Palo Alto County Newspapers

Emmetsburg Democrat
Emmetsburg, Palo Alto Co, IA
17 March 1897

Will WILLIAMS will soon start for Terre Haute, Indiana, where he hopes to
put in the season with a professional ball team. Will is dandy on the
diamond as well as an excellent printer.

G.A. BRADLEY, of Iowa City, moved to this locality a few days ago and is now
comfortably located on his new farm in Great Oak, which he purchased some
time ago of the Brown Land and Loan Co.

J.F. NOBLE, of Delaware county, moved to this county last Wednesday and took
possession of his new farm in Vernon township. He and S.J. PENNY were old
neighbors in the eastern part of the state.

Wm. FERGUSON has gone to his new home at Swea City. He will engage in the
livery business at that place and starts in business without competition,
which fact ought to insure his success.-West Bend Advance.

We understand that the Methodist people of Iowa are organizing for the
purpose of carrying the fire insurance on their own churches and parsonages.
There is no reason why they can not do so with safety and profit.

M.G. WILSON now has his entire stock removed to the new location in the
Smith block. In this new position, he has a splendid chance to display his
fine stock of drugs, stationery and jewelry.-Estherville Vindicator.

Editor BRUCE, of the Reveille, is a candidate for postmaster of Rolfe. The
republican members of the press are not at all backward in asking favors of
the new administration. In politics it is not policy, you know, to be

Monday morning attorney O'CONNOR received a telegram from Acheson, Kansas,
stating that his brother, Lawrence O'CONNOR had been killed in a railroad
accident. The particulars were not stated. Mr. O'CONNOR left on the noon
train to attend the funeral. Lawrence was a passenger engineer on the
Southern Pacific and was on the run from Kansas City to Omaha. He was older
than N.C. but was younger than Thomas.

Sunday Mr. and Mrs. John McNALLY were called upon to mourn the loss of their
youngest child, a boy, aged about six months. He had been quite sick for
some time. The funeral was held Monday afternoon and was quite largely
attended. This is the third child Mr. and Mrs. McNALLY have lost during the
past few years. General sympathy is extended to them in their sorrow.

Mrs. BEATTY, Sr., mother of BEATTY Bros., of Ruthven, died at her home north
of that place Sunday morning. The funeral services were conducted at the
Catholic church, at Ruthven, Monday by Father Carroll, and the remains were
brought to this city for burial. She was perhaps 65 years old. Her husband
died several years ago.

C.F. SULLIXON, of Bode, the deputy oil inspector, was in this city on
business last Friday.

Palo Alto Reporter
Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa
March 19, 1897

-The little six months old son of Mr. and Mrs. John McNally died Sunday and was interred on Monday. The little one took the grippe some time ago and it developed into bronchial trouble and finally resulted in death. Mr. and Mrs. McNally have the sympathy of all in their sad bereavement.

-Thomas O'Connor received a telegram Monday morning containing the sad intelligence of the death of a brother who was an engineer on the Topeka & Santa Fe railroad in Kansas. He was killed in some manner while on duty. Mr. O'Connor left by the afternoon train for Kansas City, where his brother resided.

-John Dumphy, a young man of about thirty years of age, died near Storm Lake, the latter part of last week, and his body was brought here an interred in the Catholic cemetery, Monday. He was a former resident of Nevada township.

-Prosperity is here for John Dooley is putting in a gas plant.  The work of digging the hole in which to put the carburetter is well under way and ins short time south Broadway will be illuminated by gas-gasoline gas.

-Last Friday evening a crowd of the young people took advantage of the March sleighing and drove out to the home of D.G. Baker, six miles northeast of town and spent the evening. A very pleasant evening was had by all concerned.

-Rev. W.D. Bancroft and wife are rejoicing over the first baby, a boy, born Thursday, March 4th. Mother and child are doing well. Mr. Bancroft can now hold his own.
    The above from the Talmage, Neb. Tribune will interest the many friends of Mrs. Bancroft in this city, who will remember her as Miss Helen O'Hare.

    Florence and Roscoe Moses were confined to the house the last week with la grippe.
    Chas. Terwilliger left Thursday morning for Chicago to spend a short time in visiting relatives.
    D.J. O'Meara came over from Spencer, Tuesday, and spent Wednesday among relatives in this city.
    J.H. Hinkley left Tuesday for Chicago to select his spring stock of goods. He will be gone several days.
    F.S. Appleman left for Clermont, Monday evening to attend the funeral of his niece, Mrs. Victor Dolliver, who died in Minneapolis, Minn., Sunday.
    L. Van Gordon came home from Iowa City Thursday of last week. He has completed his first year's course in the medical department of the State University.
    Miss Frank, who had been spending a few weeks in this city in visiting her sister, Mrs. F.T. Hastings, returned to her home in High Lake township, Emmet county, Monday.

Palo Alto Reporter
Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa
March 26, 1897

     Mrs. James Brennan of Great Oak township, died Wednesday morning. The cause of her death was dropsy of which she had been ailing for a long time. It has been about two years since the death of her husband. The funeral will take place today at 10 o'clock.

[Transcriber Note: Mrs. James Brennan was Elizabeth (Brennan) Brennan]

     Last Saturday was C.W. Hodgkinson's birthday and quite a party surprised him by calling and spending the evening with him. A very pleasant evening is reported. We are sure that the genial host did his part in entertaining his guests.

     M.F. Coonan shipped four cars of cattle, Tuesday night, which were on the Thursday morning market. He ought to have gotten a good price as the dispatches showed the market for cattle to have been firm with an upward tendency.
- J.T. Stemets has put in the tabings and lamps necessary to burn gasoline lamps and now has as bright a light as anybody.
-Services will be held in the Lutheran church, next Sunday, at 3 o'clock. Rev. Wigdahl will be present and deliver the discourse.
-Kaufman Brothers have the largest and finest assortment of gentleman's neckties that we ever saw carried in a retail store outside of the large cities. They are of every variety and the latest styles.
-The firm of Bennett & Williams has decided to locate in Emmetsburg for the purpose of moving buildings. Mr. Bennett will remove to this city about April 1st, providing he can find a house in which to live. The firm hails from Estherville.
-Miss Anna Donovan has been engaged by the Spirit Lake Chautauqua Association to again take charge of the kindergarten department. In speaking of the matter the Beacon said that the association was exceedingly fortunate in securing her services.
-Hester & Herley have dissolved partnership, the former disposing of his interest to the latter, who will still continue in the same old stand. Mr. Hester has outside business which requires his attention.
-Last week, H.L. Ash of Raymond, Montgomery county, Ill. made a deal for the Graham brothers' farm northeast of town. The purchase price was $9,300. Mr. Ash takes immediate possession of the farm. His wife is here and his goods and farming utensils were expected some time this week. Mr. Ash and family come recommended as good citizens and Palo Alto always stands ready to welcome all such.
-The store occupied by T.L. and J.P. Crose is being repapered throughout. It will make a vast improvement in the appearance of the room when completed.
-C.J. Smith returned from Chicago the first of the week and the firm is now unpacking and placing a large consignment of goods on the shelves.
-John Eaton has sold out his restaurant and stock to M.L. Miller of St. James, Minn. Mr. Miller will be ready to take possession by April 1st. Ill health was the cause of Mr. Eaton's retiring from the business.

-Mrs. M.G. Wilson of Estherville was visiting relatives in this city Tuesday.
-F.S. Appleman went to Cedar Rapids, Friday afternoon to meet Dr. Bachman who was returning home from the hospital at Davenport. While there, F.S. took in James O'Neil in his famous play Monte Cristo.
-Will Williams expects to leave Saturday for Terre Haute, Ind. where he practices with the ball team of that city until the ball season opens. He expects to get a position on one of the league teams possibly on the Terre Haute team. Will is a good player and we hope he will get a good position.
-The Godden cigar factory building is fact approaching completion and will be ready to be occupied by another week.

Palo Alto Reporter
Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa
Friday, April 16, 1897

   Mrs. Jean Woodward of Ocheyedan, spent a short time the latter part of the week in visiting her aunt in this city, Mrs. J.P. Crose.
    Miss Anna Donovan arrived from Minneapolis , Sunday morning and will spend her week's vacation with her parents in this city.
    Julian Wick and wife left Tuesday afternoon for Lake Park where Mr Wick will run a farm during the year.
    Dr. Bachman passed through Emmetsburg, Monday, on his way to Estherville to see a patient. His Emmetsburg friends will be glad to know that he is again able to resume his practice. He has had a long siege of it.
    Miss Fitzgerald of Chicago, arrived last week and is now in charge of the trimming department of Mrs. M.A. Scott's millinery establishment. She is said to be very proficient in her line of business.

