Palo Alto County Newspapers

Emmetsburg Democrat
Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa
1895 Christmas Souvenir

One of Emmetsburg's most successful business men is T. Lane, who is an Englishman by birth. He was born in 1847. But little of his early life has been learned. He arrived in this city in 1877, and for several years owned an extensive stock farm one mile east of this city. He succeeded well in this line and several years ago was connected with the American Investment
Co. of this place. At present he is the senior member of the real estate firm of Lane & Consigney, whose business transactions are perhaps as large as those of any real estate firm in this section of the state. Mr. Lane is a gentleman of tact, energy and shrewdness, and has succeeded in accumulating large property interests in this section of the state. Last year he built a
residence that would be a credit to a city four times the size of Emmetsburg. He was married at Milwaukee, in 1879, to Miss J.E. Hayman. He has a small family, and a cheery, comfortable home.

     An enterprising young business man, whose opportunities, at present give promise of a highly successful career, is George J. Consigney, Jr., a member of the real estate firm of Lane & Consigney. Our subject is a native of the picturesque and historic city of Burlington, Vermont. He was born in 1864. In 1870 his parents moved to Iowa and are at present residents of
Cedar Rapids, Iowa. At the latter named place, Mr. Consigney attended school and grew to manhood. When but a young man he obtained a profitable position in the railway postal service, serving in that capacity for a number of years. Sept. 10, 1890, he was married to Miss Myrtie E. Ormsby, of this city, and has since resided here. Soon after he engaged in the real estate business with Mr. Lane. Their sales and purchases have been enormous and they are making rapid strides on the road to prosperity. In 1884 Mr. Consigney erected a residence that is as artistic in design as it is substantial in structure. Personally, Mr. Consigney is one of the most affable and warm hearted of gentlemen, and he and his estimable wife enjoy a large and cultured acquaintance throughout the state of Iowa.

     Dr. R.W. Baldwin, one of the most successful dentists of Emmetsburg, was born at Lansing, Iowa, February 20, 1873. Soon after, his parents moved to Wisconsin, living on a farm until he was nine years old, when they became residents of Viroqua, Wisconsin. The subject of this brief notice graduated from the high school of that place with the class of '90. In the fall of '91 he took up the study of dentistry, and graduated with high honors in 1894. Soon after he opened an office in Music Hall block, this city. He accepted the position of demonstrator in prosthetic laboratories of the dental department of the State University for the session of 1895-96, on regional anatomy. He has still an office in this city and intends on continuing in
the local practice. He is a gentleman of presence and dignity and is capable of commanding and retaining the confidence of the public.

     Edgar A. Morling, of the influential and widely known law firm of Soper, Allen & Morling, was born at Boonville, New York in 1864. He received his education in the state of his nativity, studied law, and was admitted to the bar at an early age. Like many others of ambition, talent and genius, he determined to seek the less crowded fields of the west to enter upon the
labors of his chosen profession, where the conditions of a new and developing country would offer the greatest inducements and more permanent rewards. He came to Iowa in 1889 and to Emmetsburg the same year. For several years before entering into partnership he was associated with the firm of which he is a strong and judicious member. Mr. Morling's early training was fortunately of such a character as to enable him to rise rapidly into prominence. Though unpretentious and generally inclined towards moderation, his thorough knowledge of the general principles of law and his ready faculty of applying them soon won him the attention and the respect of his fellow-workers. He is at present a member of the city council and his
influence and ability are as highly regarded in his citizenship as they are in his profession. He was married at Cherokee, Ia., in 1888, to Miss Flora Tripp, of that place.

     There is, perhaps, no other business man in northwestern Iowa who is more widely known and who has a larger circle of personal and business friends than H.J. Wilson. He is the only son of the late Hon. J.J. Wilson, one of the pioneers of this section of the state and a man who was for many years identified with its political and material development. Harry, as he
is usually called, was born at Whitewater, Wisconsin, in 1863. His parents moved to Algona in 1870, where he grew to manhood. In 1887 he came to this city to assume the management of the Model Flouring Mills. The following year he was married to Miss Luella Russell of Humboldt, Iowa. It was not long before Mr. Wilson was recognized as one of the most enterprising and substantial business men of our city. His capacity for business is remarkable. Under his careful, enterprising management, Model Mills have been greatly enlarged and improved, and the daily output is, perhaps, equal to that of any mill in Iowa. He has also the management of several flour and feed stores within a radius of 100 miles of this city, and he gives to the numerous lines under his direction, attention and supervision that are surprising. Mr. Wilson is also a man of numerous personal acquirements. As a musician, he ranks high. He is one of the foremost band men of this section, and is at present the instructor of the State Juvenile Band. As a marksman, he has also won quite a reputation, having won the state championship last season. He still holds the belt. A career of honor and business success awaits him and his friends and associates look hopefull forward to his higher achievements and more substantial rewards.

     L.A. Rofinot, the head miller in this large establishment, is a gentleman of personal acquirements as well as first class tradesman. He was born at Corghan, New York, on June 28, 1862. He came to Iowa in 1882 and lived for several years at Corwith, where his parents still reside. In 1887 he came to Emmetsburg and accepted a position in the Model Mills. His well
known efficiency and trustworthiness soon attracted the attention of Mr. Wilson and he was promoted to the position of head miller. In 1891 he was married to Miss Katie, the charming daughter of Maj. and Mrs. H.C. Darrah. They have a cheerful home and the lamp of domestic happiness always shines brightly. They are a part of the best social life of the community.

     J. Reade Clarke, one of the most honored citizens of Emmetsburg, is a native of Dublin, Ireland. Developing into manhood, he adopted the profession of naval architect, but owing to failing health, he was forced to abandon it. He graduated at one of the leading colleges in South Germany when but a young man and was with the German army in the Franco-Prussian war in 1870 and 1871. He was married to Miss Anna Bolton, of Yorkshire, at St. Mary Abbot's church, Kensington, London, England. He came to Emmetsburg at the wish of his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. T.R. Crawford, in 1881 and except during temporary absence, has since resided here. He became a citizen in 1886 and has a warm interest in the development and progress of the country of his adoption. He built a handsome cottage in 1881 but sold it in 1883. Several years ago he built one of the finest houses in  the north part of this city. He has prospered and is quite contented with this country. It is said that in polish, taste, and courtesy, the Dublin gentleman ranks the highest. Those who have so frequently appreciated a personal acquaintance of Mr. Clarke will not be surprised when they learn of the city in which he grew to manhood and in which he formed his ideals of personality and of integrity. Apart from this he has traveled extensively in Europe and America and he is a most interesting conversationalist. He can speak several languages fluently. He belongs to the Protestant Episcopal church and has been on the vestry for several years.

     Charles O'Flynn, the worthy foreman of maintenance of way on the B.C.R. & N. Ry., is a worthy son of the Emerald Isle, but is one of the most thorough Americans of our city in habits, industry and sentiment. He was born at Milford, Cork, Ireland in 1861. Bidding and affectionate adieu to the land of his nativity he sought a home in the New World and came to Iowa in 1881. For several years he lived at Estherville. He became a resident of Emmetsburg in 1888 and has since labored earnestly and devotedly for the interests of the company with which he is employed and for the upbuilding of Emmetsburg. October 26, 1886, he was married at Waterloo, Iowa, to Miss Bridget I. Carrigg, of that city. Five children-Nellie, Bessie, Tom, Maggie and Charlie-cheer their fireside. Mr. O'Flynn is a man of exemplary habits, a prince of good fellows and one of the best posted men in our midst on issues of the hour.

    M.F. Kerwick is one of the most thrifty hardware dealers in this section of the state, and financially, one of the strong men of Emmetsburg. He was born in Ireland in 1850 and came to the United States and settled in this neighborhood when but twenty-two years of age. Mr. Kerwick started in life at the foot of the ladder and the gratifying success which he has achieved
is the result of his prudence, his caution, his industry and his natural adaption for the responsible line of trade in which he is engaged. He commenced business when Emmetsburg was but a village, and he has, in business progress, more than kept pace with its growth. He has an extensive trade and carries a large, carefully selected stock. Besides his fine residence and his mercantile showing, he is one of the directors of the First National Bank and he is also a director in the Graettinger and Mallard Savings Banks. There are few citizens of Emmetsburg whose property accumulations are larger than his. In 1882, Mr. Kerwick was united in marriage with Miss Mary Egan. They have a lovely home and they dearly treasure it. The subject of our sketch takes an active interest in local questions and he has for several years been a member of the public school board. He is conservative in his views and prudent in his expressions.

   The name of Martin Coonan, Sr., who has long since passed to his last reward, is inseparably associated with the foundation , growth and early history of Emmetsburg. He came to the county when the march of civilization was timid and when all undertakings were attended by the risks and painful trials of early pioneer life. He settled in this locality when there was no Emmetsburg, when there was little else but prairie and sky. He built a home on the east bank of the Des Moines, the present site of the Riverdale farm. This was in 1858. His house was the first stopping place for stages and travelers, and they were always welcome and given the best accommodations beneath the humble roof. Mr. Coonan was the first postmaster in this locality and he laid out the old town, naming it Emmetsburg, in honor of that immortal young patriot who shed his life's blood for the cause of his country. His residence was used for the first term of court held in Palo Alto county. He made the first improvements in Emmetsburg property.
     Mr. Coonan was born in Kilkenny, Ireland, in 1819. He was married to Miss Catherine O'Connell, at Boston, Mass., February 6, 1847. He died in this city, January 13, 1886. His aged companion still survives; is quite rugged and healthy, and frequently, in conversation, dwells with vivid interest on the scenes and conditions preceding the founding of our populous

     The Christmas number of the Democrat would be incomplete without a brief biographical sketch of Patrick Joyce, the vice-president of the Brown Land and Loan Co. one of the first citizens of four city- a gentleman who yields to none in the earnestness of his devotion to interests of society, education, religion, and everything that our citizens as a body appreciate
and idolize. He was born at Louisburg County Mayo, Ireland, November 16, 1839. He attended school for a short time in his native country. There was little hope for an ambitious young man in the land he lived, so he fixed his heart and hopes on fair Columbia. He reached Liverpool May 13, 1857, and New York City, on the 13th of the following July. Soon after he went to New York, remaining a year. In 1863 he became a resident of Lansing, Iowa, where he was engaged in business for several years. In 1871 he came to this county and settled in the old town. He moved to the new town in September, 1874,
locating his business where his large brick block is situated. In 1884 he was elected mayor and he served as a member of the city council for ten years during the early history of our present city. As a merchant he was highly successful and he enjoyed an extensive patronage. In 1890 he erected the large, three story brick building, which bears his name and which is the pride of Emmetsburg. Last June, owing to failing health, he was forced to retire from business.
     Mr. Joyce was married to Miss Mary Ellen O'Meara, of Lansing, Iowa, June 21, 1868. They have two exemplary sons-William, who is cashier of the Iowa Savings Bank, and Joseph, who is attending St. Mary's Academy. Mr. Joyce has for several years been county delegate of the Ancient Order of Hibernians, in the foundation of which organization he took a prominent part. He has always taken an active interest in political affairs, although he has never sought a political position. He is a man of strong convictions, of sincerity, and of loyal friendship. The Democrat has always found him a staunch, helpful friend, and it is indebted to him for aiding to arrange the dates and collect facts concerning the early history of our town and county. Emmetsburg is deeply indebted to Patrick Joyce for its material and general development and he has retired from business cares with the confidence and good wishes of all who know him.

