has secured a position in the Havelock public schools. Her husband was postmaster of the town for several year and was also editor of the Item. He died a couple of years ago.
- W.P. Reinders drove up from Mallard last evening with his sister, Mrs. Minnie Naurtez and her daughter Maggie Buehler and a son who had been here for three weeks visiting him and his brother Theodore. They took the evening train for their home at Milwaukee.
- Mrs. Kane, mother of Henry and James, has purchased the old Crippen creamery and will convert it into a barn. George Marshall is tearing it down for her and, after moving he material, will rebuild it. The purchase price was $100. The material will make a barn 40x60 feet.
- Mr. and Mrs. A. Scott Ormsby left for Chicago Thursday where they intend making their future home. Mr. Ormsby will handle real estate at that place. We understand, however, that he will continue his business in this city and will not rent or sell his residence property.
- Jack Graham, the late sheriff of Kossuth county, who was killed in the Pueblo train disaster a short time ago, was a member of 21 lodges, nearly all the members of which attended his funeral in a body. He carried life insurance in the amount of $40,000 He helped build the first telephone line into Emmetsburg ten or twelve years ago. He was a very pleasant, companionable fellow and he had friends wherever he was known.
- Frank Duffy came home from South Dakota on Sunday’s excursion to Clear Lake. He spent the last two months at Red Ok working for Mr. Hanrahan. A few days ago he went to Groton, South Dakota, to run a threshing engine, but the rust damaged the wheat to such an extent that the man who employed him did not need him, so he went to Colman where there are thousands of acres of splendid barley and oats to thresh He gets $5.00 per day handling an engine.


- A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Jackson Stafford, of Ellington township, Sunday evening.
- Mrs. Jamieson of Oelwein is in this city visiting her father, Mr. Hoagland and her sister, Mrs. Shadbolt.
- Miss Frieda Thomond returned to Mason City Thursday evening. She had been here to attend the funeral of her father.
- Miss Alice McKenzie left for Faribault, Minnesota, Wednesday. She had been visiting her sisters, Mesdames Warnke and Root.
- Mrs. J.J. Watson and little daughter have gone to New Hampshire to visit her mother. She will also visit at other points before returning.
- Miss Jessamin Peddie went to Rock Valley Monday morning to visit her sister, Mrs. Schirmer.
- Miss Georgia Walker returned to her home at Des Moines Monday. She had been here visiting her cousin, Miss Gretchen Schroeder.
- Mrs. C.J Emrie, who had been here visiting her niece, Mrs. W.H. Vaughan, returned to her home at Vermillion, S.D., Monday.
- Misses Minnie and Thora Hansen, who had been visiting their aunt, Mrs. C.J. Shauger, returned to their home at Bode Saturday evening.
- W.L. Swagg has accepted a position in a butcher shop at Spencer. He commenced work Wednesday.
- Miss Genevieve Newton went to Hawarden Monday morning where she will make her future home.
- Mrs. L.H. Morse returned to Osage Tuesday morning after a brief visit with her son, Attorney J.W. Morse.
- Mrs. M. Scheiber, who had been visiting her sister, Mrs. O. Finnegan, near Graettinger, returned to her home at Dubuque Monday morning.
- Mrs. Ralph Carr, who had been visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Harrison, returned to her home at Wichita, Kansas, Saturday.
- Peter Bough’s twelve-year-old son is quite ill with typhoid fever.
- Master Francis Beatty has gone to Aurelia to visit an uncle for a short time.
- Dr. O’Brien reports a case of typhoid fever in the family of Mr. Maden, who lives near Ayrshire.
- Captain and Mrs. Holman returned to Indepencence Monday after an extended visit at the home of their daughters, Mesdames Peddie and Burnard, of this place.

