Palo Alto Co, Iowa Newspapers
Palo Alto County Newspapers

Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa
November 1885

Emmetsburg Democrat; Emmetsburg, Iowa, Wednesday, November 4, 1885

-- W. S. Frost and James Foy have matched their horses for another race at the fairgrounds, for a purse of $101 week from next Saturday, November 14. An addition fee of ten cents will be charged, the proceeds of which will go towards putting the track in better condition.
-- Miss Mary Patton is being visited by her cousin, Mrs. Berry, of Estherville.
-- Marshal Larkins is fast falling into the notoriety as being an able and active member of the secret service. His last haul, and his first one since the honors of marshal was conferred on him, is the capture of a female last Friday morning. He has concluded to keep her until she is eighteen, as he says it's a little beauty and looks like its pa. Mother and baby are doing well. E.J. will probably recover.
-- Mr. John Hand, of Great Oak, left for old Ireland on last Thursday, where he will remain during the winter.

To Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Larkins, Friday, October 30, 1885, a daughter.

     Thursday, October 29, 1885, at the home of the bride's parents, in Independence township ( this county) by Rev. O.P. Champlin, Miss Belle F. Todd and Mr. John Blair.
     At the same time and same place, Miss Aggie Todd and Mr. Nisbet Hardie.
     At the same time and place Miss Helen Todd and Mr. Robert Pottage.

Emmetsburg Democrat; Emmetsburg, Iowa, Wednesday, November 11, 1885

We believe there is no town in the state is making better strides toward city airs than our own little Emmetsburg. News may be a little slack just now after election but wait for about ten years and just listen to how it will sound to have our reporters trot out and pick up items like the following:

An alarm was turned in last evening from box 62. It proved to be a small blaze in one of the Milwaukee Railroad shops, and was extinguished without doing much damage.

Superintendent Smith of the streetcar line telephone Chicago last night in regard to the six new cars that have been ordered, and he received reply that they were shipped yesterday.

The twelve cars now in use are not near sufficient to do the business, although a few years ago, when the line was first established, it was thought that the two bob-tails been in use would not have business enough to pay expenses.

The waterworks company broke ground yesterday for an additional building 40X80 feet, which will be necessary to accommodate the additional machinery they are putting in. A new set of 10 pumps will be among the additions

A trial of speed yesterday between the host companies resulted in a victory for the Pioneer.

The telephone service is being extended up Broadway from the First National bank to the fairgrounds.

The trenches for the underground cables are opened and eighty-six new subscribers will be yelling "hello" before another week.

The daily DEMOCRAT will be put in, the old one being found insufficient to run the large power press and the six jobbers.

The water service is to be extended up Main Street into Harrison's addition this month. Three car loads of mains and service pipe arrived yesterday.

The new reaper factory is turning out 100 completed machines per day and is still about 1200 behind in its orders.

The electric light company yesterday auctioned off a lot of the old gas works machinery. It mostly went for old iron.

-- A few weeks ago, F. Crouch was brought before Mayor Davies charged with violating town ordinance No. 5, for selling oysters and peanuts on the Sabbath. Crouch's defense to the charge was that he was keeping a boarding house and restaurant combined and therefore had the right to keep open on Sunday and sell oysters. The mayor imposed a fine upon him and he at once appealed to the District Court. On last Thursday that case came up for trial, J. W. Cory the district attorney, appearing for the town and C. E. Cohoon and P. O. Cassidy for Crouch. The case was tried to the jury and after hearing all the evidence it only took them two minutes to make up their minds that the town's case was too trifling to waste any time over, and they consequently returned a verdict of not guilty. The costs of the matter are considerable, but the taxpayer can stand it.
-- The grand jury found an indictment against John F. Eaton, of Lost Island township yesterday, charging him with having committed the crime of larceny. It appears that some time ago, J. B. Fellows, of the same township, stopped overnight at Eaton's residence having quite a sum of money on his person. In the morning when he awoke he discovered that his money was entirely gone and he at once accused Eaton of taking the same. The evidence against Eaton is merely circumstantial and it is a question of whether it is of sufficient strength to convict him. The case will be tried at the next term of the District Court.
-- One of the saddest affairs which ever happened in this county, and which caused the deepest of sorrow for another family, occurred in Walnut township between four and five o'clock on Friday afternoon. Little Jimmy Jackman, aged ten years, son of Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Jackman, took his pony and started for an adjoining field for the purpose of driving a number of calves home. Not returning, Mr. Jackman started in pursuit of the little fellow and had not gone more than 100 rods in the direction of the calves, when to his horror, he discovered his son and the pony which he had been riding, lying dead, both having been struck by lightning. In all probability, death was instantaneous as the boy and the horse were lying side-by-side. The funeral service took place at the Catholic church in Emmetsburg on Sunday. Mr. Jackman and family have the sympathy of the entire community in this their sad hour of bereavement.