-The Godden cigar factory has been removed to their new factory building near the marble works on south Broadway. They were delayed in moving on account of waiting for the internal revenue collector to come and authorize the removal.
-Word comes to us that C.R.H. Duncan has been offered the principalship of the Inwood schools for another year. This speaks will for Ralph's ability as a teacher and we congratulate him on his success. A young man with energy, push and vim, sufficient to make an honest effort, can yet get along in the world.
-The court reversed the decision of Cannon vs. C.M. & St. P. railroad which was also tried in Palo Alto district court. This case was brought to this county for trial from Perry, Iowa. The suit being for damages by plaintiff for the death of her husband who was killed while in the employ of the railroad company.
-Born to Mr. and Mrs. H.B. Richards Sunday morning, April 11, 1897, a daughter. This event is not only the occasion of much joy to the proud parents, but also to Mr. and Mrs. A.L. Ormsby, as it is their first grandchild. The REPORTER extends its hearties congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Richards.
-Mrs. M. Acers came down from the Burg to visit her daughter, Mrs. Jos Knapp. Mrs. Acers was an old neighbor of ours twenty-five years ago on the prairies in Fern Valley and it reminds us of old times and the sociability of neighbors in those days to shake her hand.--West Bend Journal.
-Miss Lulu Jenswold, of Depew, died at her home Tuesday morning, April 13, 1897. Sometime during the early winter she contracted a cold which developed into quick consumption and caused her demise. She was the daughter of John Jenswold, one of the prominent citizens of Independence township, and at the time of her decease, was in her nineteenth year. She was a bright girl and had a promising future before her, but death called her hence, ere she had arrived at young womanhood. The funeral took place from the Lutheran church Thursday, and the remains were interred in the cemetery near the church.
-During the past week the city well has been a sort of a magnet, which attracted a large number of the man and boys of the city. The reason for the attraction was that a new centrifugal pump was being used to pump out the water in order that the well might be sunk to the required depth. The pump throws a stream of water six inches in diameter, and has a capacity of throwing two thousand gallons of water per minute. Even with this capacity, some doubt is expressed as to whether it has the capacity sufficient to keep the water pumped from the well. Some trouble has been had with the wall caving., and Monday the council met, and voted to allow the well to be 14 feet in diameter, instead of 16 feet. This will allow a curbing to put inside of the present one from the top down and it is thought that by this means, the well can be sunk to the required depth.
-Friday evening Mr. and Mrs. H.W. Beebe tendered Charles Moore a happy surprise in honor of his 21st birthday. Invitations were given to twenty of the young people, and in the morning they gathered at the Beebe home and completely surprised him. The evening was spent in social intercourse and games to the manifest pleasure of all. Delicious refreshments were several during the evening, and all went home feeling that they had indeed had a very pleasant time.
-The interior of the St. James' hotel is being touched up by a coat of paint and many of the rooms will be papered.
-Mrs. M.A. Scott has had her millinery rooms repapered. It gives them a bright and more attractive appearance.
-The family of R.B. Scott arrived form Clear Lake last Friday and have rooms over Grier's billiard hall. Mr. Scott is employed in the REPORTER office.
-Mr. M.L. Brown and Mrs. Dr. Davies will conduct "The Market" of Trinity Guild, Saturday, in the building just vacated by Mr. Claude Henry. Bread, pies, cakes, cookies, cold meats, etc.
- C.M. Henry is now nicely situated in his new location in the W.G. Henry brick, where the latter has been conducting his drug store. His stock of furniture was removed from the Joyce block Monday and Tuesday.
-The store room of P.F. Gylling on Main street, presents a much better appearance since the new ceiling was put on and painted, and the room papered.
-Mrs. Margaret Nicholson died at her home in this city, Wednesday afternoon after a brief illness. She was a woman of about sixty years of age and was  highly respected by all who knew her. The funeral services will take place this morning at half-past ten o'clock.
-Mr. and Mrs. Edward McNally are mourning the loss of their little eight month old daughter which passed from earth Tuesday. The cause of the little one's death was brain fever. The funeral services took place Thursday morning at ten o'clock.
-L.B. Faus has returned to Emmetsburg to make it his future home. Mr. Faus says that he will repair free of charge the broken cement walk leading to the court house. He says that the cement he used was highly recommended to him, but proved to be a poor article.
-Monday a deal was made by which David and Carl Starr became possessors of the Robert Moses livery barn and feed stable. The consideration is $4,400. Mr. Starr turns in an eighty of land in Vernon township at $3000. The barn is in a good location and will undoubtedly still continue to have a good patronage.
-The board of supervisors has purchased the Foley farm, lying one and one half miles south of town for a poor farm. The price paid was $32 per acre. As usual in such cases some think it is a good bargain, while others seem to think not. However, the greatest objection that we have heard urged against, was its proximity to town.
-A.C. Rankin finished his series of temperance lectures at Algona Tuesday evening and ins now lecturing at Graettinger. He was in this city Wednesday and made a call at the REPORTER office. He says the Emmetsburg Tribune did him an injustice in an article which it published a year ago in which it charged him with stating that those who celebrated St. Patrick's day in Emmetsburg, March 17, 1896, disgraced it. What he did say was it was a disgrace to have the saloons running wide open on that day and any man who got drunk on that day, disgraced the day.

Palo Alto Reporter
Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa
Friday, April 30, 1897


   Notice is hereby given that sealed bids will be received by the Board of Supervisors of Palo Alto County on Monday, May 17, 1897 at 2 p.m. for furnishing all material and labor in the construction of a county Poor House together with plumbing and cistern as per plan and specification on file in the office of auditor of said county. The right is reserved by Board of Supervisors to reject any and all bids.

Myles McNally, chairman
E.P. Barringer, Board of Supervisors.
James Hand, Board of Supervisors.
W.M. Harrison, Board of Supervisors.
T.J. Flynn, Board of Supervisors.
Attest C.W. Hodgkinson, County Auditor.

From the Emmetsburg Democrat, April 14, 1897:


Mr and Mrs. Edward McNally's child, a girl, aged about eight months, died last evening after a lingering illness. General sympathy is extended to them in their loss, which has saddened their happy fireside.[Note: this was Irene McNally, dau of Edward and Jennie Jane Griffin McNally]

Mr. and Mrs. P. Leahy's home has been saddened by the loss of their two boys, one three years old and the other about three months. One was buried Friday and the other Monday. Both died of pneumonia. They have the profound sympathy of all in their great loss. Their remaining children consist of two girls. [Note: these are the boys of Patrick and Cecelia Brennan Leahy. Names unknown]

Monday the death of John Jenswold's daughter, aged 18, was reported at her home in Fairfield township. We have not learned her full name or particulars.

D.W. Sullivan of Highland has been dangerously ill. It was found necessary a few days ago for the attending doctor to perform some sort of a surgical operation on him.

Miss Fitzgerald of Chicago, is Mrs. Scott's new milliner.

Sunday a daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. H.B. Richards, of Mallard.

Mr. Kelly has been at Algona the last few days attending court.

A marriage license has been issued to Theo. Elbert and Ida Higley, who reside near Whittemore.

Mr. Charles H. Knapp and Miss Sarah M. Lerdall were married at Swan Lake last Wednesday and will make their future home on a farm near Ruthven.


From the Palo Alto Reporter, April 16, 1897:

The interior of the St. James Hotel is being touched up by a coat of paint and may of the rooms will be papered.

Mrs. M.A. Scott has has her millinery rooms repapered. It gives them a bright and more attractive appearance.

The family of R.B. Scott arrived from Clear Lake Friday last and have rooms over Grier's billiard hall. Mr. Scott is employed at the Reporter office.

The store room of P.F. Gylling on Main street presents a much nicer appearance since the new ceiling was put on and painted and the room repapered.

Mrs. M.L. Brown and Mrs. Dr. Davies will conduct "The Market" of Trinity Guild, Saturday in the building just vacated by Mr. Claude Henry. Bread, pies, cakes, cookies, cold meats,etc.

C.M. Henry is now nicely situated in his new location in the W.G. Henry brick where the latter has been conducting his drug store. His stock of furniture was removed from the Joyce block Monday and Tuesday.

Mrs. Margaret Nicholson died at her home in this city, Wednesday afternoon after a brief illness. She was a woman of about sixty years of age and was highly represented by all who knew her. The funeral services will take place this morning at half-past ten o'clock.

Mrs. and Mrs. Edward McNally are mourning the loss of their little eight month old daughter which passed from earth Tuesday. The cause of the little one's death ws brain fever. The funeral services took place Thursday morning at ten o'clock.

L.B. Faus has returned to Emmetsburg to make it his future home, Mr. Faus says that he will repair free of charge the broken cement walk leading to the court house. He says that the cement he used was highly recommended to him, but proved to be a poor article.

Monday a deal was made by which David and Carl Starr became possessors of the Robert Moss livery barn and feed stable. The consideration is $4,400.

Mr Starr turns in an eighty of land in Vernon township at $3,000. The barn is in a good location, and will undoubtedly still continue to have a good patronage.

The Godden cigar factory has been removed to their new factory building near the marble works on south Broadway. They were delayed in moving on account of waiting for the internal revenue collector to come and authorize the removal.

Word comes to us that C.R.H. Duncan has been offered the principalship of the Inwood schools for another year. This speaks well for Ralph's ability as a teacher, and we congratulate him on his success. A young man with energy, push and vim sufficient to make an honest effort, can get along in the world.