    P.R. Wells, contractor and builder, was born in St. Lawrence county, New York, in 1860. He attended school and learned his trade in that section. He spent several years in New York City and Brooklyn and had the best of opportunities for cultivating and perfecting his taste for architecture. In 1883 he came to Iowa and purchased a farm. In 1885 he was married to Miss Elizabeth Walsh, of this city. Soon after he became a resident of Emmetsburg and has since been closely identified with the architectural advancement of our city. He was given the contract for building the large packing house and the erection of six of the best business buildings in Emmetsburg including the Dooley block and the Gowans block. Besides this, he has built fully twenty-five residences in this city, several of them among the very best. He is at present engaged in constructing the city hall.

A.J. Armstrong, the present treasurer of Palo Alto county, was born at Ashland, Ohio, in 1843. He came to Iowa in 1855 and for several years lived in the neighborhood of Hampton. There he was married in 1872, to Miss Myrtie Clark. In 1880, Mr. and Mrs. Armstrong moved to this city and have since resided here. For several years he was the junior member of the contracting and building firm of Bostwick and Armstrong. They constructed several of the most substantial business buildings of our city, including the Hinkley, Joyce and Music Hall blocks. A couple of years ago he built a good residence in Call's addition. Mr. Armstrong was never known as a politician, but, in 1893, he was nominated by the republicans for county treasurer and was elected by a good majority. Last November he was re-elected. His record as an officer has been most creditable and his efficiency and reliability are acknowledged by all irrrespective of party. The affairs of his office have
been administered with a business like promptness and accuracy, while with his agreeable social qualities have made him one of the most respected officers in the county.

     John McNally, chief of police of this city, was born in Jefferson county, Wisconsin, in 1853. He grew to manhood in that county and spent the early years of his life on a farm. He moved to Emmetsburg in 1872 and has since resided here. February 18, '77, he was married to Miss Mary Kelly. A bright little family bless their home. Mr. McNally was deputy sheriff of
Palo Alto county from 1884 to 1886, and he has held the office of chief of police off and on for about sixteen years. He is a punctual, courageous officer and the evil doers are always in quest of distant quarters when he is about.

    Mr. A.L. Ormsby, the subject of this sketch, was born at Deerfield, Michigan, June 5, 1847. He entered the army in 1863 at the age of 16, followed Sherman to the sea and was mustered out at the close of the war. He then read law in the office of McKinley & Burnham, Champaign, Ill., during 1866 and 1867, and subsequently practiced in Missouri and Michigan. In 1872, in connection with his uncle, A.C. Burnham, and his brother, Col. E. S. Ormsby, he established the banking house of Burnham, Ormsby & Co., which was later changed to Ormsby Brothers & Co., the brothers buying out Mr. Burnham and becoming sole owners. The business broadened to numerous branches and agencies, and in 1885 it was thought best to capitalize the business and therefore the First National Bank of which Mr. Ormsby was cashier, and the American Investment Co., of which he was vice-president and general manager, were organized. The two following years of 1885 and 1886 were years of unexampled prosperity and earnings of from 20 to 30 per cent. per annum were made by the Investment Company. Following the lead of others, in 1886 the company enlarged its field of operations, sending Mr. Ormsby to New York as joint manager of the New York office, and later to London where he spent a year in building up foreign business. Returning to New York in the fall of 1890 he was acquainted with the unfavorable condition of the west and realized that what had appeared prosperity and the natural growth of a new country was really an unnatural and feverish inflation. Poor crops followed, borrowers defaulted, and the company soon had its capital largely invested in advanced interest on guaranteed loans, foreclosure costs and equities in lands. A hasty consultation of the officers and directors resulted in the closing of all the offices save at Emmetsburg, curtailing all expenses possible, and sending Mr. Ormsby to Emmetsburg to take the management, where his energy was thought necessary to bring the company through its troubles and restore its shattered fortunes. Consequently, in May, 1891, Mr. Ormsby removed to Emmetsburg, was elected president and general manager of the company and set to work repairing the mistakes of the previous five years. In the three following years Mr. Ormsby succeeded in earning for the company upwards of $200,000 besides all expenses, salaries and interest on a large floating debt, and his efforts would have met with success had it been possible of accomplishment. In June, 1895, a receiver was applied for at the instigation of a wrecking combination against the protest of nearly all creditors of the company.
     Mr. Ormsby at once opened an office for the care of investments and interests of clients of the company and has been favored with the patronage of perhaps two-thirds of the number having investments made through the old company. His untiring push, grasp of details and devotion to the interests entrusted to his care are well known and appreciated.

No citizen of Emmetsburg has been more closely identified with the progress of Emmetsburg than P.O. Refsell. He was born near Drammon, Norway, March 27, 1857. He came to Iowa in 1866 and became a resident of Emmetsburg in 1875. He was for some time a clerk in the general store of Ketchum & Osher. Since then he has held several positions with Burnham, Ormsby & Co., Ormsby Bros. & Co., and the American Investment Co. He was for several years general manager of the latter named company, a position that required the attention of the most prudent and capable type of a business man. In company with Charles McCormick, he established the Bank of Emmetsburg in 1894 and was for some time cashier, from which position he subsequently retired to resume his duties with the American Investment Co. Mr. Refsell was for several years one of the most practical and influential members of the city council and he is an active member of several of the older civic organizations of our city. He is at present Captain of Company K, I.N.G. April 23, 1885 he was married to Miss Hattie Blanchard, of Silver Lake township. They have a small family and a commodious home.

     A.W. Utter was born in Wisconsin in 1849. He graduated at the University and came to Emmetsburg in 1875. He was for many years one of the editors of the Reporter, served several years in the postal railway service, and was for four years and seven months postmaster at Emmetsburg. Resigning in 1894, he engaged in the furniture business with C.M. Henry. He is an influential member of the city council. He has a commodious residence and a fine business. He has a good farm and since living in Emmetsburg he has built three good residences. In October, 1884, he was married to Miss Emma Showen, of Postville, Iowa. They have one daughter, Mabel. Mr. Utter is entitled to front rank among the leading public and business men of our city.

     The St. James Hotel, of which Court Howey is proprietor, is one of the best known houses in this section of Iowa. The original structure was removed from the old town in 1874, and has at various times since, been enlarged and improved. Last winter Mr. Howey succeeded Mr. Jacobs in the management of it and he must feel just pride in its increased patronage and popularity. When you come to Emmetsburg remember that the St. James is always open to guests: that its accommodations are ample; and that its rates are reasonable. The proprietor is genial and warm-hearted and spares no pain to provide for the comfort and becoming amusement of all who cross his threshold. The St. James was originally the property of A.D. Gallop. Later it was owned by A.L. Ormsby and at present is the property of H.H. Jacobs. Among those who had the management of the house in the past were S.D. Gallop, Thomas Connelly, P.F. Van Gorden, J.R. Place, Thos. Claer and H.H. Jacobs. Their supervision has always been a substantial character, and it was fortunate for the patronage of the house that when it changed managers it came into possession of a gentleman of Mr. Howey's experience and tact.

     In the material embellishment of our city, Emmetsburg has local tradesmen who have contributed brain and muscle. Prominent among these, is the subject of this sketch, Carl Prouty. He was born in this county in 1870 and came to this city with his parents in 1874. He was educated in the Emmetsburg schools and he was a close, punctual, capable student. Any of the leading professions could have been enriched by a young man of his personality and intellectual capacity, but he preferred the life of a tradesman and before he attained the years of his majority he manifested uncommon skill as a stone and brick mason. He has aided in the construction of the best business houses in Emmetsburg and he had the contract for the erection of the Dooly block and is at present constructing the elegant new city hall. In 1892 Mr. Prouty married to Miss Emma Doherty, of Iowa Falls. He has built a pleasant home and he is eminently satisfied with his success.

Claud M. Henry, one of Emmetsburg's brightest young business men, has been a resident of Palo Alto county since early boyhood. He was born in this county in 1871. After leaving school he was for several years employed in his father's drug store. In 1894 he engaged in the furniture business with Mr. Utter. He served one term as coroner. He is Second Lieutenant of Company K, I.N.G. September 3, 1894, he was married at Kalamazoo, Michigan, to Miss L. Genevieve Showen, of this city. He is a young man of ambition and unusual energy, especially adapted for the line in which he is engaged, and has
every reason to look forward to the attainment of high rank among the business representatives of Emmetsburg. His social standing is the best.

    L.A. Martin is the capable and popular recorder of Palo Alto county. His birthplace was Poca, West Virginia. He was born in 1857, and came to Iowa with his parents in 1860. Most of the years of his boyhood and early manhood were spent in Fern Valley township, this county. In 1878 he was married in this city to Miss Agnes Moncrief. He was for some time engaged in business at West Bend and, in 1894, was nominated by the Republicans for county recorder. He was elected by a fair majority and moved to this city, in December, 94, to assume the duties of his official position. He has proven himself a worthy and courteous officer. he is a gentleman of high character and he wields a strong influence with the political organization of which he is an acknowledged leader. Though a gentleman of positive convictions  on state and national matters, and a firm believer in the necessity of zeal for party success, Mr. Martin is courteous and honorable in his relations with  the public and is held in general esteem.

    Erastus E. Reed and James Rolland Reed own and conduct the Sunbeam Art Studio, and are engaged in business under the firm name of Reed & Son. They are first-class artists, and they are doing an extensive business. Fully one-half the engravings that appear in this number of the Democrat have been reproduced by photographs taken by them. Erastus E. Reed was born in Galena, Illinois, in 1845. He became a resident of Iowa in 1888 and of Emmetsburg in 1892. He was married in Illinois in 1866, to Miss Clarinda M. Wood. He has a good residence in this city. James Rolland Reed was born in Blue Earth
county, Minnesota, in 1872. He came to Iowa with his parents in 1888 and to Emmetsburg the same year. In 1893, he was married to Miss Jennie R. Atkinson, of this city.

     A firm whose success and reputation have stamped its name indelibly in the business history of the community is that of Shaw & Kent, the Main street hardware dealers. These gentlemen have been in business in Emmetsburg for thirteen years. They occupy a large and finely furnished store room in Music Hall block, and have a mammoth stock of hardware. Their assortment is varied and they aim to sell at prices worthy of the wisdom of business experience. Their patronage is large and it is growing in volume and reliability. J.J. Shaw is one of our conservative citizens. He is a native of Ohio, in which state he was born in 1853. But fortune decreed that he should come west, so he became a citizen of Iowa in 1866 and settled in Fayette county. He  lived at West Union until 1882 when he came to Emmetsburg and engaged in the hardware business with H.W. Kent. The same year Miss Gertrude Kent, one of the highly cultured young ladies of West Union, became his wife. Although a gentleman of pronounced views on public as well as social and religious affairs, Mr. Shaw is distinctly a business man. He enjoys an excellent trade and he gives to it the time, care and industry that achieve success. He is as broad in his humanity as he is exemplary in his citizenship and his participation in local matters is always actuated by motives for the best interests of the community.