Mr. Joseph H. Orvis, of Estherville, and Miss Mayme Pfiffner, of Emmetsburg.
    The marriage of Mr. Joseph Harding Orvis, of Estherville and Miss Mayme Pfiffner, took place at the home of the bride’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Pfiffner, in this city Wednesday forenoon. The parlors were beautifully decorated for the important event, ferns and sweet peas artistically entwined across a curtained alcove presenting a most pleasing scene.
    Promptly at nine o’clock the bride entered the parlors on the arm of her father, who gave her away. The groom was attended by Mr. Clyde Cummings, of Estherville. Miss Frances German, of Burdette, was maid of honor. Miss Alice Pfiffner, of Waterloo, and Miss Eva Schirmer, of this city, were bridesmaids. Both are cousins of the bride. Miss Margaret Winn, of Cedar Rapids, was flower girl. Miss Cora Williams, of Emmetsburg, presided at the organ, rendering Mendelsohn’s beautiful wedding march. The bridal couple stood beneath the artificially adorned alcove while the officiating clergyman, Rev. Glen Taylor, pastor of the First Congregational church, using the ring service, pronounced the never-to-be-forgotten words that united their hearts for life. Only the close relatives of the contracting parties were in attendance.
    The bride was gowned in white silk crepe de chein, with tulle veil. She carried a bouquet of white carnations. The maid of honor, Miss German, was attired in white Persian lawn. The bridesmaids were gowned, Miss Pfiffner in blue silk mull, and Miss Schirmer in tanned silk linen. Each carried a bouquet of sweet peas.
When the brief ceremony was ended a light lap luncheon was enjoyed by the guests.
The bride is the only daughter of Mr. And Mrs. Pfiffner. She is a young lady whom our many citizens have been proud to honor. She has taught for several years in our city schools and has acquitted herself with credit to her high calling. She is bright, lively, and vivacious and has that judgment and self-possession that dignify true womanhood.
    The groom resides at Estherville, being train dispatcher in the Rock Island office at that place. Though a comparative stranger to most of our readers, he has impressed most favorably those who have met him. The position of responsibility held by him is an index to his ability and worthiness.
Mr. and Mrs. Orvis were the recipients of many costly and useful presents such as silverware, china, cut glass, furniture, etc.
They left on the forenoon passenger over the Rock Island for St. Louis to attend the Louisiana Purchase exposition, after which they will take trips to Kansas City and other points of interest. They will be at home at Estherville until October 1st.
    The out-of-town guests were Mrs. Winn and daughters, Misses Margaret and Mildred, of Cedar Rapids; Miss Alice Pfiffner, of Waterloo; Miss Frances German, of Burdette; Mr. Cyde Cummings, of Estherville; and Mrs. Harry Schirmer, of Carroll.


-- Mr. and Mrs. Furlong and son Merrill leave this week for their new home at Fort Dodge, and many friends here regret to see them leave, but wish them success in their new location. 
-- Word was received here Sunday that John Hanson, brother of Joseph Hanson of this city had died in a hospital at Chicago. His remains will be laid to rest at Oelwein, Iowa is many friends here regret to learn of his death

-- Mrs. John Stover has left for her former home at Waukee, where she will visit her parents
-- Malcolm Joy of Peyton who had been visiting his cousin Walter Ferguson returned home last week.
-- Mrs. Joy and children of Peyton are visiting with her sisters Mesdames Adams and Ferguson of this place

 Mr. Druschilla, of Milford recently spent a couple of days visiting his daughter Mrs. Dean.

-- Mrs. Andrew Jacobsen enjoyed a short visit last week from her mother and brother from the vicinity of Laurens
-- John Nolan of Emmetsburg came up one day afternoon to visit his granddaughter. Mrs. Laughlin of this place for a few days.
-- John Lockwood and family have moved back into the depot again as it was too inconvenient for Mr. Lockwood to live so far from his work.
-- Mrs. George Smith of Superior, who had been visiting her mother, Mrs. Stewart during the past three weeks returned to her home Monday afternoon
-- Mrs. Peter Black of Emmetsburg was a guest of Mrs. D. E. Collins, a couple of days last week Mr. and Mrs. Black are to move to Kearney soon which will be their new home

Sunday’s Storm Severe Near Mallard
Sunday morning storm was rather severe a short distance east of Mallard, Anton Schwint who was then the city Monday reported that Julius Zech's large cattle barn, which is about 80 feet long, was badly damaged. Some grain stacks close by were scarcely touched. His windmill was blown down and his hog house was wrecked. A swath a couple of rods in width was cut through Mr. Henning’s cornfield. One or two other windmills in the neighborhood were more or less damaged

Mrs. Chas. Cookinham Dead.
Mrs. Chas. Cookinham died at Des Moines Friday or Saturday as a result of a surgical operation. She had been failing for several months. The funeral was held at Ayrshire. the first of the week. We have not learned other particulars. She leaves her husband and three or four small children. They have the sympathy of all who know them.

Emmetsburg Democrat, Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, IA; Wednesday, August 31, 1904.


-- George Hinkley is home from Fulda, Minnesota, where he had been working in a bank in which his father is a large stockholder.
-- D.R. Turner and Miss Leila Esther Ash are to be married at Boise Idaho today. The bride of formerly lived northeast of the city.
-- The Times says that the little three-year-old boy who was recently killed near Lake Park by drinking whiskey is a son of L. Tow, who lives 4 miles west of Graettinger.
-- Miss Maggie Nolan went to Estherville Friday afternoon to spend Sunday with her sister, Mrs. W.T. Kane. She was accompanied by her nephew, Master Willie Nolan.