Attorney B.E. Kelly was in Algona the fore part of the week defending a man by the name of Keller against the charge of theft. Kellar's goods were attached by the sheriff, and among the outfit was a mower, and having some grass to cut, he hitched to the mower and used it and was arrested for theft.

W.J. Wingert of Vernon township, expects to put in 800 acres of crops this year. It will be as follows: Wheat, 350 acres; barley, 200 acres; oats, 150 acres; corn, 200 acres. He has his wheat all sow, and will push the work on the other grain. Mr. Wingert is certainly a rustler when it comes to farming.

The court reversed the decision of Cannon vs. C.M. & St. P. railroad, which was also tried in Palo Alto district court. This case was brought to this county for trial from Perry, Iowa. The suit being for damages by plaintiff for the death of her husband, who was killed while in the employ of the railroad company.

Born to Mr. and Mrs. H.B. Richards Sunday morning, April 11, 1897, a daughter. This event is not only the occasion of much joy to the proud parents, but also to Mr. and Mrs. A.L. Ormsby, as it is their first grandchild. The Reporter extends its heartiest congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Richards.

Dr. J.W. Woodbridge of Cylinder was an Emmetsburg visitor Friday afternoon.

George Boyle of Whittmore, was in this city on Friday of last week, looking after business affairs.

Mrs. Lida Cole of Algona, came over Monday evening to spend a few days with Mrs. J.P. Crose.

Miss Nina Wells of Osgood, was shopping in Emmtsburg Saturday afternoon.

H.S. Webster of Ayrshire, was looking after business matters in the county seat on Sunday last.

Miss Abbie Goodwin of Spirt Lake, visited Mrs. E.J. Thomas Saturday. She was on her way home from Algona.

A.H. Keller made a business trip to Livermore, Monday evening, and returned Tuesday afternoon.

A.J. Peters went to Sioux City last Friday to look after some business affairs.

E.S. George of Graettinger, was transacting business in the county seat on Monday.

R.W. Allred, on of the business men of Garner, spent Sunday in this city with his brother, L.D. Allred.

John F. Shaible of Whittmore was looking after business affairs in this city on Thursday morning.

Joseph Knapp came up from West Bend Wednesday to look after business matters.

Miss Lena Gusland and Miss Nellie Shadbolt went to Estherville Sunday morning and spent the day in that city, the guest of Mrs. M.G. Wilson.

Mrs. Jean Woodward of Ocheyedan, spent a short time the latter part of the week in visiting her aunt in this city, Mrs. J.P. Crose.

B.W. Haggard of Algona, was an Emmetsburg visitor Friday last. He went south on the B.C.R. & N. morning passenger.

Miss Anna Donovan arrived from Minneapolis Sunday morning and will spend her week's vacation with her parents in this city.

Mrs. O'Meara came over from Spencer on Thursday morning to visit Emmetsburg friends and relatives for a few days.

Mrs. Frank Illingworth returned on Wednesday evening from a months visit with relatives at Sheldon and Manson.

Mrs. Carl Bronson of Spencer, was an Emmetsburg visitor Tuesday afternoon between trains. She was on her way home from a visit in central Iowa.

Julian Wick and wife left Tuesday afternoon for Lake Park, where Mr. Wick will run a farm during this year.

Walter Crowell of West Bend, was looking after business matters in Emmetsburg last Friday. While here he was the guest of L.A. Martin.


Palo Alto Reporter
Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa
May 14, 1897

House Burned.
Sunday afternoon the residence of John Hand, three miles east of Ayrshire, was totally destroyed by fire. It originated from the chimney and had gotten under such headway before it was discovered that nothing could be done to save the building. All of his household goods, however, were saved, and nothing but the building was lost. It was fully covered by insurance.

Accidentally Shot.

     Thursday of last week Earnest Berman, who resides a few miles north of Algona, in Kossuth county, was killed by the accidental discharge of a shot gun. He was out plowing and took the gun along to shoot gophers. Not coming in at noon, his wife went out to see what detained him and found him lying dead by the side of his plow with the lines still around his body. It is supposed that he reached over to scrape some dirt off the plow with a small paddle which he had in his hand, and in so doing the gun was accidentally discharged. The contents of the barrel entered his left breast, in the region of the heart, and death must have been almost instantaneous. Mr. Herman had only been married about seven months.

Fell from a Scaffold.

   Saturday morning Thomas Young, while engaged in work on W.J. Brown's house, fell from a scaffolding to the ground, a distance of eight feet, and sustained quite a serious fracture of the jaw bone. He and another carpenter were engaged in putting in a window and both stepped on a board on the scaffolding at that same time. It broke and precipitated both to the ground with the result of the above mentioned. Mr. Young's jaw is broken clear off and one of the teeth came out. He was brought down to Dr. Powers' office. The doctor set the broken bone and made him as comfortable as possible under the circumstances. It will take the bone fully three weeks to heal and in the meantime Mr. Young will have to be fed on liquids taken though a tube. It was an unfortunate accident, still it might have been worse, for had the obstacle, which struck the jaw, struck a little lower in all probability the neck would have been broken.

A New Fraternal Society.

   J.A. Bliss, of Bancroft, and Mr. Frye of Germania, have been here during the past week working in the interest of a new fraternal organization known as the brotherhood of American Yeoman. The organization is designed somewhat after the Modern Woodman, but adds other features which are designed as improvements on the plans of that society. The insurance rates are practically the same, but for the first five years a fee of 60 cents per year is charged on each one thousand insurance which goes to make a reserve fund. This fund is loaned out to members of the organization, and by the time that the death rate increases so as to require more than one assessment per month, it is expected that the interest on this reserve fund will be more than ample to meet the requirements for which it was created. In addition to this there is an accident feature which allows a certain amount for loss of hand, foot, eye, or broken arm or leg.
    The organization was only started last January, but is growing in popular favor very rapidly, and now boasts over one thousand members. The plan seems to be perfectly feasible, and furnishes cheap and safe insurance, especially to young men.

McCarty & Linderman,
Office on Broadway, at Southwest corner of Courthouse square.
Emmetsburg, Iowa.
Soper, Allen & Morling,
Office over First National Bank. All business entrusted to them will receive prompt attention.
Emmetsburg, Iowa.
John Menzies,
Office in the Tobin building.
Emmetsburg, Iowa.
D.E. Collins,
Will give careful attention to collections.
Emmetsburg, Iowa.
E.J. Hartshorn,
Real Estate and Loan Agent,
Will sell farms and town property for a reasonable commission. Can also secure
Farm Loans at Lowest Rates,
Investigate titles, draw deeds, mortgages, Etc.
Office in Hinkley Building, Emmetsbur, Ia.
T.L. Crose,
Justice of the Peace.
Collections and Insurance.
Receive special attention. Office on Tenth Street, East of the McCarty & Linderman office.
Woods Bros.
Tonsorial Parlors!
Hot and Cold Baths.
Surgeon and Dentist!
J. Bailey.
Having 20 years of experience and prepared to treat all diseases of the horse scientifically.
If your horse can be cured will tell you so.
Calls to all parts of the country attended to.
Office at the Steam Laundry, Emmetsburg, Iowa.
John T. Stemets,
Drugs, Toilet Articles
Medicines, Paints, Oils,
Fancy Soaps, Tooth, Nail and Hair Brushes,
Combs, Trusses, Etc.
Physician's Prescriptions receive careful attention.
Music Hall Block.
Ten Year Loans,
7 Per Cent, Int.
Pay Any Amount
At Any Time
N.C. Blanchard,
Emmetsburg, Iowa.
Emmetsburg Steam Laundry.
A Complete Outfit of the Latest and most Modern Machinery.
First-class work guaranteed.
Family Work Carefully and Promptly Done.
Give us a Trial Order.
Mrs. J. Baily, Prop.
Plow Work,
General Blacksmithing!
Done on Short Notice at Frank Warnke's old stand.
All Work Guaranteed...
To Give Satisfaction
Bring in your
Plows, Cultivators, and Drags,
And have them put in Repair,
Wm. Ruehle,
West Main Street, Emmetsburg.