     H.W. Kent was born in West Union, Iowa, in 1862. His father was one of the leading and influential farmers of that section. Mr. Kent, Jr., was given good opportunities along business and educational lines and he developed into a young man of prudence, integrity, and stability. In 1882 he came to Emmetsburg and engaged in business with Mr. Shaw. The successful results of the venture have already been outlined. In June, 1889, he was married to Miss Grace E. Tyler, of West Union. Last year his health failed and he was forced to seek a more favorable climate. He is at present in the mountain states and he is rapidly regaining the treasurer of health and vigor.

     Daniel Smith, proprietor of the popular South Side Meat Market, was born in Illinois in 1857. He came to Iowa and to Emmetsburg in 1890. He was married in this city, in 1891, to Miss Varonica Kiaska. About a year ago he engaged in his present business. He has a neat market and keeps a choice assortment of all kinds of fresh and salt meats, fish, etc. desires you to call on him for your Christmas necessities in his line.

     John W. Shelby is the local representative of the C.M. & St. P. Ry. Co. There is perhaps no other agent along the entire line who is more competent for the position he occupies, or who enjoys more cordial relations with the patrons of the company. Mr. Shelby is a native of Brownsville, Minnesota. He was born in 1862. At an early age, he became an employe of the company he represents and he has rapidly pushed his way to the front. His courtesy, tact, close application to business, and his familiarity with the important responsibilities of his position have naturally given him prominence. In 1893 he came to this city and the general success with which he has met in extending the patronage of his company is too well known to require mention. October 4, 1887, Mr. Shelby was married to Miss Jessie A. Beiseker, of Austin, Minnesota. They have a model home and there is perhaps no citizen of Emmetsburg who enjoys domestic pleasures and blessings than does the subject of this sketch.

     Henry C. Beckman, senior member of the firm of Beckman & Schroeder, one of the strongest and most influential in Emmetsburg, was born at New Bremen, Ohio, in 1850. His parents removed to eastern Iowa in 1851 where he secured an ordinary education and formed the steady habits that have characterized him in his business transactions. In 1882, he was married at Garnavillo, Clayton county, Iowa, to Miss Lucy F. Schroeder, a lady whose genius, whose energy, and whose practical knowledge of life's affairs have contributed greatly towards the high rank he has attained in social as well as in business matters. In 1884 they came to Emmetsburg and the growth of the business in which he is an associate is well known to our citizens. Mr. Beckman is a prudent, responsible, high-minded gentleman and all who have associated or dealt with him have learned to appreciate the sterling qualities of the man.

     Among Emmetsburg's progressive business men, there is none better known, or renowned for his energy and business foresight than Bernard F. Schroeder, the subject of this sketch. He was born at Garnavillo, Iowa, in 1856. There he received his education and early training. In 1884 he came to Emmetsburg and, with his brother-in-law, H.C. Beckman, engaged in the grain, live stock and implement business. By close application to business, they succeeded in placing their establishment among the leading ones of its class in this section of Iowa. In 1886, he married at Dubuque, Iowa, to Miss Elizabeth Gill. They have a bright little daughter and a home where the rays of happiness beam brightly. Mr. Schroeder's experience is an instructive example of what youth, energy, and close attention to business details can achieve and a bright future certainly lies before him.

     James M. Sturtevant, a contractor and builder of more than local reputation, was born at Scotch Grove, Iowa. He chose the life of a tradesman and his success in the line of his selection is too well known to require special mention. In 1891, he came to this city and commenced making contracts. Since coming here he has erected five dwellings. He sold one and the others are occupied by J.T. Stemets, the Main street druggist, L.A. Martin, county recorder, and W. Dick-Peddie. He has a large two-story carpenter shop admirably fitted with the latest machinery for turning out wood work. He makes a specialty of scroll and lathe work. He has one of the latest gasoline engines for furnishing power and everything about the establishment goes like clock work.  Aside from his reputation as a tradesman and contractor, Mr. Sturtevant is one of the substantial conservative citizens of the community. he is married and has a showy residence. Mrs. Sturtevant's maiden name was Leila A. Sutherland and she formerly resided at Scotch Grove, Jones county, Iowa. The domestic circle is one of sunshine and comfort.

     C.E. Taylor, one of Emmetsburg's most energetic business men, was born at Harrisburg, Sauk county, Wisconsin, in 1856. His boyhood and his years of developing manhood were spent in that locality. In 1875 he came to Emmetsburg and purchased a blacksmith and carriage shop. In 1878 he was married to Miss Sarah Morgan, of Spring Green, Wis. Several years ago he moved to Spencer, where he conducted a drug store. From there he went to Madison, Wis., but returned to Emmetsburg several years ago and again purchased the business he formerly conducted. He employs several men, and, in addition to the general work done in his establishment, he makes a specialty of tanks, cisterns, etc., and he has a large ice-house, and supplies our city with the chilly article during the summer months. He has erected two neat dwellings in this city, and owns a good 80-acre farm. Mr. Taylor is a hustler, a skillful manager and a thorough business man. To his untiring efforts, his strict attention to duty, and to himself alone, he owes his creditable financial success and his high standing in the community.

     O.O. Williams, Emmetsburg's efficient street commissioner, is a native of DeKalb county, Illinois. He was born in 1840. Soon after, his parents removed to Ohio, where they lived for nine years, returning to Illinois at the end of that time. They came to Iowa in 1853 and located at Cedar Falls. There, when but a young man, Mr. Williams enlisted in the U.S. army and served during the war in the Third Iowa Battery. In 1868 he was married at Cedar Falls to Miss De Ete Sawyer. In 1870 they came to Palo Alto county and settled on a farm in Rush Lake township. There he made a good home and became one of the substantial men of the community. In 1891 he came to this city and purchased Prof. Gemmil's handsome residence in the northwest part of town. He served one term as city assessor, and last summer was chosen street commissioner. Mr. Williams' record as a soldier is a most honorable one, and, as a citizen, he ranks among the best and most conservative. He is a man of liberal views on public questions, and he has a warm heart for the great body of humanity. Emmetsburg has no more deserving citizen than O.O. Williams.

     P. Martini. - The subject of this sketch is a German by birth. He was born in 1864. In 1873 his parents moved to Iowa. He attended school and grew to manhood in this county. For several years he resided on a farm south of this city. In 1886 he was married to Miss Lizzie A. Steil, of Ellington township. Several years later he moved to this city and engaged in draying. Soon after, he purchased a good home and he has steadily prospered. He is at present proprietor of the city bus line, and excellent illustration of which appears on this page. The gentleman in charge of it is M.P. Kane, who, by his promptness and close attention to business, has become a general favorite with the traveling public. Mr. Martini is a frugal, painstaking citizen, and he enjoys the respect of the community.

     Thomas J. Duffy, one of the leading business men and influential citizens of Emmetsburg, is a native of the historic city of Galena, Illinois, where he was born in 1847. He was educated in the Galena city schools and was a classmate of many of the young men of that place who have since distinguished themselves in the growth and development of the "World's Fair City." In 1868 he moved to Dubuque, Iowa, where he was for ten years superintendent of the Ryan packing house. At times he had as high as three hundred workmen under his charge. It was in this capacity that he developed the qualities of business tact, enterprise, and integrity that marked the arduous undertakings of his subsequent years. In 1872 he was married in that city to Miss Ellen T. Flanagan. In 1883 he removed to Emmetsburg and opened up a meat market. Subsequently he engaged in the livestock and grain business. His purchases and shipments were heavy and his reputation as a buyer was known in this and surrounding counties. In 1890 he was entrusted with the responsibility of erecting the mammoth packing house in this city, and had exclusive management of the same during its years of successful operation. he has still a large interest in the establishment. During the past couple of years, Mr. Duffy has been engaged in the live stock business, and he constantly employs three and four buyers. Three years ago he erected a $5,000 residence, and he ranks high among the improvers of our city. He is an ambitious, stirring business man, and there is no worthy enterprise for which he is not willing to do everything within his power. He is one of the most active members of our present city council. He has a bright family and he has given them the best opportunities that our day in the country affords.

     One of the leading merchants of the county, as well as of this section of the state, is J.H. Hinkley, of Emmetsburg. Public opinion recognizes him as such, and his business capacity and general success fully sustain the impression that has been formed of him. Our subject was born at Harrisburg, Pa., July 25, 1847. He was raised on a farm. He spent several years on the North Central railway, running from Baltimore to Sunbury, Pa. In 1869 he went to Missouri. There he spent nearly two years farming and railroading. In 1876 he engaged in the mercantile business at Winneconne, Wisconsin, under the firm name of Madole & Hinkley. The same year he was married to Phila M. Hulbert, of that place. They came to Emmetsburg in 1877, when he engaged in general merchandise. He has remained here since, except one year, when engaged in business at Oskaloosa, Iowa. During the summer of 1890 he commenced the erection of his present large brick store building, which is one of the finest in the county, and which is a model in plan and finish. He employs three and four clerks constantly, and he has always a splendid assortment of goods. His patronage is substantial and is steadily increasing. In 1893 he erected a magnificent residence in the northwest part of the city. It stands on a pleasant elevation overlooking the city. The grounds are beautiful, and everything about the place has an air of comfort and cheerfulness. Though earnestly attached to his large business interests, Mr. Hinkley is decidedly fond of his home, and enjoys life.

     Lewis Steuhmer is a Davenport, Iowa, young man. He was born in that city in 1861, and spent the years of his boyhood and early manhood there. In 1880 he was married to Miss Bertha Kummerfeldt of that city. Their family consists of four children-Winnie, aged 14; Harry, 12; Fred, 10; and Maud, 8. Mr. Stuehmer became a resident of Emmetsburg in 1884. At first he engaged in handling live stock, grain and coal. In 1885 he became one of the proprietors of the Model Mills but did not long remain in the business. For several years he was connected with the real estate and loaning establishment of Brown & Robbins. In 1888, he was elected county recorder on the democratic ticket, and he was one of the most popular officers our county has ever had. He is at present engaged in the land, loan, abstracting and insurance business. Several years ago he built a handsome residence in Call's addition. He is a gentleman of splendid business qualifications, and is very popular. He is chairman of the democratic county central committee.

     H.J. Pfiffner
     The subject of this sketch claims as his birthplace Galena, Illinois, the home of General Grant and James W. Scott. He was born in 1855. He attended school in that historic old city, living with his parents. In 1878 he was married at Bellevue, Iowa, to Miss Cora McDonald. He came to Emmetsburg in 1888, and has since resided here. Last summer he built a nice residence in Call's addition. Mr. Pfiffner has a neat tonsorial room and creditable fixtures. He has a large patronage and he enjoys the highest confidence of his patrons. He is a close student of public questions, and has a most retentive memory. He takes a deep interest in political matters, and, though cautious about antagonizing the views of others, he always speaks as he thinks. Few men are better posted on current topics, than he is. He is a gentleman of firm convictions and a pleasing personality.