     Friday, November 6, at Spirit Lake, Iowa, of cancer of the stomach, O. Buckwheat, aged about 50 years. His remains were interred in the Catholic cemetery at this place last Monday.
     In Walnut township, on Friday, November 6, 1885, James, son of Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Jackman, aged 10 years.

Emmetsburg Democrat; Emmetsburg, Iowa, Wednesday, November 18, 1885

-- J. P. Downs, who has resided in Nevada township for some length of time, left one night last week for Lansing, Iowa, where he intends teaching school during the winter. Mr. Downs as a young man of ability and his services as teacher will be highly appreciated.
-- Richard Buggy and family of Curlew, left for Waukon, Iowa, one day this week. Mr. Buggy, who is a blacksmith by trade, and a very good one too, will engage in business at Waukon.
-- The horse race between Frost’s mare and the Foy pony, came off at the fairgrounds on Saturday, which resulted in the Foy pony coming out winner. It is claimed that considerable money passed hands.
-- Daniel E. Collins, of this county is now a full-fledged veterinary surgeon in the true sense of the word. He has just completed a thorough course in that department at the Ames Agricultural College and received his "sheepskin.” As Mr. Collins contends locating in Emmetsburg for the practice of his profession, we can safely recommend him to the entire community as a man fully competent to treat the most skillful cases known to veterinary surgery. We call your attention to his new advertisement in this issue of the DEMOCRAT.

     In Emmetsburg, Iowa, on Tuesday, November 10, 1885, Mrs. Thomas Laughlin, aged 70 years.
Mrs. Joanna Laughlin, wife of Thomas Laughlin, who died at her home in Emmetsburg, Iowa, on last Thursday, November 10, was born in county Tipperary, Ireland, about the year 1820, coming to this country during the summer of 1850. She was married in the year 1857 at Elgin, Illinois, and came to Palo Alto county that same year where she resided until her death; thus being a resident of the county some twenty-eight years. She was known by most every one in this vicinity, and was the possessor of a large number of friends. She was catholic by faith, and as she led the life of a christian, she was ready and willing to leave this world to meet her Creator.

[Illinois Statewide Marriage Index lists a marriage between Johanna Kelly and a Thomas Laughlin on 4/25.1857 in Kane Co, IL. Elgin is in Kane Co.]

Emmetsburg Democrat; Emmetsburg, Iowa, Wednesday, November 25, 1885

-- D. P. Roberts enjoyed a visit from his brother who resides in Sioux Rapids, a few days last week.
-- John McNally and wife returned from Fort Dodge last Wednesday evening, whither they had been for several days to procure medical treatment for their little boy who has been quite ill for some time.
-- when they have a funeral in Leadville, they end it with a dance, says the Humboldt Independent, to which might be added when they have a dance in Leadville they usually kill two or three men.
-- Mrs. Ayers has been engaged to teach the West Bend school at $40 per month.
-- Mr. and Mrs. Seth Thurber of Blairgowrie lost their oldest daughter by inflammation of the brain very early Monday morning. Funeral at the house this (Wednesday) afternoon at 2:00 o'clock.

To Mr. and Mrs. George D. McCarty on Saturday, November 14, 1885, a son.

November 18 in Nevada township by the Rev. George E. Fuller, Mr. John Pyper to Miss Vestaline Finn, both of Nevada township.

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