Palo Alto Reporter
Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa
Friday, May 21, 1897

    -Congressman Dolliver has recommended the appointment of J.M. Culley to be postmaster of Ayrshire. Mr. Cully is a wide-awake republican and will make an efficient officer.
    -The Daughters' of the King will have an ice cream and strawberry social in the room formerly occupied by C.M. Henry's furniture store, Wednesday evening, May 26, 1897. Everybody is cordially invited to attend.
    -Mrs. Thompson and family of Walnut township wish through the REPORTER, to extend their thanks to the many kind friends whose willing assisted them during the illness and after the death of the late Howard Webster.
    - A fishing party consisting of W.T. Krieger, Chas. Moore, and Albert Schirmer went to Lost Island lake, Wednesday afternoon and spent the night and morning there. When they left they expected to make a big catch.
    - The school board met on Tuesday evening and selected an assistant principal. They selected Miss Marion Davies of Iowa City to fill the position. She is a graduate of the state university, and comes very highly recommended, and has also the endorsement of Prof. Dorcas, who has been selected principal of the schools. Miss Davies is a niece of Dr. J.C. Davies, of this city.
    - The city well is still a mooted subject between the contractor and the city. It is thought that the eight inch wall now in the well is not strong enough and one Wednesday, Mr. Steil made the city the proposition to put in an additional eight inch wall for $600. The council met and after considering the proposition, refused to accept it. The work of sinking the well is still progressing.
    - Last Sunday morning Major H. C. Darrah received a telegram containing the intelligence of the murder of a nephew at Vermillion, South Dakota. Mr. Darrah left at once for Vermillion to attend the funeral. He found the facts to be about as follows: His nephew, a young man of 22 years, was boarding with a family by the name of Wamley, but left for some reason for a few weeks since. Last Friday he went to Wamsley's place, which resulted in young Darrah being stabbed and pounded to death. At the coroner's inquest, Wamsley and wife swore that Darrah drew a revolver and the jury returned a verdict of justifiable homicide. The people of Vermillion, however, are not satisfied with this verdict and Wamsley will be arrested to await further investigation.
    - Court adjourned Saturday evening until Thursday morning of this week. Last week was spent in trying the case of Clement, Bane & Co, vs. G.W. Drybread. The case arose from the closing up of Mr. Drybread's clothing establishment in this city by an attachment. The case had able attorneys on both sides, and as it involved several thousands dollars it was contested sharply. Saturday evening it was submitted to the jury, who rendered a sealed verdict, about two o'clock Sunday morning. Monday morning this was opened and found to be in favor of Mr. Drybread.
    - In the issue of May 7th, the Ayrshire Chronicle said that Jacob Stambach was tried and acquitted for the same crime that Con Fogarty was convicted of.  Fogarty was indicted and convicted for larceny. Stamback was indicted for receiving and harboring stolen property, and discharged upon the grounds that the evidence did not show that he knew the property was stolen when he received it, and not upon the grounds that no such company as the Skinner Manufacturing Co. existed, as was charged in the Chronicle, which admits that Fogarty stole the property; this being true we fail to see wherein the verdict did him an injustice. If Stambach was guilty then the injustice was in turning him loose to prey upon society. Because one guilty man escapes it is no reason why the other should escape the punishment due his crime.
    - Sunday evening the people who attended the M.E. church were treated to a rare musical concert. The concert was given by B.A. Wallace, of Rockford, a soloist; Jay McEwen of Rockford, a violinist; and Early Byers of Cedar Rapids, who presided at the pipe organ. These gentlemen are certainly very proficient and skillful artists in their line, and rendered some very fine music. Those who are musically inclined were enthusiastic in their praise of it. Mr. McEwan is considered the best violinist in the state, while Mr. Bryan plays the pipe organ for the First Baptist church, of Cedar Rapids. Mr. Wallace is also considered to be among the very best soloists in the state. These gentlemen were accompanied by John Burianick, of Cedar Rapids, and while here were the guests of Rev. Bagnell and wife.
- The following hog story taken from the Ottosen Boomer is fishy enough to have originated in the region of Lost Island lake, yet the editor of the Boomer vouches for the truthfulness of the story. Ottosen should boom with such a paper as the Boomer to boom it:
    "Last summer about the last of August, when Will McNally was threshing his grain one of his hogs weighing about 450 lbs was covered up in the straw pile and about a week ago it was uncovered and was still alive, but having lost about 300 lbs. It seems almost impossible that an animal could lay covered up in a straw pile eight months, and still be alive when uncovered, but this hot did it and can be seen by any one at Will McNally's about two and a half miles east of town."

    Mr. Light's people move to Okoboji lake this week.
    T.E. Waughtal is being visited by his sister this week.
    O.C. Underwood was visited over Sunday by his cousin, Henry Basceme.
    The missionary collection at the M.E. church last Sunday amounted to over $250.
    Rev. John Woolery, a pioneer preacher of this place, was visiting among his old time friends the past week.
    Madams Hovey, Harvey and Phoenix went to Emmetsburg on Friday of last week to attend the funeral of Mrs. George Beach.

Cholera Cure
Is now on Sale at the
Agricultural Warehouse.
Beckman & Schroeder
Emmetsburg, Iowa.   

From the Palo Alto Reporter, June 4, 1897

Mrs. J.H. Dawson, of Mason City, has been spending the past week in visiting friends in this city. She is on her way to Dakota to visit relatives.

E.B. and Harlan Soper left New York city for home Wednesday. They will come to Mount Vernon, where they will stop for the commencement exercises at Cornell college.

Mrs. T.A. O'Brien, accompanied by her daughter, Mary, left on last Friday for Ackley where they will make an extended visit among friends and relatives.

Miss Lizzie Biseker of Chicago arrived in Emmetsburg Friday evening. She is a trained nurse and came to take care of Mrs. R.A. Carr. Miss Biseker is a sister of Mrs. J.W. Shelby.

T.E. Burt left Monday evening for Oskalooska, where he goes to attend the grand lodge session of the Masonic order. He went as representative of the lodge of this city.

Mrs. V. Underwood, of West Bend, came up from that place Saturday morning and spent Sunday in the city with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C.S. Duncan.

M.A. Small has been quite sick during the past week. He has some intestinal trouble, and for a time it was thought that he would have an attack of peritonitis.

S.J. Quam, of Fairfield township, started June 1, for Turn Stavenger, Arnt, Norway. He expects to spend three months among old associations in his native land.

Mrs. Lettie Stiles, of West Union, arrived Tuesday evening to spend a few days in this city, wit hher sister, Mrs. D.W. Burlingame. She came to attend the graduating exercises.

Mrs. R.H. Carr is reported to be improving and it is expected that she will be out of danger in a few days. This is cheering news to her many friends.

Mrs. Lowe, of Aberdeen, South Dakota, is spending a few weeks in this city with her sister, Mrs. C.S. Duncan. Mr. Lowe is absent on the Pacific slope, looking after business matters.

Mrs. Fritcher, Supt of the Iowa Epworth League, passed through Emmetsburg, Thursday evening of last week on her way home to Mason City. She is absent from her home a great share of the time in league work.

W.H. McCune and daughter, Miss Edna McCune, J.R. Phoenix and wife and Mrs. Harvey of Ruthven, were in attendance on Memorial day exercises in Emmetsburg, Saturday.

As usual J.H. Huscamp, of Independence township, was with us on Memorial day. Henry was one of the boys in blue in the sixties, and he is always on hand to pay homage to his comrades who are bivouacing in the silent camping ground.

John Pringle, of Edinburgh, Scotland, was the guest of Mr. Alex Peddie the greater share of last week. He is on his way home from a tour of the world.

He has been gone nearly a year, and in that time has seen much of the nations of the world.

Tuesday of last week Violet, a little daughter of Rev. Bowen of Spencer, met with a very serious accident. She undertook to cross the street in front of a bicycle scorcher, and was run down and badly injured. She suffered a concussion of the brain, and at this writing (Friday evening), she was reported to be in quite a serious condition. Tryon, the bicyclist whose wheel struck her, was thrown nearly thirty feet and very badly injured. Scorching should be prohibited by the ordinances of every city.

Mrs. Robert Bagnell went to Algona, Monday for a few days visit.

Mrs. T. Lane went to Algona, Monday, to attend a missionary meeting held in that city.

A.S. Ormsby arrived home, Tuesday, from a three weeks business trip in Nebraska.

Mrs. Laura Stoneman, of St. Paul, sepnt Monday in this city, the guest of Miss Ola Bostwick.

E.A. Morling was attending to legal matters in court at Algona on Wednesday.

H.I. Snow of Ayrshire was looking after business matters in Emmetsburg on Wednesday.

Clifford Martin of West Bend attended the commencement exercises Wednesday evening.

Mrs. E.A. Dewey of Ruthven was visiting friends in this city on Wednesday.

S.C. Blair and wife visited among friends in Jack Creek township last Friday and Saturday.

Attorney Grier came up from Rolfe Saturday and spent Sunday with his mother and balance of family in this city.

N.D. Anthony of Ruthven was looking the prospects for excursionists in Emmetsburg Wednesday. Quite a few intend taking the trip.

Miss Thatcher of West Bend came up Wednesday afternoon and attended the commencement exercises in the evening.

Prof. Hood, father of Miss Blanche Hood, arrived Monday morning and spent a few days with his daughter in this city.

Melvin Fisk came up from Curlew, and took part int the meeting of the directors of the Agricultural Society on Thursday.

Rev. Robert Bagnell attended some kind of a missionary meeting at Algona several days during the fore part of the week.

D.W. Summerville and wife, of Ayrshire, were Emmetsburg visitors Monday. Mr. Summerville came up to attend to some business matters.

Dr. and Mrs. J.C. Davies returned from their eastern trip, Monday morning. They report as having had a very pleasant time while gone.