     Godden & Ballard, dealers in monuments and gravestones, are well known in the business circles of this and adjoining states. They have perhaps as large a marble factory as there is in Iowa. Their sales for 1895 will doubtless reach $60,000. They constantly employ from fifteen to eighteen men, and they are furnishing marble and granite work for parties throughout the states of Iowa, Minnesota, North and South Dakota, and Nebraska. They have at the present time, thirty-eight soliciting agents, one general and two special agents. Their business is constantly and rapidly increasing and they are contemplating the erection of a mammoth new building and adding greatly to their present facilities for turning out work.
     J.H. Godden was born at Janesville, Wisconsin, in 1861. He came to Iowa in 1879, and to Emmetsburg in 1880. In 1882 he was married to Miss Nettie Potts, of this city. Public enterprise claims him as one of its ideal exponents. His ambition is permeated with the spirit of improvement. He has built nine residences in this city, and he has spared no efforts to adorn and beautify them. Though a comparatively young man, his business career has been one of remarkable success and intense zeal for the material advancement of Emmetsburg.
    S.W. Ballard is more of a conservative type of a man. He was born at Marion, Ohio, in 1840. Six years later his father moved to Erie county, New York. At seventeen, our subject left home, working for a time in the lumbering regions of Pennsylvania, later in a paper mill and after this on a farm. When the war broke out he enlisted and made a creditable record as a soldier. Returning home at the close of hostilities, he became a traveling salesman for a seed firm, holding the position for two years. He was subsequently engaged in sinking oil wells in Pennsylvania and farmed in Illinois for some time. In 1871 he came to this county and settled in West Bend township. In March, 1873, he was married to Emma S. La Bar. Two sons and three daughters blessed their home, four of whom are living and attending the public schools of this city. After living 12 yeas on the farm, he became a partner of Mr. Godden in the marble business. Mr. Ballard is a successful business man and a respected citizen and he has prospered. Besides his marble interests, he has five large farms in this county.

     F.L. Dorris is a young man who has made as good headway, considering his age, as any other young man in Emmetsburg. His advent to the world occurred at Spencer, Iowa, in 1875. In 1878, his mother moved to this city. He was educated in the public schools of Emmetsburg. At sixteen he commenced work as messenger boy for the Western Union Telegraph company and soon learned to send messages. In June, 1894, at the age of 18, he was appointed city operator and he has since held the position. His accomplishments at such an early age show the opportunities for ambitious, competent and deserving young men in public positions.

     Charles F. Dorris, at present one of the telegraph operators at the Burlington depot, is a native of Spencer, Iowa. He was born June 20, 1872. In 1877, his parents moved to Emmetsburg. The subject of this sketch had fair educational opportunities, attending the city schools for several years. In 1891 he learned telegraphy in this city and has since followed the pursuit. For two years he was in charge of the Western Union office, of this city. Few young men of his age have done more to lay the foundation of a successful and honorable career. He is purely a self-made young man and his personal merits alone have sustained him in his attainments.

     One of the best known attorneys of Emmetsburg and Palo Alto county is T.F. McCue. He is distinctly an Iowa young man. He was born at Elkader, Clayton county, in 1866. During the years of his growing manhood, he taught school and there was much in his habits and natural gifts to indicate a life of high achievements. He took a thorough course in the law department of the Northern Indiana Law School and graduated with high honors in 1889. The same year he came to this city and opened up a law office. From the commencement, his practice in his profession surprised him. It has steadily and substantially increased and a visit to his office will convince any one that he always has his hands full. He takes an active interest in public affairs and is closely identified with the interests of the county democracy. He has served as secretary of the county organization for several terms and still holds the position. He is a public speaker of force and ability. February 9, 1891, he was married to Miss Lizzie Morris. They are the parents of a bright son of three summers and their commodious residence is the abode of comfort and happiness.

     P.F. Gylling is one of the most trustworthy and widely respected merchants of our city. Denmark is the land of his birth. He was born in 1861. He received a practical education in his native country and his knowledge of the laws and customs of our country, which he has gained through is familiarity with current literature, enabled him to become readily adapted to the ways of the land of his adoption. He became a resident of Iowa in 1880 and of Emmetsburg the same year. For several years he adopted the pursuit of a carpenter and builder and proved to be a workman of genius and skill. During the past five years, he has been engaged in the mercantile business in this city. He has a large tastily arranged general store on Main street and he is making steady progress in the aptness so necessary in his line of business as well as in the extension of his patronage. November 11, 1891, he was married at Ruthven, Ia., to Miss Anna M. Peterson. Mr. Gylling is a gentleman of high standing in social as well as in religious affairs and it was largely through his zeal and efforts that the new Lutheran church was constructed during the past fall. The future smiles promisingly on this distinguished citizen.

     Thomas O'Connor, one of the ablest and most successful lawyers of Palo Alto county, is a native of the great state of New York, the home of Cleveland, Hill, Conkling, Flower and Bourke Cockran. he was born at North Bay, Oneida county, that state, September 9, 1856. He was raised on a farm. In 1867, his father moved to Tama county, Iowa. Our subject attended the Toledo high school and graduated with the class of 1879. Soon after he entered the law office of Struble & Kinne where he studied for two years. He was admitted to the bar in 1881 and practiced in that city a year. In September, 1882, he was married to Miss Elizabeth C., daughter of Wm. H. and Elizabeth Riley. Soon after they came to Emmetsburg. When here but a short time, Mr. O'Conner purchased a half interest in the Democrat and also opened a law office. In the fall of 1886, he was elected county attorney by a large majority, selling his interest in the newspaper to the present owner. He was re-elected in 1888 and he also held the office from 1892 to 1894. Mr. O'Conner is a close student and he enjoys a large practice. His success in jury trials has added greatly to his reputation and to his income. Mr. O'Connor takes an active part in political affairs and he is widely known and respected throughout the state. He has a magnificent home which stands as a monument to his domestic pride and enterprise.

     J.W. Hanson, the present sheriff of Palo Alto county, is a representative of Iowa boyhood and manhood. He is a native of Oelwein, Fayette county. He was born in 1860. There he formed the ideas of character and business integrity that have guided him in his affairs with men. Several years ago he removed to Ruthven where he engaged in the real estate and loaning  business. He was successful and soon became a man of comfortable circumstances. October 12, 1892, he was married to Miss Dora D. Doolittle of that place. The fall of 1893, he was nominated for sheriff by the republicans and was elected. He was re-nominated in September, 1895, and was re-elected. His fitness for the position he occupies and his thorough consciousness of the important responsibilities are well understood and fully acknowledged by all parties.

     An attorney who ranks among the ablest of his profession is C.E. Cohoon. The place of his nativity is Dubuque, Iowa. He was born in 1852. When he was but a boy his parents moved to Jones county, where he attended school and grew to manhood. He took a course in the law department of the Iowa State University and was a member of the graduating class of 1874. He became a resident of Emmetsburg in 1877 and engaged in practice. October 5, 1879, he was married, at Manson, Iowa, to Miss Anna L. Brock, of that city. Several years ago he built as fine a residence as can be found in this section of Iowa. He has also several other residences in Emmetsburg. In 1892, when Emmetsburg became a city of the second class, he was unanimously chosen mayor. His ability, application to business, and careful management of business entrusted to his care, have won him a wide and profitable practice. He has a keen analytical mind and his opinions on public as well as legal questions are always the result of caution , deliberation and a well-balanced judgment. He is still a comparatively young man and he is bound to rise to a still higher level in his profession as well as in the dignity of his citizenship.

     Conspicuous among the gifted and intellectual citizens of northern Iowa, is J.L. Martin. He was born in Blackville, New Brunswick, October 7, 1837. His father was a farmer and educational opportunities of his time were rather limited. In attending school, he was forced to got through a forest for a distance of three miles. At the age of eleven he came to the United States with his parents, who settled in Wisconsin. There he taught school for several years. In 1864 he enlisted in Company C, Forty-first Wisconsin Volunteers. He served four months and was mustered out. The next year he enlisted in Company E, Fifty-second Wisconsin Volunteers. He came to Palo Alto county in 1865 and organized and named Freedom township. Several years later he was chosen county superintendent and he was county recorder from 1872 to 1874. After that he assumed the management of J.J. Wilson & Cos. lumbering interests in this city and held the position for ten years. In 1888 he organized the Emmetsburg Lumber Co. and remained at the head of it for several years. He had an interest in furnishing the material for the Palo Alto county court house in 1880 and also for the Catholic church, St. Mary's Academy, Congregational church and M.E. church, the latter of which he took the contract to build in 1884.
     Mr. Martin was married at Kansas City, Mo., September 11, 1882, to Miss Maggie A. Barry. Two lovely children - Mary Edna and William Leonard-blessed the union. Mrs. Martin died April 23, 1891. Mr. Martin is a man of splendid literary taste and is the author of a creditable history of Palo Alto county. He is one of the most earnest temperance advocates of Iowa and his rank as a citizen is the highest. As an orator, he is gifted and eloquent and is one of the most entertaining speakers in this section of the state. There is no citizen whose aspirations, whose purposes and whose actions have done more to dignify the citizenship of the community than those of J.L. Martin.

     There is no citizen of Emmetsburg whose labors, purposes, and life have been more closely associated with the growth and progress of northwestern Iowa than Alexander Peddie. He was born at Edinburgh, Scotland, November 21, 1853. He was educated in his native country, attending Elizabeth College at Guernsey, for three years, pursuing the studies of a civil engineer. He subsequently attended a commercial college where he made careful preparation for the practical business affairs of life. In October 1871, he came to the United States and to Palo Alto county soon after. In 1872 he became a resident of Emmetsburg and engaged in the handling of real estate. He was for several years commissioner of the Scottish-American Land Co., and as such was most instrumental in securing new settlers for 84,000 acres of northwestern Iowa lands. In 1891, he became proprietor of the Waverly Hotel, of this city, valued at $35,000. Mr. Peddie has for some time been engaged in examining securities and assets for several of the leading loaning firms of Europe and the United States. Special attention is given to the care of western mortgages and sales of land. He has at the present time under his charge about $1,500,000 in mortgages. He has a large, conveniently arranged office and has six clerks constantly employed. His business is rapidly increasing and he is justly regarded one of the busiest men in Emmetsburg. October 21, 1875, Mr. Peddie was married at Algona, Iowa, to Miss Josephine C. Roper. Their magnificent home-Rutland Park- situated on the west bank of Medium Lake, overlooks the business portion of the city from the north. The domestic premises, which cover forty acres, abound in beautiful, ornamental, and forest trees, bordering on a rich, velvety lawn that slopes to the south, presenting a most picturesque, home-like scene. The family residence is large and commodious, has all the modern improvements and conveniences. There is apparently nothing lacking in its plan, equipments or surroundings. Mr. Peddie has traveled extensively in Europe and the United States, and the extent and magnitude of his numerous business transactions have kept him in close touch with the best business ideas and methods of our day. In matters that pertain to social, educational or religious welfare of the community, he can always be found in the front rank, ready to champion the interests of progress. The future welfare of our city has a most hopeful claim to his attention, energy and enterprise.