Near By News.

Will Move To Mississippi
     Mr. and Mrs. A.J. Chapin and a niece left Wednesday for will stock to visit for a short time with their daughter,Addie.. before departing for their future home at O'Reilla, Mississippi -- -- Ayrshire Chronicle

Graettinger’s New Rural Route.
     A rural route will be established here about November 1. The route will be as follows: West to George Graettinger, south to Chris Skow, west to O.s. Helvig, north to Palo Alto creamery, and then on section line to J.A. Spies' farm and into Graettinger. The route is 18 miles and 80 families will be supplied -- -- Graettinger Times.

-- A dispatch from Mason City, dated Thursday, says: "At the home of Mr. and Mrs. Seth A. Bryant, residing north of the city, their little eight month old son, Oliver, was scalded to death by the hot water from a washing machine. His little sister pulled the plug from the machine while the boy was beneath the spout. He died after suffering untold agonies." 


-- Mr. and Mrs. Edward Ryan, of Ruthven, will move to Valley Junction this week.
-- T. Weise recently returned from South Dakota, where he had been assisting his sons and the harvest field.
-- Mr. Murphy, of St. Paul, visited Mr. and Mrs. Peter Jones, of the city, Wednesday. He is their nephew.
-- William R. Thompson went to Montgomery Saturday to spend a couple of days visiting his niece, Mrs. William Peck.
-- Hans, son of Nels Skow, left yesterday for Milbank South Dakota with a car of horses and machinery, where he will do fall plowing. He will remain until November.
-- Dr. Adams, of Curlew, is figuring on moving to Emmetsburg and opening a hospital. He recently sold his practice at Curlew. He did well there. Most doctors get rich.
-- J.J. Reardon moved his family to Estherville the last of the week.
-- Miss Gladys Ireland, of Newton, Iowa is visiting her aunt, Mrs. W.E. Losey.
-- Miss Venita Consigny is at Council Bluffs visiting her cousin, Miss Bessie McGonagle.
-- Mrs. Smith and children, of Mason City, visited her sister, Mrs. J. H. Godden, of the city, the latter part of the week.
-- Thomas Kiley returned to Little Grant, Wisconsin, Friday morning. He had been visiting his uncle, Patrick Kiely.
-- O.A. Delancy, of Prairieburg, Iowa, is visiting his uncle, F. Crouch.
-- Miss L. Roman, of Dysart, is the new bookkeeper in J. H. Knoblauch's store.
-- Mrs. John Wehnke is at Whittemore visiting her sister, Mrs. Schumacher.
-- Mrs. Stephen Johnson, of Spencer, is a guest at the home of her brother-in-law, Monroe Johnson, of the city.
-- Mrs. T. S. Smith returned to her home at Iowa Falls the last of the week. She had been here visiting her sister, Mrs. W. J. Black.
-- Robert Joynt, will accompany his brother, Martin, to Iowa city, where he will take a course in dentistry at the State University. Martin will complete the medical course this year. Both are my most deserving young man.
-- Mrs. J. B. Kent and son, Mac of Rolf, are here visiting her daughter Mrs. Stein.
-- Mrs. I. M. Klinebell of Bloomington Illinois is here visiting her brother, E. L. Marsh. She is accompanied by her daughter, Miss Edith
-- J. E. Murphy, of Clinton, has rented rooms in the basement of the Opera House block soon to be erected and will open a barbershop in the same period.
-- Sisters Josephine and St. Thomas where guests last week at the home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. Joynt. They returned to La Grange, Illinois, Monday.
-- Mrs. Killen of Allegheny, Pennsylvania, who had been visiting at the home of her cousins, the Joynt brothers of Emmetsburg Township, returned home Tuesday.
-- Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Murphy, who had been visiting Mrs. Murphy's parents. Mr. and Mrs. D. Sullivan, of Highland Township for several weeks returned to Clinton Tuesday.
-- Mr. and Mrs. S. F. Colby of Kansas arrived here from West Union Monday where they had been visiting relatives. Mr. Colby is a cousin of Mrs. Z.F. Dickinson of Osgood, whom they are now visiting.
-- Miss Cora, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. G.A. Maiden, who live near Ayrshire, died Tuesday of last week. She was 13 years old. The funeral was held at Ayrshire Thursday. The services were conducted at the M. E. Church.
-- The other day, J. J. Deneen handed us a large juicy plum picked from his two-year-old tree. It was 5 inches in circumference. It was a beauty. John makes no pretense as the fruit grower, but he will concede full credit to anyone who can show the Democratic something better from so young a tree.