Miss Edna Knapp came up from West Bend, Memorial day, and stayed in this city for the Commencement exercises.

Lon Henry and wife drove up from West Bend, Friday evening and spent several days in visiting relatives in Emmetsburg and vicinity.

Dr. Baldwin, of Ruthven, is in attendance on the Masonic grand lodge of Iowa, which is in session at Oskaloosa this week.

Mrs. Eliza Bennett, of Des Moines, arrived last Saturday evening to spend a short time in visiting her daughter, Mrs. E.J. Hartshorn of this city.


Palo Alto Reporter
Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa
June 4, 1897

Commencement Exercises

   The commencement exercises of the high school took place in Music Hall Friday evening. The interest in seeing the class of '97 start out on  life's voyage was manifested by the large crowd that gathered to the exercises. The hall was decorated in a very fastidious manner, in the class colors of blue and cardinal red. Strips of blue and red were festooned over the stage, while draperies of the same color set off the back ground to great advantage.
    The floor was carpeted in white with a strip of dainty blue across the front of it. The whole was supplemented by a profusion of snow balls and ferns, which blended with the bright lamp light, made a scene of snowy whiteness and beauty. Suspended across the front of the stage was the class motto, wrought in large white letters into the meshes of lace work. The motto was: "A Work Unfinished, is a Life Uncrowned."
    The program was opened by music by the St. Mary's orchestra, and indeed throughout the entire program, between the different orations the orchestra entertained the large audience by excellent music. Then came the invocation by Rev. H.M. Case. The "Salutatory" by Miss Nellie Blair was short, crisp, and to the point, and pleasing in both expression and delivery. Then came the regular graduating orations.
    Edwin Martin, the youngest member of the class of '97, had selected for his subject, :Our Nation," and in a well modulated voice gave a clear, succinct but condensed outline of the great events in its history.
    Martin Joynt had selected "Socialism" for his theme, and in elucidating his subject, he very nicely defined the three terms anarchy, communism, and socialism. In closing he made quite and eloquent plea for his cause, and the benefits that mankind would receive from its adoption.
    Charles Young's oration was on the very practical subject of "The Will and the Way," and he handled it in a very pleasing way. He spoke of the many difficulties of life that at first looked insurmountable, but if only the will was there the way would be found to overcome them.
    Blanche Hood's theme was "The Stone that is Fit for the Wall, will not lie Long in the Ditch." Her manner was pleasant and her oration nicely delivered and written. In closing she made a very apt and practical application of her subject to the lives of every individual.
    Dwight McCarty had selected "The World on Wheels" for his subject, and in a very pleasing way demonstrated that the progress of the world had been in proportion as wheels came into practical use as a mechanical power.  In closing his oration he spoke in glowing terms of future progress, that the world would make by the perfecting of the mechanical power of wheels.
    Helen Blair entered the domain of history for her subject and selected "The Maid of Orleans" for her heroine. In a clear voice and pleasing manner, she graphically described the tempestuous and short career of that most unique and heroic character of modern history. In closing she severely condemned the French people for the dastardly and cruel way they treated her heroine.
    Albert Brown seemed to be the politician of the class, for he chose for his subject the thing so dear to every politician's heart, "The Plum in Politics." However, he did not seem to be enchanted with "The Plum" for his earnest pleas was for a higher and better state of affairs, when men should be chosen for their ability and not for their political pull."
    Paul Brown entered the realm of the heroic for his theme and chose: "Our Modern Hero," which to his mind was the present Greek nation. His oration showed a close study of the history of the Greek people, and the complex questions which were involved in the present struggle in the East.
    Nina Burlingame's subject was, "Is Demosthenes the Greatest Orator." In the beginning she gave a clear cut definition of oratory, and then spoke of the change that had taken place in that art, since the time of Demosthenes. She contrasted the oratory of the ancient Greek with that of Webster, and contended that in power of oratory the latter was superior to the former.
    James Williams was up to date with his subject, for it was "Cuba Libre." His entire oration was an impassioned plea for Cuban liberty. He spoke of the heroic struggle they were making and condemned the dilatory policy of this government in not recognizing their belligerency. It was a strong plea and delivered in an earnest and energetic manner.
    Grant Freeman was of a philosophic turn of mind, for he chose as the subject of his oration, "Life's Evening Takes Its Character From the Day." His oration abounded in good reasoning, and was delivered in an earnest manner. In closing he made a pleas for stronger Christian characters, grounded in our Saviour's love.
    Frank Grout chose for his subject: "Invention and Discovery," which he handled in a very pleasing manner. He entered the realm of imagination and took the class of '97 on air ship excursions to the city of Washington in the year 2025, where his imagination pictured the wonderful transformation that had taken place from the present times.
    Kenneth Larson believes in the advantage and purity of rural life, for his theme was "Country Life." He spoke of the advantage the country possesses in inculcating love of liberty and freedom in the human breast. Of the Washington and Lincoln which it reared to bless mankind. His entire oration was a strong plea for country life.
    De Etta Dickinson had taken for her subject the fanciful one, "The Grand Trunk Railway to Success." Her manner on the stage was easy and graceful and her oration was nicely written, and delivered in a pleasing manner. She spoke of the success to which all looked forward in this life, but said that if we wished to take the "Grand Trunk Railway to the desired goal, we must be on time and get on board the car of opportunity that stopped for all.
    The valedictory was given by Martin Joynt in a neat and happy manner. The recommendations of Prof. Hinckly, were practical and to the point, as were also the remarks made by H.C. Shadbolt in presenting the diplomas to the class. Each graduate was the recipient of a bountiful supply of flowers, at the close of his or her oration, who came from admiring friends.

A Sad Accident.
    A sad accident occurred at the city well, Friday evening, about five o'clock in which one man lost his life, and another was seriously injured. The well had been completed, and the workmen were engaged in taking the centrifugal pump from it when the accident happened. The pump had been hoisted by the derrick to the top of the well, but when the attempt was made to swing it from over the well, the stake to which one of the guy ropes was fastened, pulled up, and the derrick fell to the ground. Quite a crowd had gathered to watch the finishing of the well, among them being Mr. John Welsh. When the derrick started to fall the alarm was given, but too late for all to get out of the way, and Mr. Welch and a workman named James McBride, were caught by the falling derrick, and crushed beneath it. The former was picked up in an unconscious condition, and upon examination it was found that the back of his head was injured, several ribs and a leg broken. The unfortunate man was taken home but lived only a few hours. McBride's injuries were all on the head. His skull was slightly fractured, his lower jaw bone was broken, also some of the nasal bones. His head and face are badly swollen, but it is thought he will recover.
    The accident is peculiarly sad, inasmuch as Mr Welsh was a man 83 years of age, and had only gone to the well to look on. Then, too, in five minutes more the pump would have been out, and the well completed.

Memorial Day.
    Memorial day falling on Sunday, the G.A.R. post of this city set apart Saturday, as the day in which to honor the nation's dead. Saturday morning was clear and cool and many from the country and surrounding towns gathered in to take part in the observation of the day. The procession formed at ten o'clock on Union street and moved west on Main street to Broadway, and thence south to the cemeteries. The procession was headed by the military band, followed by nearly forty of the veterans of '61 to '65. Next in order came Co. K, and then the Canton resplendent in their full dress uniforms. The Canton was followed by the children of St. Mary's academy, who bore in their midst a beautiful banner, bearing the inscription "Soldiers' Rest," then came a long line of the pupils of the public schools and the children who had been selected to decorate the graves of the dead heroes.
    The W.R.C. came next in carriages and was followed by a long line of citizens in carriages. The whole made a procession of nearly a mile in length. The procession wended its way to the Catholic cemetery, and the graves of the soldiers that lie so quietly beneath its grassy mounds were strewn with flowers in memory of their heroic valor in defending the honor and unity of their beloved country. A salute was fired, the reveille sounded, and the procession wended its way to Evergreen cemetery, where the graves of the heroes, who offered all that they possessed on the altar of their country, were strewn with the flowery tributes of their former comrades and a grateful people. After the graves had been decorated, all gathered around the monument, erected to the Unknown Dead, where the closing exercises by the post took place. The monument was showered with flowers in honor of those whose lives were blotted out in that awful deluge of woe and carnage, and whose names lie smouldering in their graves with their ashes, but whose deeds live in the memory of a grateful republic. Here too, the dead were saluted, the reveille sounded, and the last tribute of the veterans paid to their dead comrades.
    In the afternoon at two o'clock the people gathered in Music hall to listen to the closing exercises of the day. First on the program was a flag drill by 24 little girls from the East side public school, under the direction of Miss Patton. The drill was executed very nicely and much appreciated. The regular G.A.R. service for such occasions then took place, and was followed by the address by Robert M. Bush of Spencer. Mr. Bush is a fluent and pleasing talker, and his address contained many patriotic and practical thoughts. The G.A.R. men were highly pleased with it, and hereafter will have a warm place in their hearts for him. The music for the occasion was furnished by a quartette consisting of Messrs. Atkinson, senior and junior, Saunders, and O.W. Hodgkinson. The crowd was the largest that has been in Emmetsburg on such occasion for several years and everything passed off very nicely.