    L.M. Foote, the respected and widely known landlord of the Waverly Hotel, was born at Oshkosh, Wisconsin, in 1866. When but a young man he moved to South Dakota, where he was engaged in hotel keeping for three years. In 1892, he came to Emmetsburg and took charge of the Waverly Hotel. In 1891, he was married at Inwood, Iowa, to Miss Mae A. Skewis. Mr. Foote is a first-class landlord and his loyal friends are as numerous as his acquaintances.

     Rev. William T. Jackson, P.L.D., the respected, zealous and scholarly pastor of Trinity church was born at Willoughby, England, in 1839. He is a nephew of the late president of Didsbury College, England. He emigrated to America in 1855 and was naturalized at Anamosa, Ia., in 1866. Dr. Jackson made thorough preparation for the important and responsible labors that his ambition outlined in the direction of devoted service to the interest of education, humanity and religion. He graduated at Western College, Iowa, in 1864, as Bachelor of Arts; in theology, at Yale University, in 1875, as Bachelor of Divinity; in philosophy, German, and English literature, as Doctor of Philosophy, at Michigan University, in 1879. Since then most of his life has been associated with prominent institutions of learning. He was a professor in Westfield College, Illinois, six years; Professor of Modern Languages in Indiana University, for a short time; principal of an academy and superintendent of city schools, at Fostoria, Ohio, ten years; Professor of Economics and Christian Evidences at Cornell College and engaged in educational work in Iowa for three years. In 1888, he was admitted to the Presbytery, of Huron, Ohio. He was ordained as deacon in the Episcopal church, in 1893, and as priest in 1894. December 3, 1893, he came to Emmetsburg and has since resided here. His labors in this city have been active and earnest in behalf of a higher humanity and a broader christianity. All classes esteem him for his courtesy, culture and his ripe scholarship and his sincerity and true dignity as a clergyman. Dr. Jackson was married at Shueyville, Iowa, November 23, 1865, to Miss Virginia E. Shueyville. Both are widely known in this and adjoining states. Among the gentlemen of national prominence who were students under Dr. Jackson are Dr. O.E. Miller, of Chicago and State Superintendent Cornell of Colorado.

John C. Paulson, the popular harness dealer, is a representative of Christiana, Norway. He was born in 1852. At an early age he sought the hospitable shores of Freedom's home, and arrived in Peerless, Iowa, in 1868. Several years ago he engaged in business in this city and his patronage soon became as extensive as it was substantial. He has an excellent place of business, employs one man constantly and frequently has two, and carries a large stock of goods. His residence is of modern design and finish. His total improvements in Emmetsburg will aggregate 87,000, which speaks stronger than words of his industry and enterprise. Mr. Paulson was married, in 1881, to Miss M.A. Davidson, of Emmet county. They have a small family and they enjoy life and its pleasures.

     D.W. Burlingame was born at Redwood, New York, in 1847. His educational opportunities were excellent, and he came to Iowa in 1865, a young man, possessing business qualifications of a high order. In 1879 he became a resident of Emmetsburg. He served two years as clerk of the district court, two years as deputy and is at present city clerk. He is also justice of the peace and has a good patronage in the abstracting business. He is also an expert accountant and has engaged in various parts of the state examining and straightening county records. In 1876 he was married to Miss Ella E. Lake. He has a beautiful residence. He gives close attention to public affairs and has, for several terms, been secretary of the democratic county committee.

     Robert Moses, the Main street livery proprietor, has a strong claim to high consideration when speaking of citizens who have contributed towards the welfare of Emmetsburg and Palo Alto county. He was born in Carrollton county, Ontario, in 1842. He remained in that section until 1870 when he came to Palo Alto county and settled on a farm northeast of this city. As a farmer, he was eminently successful and he became prosperous. In 1891, he came to Emmetsburg and engaged in the livery business. His outfit is up to the times and he studies to please even the most fastidious of his patrons. His nobby carriages and spirited horses are the pride of his business. He is widely and favorably known and he is very much respected for his candor and integrity. Mr. Moses gives close attention to the interests of his business and he is strictly a business man. In local and public affairs he can always be found on the right side. Emmetsburg citizens of all classes regard with pride the citizenship of Robert Moses.

    Prof. Alexander Hinkley, superintendent of the Emmetsburg public schools, ranks high among the educators of our state. He was born at Winneconne, Wisconsin, and after graduating from the high school of that city, attended the State University of Wisconsin, and, later took a teachers' training course at the State Normal. In 1878, he came to this city and for two years had charge of the Emmetsburg schools. Retiring from this position, he was taken with the Dakota fever and started west, where he soon won his way to the front. He was selected by the Board of Regents for the Dakota School for Deaf Mutes and was secretary of the board for two years. The rank of Professor and Mrs. Hinkley as educators was soon recognized by the superintendent of public instruction who commissioned them as state institute conductors-a work in which both have been engaged, during vacations, for the past five years. Mrs. Hinkley is the assistant principal in the Emmetsburg schools. Prof. and Mrs. Hinkley are deeply interested in the social and material, as well as the educational advancement of Emmetsburg. In 1882, Mr. Hinkley was married to Miss Carrie W. Taylor of Lansing, Iowa.

     Rev. Robert Bagnell, pastor of the Methodist Episcopal church of this city, found his way to the west from Philadelphia, where he was born, August 10, 1865. There he spent the early years of his life and received his education. On March 17, 1885, he was married at Cedar Rapids, Iowa, to Miss Mamie Wallace. Their eight-year-old-son, Robert Harold, is their only child. Although still a young man, Rev. Bagnell has already given to his church thirteen years of successful service in the ministry. In the fall of 1894, at the earnest solicitation of the church at Emmetsburg, the conference, which is known as the Northwest Iowa, transferred him to this place from Algona, he having previously preached at Webster City. His work in this place shows him to be not only aggressive in his labors, but progressive in every line of his church work, the membership having been greatly increased, and every department for progressive work being better organized than ever before in the history of the church.

     Miss Bessie Larsen, the efficient superintendent of schools of Palo Alto county, was born at the family home, Myhren, near Christiana, Norway, December 7, 1865. Her parents came to America in the spring of 1870 and settled at Avoca, Wisconsin, where they still reside. Miss Larsen attended the Avoca State High School and graduated in 1882, when she began teaching in the country school of Iowa county, Wisconsin. In 1883, she was chosen to teach in the second primary department of the Muscoda, Wisconsin high school. In 1884, she came to Iowa and taught several terms in the district schools of Palo Alto and Clay counties. After this she returned to Wisconsin and taught one year in the grammar department of the Avoca high school. Returning to this county she was elected principal of the Ruthven schools several consecutive years. In 1893, she was elected county superintendent and was re-elected in the fall of 1895. She has also served as instructor of six normal institutes in this county. Miss Larsen owes her success in educational circles, as well as her high standing socially, to her personal merits alone. She is a lady of rare intellectual gifts, and the high character of her work as county superintendent is recognized by all regardless of political differences.

     Judged by the public appreciation of his citizenship and the business patronage he enjoys, W.T. Krieger might, by those who are unfamiliar with his personal career, be classed as one of the pioneer business men of Emmetsburg, but such is not the case. He did not arrive here until July 15, 1893, when he engaged in the confectionery business and rapidly secured a large patronage. He was born at Plainfield, Ia., March 11, 1869, and, a son of Iowa, his manhood is a tribute to its splendid opportunities and its invigorating surroundings. Before coming to this city, he was engaged for a year and four months at Charles City in his present line of business. A future of hope spreads out before W.T. Krieger.

     Prominent among the educational representatives of this section of Iowa, is Prof. C.F. Curtis, at present the assistant in the high school of Emmetsburg. Iowa has been honored in his nativity and in his life already devoted to the upbuilding of her educational interests. Mr. Curtis was born in Fayette county, Iowa, in 1863. He received his early education in the common schools of that county. In 1882, his parents settled in Rush Lake township, Palo Alto county, where Mr. Curtis taught school for several years. His ambition was to rise above the average in his chosen pursuit. With this in view, he took a course at the State Normal School in Cedar Falls, graduating in 1889. Since then he has held the position of principal in several institutions of high standing in this section of Iowa. Two years ago his name was presented to the republican county convention for superintendent of schools, but he did not seek the nomination and consequently his friends did not urge his claims. Last October he was offered the position of assistant in the High School of this city and he accepted. Mr. Curtis was the first resident of the county to receive a state certificate. His future in school work is one of high promise and he can well afford to look forward with ambition.

     Val Wagner, one of the most clever merchants of Emmetsburg, is a German by birth. He was born in Luxemburg in 1852. He lived for several years at Manchester, where he acquired a thorough knowledge of the mercantile business. In 1883, he was married at Strawberry Point, to Miss Julia McCue, of Elkader, Iowa. In 1892, they came to Emmetsburg. He opened up a neat store at his present stand and his business has constantly increased until today he is prosperous and respected by all who know him. He is especially adapted for the business in which he is engaged and a friend once made becomes a lasting patron. He has a briget home, a small family, and is a genial, trustworthy, Christian gentleman. Emmetsburg is strengthened with the citizenship of Mr. Wagner.

     Herbert C. Shadbolt, whose extensive interests are second to no other in Palo Alto county, was born at Sheboygan, Wisconsin, May 13, 1853. In 1860, his parents moved to Minnesota and made a home on the west bank of Chippewa lake. During the Indian uprising in that state, the family were driven from their happy home and their accumulations, valued at $10,000, burned by the savage intruders. They returned to Sheboygan where Herbert attended the city public schools, graduating at the age of 14. At an early age he started in life to outline his own course to fame and fortune. He became an employe of the large lumbering firm of W. & J. Fleming, of McGregor, Iowa, and was for six years in charge of their yards at McGregor, Oelwein and other points in eastern Iowa. He came to Emmetsburg in 1878 and opened a lumber yard for himself in 1881. The large business he has succeeded in building up, regardless of the sharp competition that has met him on every side, many of his competitors, representing the capital of powerful corporations, is a splendid tribute to his tact, alertness, shrewdness and business management. In the size and improvements of his lumber and coal yards, their arrangement, and the value of the stock kept constantly on hand, it is extremely doubtful if another yard like it can be found along the Milwaukee line. He is constantly adding to his large and carefully selected stock and it is nothing uncommon to see a train of from ten to twenty cars of lumber standing beside his yards unloaded. Mr. Shadbolt was married at Oelwein, Iowa, September 22, 1880, to Miss Viola, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. Hoagland. They have a bright little daughter, Miss Nellie, whose happy face and cherry accents adds happiness to their household. The family residence ranks among the best in Emmetsburg. The spacious and inviting lawns, the shady trees, the floral figures, the garden scenes, and the winding walks constitute a spectacle that searchers for the ideal domestic scene might pause to observe, survey and enjoy. Our subject is credited with the largest and best library in Emmetsburg and his familiarity with the best specimens of ancient and modern literature, shows how he prizes these literary companions. He has served for several years as a member of the city council and he is now president of the board of education. He stands high in the Masonic order, and he is frequently chosen to represent the local lodge in the higher circles. When public enterprises call forth leaders, workers and sustainers, no citizen of Emmetsburg can take prestige over H.C. Shadbolt.

