Palo Alto County Newspapers

Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa
June 1885

Wednesday, June 3, 1885
-- John Dooley had the misfortune to lose a valuable horse a few days ago. Overfeeding being the cause.
-- Robert Owens, an old and well respected citizen of this county, is lying dangerously ill at his home in Ayrshire.
-- G. P. Davenport has removed his grocery, flour and feed store to the building formerly occupied by W. A. Weaver. This is a good location.
-- William Cordingly spent the Sabbath with his daughter, Mrs. J. Blossom, of Emmetsburg, returning on a Sunday evening passenger. -- Algona Republican.
-- Patrick Fagan of Ayrshire called last Thursday to renew his subscription to the Democrat for another year. Mr. Fagan informs us that wolves are quite numerous in his neighborhood and causing considerable mischief; he says that he killed seven Tuesday and three Saturday.
-- John Reardon, who has been in the employ of the B.C. R. & N railway company as operator for some length of time, has recently been promoted to the position of train dispatcher on this division of the road, with headquarters at Estherville. Mr. Reardon is a young man of steady habits and is well-qualified for this responsible position.
-- John Owens of Waseca, Minnesota, was visiting relatives at Ayrshire last week. He left for home Saturday evening.
-- John Donovan recently sold his billiard hall on Broadway to James King, who is now in possession. John will engage in other business in the near future.

At the residence of the bride's father in Emmet County, on Friday, May 29, 1885, by Rev M. K. Gordon, of Spirit Lake, Mr. James Rae to Miss Helena Mulroney.
The bride is the daughter of Mr. Edward Mulroney, one of the most enterprising farmers of Emmet County. She is a young lady sure to do her share toward making the fortune and happiness of her companion. Mr. Rae has been a resident of Emmet County for a number of years and is an honest, industrious young man. The Democrat congratulates the happy pair and sincerely hopes that their future may be as full of comfort and sunshine as the day which witnessed their nuptials.

-- We regret to record the serious illness of Mrs. O. L. Root whose life for a few days has been despaired of. At last accounts she was alive but reported beyond recovery.

Wednesday, June 10, 1885

--B.E. Kelly has rented the front rooms over the store of Charles H. Johnston, and has now as fine a location for his law office as there is in town.
-- a carpenter named Cornelius McCann who formerly resided at this place, was crushed to death at Sanborn one day last week by the tender of an engine falling on him while at work in the machine shops. His remains were taken to Algona for internment.
-- Miss Mary Washington, the lady candidate for post-mistress at Ruthven, was in Emmetsburg on Saturday. Her brother, M. Washington accompanied her.
-- P. H. Owens was in the city last Friday on business connected with the post office in Ayrshire. Mr. Owens has been strongly endorsed, and will, no doubt, receive the appointment.
-- T. J. Duffy had a large ice chamber in connection with his slaughterhouse where temperatures stand almost at freezing point. This is quite convenient, as meat can be kept entirely fresh at all times.
-- J. M. Coonan of Spencer, made us a pleasant call last Monday. Mr. Coonan is a candidate for postmaster in Spencer, and will, in all probability, receive the appointment.
-- James Foy will take possession of Nick Koch's building situated south of Cady & Shea’s drugstore, the latter part of the week. He will have a temperance billiard hall.
-- J. M. Hefley has added to his livery outfit another single rig, being a new phaeton and a quiet, gentle horse which he especially invites ladies to drive.

-- Lewis's Sporon, our popular mayor, is building a fine upright to his residence and says when finished will be one of the best in town -- the house, not the upright.
-- We are glad to learn that Mrs. O. L. Root is so far recovered as to be beyond danger.

-- John Gallagher has rented the Lund building and is running a temperance hall.
-- Miss Mary Goldtrap is to teach the town school the coming term.
-- Tip Thatcher now sports a new buggy.
-- William Amos is setting them up to the boys. It is a bouncing girl this time.

To Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Brown on Monday, June 1, 1885, a son.
To Mr. and Mrs. Robert Shea on Friday, June 5, 1885, a son.

Wednesday, June 17, 1885

-- Sid Walker has become tired of being called a widower, so went to Des Moines Saturday for his better half. They will return Wednesday.
-- A new arrival in our midst is a girl at Sam Simington’s, 3 miles north of town. Mrs. S. and the little one are doing well and Sam is reported out of danger.
-- Miss Annie Forbist and George Chaffe were married Saturday evening at the residence of Thos. McCormack, Rev. Mr. Weimer officiating. The ceremony was a quiet one, only a few of the bride's friends and neighbors being invited. The very best wishes of all go with them.
-- Mr. and Mrs. M. Higley were visiting their daughter Mrs. Guilford, on Sunday.
-- a new coat of paint now ornaments the Highland House. The proprietor, M. Whitman still presides inside, and proves his popularity by his constantly increasing patronage.