Wagon and Carriage Repair Shop!
Main Street.
East of the Warnke and South of the Moor
 & Paulson blacksmith shops.
I have a full stock of hard wood and repairs for
Wagons, Buggies, and Farm Machinery.
Tanks and Cisterns, Made to Order.
Saws Filed, Lawn Mowers Sharpened.
All work done promptly, and in a workman-
ship like manner.
Horseshoeing, Plow Work, General Blacksmithing!
Done on Short Notice at Frank Warnke's old stand.
All Work Guaranteed...
To Give Satisfaction.
Bring in your
Plows, Cultivators and Drags,
And have them put in Repair.
Wm. Reuhle.
West Main Street, Emmetsburg.
Emmetsburg Steam Laundry.
A Complete Outfit of the Latest and most Modern Machinery.
First-class work guaranteed.
Family Work Carefully and Promptly Done.
Give us a Trial Order.
Mrs. J. Baily, Prop.
Ten Year Loans.
7 Per Cent, Int.
Pay Any Amount
At Any Time
N.C. Blanchard,
Emmetsburg, Iowa.
John T. Stemets,
Drugs, Toilet Articles.
Medicines, Paints, Oils,
Fancy Soaps, Tooth, Nail and Hair
Brushes, Combs, Trusses, Etc.
Physician's Prescriptions receive
careful attention.
Music Hall Block.
Farmers' Blacksmith Shop!
Yerkes & Jozwiak.
We are prepared to do all kinds of Blacksmith
work at Live and Let Live Prices.
Horseshoing, Gun and Wagon Work,
....and Specialties....
Shop South of Milwaukee Depot.
South Broadway, Emmetsburg.
Wods Bros.
Tonsorial Parlors!
Hot and Cold Baths.
Veterinary Surgeon and Dentist!
J. Bailey.
Having 20 years experience, am prepared to
treat all diseases of the horse scientifically.
If your horse can be cured will tell you so.
Calls to all parts of the county attended to.
Office at the Steam Laundry, Emmetsburg, Iowa.
T.L. Crose,
Justice of the Peace,
Collections and Insurance
Receive special attention. Office on Tenth
Street, East of the McCarty & Linderman office,


Palo Alto Reporter
Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa
July 23, 1897

- The Milwaukee road runs an excursion to Arnold's Park next Sunday. A musical entertainment is the attraction. Only ninety cents for a round trip ticket from Emmetsburg.
- ?.N. Hildreth, of Ellington township, has been recommended by Congressman Dolliver as postmaster at Mallard, to succeed the present incumbent. Mr. Hildreth is a first class man for the place, and will make an obliging and efficient public servant.
-At a meeting of the stockholders of the First National bank held last Saturday afternoon, J.J. Watson was elected vice-president to succeed Geo. J. Consigny, Jr. the latter having disposed of his interests in the bank. G.S. Ringland, of Fort Dodge, and S.C. Blair, were elected directors.
-J.J. Watson's horse "Berry," promises to make some good time in this fall's races. One day last week, while being worked out he trotted a mile in 2:204. This is pretty good time and was made on a track that is both slow and long. "Frank Potts," the pacer owned by J.W. Drybread, paced a mile the same day in the same time.
-A a special meeting of the city council held Thursday evening of last week, the matter of letting contract for power house to the water-works, was let to P.R. Wells for $1607. There were only two bids. The matter of letting contract for a pump was laid over until Thursday evening, July 22, when the bids will be opened and contract let.
-E.A. Morling has rented rooms in the McCormick block, and expects to move his law office to them in a few days.
-Beckman & Schroeder have done a good business in selling harvesting machines. So far they have disposed of thirty McCormick harvesters.
-The ladies' of Assumption church will give an ice cream social, Friday evening, July 30, at the residence of Rev. J.J. Smith. All are cordially invited to attend.
-A ten cent show opened up in the Grier building on the west side of Broadway, Thursday. The show consists of several large snakes and a slim man. It will remain the rest of the week.
-The building to be occupied by the Allred Shoe Company, was not ready for occupancy, July 20, and the removal has been postponed one week. Mr. Allred expects to occupy his new quarters by the 27th of the month.
-Tom Murry was arrested at West Bend the latter part of the week, charged with keeping company with women of ill-repute. He was tried before Squire Parkin of that place, and bound over to await the action of the grand jury at their next meeting.
-At a meeting of Company K, Monday evening, the boys decided to purchase a new mess tent to take to camp this year. The tent will be 20x40 feet and will afford shelter from both the hot sun and rain, during meal time. It will cost in the neighborhood of sixty dollars.
-The death sentence for Lew Kellihan for the Sherburne bank robbery, has been commuted by the Minnesota board of pardons to a life sentence in the penitentiary. The commutation was brought about through the efforts of H.G. McMillan, whose daughter's life was saved by Kellihan a number of years ago. McMillan has certainly proven himself a true friend to Kellihan.
- About two weeks ago, R.C. King went to Hawarden, and took the state board of pharmacy's examination for a registered pharmacist. Wednesday he received notice that he had passed the examination, successfully, and his certificate would be forwarded to him in a few days. Rob has been with J.T. Stemets for seven years, and by close application to business and study he has been enabled to become a registered pharmacist.
-John McCormick of Nevada township, came very near meeting with a serious accident last Saturday evening. As he was returning home from town his team, a spirited one, became frightened and ran away. AS he neared a corner he feared that the wagon would upset, and so jumped from it, receiving a sprained back and cutting quite a gash under his chin. The team ran a short distance farther and brought up in a barb wire fence. One of the horses was quite badly cut. Mr. McCormick is certainly fortunate in escaping so luckily.
-H.C. Darrah is remodeling his elevator. He has torn down the dump on the east side of it, and will put in a new one on the ground level. He also puts a large addition to the elevator in order to make more room for this year's oat crop.
-The Brotherhood of American Yeoman, have an organized lodge in this city with a membership of over thirty. At their next meeting they will initiate five new members. They are mostly young men and this makes the organization that much stronger, as it will tend to keep the death rate to the minimum.
    The officers are as follows: Grand foreman, Joe Bagley; master of ceremonies, A.W. Barringer; physician, Reed; correspondent, H.G.E. Oelfke; master of accounts, O.W. Hodgkinson; and chief overseer, Walter Moses.

Personal Mention.

- Miss Lill Patton has charge of W.D. Ferguson's feed store, while the latter is confined to the house.
-Mr. Charles Seigels is a severe sufferer from malarial fever. At last report he was thought to be improving some.
-Mrs. Lena Jenswald of Duluth, was expected Thursday evening to spend some time in visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H.C. Darrah.
-L.W. Ballard went to Sioux Falls in the middle of the week to assist in the marble shop that Godden and Ballard have opened in that city.
-Mrs. H. Dann, of Fairmont, Minn. arrived the latter part of last week to spend a short time with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H.B. Nicholas of this city.
-Mrs. A. McCarthy of Rush Lake township, was an Emmetsburg visitor Saturday. Mrs. McCarty is a prominent teacher of the south part of the county, and takes much interest in educational work.
-Ed. Robbins has been kept to the house for more than ten days by a sore leg. Some little time ago he injured his leg and it apparently got well, but about ten days ago it grew worse and came near developing into blood poisoning. It is getting better again.
-E.J. Hartshorn, Leroy Grout, Mrs. Grout, and Miss Mamie Grout went to Spirit Lake Wednesday morning to take in the Chautauqua proceedings. It was veterans' day, and Gen Alger, secretary of war, was the orator of the occasion.

Palo Alto Reporter
Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa
Friday, Sept. 3, 1897

Kicked by a Horse

   Thursday afternoon Thomas Welch, a fifteen year old boy, who resides with his parents in Nevada township, met with a fearful accident. He was going in the wagon to do some kind of farm work, and one of the tugs coming unhitched he naturally leaned out over the dashboard to hitch it. When in this position one of the horses gave him a vicious kick on the left side of teh head. The boy fell from the wagon senseless and the team ran away. Dr. Davies was called as soon as possible and he found that the boy had sustained a compound communited fracture of the left side of the skull, together with extensive loss of brainy substance, a portion of the brain protruding through the gaping wound. The skull bone was broken into small pieces. Dr. Davies taking no less than thirty pieces from the wound. At this writing the  boy's right side is paralyzed and he can not talk. The case is a critical one and it will be almost a miracle if he recovers.


   The Congregational parsonage was the scene of a quiet but happy wedding Wednesday evening. The contracting parties were Samuel Halsey and Mrs. Emma McCullough of this city. The ceremony took place at 8:30 o'clock and was performed by Rev. H.M. Case, pastor of the Congregational church.
    The groom has been a resident of Emmetsburg for some little time and is now an abstractor for Col. E.S. Ormsby. He is a capable and upright man and is highly respected by all. The bride is one of the best known ladies in Emmetsburg and is highly respected for her many admirable qualities. The happy couple will go to housekeeping at once in one of Mrs. Acres houses on Union street.
    The REPORTER extends its best wishes to the happy couple and trusts that life will unfold many happy blessings for their enjoyment.