     H. Hoagland, one of our most representative citizens is a native of Hermitage, Pennsylvania. He was born in 1829. He spent his youthful years in the state of his birth, where he availed himself of its excellent opportunities for intellectual development. He was married at Sharon, Pennsylvania, in 1852, to Miss Amelia Edwards, of Mercer, of the same state. In 1855, they came to Iowa and settled in Fayette county. There he engaged in general merchandise and was eminently successful. He came to Emmetsburg in 1882. Since coming here he has not been actively engaged in business. In 1885 he was the democratic candidate for state representative against Colonel Spencer, of Algona. Although the district was overwhelmingly republican, he reduced the party majority against him fully one-half. He was appointed postmaster of Emmetsburg during President Cleveland's first administration and he filled the position with high credit to himself and to the department. Mr. Hoagland is a man of conservative views on public questions and is personally a happy, genial, cultured gentleman. During the past few years he has traveled considerable through various parts of the country and he has profited largely by his observations and associations. He has a lovely home and he is decidedly fond of it. He and Mrs. Hoagland are at present in California.

     For many years the opinion of the firm of McCarty & Linderman in regard to real estate or loan matters has been a household safeguard. Their well known, careful, conservative business methods, together with strict security and financial responsibility, have placed first mortgage farm loans taken by them in the list of securities side by side with government bonds, and in great demand by investors in the east.
     Geo. B. McCarty was born in Milford, Pennsylvania, in 1845; came to Iowa with his parents when thirteen years old; read law with Hon. Thomas Updegraff, of McGregor, Iowa, and was admitted to the bar in 1868. In October 1869, he came to Palo Alto county; and in the spring of 1870 put up the first office building in the county, and opened a law and real estate office. In August, 1874, he assisted in laying out and platting the present city of Emmetsburg. In the fall of 1874, he was elected district attorney of the fourth judicial district of Iowa, then embracing twenty counties, which office he held until October, 1878, when he resigned and again resumed his law, real estate, and loan business.
     Walter L. Linderman was born near West Union, Iowa, in 1856; after finishing a law college course, studied law with D.W. Clements at West Union, and afterwards graduated from the law department of the State University of Iowa in 1883; and in October, of the same year, came to Emmetsburg, and the present firm of McCarty & Linderman was formed.
     In addition to their law, real estate, and loan business, they own and are successfully carrying on several farms in the immediate vicinity of Emmetsburg.

     W.G. Hitaffer's reputation as a contractor and builder is already widely recognized and some of the finest structures in this county attest to his genius and his skill as a workman. He was born at Baltimore, Maryland, in 1866. He spent his early life with some of the most successful tradesmen of that city and laid the foundation for the success that, in subsequent years, marked his career as a builder and contractor. In 1890 he came to Iowa. He was engaged for several years at Le Mars and Sioux City. He came to Emmetsburg in 1894 and has since resided here. The large brick school building at West Bend, and the residences of Messrs. Lane, Consigney and Linderman are the principal illustrations of his capability and attainments in his chosen line. He is prepared for all kinds of large contracts such as bank buildings, business structures, school houses, fine residences, etc. Those contemplating undertakings of the character mentioned, should call on him or write him. In 1889, Mr. Hitaffer was married at Omaha, Nebraska, to Miss L. Aiken. They have decided to make Emmetsburg their permanent home and they highly appreciate its surroundings and its advantages.

     A.H. Keller, cashier of the First National Bank of Emmetsburg, is a living illustration of the possibilities of the young man of ability, integrity and perseverence in such a state as Iowa. His place of birth is Tipton, Iowa. He is twenty-five years of age. His educational opportunities were good and, though in humble circumstances, he determined to push his way through the world and the rapidity with which he came to the front is the best evidence of the real personal merit of the young man. At early manhood he acquired a thorough commercial education and in 1888, after graduating, came to Emmetsburg and secured a position in the First National Bank. January 1, 1894, he was elected cashier, a position he has since held with credit to himself and to the popular institution with which he is connected. September 5, 1891, he was married to Miss Effie Boswell, of this city. Soon after he built a neat home and is prosperous and contented.

     Hon. Elden J. Hartshorn is a gentleman of national as well as state reputation. He was born at Lunenburg, Vermont in 1842. He became a resident of Emmetsburg in 1870 and built one of the first residences within the present limits of the city. He was admitted to the bar in his native state in 1869 and opened a law and real estate office soon after coming to this city. In 1873 he was chosen state representative from this district and he subsequently served eight years as state senator. In 1885, he was elected county treasurer, serving two terms, during which time he was also president of the board of trustees of the insane asylum at Clarinda, Iowa. During President Harrison's administration, he was appointed treasurer of the sergeant-at-arms of the national house of representatives and he was subsequently appointed chief of one of the departments in the general land office in Washington. In the spring of 1894 he returned to Emmetsburg and the following autumn was elected clerk of the district court, which position he at present occupies. In 1872, Mr. Hartshorn was married to Miss Mary A. Eastman, daughter of Hon. Charles G. Eastman, the poet. Two daughters and two sons were born to them. Only one of them-Edward J.- is living. In 1885, Mrs. Hartshorn died. Mr. Hartshorn's second marriage occurred in 1888 to Miss Eliza P. Bennett, of Lima, New York, a daughter of Geo. H. Bennett, one of the prominent physicians of that place. Two sons have been born to them- Elden and Ernest. Mr. Hartshorn has an honorable record as a Union soldier and a most distinguished one as a citizen and public official. In 1883, he built his present fine residence. The grounds are picturesque and everything about the home has an air of taste and culture.

     D.P. Roberts, one of the oldest and most respected citizens of Emmetsburg, points to Canton, Pennsylvania as the place of his nativity. He was born in 1830. He came to Iowa in 1878 and located in this city in 1879. He was justice of the peace for twelve years, and during that time, as he is at present, more or less engaged in collecting, loaning, and dealing in real estate. Mr. Roberts is in no way pretentious, but he is confident that he and his son deserve credit for bringing more new settlers to Palo Alto county than any other individuals living here. Mr. Roberts was united in marriage in Pennsylvania with Miss Mary E. Marvin. The have a lovely home and possess a large share of the comforts of our time.

     The First National Bank of Emmetsburg, Iowa, is the oldest banking institution in Palo Alto county. The original bank was organized by A.C. Burnham and Ormsby Bros. Later it passed into the hands of Ormsby Bros. In 1885 it was organized under under its present name, with Col. E.S. Ormsby president and A.L. Ormsby cashier. Col. Ormsby is still president and A.H. Keller is cashier. The directors are E.S. Ormsby, Geo. H. Carr, E.B. Soper, who is also vice-president, Dr. J.C. Davies, M.F. Kerwick, and Geo. J. Consigney. These gentlemen are all widely known as active business men and capable financiers. The capital and surplus of the bank is $88,500, the capital being the largest of any bank in the county. Deposits are solicited and the highest rate of interest is consistent with safe banking offered. Real estate and bank loans are made on most favorable terms and exchange issued on all the principal cities of Europe. The deposits of the First National are large and it takes leading rank among the strong financial institutions of northern Iowa. Its past history, which has been one of prudence, safety, and steady progress, give substantial encouragement to its future prospects, which are all that any banking institution could desire.

     There is perhaps no other citizen of northern Iowa who is more widely known than Col. E.W. Ormsby, the popular and capable president of the First National Bank. His public prominence and his connection with numerous financial institutions have carried his reputation not only into distant states, but also into several of the business centers of Europe. He is a native of Deerfield, Michigan. He spent his early life on a farm. At the age of 18 he volunteered his services to his country and his record as a soldier was that of the strongest courage and the highest patriotism. The part he took in founding the first bank in this county and the success it has attained have already been mentioned. He was for several years president of the great American Investment Co., during which time he was also the head of several associate institutions of a similar character. He is as widely known in public as he is in business life. Although he has never been regarded as a politician, in the political affairs of his state and county his influence and his utterances have always commanded the highest attention. Last July he was one of the leading candidates for governor before the State Republican convention. Locally, he has served as mayor of our city and he has also held several other positions of importance. He has also been more or less associated with several of the educational institutions of Iowa and, along benevolent and religious lines, his efforts have been highly fruitful and of such a character as to merit general recognition. Besides this, he has contributed a small fortune towards the building up of the religious and public institutions of our city. Mrs. Ormsby is also active in the respects mentioned and has a most philanthropic spirit. Col. and Mrs. Ormsby have a palatial home and its surroundings are most picturesque.

     J.J. Watson is the leading member of the real estate and banking firm of J.J. Watson & Co. He was born at Oxford, England, in 1857. He came to the United States with his parents in 1867 and to Iowa and Emmetsburg in 1877. His father was among the early business men of Emmetsburg. Mr. Watson had good business opportunities at an early age, and in 1886, he was elected cashier of the First National Bank, holding the position until 1893 when he resigned and engaged with others under the present firm name. The success that attended the new undertaking is best evidenced by the growth and extent of their business transactions. They employ several office hands and are the principal stockholders in the Mallard Savings Bank and the Graettinger Savings Bank, Mr. Watson being president of both named institutions. Our subject is a close reader of the highest grade of current literature and is an intellectual, cultured gentleman. In religious and civic circles, Mr. Watson is active and influential and, in municipal matters, he lends a helping hand to every enterprise that is worthy of support. He will doubtless continue among the honored and successful business men of this section.

    H.C. Kendall, who is at present temporarily residing at Ames, Iowa, was born in Johnston township, Rock county, Wisconsin, January 22, 1846. He came to Iowa in 1880 and lived on a farm southwest of this city for three years. During this time he improved two farms and devoted much attention to tree culture, making a success of it. In 1883, he moved to this city and has since almost continuously followed the pursuit of a carpenter. Between 1885 and 1891 he built four fine residences in this city, all of which are now rented and occupied. He has also built several neat houses for other parties in this city and vicinity. In the spring of 1895 he moved to Ames, but it is his intention to return to Emmetsburg soon again and follow the line that has been the source of the most profit to him. He is married, has a small family, and is happy in the possession of a good share of the world's comforts and treasures. He is a gentleman of moderation and polish.

     P.F. Van Gorden, for years known as the genial landlord of the St. James Hotel, at present of Oskaloosa, was born at Horseroads, New York, in 1840. He came west when but a young man and located at Emerald Grove, Rock county, Wisconsin, where he engaged in blacksmithing. Six years later he came to Iowa and settled at Fredericksburg. He resided for some time in Eden township, Fayette county, moving to Palo Alto in 1870. He settled on a farm near where Graettinger now stands. In 1874, he moved to this city, engaging in blacksmithing and keeping a boarding house. He kept the St. James Hotel for three years, going from here to Iowa Falls where he conducted the railroad hotel near the Burlington depot. From there he went to Oskaloosa and kept the Depot Hotel for two years. He returned to Emmetsburg in 1892 and engaged in the mercantile business with P.F. Gylling, remaining until 1894, when he returned to Oskaloosa and is at present conducting the Arlington, one of the leading hotels of that populous city. He was married at Erie, Chemung county, New York, January 10, 1865. Mr. and Mrs. Van Gorden have a large and elegantly furnished residence in this city and they intend making Emmetsburg their future home. Mr. Van Gorden is a man of enterprise and tact and his genial ways have made him numerous and lasting friends.