-- Street Commissioner Eaton, is extending a general invitation to the young men of Emmetsburg to work out their poll tax.
-- Charles R. Schnuckel has opened a grocery store on Broadway in the building formerly occupied by W. J. Moses. He is receiving new goods daily, and will soon have his store stocked up with a variety of goods. His new advertisement appears in another column. Read it, and when you want anything in his line of trade, give him a call.
-- A.W. Utter has given his farewell bow to Uncle Sam and entered the field of journalism.
-- J. F. Nolan has bought an interest in the agricultural warehouse of W. E. Barnhart, and hereafter will try to keep all orders filled. Mr. Nolan was formerly engaged in this business here, and we are glad to see him engaged in it again. This will be a strong team. Look out for their "ad" next week.
-- Robert Shea of this place and Thomas Kirby of Nevada Township, have received Letters Patent from the commissioner at Washington, for a new and improved hay rake and loader combine. This machine is far superior to the one now in use and from a close observation of a photograph of it, we do not doubt but what the machine will prove a success.
-- A new and popular game among Emmetsburg belles is "bows." Two young ladies walk down the street together, and the one to whom the most hats are raised is the winner, and the other pays for the ice creams or soda waters. When a hat is raised to both it is called a "scratch," and counts neither. How much the raising of a hat may mean!
-- Last Tuesday A. W. Utter, of Emmetsburg, reached the end of his last run as U.S. mail agent, leaving the road, we may well believe, with a feeling of unqualified relief. Mr. Utter goes back, as we expected, to his natural and chosen work as a newspaper man, taking his old place on the Palo Alto Reporter. He has been very popular and efficient as a servant of Uncle Sam, and his record is believed to be the best of any agent on the route. When called for examination at Des Moines a few weeks ago, he received a marking of 99 -- 3 -- 10 and was only an hour and 30 minutes in throwing his cards. His bearing toward his fellow clerks have been such as to win their whole confidence and friendship, and there will be many regrets felt by those remaining in the service at his determination to quit the road. -- Algona Republican.
-- The storm last Friday night did considerable damage throughout the county. Michael Egan of Great Oak, says his house was moved clear off its foundation. In Lost Island, John Eaton's kitchen was torn from his house and the roof of Joseph Eaton's house was blown off and his sheds scattered in all directions. J.P. Fellow's house was moved about ten feet, and his outhouse, farm machinery, etc., was strewn in all directions. Mr. Haugerson’s house was taken up and whirled in the air like a boy's top. He was quite severely injured and is in a very critical condition. Robert Eaton's house was blown away, and as misery likes company, a roll of bills about $40, was also taken up by the wind to join a grand disaster. James Gallagher of Emmetsburg township had his house and sheds blown to pieces, and undoubtedly there was much damage did that we have not yet heard about.

 Wednesday, June 24, 1885

-- Miss Florence Wigmore of Spencer has been lying in a critical condition for a week at Mr. McCormack's. While hastening home from church Sunday evening to avoid the approaching storm, she was taken with violent hemorrhage of the lungs and until Friday morning was quite delirious. She is now rapidly convalescing and is beyond danger.
-- Lewis Christianson is lying in a very critical condition at Ole Olson’s and grave doubts are expressed as to his recovery. He has been suffering a long time from the disease and last week had a surgical operation performed by Dr. Baldwin assisted by Drs. McAllister and Tracy of Spencer. The disease is called Ostitis and was located at the tuberosity of ischium from which thirty or forty sequestria of bone were removed. The abscess cavity extended from the tuberosity to the junction of the middle and upper third of the femur beneath the gluteral muscles. The Free Press says "the necrosis is dead." "We should smile."

-- Nick Koch will start for his new home, in Milwaukee, next week.
-- Mrs. Harry Moffett, nee Miss Addie Higley, formerly of this city, passed through Dubuque last Wednesday accompanied by her little daughter. She was on her way home to Emmetsburg after a pleasant visit with her parents at Platteville Wisconsin. -- Dubuque Herald.
-- The State Board of Health has ordered that after July 1, 1885, the bodies of all persons who have died from smallpox, scarlet fever or diphtheria, must, before removal from the sick room, be wrapped in a cloth saturated with a solution of corrosive sublimate, sixty grains to one gallon of water and tightly sealed in a coffin, and buried immediately. That no public funeral shall be held for any person who has died from smallpox, scarlet fever, or diphtheria, and no public funeral shall be held at a house, or on any premises where there is a case of infectuous or contagious diseases; nor where a death from such has recently occurred.
-- the night of the circus at this place, some unknown person entered John Steil’s saloon by the way of a trap door and succeeded in getting away with about $65 in cash.
-- Mr. VanBuskirk, who was been engaged in business at Emmetsburg for some time past, has shipped the remainder of his goods to Dows, Wright county, where he will engage in business.
-- James Green who has been employed in the Waverley Hotel for some time past, has been promoted. He is now employed as orter on the B.C.R. & N. passenger train running between Cedar Rapids and Pipestone Minnesota. James is a good fellow and thinks the promotion was owing to the new administration.

On the 16th instant by Thomas Moncrief, J.P. at the residence of John Steil, in Emmetsburg, John Schildger and Margery Royce, both of Sanborn, Iowa.

To Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Frost on Monday June 15, 1885, a daughter.
To Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Harrison on Friday, June 19, 1885, a son.

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