    - The delegates to the county Sunday school convention next Friday evening and Saturday are as follows: Lutheran school, C.C. Gusland and Miss Julia Dyvig; Congretational school, Miss Ola Bostwick, Miss Lizzie Schoreder, Mrs. C.E. Taylor, Miss Alta Turner, F.E. Henry, F.S. Appleman, and Harry Dickinson; Methodist school, Mrs. E.B. Soper, Rev. Robt. Bagnall, S.C. Blair, Miss Jane Blair, W.E.G. Saunders, W.J. Bowden, and Mrs. C.M. Henry.
    -Last Thursday morning, Wm Kirby received a telegram containing the sad news of the death of his aged father, who resided at Warren, Ill. Mr. Kirby left on the evening train to attend the obsequies.
    -Monday noon a gasoline stove came near causing a fire at the home of Mr. P.G. Smith's. It seems that while Mrs. Smith was getting dinner the screw that regulates the flow of gasoline came out and soon the burning fluid was blazing to the ceiling. H.B. Smith who lives close by, hearing the confusion, rushed in and picked up the stove and threw it out the door. The fire bell was rung but before the fire company got to the scene the fire had been extinguished. Some damage was done to the paper on the wall, but it was slight.
    - George and Orin and Mrs. Orin Wright, of Fairfield township, are visiting their old home in York state.
    -Edward Kelly has been laid up all of this week. Tuesday he was reported a little better, but Wednesday he was down again.
A Modern Dreamer
    Modern people as a rule pay little attention to dreams, but occasionally a firm believer in dreams bob up in some unexpected place. This is true of a modern dreamer by the name of James Davis, who up to Monday morning was working for Ole Benson, who resides a few miles east of Emmetsburg. Last Monday morning Davis got up about 3:30 o'clock and was rambling about the house. Being awakened by the noise, Mr. Benson asked him what he was doing. Davis replied that he had had a dream which told him that he must move and he must go. Davis went but in the morning when Mr. Benson arose, he missed a shot gun and some other things of lesser value. He came to town and informed Sheriff Hanson of the loss, who at once began inquiries for Davis. The only clue to him came from M. Jackman who saw the fellow going by his place about seven o'clock in the morning. If Davis only dreams that he must avoid towns until he passes the Minnesota border, he will be all right as his theft is only petty larceny.

Palo Alto Reporter
Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa
Oct. 1, 1897

- Saturday evening as Jim Brennen was going home he wanted to cross the new bridge northwest of town but was stopped by one of the workmen by the name of Haugsten. Brennan got out and Haugsten hit him over the head with a big iron bolt. The blow rendered him senseless for some time and cut his scalp quite badly.
- H.C. Shadbolt has had his coal sheds repainted. It makes them present a much better appearance.
-A.F. Johnson, who resides three miles southwest of Curlew will have a public sale Tuesday, October 12. He contemplates moving to Webster county.
-C.J. Williamson of Rush Lake township has rented his farm and will remove with his family to Storm Lake. He will have a sale Thursday, Oct. 14, to dispose of his stock and farm machinery.
-Last Saturday was a great day for grain in Emmetsburg. H.C. Darrah reports handling more grain than in any other day for years. It is just so all over the country, the only trouble being in getting cars to ship it as fast as needed.
-Born to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Fredericks, of Freedom township, Saturday, Sept. 25, 1897, a fine bouncing baby boy, that tipped the scales at 13 pounds. Both mother and child are progressing nicely.
-Peter Hanson, of Great Oak, was taken before the board of insanity, Friday last and judged insane. He was taken to Independence for treatment, and it is hoped that in the course of a few months he will come home cured.
-The Womans' Foreign Missionary Society, of the M.E. church will be held at the home of Mrs. S.C. Blair, this Friday afternoon. at three o'clock. The election of officers for the ensuing year and other important business will be transacted.
-Mr. and Mrs. M.E. Mahan and daughter, Miss Gertie, of Graettinger, were Estherville visitors last Friday. Mr. M. has been a resident of Palo Alto county for over forty years and relates some peculiar experiences incident to the early days in that county.-- Estherville Democrat.
-C.J. Willliamson of Rush Lake township, was an Emmetsburg visitor, Friday last, and brought with him a basket of very fine apples and left them at this office. They were of the Wealthy and Patton's Greenings' variety, and were large and uniform in size and almost perfect in every way. He had quite a number of bushels of each variety, and his orchard is yet young.
-Emmetsburg is to have a new photograph gallery in the near future. C.F. Curtis has leased the Grier lot on North Broadway and will erect a suitable building for his business. Work on the building will commence in a few days, and it will be pushed to completion.
- The marriage of W.J. Black and Miss Jennie Smith, of Iowa Falls, took place at the residence of the bride's parents in that city, Wednesday evening, September 29, 1897, at 7:30 o'clock. The groom was formerly a resident of Emmetsburg, having grown to manhood in this city. He is a young man of excellent ability, and now holds the position of head clerk in a large dry goods establishment in Iowa Falls. The bride is an Iowa Falls lady, and is spoken of as possessing rare qualities of mind and heart. The many Emmetsburg friends of Mr. Black, wishes the young couple a happy and prosperous wedded life.
-Tom Welch, the boy that was kicked by a horse about five weeks ago, and whose case was of a very critical nature, was in town Thursday of last week. His case is certainly a remarkable one for the cranium was so badly broken that the bone was removed in pieces for nearly four inches in length and one in width, and a part of the brainy substance was lost through the aperture. The wound is healing nicely and the bone is growing inward, and it looks as though the aperture would entirely fill by the growth of the bone. Part of the paralysis has passed away, and it looks as though in time all the natural functions of the body will be restored. The case is certainly a remarkable one, and demonstrates what the science of surgery can do.
-Miss Ella Robbins gave a party Wednesday evening to quite a number of her friends. The evening was spent in social intercourse and games. Refreshments were served.
-Elias Apland has rented his farm in South Vernon to L. Randall for the ensuing year and will remove to Story county during the winter.
-Some forty of the friends of Florence Gremmels called on her on Wednesday evening, and with her held and informal farewell party. Refreshments, music, etc., enlivened the evening.
-S. Easthouse has decided to go to Story county to reside, consequently he has rented his farm in Vernon township to Tom Knuteson. Mr. Easthouse will leave for his Story county home some time during the winter.
-The regular monthly meeting of the missionary society of the Cong'l. church will be held at the residence of Mrs. W.J. Brown, Wednesday afternoon, Oct. 6, at 2:45. Refreshment served at 4:30. Entertainment committee, Mrs. Brown, Mrs. Talept, Mrs. Scott, Mrs. Case.


    Mrs. Frank McMahon left last Saturday to visit her hold home at Ackley.
    H.W. Kent has been on the sick list for the past week. He suffered from a very severe cold.
    Mrs. E.J. Gooden has been quite sick for the past few days. She is suffering from an old complaint.
    E.H. Smith of Austin, Minnesota, was calling on his brother, C.H. Smith, of this city, Friday of last week.
    C.F. Curtis went to Spencer Thursday morning to attend to some matters pertaining to his removal to this city.
    Mrs. L.H. Mayne and children returned Wednesday from a four weeks' visit with her parents at Tiskiiwa, Illinois.
    J.H. Roberts left for Mason City, Monday, to look after business in that place. He is putting in a gas and heating plant in that city.
    Dr. Wright, J.P. Stebbing, E.P. Wiley, and J.C. Yates of Curlew were up Friday in the insanity case of Peter Hanson, of Great Oak township.
    Mrs. Jessie Miles of Ruthven, arrived last Friday evening and will spend a week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C.S. Duncan of this city.
    Mrs. D. Black, Miss Hattie Black and Peter Black left Tuesday afternoon for Iowa Falls to attend the Black-Smith nuptials, Wednesday evening.
    W.R. Morling, of Booneville, N.Y., arrived in this city the middle of last week, and has gone to work in the office of his brother, E.A. Morling.
    J.C. Baker left for various parts of the northwest Iowa, to adjust losses for his insurance company. He expects to be gone three weeks.
    Mrs. M.L. Sturtevant arrived from Scotch Grove Thursday evening of last week, and will spend some time in visiting her son, J.M. Sturtevant of this city.
    P.F. Gylling and wife, L.O. Gusland, C.C. Gusland and Olaf Anderson went to Graettinger Sunday to attend services pertaining to the laying of the corner stone of the Lutheran church of that place.
    Sven Quam and wife, of Fairfield township, returned Wednesday morning from Norway where they had been since sometime in June. Mr. Quam says that he had a very fine visit while gone among old acquaintances.
    Mr. and Mrs. H.C. Shadbolt, spent Sunday with D.B. Harmon, a cousin of Mr. Shadbolt. They returned home Monday accompanied by Mrs. M.P. Shadbolt who had been spending a couple of weeks in Primghr.