     P.D. Jones, of the firm of Jones & Jones, is an attorney of recognized prominence in northwestern Iowa and South Dakota. He was born at Lansing, Iowa, November 4, 1865. In the fall of 1872 his parents moved to this county and for many years lived on a farm southwest of this city. His early education was received in the common school near where he resided. In 1888, he commenced to study law in Thomas O'Connor's office in this city. The following year he went to Sioux Falls, S.D., where he read law under Joseph Kirby, the leading attorney of that place. In May, 1890, he was admitted to the bar and opened a law office of his own the following fall. In May, 1892, he was admitted to practice in the United States district and circuit courts. The same year he commenced preparation of the "Dakota Digest, a legal work of reference that proved to be of great value to the profession of that state. The book had a large sale. In August, 1891, he was commissioned to organize a Division of the Ancient Order of Hibernians in Sioux Falls, and, after doing so, was twice elected state delegate of the organization. In 1894 he returned to Emmetsburg, and, in partnership with his brother, Elias F. Jones, opened a law office in this city. They are widely and favorably known and they give careful attention to all business entrusted to them. They have a good practice and it is steadily increasing. The subject of our sketch has a studious, reflective mind; is highly energetic, broad and generous in sentiment, and is lofty in his ideas and his purposes. Fortune must continue to illumine with high hopes his future career.

     John Dooley is a citizen who is as  well known in business as he is in political circles, and who, by his native ability and force of character, has brought himself into local prominence. He is a native of Darwin county, Ohio. He was born in 1854. But little has been learned of his early history. He came to Iowa and to Emmetsburg in 1879, purchasing a large farm south of this city. He lived there for several years, and during this time, took large contracts for constructing bridges throughout the county. He has, perhaps, been more extensively engaged in this line than any other citizen of Palo Alto county. A couple of years ago his business became so extensive that he rented the farm and came to this city. During the summer season he usually employs from eight to a dozen men and frequently a larger number. In 1894, he erected the brick block which bears his name and on the second floor of which the Democrat has such comfortable and commodious quarters. He has also built several good residences in the city and is an extensive property owner. He is at present a member of the city council and he is justly regarded as one of its most enterprising and public spirited factors. He is aggressive, brainy and witty and a business man of remarkable keeness and shrewdness. He gives close and practical attention to public affairs and his retentive mind has given him a vast fund of general information. Though not pretentious in a religious sense, he perhaps yields to no man in his contributions of works of charity and humane purposes. Mr. Dooley was married to Miss Ella N. Sullivan, of Dodge county, Wisconsin, November 10, 1879. They have a comfortable, substantial home.

    M.D. Littleton is a native of Illinois where he was born in 1871. In 1873 his parents moved to Iowa and settled in this county. Both died when he was but a boy and he was forced to rely on his own energy and natural endowments to make his way through the world. Several years ago he engaged in the livery business with H.H. Jacobs and subsequently embarked in the business for himself. Five years ago he was appointed deputy sheriff and he is still holding that position. In May, 1895, he was married to Miss Katie McCarty. He has succeeded in accumulating a fair share of the world's goods and his ambition, industry, and popularity bespeak for him a future creditable in purpose and profitable in achievement.

     An attorney, whose talents, whose aims, whose integrity, foreshadow success and prominence, is David Grier, at present a member of the law firm of Helsell & Grier, of Rolfe, Iowa. Until June, '95, Mr. Grier was a resident of this city, so that he is, in all fairness, and justice, entitled to space and mention in such a work as the DEMOCRAT'S Christmas Souvenir. Mr. Grier was born at Cresco, Iowa, in 1868. His parents came to Emmetsburg in 1876. His father was prominent in the early organization of this city. Our subject's educational chances were most favorable and he turned them to good use. At the age of 21, he was elected clerk of the district court, serving two years. At the close of the term he was appointed official court reporter for four years. Subsequently he became a student in the Iowa College of Law, of Des Moines, and was admitted to practice by the supreme court in October, 1894. In June, '95, he formed a law partnership with F.H. Helsell, one of the leading attorneys and financiers of Sioux Rapids, and they opened an office at Rolfe. They have a good practice and a rich field to develop. Mr. Grier's property interests are largely centered in and about this city. He is brilliant, prudent, and aggressive and he will win wherever genius and industry can succeed. He has a warm spot in his heart and his affections for Emmetsburg, her people and the associations of his early manhood.

     D.J. Wood, on of the leading tonsorial artists of Emmetsburg, was born at Rockford, Iowa, in 1869. There he attended school, labored, and grew to manhood. He came to Emmetsburg in 1890 and engaged in barbering. He has a neat place of business and has a creditable patronage. He knows the art of drawing trade and has the skill and wisdom to hold it. He was married at Aberdeen, S.D., in 1889, to Miss L. Smith. He is popular with his associates and enjoys their confidence.

     Matthew C. Grier, Official Reporter of the Fourteenth Judicial District, is an Emmetsburg boy. He was born at Cresco, Iowa, July 2nd, 1869, and came to this city with his parents in 1876. He was educated in the Emmetsburg public schools and always took high rank in his studies and in his classes. In the spring of 1894 he was appointed Official Reporter by Judge Carr, and he was afterwards reappointed by Judge Quarton, which position he still holds. The ease, rapidity and accuracy that mark his efforts have won for him many compliments from high sources. He has the highest recommendations from the Judges of the District, and is universally esteemed by the members of the bar for his ability as a reporter and his genial and pleasant manner in conducting the business of his office. He makes a specialty of taking depositions, and is prepared, when not on official duty, to do all kinds of reporting. He has frequently been called to various parts of the state [to] do important and difficult work of this character. Those needing his services will find his work equal to the best and his charges reasonable. Mr. Grier's ideals, personal traits and deportment are fully as worthy of mention as are his success and efficiency as a reporter. There is much in his life and ambition to merit confidence and maintain respect.

     Dr. J. W. Quinn was born 49 yeas ago in Hammondsport, Steuben county, New York. When seven years old his parents moved to Shiawassee county, Michigan. The little education he obtained in his early youth was taught him by his parents, in the long winter evenings, by the light of the old log fire-place. Schools were then an institution of the future in that section of the state. On January 28, 1864, he enlisted in the Ninth Michigan Infantry, Co. H, and, with his regiment, served in the memorable campaign of '64 from Chattanooga to Atlanta, back to Nashville, Tennessee, thence to Jackson, Michigan, where he was discharged with the regiment. Next 3 years he was employed by the Aspinwalls and on one of their trading steamers made a tour of the world, arriving in Philadelphia December 18, 1869, where he was employed by the Queen Optical Co. In grinding lenses where he gained a knowledge of refraction while working in his trade, he found time to study the science of optics and the refraction of the eye; obtained a diploma from the Philadelphia Optical College on scientific optics. He was employed as an optician in one of the leading jewelry stores of Philadelphia, where he also learned the jeweler's trade. In 1872 he came west to Columbus, Wisconsin, and was employed as a jeweler by Col. H.M. Brown. A few years later he engaged in business for himself at Oconomowoc, Wisconsin, where on January 31, 1877, he was married to Miss Mary Jacobs, of that city, a sister of our townsman, Mr. C.B. Jacobs. Two years ago he sold his jewelry store and has since been engaged in the spectacle business. Recently the Philadelphia Optical College conferred on him the degree of Doctor of Refraction, granting him the highest diploma the college can give.

     M.L. Brown, president of the Palo Alto County Bank, the Iowa Savings' Bank of Ruthven, the Aryshire Bank, and the Brown Land and Loan Co., and vice-president of the Commercial Savings Bank of Milford, has, by his activity, industry, and shrewdness, and thorough business methods, found his way to a position of well deserved and widely recognized distinction among the strong financial leaders of northern Iowa. He was born in Monroe county, Pennsylvania, February 3, 1846. His father was a prosperous merchant and he spent most of his early life in school. He attended an academy at Stroudsburgh, that state, and also a military institution in New York. Leaving school, he served four years as a book-keeper in a leading business house at Scranton. In 1870, he came to Emmetsburg and engaged in the hardware and agricultural implement business. In the fall of 1871, he was chosen county treasurer. He proved to be a popular and efficient officer and he held the position for six years, at the end of which time he established the Palo Alto County Bank. The progress of this popular and reliable institution is fully stated elsewhere. In 1879, in company with John J. Robins, Mr. Brown opened a real estate office in connection with the bank. For several years this was conducted under the firm name of Brown & Robins. Its career was highly successful. At the death of Mr. Robins, the Brown Land and Loan Company was organized and incorporated. Separate mention is also made of this strong firm. The past twenty-five years of Mr. Brown's life have been co-existent with the great strides of Emmetsburg and Palo Alto county along the highway to prosperity and development. He was the first mayor of our thriving city and has constantly been a leading and powerful factor in the political, educational, and material life of the community. He has always been a champion of home interests and he has rendered encouraging support to the various local enterprises. He is at present a member of the city council and he is, in numerous ways, connected with civic and public organizations. December 16, 1875, Mr. Brown was married to Miss Nettie S. Hall, a native of the state of New York. His fine residence is situated but a block from the bank building and its surroundings are such as to make home cheerful and life delightful.

    W.J. Brown, the well known and efficient cashier of the Palo Alto Bank, was for many years the popular postmaster of Emmetsburg. He was born at Stroudsburgh, Pennsylvania, in 1854. He came to Iowa in 1864 and to Emmetsburg in 1871. During his early residence in Iowa, he lived for five years on a farm in Clayton county. Arriving in Emmetsburg, he became an assistant in his brother's hardware store and worked for several years at the tinner's trade. He was appointed postmaster during the administration of President Hayes and served continuously for nine years and three months when he resigned to become cashier in his brother's bank. As postmaster he was the friend of everybody and his cleverness as an officer was widely recognized. In his present position he has been a source of strength to the institution with which he is connected, and the loyalty of his early associations and friendships are apparent as ever. He is at present a member of the school board and his influence and efforts are always for the improvement of the social and the intellectual welfare of the community. Mr. Brown was married August 10, 1878, to Miss Marion E. Blair, of Sioux City, Iowa. Several years ago he purchased Colonel Harrison's fine residence, whose surroundings are so picturesque and home like. Mr. Brown has platted several additions to Emmetsburg. The last consisted of forty acres west of the city, known as Highland View. It overlooks a large tract of second bottom land sloping towards the Des Moines river.