Lost Their Little Boy
    Saturday morning Mr. and Mrs. Peter Bough's youngest boy Paul, age 3 years, died after an illness of some duration. The cause was typhoid fever. The funeral was held Sunday. The interment was in St. John's Cemetery. The parents are said to feel unusually keenly the loss they have sustained, which, of course, is only natural, as the attachment for a bright, endearing, promising child is something that is not easily forgotten. Mr. and Mrs. Bough have the sympathy of their numerous friends and neighbors in the grief it has become their sad duty to bear

Married at Waterloo Monday.
    Mr. Otto S. Swandt of Waterloo and Mrs. Katherine Weir, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Lummery of this place were married at Waterloo Monday at 10 a.m.. They arrived in the city last evening and will visit relatives in this section for a short time. Mr. Swandt is a division superintendent on the Great Western Railway line. We go to press too early to give full particulars we extend a hearty congratulations to the newly wedded couple.

Kirby Bros. Sells to James McCoy
    Kirby Bros. have sold delivery outfit to James McCoy, who has already taken possession of it, in part payment of the stock. Thomas Kirby intends going to Idaho in a short time to see the country.


-- J.C. Fehlhauer, of West Bend, was looking after business interests in Emmetsburg Wednesday. He is at present greatly interested in Canadian affairs as most of his sons and daughters live there. However, he has no intention of leaving West Bend.
-- Miss Anna Grady arrived home from Charles City Saturday where she spent several weeks with relatives. She is at her home near Ruthven this week, but will be in Emmetsburg in a few days to commence her duties in our city schools.
-- Mr. and Mrs. Dealey left for Fort Dodge Monday morning to attend the funeral of Mr. Dealey's cousin, Mrs. Daniel Molloy of that place, who died Saturday, Deceased was the sister of Miss Mary Furlong well known to a number of our readers. She leaves a number of small children. She was the most estimable lady.

To Have Family Reunion.
    John Hughes and his sister, Mrs. Agnew of Cylinder left for St. Paul Saturday to attend the State fair. From there they will go to Ellsworth, Wisconsin, where all the members of the family will assemble for a reunion. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hughes, of Villard, Minnesota, may also be there.


-- Mrs. Sarah Gleason is here from Minneapolis visiting her brother, M. Keenan.
-- This week Mr. and Mrs. Edward Ryan will leave for Valley Junction, where they intend making their future home.
-- Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Furlong and son Meryl left Thursday for Fort Dodge, where they will make their future home

-- Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Ed Carrigan, Friday, a daughter.
-- The new creamery started Monday with Jim Stratton as buttermaker.
-- Mrs. Fred Sans, formerly of Curlew, now of North Dakota, is visiting her daughter, Mrs. A. J. Bateman, of this place. Mrs. Bateman has charge of the bank during Mr. Bateman's absence

-- Mr. and Mrs. Boran, of Algona, are visiting at the home of their daughter, Mrs. Phelps
-- Miss Jenny Sprout is the new clerk in T.C. Thompson's store. She began her duties Monday.
-- Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Anderson went to Armstrong Sunday morning to attend the funeral of their brother-in-law, Mr. Hayes.

-- Chris Jensen spent a couple of days last week visiting with his brother Hans at Ringsted.
-- Mrs. Martin Sevold, of this place, who had been visiting her parents in Story County, returned home Saturday.
-- Our people were sadly surprised last Friday evening to hear of the sudden death of T. S. Hayes, of Armstrong, formerly cashier in the Savings bank at this place. Messrs. P.J. Paulson, C. S. George, T.D. Collins, M. Jensvold, and E.C. Kent attended the funeral, which was held at Armstrong Sunday.

West Bend.
-- Miss Sara Mead is here visiting her aunt, Mrs. P.P. Cuplin.
-- Little Anna Meagher, of Livermore, is visiting her cousin, Ruth Reilly
-- Miss Amy Martin has gone to Cedar Falls, where she will attend the Iowa State normal school.

-- Miss Ida Herberger, of Graettinger, is visiting at the home of her sister, Mrs. P. T. Carney.

Milk Cows Are Profitable.

The total amount paid by the Emmetsburg Creamery company to its patrons for June was $4390.36 and four July $3899.55. The following are among those who truth checks for the large amounts for July:

Thomas Burns, $74.65.
Mrs. Gibbs, $98.93.
Mike Murphy, $66.25.
O. P. Doyle, $82.99.
P. Joynt, $72.22.
A Ziehlke, $91.12.
J. G. Trent, $94.03.
Taylor & Consigny, $106.57.
M. Joynt, $76.57.
W. H. Grace, $79.22.
J. J. Sevdy, $65.99.
Lewis Johnson, $75.69.
Mrs. E. Joyce, $60.20.
B. Cattell, $65.84.

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