Palo Alto Reporter
Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa
November 19, 1897

     Mrs. Thomson of Jewel is visiting her daughters, Mrs. G. Olson and Mrs. Solon.
     Dr. Woodbridge has returned from his visit at Marshalltown feeling very much rested.
     Tom O'Halloran had the misfortune to run a rusty nail in his hand, which gives him quite a good deal of pain and uneasiness.
    Charley Bauman has his jewelry store nearly completed.
    Joe Woolner received a telegram from Wisconsin, that his brother was dead.
    Mrs. Dayton is on the sick list.

     Mrs. Bennett is enjoying a visit from her sister of Cedar Falls.
    A very pleasant evening was spent at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J.H. Christy on Monday evening in honor of Dr. C.H. Wright, who will soon go to New Mexico on account of his health.
    The Good Templars will give a "Conundrum" supper at the tabernacle on Friday evening. All are invited to be present and get a good supper if they guess right.
    We are sorry to know that Mrs. Will Kinne is again on the sick list.

December 15, 1897:

Mrs. Dudgeon returned from Spencer Saturday morning, where she had been visiting her sisters for several weeks. She goes to Waverly in a few days to spend Christmas with other relatives.

We understand that Mrs. Killen is selling out her stock of goods at Crippen and that the postoffice at that place is soon to be discontinued. The closing of the creamery has made this necessary.

Bro. Mayne is quoting Scripture for the benefit of the Democrat. When a man becomes religious all at once just keep a keen eye on him. Look to your conduct, Bro. Mayne, and save Bro. Bookman another unpleasant task.

It is presumed that Will Cleveland and Robert Muldoon will be full-fledged colonels within a week from the time they reach Kentucky. The boys are entitled to the longest handles to their names that can be found in the blue grass region.

Clarence Darland came home from Des Moines the last of the week and left for Primghar Monday morning accompanied by Clark Armstrong. He had moved his stock of goods to the latter named place where he will conduct his business in the future.

Martin Redmond, a son of Michael Redmond, returned to this city Saturday evening after an absence of six years in the west. When he left here he was but a small boy. Now he is a full grown man. He will visit relatives and friends until after the holidays.

Francis Beguin arrived in this city from Elmwood, Ill., a few days ago, and is living in the residence formerly owned by Charles Terwilliger. He recently traded for the Anthony Finn farm near Osgood and will take possession of it in March. He is a pleasant gentleman and we hope he will be pleased with his new home.

Palo Alto Reporter
Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa
Friday, Dec. 24, 1897

-Mrs. W.J. Brown has been enjoying the fine sleighing of the past few days in the fine new cutter.
-Born to Mr. and Mrs. J.R. Reed, Monday, Dec. 20, 1897, an eleven and one half pound boy. All concerned are getting along nicely.
-The E.D.W. Club met with Mr .and Mrs. Consigny last Monday evening. A nice social evening was enjoyed by all. The next meeting will be with Mr .and Mrs. C.W. Hodgkinson.
-Kaufman brothers have put in a clothing house at Austin, Minn, which for the time being has been placed under charge of H.K. Flom of this city, who left on last Saturday to take charge of it.
-In an oratorical contest at Iowa college last Saturday, Dwight McCarty took third honors. This entitles him to the chairmanship of the state committee. Dwight's many Emmetsburg friends are rejoiced over his success.
-Monday afternoon Ned Hartshorn had a runaway. He was out driving and in turning a corner the cutter upset and spilled him out. The horse became scared and ran away, doing some damage to the cutter. Otherwise nothing was hurt.
-Miss Nellie Shadbolt entertained about twenty of her young companions at her home Friday evening of last week. The young people were entertained in a royal manner, and went home feeling that Miss Nellie made a charming hostess.
-Mrs. and Mrs. A.A. Wells of Osgood are enjoying a visit from their daughters, Mrs. Jennie Cady of Iowa Falls, and Mrs C.N. Cook of Burt. The Guests will remain a week.
-The free cooking exhibit at Dealy & Cos. store, during the first three days of the week was quite a success and Mrs. Clark is certainly an adept in the culinary art, and her pies, puddings and cake are very toothsome. They are made from a mince meat which is prepared for that purpose. The mince meat retails at ten cents a package, and will make two large pies.
-J.F. Neary has disposed of his stock of goods to a gentleman from Marothon this state. He puts in his goods at cost, and takes it in exchange a farm in Vernon township at a certain price per acre. Whatever the difference in the invoiced price of the goods and the farm, Mr. Neary will continue to sell the goods for some little time, and will then remove them to some other place.
-W.E. Wilson returned from Des Moines Wednesday evening. He will move with his family to Oregon in the spring.-- Free Press.
-A. Younie will start for Loveland, Colorado, on Monday, where he will visit his two daughters and their families. He will be gone about two weeks, and when he returns will bring Mrs. Y. with him.-- West Bend Journal.
-J.W. Hanson has let the contract for delivering ten cords of rock on his block in the southeast part of the city and will, we understand, erect a fine residence as soon as work can be commenced in the spring. It is an old saying that there is no great loss without some small gain, and while Palo Alto Co has lost a most efficient sheriff, Ruthven will gain a most welcome citizen.-- Free Press.

-Simon Easthouse of Vernon township, loaded a car with his farm machinery and household goods, Monday. He has rented his farm in Vernon and removed to Cambridge, Story county. Mr. Easthouse and family will be missed by their friends in Vernon.
-Next Sunday the first quarterly meeting of the conference year of the M.E. church will be held. Baptismal rites and the holy communion will be observed in the morning, and in the evening the presiding elder, Rev. D. M. Yetter, will be present and deliver the discourse.
-The Algona school board has two very sensible rules. One is that no treating scholars to candy, cakes, etc. on Thanksgiving and Christmas will be allowed. The second prohibits the taking of collections for any purpose, unless first sanctioned by the president of the school board. Every school should adopt similar rules.
-Mr.and Mrs. W.D. Ferguson are rejoicing over a fine 14 pound boy, that came to their house, Sunday morning, December 19, 1897. Since then they have been the recipients of the congratulations of their many friends. This is their first child, hence Mr. and Mrs. Ferguson are very proud of it.
-Monday John Keating, a young man of about 18 years of age, who resides in Great Oak township, had an operation performed for necrosis. Dr. Powers performed it, and Keating refused to be placed under the influence of cloroform, and sat and watched the doctor while he cut open the flesh and scraped the bone. It took some little time to perform the operation and Keating certainly displayed much grit for the operation must have been very painful.
-At the regular meeting of Henry Dillon, G.A.R. post, held Monday evening, the following officers were elected: Commander, E.B. Soper; sen. vice-commander, J.S. Atkinson; jun. vice-commander, A.L. Ormsby; adjutant LeRoy Grout; quartermaster, D. O'Halloran; surgeon, N.E. Maxon; chaplain, C.S. Duncan; officer of day, J.T. Brunemer; and officer of guard, J.F. Keeler. C. S. Duncan was elected delegate to attend the next state G.A.R. encampment, and J.T. Brunemer, alternate. The post was also inspected by J.R. Phoenix, county G.A.R. inspector from Ruthven.
-The revival meetings at the Root school house, closed Friday evening of last week. The meetings resulted in much good, as twelve publicly confessed Christ, and started in the Christian life, and others who were lukewarm in the cause, buckled on the armor anew, and are determined henceforth to be found working in their Master's vineyard. Rev. Kennedy certainly deserves praise for his untiring zeal and faith, for it was this that bought about the success of the meetings. The addition of the new members will add greatly to the strength of the church in the community and its influences for good will be largely augmented.
- George Herley has grown tired of talking, and so has put a talking machine in his drug store. It is called a "gramaphone" and is a new invention. The impressions of the voice has been taken by some process on a hard rubber disk, and the sound is reproduced by a soft steel needle, placed loosely on this revolving disk. One of the disks will last a long while, and by renewing the needles the machine will be good to talk for several years. He intends to raffle it off as soon as he has disposed of the chances on it. The person who is lucky enough to get it will have a pleasing and amusing instrument, with which to entertain his friends.

Wanted, For Sale, Etc.
Cash paid for hides and furs at
M.F. Kerwick's.

When in need of dry, hard wood,
sawed in stove length, call at Darrah's.

Dr. Preston, eye, ear, nose and
throat specialist, in consultation at
Emmetsburg, Wednesday, Dec. 29.

The Farmers' Savings Bank are now
prepared to make 6 per cent farm loans.

Notwithstanding the large sale I
Made on "Majestic Steel Ranges"
during my exhibit, (and return thanks
to those who attended the same,) I
have ordered another half car load of
ranges, and will supply the wants of
those who have not already bought of
me.     M.F. Kerwick.

A good competent girl for general
housework; good pay and steady place.

For Sale.
Choice Poland China hogs, also
Plymouth Rock chickens.
     F.C. WOOD, Rodman, Ia.

E.O. Hanson,
Physician and Surgeon,
Depew, Ia.
Night Calls Promptly Attended to.

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