     W.E.G. Saunders, secretary of the Brown Lands and Loan Co., is a native of Blairgowrie, Scotland. He was born July 27, 1865. He received his education and an early training in his native country. He came to the United States in 1882. He spent one year in Missouri and three years in New Mexico, at the end of which time he returned to Scotland. In 1886 he came to this county and became the general manager of the large Blairgowrie interests in this section. He was then but 21 years old, but his care of the great responsibilities entrusted to him was worthy of a man of more advanced years and far greater experience. He has given to the large interests under his charge constant and painstaking supervision, and the owner of the estate has unbounded confidence in his capability and integrity. Mr. Saunders' connection with the Brown Land and Loan Co. has already been mentioned. He has large personal property interests and he has become a gentleman of ample means as well as wife influence. Personally, he is a gentleman whose individual worth gives evidence of prominent and influential recognition. His integrity and his record as a business man have attracted more than local attention, and public duty seems anxious to claim his services. Mr. Saunders has made nine single trips across the ocean and his opportunities for observation and for acquiring information have made him an interesting conversationalist on affairs of international importance. July 1, 1889, he was married in this city to Miss Vina Acers. They lived on the Blairgowrie homestead until last fall when they became residents of Emmetsburg. They have already arranged for the erection of a fine residence in this city and will make Emmetsburg their permanent home.

    E.P. Barringer, the Ruthven member of the board of supervisors of Palo Alto county, is a young man whose past and present services to the public entitle him to a prominent place among those who have planned, toiled, and contributed, that the social and material development of our community and county might continue. He was born at Big Spring, Wisconsin, April 6, 1857. The place of his nativity witnessed his growth to manhood and his efforts to best profit by the educational opportunities that the locality afforded. In 1871, he came to this county settling in Highland township. His early life was spent on a farm. Soon after coming to this county, he attended school in this city, and he originated the plan that resulted in the purchase of the first school bell in Emmetsburg. Subsequently he taught school and was closely identified with the early educational organization of the county. He was one of the incorporators of the Ruthven Savings Bank and was its first cashier, a position he holds at the present day. Under his shrewd and prudent management, the institution has rapidly increased in standing and in patronage and it has become a credit to Ruthven and the surrounding county. Mr. Barringer served as deputy county treasurer for two years, and, in 1888, was chosen a member of the board of supervisors from the populous district of which he has long been a resident. He is a zealous, painstaking official and one of the most earnest workers on the board. March 15, 1883, Mr. Barringer was married to Miss Maggie G. Ruthven, of Ruthven, Iowa. Their residence is a large and elegantly furnished one and strongly evidences the domestic pride that marks the life of this representative of Palo Alto enterprise and integrity.

     Though not a native of the United States, E.P. McEvoy is an American patriot by birth. He was born at St. Scholastique, Quebec, July 4, 1835. His education was received in the schools of his native community. He spent his early life on a farm. January 16, 1861, he was married at Osgood, Ontario, to Miss Catherine Conway. In March 1871, he came to this country and settled on his present farm. As a citizen of Palo Alto his record has been one of sincere and fruitful devotion to the highest aims that have taxed the attention of his fellow-men. Public opinion has for many years regarded him as a model farmer, and the success that has crowned his years of care and toil, shows that the general impressions as to the worth of the man has not in the least been visionary. In 1881, he was appointed to fill a vacancy as member of the board of supervisors, serving out the remainder of the term. In November, 1889, he was elected county treasurer and served four years. In his official capacity, he was prompt, courteous and faithful to his responsible trust, and the hundreds of new acquaintances that he made during his term of office became his lasting friends. Mr. McEvoy is perhaps best known as secretary of the Farmer's Mutual Insurance Association of Palo Alto County. April 3, 1886, he and J.C. Baker formed the association and he has since been its secretary. At the first annual meeting the total risks amounted to $73,000 Today they foot up $1,120,000, and the company is as strong and safe as there is in Iowa. This organization has saved the farmers of Palo Alto county thousands of dollars, and they owe lasting gratitude to the gentlemen who guided its career from its beginning, and who planned, hustled, watched, and toiled that such a meritorious enterprise might survive. As time sweeps onward the garland of public esteem must continue to brighten on  the brow of E.P. McEvoy.

    P.H. Stedman, the popular and successful harness dealer, ranks among the clear-headed, energetic, enterprising business men of our city. He has a neat store, a well selected stock of goods, and he attends strictly to business. When the air of enterprise is about, he is always on hand and he takes an active interest in all matters that pertain to the intellectual and social welfare of the community. He is at present chief of the city fire department, and his management of it is worthy of the highest commendation. Mr. Stedman is a native of Adams, Jefferson county, N.Y. He was born in 1852. He came to Iowa in 1868 and to Emmetsburg in 1875. October 31, 1874, he was married at Estherville, Iowa to Miss Sarah L. Grant.

     Oscar LaBarre is an Emmetsburg tradesman whose labors and personal merits entitle him to a place among the creditable citizens of Emmetsburg. He was born at Bangor, Pa., Dec. 25, 1868. His youth was spent in that state. In 1881 he came to Emmetsburg. At an early age he resolved to take up the life of a mason and brick-layer, continuing in the work until he is at present one of the leading contractors of Emmetsburg. parties contemplating having work done in his line should call on him for estimates. In May, 1895, Mr. LaBarre was married to Miss Bertha Brunnemer, of this city. He has a pleasant home and his surroundings are such as to make life cheery and hopeful of honorable achievement.

     Rev. Jergen Danielson Swalestuen was born in the parish of Tyrsidal, Ovre Thelemarken, Norway, June 16, 1857. He was confirmed at the age of 16 and after this attended for five years the high schools in the cities of Skien and Christiana. He came to America in 1881, landing in New York November 10. In 1883 he commenced his studies for the ministry at Luther College, Des Moines, remaining for two years. He studied theology for three years, the first at Red Wing, Minn., Seminary and the other two at the Northfield Seminary, from which institution he graduated June 15, 1888. Having received a call from the charge at Ellendale, N.D., he was ordained according to the ritual of the Norwegian Lutheran church, August 29, 1888. In March, 1891, he accepted a call from the Lost Island charge and moved to this county. When he commenced his work in this county, the charge consisted of two small congregations- Our Savior's and St. John's. In 1892, he became assistant pastor of Bethany congregation in this city, and the same year he organized a congregation at Graettinger. In 1894, he was given charge of the Ellington congregation in Hancock county. When he became pastor of the congregations named, none of them had churches. Now three of them have fine edifices. June 13, 1891, he was married to Miss Clara Johnson, of Brookings, S.D. He is a prudent, earnest, zealous clergyman and he is idolized by his people. He also enjoys the esteem of those other creeds.

    Rev. L.O. Wigdahl, whose present residence is Ruthven, Iowa, is the esteemed and zealous pastor of the Evangelical Lutheran church in this city, at present in course of erection. He was born at Stavanger, Norway, in 1857. He came to America in 1880 and to Iowa in 1883. The same year he was married in Fayette county, Iowa , to Miss Annie Osterhus. The subject of this sketch made the most thorough preparation before entering upon the discharge of his ministerial duties. In 1880 he attended the Lutheran College at Red Wing, Minnesota, remaining for four years and completing the regular course required of those preparing to study theology. Subsequently he spent three years in a theological seminary in Minneapolis. In 1887 he was ordained and has since been the pastor of the church at Ruthven. Besides his charge at Ruthven, he has one at Ft. Dodge, one at Milford, one in this city, one twelve miles north of Ruthven and one at Sanborn. Several years ago he had charge of from twelve to fifteen congregations in this section of the state. When he commenced his pastoral labors, these people had no churches. Now there are nine or ten in the extensive field in which he toils, all of which attests his zeal for the cause of advancement of which he has consecrated his life and his energies. Aside from his standing as a clergyman, he is a gentleman of observation, activity, and influence in public affairs and his affability and generous nature have won him numerous and loyal friends among those who are not of his faith. He is still a young man, and a career of devotion to the cause of God and humanity awaits him.

     W.I. Branagan, editor and proprietor of the Democrat, was born at Clermont, Iowa, January 20, 1863. In 1875, his parents became residents of Chickasaw county. He was raised on a farm and taught school for several years. He attended the University of Our Lady of the Sacred Heart, at Watertown, Wisconsin, for a year, and in 1885, came to this city. He has since guided the destinies of the Democrat. In September, 1888, he was married to Miss Josie Egan, of this community. In 1894, he was commissioned postmaster of Emmetsburg, and still holds the position. He has every reason to feel grateful to the people of Emmetsburg and Palo Alto county for the generosity with which they have rewarded his efforts.

    P. Branagan is the present deputy postmaster of Emmetsburg, having served in this capacity under his brother, W.I. Branagan, since February 15, 1894. He was born near Clermont, Iowa, March 16, 1858.  He spent the early years of his life on his father's farm in Chickasaw county. In the fall of 1889, he came to Emmetsburg and engaged in the livery business with J.F. O'Neill. He still owns a half interest in the business, and, with another brother, owns a large stock farm in Chickasaw county.

     Miss Louie Wolfgang is the proprietor of the commodious art studio situated but a few steps from the Palo Alto County Bank. The high character of the photos sent out from her studio have for years been the subject of general praise by the observing citizens of Emmetsburg and Palo Alto county. Fully one-half of the illustrations in this Souvenir are reproductions from photos taken and finished by her....Her special taste for this line of work and her years of experience have combined to make her an artist of uncommon skill. She gives close attention to position and expression and as a retoucher she ranks high. She makes prices to meet the demands of her numerous patrons and she is never without plenty to do. The field of art has been enriched by the genius and the skill of Miss Wolfgang.

     The publisher of the Democrat wishes to say a few words concerning the faithful and efficient manager of the office, C.G. Sargent. He was born in Boston, mass., in 1848. Soon after his parents moved to Malone, N.Y., living there for seven years. In 1855 they moved to Portage City, Wisconsin. Mr. Sargent graduated from the Portage high school at 14, and soon after entered the office of the Wisconsin State Register as an apprentice, remaining for seven years. In 1866, he was married to Miss Kittie Coon, of Schenectady, N.Y. Mr. Sargent has followed the newspaper business continually for thirty-three years. During this time he held important positions in several of the best printing houses of the northwest. He was for twelve years foreman of the Waterloo Courier office and for four years had charge of the Daily Huronite, of Huron, S.D. In the fall of 1893, he accepted the position of foreman of this office. The writer never knew a better printer or a more competent, loyal, deserving foreman. He is certainly a master in his line. Without his experience and uncommon skill as a workman, the publication of our Christmas Souvenir would have been impossible. The writer admires the efficiency and prizes the service of C.G. Sargent.

     Capp J. Sargent, the Democrat's successful solicitor, is a son of C.G. Sargent, of this office. He was born at Portage City, Wisconsin. When quite young, he moved to Iowa with his parents. He received his education in the high school at Waterloo, Ia., and was employed for some time on the Waterloo Courier. He was connected with the Daily Huronite, of Huron, S.D. and subsequently took a trip to the Pacific coast. At Olymphia, Washington, he, in company with another gentleman, opened a large job printing office, continuing in the business for four years. In the spring of 1894 Mr. Sargent came to this city and assumed the duties of solicitor for the Democrat, a position he has since held with advantage to himself as well as profit and prosperity to the office. The extensive advertising patronage of the Democrat has enjoyed during his connection with it, and its general increase in business, are ample testimony to his success as a hustler for trade. This Souvenir, its illustrations, and the numerous pages that have been so liberally patronized are the fruits of his capability for such business. The writer has a warm regard for his employes whose zeal and labors for its prosperity have been followed by such satisfactory results.

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