Palo Alto County Newspapers

Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa
October 1885

Emmetsburg Democrat; Emmetsburg, Iowa, Wednesday, October 7, 1885

-- S. Schirmer, the pop manufacturer, is building an addition to his dwelling in the north part of town.
-- Mrs. W. J. Tyson, of Iowa Falls, formerly of Emmetsburg, is visiting in the city with Mrs. Alex Peddie and Mrs. John J. Robins, her sister.
-- Peter Jones and Thomas Hand, two of Great Oak's most prosperous farmers, left on last Friday morning for Dakota on a visit to their sons who reside in that Territory.
-- John Wilgus, the fellow who was charged with having set fire to John Steil’s dwelling, and was found guilty and bound over to await the action of a grand jury, made his escape from deputy sheriff McNally on last Wednesday at Ruthven. If Wilgus found it will go rather hard with him.
-- Hon. T. W. Harrison presented Father Smith with $100 the other day as part payment for the new bell for the Catholic church. This certainly was very liberal upon the part of Mr. Harrison, and it not only shows that he is a very generous gentleman, but a man who takes great pride in the building up of our city.
-- Lon Davenport, who formerly resided in Emmetsburg, is visiting with his brother-in-law, W. H. H. Booth.
-- A short time ago W. H. Innis, our tonsorial artist, preempted from the government a small island located in Medium Lake. The island consists of about two acres of ground and is located up the lake not a great distance from our town. Many who have had the pleasure of seeing the island, claim that it is a high and very beautiful piece of ground.

At the residence of the bride's parents and Rush Lake township, on Sunday, September 20, by the Rev. J. B. Haman, Mr. Z. F. Kridder, to Miss R.A. Perry, both of Palo Alto county.

     In Emmetsburg, Iowa, on Wednesday, September 30, 1885, of consumption, Mrs. Philip Daily.
     The deceased had been suffering for several weeks past with the above disease, and it was not until a short time before death put an end to her sufferings, that she realized that the end was so near at hand. Her brother who resides near Milwaukee, Wisconsin, was advised by telegraph as to her dangerous condition, but he arrived in Emmetsburg just one hour too late to see his sister alive. The deceased leaves a husband, seven small children and a brother to mourn her death.

Emmetsburg Democrat; Emmetsburg, Iowa, Wednesday, October 14, 1885

-- Mrs. C. E. Cohoon enjoyed a visit a few days last week from her sister, Mrs. T. F. Kelly, of Manson, Iowa and Miss. Kelly, of Dodgeville, Wisconsin.

Emmetsburg Democrat; Emmetsburg, Iowa, Wednesday, October 21, 1885

-- E. T. Rowse, formerly proprietor of the Waverly Hotel at this place, died at the home of his parents and Davenport last Friday.
-- M. L. Brown very generously donated Father Smith $40 to be applied in paying for the new bell recently purchased for the Catholic church. Mr. Brown is one of Emmetsburg's most enterprising citizens and a man not at all backward to liberally donating to any institution that will materially aid the prosperity of our town.

Emmetsburg Democrat; Emmetsburg, Iowa, Wednesday, October 28, 1885

-- S. W. Ballard and family, were somewhat surprised one day last week by being visited by Mrs. Mallory, of New York, Albert Ballard and family, of Harrison county, this state, and Thomas Bloor and family of Kossuth county.
-- Mrs. Miles Mahan, of Walnut township, left on last Friday morning on a visit to her daughter, Mrs. John Hester, who resides in Greene, Butler county this state. She will be absent several weeks.
-- It has been discovered that beef tea is not nutritious. It is a mere stimulant of no value for food. The soda fountain men and doctors who have been prescribing it will have to switch off upon something else. Only a short time ago and beef tea was prescribed for every ailment from corns to dandruff. Modern science no sooner brings a new remedy than it knocks an old one in the head.

     October, 19, 1885 Mallard Iowa Mrs. John Mertes, age 28 years.
     In Emmetsburg, Iowa, on Monday, October 26, 1885, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Johnson.

     In Emmetsburg, Iowa, on Monday, October 19th, by Rev. J. J. Smith, John Maguire, of Booth township, to Miss Lizzie Kelly, of Emmetsburg.
     In Emmetsburg, Iowa, on Monday, October 19th, by Rev. J. J. Smith, Thomas Bradley, of Vernon township, to Miss Josie Kelly, of Emmetsburg.
     In Emmetsburg, Iowa, on Monday, October 19th, by Rev. J. J. Smith, Richard Welsh, of Great Oak township, to Miss Kate Griffin, of Emmetsburg.

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